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Cruzisme, congratulations on the grandbabies! How wonderful. Please keep us updated on how mom and babies are doing. So sweet.


Laurie, welcome home! We can't wait to see your pictures. I've been thinking of you all week because it's been really cold here. Lucky you!


Pam, I've been pondering your fabulous leopard jacket. I think you are right that a pop of color in a scarf would be a great addition:









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Welcome home Laurie!! So excited to hear about your trip!!


Melody...thanks for sharing about Tyrwhitt. I'm not sure what list we got on to get the catalog, and I haven't ever heard of this brand before, so it's nice to hear some first hand experience.


Well...not only did I order the boots...but also I ordered the pea coat! I finally decided that I would be really bummed if I let this opportunity go by to get such a great color. We'll see if it really is such a great color! We'll all been doing this long enough...just shopping in general...if you see a color you like, you need to get it, because next season, the colors will be different.


I don't know if I'll get the coat before next weekend. Next weekend starts the beginning of what I'm calling January. Because I swear, once next weekend hits, the next thing I know...it'll be January.


Saturday...we have 2 different DS activities. We'll be up early and busy most of the day. If I can get a cover for my Zumba class...it'll be a nice opportunity for me to have fun with casual outfits that others will actually see.


Sunday...OPERA!!! The first performance of our 3 night subscription. The whole family is going. It's a matinee performance, so not as fancy as an evening one, but still. I have to figure this one out. I don't have fancy, cold weather outfits figured out.


Tuesday...DS' Honor Chorus performance that evening. I'm thinking that I will wear that bronze coat outfit that I figured out earlier. AND...if my boots work out...I think I'll wear my boots with it!! Excited to have possibly figured out the shoes here.


Meanwhile...I've been getting certified on the Curves circuit machines. Ladies...let me tell you...these machines are serious business. I've had some preconceived notions regarding Curves for years...but I am having to adjust them big time. I finally used these machines and OMG...SO effective. It's a fast, effective workout. The community is awesome...very dependent on your franchise owner/manager...but if you have a good one...your fellow exercises are can be amazing. The atmosphere can be inviting, welcoming, encouraging, and FUN. Which are rare adjectives to apply to any work out.


Point being...I'm going to start working out there on the machines in addition to the 4 classes that I teach there. And I'm very hopeful that this will result in some positive body shaping so that I can fit into some of my favorite clothing come my April cruises.

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There have been so many good posts here to comment on. But I have a busy week ahead, so I am hoping to be able to post as much as I can today.


First off, I had planned to leave work at 3:00 on Friday. I had a bunch of things to be done, and have the comp time to do it. However, it was busy. And there has been some moaning and groaning about salaried officers taking their comp time, so I decided not to make anyone annoyed and decided to leave at 4:30. I had an issue to address at work though, and ended up not leaving until 5:30! So, only a half an hour early...not nearly enough time.


But I got home and rushed around. I did my pedicure, and it came out nice. Did my nails, not so good. So, based on my husband's advice, I removed the nail polish from my nails and then packed my nail polish to go with me. I knew I would have time with the extra day to do them.


We go up at the incredibly early time of 3:30, with both of showing and being dropped off by our girls at the airport at 5:00. It was their idea, I felt bad they were getting up! But we did the whole hugs and kisses thing, told them to behave, and went right up to the Jet Blue desk. Here is where the oops and giggles start...


Here I am, with the attendant telling me it's too early to check in for my 6:20 flight. Um, what? Then she explained my flight was for 6:20 PM, not 6:20 AM. I froze, my husband turned and looked at me, the vacation planner, with the biggest eyes I've ever seen. The kindly attendant said "let me see if there is an earlier flight we can change you to." I was seeing messed up plans, additional fees, you named it. This isn't good. But you know, I'm alive. I'm well. I'm going on vacation. So I cracked a few jokes and we were all laughing. She then gave me the good news...they do have at 6:15 AM flight and there is room. There was no additional cost, no big time delay, and we were seated together in extra leg room seats!


Wow, did I luck out or what?


We had a brief switch of planes at JFK, and we got to Orlando. We rented a car with free GPS, and headed to our hotel.


We love the Residence Inn. We have stayed there a few times, and it is top notch. Here is the hubby in the lobby. Can you tell he is excited?




