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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Good morning, ladies.



Well! Like Kasi says, if this subject bores you... then skip my post! I find it to be fascinating, and I'm hoping that I get some very practical information as I continue to read.


So I started reading the book Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly that is written by a brain surgeon. He flatly states in this book that there is a critical link between food, brains, and appetite and that there is a connection between the increase of obesity and Alzheimer's. He doesn't just sound the alarm; he also gives information on nutritional guidance, etc. I've only gotten a few pages into the book and already he's stated that the most important hormone to weight loss is insulin. For years, I thought the most important hormone to weight loss was thyroid; but he dispels that as less significant than insulin.


I know just a bit about insulin because of its association with diabetes, blood sugar levels. I admit that I have just a basic knowledge of insulin and how it works in the body. So I'm now at the beginning of some interesting information that I will try to share with everyone.


I have one of those "apple" body types where my fat is deposited more in my belly than in my hips and thighs. I've read that that is a more "dangerous" area of body fat deposit, so that is why I became interested in this topic.


In the first part of the book, the author discussed our fat cells and their necessity for our survival. He makes an interesting point that our fat cells are there to store energy and that without them we would have to be inputting energy (aka eating) all the time; we couldn't sleep because we couldn't go that long without eating. The fat cells are a 2-way energy system; they store energy and they release energy. Insulin is the trigger that gives the signal to the fat cells that it's time to store or it's time to release.


When our body is off-kilter because of the insulin level(s), then we will store much more fat than we need; when we get fatter, we don't actually get more fat cells... we just get bigger fat cells. The author says to think of fat cells like balloons with liquid inside; the balloons just get bigger and bigger as more liquid is placed inside them and conversely shrink as liquid is released.


Veggie box came today. It was different than I expected in that it's a box that is closed up with packing tape. That's great because I was having terrible thoughts of going out there to retrieve my box and fighting off insects (I even thought of a snake! :eek:) so it was a relief to see the enclosed box! Which makes sense because I can also order eggs and grass-fed beef so I didn't know how that was going to work. Why I thought this was going to be an open-top box is just... weird...


And I have such a headache today! it's coming from some extremely tight shoulder muscles and radiating up the back of my neck. I think the weather (heat) is really getting to me. It's just been such a beater heat lately... maybe I'm a bit dehydrated. Anyway, not feeling at the peak today.... think I might just sit around and stare at walls a bit...


Looking forward to the weekend! Everyone enjoy your day...



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Basically, reading this book is a waste of time.




There was one idea that is worth considering. The ultimate end game of the author is to sell you his "miracle" weight loss supplement, so now I'm a bit irritated that I brought this book up to you ladies. But, again, there is one idea that is worth looking at...


and that is the idea about the insulin triggers. I will do more looking around and make sure that there is supporting information to this explanation about insulin controlling not only our blood sugar levels, but also our fat in/out levels within our fat cells.


The author has an intriguing illustration. He discusses the problem that we can have when we "eat like a bird and still gain weight." He has a plausible scenario where he describes the process (using the example of a person needing to burn 2,000 calories a day to maintain body weight), where you cut calories by 10% to 1800 per day and lose a bit of weight until a weight-loss plateau develops. Then cut calories to 1600 per day to restart weight loss. If poor food choices are made (that generate high insulin levels), then some of those calories will be stored as fat (because you need 1800 calories by now to maintain your weight), so only 1400 calories are actually going to be burned as energy by the body. Now, the body goes into "starvation mode" and burns only the 1400 calories, storing the 200 calories as fat. So you are in a tremendous weight loss plateau that is significantly difficult to overcome... because of food choices.


He makes the illustration of eating a high-carb breakfast with some high sugar components... think cereal, milk, glass of orange juice, banana. This type of breakfast will spike your insulin.


On the flip side. If you eat calories, with food choices, that keep your insulin levels as low as possible... then the low insulin level allows fat stores to be released as additional energy... say when you're doing Zumba (the author didn't say that btw), so the body can burn the calories eaten as energy as well as the fat store energy. Because the body is using the fat store energy, your appetite eventually decreases and since your body is burning fat stores... well, then... voila... weight loss.


So, the basic story here is to control your insulin surges. What that means is... of course... good food choices. One thing that he states is to not be "afraid" of fat. In America, there can be a direct correlation drawn between being given the information to reduce our fat ratio within our food choices and our exploding obesity epidemic.


So, there you have it.


It's really the same information. Just given with a bit more bias to making food choices that make you feel satisfied... which includes the carbohydrates that come with fiber... and fat..


For me, I was impressed with the author's credentials... being a brain surgeon and all... then became very unimpressed with the double-blind-placebo-clinical-trial for my fabulous-weight-loss-appetite-suppressant-miracle-drug. That is, of course, a weight loss supplement so "this statement has not been proven by the FDA," etc. :mad: :o :p


Day spent reading primarily worthless book... free because it came from the library, but could have actually washed my hair... waste of time


Getting to weight loss supplement chapter... <insert appropriate word here> embarassment that I brought this book to the attention of my friends on Zumba thread


Recommending Zumba? PRICELESS.


LOL.. :D:D


Hope everyone had a good Friday.

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I think the body is too complex for anyone to find hard and fast rules...especially because people will react differently to food based on their own unique selves...


So if you do research on insulin, you will find conflicting information regarding it's role in fat loss...


