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Live From the Decks of the Mercury The Final Two! 2/5/11 & 2/14/11


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Just back from Mercury.


As of 7:00AM almost half of the poolside decking was covered with plywood for protection. The sales staff was busy getting everything packed up from the shops for transfer to another ship. They said they had to be finished by Sunday. Lots of German crew on board getting ready to take over and continue preparing the ship for its new look.


Most of the crew we spoke with was leaving today for either vacation or re-assignment.


Great crew and a great ship. Already made some plans to meet a few crew on our next cruise out of N.J.



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i'm sure that this thread will remain active for awhile, but i/we did want to wecome everyone home. really enjoyed reading tuggers posts and feel as if i've made friends with people that i don't even know, you know who you are............:)


the mercury will be sadly missed by more than is posting here, much more..


we can only wish her well in all her future sails, but this is so sad.......

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Just reading a few of the comments on her date for leaving. I was told this morning that a lot of the officers and staff that are still on have flights out on the 28th and they will stay onboard until that date.

Ship was officially turned over on the morning of the 25th.

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Mercury February 14, 2011 Day Twelve of the Final Voyage

Our last full day onboard Mercury. For some reason this closing is hitting me harder than Horizon or Zenith. Don’t know if its because now I know there is nothing to look forward to except mega ships (in new ships) or the lack of a ‘real’ send off. Sure, we had a ‘Formal Final Party’ but it just wasn’t the same as a huge party with cast and crew saying good-bye, confetti, streamers and Mardi gras beads, etc. Seemed like she deserved as good a send off as Horizon and Zenith.

The Crew Talent Show kind of turned into the closest thing there was to the party I was especting. The Captain got misty, Stewart got misty, half the audience was crying. At the Formal party the Captain, Stewart and the Hotel Director got jiggy but after the toast I didn’t see any other officers around. Just the Activities Staff.

In retrospect I guess it was fine, just not on the scale of the Horizon or Zenith Farewell Cruise. It still feels a little unfinished. Others I talked to expressed the same feelings.

Last breakfast in the Pavilion was fairly well attended. We didn’t stay too long because we all wanted to get back to the cabin and get the worst over with, the packing. I got some things out and folded but I was waiting on my CS to get the suitcases out from under the bed for me. It’s tough when you can’t kneel down on a $65,000 knee!

We decided to go to lunch in the dining room. I have to say it was the worst experience I’ve ever had on Mercury. They put us in the very back corner and the engine noise was awful. Our waiter gave us the bum’s rush from the minute we sat down. I didn’t care for my meatloaf. I took one bite and it wasn’t to my taste. The only time he came back was when everyone was finished and the only comment he made to me was ‘finished?’. Guess he wasn’t putting any further effort into someone he wasn’t getting a tip from. No point mentioning it to anyone, it’s the last day and everyone will be going his or her own way. I can only hope I don’t run into him on another ship! J

Other than that it was a usual final day. Everyone saying goodbye, finishing up packing, tipping, taking pictures, etc.

Here are the people who had their new assignments:

Mario (waiter), Karol (concierge) and the casino manager are going to Equinox.

LaMai (barserver) and Cecep (CS) are going to Summit.

Angela (future cruise sales) Infinity.

Amir, Ugo, Wolf and Maja (asst waiter) are going to Century. Ugo and Wolf may change before they get back from vacation.

The Captain is going to Connie.

Mellissa Snow (CCH), Stewart and Chef Walter are going to Millenium.

Michael (activities director) taking 6 months or so off, may come back on a ship in the summer. He sounded to me like he wasn’t too excited about taking another contract.

I think that’s all I know for sure but when I get home I may find some more notes.

Went down to the Internet to try to post and the connection is down. I’m going to bed. Will get this posted, probably, from home. I have a long day in the airport tomorrow and then a 135 mile drive home. I didn’t sleep well last night so I’ve got to get some z’s tonight.

I’ve enjoyed writing this and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. Unless something changes my next cruise will be 27 days in September on Infinity (I try to stay home in the summer and nothing has caught my eye from March to May), 10 night Seattle to Seattle Ultimate Alaska followed by 17 night Seattle to Fort Lauderdale repo. Anyone interested????

Bye For Now!

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Hi Gail !


As always, I truly enjoyed another of your wonderful Live From threads. This one had extra special meaning for us, as it was farewell to Mercury. I'm happy for you, that you were a part of her final Celebrity days. I'm still very bummed with Celebrity's decision, but what's done is done.


I'm sailing on Azamara Journey tomorrow morning. I hope I can return your incredible kindness in some way, and Iyou enjoy my Live From thread.


Here's a link if you would like to say hello : http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1362342


Thanks again, & Welcome Home !

