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Live From the Decks of the Mercury The Final Two! 2/5/11 & 2/14/11


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"After a bit of walking I found Havensight Café, not free but $2 for 15 minutes, $6 per hour. It’s DSL, not as fast as my broadband at home but seems incredibly fast when compared to what we have on the ship! I deleted 1593 emails that had come in since I left home and kept 3! Can you imagine how many I would have if I hadn’t emailed everyone that I would be away and to please hold my emails???


Just offering a suggestion to save time...


If you use free Windows Outlook Express or Windows Mail, you can download all messages while online, then go offline to read messages, delete, write answers at your leisure. Then go back online to send those messages written.


On my 17 nite cruise, I downloaded 100-200 messages a day,--took 15 minutes or so on the Mercury, and went back to the cabin to read whenever I wanted.


If you use web based email, such as comcast, yahoo, juno, msn; you can put all those accounts into mail or outlook accounts, and it downloads all of them at one time.


We have 5 diff email accts download at one time into one window.


Just need to have pop and smtp info, which is readily available from email providrs

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"After a bit of walking I found Havensight Café, not free but $2 for 15 minutes, $6 per hour. It’s DSL, not as fast as my broadband at home but seems incredibly fast when compared to what we have on the ship! I deleted 1593 emails that had come in since I left home and kept 3! Can you imagine how many I would have if I hadn’t emailed everyone that I would be away and to please hold my emails???


Just offering a suggestion to save time...


If you use free Windows Outlook Express or Windows Mail, you can download all messages while online, then go offline to read messages, delete, write answers at your leisure. Then go back online to send those messages written.


On my 17 nite cruise, I downloaded 100-200 messages a day,--took 15 minutes or so on the Mercury, and went back to the cabin to read whenever I wanted.


If you use web based email, such as comcast, yahoo, juno, msn; you can put all those accounts into mail or outlook accounts, and it downloads all of them at one time.


We have 5 diff email accts download at one time into one window.


Just need to have pop and smtp info, which is readily available from email providrs

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Mercury February 14, 2011 Day Six of the Final Voyage

We arrived in St Croix about 8 and were soon cleared. Lots of action at disembarkation. Everyone seemed to be getting off except me! J My back problem has turned into sciatica and I am trudging around with my cane! Yuck!

Not many in the Elite Breakfast. I must tell you what they missed: crepes stuffed with bananas and topped with caramel sauce! Yummy, yummy! And today I tried Bilinis. I forget you can get them and they are very good! We sat and chatted for a while, enjoying the view.

I made it out by the pool by 11. It was wonderfully empty! Got my chair and JoAn’s all fixed and we sat to read and enjoy the ocean! The sun was wonderful with a few breaks when it went behind a cloud. I love pool days! Getting in the pool gives me relief from my pain but getting out brings it right back! Wish I could just stay submerged!

I found a good book in the library: Final Judgment by Richard North Patterson. I’ve really been enjoying it. I brought some books but haven’t gotten into mine except for the one I was reading when I came onboard. I’ve seen a good number of Nooks, Kindles, etc but not as many as I would have thought. Lots of folks like me holding a real, honest to

God, book! J

The movie today was Salt and I wanted to go but didn’t think I could sit in the cinema chairs for an hour and 40 minutes. Guess I’ll have to see it at home. BTW, I was in the cinema twice and did not see popcorn either time. Don’t know if they stopped it or I picked the wrong times to go.

Stayed by the pool till 2:30. Was going in at 2 but they started the Senior Officer’s Volleyball where they play the passengers. Kind of fun! Bonnie and John (monstermagic) played and Bonnie reminded me of myself. I can actually play water volleyball but I’m always afraid I’ll break a nail! You go, Girl!!

Sciatica pain level about an 8 so I went up to take my meds and rest until 4 and the Social Hour. I was doing fine, reading my book when I got cold (I like to keep my cabin in the I could hang meat range). So I got under the covers. That was it! Woke up at 7:15! Missed the cocktails and almost missed dinner!

Cil and Roger went to see Kimika at the 7 PM show. When dinner is at 7:45 you don’t get to see the whole show but you can see 30 minutes of it and if you really want to see the rest of the show you can go back at 9:30. The 7:45 dinner is working for us on this trip.