Insulin is best described as a STORAGE HORMONE...it is released whenever there is a need for STORAGE...it stores fat in fat cells...glycogen in your muscles...something in the liver...it's presence reduces the breakdown of proteins (essential for rebuilding/building muscle...so that body builders actually have to be told about the dangers of injecting insulin)...because insulin is a part of the repair and rebuild metabolism...as opposed to the tear down and remove metabolism...which is why FAT is also not removed in the presence of insulin...


The presence of the STORAGE hormone prohibits the activities of the hormones that would stimulate the USE of what has been stored...that is, accessing our fat stores for an energy source when we have depleted the energy available from our most recent meal.


So here you go...all kinds of theories on how best to deal with insulin so that you can maximize accessing fat in your body...


1. Like the theory of eating several smaller meals a day...so that you can deplete the energy from your meals faster...and theoretically, go into the mode of having to access fat stores more often...because insulin levels will remain more constant because blood sugar levels remain more constant because your are eating all the time...BUT...we learn in that "Ultimate You" book that if blood sugar is never allowed to be depleted, then the hormone glucagon is not released...and we LIKE glucagon because it is the opposite of insulin and stimulates your body to access fat stores in order to replenish blood sugar levels.


2. Like the theory of never letting your blood sugar spike...eat foods that are lower on that GI scale so that you don't spike your insulin...BUT WAIT...there is now some wondering about that GI scale...there is the thought that some foods that were originally considered to be low on the scale because they measured a low blood sugar response may actually SEEM that way because they triggered such an INSTANT insulin response that the blood sugar was taken care of quickly...so actually, some lower GI scale food may be really HIGH in spiking INSULIN...and it is generally believed that eating protein with ANY carb will raise the blood sugar levels and thus raise the insulin response...


So this results in people calling carbs BAD...and influx of the low/no carb diets.


And in ANOTHER diet theory of only eating complex carbs that supposedly won't spike insulin...it is shown that ANY presence of insulin in your blood will prohibit lipolysis (fat mobilization) from fat cells (it has been shown that insulin levels during FASTING can prohibit fat burning)...so if you keep your insulin at a steady level all day long...then you are effectively prohibiting your body's ability to access its fat all day long...and studies have shown...that kind of like interval training ends up burning more calories than long, sustained high intensity cardio...SPIKING insulin with the crash that follows showed that blood fatty acid levels came back much faster...so if you let your insulin ride a roller coaster like it is meant to do, you will allow your body to fluctuate naturally from dealing with the food you eat from meals and letting your body access stored energy between meals...


BUT the side effect is greater hunger when insulin crashes, so that is a rough one for many people and why it is easier to try to follow the steady insulin diets.


Here's my take...and I am no expert...but it seems to me that give and take is the way the body functions best...like this...you get your best sleep when you have had a really good high energy output during the day...think about kids...playing at the beach all day...in the sun, moving around the sand...playing in the waves...etc etc...they are WORN OUT from all that energy...and the parents gratefully look at each other and think about the great sleep they will get that night because EVERYONE is going to crash hard to restore themselves that night...give and take...high and low...


It seems like there are some GREAT times to spike insulin...like right after working out...when you need to replenish the energy storage in your muscles (glycogen) and also rebuild your muscles (insulin prohibits protein breakdown)...Mom drinks a banana based whey protein drink after her work outs...that is a HUGE spike...BANANA? and protein makes the GI scale even higher!


Then you also get the great benefit of an insulin crash later...if you wait a bit for your meal...glucagon is released...the interval training of Zumba will cause MAJOR metabolic chaos...your body will be READY to access fat stores to deal with itself...when the meal comes...go ahead and eat a sensible, balanced meal...let your insulin spike again, just like it SHOULD after a meal...learn how to ride that roller coaster...


Food tastes way better when you are hungry...


And remember that you have your WHOLE life to eat...you don't have to cram it all in with every meal...so you can control yourself...really enjoy your food...stop when you are full...eat when you are hungry...learn how to live with your body's natural signals...it will tell you when to eat...and when to stop...


Time for me to get ready to teach my Saturday morning class!!

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Information overload.


Don't you feel that way sometimes? ABout just any subject?


As it turns out, I thought that book was going to give me some fairly important general information.... from a brain surgeon no less. But, at the very end of the book, he informs that the people he's been "studying" and working with are all morbidly obese. People who can't, literally, get off the couch due to their huge mass without having shortness of breath. I'm pretty sure that those people have gotten their body systems terribly out of whack... so I'm not sure that "studying" them is appropriate to tell the general population how the body works.


Plus, I did find out about that GI chart. As you said, it's now under some discussion as to its appropriateness. The way that foods were determined to be placed on the GI chart was... people were given food that is 100% glucose and their blood was taken every 15 minutes for 2 hours. That was the establishment of a BASE. Then, they were given a food, any food, and the blood draw was repeated. A comparison was made and the food was given a GI number. I'm no scientist... but I can definitely see the flaw in this procedure. So when I found that out, I also took the whole GI chart with a proverbial grain of salt.


Anyway, there really isn't a MAGIC formula, right? It's just good old plugging along and doing what you know you should be doing... eating well... and exercising. The only formula that works is that to lose weight you have to expend more energy than you take in... that is about the only given that we absolutely know for sure.


Which means that I should get going to my Zumba class this morning. I was a bit bummed yesterday because I didn't go to class and then I found out that the regular instructor had a substitution with an instructor that I LOVE. Miri just has the best playlist and she's beautiful and so happy, positive energy. And I missed her because of my attitude yesterday. So I'm gritting my teeth today and just getting out in that heat index and getting it done. Then I'll come back and open up the frig and figure out what to make for lunch/dinner.


