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Ww Needs Buddies To Lose Alot Of Weight For Nov 27th Cruise. Anyone Interested?


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I went to a weight loss place this morning ( medically supervised) by endocrinologists.......I realized something today......it's ME.....I have to make the committment or nothing will work. I didn't sign up or pay any money....I'm thinking maybe WW is the way to go.....


Thanks for your encouragement and the warm welcome! I look forward to getting to know you all better :)

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Marj,welcome and congrats on your weight loss so far...that is great and you are right,you hit forty and I think everything comes to a halt:mad:


Robyn,good choice on going with WW,I don't think you will be disappointed....


Had a great string of on program days and hoping for a good loss come Saturday's weigh in. I have walked every day this week to a total of 9 miles so far:)


Okay,off to watch my tape of CSI Miami.....

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Did my usual thursday weigh-in and looks like I'm only down 1/2 pound since last Saturday. My WW meeting isn't until Saturday, so I won't get too discouraged until I see the "official" results. Seems I've been craving salty things the last few days so I'd better up my water intake.


Hope everyone else is doing well. Time to search my WW cookbook and do some shopping later. Running low on healthy snacks around the house. That only leads to trouble! ;)


Be good everyone!


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Jean,don't let that scale get you down...I just weighed myself this evening,which I normally dont do and it looks like I should have a loss come Saturday...you might also be surprised...my downfall is also salty things..just drink tons of water between now and Saturday and you may be pleasantly surprised. Also,how accurate is your scale at home compared to the one you weigh in on at WW?


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My scale at home is actually quite a bit less than the one at WW... so I like mine better! :D


I was home alone most of the day and that is when I tend to over-eat. Sure enough, I think I have all my points for the day eaten by 2:00 in the afternoon. I did manage not to eat anything the rest of the day and I feel fine tonight. I know that's not the way to do it... I've done so well up to now. It's just one day though and I'll be back to how I should be eating tomorrow. I had intended to do some grocery shopping today, but didn't. That will help... having things in the house to eat that are on plan. I was pretty much out of most fruit and veggies so I made some sugar-free pudding. Well I ended up eating the whole batch along with fat free cool-whip to top it off! :eek: Tomorrow is a new day. I promise to be good!


Jean :p

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I really try to stay away from the scale all week. I think in the past that was my downfall. If I didnt see the scale goin glower I would feel--what was the sense and I would go out and eat a pizza or a cheessesteak. Now I wait til Saturday to get weighed. My WW is on Saturdays too. Which is good coz it saves me from piggin gout on Friday night.

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So far, so good today! I went grocery shopping and picked up all sorts of healthy food. Man, the grocery bill is sure a lot more when you shop healthly!


I have a hair appt. this afternoon, so I need to get a few things done before that. Making some meatballs for the family for supper tonight. I think I'll pass on that and just make myself a huge salad w/chicken or something. Need to keep it light today for weigh-in tomorrow!


I'll check back later. Hope you all enjoy your Friday!



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Weighed in this morning. Didn't gain or lose. Better than gaining I guess. Got my hair cut this morning. It's cute, but I have to train my hair to part on the side now instead of down the center. Went and got groceries last night, Jean you're right, it does cost more to eat healthy. All the fruits and veggies at the store look terrible though, So, I guess it's fruit juice for me this week. Hope everyone has a great weekend.:D

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The good thing is that you stayed the same. I know that can get discouraging when you are trying to eat healthy, but look back at your week and see if there is something you ate to much of, or something you did not eat enough of. I know drinking the water really helps. Are you drinking water? If so, how much?


How much of your hair did you cut off? Did you go all the way short? Do you like it?



Jen- It does suck that when your eating healthy it cost sooooooooo much. I am glad though, we are getting into the summer months when fruits and veggies are abundent and a lot cheaper. I have been craving strawberries and I am going to the farm down the road and pick some and put them up for the winter.

Does't WW allow you unlimited fruits? I am not on WW, but I like to know what other plans do, and why?


Lisa- How are you doing? I read your post on another thread and you seem so down? I know where you are coming from, let me tell you a little story that maybe some of you can relate to.

