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Loving your outfits and cruise log!


I'm going to be gone for a while again. My cousin who had the brain surgery now has to undergo 28 days of radiation to try and get rid of the 1% piece of tumor that they weren't able to get when they did the surgery. That's because it is attached to her optic nerve or something like that and they didn't want to touch it surgically because it could have left her blind. So I'm going to be helping her out by taking her to some of her appointments or just hanging out with her after them at her house to keep her company. I feel so badly for her having to go through all of this but as I tell her...we just have to thank God she is alive!

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Laurie! You look FABULOUS! There's a very noticeable change in your arms, in your hip area...your chin! I've recently been looking through some older posts and OMG...I know how thrilling it is to see the picture proof of hard work and diligence...and I know that you have been steadily working toward slimming down...and it shows.


I think that I get what you mean by frumpy with the cardigan. You lost your waist when you put it on. You are completely covered in hanging fabric...the long skirt...the long sleeved and hip length cardigan. The cardigan is pretty shapeless...it would help if it had something about it that would help give you your waist back. Some cardigans like that have ties...they attach at the waist and you tie them in the back to pull the cardigan in at the waist.


That said...I won't call that outfit frumpy.


Agree with your assessment of the blue maxi. Pretty dress. The silhouette is flattering on you...but the color scheme is slightly off. Especially when seen in context with your other colors which are spot on.


I bet that scavenger hunt was fun!


Jewel looks beautiful. Mom and Dad have repeatedly said that they think I would love Radiance class best. All that glass...and views outside.


That library looks like the libraries on Celebrity's M-class ships.


I always pack Moleskin. If you haven't heard of it before, it's like a patch of suede that you can cut to size and stick on any "hot spot" caused from bad rubbing of shoes. It's better than band aids because it is a full sticker and it is made to take the abuse of the rubbing shoe to save your skin. It is best applied when you feel the hot spot forming...although it will still work over a formed blister...it isn't pleasant to take off a formed blister though...must be careful.


I used to wear Keds when I was younger. I remember wearing them like sandals...take the laces out and wear them without socks. OMG...smelly shoes. There was always a break in period for me...the canvas is very stiff and can be uncomfortable across the front top where your foot bends.


So many good finds on the dresses! Laurie. The one I remember most after a quick look at them all is the tribal one with the awesome pattern that would really help define a waist. I didn't care for the wide horizontal band at the bottom though. There was really nice seaming on the golden rod colored one. That dress would be a knock out if it were fitted properly.

Edited by Anita Latte
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So much talk regarding what people do on all these Sea Days...


Please excuse me while I plug this artist...


There was a man that set up an easel and a fairly large canvas...and brought a small arsenal of painting supplies. He set himself up in this one seating area in the Royal Promenade that was kind of an out of the way place under the stairs that lead up to the Schooner Bar and photo place on Deck 6.


We finally talked to him on Day 12...the last Sea Day of the cruise.


He had been diligently working on two different paintings through out the cruise. Both were finished now...and he was just standing around and chatting more with people...so we decided to chat with him.


We learned that he was just a passenger.


And not to make it sound that way...but we learned that even several crewmen thought he had been commissioned to do what he was doing.


No. He is an artist and he decided the he would paint on these Sea Days. He bought the canvases in Fort Lauderdale and had packed his supplies otherwise.


It was the first time that he had ever done anything remotely close to this. That is, painting in public.


He said that it was a great way to meet people. Because they would approach him and they would talk.


His motivation was not to try to market himself. It was just what he was doing on the cruise. He admitted that it was slightly nerve wrecking to have everyone be witness to his process and his work in progress...but that overall he really enjoyed the experience.


Here is one of the finished pieces:




It turns out that he did sell this painting. There was a couple on board that were celebrating a milestone anniversary and the wife really wanted the painting in honor of their sailing. We didn't discuss the sales price of the painting.