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Mercury February 14, 2011 The Last Day of the Final Voyage!

Was up at 5 AM this morning. Knew from the time we entered the Chesapeake that we would arrive early and we did.

At 6:45 Cil, Roger, JoAn and I went to the dining room for breakfast. It was set up as a buffet, or as they say onboard, booffet. Scrambled eggs, home fries, ham, sausage, bacon, juice, toast, pastries and cereal. I guess you could call it ‘the last meal’. Everything was good but none of us had much of an appetite.

By 7:30 we were on deck 5 by Melissa’s desk waiting to disembark. The self-carries went off shortly after. Never will understand why people want to end a relaxing cruise by schlepping luggage! J They kept calling over the walkie-talkies to Michael that they had no porters. Around 8 they called and said there were three porters. Don’t know why there weren’t more porters there earlier than 7:30.

We got JoAn a wheelchair and sent her off to deck 3 and a low gangway while we went off on deck 5. It was a steep one, but better going down than if we were getting on. We reached ground level only a few minutes before JoAn. Had time for a brief chat with rogerbear who told me signman had been onboard for hours helping get the crew through immigration. Sorry I missed him again!

We hooked up with JoAn and went with her through customs. Had a brief scare as we were getting luggage when everyone had their bags except me. I was missing one of my large bags. Turns out the tag had come off. Luckily it was put in Green 14 instead of Green 11 and I spotted it easily.

The four of us had booked GoShuttle with Karol the Concierge for $60 plus tip. We had the whole van so it was nice. We have always used Corporate Sedan Services but last time (October) they had to drop us out past the curbside check-in, beyond the four lane (at the outer road). That just wasn’t working for us, especially when we had been on for 21 days and had a good bit of luggage. GoShuttle dropped us right at Southwest’s curbside check-in. There was a long line but about 6 guys checking people in so it went very fast. We arrived at 9:50. JoAn had an 11 AM flight, Cil and Roger a 1 PM and mine was at 2 PM.

When we got to security we said our goodbyes because we were all going in different directions. I had the longest wait and it would have been okay except they had some problem with a security siren which made it go off every 10 minutes or so. It was very high pitched and would go on for 5, 10 minutes at a time. One lady was sitting there with her hands covering her ears. Surprised we didn’t all have migraines!

As always, Southwest was great. Only disappointment was that my flight wasn’t overbooked! I had sat there and listened to announcements that the last two flights were overbooked by two people. They got $300 vouchers, refund of their fare and meal vouchers to take the next flight. One man who took the deal had to leave an hour later but was going to arrive in Texas a little before his original flight! I would have liked that deal myself. Unfortunately, my flight wasn’t overbooked. It was fairly full but I still only had myself and one other person in my aisle. Guess I was tired because I slept from Baltimore to Norfolk. That was just a stop, no change of plane.

Managed to stay awake during the second half of the flight. We had a cabin attendant who had a beautiful singing voice. At the end of each flight she sang a song with the lyrics changed to reflect SW’s features. When she finished, and everyone was applauding, she would say ‘now get out of here’. I love SW’s humor.

Down in baggage we were looking for my second large bag. Yes, the same one that made a wrong turn in Baltimore! I happened to look over in the office and there it sat. I guess that one bag went on an earlier flight. I think that bag was trying to get lost. Only problem was that one of my outside pockets was totally unzipped. I know I had stuff stuck in all of the pockets so I lost something. Hope it was the used underwear! J

By 6 I had bailed my car out and was on the way home. It wasn’t a bad drive. Had a little traffic in Jacksonville but it ended as soon as I got in I-10. Got a shock when I stopped for gas. It was $3.37 where I filled up in Georgia but I could have paid $3.68 if I bought it near the airport.

Wanted to stop for something to eat before I got home. Tried Cracker Barrel and it was busy so I ended up with Taco Bell. I bought it at the drive-through so I got home a little earlier than if I had eaten at a sit-down restaurant. I was glad I had taken that route when I walked in the house and Elliott, my Schnauzer, went crazy! Both he and the cat were very glad mom was home. The bird is trying to punish me by being standoffish and I won’t get the big dogs until Sunday.

So that’s the end of it. I was home by 8, in time to see Harry’s Law and love on my babies. My bed on Mercury was very comfortable but there is something wonderful about being in your own bed. Stewart said the same thing this morning. He hasn’t been home for eight months and he said he was looking forward to that first night in his own bed.

I didn’t mention this earlier because I was waiting to see how things turned out. They flew Jacque home from St Maarten because he mother was ill. Luckily she got there in time to spend 24 hours with her mom before she passed. I lost my mother a few years ago Jacque and it is hard. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Goodbye Mercury!

