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How to avoid being called to the naughty room for legal items?


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We're taking our first cruise (Triumph!!) and have been reading through these boards to get an idea of what to expect. I see a lot of people talking about being called down to the "naughty room" to unlock their luggage or getting their bags very late in their room to find a note saying their bag was opened and inspected, even when they had nothing to hide.


I am ordering alcohol from BV, carrying our two bottles of wine and some mixers for BV drinks, and have no intention of smuggling anything in my bags. I just hate to waste any of my cruise time going down there because they thought I had something suspicious in my bag. I also don't like the idea of someone digging around in my bag through my personal stuff.


So my question is, what do I need to do/not do to avoid being called down and having my bag searched? I want to bring my own shampoo, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, contact solution, etc and I'm worried all that liquid will raise some doubts. Any tips on what you guys do would be great!


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LAGirl - you'll be fine.

I'm a girly girl with lots of hair spray, lotions, contact lens solution, make up, and even some liquid prescription meds. On our Carnival cruise two weeks ago, we had absolutely NO PROBLEM!!


For our next cruise out of San Juan, I will just wait and go to the CVS and buy all my travel sizes there instead of carrying liquids - and then I'll toss them when I'm done and not have to travel back with them!

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1.Don't pack ANY liquids in your checked bags except the normal toiletry items..


2.Carry all beverages, mixers, etc in your carry on.


3.Leave your suitcase unlocked - as Carnivel suggest. This lets security open you bag to check if something suspicious shows up in the scanner. They won't steal, they won't rummage through your undies. If they go in, they know exactly what they are looking for and exactly where it is. They'll leave a note in your suitcase. This doesn't hold up the luggage process at all. That only happens if you've locked your luggage like Fort Knox and they have to wait for you to come down and unlock it.


Keep in mind that it is not just alcohol that they are looking for. They look for things like irons, high-wattage hair appliances, drugs, and all sorts of contraband. Heck, I had mine opened on Liberty last year (I never lock my luggage)...I had a very compact 4-battery charger in there that rang some bell somewhere. Perfectly legal, but showed up odd, I guess.


Also, keep in mind that security can open any suitcase for any reason anytime there is what they consider a valid need.


You might want to go over the terms and conditions...that will tell you that they may search any of your items anytime, without notice...including your cabin, closet, stored suitcases, etc.


They aren't being mean. The safety of the ship and it's passengers is formost. You'd be surprised to see the number of cabins that are checked out when leaving Jamaica..where weed is the national agricultural crop.

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it sounds like you are doing everything the right way. if you dont put any beer or alchohol except your wine/soda/water you are allowed too take in your bags you will be fine. i also take precations when i go too the airport as far as putting only the allowables in my bag for the flight.

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I plan to put my liquid items in a plastic square container on top of my clothes so it will be easy to search that place for whatever they are searching for. I don't carry liquor.


I think it will be fun to put a photo of my policeman son's photo on top of my clothes so when they open my luggage they can see my cop son.lol.


I used to have a "Beware of the Dog" sign to put on my cabin door but I lost it.lol. The cabin steward told me that people would put their ears next to the cabin door to see if they could hear my dog bark. LOL.


I was at the "Naughty room one time because I had locked my small suitcase with my carbonated water. They thought I had vodca in the bottles. I did see some extension cords in the box where they stored the liquor. Don't pack any.


I heard that Carnival wants you to carry your wine, sodas, and water on your carry-on instead of packing it in your suit-case. I think some people put liquor in their wine bottles and water bottles.... so Carnival needs to check them out. They checked my water bottles real carefully. It took 4 security guys to say it was water.lol. I pack Arrowhead sparkling water.

They looked suspecious sp to them.lol.

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Thanks guys! I understand they have a job to do and if they have to search, then so be it but I'd like to avoid that the best I can.


If all of my toiletries and carry on liquids (mixers and water) are brand new with unbroken seals or plastic wrapping, would that help to speed things along in the event they do decide to search my bag or have 4 security guys inspect my bottles lol? Would they be opening them if the seals are intact? They can sniff away at my purell and sunscreen, I just cringe at the thought of them putting their nose that close to my contact solution, water bottles, or mouthwash. I was thinking of the suggestion above to go to CVS and buy all brand new items for the things I don't want them opening.

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Lock the damn suitcase. That is what I do.

Have a nice trip to the naughty room....LOL....Maybe you'll get a panking....:D;):D

I'll leave mine unlocked so I don't get panked....If they want to look in my suitcase they can without hassling me and deliver it to my cabin when they are done.....:cool:

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I pack my suitcase the same way for a cruise as I would for flying. We always check a bag so that contains all my grooming supplies, folding away in a neat roll up travel bag. All my medications are carried with me in my purse in the original containers. As for our wine we buy that before we are at the port and that is carried on with us. We never lock our luggage, anything that is valuable to us is always carried with us.

