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Cholla, if it's very blonde you might want to do burgundy & blue (or your favorite NFL colors, you'd just look like a fan). Just do a couple. Try a hairpiece strip first to see if you really want to do it (easy to find this week with Halloween).


Yup, that's the blue hair ;)



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It's funny how busy I can get, and all of the sudden, I have so much to catch up on! By this time next week, I will be in Cape Canaveral already. I've got my things out, but I'm not packed. I try to wait as long as possible before I put things in he suitcase, but I do get everything out and ready. I know this is a bit odd, but I iron most everything first. I'm not sure why, but I do. So that is on the agenda for tomorrow. Ironing! And what am I doing now? Laundry, of course. I love doing laundry. I'm doing all the bedding from the dogs' crates too. It's not really bedding, so to speak, but it is what they lay on!


They are not getting along the best, but I think I see progress. Harvey really enjoyed being the center of the universe, and how he has to share that. Talk about cranky! And being that Mason, our new dog is rescue....well, he's only partially housebroken. We'll get there!




Pam, I've been on three different RCI classes so far. I loved the oldest and smallest, Majesty and Monarch. The only thing I missed was the Royal Promenade area. I will be able to experience the radiance class soon, as we will be on Jewel in May.


Enchantment is also on a new ship class for me too, but since the ship was actually cut in half and added on to, I'm not sure it will be an accurate representation of the class.


I really want to try either Oasis or Allure, and I have been thinking a lot about Quantum and Anthem too. I know I won't be able to sail on Quantum before it goes to Asia. With Anthem, I'd do it if my budget allows. I have enough points to fly free to NYC, or we could drive. I hate the traffic congestion, you know?


Melody, please don't go anywhere. I love the input from all the fire ladies, and I consider us all friends. Please post pictures. Comparing skin tones, hair color, and how our clothing choices work (or don't work) is all part of the process.


Chollachick, I started giggling out loud when you talked about how you color your hair. I love your spirit!


One thing that really stands out to me is how we can all add a different perspective.


I did not know about pineapple helping bruising. Does drinking pina coladas count????


I still have not experimented with eye shadow, unfortunately. As it turns out, the makeup kit that I had contains fairly light neutral colors. If I can this week, I want to go and make a trip and pick some up. Hopefully, I will do that tomorrow. We have this strip mall with Target, Ulta, Petsmart and a few other places. Since I need to go to Target and Petsmart, it will be ideal to stop in then. If I don't, I drive by every day on my way home from work. It's going to be a busy week so I'd rather do it tomorrow.


I'm trying diligently not to break any nails. I'm also going to try and do my own manicure and see how it lasts. I'm not so sure about that. I have found that Opi really holds up decently. I was thinking if seeing if Ulta has this color:




Do you think it is warm enough?


I have a red that I can't wait to try. I'm not sure just how important it is to match my outfits, when I don't think one color will match all? It's Opi and the name is Lost on Lombard.




Oh, and I go back to the ear specialist just two days before I leave. Ear infection or not, I'm going to have a good time!

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Laurie, try the Ulta brand nail polish. I've had Sunset Bronze on my hands for over two weeks, not a single chip, good stuff. It's a pinky bronzy shimmer. Probably the cheapest ($4-5) nail polish I've ever used. But I still swear by CNDs Stickey for a base coat, its key to good nails, on top & underneath, then a clear on the underneath, gives a good strong manicure.


We're cruising on 30 Nov (Navigator out of Galveston) so started pulling out the clothes. We're doing a Texas formal on the second night, so DH has been shining his boots, bought a new hat & bought a beautiful gold & silver bolo tie with an eagle. He's all set, I don't have a clue, will probably just do black & sparkles & let him shine.


Laurie, I iron before I pack too, did that last night. Melody



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I always iron my clothes before I pack . We are cruising Nov.22 nd so I have an idea of what I will take but I may modify it before then . I recently ( spurred on by all the eye make up talk ) bought new eye make up . Almay had eye shadows in compacts according to your eye color . Super easy & looks good ! Our November cruise is from Tampa so an easy drive & we are on the ship (Brillance of the seas ). We are really ready for a needed break .