I have no idea what they go for...but they are striking and fun.


I'm not sure why the painting looks like it got caught in a rain shower? I think those shadows falling on the top of the painting are just that...shadows or some other defect in the photograph...not the painting.


The artist did have an iPad or similar and had a digital portfolio...so we could see his other work. He showed us some paintings that he had done as presents for people...paintings that included some personal elements in the design.


Mom and Dad have some very large empty walls that they have been looking to fill for a long time now. Partly for their benefit, I'm posting this reminder of this very nice man and artist. He accepts commissions and will paint something with personalized specifications in mind.


His portfolio is representative of the different seasons of his work. Not sure how that works when you talk to him about custom art.



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One thing Mom and I did today, on this last Sea Day...manicures on our balcony!


As I said before...I had finally removed my worn finger nail polish on the day before Malaga...and now I was eager to repaint my nails for our Barcelona sojourn...and to use one of my new colors.


Mom has a nail kit that she packs that contains all the essential tools for manicures...


She replaced the purple she was wearing with Channel's Peridot and I used my new green color.


We went to Chops for dinner this night.


Don't pay full price for these specialty restaurants. On board, there are deals all over the place giving % off to the different specialty restaurants. There are representatives from them hanging out in the lobby of the MDR and the Windjammer...the servers in the MDR can give you a deal...


Anyway...I only have the one picture from this night. I decided to wear my lace skirt again...with a brown tank and a newer infinity scarf. I wish my posture was better... You can clearly see my new green nails here too:




Chops was a great meal. Yes...the steak was a wonderful as you would expect it to be. What was surprisingly amazing was the cream of mushroom soup. Highly recommend!

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Laurie , The picture of you in the maxi skirt shows how toned you look . Maybe instead of the sweater look for a slim fitting long sleeved tee to wear with the skirt when it is chilly . Enjoying the review . I was on a radiance class last year and really enjoyed it .

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Laurie - I have to echo what so many have said before me - you look amazing! !! In fact, you inspired me to go to the gym today. For the first time in more than 2 years 《ack!》. But, I would like to get fit and would love to be able to look and feel better for our cruise. I am simply tired of feeling dumpy and frumpy. So here's to the start of something good...

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Thanks, everyone! I'm trying hard to make this the kind of change that will stay. I started to change my eating patterns a while back, so I didn't really change that at all. Right now, I'm going to the gym 2-3 times a week, and adding a lot of small scale exercise in between. I use the stairs a lot at both home and work (I'm on the 3rd floor at work) and I make multiple trips instead of combining them. I'm also doing a lot more outside right now.


I vary my gym routine, but this is what is currently interesting to me: I start with about 25 minutes on the elliptical. It's good cardio, and gets me sweating. Then I go over to the cycle and do 3 miles at about 35 miles an hour. If I want to do something different, I choose one of the programs. If it is a harder program to do, then I may only do 2 miles. Then I go over to the Nautilus...I love this stuff. There is this ab crunch machine I really like, and I usually do 4 sets of 10 at 50 or 60 pounds. I do a lot of the different machines for arms. I generally do 3 sets of 10 on whatever appeals to me at the time. I would estimate that I spend about 40 minutes. Then I will likely do ten more miles on the cycle, or split my time between the cycle and elliptical. When I stay on the cycle, I am usually just at level one, but every so often, I sprint for a mile.


I think what keeps this really interesting for me is that I allow myself to do different things. I really enjoy the Nautilus a lot, and there are so many different machines to try. I don't focus on my legs that much in that area because I feel like I'm doing a lot for my legs already with the cycle and elliptical. I have yet to do any rowing or the treadmill. There is a machine that I think they call a cross trak? I'm not fond of it. I feel that my stance is very awkward, and my posture is off. Then there is a stairmaster...I use that once in a while, to challenge myself.


My husband goes too, and my daughters off and on. They go a lot independently, since they have odd schedules. But we keep each other enthusiastic and accountable.