I think I'm just ready for holidays or something! I keep wishing I could bake something but I don't dare turn on the oven... it's so HOT here right now. Goodness I feel a bit like whining. I simply don't want to do what I should do; I'm very disinterested in cleaning and gardening. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind sitting around all day in my PJs, eating chocolate and watching comedies... or Gordon Ramsay's The F Word show! Love that show. <sigh> Off to put on Zumba clothes.

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Good evening! OR morning!


I am SO SICK of the heat!! I know that Kasi and Donna may have a hard time relating...but seriously...we had record breaking heat this past weekend. It was supposed to be 105...WITHOUT the heat index...and my DS played in a tennis tournament in that heat! It's even hotter on a tennis court with the court itself radiating heat...:eek:


My big focus right now is to get my class attendance up. I have at least one lady out of two in both classes that has friends she is trying to talk into coming to the class. They have seen the infomercial though and are scared about how hard the class will be...but I've been working to give my ladies something to pass along to their friends that will have my class information on it. I did get this done today...in a former life (it feels like), this is what I did for a living...creating marketing materials...that is my degree and I am a self-taught desktop publisher/graphic designer...it was pretty frustrating dealing with software programs that don't work in the way that the ones I used to use did...but I got it figured out.


Meanwhile...I am planning out my next songs to learn. I haven't had a chance to really look at the latest CD/DVD that I got from Zumba...I have still been loving the last one actually...


I decided to try on some formal dresses last Friday, I think...looking for something that might still work, even if I were to continue to lose weight. The sizing of clothing is enough to make you nuts...in some dresses I was easily a 10...in others a 12 was too small...I did find one dress that seemed to fit the bill. My only reservation is the color...it is a brown dress (which happens to look really great on me)...made of a stretch jersey...the size 10 was not uncomfortable and looked great...the zipper worked without issue...the little clasp at the top hooked without straining...but I think that I could look more, no problem and still have the dress look good...I guess my preference would be for the dress to be green or purple...but the brown is pretty stunning...and I could probably have fun with accessories and wear the same dress on both formal nights. It was only $49.95 in the store...here it is:




I've had some thoughts to about what kind of bling I might be able to add to the dress with my sewing skills...especially in that belt/waist area...I've seen many dresses with beadwork in that area, like this one:




And if it would be worth it to do? Or just think about that for a future project? Thinking of the dress as a blank canvas...because I have to be thinking about this cruise and being ready for it, even though I am not at goal...and also how I continue to lose...


I already have shoes that would go well with this dress...and they are relatively comfortable...for heels...


Meanwhile...I have two classes tomorrow...the good news is that the ladies that like taking my classes, REALLY like taking my classes...so much so that they want to get their friends involved...so that's great...AND it seems like the rec center is going to give me an opportunity to grow my classes and let me have my small classes. OH! And someone said that they would join my class this Thursday...they had to wait until the first of the month for cash flow reasons.


Slowly but surely...meanwhile...my current favorite song that I am trying to figure out a routine to is Jogi...the female voice on the Zumba version isn't quite as abrasive as this original:




I also like this one...Dame (Touch Me), the Zumba version has different singers:




I also like this one...no puedo vivir sin ti by Artist Illegas...but you can't find it on You Tube...


AND I think this one...Por Ti Baby by Kumbia Kings



ALL from the last Mega Mix...INCLUDING that Boom Boom Mama song:



Instead of "Da Family", the Zumba version says "Zumba Fitness!"...


Anyone have a new fav they want to share?


Zumba love to all you ladies!

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hi Ladies,


I finally went and bought a heartrate monitor, however I´m not sure how accurate the monitored heart frequncy is...


What´s your experience?


Well, annie is still ill so we had a stand-in today doing our Zumba class. He was no drill instructor like the one we had last week, but actually a guy who seemed to love what he was doing. However it was hard to keep up with that level of energy... If my heart rate monitor got it right, I have burnt about 750 kcal during the session...


While you are experiencing a heat wave, we start to put on a pullover to prevent being cold. This morning when I left our house at 6:30 am, temperature was as low as 52 degrees fahrenheit...

We are definetly looking foward to our cruise as the Med is still having warm weather...

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I totally believe that calorie burn! That's right in the neighborhood of what I would expect to see! Isn't that AWESOME!! :D


The big question is how accurate that calorie burn actually is...that's what Mom and I always wonder...BUT what you will find is that you can keep track of a level of effort. You will know if one class or another was a higher or lower calorie burn. Since you go to one instructor, I don't really know if that is very valuable or not, except to be able to know how you are feeling one day to the next. Mom goes to so many different instructors, she will actually drive to a further gym franchise location to get to take certain instructors classes if they are subbing because she knows she gets such a great calorie burn.


It's a severe heat wave...I can't get current info, but I think we have only had one day in the month of August that was below 100 for the high...UGH.


I've had 13 ladies in my evening Curves class now two weeks in a row...it's pretty cramped in that little place! But oh so fun!

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I'm in agreement with Anita about the calorie burn.


When you put your data into your HRM, did you have to go through a maximum heart beat exercise or did you just have to enter your birthdate? If you entered your birthdate, then the HRM will calculate your calorie burn based upon an ages old formula that takes your age into consideration. It's that 220 minus your age factor formula manipulation. If you had to go through a maximum heart rate exercise then the HRM will be more attuned to you, individually, since the calorie burn will be based upon your individual intensity level (percentage of heart rate as it relates to your maximum). Either way, you will be getting what I would consider to be a great "estimate" of your calorie burn.