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Thanks guys! I understand they have a job to do and if they have to search, then so be it but I'd like to avoid that the best I can.


If all of my toiletries and carry on liquids (mixers and water) are brand new with unbroken seals or plastic wrapping, would that help to speed things along in the event they do decide to search my bag or have 4 security guys inspect my bottles lol? Would they be opening them if the seals are intact? They can sniff away at my purell and sunscreen, I just cringe at the thought of them putting their nose that close to my contact solution, water bottles, or mouthwash. I was thinking of the suggestion above to go to CVS and buy all brand new items for the things I don't want them opening.


If you are talking about water bottles meaning bottled water, that has to be carried on too. If bottled water shows on the x-ray machine, they will have you open your suitcase as many people smuggle in those bottles.


Mixers for your drinks, IE 7-up, need to be carried on too. Makes for a heavy carry on, but only toiletries such as shampoo, conditioners can be in the suitcase. My suggestion is to go to the Carnival website and look at how you need to get things onboard. Enjoy!

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Have a nice trip to the naughty room....LOL....Maybe you'll get a panking....:D;):D

I'll leave mine unlocked so I don't get panked....If they want to look in my suitcase they can without hassling me and deliver it to my cabin when they are done.....:cool:


If someone is going to look in my suitcase, I'll at least know who it is and specifically what they are looking for.


I'll have everything I need in my carry-ons for at least a couple of days - maybe the whole cruise. I'll pick it up when my schedule permits.


Heck, it would be justification for wearing shorts on formal night - "My suitcase was never delivered" ;)

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For our next cruise out of San Juan, I will just wait and go to the CVS and buy all my travel sizes there instead of carrying liquids - and then I'll toss them when I'm done and not have to travel back with them!


I totally am stealing this idea, hope you don't mind. :D It is awesome!

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Lock the damn suitcase. That is what I do.


Locks are an illusion now Sarg. They open the TSA approved locks with the master and if you do not have TSA compatible they cut the locks off at any security check point at airports. We recently had a TSA lock cut off???? I suspect it had a problem. I doubt a ship would have an issue with opening a bag.


No way around it that I am aware of so now we just remove the locks ourselves and use the locks where we can. Our airport will allow you to relock them after they check them if you tell them you want to lock them after the check. At the port, our luggage arrives to our cabin sometimes checked, sometimes not.


OP I have never been called to a naughty room but I don't know if it is because we do not use locks when we check the bag in. You luggage contents may be checked several times without you being aware from the airport to the dock so at some point I stopped caring since I am a germaphobe by some degree too so I feel your pain. I'm not sure I would want to see them sniffing my mouthwash so by all means check it in. ha ha

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Locks are an illusion now Sarg. They open the TSA approved locks with the master and if you do not have TSA compatible they cut the locks off at any security check point at airports. We recently had a TSA lock cut off???? I suspect it had a problem. I doubt a ship would have an issue with opening a bag.


No way around it that I am aware of so now we just remove the locks ourselves and use the locks where we can. Our airport will allow you to relock them after they check them if you tell them you want to lock them after the check. At the port, our luggage arrives to our cabin sometimes checked, sometimes not.


The effectiveness of locks is not the issue here and this topic doesn't have to do with airport security.


A locked suitcase for your cruise ensures that it will not be searched without your assistance.


I don't care of they need to search my suitcase. I just prefer to be there when they do.


Although the illusion of locks exists it is still easier to open an unlocked bag than a locked one. JMO.

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The effectiveness of locks is not the issue here and this topic doesn't have to do with airport security.


A locked suitcase for your cruise ensures that it will not be searched without your assistance.


I don't care of they need to search my suitcase. I just prefer to be there when they do.


Although the illusion of locks exists it is still easier to open an unlocked bag than a locked one. JMO.


Yes I guess it gets down to what anyone prefers. For me it is better not to see them sniffing my mouthwash which they can do with or without me so I let them have at it mainly because locks mean nothing except in between check points.


But if I were allowed to spray disinfectant on the security person checking my bag I'd be there. lol

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Locks are an illusion now Sarg. They open the TSA approved locks with the master and if you do not have TSA compatible they cut the locks off at any security check point at airports. We recently had a TSA lock cut off???? I suspect it had a problem. I doubt a ship would have an issue with opening a bag.


No way around it that I am aware of so now we just remove the locks ourselves and use the locks where we can. Our airport will allow you to relock them after they check them if you tell them you want to lock them after the check. At the port, our luggage arrives to our cabin sometimes checked, sometimes not.


OP I have never been called to a naughty room but I don't know if it is because we do not use locks when we check the bag in. You luggage contents may be checked several times without you being aware from the airport to the dock so at some point I stopped caring since I am a germaphobe by some degree too so I feel your pain. I'm not sure I would want to see them sniffing my mouthwash so by all means check it in. ha ha


To be clear TSA locks can only be opened by a TSA agent that would have the keys. We are talking about port security which is not part of the TSA since they are private agencies so they would not have keys to use. If they did there would be some explaining to do.


