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Cruisin Christi

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SIL calls me last night and says she is splitting up with her hubby. Maybe that is a factor to her non-excitement. I feel bad for them..they have been off and on for 2 years now :( She says they are still planning to cruise, they don't hate eachother. I feel so bad for them.


Wow that is way too bad! It sounds like you didn't see that one coming. Maybe they just need a little time out.



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Bankerbabe - I would LOVE a copy of your powerpoint. Mine and Dan's email address for all things cruise related is dannymissy@hotmail.com. Thanks!


My cruise is FINALLY under a month away. It's me, Dan, and my sister and her husband. I have been excited about this since the day we booked it, back in April. I have been collecting packing lists, reading reviews, checking out excursions, reading John's blog, looking at pictures, and the list goes on and on. Dan, Katie, and Keaton, well, they've been content to let me plan it. Dan's exact words to me were "Babe, please, just let me know how much clothes to pack and how many days I have to dress up, and can you take care of the rest of it?" He basically wants me to just tell him where to be and when, and what the appropriate attire is, and to be able to play in the casino every evening for a while. Beyond that he is definitely looking forward to it, but hates the planning stages.


My sister is finally starting to get excited, and she asks me every day if I've learned anything more from my "cruise people" (CC). I give it another week and she and I will be exchanging e-mails and texts throughout the days leading up to the cruise. Her husband is kind of like Dan, just tell him where to be and when, and what to wear.

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How do I get my DH, BIL and SIL as excited as I am???


DH makes fun of me, says it is till over 200 days away and I am a nut...and SIL just acts like it is no big deal, this is her first cruise and she has no idea what it is gonna be like. She thought the cabin would be exactly like a hotel room, when I told her there were no coffee makers in the cabin I thought I she was going to cry! I have tried to get her to do some research, or at least listen to my tips, but she just doesn't seem as excited as I am.


I told her there was an elegant night and was trying to explain dress codes and such and she simply said, "I am not wearing a formal" and changed the subject without letting me explain anything to her!


I guess I will just go and be super prepared and let them all look like nutjobs.


What upsets me the most is I will tell them all what they need to know now and they will have not listened and when we are 2 weeks out they will want to know if they need a birth certif and end up not having one:eek:


Listen now! Be excited with me! Lets learn together!

Hubby likes to cruise as much as I do but doesn't usually get excited like I do until a couple of weeks before. I got him last night though. Thanks to our ever generous and informative Fellow CCers who posted pics of their cove balcony. We have a cove on our next cruise. When I showd him pics he thought the shots showing how close we would be to the water were awsome! I caught him later cruising the CC boards.

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Bankerbabe - I would LOVE a copy of your powerpoint. Mine and Dan's email address for all things cruise related is dannymissy@hotmail.com. Thanks!


My cruise is FINALLY under a month away. It's me, Dan, and my sister and her husband. I have been excited about this since the day we booked it, back in April. I have been collecting packing lists, reading reviews, checking out excursions, reading John's blog, looking at pictures, and the list goes on and on. Dan, Katie, and Keaton, well, they've been content to let me plan it. Dan's exact words to me were "Babe, please, just let me know how much clothes to pack and how many days I have to dress up, and can you take care of the rest of it?" He basically wants me to just tell him where to be and when, and what the appropriate attire is, and to be able to play in the casino every evening for a while. Beyond that he is definitely looking forward to it, but hates the planning stages.


My sister is finally starting to get excited, and she asks me every day if I've learned anything more from my "cruise people" (CC). I give it another week and she and I will be exchanging e-mails and texts throughout the days leading up to the cruise. Her husband is kind of like Dan, just tell him where to be and when, and what to wear.



My husband has to be in charge of the money. So I can plan til I am blue in the face, but when it comes down to putting money on excursions or buying cruise items(like clothes or over the door shoe hanger thingy's) I will have to turn to him. I would have all these items bought and in a specific place already if he would turn me loose with a credit card!

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We just got home from Church and my wife says, "Hey get out the excursion list and look it over and decide what we want to do."


I also see she printed out the packing check list papers by herself. she never prints out anything on the computer!


Ok I ask myself? Where is my real wife and when are you bringing her back?

This one looks a lot like my other wife!



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We just got home from Church and my wife says, "Hey get out the excursion list and look it over and decide what we want to do."


I also see she printed out the packing check list papers by herself. she never prints out anything on the computer!


Ok I ask myself? Where is my real wife and when are you bringing her back?

This one looks a lot like my other wife!




