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Ww Needs Buddies To Lose Alot Of Weight For Nov 27th Cruise. Anyone Interested?


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We just got a leather living room set and I love it so far. We did it mainly because of our dogs. Our old couches smelled because the dogs would get up there and chew on their toys and slobber and such. So, we got leather so that we can just wipe them off. So much nicer!


My goal reward is going to be all my new clothes for our cruise, and in a way the cruise is my reward also. Actually, the REAL reward will be fitting into a 2 piece swim suit!:D

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Sara- What kind of dogs do you have? I have 2 NEWFOUNDLANDS... so believe me, I know all about slobber! LOL! They usually don't go on the furniture but lately, my female Ellie has been known to sleep up on the couch when we're not around. We've caught her a few times. She knows she's not suppose to be on there. Dogs are funny.


This last cruise, I bought SO much new clothes! I didn't have anything that fit that was decent. I'm giong to have to go shopping all over again by the next cruise! That's Okay! I too hope to be in a 2 piece swimsuit. Nothing too skimpy (I am over 40!) but something other than a "old lady" suit!


I really blew it this afternoon! I don't know if it's cuz I'm tried from getting up so early this morning or just being home alone or what but I couldn't stop eating and I didn't drink ANY water today! this is the 1st day in 3 weeks that I really felt out of control. I did figure out how many points I probably ate and wrote it down, but I still feel horrible. Oh well... I'm back on track now. Guess I just needed to get that out of my system? I'm going to go drink a huge glass of water now!



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My office manager has a Corgi! She loves them. She's a horse person too and I guess there's something about horse lovers having Corgis? She brings the dog to the barn all the time.


I'm nervous about weigh-in tomorrow. I really blew it today. I still stayed under my weekly flex points though. And I did keep track of everything and wrote it down. That's something I would have never done in the past if I messed up. So I guess I can be proud of that accomplishment. Wish me luck... I'll check back after my meeting!


Have a nice night!


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Sara and Lisa,congrats on your weigh in losses:D good job....


Jean I am sure you will do fine at weigh in today...please let us know...


I lost .6 this week...I think I am a turtle because I lose so slowly....but I figure as long as the scale is headed downward I am doing something right.


Reward question....I have no idea what I will reward myself with....besides good health,I have'nt really picked anything out....


I hope everyone else is doing well and here's to a new week....



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I was a little disappointed with my weigh-in today. I only lost .5 pound... but like Kitty said, at least it's going down! I know where I need to improve. EXERCISE! And I DID splurge yesterday so I'm not surprised actually. Next week WILL be better! :) I bought the Turn Around cookbook and my friend bought the 5 ingrdients or less cookbook, so we will swap recipes. I already picked out a few good ones that I want to try. One is a pork chop recipe with apples and sauerkraut, the other is a shrimp w/green beans and other things. There is plenty of recipes to keep my from getting bored.


Time to get some things done around the house!


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You have and still are doing really well. That is still a good weight loss, you cannot expect (although I know we do) to lose 2/3lbs every week, especially being women, other things come into the equation.

Keep up the very good work and don't be put off.



How about a new wardrobe for your cruise? I know that's what my partner has promised me. How about a lovely elegant dress for formal night, gliding into the restaurant, all eyes upon you, I can just see it now! WOW




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Thanks Lisa! I know I can't expect to lose a lot every week. As long as the numbers keep going down, I'm pleased. WW really does agree with me. It's a sensible plan. I was low-carbing before and it worked for 5 months and I did take off 30+ pounds, but it was too hard after that cuz I was craving carbs. That's how I put 7 pounds back on again. With WW we can have anything we want (in moderation) and that really helps me stick to it. I still have to be careful, like what happened the other day with the cake. I couldn't just stop at one piece and I felt those old feelings creeping back! We need to be more aware of those feelings before we lose control!


I'm SO thankful for the extra support I find here on these Lose Before you Cruise boards! It has really helped me by being able to check in every day. It's the extra nudge I need during the week between meetings.


Time to get ready for church. Have a wonderful day everyone!



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Jean you have the right attitude which is a step in the right direction...