If the TSA inspects your bag by opening it with a set of keys they are required to leave a note inside saying it had been inspected. We use TSA approved locks that have an indicator that activates if it has been opened by a TSA key. We have had the indicator set off on three separate occasions and each time there was a note from the TSA stating they had inspected the bag.


We always lock our bags for the mere fact that the DW is a flight attendant and never locked her flight bags since they were always with her. Until recently after having two incidents of items being taken out of them while she was working the flight and her bags were in the overhead.


Most theft is a crime of opportunity.

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We always lock our bags for the mere fact that the DW is a flight attendant and never locked her flight bags since they were always with her. Until recently after having two incidents of items being taken out of them while she was working the flight and her bags were in the overhead.


Most theft is a crime of opportunity.


Yep they all check your bag with or without you at the dock or at the airport if the need arises. I thought that the ship also used a tsa master key so that is news to me??? We have had bags checked before they reached our cabin so it is no longer a big deal as I can't change it with or without a lock. One thing we do is we now carry our bags over to the security area at our airport and remove the locks before we get to security. They are really good about allowing us to relock them after they run them through the process. I do want the locks on where possible or when it is in transit between checks. At the port we just unlock them as they will check it or not. It gets down to whether you wish to be there or don't wish to be there watching them check your mouthwash I guess. I'd rather not be there to see them doing the same thing they will do with or without me in luggage that holds nothing of value. They can steal my granny pants if they wish to as they are good about lost items. I just hope they have them bronzed. lol


The only reason for me to be there would be whether I want the luggage relocked and that is a pretty good reason, just not a concern for me by the time I get to the ship since they can steal anything they want of mine any time they want during the cruise so their track record makes me much more secure than an airport. It is interesting to see the many preferences people have though. The OP asked "How to avoid being called to the naughty room for legal items?" and the locks were one way as was the suggestion that we do not carry large liquids and use samplers which I also do. I also do not have anything of value in the check-in. She asked a good question and there are many answers that can lower the odds of being called into the naughty room. Each of us do what we prefer.

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Locks are an illusion now Sarg. They open the TSA approved locks with the master and if you do not have TSA compatible they cut the locks off at any security check point at airports. We recently had a TSA lock cut off???? I suspect it had a problem. I doubt a ship would have an issue with opening a bag.



TSA has nothing to do with cruise ship security and Carnival would have a big issue with opening a bag. Carnival accepts no liability for luggage until after it is in their possession which means after it has passed through the lowest bidder security inspection. Additionally, Carnival limits their liability to $50 per bag with a max of $100 per cabin even after in their possession.


Not only is my suitcase locked, but there is a security strap around it that is also locked. It is no peek except under my supervision or if real law enforcement wanted in for some bizarre reason.

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We have only cruised 2 times so far, and will be cruising this Spring Break on Carnival Liberty. I remember reading on this site that when dropping off your checked bags, to put zip ties on them. We did this. Of course, they can cut the zip ties easily if they want to inspect the bags. But it would also maybe keep someone out, if they were not really inspecting, but just stealing. Does anyone else do this? Is it still OK? We are planning to take zip ties.

We also take a rolling carry-on that we put water bottles and pop in. We take about 6 rootbeers, 6 sprite, 6 cherry cokes, and as much bottled water as we can fit in. They usually do ask us to open the carry-on and then see it's water and soda pop and say "You're fine." We haven't cruised for about 3 years though, so hoping this is all still fine.

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TSA has nothing to do with cruise ship security and Carnival would have a big issue with opening a bag. Carnival accepts no liability for luggage until after it is in their possession which means after it has passed through the lowest bidder security inspection. Additionally, Carnival limits their liability to $50 per bag with a max of $100 per cabin even after in their possession.


Not only is my suitcase locked, but there is a security strap around it that is also locked. It is no peek except under my supervision or if real law enforcement wanted in for some bizarre reason.


Someone mentioned they do not use the TSA master key which I was not aware of if true. TSA lock doesn't mean TSA inspection and I hope I did not confuse the two for anyone


The OP asked how to NOT be called into the naughty room so I answered one way. If she asked how to be called to the naughty room, I would have given your answer. LOL

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We have only cruised 2 times so far, and will be cruising this Spring Break on Carnival Liberty. I remember reading on this site that when dropping off your checked bags, to put zip ties on them. We did this. Of course, they can cut the zip ties easily if they want to inspect the bags. But it would also maybe keep someone out, if they were not really inspecting, but just stealing. Does anyone else do this? Is it still OK? We are planning to take zip ties.


Just remember to bring scissors so YOU can open the zip ties! I forgot once and had to wait in a long line at the pursar's desk to "borrow" a pair.

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