And, as always,

Bye For Now!

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Back yesterday from the Mercury farewell. For those that were invited to special events that was fantastic for you! For the rest of us I thought this was an eXtremely dissapointing send off. Nothing was done on the final sail away (not even a toot on the horn). The crew and guest party was a joke and the final show was just awful. They showed a commercial for Celebrity at the end!!! They filmed a great goodbye by the crew but this was not for sale. The Cruise Director dropped the ball on this cruise and I was so very dissapointed. We made our own fun, which I did have, and said a very sad farewell to the crew. I will sail Celebrity again but this cruise will always leave a bad taste. It was a half hearted attempt to close a wonderful ship.

I did cry many times when I had to say goodbye to the crew. There will never be another crew like this again...... Happy Sails

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riredsox, not glad that others had a feeling of disappointment at the way this was handled but it does make me feel good that I'm not crazy to see it as a very lame send off. Nothing like the one given Horizon and Zenith.

So much could have been done that wasn't including letting us buy that last filmed goodbye by the crew. Very poor decision by someone.

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We agree with Riredsox et al. Good cruise, but lousy sendoff. As far as celebrating the last Mercury sailing, we were expecting sizzle and got fizzle.


Perhaps we were somewhat spoiled by the fantastic last voyage on the Zenith. Even the small party that Tuggers referred to was, to my understanding, not initiated by the ship and was only done in response to a request by a passenger. They at least could have given everyone some sort of commemmorative momento. I did scrounge a menu from the last night, but something should have been proactively done by the ship.


Unfortunately, many of us had booked this particular sailing (as opposed to other recent ones at a lower price) in order to be part of the last sail of the Merc.


Stewart, who had been one of my all time fave CDs seemed off his game, and this was surprising considering his long history on the ship. Perhaps he was frustrated too by the lack of hoopla from Celebrity itself. We took this same cruise last year and talked with Stewart then about the last cruise. He had us all psyched up. We had also been spoiled by the incomparable Juliana on this cruise last year and wish she had been on this cruise too-that would have made a difference.


My wife thought she was buying the history CD after the last show, only to find out a few minutes later that it was simply the cruise in review. The photo people refused to refund her money even though only a couple minutes had expired. Guess where we won't be spending any future bucks! Showing the commercial at the end was pathetic.


Well, the good part is that we sailed again with many many wonderful friends, had a very great table (mates and staff) , fantastic group every night at the Elite party, super trivia mates, good roll call and many new friends, etc. etc.


I wish it was like groundhog day and I could keep repeating the cruise, but will never think of it as a farewell celebration.


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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Thanks Gail, for the great job in letting us take the final Mercury sailing with you. Bob, I didn't realize that you were on this sailing also. It's a shame that it didn't measure up to Zenith's last Hurrah. Leaving Hamilton for the final time with the fireboat escort & the ship's horn saluting back & forth with the tugs was an experience I'll never forget.


And Gail, at least there is still Century.

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The party in the Captain's quarters was done at the behest of the Hotel Director which is why he co-hosted.

Yes Rich, there is Century. Till 2013 if nothing changes. I am seriously looking at sailing on her. I liked her and have done quite a few sailings prior to the changes that were made several years ago.


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Well, right now we would be in the MDR for our Select dining if still on the cruise. Tonight no Drubrovko (our waiter), Elina (our assistant), Mario, Nimma, Seval, Gregorio, & Cem, and also no Marino/Olivio, Amir, Ahbilash and Mellwyn who also would often stop by our table. Tonight's meal at home will be skimpy and pitiful. Appetizers, soup, and dessert will be non-existent. :(


I have to agree with all of you about the farewell celebration. We really enjoyed the Crew Talent Show, which I did not record this time, because I just wanted to enjoy it without using the video camera. But otherwise, the farewell celebration was anti-climatic & disappointing.


We were also on the final sailing of the Galaxy, and it sounds like it also was not the farewell extravaganza that some of you experienced with the Zenith and Horizon. At least on the Galaxy, we had the marzipan Galaxy ship cake on display for a couple days in the equivalent of the Palm Springs Cafe. On the final sailing of the Galaxy, they gave us a full set of the menus. We were able to purchase Galaxy ornaments. This time on the final sailing of the Mercury at least we got the actual Cruise Critic Lunch menu as a souvenir -- that and two Mercury magnets we purchased, some postcards we purchased, and the Mercury stationary that was in the cabin, but that was it. I had my eye on the little Manhattan Dining Room sign just outside the MDR, but didn't dare remove it.


On the Galaxy's final sailing, the crew had Galaxy Closing Team t-shirts. I heard the top 5 cruisers on the Galaxy final sailing cruise received the closing t-shirt too. I was really hoping that we could buy a Mercury Closing t-shirt, but I didn't even see a crew member with a closing shirt.