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Anita, I love your scarf in that picture. Is that tank top the one from Target that you discussed previously? I love how it is a cross between rust and brown. It's a great color for us.


You mentioned not paying full price for the specialty restaurants. How did you go about this?


I love, love, love Chops. I have been there 3 times so far. The filet is wonderful.


There is so much talk about when dynamic dining will begin. The latest I've heard is that it will be in place later this year. As of now, my reservations say late seating.


I've never tried green nail polish, but that color looks really nice! I can imagine what it would be like to be hanging out on the balcony, doing manicures. It sounds so fun. Well, not for my husband. My daughters though!

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Our room was the typical balcony room. It has an older décor than the newer classes, but I liked it. There is something about the blonde wood and aqua combination that isn’t really my thing, and that is what you have on a lot of the newer classes with RCI.


I just had to post this picture…when you get to your room, the TV is on showing the muster station info and that video that Anita talked about, or should I say cartoon? For washing your hands. During many parts of the cruise, we found ourselves doing the “mustard station walk” as we call it. If you watch that video enough, the robotic walking will drive you crazy. Your TV just keeps alternating between the two. I was very happy to shut it off after a while.




Look! We had one of those rounded mattresses. I recall Pam talking about these, and I mentioned that I hadn’t had one like that. Now I have. Notice the gift from my daughters for my birthday.




They had the room decorated too, which was fun. I left the decorations up for the whole cruise!




We had a great view from our balcony.





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I forgot to mention that embarkment was very easy and quick. We were on the ship in no time at all.


Our first day was Catalina Island. I had planned on wearing the olive green shirt and the ivory crops for that day, but decided that since I might need a light jacket, I just switched around my outfits to different days. This is not a flattering picture. I probably should have looked at the camera after it was taken, and try a few different things to prevent that shine. The shirt has a really nice finish, and it evokes a little bit of a shimmer, almost. It’s from Target, and the brand is Merona. Anita, I know you like this brand like me.




So then I put my jacket on.




I’m ready! Catalina Island is beautiful. Picturesque. But that’s about it. It was so odd, in a way…you know how in Nassau you have all those little trinket shops with pushy sales people on the street, yelling for you to come in? Well, Catalina Island has those same stores, without the sales people. There were a few convenience stores as well. There were a lot of places to eat. The big attraction is the Casino, but not a gambling casino. I guess in Italian, the word casino means gathering place. So that is what this is. There were tours, but our timing wasn’t right. We mostly took pictures while walking and some of the outside of the casino.









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We were at Catalina Island for around 5 hours, I think? It was a pretty short port. Once back on the ship, we wandered. We like trivia, people watching…whatever strikes us as a good idea at the time. This was our first formal night, and since we had later seating, we enjoyed seeing people getting their pictures taken and so forth. I found that there was a mix, style wise. Those who were dressed formally, tended to be quite formal. Then there was what I call church clothes. Very nice, but not formal. Then there were those that chose not to participate but were still dressed in a nice manner.


That is strange way to put it, wasn’t it? I didn’t see any tuxes, and those men that didn’t participate wore things like khakis and polo shirts. They were dressed more like smart casual? But there were lots of suits to go around, and dress pants with dress shirts and ties.


Here is a picture my husband took in our room. This is when I realized the dress fit me differently and I couldn’t wear a regular bra as planned. I was worried about stepping on the dress too. Everything was fine though, and a few of the staff told me I looked very pretty, and that made me feel good.




Here are some of the professional photography photos from that night.




My fav:





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Anita, I love your scarf in that picture. Is that tank top the one from Target that you discussed previously? I love how it is a cross between rust and brown. It's a great color for us.


That IS the tank top from Target discussed before. I wore it with a green skirt earlier in the trip. Nice description of the color. If you can recall a color labeled "Burnt Sienna" in the 64-count crayon box...that's a good name for the color.