Dinner tonight was the great menu with the Petite Filet, Roast Turkey and the Four Cheese Pasta. Roger and I had the Turkey, Cil had the Filet. I had a Shrimp

Cocktail, no soup or salad.. Mario served us all a pasta course of the Four Cheese Pasta. That is SO good! Turkey with Stuffing and Green Bean Casserole (not your mom’s green bean casserole but a good try!) was good and Cil said the Filet was perfect. I had Pina Colada Ice Cream for dessert. I really do miss the Dessert Tray. They don’t do it in Select Dining. Not seeing the desserts, I tend to order ice cream or the apple pie.

After the 5 hour nap, can you believe I went up to the cabin and went right to sleep?

Boy am I boring! Hoping for a spontaneous healing by morning because JoAn and I want a beach day at the Marriott in St Kitts tomorrow. We’ve tried to find the person who posted on this thread that knew about the Marriott but no luck so far.

Bye For Now!

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Mercury February 14, 2011 Day Seven of the Final Voyage


Beautiful, sunny morning in St Kitts! We sat in the Pavilion enjoying Almond Croissants, Fresh Fruit, Bagels w/Lox Cream Cheese and Walnut Pancakes along with Cappuccinos, Mimosas and Bilinis! It’s a rough life but someone has to make these sacrifices!


Around 10 AM the Carnival Miracle docked and we lost all the sun on the port side of the ship! In the Pavilion (deck 7) we were suddenly looking at lifeboats 5 feet from our window! J So we figured it was time to leave.


I made a short trip back to my cabin, put on my swimsuit, filled my beach bag and headed up to the pool. Once again it was blissfully empty! Got my chair and side table positioned just like I want (facing the sun), got my towels spread out just so (with one rolled to go under my neck), got out my book, sunscreen and mug and arranged it on the table, adjusted the back of the chair and sat down. Now some people are anal about clean houses, great yards, perfect decorating, etc. Me? I’m a nut for having my beach chair just so. I have to have 3 towels on my chair. One for the back and where I sit, one folded in half to cover the remainder of the chair and one folded in half length-wise, rolled half way and positioned under my neck with the long part folded over the back of the chair. As you can see, I’m anal about my pool and beach rituals. Takes me about 10 minutes but once its done, I am in heaven.


Got to stay out in the sun, reading and people watching until 12:40 when Cil and Roger came out to get me for lunch. I had a burger with onion rings. Roger had a burger with fries and Cil had a chicken salad sandwich. We couldn’t find JoAn. Called her cabin several times but never got her so we had to eat without her.


The buffet area was not crowded. A few people had come back onboard but most were still off. Don’t know what they were doing. We were in St Kitts on this same cruise in October on a Sunday and things were pretty quiet. A few things open but not many. I guess a lot of people took tours but after the cruise passengers were robbed in St Kitts while on a ships tour a couple of months ago, I kind of lost my taste for

getting off here.


After lunch, I went back out by the pool. I stayed until about 2:30 and then came up to the cabin to rest a little before cocktails at 4 PM. Got a little reading done while lying down with my knees up. The sciatica is better but I’ll really need to take it easy for a couple of days. I’m still having to use my cane.


After cocktails Cil, Roger and I went into the casino and tried our hand at the Double Diamond penny machine. Cil walked away with about $10 and I cashed out over $15. Pretty good because these machines have been tight, tight, tight!


We went to the 7 o’clock show to see Pearl Kauffman. I guess she must be about 75 or 80 but man, she can still play the piano! I enjoyed the music and her stories of working in the movies. I probably would have bought her CD but we had to leave before the show ended and there was no one outside selling them. During the show I tried to say something to Cil and realized I was losing my voice! No other aches, pains or symptoms, just can’t talk! Weird! Although I am sure there will be those who see this as a good thing! J


The three of us made it to dinner at 7:45 but JoAn didn’t get there until 8. When we were having drinks she made the comment that she could just go to bed right then and skip dinner so that’s what we thought she had done. But she made it! I had the Salmon Mousse w/Cheese Ball, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Grouper in Phylo and a scoop of Pineapple Sorbet along side a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. All very good. Roger had Salmon, Cil had Chicken Florentine and JoAn had Lamb. We all agreed that we really miss the dessert tray and ‘Showtime!’. I like seeing the desserts as does everyone else I ask about it. Don’t know why its such a big deal to have it. So I keep having ice cream!