I don't know if I really believe the actual calorie burn numbers that my HRM displays. My HRM is based upon a maximum heart rate test because the age calculation formula wouldn't work fo me: I had to fudge my birthdate because whenever I do Zumba my heart rate goes way above what the formula "wants" to see as the maximum heart rate; therefore, the old HRM that I had wouldn't let me be "in the zone" and wouldn't calculate anything for me. This new HRM does a calculation and it's fairly high; I can tell you that I average about 159bpm and hit a peak of about 175bpm in a 55 minute class.


As Anita said, I have Kisha, Young, Miri, Evelyn, Teddy, Kristy, Melanie, Raquel as a choice of instructor(s) in any given week. Usually, I get to have just one of these every week; in other words, in most weeks I don't have the opportunity to double up on an instructor. It's gotten to the point where I know pretty much what my calorie burn is going to be depending upon which instructor I go to.


Here are some pointers that I can tell you... if you feel like you want to increase your calorie burn (although your burn is already AWESOME :D ), because I've been able to analyze some differences in these instructors.


(1) Add arms above your head. When you're doing any of the arm movements that have you moving your arms, the higher you move them above your heart... the more your heart has to work... higher heart rate equal more effort and more calories burned.


(2) Add leg movement in between beats. This is hard for me to explain, but for example if you're moving side-to-side in a rhythm of starting with feet together.. step out with the right foot (1-count)... step back (2-count)... step out with the left foot (3-count)... step back (4-count). To the beat of the music, you could also do a step out with the right foot, step together, bounce the right foot, step out with the left foot, step together, bounce the left foot. At the same time as your kind of bouncing the foot, you're moving your hips in a type of shimmy. What I'm saying is that you're just putting your body through more movement in the routine. I've noticed that women in my classes have a tendency to "rest" on those beats... if you understand what I'm trying to say. Anita coud do a better job describing this, if she even understands what I'm trying to say.


(3) Make sure that you do your movements with emphasis and precision; especially the reverse crunches into the arm pump movements.


But, to answer your question, I usually burn from the high-700's into the mid-800's. I am always a wet rag at the end of class. Especially if an instructor is really, really good at doing a cool-down song... omg... I literally drip sweat in a very un-ladylike way. I've been thinking of getting a sweatband because I'm so tired of my hair!


I live in the American Southwest, which is literally living in a desert. We live in what they call a lush desert because we have many beautiful native desert plants, including sajuarho cactus. My understanding is that our desert is very similar to the topography of the Middle East. Right now, we're heading into a cooler week... which we're very grateful for!... where the temps should max out about 103 F. We have very low humidity so the 103 F doesn't feel too bad. It's a welcome change from the 110 F! Absolutely!


Drinking lots of water. Staying under air conditioning. And, absolutely positively NOT turning on the oven! Doing cooking in slow cooking machines, outside grilling, and quick cooks on an inside gas stove.


Had my grilling class this last Monday and loved it. We have a chef here, Bobby Flay, who is famous here like Gordon Ramsay is there. Although Gordon Ramsay is famous here, too! :D But Bobby Flay is most famous for Southwestern food flavors and lots of grilling. I had the most amazing grilled plum, gorgonzola, pine nut salad! We learned to grill meat this week: filet mignon, pork tenderloin, chicken thighs. Next week will be seafood: salmon, scallops, shrimp. Very tasty and fun.

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I don't know about YOUR household...but MY household is filled with STINKY laundry...between two boys that play tennis A LOT...and myself doing Zumba A LOT...in record setting heat...and HUMIDITY. Perhaps you don't have this problem?


Or perhaps you do? :p


It has been a struggle to feel like the clothes are really smelling good EVEN after washing...especially with all the technical fabrics used around here...but I think that I have finally landed on a process that is yielding good results. I thought I would share...


I have a "Soak" cycle on my washing machine. This is ESSENTIAL to the process, so if you DON'T, think you will need to figure out the best methodology for you to soak your clothes...


1. Using the soak cycle, add 1/2 cup of Borax (aka 20 Mule Team Borax, sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate), the correct amount of laundry detergent, AND 1 cup of vinegar. SOAK for at least 30 minutes. The way the cycle works on my machine...it fills the tub and agitates it for a short time. Then I am in control of selecting the actual wash cycle when I want to select it.


2. Turn on the wash cycle with the most agitating, cleaning cycle that your fabric can withstand.


3. Dry your clothing in the sunlight, if possible. If not, dry using your usual method.


So far, this method has been getting the funk out of the clothes...:cool:;)


Hoping for great things Saturday morning. I have stepped up my marketing efforts this week. I have also had the opportunity to talk with some people about my class. People will often indicate a desire to go, and the possibility that they will, so it will be interesting to see who shows up.


It is a holiday weekend here in the states...no work and no school on Monday. YAY!

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I've been awake for 3 hours now...


I'm helping a neighbor by watching her 17-year old dog while they are out of town. She's a sweet little girl...very calm...very loving...and in good shape health-wise for her age. It's been a long time since I have been around dogs, since I own cats...make that cat :(...and I'm not too sure about how long she can wait to go "outside." I felt like I waited a bit too long last night for the "last one." So this morning, I was feeling like I should get up early...


I'm the type of person that usually wakes up before the alarm goes off?