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Laurie, your new doggie is so cute! I applaud you for taking on a rescue dog, behavior issues included. We aren't kitten fosters now because our cat has some issues, but I still get the weekly foster email and I want to take them all! All those poor pets needing homes really get to me. I am thinking of taking on some kittens again this winter when we are not going back and forth to the country on weekends.


I can't wait to see pictures from your cruise!


Cholla chick, I love your haircut, and I was thinking of you when I spotted these:


I like the honey blond accents by the face in this one, maybe you can add some warmer blond lowlights to what you already have?




And, I love the bit of EARTH purple on the ends in this one:





Sometimes I play with my hair color a bit in the summer when I don't work. I have never been super edgy in spite of wanting to be at times. I missed out on the whole punk thing because I was already married and trying not to embarrass my corporate hubby, so no tattoos, or piercings, or interesting dye jobs. Of course, I also had to worry about being able to market myself and it would have been hard to audition with some of those things going on. :) One of my best dance friends is retired now also and singing in a church choir, and playing bass in a band, and she has all that going on at 49 and looks fab. So, to each her own.


Anita, I love the brown jacket look from last weekend. Excellent mix of textures, and really smart looking. The bit of sheen in your makeup is a nice extra touch, too. You look lovely.


I just finished reading an interesting book called "The Power of Habits" by a writer from the NY Times. SO helpful for dealing with the weight issues and really makes me rethink my daily routines. The point of the book is that most of what we do is habit, and we may have established them a long time ago, and now we don't think about what we're doing, even if the habits are not effectual for us any more. And then how habits are coded in the brain, and what we can do to change them.


I didn't do eye makeup today because I have a wicked cold and my eyes are so itchy and tired. But, I still have some fashion photos for everyone.

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I've seen this lovely Valentino dress in several magazines:




Here is another dress from the same line:




I don't particularly like the style of this Dolce but I love the fabric:




A nice pumpkin from Rodarte:






I love Rodarte's styles and fabrics, I just wish they wouldn't mix warm and cool:



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I wish this Carolina Herrera had scanned better -- it's in brick red, blue, and cream:




I haven't seen any Etro in person, but I love their patterns:










How great is this wrap/scarf from Target?



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I love the Max Mara coat. Actually, I love the whole picture. With her citing and the cost and handbag...wow!


I love that pumpkin color too. I would love to find something in that color right now. I haven't actually gone shopping in a while other than a few things online.


I see what you mean about those fabric patterns. It creates a lot of visual interest.


I'm not sure if my post went through the other day, but I loved those reds.



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Hi girls, did ya miss me? LOL!


The parent's weekend was awesome fun. The DS was the perfect host and took great pride in introducing us to all his friends. He loves his fraternity brothers and the Greek life. The DS warms my heart as he's never been thrown off by having older parents or being embarrassed by it. As a matter of fact, I think I've mentioned this before, he thinks the DH and I are way more stylish than most of his friend's parents. As for my outfits...I believe I did quite well even though I probably was the most "dressed up" at the frat's Wine and Cheese party. I don't like to judge...but what's with the mom's wearing ripped-hem short shorts, booby exposing tops, and flip flops. I just don't get that. You are at a school function after all. IDK.


We got home two weeks ago on a Sunday night and on Monday morning I woke up with a really bad bladder infection. At first my doctor thought I might have a kidney stone but after taking an x-ray and seeing the results...thank goodness that wasn't the case. I was put on a very strong antibiotic that knocked me on my butt! I was so tired and sick to my stomach most of the time. I've spent most of the last two weeks just sitting in my recliner in our bedroom in front of the TV like a veggie. I'm still quite tired but I'm done with the antibiotics and hopefully the infection is gone.