You mentioned not paying full price for the specialty restaurants. How did you go about this?


There will be representatives from Chops hanging out in the lobby. Sometimes, they will walk around the Windjammer. They will offer discounts. Also...there was a server at breakfast in the MDR that was offering discounts. This was my observations. I don't know for certain how Dad got the discount we used. Mom?



]I love, love, love Chops. I have been there 3 times so far. The filet is wonderful.


All 3 of us ordered the filet. It was wonderful.


There is so much talk about when dynamic dining will begin. The latest I've heard is that it will be in place later this year. As of now, my reservations say late seating.


I haven't read up on DD so I don't understand how it is supposed to work. I get the general idea of it. On my birthday cruise on the Mariner, we did early seating, IIRC, because DS was only 10 and Mom and I came to the conclusion that would probably be best for that cruise. Since then, though, we have been doing the MTD for all the cruises that we have taken together...and we did the YTD on our one Carnival cruise. I love that...If DD would just be an extension of that concept to include different restaurants on the ship...I think it would be very fun.


I've never tried green nail polish, but that color looks really nice! I can imagine what it would be like to be hanging out on the balcony, doing manicures. It sounds so fun. Well, not for my husband. My daughters though!


I've been having a lot of fun with different colors. The only color I haven't tried yet is yellow... That green is great fun. The golden shimmer to it is really fun to look down and see.

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There is something about the fabric that Merona used for that style of tee. It does have a shine on it. I don't have any of that particular shirt any longer...the one I had didn't make the KonMari method and was donated. Yours is a good color...I love green.


Great find on the jacket! Colorful outerwear is difficult to find! I love it. I bet you were a stand out in that...especially on such a cloudy day.


I second Barbara. That red dress is fabulous on you. And I too love that picture of you and DH looking at each other.

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Day 13...Barcelona. Time to disembark.


Talk about being kicked off a ship...


Get out! Get off! RIGHT NOW!!!


Disembarking is always a bit of this feeling of "Good night...the party's over" but this seemed to be magnified to the max on the Allure this day...the last day of the last cruise before dry dock.


Perhaps every crewman simply needed all the passengers off the ship to go on vacation? All I know is that I felt like I needed an excuse to still be on board the ship that morning as every crewman seen inquired as to our status...as in...why were still on the ship? Get off already.




This was an easy process. We handled our own luggage. We each had a rolling suitcase and another bag...something we could each deal with easy enough so that we didn't bother with any luggage service. I still prefer to avoid crowds with my knee and with the luggage...and with Mom's health...we waited for as long as we possibly could before getting off the ship.


Doing the whole enter a foreign country thing...no big.


The next thing we knew, we were in a line waiting for our very own "bumble bee" which is what Mom and Dad call the taxis in Barcelona. The bumble bees were all lined up and it was just a matter of filtering the large ship's population into individual rides to individual destinations in individual vehicles that would accommodate said passengers AND their luggage...


A Prius is a taxi.


A PRIUS people.


There are a very few larger taxis...very few. By and large, the majority of taxis are 4-door compact sedans with limited cargo space. The desire that people have for packing efficiently for Europe is very practical...extending far beyond aircraft luggage limitations.


Hang on. Just believe. There was room for that lane change. Plenty of space between the building and the parked cars...the pedestrians. Be grateful that you are not trying to drive yourself around Barcelona.


No worries when the taxi driver pulls over a bit and consults a map...


Very soon, we arrived at Hotel 1898 on Las Ramblas in Barcelona...our new home for two nights.




Hotel 1898.


If you can. Stay there.


It sits on a corner. There is a small entrance from Las Ramblas and there is a larger entrance from the side street. On the corner, there is a restaurant, a shop...and on the other side of the Las Ramblas entrance...a Starbucks. Point being...when you arrive...the exterior of the hotel is somewhat obscured by the street level businesses...


The interior is inviting...