So I set the alarm for 5:30 am...and I woke up at 5:08 am...I waited around...fed my cat...let HIM outside...and then walked up the street...


But THAT girl was SLEEPING...and sleeping GOOD...the sweaky door did NOT disturb her...my petting her did not disturb her...and so I thought...okay...and left...I'll come back later.


My original plan was to try to sleep again for a bit...


But I ended up on the "world wide waste of time" and killed time until 7:00 am...at which time...the little girl was READY! Awake, but not desperate...and I hung out there for a short while, watching the news and keeping her company...she settled back down on her pillow and I came home to think about some serious CAFFEINE so that I can be awake and energized for my 9:30 am class!


Here I sit at 8:00 am...doing okay...thinking about a shower...which is always a bit like, huh? :confused:, take a shower BEFORE working out? But showers help to wake me up a bit...and I'm thinking that I might need that extra boost in the next 90 minutes...


ESPECIALLY if ANY of the people who are hoping to get their friends into my class this morning are actually able to bring them...


It's an interesting sort of pressure and responsibility that I am feeling this morning...


I've been successful in getting a few ladies hooked on Zumba...so much so that they are wanting to spread the love...and now THEY are relying on ME to hook their friends as well! I know what this can be like...you find something you love doing, but you would love it so much more if you had more friends there doing it with you...and so you work on them to TRY it...and finally they do...and you just HOPE to yourself that they find it as much fun as you do...you HOPE that the playlist is a good one...that those routines that you love are included...that the energy is good...that the instructor is having a good day...that the class itself is friendly and having fun and having a good attitude...


And here I am on the instructor side of that equation...


It's an odd place to be...


I pray and hope that I can do what I am supposed to do to encourage these ladies to get fit...even if it's NOT at MY Zumba class...so I've been spending my time this morning meditating on this idea...


And hoping to find that "first class" enthusiasm and way of conducting the class this morning...because as the class gets to know the routines more and more the class kind of evolves...especially in my casual setting...and I'm trying to remember that the other ladies were hooked with that "first class" way...and I'm realizing that hopefully, this will be a continuing trend...that kind of 6 degrees of separation effect...where the love of Zumba spreads down the lines of relationships...


Because I have come to realize something over the past year...(technically, I am ONE WEEK away from my ONE YEAR anniversary of doing Zumba on a regular basis)...and I have great stats to share regarding this past year...


I have gone from a size 16 (give or take) to a size 10 (give or take)...

I have lost 7 inches from my waist and all other torso like measurements...

I have lost almost 3 inches from each thigh...

I have lost over 35, almost 40, pounds...


BUT the GREATEST stat that I have is that I have is this...in the past YEAR...I can only think of ONE WEEK where I DIDN'T go to a Zumba class!


My entire outlook on exercise has changed...and it IS a part of my weekly routine...it provides the structure that keeps me moving forward toward my weight loss goals..and you ladies have been a big part of that! So a big thank you!


And like Kelly was inspirational for me...I'm hoping to be inspirational to any one that comes to MY class...because finding something for the exercise portion of the equation to achieve greater health and fitness is a HUGE hurdle for so many people...myself included...


I report back later on how this morning's class goes! I'm going to get there early to make sure the air conditioning is turned on! :rolleyes:

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What a sweet story about the 17-year old "puppy." Those old souls are very precious. What a terrific watch dog! LOL. So petting her didn't even get her attention? She must have been deep down in that REM sleep... way to go puppy! LOL.


Nope, tomorrow is Kisha. Yes, I will try to remember. I'll ask her to do the Down Low and then take notes of the choreo. Actually, I was thinking of bringing the IPOD and trying to tape the class, so I could just talk (mutter actually) as it's recording and that would be helpful for me to remember the choreo. IF I can't get her to "do" the song, then I'll talk with her (again) about choreo.


You are going to be TIRED when your adrenaline wears off! That is my prediction for this day.


So yesterday, I made an absolutely horrible mess of my kitchen. I decided that I wanted to take a pantry, refrigerator, freezer inventory... because I really want to know what kind of variety we have in our eating habits... and I've just been assuming that we have excellent choices. But I'd like to actually know what we eat. I read a stat that says "most people" (they always do that generic "all" "some" "most" don't they?!?).. have extreme spoilage when they buy fresh produce... the stat was that 25% of fresh food is thrown away!... that's a LOT. I don't do that; I know that for sure! But, I do get carried away sometimes, when the produce looks so great and I buy on an indulgence whim. Like right now, I bought a container of raspberries, and one of blueberries, and 2 of strawberries! There are only 2 of us here... so this means that we'll be having fruit in the morning and also fruit as dessert in the evening... but I can pretty much guarantee that there won't be spoilage.


Anyway, I'm trying to get a system in place for keeping track of items in the pantry, etc. I searched and searched for an app for my IPOD but couldn't find one that I thought was what I wanted. So I ended up with pieces of paper... which is totally what I DON'T want because it's way too cumbersome and time consuming to accomplish what I really want to do. So, of course, now I have the pantry "stuff" all over my kitchen island and I've created a huge mess... and since I was doing inventory and I saw all my flour... I thought what the heck and decided to make some bread! So that's in there as well....


There's a New York baker here who has perfected a no-knead bread. It's such a simple thing to do, but you do have to let it ferment for 18 hours. So, last night at 8:30pm I put it together and it's sitting there looking all bubbly and smelling yeasty this morning. It just has to sit around until about 2:00pm, or so. A really good bread. Anyone interested in this recipe?