We settled in, and got ready for a late lunch/early dinner. We decided to try Fish Lips, a favorite for cruisers since you can see the ships. Now...our travel clothes stayed on. It was 57 degrees, and there was a wind advisory. Wind chill made it more like 50.


Here are a few pics from Fish Lips.




We went back to the hotel, where I did my nails, and when they were fully dried, we made popcorn and watched a movie!

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Sorry for some of the small photos. They were taken with my cell phone.


The next morning, we were off to Kennedy Space Center for the day. It was sunny, a little less windy and 60 degrees.


We thought it was pretty neat to have to go over a draw bridge.




Excuse the bad outfit. I was trying to pretend it was warmer, but then I had to put on a jacket.




This place is really great. It is very educational, and very fun at the same time. This is Atlantis.






By the end of the day there, we were quick hungry as we only grabbed a very light lunch. We decided to go back to the same area where all the little local restaurants were on the water. We ended up at this place:




It was quite tasty. I forgot to mention, but when we were at Fish Lips, I had the best crab cakes I've ever had. They were wonderful!


Back at the hotel later on, we couldn't resist sitting around the fire pit they have there. It was freezing, so we had to move our chairs up close.



Edited by laurspag
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Next day...time to board the ship! The high today is 73, but it is is still somewhat cool. Once we were onboard, I was able to take my jacket off. In retrospect, I can see why this shirt isn't the best. But, it was a nice outfit overall, just not a good outfit for me personally.




The Enchantment is an older ship. I think it serves it's purpose well for short cruises. It was not my favorite, but I had a great time.


Here is my dress I wore the first night. I have a much better professional picture, but I can't scan it right now because my printer broke.




The next day was for Cococay. But we did quite a bit of rocking and rolling the night before, and the water was still to choppy to tender, so we ended up with a sea day. I was disappointed, but it was totally understandable. Safety comes first. The did give us a $25.00 credit to our sea pass card.


So, what to do? We made it a great day. We spent a ton of time on our balcony. Since it was an aft junior suite, the balconies are really big and have loungers. I read, I napped (just a little!) we explored the ship, and we used the hot tubs. It was great. I couldn't use any swimsuits at the hotel, and threw all three in my suitcase. My husband picked this one out for me to wear:




I thought for sure that the swimsuit might be a bit fuddy duddy, but I love it. The white background isn't the best, but there aqua, teal and brown in it. It is really nice to wear. The sun was in my eyes so I couldn't see too much.


Since this is formal night, I don't think I took any pictures in the room. I will post pictures of that as soon as I can get my scanner up and running.

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Oh, and more giggles. I forgot to pack the sandals for my maxi dress and the dress for the last night. I had others to wear, but it wasn't the same as planned.


So, day 3! Nassau. Not my favorite place, but I make the best of it. Since we didn't get to Cococay, we decided to book a tour. It wasn't all that great, to be honest. But we did get to see Fort Fincastle and the Queen's Staircase.


Another iffy outfit.







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We ended up at Senor Frog for lunch. It's so wild and wooly there, lol. Especially when you go at around 2:30 or so, like we did. We then headed back on board.


here is my outfit for the third night. The purple dress!!!!


Well, there is no picture. Yet. I am certain I took one, but it isn't on the camera. No worries, I will post one of the professional ones soon.


I really felt good in that dress. I found the attire on board to be quite a mix at dinner each night. There were plenty of people like us, who enjoyed dressing up. There were also quite a few who wore their rattiest shorts, which surprised me. Still a great time though. I think anyone who says that they do not notice what others wear isn't being fully honest. That being said, I dress the way I do because I want to, and I don't let it affect me when I see what others wear. It is what it is, and I don't judge.


I somehow forgot to post what I wore onboard the second day. Here it is:




I think this outfit explains something I've been trying to figure out. I really need things to fit me well. Sometimes, I end up getting a top that fits across the chest but it doesn't fit right elsewhere. I think this outfit looks better than some of the others because it fits right. It's proportional. I like to think of it as semi fitted.


Now, for our last day, we did the all access tour. It was expensive, but worth every penny. It took over 3 hours, and there was a high level of security involved. We were required to wear pants and closed toe shoes. Here is a picture of my hubby and I with the captain:




After the tour, we went back to our room to change and then head out for lunch. This was my last day outfit:



And here is my outfit from dinner:



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A few notes...do you all bloat up when cruising? Boy, I hate that. I do. I hear there are ways to avoid it, so I will have to do some research.