The large glass with the H on it is part of the side street entrance...the sliding doors. The small round table in the far back of this picture is where chilled bottled water and glasses live for guests to be able to serve themselves at any time of the day. The near gray wall with the wood wainscotting is the wall for the elevators:




Looking to the left from the vantage point of the picture above...the windows line the side street. In the distance...on the other side of the glass partition is the Lobby Lounge where you can have cocktails and tapas. Yes. The furniture is HUGE:




In this view, the photographer has their back to the elevator bank...the side street entrance/lounge is to the right:




Check in is to the left.


My room was ready. We decided to head up there so that the luggage could all be delivered to my room.


Entering the elevator...you feel like you've entered a jewelry box. And this feeling never really goes away...


The elevators are tiny little closets...they say they can carry 8 people...yes, like SARDINES...if you were to visualize 8 people standing in two lines of 4...and then squished them together so that you could FEEL if the guy next to you had shaved that morning?...you MIGHT be close to visualizing the postage stamp-sized elevator...pray that everyone remembered their deodorant...


That said...it's super shiny. Mirrors and high gloss wood and silver...it's the most gorgeous elevator ever.


In order to work the elevator, you have to insert your room key into the slot. And then, and only THEN, can you select a floor. No room key. No elevator use for you.




It's easy to recognize if you have landed on your floor...




For me...I could finally understand when the people on HGTV would say that they wanted to feel like they were in a BOUTIQUE Hotel. The third floor elevator lobby:



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It's just a hallway...tall ceilings...crown molding...wood molding details...it still feels special:




There are some very unique features to the Hotel 1898 rooms.


First. The key slot is in the wall...not in the door lock.




My green jewelry box with a bed:




I had a no-balcony, balcony...I could open this glass door which overlooked an interior courtyard:






The ceiling in the room is very, very tall. Mom is sitting on the one chair in my room which is at the desk...which is the glass table at the foot of the bed. I didn't get a picture of the other wall in my room...a built in closet and a flat panel tv hanging on the wall and the door to the bathroom. Basically...my room was a lovely, super efficient cube.


The second most unique feature of the room...you have to "activate" your room. You must insert your room key into the slot on the wall by the door in order to keep the lights on. When you use the key slot on the wall...the lights in your room automatically turn on for you. In order for those lights to stay on...you have to put your key into the slot inside the room...otherwise, the lights will turn off.

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You know you are in Europe:




Notice the sticker on the toilet...letting you know that it has been cleaned and not used by anyone else prior to your arrival.


The shower to the left of the toilet:




Upper vanity:




Lower vanity:




Towel warmer above the bidet and the window overlooking the courtyard:




If you didn't notice...


The walls are completely covered in green marble. So is the floor. The shower. The vanity. The surfaces are gleaming...and would be easy to clean...the sink faucet out of the wall is genius. It would be a JOY to clean this bathroom...


Many notes taken for future dream house here...


Another note about the lighting in the room, which I forget to mention.


The lighting in the room is controlled by wall control switches.


Wish I took a picture...I thought I did. Anyway...these switches are at the bedside and on at least one wall in the room. It controls the level of lighting in the room. There is the "welcome" lighting which is very bright...there is "relax/tv" which is very dim...and a few other presets in between.


Not only was it awesome for helping to go to sleep. It was great for in the morning when you didn't necessarily want to blind yourself with the first turning on of the lights...


Like I said...notes for future dream house...

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There are different levels of rooms at Hotel 1898. Mom and Dad had a much bigger room with most of the same features:




The bed area is very, very similar...except they have the handy dandy leather tufted ottoman bench at the base of the bed. Opposite the bed:




Looking back toward the entrance to the room...(the door to my room landed right by the bed)...built in closet on the left...unseen doorway to the bathroom on the right:




Closet detail (this is exactly like the closet in my room)...the big difference is that Mom and Dad had another closet area and I did not...Notice the electric tea kettle and the tea service:




Mom and Dad had to deal with a bath tub and shower combination:




Otherwise, their room had all the same elements as mine in a larger area. When housekeeping serviced the rooms and had the doors open, we could see that many rooms have a unique layout...but essentially, we could see larger rooms like Mom and Dad's and cubes like mine.