Everyone have a great weekend!

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I have been thinking about an inventory control system for the kitchen ALSO...


And I am here to report that I went from a Saturday class of 2 to a class of 11 today!!! Woot! Woot! So much fun...5 first timers! Very hopeful that the ladies trying out the class today will enroll...one already did...and 2 more ladies are coming over from Curves.


AND I have the possibility of a new job opportunity from today too! I have to get more information about that, but it's all very exciting!

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Well Ladies...I figure that it's finally time for a before and after photo. As many people do, I don't have a great before because I didn't take one...so here is a photo of DH and myself on January 17, 2009...a photo that I was rather shocked to see at the time...and here is a photo showing my new formal dress! :D



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it looks really good,

congrats on your good work. :)


Tonight is finally a regular Zumba night and I do hope Annie is well again as all this stand-in instructors are not used to our group and either over-do it or seem to see it more as an army camp than a party...

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Just a quick post to say.............*happy dance, happy dance* Anita. You look amazing, love the formal dress. You can see how well toned you are now and your skin/eyes look so much happier and healthier. And crikey, you definitely don't look anywhere near 40! Congratulations you!


I am on my way back to work today finally. I eventually went to doctors who told me I had laryngitis with post-viral something or other. I have been so tired but back on track today and fighting fit. House cleaning tonight then back to Zumba class tomorrow night - after 6 weeks (although did Zumba on cruise as I said). Wish me luck?!


Hope everyone else is doing Ok?

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High five, Donna!


Zumba may kick your hiney the first time back after 6 weeks! Just saying from experince. But, you'll recover very quickly and the next time won't leave you gasping for air as much... OR... you might be just fine. :D Let us know.


Fighting off infection is so tiring on the body. Glad that you're coming round the bend and feeling better. Good to hear from you!

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Are you here?


Worlds are colliding! Worlds are colliding!


Seriously, stop thinking about exercising and go to a Zumba class in your area. You can find one by going online to the zumba.com website and putting in your area in the search to find an instructor and where they teach a class. The search isn't very "friendly" and doesn't work some of the time. So give it the most general, rather than specific, information. For example, if I want to find someone in my area, I can't really put in my city... I go for the state and I can locate the person I'm trying to find.


So, here's the brain tease. Don't think that you're going to start exercising. Think that you're going to start dancing... or start taking Zumba. Just give it another definition.


I promise you that you'll have fun. If you like music. If you enjoy moving your body to a beat... aka cruise line dancing... or just swaying or tapping your foot when a favorite song is playing... then... I promise you that you'll enjoy Zumba.


And the benefits will just happen... sort of like magic. Sort of like wearing your color palette!... I'm not kidding!


I struggled for years with an underactive thyroid. I seriously thought that I was just going to have to live with the extra 15 to 20 lbs that had "appeared" on my body.. that I couldn't get rid of with lower food intake. I read all sorts of opinions that said "underactive thryoid decreases your metabolism by at least 10% and so, therefore, you can't get enough nutrients into your diet if you decrease your calorie intake to the level of requirement to lose the additional fat that an underactive thryoid will deposit on your body." This is NOT true.


I did some exercise. Mostly strength training. I didn't love it; but I did it.


Then Anita took me to a Zumba class. I didn't go because I wanted to go to a Zumba class. I went because I wanted Anita to go to the Zumba class. Who knew that I would end up finding something that I love to do?


Anita shared her stats with everyone. I can't really share because, believe it or not, I didn't take measurements before starting Zumba! I didn't know that I would be embarking on something that would change my body so drastically..


I can tell you this:


first Zumba class was in December, 2010. Was difficult for me to do and I had a struggle to keep my max heart rate low because I was operating with more erroneous information. Since then, I've learned that your max heart rate does NOT change with AGE and so I've been just allowing my heart to do its thing... and I usually go to Zumba between 3 and 5 times a week...


So, since December, 2010...


12 to 13 lbs weight loss

4 inches loss on my ribcage (bra size decreased from 38 to 34 band size)

2 inches loss on my waist

2-1/2 inchess loss on my hips


I've lost the muffin top from my bra. My back is smooth. I don't know what I"ve lost on my thighs.. but my pants size has gone from a Chico's 1.5 to a Chico's 0.5. My tops have gone from a Chico's 1 to a Chico's 0.


And, seriously, it was just done by going to Zumba. I didn't exercise or diet! Just ate my normal, healthy eating choices and Zumba. :D


What recipes are you looking for? Chime in here. We talk about a lot of things... you'll enjoy talking with Kasi and Donna as well as Anita.


Ladies, Debbie may join us..... we'll see....

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I´m absolutely amazed by all the progress Anita, Donna and you have made in these past months.

It´s a bit like being the ugly duckling, watching all the beautiful swans while I myself don´t make progress...

I can just hope that any day now my metabolism will kick in and I´ll finally loose if not weight that at least inches. I´m starting to hate my reflection...


Ok, as you can guess today is not my best day for thinking positive.

I feel like drowning in all the world and eben the magic number 7 (7 working days til we cruise) did nothing to ensure a positive outlook at the situation.

By noon my motivation to do a good job was finally blasted to hell by yet another mail from my boss telling us in quite a direct way that he is unahppy with the way we handel a project. The one project, I´m supposed to be working 100 per cent of my time. Nevertheless I´m also working at least 5 other topics. Well, my body is close to telling me this has to stop. So I lefgt work fairly on time today due to feeling absolutely zapped of energy, all my bones felt heavy, I started to feel queasy... You get the picture.