I did opt to add an international plan to my phone for the cruise. I figured that my daughters were watching the dogs for us, and if anything came up, I'd want to check on them. So on Wednesday, I received a text. From my ex-husband. We are on friendly terms, we have two great daughters but receiving a text from him asking us to call him...


Well, I am thinking, what did those girls do? Have a party? So we decide to just tell him we are on vacation because maybe it has nothing to do with that and he doesn't know we are out of town. Then he says, "I need you to call."


Actually, he asked if Brian could call him. That's okay with me, because it is tedious to use relay to begin with. But it is even worse with a cell phone.


He didn't want to call the girls when they were alone, but he is in the hospital, and there are numerous tumors in his colon. It doesn't exactly sound good. He is waiting for biopsy results now.


Because they were taking him in for surgery, we had to call my brother and my husband's brother and ask them to stop over at 10 at night while my ex-husband called them.


Life throws many curve balls. He won't have the results back until tomorrow.


Cruzisme, so happy to hear about the twins! They are often pretty small when born. My niece had twins 4 years ago, and she is such a tiny little thing. I don't know how she did it!


Anita, good score on the coat. Please post a picture for us!

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Next day...time to board the ship! The high today is 73, but it is is still somewhat cool. Once we were onboard, I was able to take my jacket off. In retrospect, I can see why this shirt isn't the best. But, it was a nice outfit overall, just not a good outfit for me personally.




I like this shirt. I wonder why you don't? I think that maybe it could be improved to even better if it were somehow a bit shorter. I'm not sure about where it is hitting you at the hip, give or take...but I think these layers are flattering. Especially in the way that they form a kind of inverted V...I like it.


You should layer the olive green short sleeved tee over the yellow/green short sleeved tee to see how those shapes compare. I agree that the olive green one is much more flattering. I can't figure out why. I wonder if the olive green is that "figure flattering" silhouette where it tapers in at the under bust area and then flares out again? Also...it seems like there is something different about the shape of the sleeve itself.


I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of those two shirts laying one on top of the other, from both directions to see how their shapes are different.


LOVE the necklace pairing with the olive/army green!


Are your lighter colored neutral shorts shorter than the blue ones? The lighter colored neutrals are also very flattering to me. I don't know if it's the combo with the shirt...or what...but that look of those shorts with the olive IS very good on you. Very nice. I want to see those shorts with that layered top.


I know that trick of wearing the cami underneath the other shirt because of the girls! I do that! That brown cami is not bad...we need to keep our eye out for the green or blue in your shirt. I like that blue/green/off white shirt on you! Hug the girls and skim the torso beneath is a very good look. I know it works for me...and it's working for you! Like it a lot...will love it with a less contrasting cami underneath.


Love the bathing suit...even with the off white background. Love it a lot.


Love all your dresses. I think the green dress is my fav this time around...but it could be because of the one photograph. OMG...your DH looks so satisfied in that photo. And the way his hand is on you...you look like you are thinking you are all that (and you are!) and he is holding you like, Yeah, she's mine. I LOVE that photo.


I also like the one with the purple dress and the pink shirt. Do we think your DH is air? Because I do. He rocks that pink! That is a great photo of you two! You both shine...your faces are definitely the focus.


You got some good ones!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Thank you for taking us along on your great trip. Omigosh, thank goodness JetBlue was able to get you on the earlier flight, especially since that is what you planned all along, right? It's every travel planners bad dream that somehow the days or the times are going to be wrong.


Did you coordinate your DH's wardrobe with yours for the formal pictures? Cause if you didn't... wow, that man is TUNED IN to you! You both look like such a great couple in those pictures. And Anita's right about the facial expressions.


So, I played that game that used to be printed in Sunday comics... you know the one where you are supposed to look at two pictures and figure out the differences between them? I was pretty good at that game so here I go with figuring out the differences between the olive green and the lime green shirt: the olive green has a deeper-V neck that starts from a point much closer to your jawbone; it looks like the arms of the olive green might have a straight across line on the biceps vs what looks like an angle cut on the lime green; the arm length on the olive green hits higher on the breast curve; and the olive green has less fullness in the circumference of the shirt where it hits your waist. Those are the differences that I see. There may be some differences in the weight of the fabric which causes a drape difference between the two. I also love the olive green on you, a lot!