So, I can empathize with all of you are also under the weather for some reason or another. I wish you all a speedy and complete recovery from all your various ailments. Laurie, since you are next to travel...I especially hope your ear infection heals quickly. I'm not surprised to hear you say you'll have a great time even if it doesn't...that's so like you.


I tried to go back and read up what I missed...I'll sum things up in general...I love all the pictures that you gals posted of your makeup. Anita and Margaret...wow! You both look awesome! Anita, I got a little choked up when I read your mom's post saying that she thought you looked lovely in your outfit (which you did). It really touched me. I guess it's because that's the way my mom is with me and I miss her so much. Margaret, I loved the fashion pictures you posted especially the Rodarte dresses. I'd die for one of those.


Melody, please stay with us as I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm not an Earth either. Don't know why I feel that way but I just do. One of these days I'm going to learn how to post pictures and let you all decide.


ChollaChick...It was great to put a face to your name. You and I seem to have a lot in common even though I'm way older than you.


Sailor Sally, I'm so glad you enjoyed your reunion and I think it's great that you are leaving for your cruise on my birthday...11/22!


Well, next up for me is our trip to Rochester, NY to visit the DH's family and our friends. Can't wait...we leave on 11/6 and will be gone for a week. Lest any strangers reading this think of robbing my house...forget about it...my neighbors will be watching...LOL!


Well, I did the rock n roll thing in the 50s, I was a hippie in the 60s and 70s, and I was Dallasfied in the 80s...LOL! I was also a punk rocker but did not go the whole 9 yards so I have no tats or piercings (other than my ears, which are double pierced thanks to a picture of Chris Evert [famous tennis player] on the cover of Glamour magazine in the 80s.) In the 90s I was the ultimate "soccer mom"...probably the oldest one on the planet at the time...that's another LOL! But so true!


Okay, well now, I've got to start putting some outfits together for NY but it's in the high 80s and low 90s here so that's going to take some imagination. I'm not good with packing for cold weather. But I do have a nice winter wardrobe because here in Cali it's cool at nights and we do travel to cold weather for our ski trips in the winter.


Right now, I'm so tired I can't even begin to think of getting up and pulling things out. I'm going to have to drink some coffee (something I never do as the couple of times I've tried it it's like I'm on meth or something) but maybe it's the kick in the pants I need to get me started.


One last thought...please don't ever think you are too old to shop at any store. As you all know by now I'll be 68 next month and I shop at Forever 21 and H&M. As a matter of fact I believe I posted before I left for Parent's Weekend that I got a great bargain at H&M. A cream-colored, tunic length, button-less, cotton, cardigan sweater. It's my belief that if you know yourself and you have good taste, which my ladies on this board do...you can shop anywhere!


Okay ladies...let's all get well and do some traveling! Yea!

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Mousey! I missed you!!!! I'm so glad you had fun at your Parents Weekend. We had decent weather at least out here in the Phoenix area so hopefully you did too down in Tucson.


I totally understand about the difficulty packing for colder weather. My in-laws live in northern New Mexico and it's cold there whenever we visit for Christmas or Thanksgiving (fortunately, they come out here now more often than we go there -- vacation time vs retirement) and when we went on our Alaskan cruise several years ago I packed strangely and wrong. LOL. But I survived. DH was warm and happy - I had a cute hat, a light fleece pullover and some cute knit gloves. I was cute but rather chilly.


I'm sorry you had the bladder infection on your return. I have had a few of those and they are never fun. DH seems plagued by kidney stones so I am just thankful the infections aren't those. They sound horrific.


I sometimes get a bit intimidated going into stores like Forever 21. I need to try it again. I am sure that my money is a good there as a 22 year olds. LOL. Not like they are going to turn me down... lol I think it stems from my own insecurities on my body and not knowing what I should be wearing.


Mousey -- since you live on this side of the country we should meet. You and I are a ton alike. Age is nothing but a number.

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mousey, welcome home! My advice for packing for NY is... layers, layers, layers. Our weather has been very changeable, even in the course of a day. I joke with my friends that I feel like I'm living in Michigan again. Laurie is upstate so maybe she can give you some good packing advice.