Wow! Sounds like we both have had a break thru this weekend :)


Besides what I blogged about happening last night, more happened today with my husband. He came to see what I was doing and I said looking at excursions, then he proceeded to tell me I needed to be looking at all the stuff to do in NOLA before the cruise. Oh and hotels too. We had a 5 min. conversation I was in shock! (oops, edit, guess I did blog that...I am sorry)

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Wow! Sounds like we both have had a break thru this weekend :)

Besides what I blogged about happening last night, more happened today with my husband. He came to see what I was doing and I said looking at excursions, then he proceeded to tell me I needed to be looking at all the stuff to do in NOLA before the cruise. Oh and hotels too. We had a 5 min. conversation I was in shock! (oops, edit, guess I did blog that...I am sorry)

Congrats. Did you read my comment on your blog yesterday?



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I just asked two of my lady friends if they wanted to go on a cruise I had booked next January. I gave them all the info in print as they asked and made some suggestions. one said .. what now?? JXXXX .. Its not until next January!!! As if I was a nut for even trying to discuss a cruise 12 months away.


OP I know exactly how you feel. I now am thinking maybe I dont want to go with them if they would act like this about it.. from a lady who has always been nice to me, saying something in a rude tone of voice.


Iv vowed not to say another word.. but I now feel different about inviting them.

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I just asked two of my lady friends if they wanted to go on a cruise I had booked next January. I gave them all the info in print as they asked and made some suggestions. one said .. what now?? JXXXX .. Its not until next January!!! As if I was a nut for even trying to discuss a cruise 12 months away.


OP I know exactly how you feel. I now am thinking maybe I dont want to go with them if they would act like this about it.. from a lady who has always been nice to me, saying something in a rude tone of voice.


Iv vowed not to say another word.. but I now feel different about inviting them.


Fire, it is little things that make you think twice about people and their personalities. I am sorry that she was rude. Too bad you and I are not friends in real life, because I would have been with you at the computer looking at excursions and studying the deck plans, 12 months in advance. And my eyes would have been glazed over with excitement. You really don't live that far from me...I am in Canton, home of First Monday Trade Days!

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Fire, it is little things that make you think twice about people and their personalities. I am sorry that she was rude. Too bad you and I are not friends in real life, because I would have been with you at the computer looking at excursions and studying the deck plans, 12 months in advance. And my eyes would have been glazed over with excitement. You really don't live that far from me...I am in Canton, home of First Monday Trade Days!


We really dont live too far. I go thru Canton when I cruise out of New orleans.


I wish you could go with me. I had only said to her, that I would drive. When she snapped at me .. its a year away. I agree with you. Some people want to talk about excursions ahead of time and do some planning. She said she never plans anything that far in advance. She is a last minute person.


Really, Iv been thru Canton lots of times. Im doing elation by myself the next two times, and it would have cost the same to pick you up on the drive to Mobile in less than 2 weeks.

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We really dont live too far. I go thru Canton when I cruise out of New orleans.


I wish you could go with me. I had only said to her, that I would drive. When she snapped at me .. its a year away. I agree with you. Some people want to talk about excursions ahead of time and do some planning. She said she never plans anything that far in advance. She is a last minute person.


Really, Iv been thru Canton lots of times. Im doing elation by myself the next two times, and it would have cost the same to pick you up on the drive to Mobile in less than 2 weeks.


That is seriously all you said and she snapped?! I would almost put that into a control freak category, what would be the issue of you being nice enough to say you would drive?


Well, we know we can plan one! You should give yourself enough time to stop for a coffee when you drive through one time. My dad owns a cafe and I can get us a free cup of pretty good coffee ;). Then I can work on talking the hubby into letting me go on a girl's cruise. You cruise so much, you could just book the one I am going on in Oct :D and drive to Canton and ride with us to NOLA! Well, I am wishful thinking anyway. Anyone who likes to cruise is welcome to come with me anytime!

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That is seriously all you said and she snapped?! I would almost put that into a control freak category, what would be the issue of you being nice enough to say you would drive?


Well, we know we can plan one! You should give yourself enough time to stop for a coffee when you drive through one time. My dad owns a cafe and I can get us a free cup of pretty good coffee ;). Then I can work on talking the hubby into letting me go on a girl's cruise. You cruise so much, you could just book the one I am going on in Oct :D and drive to Canton and ride with us to NOLA! Well, I am wishful thinking anyway. Anyone who likes to cruise is welcome to come with me anytime!


Seriously, people ask me how far out Im booked and say Im nuts. Im just over it .. but I get that all the time. Let 'em.


email me .. I need a cruising buddy. My email is in my profile. We do both live in Texas. I am booked thru early 2012 .. but its never too soon to think in the future. One lady who has been cruising with me is married. Her husband lets her cruise without him sometimes.