I was on a plane last Oct. with a collegue of mine ( who is skinny) we got on the plane and sat down and I proceeded to put my seatbelt on. Well, I was shy about an inch of it clicking, I struggled so hard with that seatbelt that I drew blood from my knuckles, and my collegue politely asked if she could help. I have never ever felt so fat in my life.

To make a long story short we went on to Vegas and I did what needed to be done for business,and came back home. That was the turning point for me. I told myself at that point the next time I get on a plane, I will hear the seatbelt click.


I guess sometimes in life we experience certain things that motivate us to do something, no matter what. I have change my way of eating ever since and you all know the rest, so anytime I feel like I want to give this whole thing up and go back to my old ways, I think about that morning in the airplane.

Lisa, I hope this helps you a little bit, I don't know how much weight you need to lose, but I would never wish that experience on anyone, and if I can help you in anyway please let me know.



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Ana - What plan are you on? You said you weren't on WW, so what plan are you on. I haven't been getting all my water lately and I guess that could be part of my problem. The lady at my weigh ins keeps mentioning this to me, but she does it in such a way that I feel like she's my mom being disappointed in me. I don't really care for that particular lady.


I cut off about 4-5 inches of my hair. It is still right below my shoulders but it's real edgy and now I have bangs. I love it so far.

I have also been craving strawberries but there arent' any good ones in this entire town!!:mad: Frozen just isn't the same either. It would be nice to go pick my own fresh ones, but we don't have anywhere that does that around here. We do have a blackberry "farm"!:D

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Hi Ladies,must be haircut time...I too chopped off a bit of hair today and it feels great....


Jean,you are so right about healthy eating costing more money:confused:you would think it would be the other way around. How did weigh in go today?


Sara,good job at maintaining...sometimes it's frustrating but it's better than a gain.


Ana,it sounds like you had what I call a "lightbulb" moment that set you on your weight loss course...


I weighed in today with ANOTHER .4 loss. At this rate I will be thin by the time I am 50:eek: but a loss is a loss...


Going out for pizza tonight and hoping to be able to control myself....



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Lisa- How are you doing? I read your post on another thread and you seem so down? I know where you are coming from, let me tell you a little story that maybe some of you can relate to.

I was on a plane last Oct. with a collegue of mine ( who is skinny) we got on the plane and sat down and I proceeded to put my seatbelt on. Well, I was shy about an inch of it clicking, I struggled so hard with that seatbelt that I drew blood from my knuckles, and my collegue politely asked if she could help. I have never ever felt so fat in my life.

To make a long story short we went on to Vegas and I did what needed to be done for business,and came back home. That was the turning point for me. I told myself at that point the next time I get on a plane, I will hear the seatbelt click.


I guess sometimes in life we experience certain things that motivate us to do something, no matter what. I have change my way of eating ever since and you all know the rest, so anytime I feel like I want to give this whole thing up and go back to my old ways, I think about that morning in the airplane.

Lisa, I hope this helps you a little bit, I don't know how much weight you need to lose, but I would never wish that experience on anyone, and if I can help you in anyway please let me know.



Hi Ana,

Thanks for the concern. At the moment I really am O.K. as I have started to lose weight and feel in control.

My seatbelt on the plane just fastens with a couple of cm to spare but I did have a dreadful flight home from my last cruise in December 04. I always try to get on the rows with just 2 seats (so it is just me & my partner), but obviously everyone wants these, so on this flight we were on a row of 4 and as my partner is 6ft4" I let him sit on the end so he can stick his legs in the aisle. Well I sat down next to this woman and within a couple of minutes of take off I could see her whispering to her hubby. Her and her hubby then swap seats which makes me feel that it is because of me that she swapped. Her hubby then proceeds to spread out his legs and arms so that he is literally half way into my seat space. I had to sit there with my arms and legs folded so that I did not touch him. It upset me so much that I had tears rolling down my face. In the end my partner swapped with me and encroached on his space. I wouldn't have minded so much but this couple were hardly small and certainly not much smaller than me (her). This is why I have swore that I will never go on another cruise overweight & thinking about this situation still fills me with dread.