Today I decided to play with my smokey brown eye. I last wore a deep smokey eye with my brown gown on our recent Princess cruise, but I wasn't really happy with it. I think the word Anita used was muddy? I just felt like it wasn't doing anything special. I think the brown I used was too dark and cool.


So, today I tried a warmer version. I feel like I have a lot of makeup on! Especially for daytime, which is when I took the pics. But, it doesn't really look like much in the pictures. Trust me, I am glam. :)


So, kindly ignore the fact that my hair looks really stupid in this one:








Here's what I'm wearing on my eyes:


eyeliner: L'Oreal Lineur Intense in Earthen Rock Brown

As a base on my eyelid: my trusty Bourjois beige color called Trompe L'oeil

Dark brown: Clinique eye shadow in rum spice (lower right in this picture)


under the brow: Clinique Shimmy Stick in Nude (discontinued :()

L'Oreal Infallible shadow in Amber Rush

lower eyeliner: Cover Girl Perfect Point in Chestnut

Cover Girl Lashblast mascara, natch


Ok. Here's the thing. IRL Rum Spice is a medium to deep very warm, almost bronze-like, brown. It looked nice and dramatic during daytime. But, now that evening is here, it seems a bit of a lightweight for smokey eye duty, and the Amber Rush has turned on its shimmer, so I don't really look so smokey any more. I might do this look for cocktails, but I don't think it would hold up to a romantic candlelight dinner. I don't find it as interesting on me as the dark blue/green from last week.


Some tips:


I'm old enough to have used liquid eyeliner with a brush, what a nightmare, so I'm SO happy with the new felt-tip eyeliner pens. Such an improvement! With liquid eyeliner, it helps to do from the middle of the lid outward, then do the inside to the middle when there is less color on the wand. You can get more control and a finer line that way.


I don't usually wear eyeliner or mascara on my lower lids. Here, I used the chestnut color in an effort to add some color, but then I added the darker L'Oreal liner on the outer 1/3 of my lower lid, and a touch of mascara on my outer lower lashes. I like it!


Overall, though I think this turned out pretty, I'd like to up the drama a bit more for a truer smokey eye look. I think I hold back because I'm concerned that my coloring won't hold up to it, much like when I try a FIRE color and get kind of lost in it. Next on my shopping list, a deep brown with the lushness of that blue I wore last week.


Anita, I took these pictures in front of our picture window so I had a lot of natural light. I used the portrait setting on my camera and no flash. I used my waterproof camera which doesn't have good telephoto properties, so all these pictures were taken at selfie-arm-distance, but I cropped the close-ups to show detail.

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First off, I've missed you, Mousey! It is good to have you back.


I have found that, with H&M and Forever 21, the stores follow all the latest trends. There are a lot of trends including many retro looks. As a result, there is something for everyone. Myself, I have found the quality to be mixed so look over the item carefully. Also, Forever 21 does not allow returns.


Margaret, that is the type of eye look I love. I always worry though...I'm not used to using different colors together and so forth. I never seem to know where to start!


Knowing what I look like from pictures, what colors would you suggest I use??



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Mousey, it looks good. Have you tried Urban Decay eyeliner? I swear by it. Their Naked palette is amazing. Ulta has it on sale this week (20% of entire order until 1 Nov with coupon). They have shimmer & matte, great colors



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Laurie, my first impulse to do a smokey eye like this on you would be to use a mustardy gold (not a yellow gold) with a dark but muted olive green. Such colors must exist in the world of makeup, but we might have to hunt a bit for them, more likely in a department store or Ulta or Sephora. That khaki that Anita has is a good start for you, maybe? I'm thinking that in the picture of you in the red dress, your eyes look really green. My DH has hazel eyes and they really change depending on what he wears, but they are always in the green range.


Something like this:




with a darker color like this:






For a simple matching-the-eye look, something like this:






I also would love to experiment with purple/plum on you....