I have two shirts that are like the one that Anita posted a dupe picture of, the one she called an inverted-v. My shirts are quite a bit shorter though; they hit me right at the waist area. Funny that I've always thought they might be better just a tiny bit longer! I have to watch what I wear with them, because of the length. I feel like I have to make sure that my choice of bottom is slimmer rather than fuller in its silhouette. I wonder, though, what would happen if you paired that shirt with a fuller bottom silhouette? Do you think it might make it a more romantic type of dress shape? You know... more flowing? I think you could play with that top a bit and see cause, even in that bright sunlight, that top is really good for your skin tone.


Beautiful pictures, Laurie!

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Excuse the bad outfit. I was trying to pretend it was warmer, but then I had to put on a jacket.





I actually don't mind the layering going on here. Also love the gold tote. Like others I also liked the flutter style top that you weren't happy with. Maybe IRL it was doing something we're not seeing? That necklace you're wearing with the green shirt is just amazing. So cool. After the talk about the gold shirt/green shirt I believe that you benefit from having the proportions of a slighter longer top than bottom. For example, with your khaki skirt and shorts the tops that I like are the ones that come down just below your hipbones where the tapering of your legs starts. I think that gold shirt would benefit from a tapered skirt so you don't have the boxy top + boxy bottom thing happening.


I also think the brown cami under the green and blue top looks fine because you have the brown shoes to provide balance. I like that outfit, it's interesting.


Love your formal pics. I think you have your formal night style down, girlfriend! You are a very photogenic couple. You are lucky because my DH doesn't photograph well, though I love my big nerd anyway. :) The Kennedy Space Center is on our list of places we want to visit so it was fun to get a preview.


We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday, so I played with my brown smoky eye again, with mixed results. I'll share when I get the photos posted.

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Oooo yes. I like the layers too, actually. And that necklace is the perfect accent. What is that? Or is it part of the shirt? I like that placement. I could handle that in a statement necklace...please share more.




I don't want to scare you...




There's only 6 weeks until Christmas!!!


I have big plans this year. That is...my after Christmas sale concentration last year was lights. Lights. LIGHTS. And MORE LIGHTS!! Little did I know that I would be in the most perfect house for decorating. We have the most iconic Southern covered front porch...and I'm so excited to decorate it! For the past two years I have admired the decor on the exact same floorplan of our neighbor that lived across the street...


And now I get to decorate the same front porch...well...MINE that is the same. You know what I mean.


I got my boots yesterday. I love them. In theory. They fit. And I like the style. I haven't taken the time to try them on with my outfits yet though. I will do that before I decide they are keepers. I ordered them from Zappos, so I still have like 360 days to decide! LOL!! Gotta love that return policy...


Will have to pick a day for outfit fun...and take pictures so that I can really see how it goes. Amazing how that helps.

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I realize Christmas is coming because I have been spending a lot of time ordering presents on line and ignoring the fact that I need to start figuring out what to pack for our cruise next week . It's finally cooler in Florida so it becomes weird fashion wise .The people who live here are all in sweaters & jeans and dark clothes while the visitors are sporting shorts & sleeveless tops .We return from our cruise on Thanksgiving & then I have to go in full Holiday mode .

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Thanks so much for sharing your clothing choices! You looked great!


I laughed when I read about flight mishap. A couple of years ago we actually arrived at the wrong airport.. We have 2 that are both about 45 min. from us so we always check both for rates. I have no idea how I didn't double check the night before but we too did the crack of dawn arrival. We didn't get so lucky and had to drive to the other one for a later flight. AND I had my dog as a carryon... ughh but it all worked out.

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We cruise in 19 days, travel in 17, have company for a week (next week) when do I finalize clothes! & you gals are throwing Christmas in the mix, argh! Im hoping to buy my girls earrings while on the cruise for Christmas, Son is easy, he needs clothes (just lost a lot of weight, very proud of him) & new Doc Maartens. No clue on the grands! DH & I gave ourselves two cruises, one for 45th anniversary & one for Christmas, ok I'm feeling better. 12 degrees & snowing like mad (4" so far). Melody



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So funny...we came home Friday evening and it was 33 and there were some flurries that didn't stick. Today it is 68 and sunny. :-) I understand that it will only be like this today!