I need to lose 50lbs and maybe you know that I am doing a sponsored slim and I think the reason I sounded down is that the other 3 people I am doing it with at work are losing it so much faster that me. They have lost 14lb, 20lb & 24lb in 5 weeks where as I have only lost 5.5lb in 3wks.

I did do a sneaky weigh in at home this morning and I am down into the next stone so this has really cheered me up and is looking good for my weekly WW weigh in on Tuesday.

Again thanks for the concern, it's really kind of you.


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Got weighed today--lost 2 more..woo hoo. I am getting ready for when I go there and see nothing....


Water is very VERY important. I was trying to drink the 24oz sports bottle but it seemed too much. Guess when you got alll that water looking at you its hard... well it is for me anyways.. the lady that does the meeting suggested to me get one of those styrofoam cups--the kind for coffee-- and drink one every hour.. at work i get down 8 cups-- thats 2 24 oz plus some out of the other...its night time that I have a hard time with.


Weight watchers does allow for fruit.. some fruits are 1 point so you have to caluclate it in there.. a small banana or apple is 1 point.

vegetables are almost all zero... woo hoo.


Lisa: you didnt factor in the age and what those people weight at work. Differnt peoples matobilizms works in sooo many different ways. The older we are the more work we have to put into things. Remember when we were teens and we could eat anything at any time... Putting your developments in with the same as the people you work with will et you up for dissappointments. the road is only so big that it carrys one person-- make that person you. Let those people at work find their own road.

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Serene, Well done on the weight loss. Thats great!

Thankyou for your wise words, I will take heed and just be concerned with what I am losing and not other people.

So long as I am losing and not gaining, that is the main thing, right?

Take care lisax

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Well weigh-in didn't go as well as I had hoped. At least I lost... but only .2 lb! :rolleyes: That's Okay though... at least it's down and not up or the same.


I got pretty much exercise in today too with lots of yard work. Felt good and my flower beds are looking so nice. Next week I have to visit the nursey and pick up some annuals and add some more color to my beds. I love diggin' in the dirt! ;)


I have an airplane "story" too. Last year when DH and I went to Alaska, I felt like the plane seats had shrunk. Like they were making them smaller. It was not comfortable with my hips touching the sides with no room to spare. Last month when we flew to Houston for our cruise, I said to my DD "Are these seats bigger than normal?" I actually thought that the seats were bigger when in fact, I was smaller! It was very noticable! Little things like that are so exciting. Like crossing your legs, and noticing that your thighs don't rub together when you walk anymore! How about when you wear shorts and you are walking and the shorts keep riding up... I hated that! I don't have that problem any more! :D


Well, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. too much fresh air today I guess.


Be good everyone and drink your water!


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Good Morning


I hope everyone has a good day on their WOE today.

Water is very important make sure you drink your water. I am glad to know I am not the only one that had an airplane story to tell. What I did'nt tell you was the connecting flight to Vegas. When I got on the plane the first thing I did, was ask the flight attendant for a seatbelt extender. She finally got around to giving it to me after everybody was on the plane. I had an isle seat and there was a gentleman sitting next to me, I proceeded to put the extender on and it was rather long, and the gentleman next to me asked if he could help pull it tight for me. This was another embarassing moment for me, but I was so mortified from the first flight, this one did'nt seem as bad.


I don't want this thread to get lost or boring we all have been such an inspiration to eachother and I think we should share some kind of experience with the group, when we can, to keep us motivated. This experience can be something like mine or something upbeat, or something that happened on one of your cruises. I have a good one to share with all of you that happened on my last cruise at dinner time in the dining room. I will wait until tommorow. I need to get ready for work.