The thing to remember with eyeshadows, and with pictures of eyeshadows, is not to let yourself be seduced by the richness of the color, because for us EARTH ladies that can be too strong -- too clear, too bright, too jewel, too much pigment in general. The muted colors that look good on us are not going to jump off the page or catch your attention first when you see all the colors lined up in those beautiful displays at the stores.


Anita talked about her experience replicating that picture I posted, and how her first choices weren't right, that her eyes were muddier (I think she said muddier) than the colors she chose. That is why it can be helpful to really study your eyes in good light and see what colors are actually in there. Especially with hazel eyes, you're going to have a lot of colors in there that you can build from. The kinds of golds and greens in there will give you a good clue what colors to look for. For example, I never would have thought of chartreuse as an eyeshadow color if I hadn't seen this:






I love getting the Clinique give-aways because I can try something new without risk. You know how they always have the triple shadow combos? And there is always a highlight color that is a very light cream? I have decided that we should just throw those away, because they are too light and too clear for us EARTH ladies. That color just shouldn't be in our playbook.

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Margaret! I love your eyes! I am so impressed with not only your eye makeup application but also your selfie picture taking capability. I tried some selfie pictures, on my trip... and let's just say... no one is going to see them! LOL.


Truly, thank you for spending the time to share. I think they're really inspiring and you've made me want to go play with some ideas. I don't know if I have the nerve to post any of my attempts, so I just want to come here and tell you that you've been an inspiration.


How fun.

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Thank you, Pam! As I've said, I have fun playing with makeup. I did have to google how to take a good selfie because my early attempts were, shall we say, not particularly flattering. :)


I am enjoying your trip report on the FIRE thread so much! Keep it coming! Your trip on the train with luggage reminded me of my early days in NY, when I had to live much more frugally and couldn't always take a taxi to the airport. :) I get tired just thinking about it. And, I know how frustrating it is to be lost, but oh! to be lost in Paris! How wonderful!

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Margaret, when it comes to my eye color, I think it is very much like that one Etsy link you made, where you talked about the eye shadow matching eye color. My eyes aren't the shade of haze with a lot of gold, they seem to be much more of an olive color.


You may recall that I posted some pictures a page or two back of some eyeshadows I had. Well, there was one with three shades that looked quite cool. In reality, two of the three colors are pretty good. There is a beigey gold color that is really pretty, and then the middle color is a decent brown, especially when you layer it over the golden color. The color on the left is what I would call olive green, but it's mixed with a charcoal color or something, and it's way too cool and muddy looking.


I tried all sorts of things with the other set, but half the colors are way too light.


Right now, I'm planning to stop at Ulta tomorrow night or Wednesday at the latest. I may find something while I'm there to try. My main goal with going there is purple nail polish. My nails are so long, it's annoying to type. That doesn't happen very often!


Pam, I too am amazed at how well Anita and Margaret are stylin' those eyes!


And Anita's outfit was great. I was thinking about how that seems not only to be stylish and well put together, but it seems to represent her, her personality. It looks so fun any easy to wear.


You know what I was thinking about your pictures over on the fire thread...how wonderfully romantic it looks. I think we all have a vision in our head about Europe, and the tree lined streets and little shops and amazing restaurants...and that is what I see in your pictures. I would love to go someday. I've always been a little petrified of the language barrier.


I colored my hair tonight. My husband got me these ear plugs to make sure I didn't get any gunk in my bad ear, lol.

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Definitely...let's meet up. The next time we head out to Arizona to see the DS we can set something up. Maybe we could do lunch. Also, seriously, don't feel intimidated by going into a place like H&M or Forever 21. I'm a 68 yr-old, 5'3" chubette and I just cruise on in and look around to my heart's content. The salespeople in Forever 21 are so friendly and, at least in the many different ones I've been in all over the country, I've never been made to feel unwelcome or out-of-place. I was just at the one in Las Vegas and the saleswoman named Kelly spent 1/2 hour with me while I tried on boots. So if you want to check it out...go on in...they won't bite. LOL!