After dinner I came back to my cabin to gargle and take meds. Don’t want to talk too much and make it worse. Maja (our waiters assistant) said if its not better tomorrow she will make me her mothers remedy: juice of one lemon, tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Doesn’t sound too appetizing so I’m going to work on getting my voice back! J


I’ll go post early in the morning. JoAn and I may take a beach excursion that leaves at 9. We want to look at how long the walk is to the transportation. JoAn can’t take her scooter so we’ll have to see if she can walk it with her walker. I’ll let you know tomorrow if we make it!


Bye For Now!

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Hey Mark and Randi! How’s the weather in NJ? I hope no more snow!

We are in St Kitts today. The weather is great but most things are closed in town so we all stayed onboard and worked on our tans!

I’ll ask the Captain and if he doesn’t know he’ll tell who will.

Having a GREAT time! Sure wish you guys were here!!!

Kathy, we’ve got sunshine today! I agree it’s weird that they didn’t stock up for souvenir lovers!

Hi Deb! So glad you are enjoying the posts! I am having the Shrimp

Cocktail more this cruise. The Escargot is wonderful but sooooo rich that I often can’t eat my entrée.

This would have been a good cruise for you – two good jewelry stops!!

Pat C! Hello! I haven’t used the casino bar but I will check today and let you know.]

I started on Horizon October 31st, 2003. I closed Horizon and Zenith and now Mercury!

It’s always sad, but great memories!

Diana! I miss you! I was hoping to hear from Donna but haven’t yet! Sorry about your

Internet. I have the new Evo but have no idea how to use it!

What I need is a Phillips head screwdriver and I could have lots o souvenirs!!

Think I can buy one in Antiqua?????

Love you guys!!!

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When Tuggers wrote: What I need is a Phillips head screwdriver and I could have lots of souvenirs!! she raises an interesting question. Given that all X identification will be stripped from Mercury by its new owners, how upset will management be if the passengers on this last cruise help themselves to stuff screwed to the walls. I'm not talking about the art collection, but rather plaques found in cabins or halls with logos on it and that sort of stuff.


I wonder if some passengers did come equipped with screwdrivers, pliers and maybe a small pry bar in order to help themselves to some Mercury mementos. Or are X passengers above such behaviour?


George +

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dakcz, florisdekort and ocean dancer, thanks for the good wishes. I am out in Antigua (with a cane). Found free (buy a drink at the bar) wi-fi at The Coastal just beyond the casino on the left side walking into town. Pretty fast, much faster than the ship anyway. Plus there are wild finches that fly in and out of the bar, landing on liquor bottles.

It's hot but not oppressive. Kind of a pleasant day actually. Roger and I walked up a couple of blocks and are on our way back now.

More from the ship tonight!

Bye For Now!

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Hi Gail,

Sorry to hear you got "under the weather" but are feeling better. I am enjoying your threads very much. Doing a good job. Have you run into my neighbors as yet? Peter and Julia (from the Oct-Nov) Mercury cruise are doing RCCL in March. Can't make that one either! Give our "hi's" to Cil and Roger - miss those drinks and company in the Elite Lounge. Also a "hi" to La-Mi.:):)

Fran and Tony

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Hey Gail

First of all we are sending prayers that you are feeling better.

Second, thanks for trying to check that out. It would be pretty amazing to know just how many crew were with Merc from 97 opeining til 2011 close, their home for 14 years.

All the best to you and the crew,

Mark & Randi

PS Snow this morning for north NJ ~ 3". We had only a coating in central NJ

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Hi Tuggers -


Since you are out and about in Antigua I hope this means the voice hasn't problem hasn't progressed into something worse.


As always this is a delightful read. You have the best "live from" threads. Thanks for taking the time to post. Enjoy the rest of your trip and safe travels back home.

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Hi guys; Enjoy your farewell cruise!! Sheila and I leave on Fri. for a 2 week Southern Caribbean cruise which we are looking so forward to after a long winter!!!


Can anyone find out where Carl William will be after his holiday? He was so good. He told us in Oct. that he would go to Constellation next. That would be competition for Perry alright!!


Hope we meet again soon.


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Hi Nancy!

Nice to hear from you.....yes, I'm a wee bit nervous about getting the dreaded cruise cough again, but trying to stay positive at the same time. I'm ready.....it's been a long winter!

When are you cruising again?

Hi to Frank!

Stay well.


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i second the motion, kathy, tuggers, can you find out where carl will be going next...................i thought he said millie, someone said connie...


we have 5 inches of the white stuff here in the first state..............


enjoy the rest of your cruise, you should be returning to 40 degree plus weather.......:)

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