Mom and Dad overlooked Las Ramblas:




This is really only a view of the far half of Las Ramblas. The pedestrians are walking a wide "island" with venders on both sides and one way traffic on either side of the center island. You can see a "bumble bee."


Speaking of Las Ramblas...it was time to Ramble On and have a bit of wander toward breakfast.

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Laurie, I hope you bought the picture of you & your DH looking at each other, it's fabulous! That red dress is stunning, I see why you like red! We went to Catalina once & rode bikes around the island (didn't take long), I still have my hooded sweatshirt from there (only thing I bought cause it was chilly!). Thanks for the info on what you're doing workout wise. I'm doing quite a bit of rowing as my foot isn't letting me do elliptical, treadmill or bike nearly as much as I want to, surgery on the 30th (the preliminary fix, I'm waiting for the big surgery till after our cruise in November) so weight loss isn't going as quickly as well,ah well...


Anita, love the hotel, great photos. Really enjoying your pictograph review! Melody

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Anita -- those pictures of the hotel in Barcelona are amazing! I wish we had been able to stay there for a day or so before our cruise a few years ago. The city looked truly awesome.


Melody -- I understand about the weight loss going slowly. I, too, am in that boat. I finally came to the realization this week that simply cutting calories isn't going to do it for me. I have to work out. And although it's a pain the butt to try to figure out how to fit it in my schedule, I have to do it. So, I worked out for about 2 hours on Monday and was super sore yesterday. Now, today I am going to go again. Today is my "Monday" so I have to work tonight so I am trying to figure out when to go. It's kind of on the way to work for me, but I definitely can't go home in between so I need to figure out what all I have to take with me so that I can go directly after working out. Decisions, decisions. If I leave it too long I'll just give myself excuses for why I shouldn't go at all today and the entire momentum will be lost. I am such a lazy girl at heart.

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Okay all you fitness people - I need to find something comfortable to work out in. I have been going in a regular bra and loose t-shirt and it's annoying and the bra strap digs in when I am doing shoulder/arm work. I am checking online now at Target but not sure what I should look at or what I should stay away from. I want something supportive bra-wise but comfortable and not so baggy that it gets in the way... which is kind of where I am right now...

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HATE working out in tee shirts. Won't do it.


I like tanks. Looking at Target's website, this tank is closest to what I love to wear:




As for the bra. It will be way more comfortable to exercise in a bra that is made for exercising. Unlike a traditional bra where the straps are a different material and substance from the cups...an exercise bra generally has the straps integrated with the cups...they are wider...and they move with you more than the traditional bra would.


Many exercise bras can be found in a racerback style as well which is very helpful for feeling better when moving your arms for any physical activity, be it sports or strength training or yoga.


Just assuming that you will need high support in a bra...looking at the Target site...this is the one I would try on first:




It may be a PITA to put on...because it has to go over your head and then you have to reach around to clasp it. Once on though...this should be a comfortable bra that will stay put through your movement...if it fits well to begin with.


With a cute bra like this offering support...you don't worry if it shows with the tank. You get a layered look going that I think is attractive. Pick the size of tank that is loose without being baggy and don't worry about the bra showing. Especially if you pick a black or colored bra (I would advise staying away from white and nude exercise bras...they don't feel as "made to be seen" as black and colors.

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This specific picture shows just how beautiful you are.


You found the perfect lipstick shade to enhance your eyes and hair and, also, match your dress.


Absolutely lovely.


I just wanted to interrupt these terrific, fun-read travel reports to make this comment. As Kim would say, just waiting for more pictures…. LOL.

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