Lisa,thanks for the reward ideas.....I did think of something,Lasik surgery for my eyes,but I think that is a bit out of my ballpark so it may just be a new very formal evening gown for formal night....I love to dress up so that might be the best idea on top of haviing to buy new clothes that fit...


I wore a pair of pants last night out to a dinner dance with my hubby and they are 16W from Sears,lets just say if they dont shrink they are going to the seamstress to be altered....they kept falling down which I am not complaining about,but I just bought them about a month ago....on another good note,my favorite jeans can be zipped and buttoned but need a little more breathing room;)


Jean,I am making the cabbage recipe today,but I am going to use extra lean beef instead of sausage. I will let you know how it works out. Thanks again.


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Kitty- yes, let me know how you like the cabbage recipe. I'd add a few seasonings to it if you are using ground beef. the Italian sausage gives it the "zip" it needs. My family didn't care for the recipe too much and I ended up throwing a lot of it away. I will just make a half recipe next time so I don't waste it.


I'm trying a few new Ww recipes this week. I'll let you know how they are and share them if they are good! I think I'll make some sugarfree jello and pudding this afternoon so I have some sweets on hand for when I need them.


I was suppose to be doing yard work today, but it's way too cold and windy out. I have plenty to do to keep me busy inside though. I do have to go out to pick up dog do-do though! Yuck!


Hope you all are having a nice weekend.


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Jean,I loved the cabbage recipe...I only made half of a batch and divided it inot 2 servings which came out to 9 points each but very filling and well worth it...I love cabbage so I will make this again....Let me know how your new recipes work out. I was looking at the 5 ingredient cookbook but did'nt buy it yet....


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Kitty, Glad you liked it! The full recipe does make a lot! I will cut it in half next time too. When I was standing in the grocery check out today, I saw another Ww 5 ingredient cookbook and bought it! I'm not sure if it's the same one offered at the meetings? It's bigger...magazine size. ALL the recipes look GREAT! I can't decide which to make 1st! I bought stuff for 2 recipes in my other WW book. Pork chops with apples and sauerkraut, and a salad recipe with black beans, corn etc. Oh and one with fresh shrimp, green beans and I bought rice noodles to serve it on. Who would've thought "dieting" would taste so good!? Just kidding... I know D I E T is a "dirty" word. It's L I F E S T Y L E ... right?!


Time for bed. See you all tomorrow. Be good and drink your water!


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Hey all, was just "cruising"around the board, waiting to see if I will WI this morning or later tonite with my friend. Jean, have you or anyone else here tried the coke/7 Up cakes? They are really great and only about 2 points for big slices. Really satisfy that sweet crave you get. Those cookbooks you bought are great. I have tried a few of the recipes. Last week I was done 3.2 pounds. Have no idea what today will bring, but if I don't go up at least, I will be happy! See ya later.....Kristie

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Hello! Well, I had my first weighin of the week this morning and I was up .4 pounds. I think it was from the banana's I had this weekend. I always seem to go up just a little after I have had banana's. Or, it could be that I was wearing shorts last time and I had on workour pants today. Oh well! I will just try to do better the rest of the week. I think some girls at my work are going to start workingout in our gym after work each night. I think I will join them. I just don't get to the gym enough. So, this week I will start a more definate workout plan and do better on my weightloss plan.

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Sara,how nice to have a gym right at work:) I wish there was something like that here...I have been walking a lot because due to a bulging disc problem there is'nt a whole lot I can do which makes this weight loss process even harder...

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Hi all,


I weighed today at the Dr's office, I am down 11 pounds for the month I am so excited about that, I know the walking is helping. I will weigh again the 1st of June when I go back. I am at a 51 pound loss since before Thanksgiving. I have another 50 to go before Nov.25th. I am not sweating it. I am feeling so much better, and people are really starting to notice my weight loss. I will talk to all of you later, thanks for all the support.



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Ana - How much walking are you doing? My friend and I try to walk 3 times a week, but we don't always make it. Like today it was raining and cold so we didn't go. We were gonna start working out in the gym at our work, but a couple of girls that aren't to friendly with us work out up there at the same time we would be. So, I guess we will be sticking to the walking.