I´m looking forward to an evening on my couch, watching some mindless tv shows and going to bed early. If I´m not feeling 100 per cent tomorrow morning I think I´m visiting my doctor, maybe I have a bug or something...


So please ladies, keep up the good work and post your positive results, which are a motivation.

And I hope you don´t mind that some of us need to rant from time to time without making progress in the Zumba makeover.

I love Zumba, I love all the moves and the energy, but I´m getting impatient as I want to see results, too...

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Kasi...rant...rave...post all your frustrations...it's why we are here.


It sounds like you are in rough spot...time is lacking...energy is lacking...work is too demanding...everything sounds stressful and hectic...I really hope these projects will be completed soon so that you can get back into a more normal schedule...where you feel like there is enough time in the day to do what you need to do...and you have time and energy to do things outside work.


In this type of situation, I think you really need to focus on FOOD. Food is going to be the easiest thing you can do right now to help support your health. You need to be getting a wide range of nutrients so that your immune system can be strong even as you try to deal with stress. You need to be eating food that will give you energy...and stay away from food that will be like sludge in your system, slowing you down and making you feel more depressed.


For me, this translates into food that feels like the season...so now it would be summer food...grilled protein...salads...cold food...lots of fresh veggies and fruit...food that feels light...as opposed to heavy, cheesy, oven baked one dish kind of meals or hot soups and bread...


ALSO...you need to find an outlet for your stress...remember the fight or flight?...that stress is building up an energy source in your bloodstream that you need to let out...even if it is racing up a flight of stairs...sprinting through the parking lot to your car...running down to the mailbox...whatever...it can be a SHORT burst of HIGH energy...this should help you feel a bit less stressed physically...and will get rid of that extra energy before it turns into belly fat.


THEN...you need to do what you need to do to relax emotionally/mentally...hot bath?...read a book?...television is tempting...but it can be more stimulating than you realize...and because it is so mindless, you don't really do anything that helps your mind get into a better place...so if you could do something else...turn on some music and paint your toenails?...whatever you can do to make yourself feel pampered and like you are taking good care of yourself.


And get good SLEEP...the value of good sleep isn't talked about enough...probably because so few people get it...but it is extremely important, especially when you feel drained...I take that as a way that your body is trying to signal to you to STOP...it isn't giving you energy because it doesn't want to do anything...it wants to rest...so REST.


And this is why I say food will be really important...because as tempting as it might be to indulge in comfort foods...if those foods aren't healthful choices, then you will be feeling worse instead of better. Limit your comfort food...have a small portion of one thing that you REALLY enjoy...so if that's ice cream...eat a good dinner...leave room for dessert...measure out a single serving of your treat...and thoroughly enjoy it without guilt. Just don't over do.


I hope that things get better, Kasi, meanwhile, we are here for you! Cyber hugs!

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Are you here?


Worlds are colliding! Worlds are colliding!


Seriously, stop thinking about exercising and go to a Zumba class in your area. You can find one by going online to the zumba.com website and putting in your area in the search to find an instructor and where they teach a class. The search isn't very "friendly" and doesn't work some of the time. So give it the most general, rather than specific, information. For example, if I want to find someone in my area, I can't really put in my city... I go for the state and I can locate the person I'm trying to find.


So, here's the brain tease. Don't think that you're going to start exercising. Think that you're going to start dancing... or start taking Zumba. Just give it another definition.


I promise you that you'll have fun. If you like music. If you enjoy moving your body to a beat... aka cruise line dancing... or just swaying or tapping your foot when a favorite song is playing... then... I promise you that you'll enjoy Zumba.


And the benefits will just happen... sort of like magic. Sort of like wearing your color palette!... I'm not kidding!


I struggled for years with an underactive thyroid. I seriously thought that I was just going to have to live with the extra 15 to 20 lbs that had "appeared" on my body.. that I couldn't get rid of with lower food intake. I read all sorts of opinions that said "underactive thryoid decreases your metabolism by at least 10% and so, therefore, you can't get enough nutrients into your diet if you decrease your calorie intake to the level of requirement to lose the additional fat that an underactive thryoid will deposit on your body." This is NOT true.


I did some exercise. Mostly strength training. I didn't love it; but I did it.


Then Anita took me to a Zumba class. I didn't go because I wanted to go to a Zumba class. I went because I wanted Anita to go to the Zumba class. Who knew that I would end up finding something that I love to do?


Anita shared her stats with everyone. I can't really share because, believe it or not, I didn't take measurements before starting Zumba! I didn't know that I would be embarking on something that would change my body so drastically..


I can tell you this:


first Zumba class was in December, 2010. Was difficult for me to do and I had a struggle to keep my max heart rate low because I was operating with more erroneous information. Since then, I've learned that your max heart rate does NOT change with AGE and so I've been just allowing my heart to do its thing... and I usually go to Zumba between 3 and 5 times a week...


So, since December, 2010...


12 to 13 lbs weight loss

4 inches loss on my ribcage (bra size decreased from 38 to 34 band size)

2 inches loss on my waist

2-1/2 inchess loss on my hips


I've lost the muffin top from my bra. My back is smooth. I don't know what I"ve lost on my thighs.. but my pants size has gone from a Chico's 1.5 to a Chico's 0.5. My tops have gone from a Chico's 1 to a Chico's 0.