Celebrity would have been wise to employ Bonnie (monstermagic) and some of the others for planning the farewell activities and awarding of momentos.


It was really sad when leaving the ship at 7:15am especially when I saw someone else (a TUI person I suspect) sitting at Mellissa's desk. :eek:


The cruise was still wonderful, and we enjoy meeting all of you. Over the next few days, I'll email those of you for whom I have your email addresses.


Well, off to dining in our living room while watching the news.



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The party in the Captain's quarters was done at the behest of the Hotel Director which is why he co-hosted.

Yes Rich, there is Century. Till 2013 if nothing changes. I am seriously looking at sailing on her. I liked her and have done quite a few sailings prior to the changes that were made several years ago.



Gail, Great sailing with you if only with you on the ship and me home in my office reading your great views on Mercury's passing. I was wondering what ship you will be sailing on now that all the small ships are gone. Century is not as small as it once was. Perhaps you will try Azamara? We may try it in 2012, we have friends who are sailing on Azamara coming up this april. They promise to tell me their thoughts on their trip.



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Kathy, that's exactly who it was sitting at Mellissa'a desk. She came up to say good bye while we were sitting there and was greeted with that sight!

I could have lived without the Germans coming into venues while they were being used and measuring, photographing and generally disrupting. Also, they seemed to think Cova was their personal office space! Grrrrrrr!:eek:

You wanted a Manhattan restaurant sign? Check my listing on e-bay!;)

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Hey Pat!

Booked on Infinity but haven't really found another 'Mercury' yet. I am going to be watching Host Andy's Live From thread on his Azamara experience as it is a possibility.

I haven't been on Century since the changes so don't know if she would still be a good fit. At one time she was. One thing I can't see is me on a mega ship. Even to see Mario!!:)

The Connie is also a possibility because of the Captain and, of course, Perry Grant. Had a great time on her previously but then Don Fluke was CD and who wouldn't love a ship he was on? I also have friends who sail on her every year who I would love to sail with again.

Which ship do you think has a chance of being the new 'Mercury'?

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Joe and I are going on the Connie April 9th.....Looking forward to seeing Perry Grant again...enjoyed him on the TA last November from Barcelona....Did I see you mentioned who was going to the connie from the Mercury....who the CD will be?


I must say we really enjoyed our TA 2010 on the Equinox...It did not feel any bigger than the Connie....


Thanks, Judy

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Jack asked a German woman in the Cova Cafe if she was with TUI and she said no. She was a blonde, 30-something, and often in the Cova Cafe with a laptop. We often saw her on the starboard side of the Cova Cafe, often just aft of the Computer Center in the corner by the cabinet.


I'll be looking at your eBay listings! Did anyone get that nice green china tea set that was behind glass? Will that be on eBay too? ;)


Poor Mellissa! It hit me; it had to be more disconcerting or emotional for her.


My vote is for the Century to be most like Mercury. No t-pool though but a nice Aqua Spa Cafe. And more verandas. Baltimore, Norfolk, or Charleston would be great.


We are booked on the December 3rd Constellation cruise and, as you already know, the May 3rd Millennium "Wine" cruise.



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Which ship do you think has a chance of being the new 'Mercury'?

tuggers, we were hoping that you would bring us back some good news concerning the replacement for the mercury out of baltimore. during our cruise 11/29 to 12/11, it was rumored by upper staff, and a travel agent named wayne that after the century finished her aussie voyage in 2012, there was a very good possibility that she would replace the mercury back in baltimore. the rumor went around the ship and we began hearing it from others............ah, good news, even stewart said it was a possibility..............:eek:

i'm not getting that warm and happy feeling from your posts.................well, rumors are just that.....rumors...

i guess it is financial that the cruise lines are building floating condo/water park/ malls, some of our best cruises were on 20,000 tons. now small is anything under 100,000 tons and those days are long gone....

enjoyed your posts, glad you had safe travels, and hope our paths cross in the future.............

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Sorry I didn't bring you better news, Oceandancer! I think Century's dance card is fairly well filled with Alaska and Australia, New Zealand!

Thanks for reading! Maybe we'll sail together on the new 'Mercury'!

Kathy, there was a group that was in the Cova a lot with plans draped all over the table. The woman at Mellissa's desk was usually with them.


Judy, The Captain is the only one I had listed who was going to the Connie.

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I was traveling Southbound on I-95 thru Baltimore today (Sunday Feb. 27, 2011) and I think I saw the Mercury. The Carnival Pride was to the left (at the cruise port) and the Celebrity ship was to the right (in Locus Point). I even took a video.


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