Wow! You're like a pro with the eye makeup! I love your choice of colors. Also, I love the animal print jacket...I'm an animal print freak. LOL! All my friends gift me with all things "animal print" for my birthday and holidays.


Yes, Forever 21 is extremely trendy and very youth oriented but I love it because the few things I find that I do like and that do fit are so inexpensive it doesn't matter that the item is trendy. I mostly shop there for inexpensive accessories. I've bought jewelry, hats, fun but cheap shoes and boots, scarves, etc. No one is ever too old or out of shape for accessory shopping. LOL!

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One last thought...please don't ever think you are too old to shop at any store. As you all know by now I'll be 68 next month and I shop at Forever 21 and H&M. As a matter of fact I believe I posted before I left for Parent's Weekend that I got a great bargain at H&M. A cream-colored, tunic length, button-less, cotton, cardigan sweater. It's my belief that if you know yourself and you have good taste, which my ladies on this board do...you can shop anywhere!


Okay ladies...let's all get well and do some traveling! Yea!


mousey, I was giving you a virtual high-five when I read this. I think the reverse is also true... sometimes we think a store is too old for us but we can still find fun things in there that suit our style and are comfortable for traveling.


I think it applies to makeup, too, and Urban Decay is a brand I haven't explored, thinking it's too young, but I will definitely check it out.


Laurie... cruise time! I hope you have an awesome cruise and take lots of pictures for us!


Anita, I am so happy for you that you are getting to cruise with your mom. Mom Time is special. I miss my mom, even though she's still here in a way, you all know what I mean.


So, my cold is finally going away, but I'm in that coughing-up-a-lung stage. It makes working difficult because most of my job is talking! I think it will give me a good excuse to leave work early today and do some cruise planning. The cruise we wanted for spring is fully booked :eek: so we are thinking up a contingency plan while we are waitlisted. Here's a question: do all y'all think it would be stupid to try the Houston cruise again, the one where we didn't really cruise? It's one of three that fits in perfectly with my spring break, and of course I've already done the research.


I have a December wedding to go to, so I'm thinking of wearing the short brown sequined cocktail dress from my last cruise. It's sleeveless, do you think that's ok for December? I will have to get a wrap, and we'll be taking the car so I don't have to worry about cold.


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Margaret, I think we ALL give mousey mental high-fives; she's such a positive poster... I love reading her posts, too!


I have done a few B2Bs. Once, I went on the Jewel of the Seas from Boston to Tampa, and the add-on second leg was only 5 days, so we thought it would be fun. Then, we did a B2B where we stayed on the same ship, changed staterooms and the type of stateroom (on Celebrity, went from Concierge to AquaClass), sailed with Anita/family on the first leg and "friends" on the second leg. And, coming up... we're going to sail on the same ship for the following week, but our ports will be different on the first/second leg.


The reason I'm being laborious and bringing up that detail is to say that my experience on the B2Bs that we've done is that each week is different! It's kind of amazing how different a ship can feel from one week to another. So, my initial thought when you asked about taking the Houston Spring Break cruise again was to say... sure! why not? Especially since I don't think you actually got to take the planned cruise anyway. But, even if you did, since every cruise has a uniqueness about it, I don't really see a problem with taking the same one... even over and over... maybe over, again.


AND, I think there's a lot of value in already having done the research. Especially with your heavy schedule! So I wouldn't discount the cruise just because you may have tried to take it already.


What cruise are you waitlisted for? Sounds popular!

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MJC. I love Urban Decay eyes (I'm 63), they really are 24 hour lasting & need to be removed with eye makeup remover. However, I swear by Estée Lauder Double Wear mascara. It's the only one (& I've tried them all) that doesn't give me raccoon eyes, doesn't flake, or smudge. I think I'm Ulta's best customer! I'll attempt a selfie (really don't do them well). Maybe I'll ask the girls at Ulta to take a picture, they all know me by name [emoji6]. Melody



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