And, seriously, it was just done by going to Zumba. I didn't exercise or diet! Just ate my normal, healthy eating choices and Zumba. :D


What recipes are you looking for? Chime in here. We talk about a lot of things... you'll enjoy talking with Kasi and Donna as well as Anita.


Ladies, Debbie may join us..... we'll see....


Wow, Pam. What great results! You go, girlfriend!


We have both said it, but we DO sound so much alike. I didn't measure or weigh before I started my new lifestyle either! I have a general idea and have lost 20-24 pounds. I took my measurements for the first time yesterday. LOL Well, I have that as a base now. I am a US size 16 top, size 14 waist, and size 12 hips. Yes, that's right. I look like a triangle!


I was told yesterday that our church is offering Zumba classes. I researched and found that there are 122 classes offered within 25 miles of me. I know that my home church would be the easiest for me and plan to enlist a buddy to go with me. I'll see if Mondays will work with her schedule.


Thanks for the encouragement. I'll report back. --Debbie

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If I may add another item to Anita's list, Kasi, please remember to drink lots and lots of water. Everytime I'm tense, my muscles scream at me, and my nerve endings are frayed, water is the very best medicine for my body. Maybe it's just that I get all that exercise running back and forth to the bathroom ;) Hope all is better soon. --Debbie

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Definitely try the Zumba classes at your church! Likely you will know people and that will make it into even more of a SOCIAL thing instead of a dreaded EXERCISE thing! :D


It's really amazing how people STILL do not really understand what Zumba is. My one student has not been able to convince her lady friends that the Zumba class she goes to (MINE) is something that they can do. They have seen the infomercial and it has intimidated them somehow. They are utterly convinced that they can't keep up.


One thing I will say though...if you have been lurking along...then you know...but just to repeat. Zumba is VERY instructor dependent...music selection is entirely the taste of the instructor...there are loose guidelines that give instructors a lot of freedom of choice...


The style of the class is also the instructor...meaning...they might go for a bell curve kind of class...increasing intensity to a high point and then decreasing through the cool down/stretch...OR...interval like...with alternating high intensity and catch your breath songs...OR...heart attack Zumba...where the intensity is HIGH and SUSTAINED...


I doubt the church has heart attack Zumba...that seems much more common at an independent dance studio and/or specific instructors in a gym system (and they get the reputation)...I think TONY is Mom's heart attack Zumba instructor...


And the deal is that even heart attack Zumba can be modified...BUT...it can be difficult because the energy of the instructor and the participants and the music pushes at you to do more than you might otherwise.


The complexity of the moves with vary too...some instructors have a dance background, some have fitness...and so they will vary in how difficult the moves and combinations of moves they do are. Some instructors are very good at the KISS method and really know how to add variety without making things complicated.


The ability of the instructor to "cue" the class will vary...


Following along in a Zumba class is a lot like learning a new language...you begin to understand what it means when the instructor smacks her right leg and points forward...or points to the left or right...or makes a circle in the air...or some other kind of "sign language" to indicate a directional change, movement change which usually accompanies a change in the music...like going from the verse part of the music to the chorus.


But the ability of an instructor to help her class know how to follow along the routine will vary greatly...


So as I say in my classes...the universal first response to a first Zumba class is generally..."I was SO lost"...hopefully, immediately, followed by "It was so much fun"!


ANYWAY...my whole point in bringing this up is to say...go more than ONCE!


Usually, I hear instructors say that three times in the charm...once to get over the shock of the newness of it all...two to realize that even though you have never really heard these songs before...now that you hear them again...you kind of like these songs...and three to realize that you CAN get it all figured out enough...and that Zumba really is the most fun you can have while having to "exercise." :D


And I must rat Mom out...which she probably already did here...but she said to Dad after going to Zumba class with me in December..."My daughter is trying to kill me..." :eek::p:rolleyes:


So since you too seem to find so much in common...I just thought I'd warn you...LOL...it's clear how much she loves it now...


So, again, try more than one class...and if the instructor bugs you...try a different one.

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I'm so sorry.


I agree with what Debbie and Anita have said to you... EXCEPT... I have another recommendation.


I think you need to LAUGH.


I'm really serious about this. It sounds to me like you have a bit of depression. Now, I'm not talking about over-the-cliff, need-my-meds, clinical depression. I'm just talking about the little things in life that can get us down and make us feel less than happy. Things like your boss not appreciating all the hard work you're doing. Things like reading about other people's success when you're trying so hard to have some of your own... doing all the right things and not seeing the results you deserve. Things like not having your favorite pair of jeans washed and ready to wear... little things... that make us feel unhappy.


Girl, you need a HUG. And, you need to just laugh. So my recommendation is to take a look at the TV offers and see if there's a good comedy movie or comedy sitcom on tonight. If not, then get yourself off the couch and go rent a few good comedies. Let yourself laugh... and laugh out loud... and don't be surprised if your laughing makes you feel like crying... and then do that. And then come back and watch some more comedy! I'm totally serious. Because the stress levels that you have right now are just too off-the-chart.


Here's a little something to get you started: (I'm not taking credit.. I copied these from an email sent to me by a friend)...


"life" according to "ducky"



I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with 'Guess' on it.

So I said 'Implants?' She hit me.


When I was young we used to go 'skinny dipping,' now I just 'chunky dunk.'


I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!


Feel better, Kasi. We really care about you.

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Mom opened the door...I agree!! You need to laugh...


I've been looking for an excuse to post this:


An elephant asked a camel, why are your breasts on your back? Well, says the camel, I think that's a strange question from somebody whose wiener is on his face.



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