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Hey Sara,


I am walking 4 to 5 days a week and I am up to about 2 and a half miles. I love my walking. I live on the side of a mountain, and I walk along a river I have a little buddy that walks with me once I reach their farm, it's a black lab, and another buddy that I believe has part wolf in it. I was walking the other day and the lab took off up the side of the mountain after 3 deer, it was so cool. So, you can see I really like walking in my neighborhood it is very pieceful after a stressful day. My neighborhood does not consist of many people either, I probably have a handful of neighbors. I have a couple of big Christian camps up here. I could probably walk further, but I'm building up to walk further I started out at about a mile. I don't do any other form of exercising right now other than some upper body weight lifting, I am worried about the under arm sag. Well, I better get ready for work I will talk to you later.



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Sara- Bananas are not going to cause weight gain. An average sized banana is only 2 points. As women, our weight can fluctuate quite a bit even from day to day, so if you are weighing in more than 2x a week max, I would suggest to only do 2x or 1. That way you won't be disappointed with the little bumps along the way in the week. I've learned that over time. Some times it's hard to wait for weigh-in day cuz we want to see results NOW! But try to resist. Don't let the "not so nice" girls at the gym keep you away. Just go a couple times and see how it is 1st.


At the hospital where I work, physical therapy is right across the hall from our office. I was told by a nurse friend of mine that I should go over there and ask if I can use their equipment before or after work. They let people do this free of charge as long as you sign a waiver where it's "at your own risk". I think I might go check in to that. Even a couple days a week on the treadmill and other equipment would be nice until I get my own treadmill at home. I've been wanting to buy one but I've been buying too many other things... like furniture! :D


Ana- Wow! You are doing great! 50 pounds since Thanksgiving is fantastic! Keep it up! So you are about 1/2 way to goal? Me too! I'm down 40 with about 40 to go. I'd love to be to goal by about the same time you want to be. My cruise isn't until next February, but I sure would like to be at goal by the winter months when we tend to be less active. I need to establish better exercise habits way before then so I won't run in to the problem I had this past winter. I did GREAT until Christmas and then hit a plateau.


Okay... time for work. Have a wonderful day everyone !


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Ana, well done on your fab achievment, you are doing great.

Me, I am not doing so great.

I have signed up to a sponsored slim- to lose 50lbs by 18th Nov and so far after 2 weeks I have only lost 4lbs.

Just had my WW weigh in this morning and lost a 1LB (very disappointed!)

I really don't know where I am going wrong. I have kept within my points with a couple to spare at the end of each day and this last week I have done lots of walking. Normally on my 1st week at WW I can lose 5-6lbs easy, but this time only lost 3 followed by 1lb this week.

Do you think it is because I have stopped and started so many times, or that the weight loss slows down as we get that bit older (I am 34).

I am still motivated and will carry on as I feel committed because of the sponsorship. But I really need at least 2lbs per week to achieve my goal.

Here's hoping for a better week, although I haven't done anything "wrong" this week.

Take care all and keep up the good work,


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Ana,congrats on your loss that is incredible.


Sara,I know you weigh in a couple times a week at LA weightloss,but just take the bumps in the road as "they are bound to happen" mentality.


Lisa,if you are staying within your point range and have a few left over at the end of the day you probably are not getting enough to eat especially if you are earning AP's as well.Also,4 pounds in two weeks is GREAT and I do think the more we do this program off and on over many years it does get more difficult. Also,age,and I don't know how old you are,but I know being in my 40's it is much harder to lose than when I was in my 20's or 30's. Just stick with the program,eat your minimum amount of points and maybe some of the AP's you are earing....If you don't get enough your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to every last bite it gets sometimes showing a gain....


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I have got one question for you? Did you start your weight loss before or after that picture? You sure do not look like you have 80 pounds to lose, if that is the case I have another 80 to lose. How small do you want to get?


Does anybody have any suggestions for exercising the arms? I have some, but I thought there might be some miracle exercise out their? lol It seems like what I am doing is helping, so I am diffently going to continue. I use my water bottle a lot for weights when I am in the office. It is quite funny when the boss comes in and sees me slinging a water bottle, he is the real serious type, and I actually get a smile out of him(you know the attorney type).


Well I quess I need to get ready for work and go and entertain the office staff today, I worked out of the office yesterday, and I know my desk is probably covered up.



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