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Well it is starting to happen. Last night the wife said lets plan what we are going to do for excursions. I got out the file I have with all of the cruise stuff in it and we read through all of the stuff. We planned what we are going to do at each port. Its funny because I had almost everything planned anyway and convinced her to do what I had previously planned. The only difference is she doesn't want to get any massages and I want one in every port. So I guess she will be shopping with her parents while I'm getting rubbed the "right" way.


After that we went through our packing list and crossed off things that don't apply to this cruise. I guess we are well on our way!!



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Well it is starting to happen. Last night the wife said lets plan what we are going to do for excursions. I got out the file I have with all of the cruise stuff in it and we read through all of the stuff. We planned what we are going to do at each port. Its funny because I had almost everything planned anyway and convinced her to do what I had previously planned. The only difference is she doesn't want to get any massages and I want one in every port. So I guess she will be shopping with her parents while I'm getting rubbed the "right" way.


After that we went through our packing list and crossed off things that don't apply to this cruise. I guess we are well on our way!!




You are so close! I want a full review when you return!

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You are so close! I want a full review when you return!


I have a crystal ball and can give you the review right now! We went, the ship was beautiful, food great, nice people, Good shows, had tons of fun and can't wait to go again! That pretty much sums up all of our past cruises and probably future ones as well. 90% of the cruise is attitude.



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I have a crystal ball and can give you the review right now! We went, the ship was beautiful, food great, nice people, Good shows, had tons of fun and can't wait to go again! That pretty much sums up all of our past cruises and probably future ones as well. 90% of the cruise is attitude.




Well I like to see picture :p...so if you have an online source please share with me...email it if you want. Something about looking at other peoples cruise pics gets me all teary eye'd and excited for my cruise.

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We booked a cruise 6 months before cruise date. My 16 y/o son did no preparation. When he finally started packing I told him to be sure he had nice clothes for elegant night.


When he put on his slacks the first elegant night they were 3 inches too short and the waist was too big! He'd grown so tall and thin and hadn't tried on any of his clothes. He hadn't taken a belt. Using the good old duct tape we fixed the hem by undoing it, ironing it and taping. He wanted to wear jeans but I wouldn't let him.


On the way to the dining room most of the men were in jeans, one in overalls!


The next elegant night I let him wear his new jeans so he wouldn't be so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the brand new jeans had a stain on the rear! He wore them anyway.


They'll be glad they prepare!

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We booked a cruise 6 months before cruise date. My 16 y/o son did no preparation. When he finally started packing I told him to be sure he had nice clothes for elegant night.


When he put on his slacks the first elegant night they were 3 inches too short and the waist was too big! He'd grown so tall and thin and hadn't tried on any of his clothes. He hadn't taken a belt. Using the good old duct tape we fixed the hem by undoing it, ironing it and taping. He wanted to wear jeans but I wouldn't let him.


On the way to the dining room most of the men were in jeans, one in overalls!


The next elegant night I let him wear his new jeans so he wouldn't be so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the brand new jeans had a stain on the rear! He wore them anyway.


They'll be glad they prepare!


Too funny. I bet they will prepare from now on.

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ahh...just tell them they don't know how to enjoy the good things in life...and keep up the Positive Mental Attitude and don't let them alter your excitment.....they will catch the fever eventually...if they don't...then it is their loss

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I have a quick funny story. Yesterday I had to pick my mom up at her hairdresser. One of the Gals there mentioned a couple of weeks ago that she is going on a cruise. As best I could figure she was sailing on the Carnival Splendor. So yesterday I asked her if she had heard how the splendor was doing since the fire? She replied that she isn't going on the one that caught on fire. So I asked which one she was going on and she said she isn't sure but it might start with an "F". The most she knows is it leaves Feb 20th out of Long Beach and goes to the Mexican Riveria She thinks it might start with an "F". Totally Clueless.



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I have a quick funny story. Yesterday I had to pick my mom up at her hairdresser. One of the Gals there mentioned a couple of weeks ago that she is going on a cruise. As best I could figure she was sailing on the Carnival Splendor. So yesterday I asked her if she had heard how the splendor was doing since the fire? She replied that she isn't going on the one that caught on fire. So I asked which one she was going on and she said she isn't sure but it might start with an "F". The most she knows is it leaves Feb 20th out of Long Beach and goes to the Mexican Riveria She thinks and might start with an "F". Totally Clueless.




Sounds like my husband and just about everyone else in our group. People ask them where the cruise is even GOING and they have no idea. My husband usually defers any questions to our 7 YO DS who can answer just about any cruise question thrown at him. :D

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Sounds like she needs a visit over here! I bet if you asked my sister in law what ship she was going on she wouldn't have a clue either! Oh, btw, she said she would watch those dvd's...I'm gonna go ahead and send them, we will see. She probably will watch them, the day before she cruises, if at all.

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