And funnier yet was how cool it was when I was in Port Canaveral, Florida last week. You just never know. I think that can be especially true in fall and spring.



Anita, that shirt is from Dress Barn, and that medallion type thing is sewn right into the shirt. It really is a nice shirt, and comfy too.


It's interesting that you are all talking about Christmas. I'm off today, and my sister and I always meet for lunch. She wasn't feeling up to it today, and I decided to start pricing out some gifts online. Me and one of my daughters actually went out and picked up something I wanted to get for my husband. So the shopping has begun! I love to decorate, and I pretty much do all of the downstairs. I even have holiday hand towels for the half bath. I very much enjoy it. Since we added the fireplace and built ins to the living room, I find it especially nice. We drape it with garland, add our stockings and one of two trees. The other tree is in the living room. We decorate the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving.


I have found shopping to be a bit tougher since the girls are older. You know, they have laptops and cell phones and Nooks. I can never figure out what to get them. Sure, they love clothes but they really don't need more, and I know they would rather choose themselves. While we were picking up a gift for my husband, my daughter gave me a few ideas to consider.


My husband keeps asking me what I want, but I hate to see him spend too much. I have simplified a lot in the past couple of years and have encouraged him to do the same. I am thinking about the new Nook by Samsung, which is supposed to combine all the good things I love about my Nook with the features of a tablet. They have two sizes, and although most people prefer the smaller size, I think I may want the larger one? That is great when you have bifocals. :D:D

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Thank you for all the kind compliments on my outfits.


With my boarding outfit, I think what I may need to do is simply hem the shorts a little? Sometimes, that is all that I need. I wear that shirt under jackets all the time at work, and I really like it. So I know the issue is not the layers on the shirt, but with the bottoms I chose.


the olive green shirt outfit was by far my favorite, and I found today that Target has the same exact styling and fabric tees for just $10.00 each. There are easily about 4 colors that will work. One is this fabulous red, then there is teal, gold and a beige type color. I think there may be more, but those were the standouts. I am pretty certain I will get more. When you look at the shirt, it isn't straight through the middle, it curves in a bit to create a silhouette.


And with that skort outfit, I've worn both things before and it didn't look that bad to me. But, I didn't wear them together -the shirt was paired with jeans, the skort with a different top...I agree with what a few of you have said, about the styles just not being the best together.


I feel like I have dresses figured out. With shorts, I need to go a bit shorter in some cases, and make sure the legs aren't baggy. With tops, I need a bit more of a fitted look.


The shorts and skort in the sand tone are both the Travex line from Eddie Bauer. I guarantee you, if they come up with some earthy colors, I will definitely buy them...especially the shorts. They are a fantastic fit. It doesn't hurt that my daughter works there and gets a discount. :)

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I forgot to post this a while back, but I was looking around in Bon Ton a few months back and found brown slim leg, boot cut yoga pants. Brown!


I couldn't find them at Bon Ton online, but I wanted to give you an idea of what they look like. If you have a Bon Ton near you, check the store.



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Laurie, it was fun to go along with you to Cape Canaveral and your cruise. I especially appreciate the pictures of your outfits and everyone's comments. A Tshirt with a flattering fit is almost an impossiblity for me because I am top-heavy. I buy tops and have never understood why some work and others didn't until now. I will study this until I feel comfortable knowing what's been said here.


We no longer have a Dress Barn locally, but because of your great purchases posted here, I recently shopped out of town at DB and got a gold hooded trench coat. I really like it and I think of you often when I wear it.


Does that sound weird? I don't mean it that way. I just feel like I have an extended group of friends. Pam mentioned something similar on the FIRE thread recently. My friends and family don't understand about my "color stuff" and I'm glad we all have each other on the two threads where we can talk and help each other.


Melody, how much snow did you eventually get?


Anita, boots? Lemme see! Lemme see!!! Show us those pictures you take, ok? And your thought process. It's what you do so well and me--not so much. Who am I kidding? Me-not at all. What I really mean to say is--I would very much appreciate the tutorial if you are so inclined.



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