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There's another WW thread titled something like "I'm a WW failure"... they were looking for a new title since that one was such a downer so I told them to come on over to our group here. That should keep things going! ;)


I'm trying to just stick to my allowed points this week and not use my flex points if I can do it. Seeing if that makes a difference. I did so well the week before last by losing 2.8 pounds and then this week only losing .2, it was a let down. I really need to start adding more fresh veggies and fruit rather than the breads and things. I'm staying well below my flex points, but I just want to continue to see a steady loss. Being more active now that the weather is nicer, will sure help boost things up too I would think.


Have a super Monday everyone.


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Jean - I took your advice and jumped on over to this thread. It seem to be a more positive thread then calling ourselves failures.


I just started WW last Monday and I checked my weight on Saturday and I had stayed the same. Only 3 more days until weigh in and I want to be down at least 1 pound so I know that I am making progress.


For those of you who don't know me yet (Jean already does from other threads) I want to lose 40 pounds by my cruise in February 2006. Right now I wear a size 14, around 183 pounds. This is the first place where I am open and honest about how much I weigh. I have never really said it out loud before. My DH doesn't even know how much I really weigh. I told him 170 and he believed me. As Dr. Phil says "You can't change what you don't acknowledge". I guess by saying my weight out loud I acknowledge how much I really weigh and that I need to do something about losing the weight.


My goal is 1 pound a week and hopefully more. That will have me down the 40 pounds by my cruise. I want to buy a new bathingsuit/tankini for the cruise.


Glad to meet everyone.



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First,Andrea welcome this is a very supportive group and we are all "losers" but in a good weigh;) congrats at taking the first step towards losing weight. I too love Dr Phil. Andrea,you can take this advice or not,I really try not to set time limit goals,I find that if I don't reach that goal it sets me on a tailspin to eating and figuring why bother I did'nt make it again....so just keep that in mind.


Ana,you are right about getting the water in,it does make a difference.


Jean,as long as you are losing you will have weeks that you do better than others. I take every ounce I can get..As far as the FP's go,if you are starting to exercise you should really either be eating your AP's or some of your FP's or your body may feel deprieved and you won't lose at all. I had a .4 loss again this week and that makes 2 weeks in a row,but I am losing still and happy with that.


Hope everyone else is doing well and had a good weekend.



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I am at work today-- and the kitchen is full of choc brownies, cookies, various cakes.. arghhhhh I am avoiding that room at all costs today. I asked a person to get my water bottle filled. (its gonna be a long day)


But how come people dont bring carrots and celery into the work kitchen--only those other goodies??

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Morning everyone! Welcome Fun Cruiserz. Sorry haven't checked in. It was a rough weekend for me. My son's birthday so I had food for company all day Saturday. Including an amazing cheesecake. I did save all my FP but I'm afraid of the damage done. My weigh-in is tomorrow. I am glad though that I bounced back yesterday by going right back to my daily points and I even went to the gym.


You speak of the light-bulb moment, and that's exactly what it took for me to get my act together. There was just one day when I looked in the mirror and said "wow, what happened to you". And that was it. I use the way I felt that day to just keep moving forward.


Jean- definitely get that water in there. The other important item is milk and calcium. Are you getting enough? because that really is a booster to weight loss also. I hate skim milk but found Skim Plus which has the same texture as regular milk and also has added calcium! It really is good in my cereal.


As for fruits, I have been living off strawberries for the past few weeks. They are wonderful this time of year here in NY. Absolutely beautiful and fresh and the best news is that I can have 1 1/2 cups for only 1 point! :D


Great to see everyone staying so focused - the positive attitude will keep us all moving forward and downward! Slow and steady is the secret to keeping it off though.

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Andrea- Glad you came over! We are in "the same boat", so to speak. I weighed 184 at last weigh-in, but can't seem to get out of 16's quite yet. As you remember, we are cruising in Feb. 06 too! So we have lots in common.


Kitty- I am eating all my AP's, just trying not to go over with using FP's. I know that I can not set myself in to starvation mode... that does not work and only ends up leading to binge eating.


Re: Water... I get LOTS and LOTS! As far as calcium, I do eat either a bowel of cereal w/skim milk or a yogurt every day, so I'm getting that in. Also taking a multi-vitamin w/calcium. I usually drink tea in the evening. That can count as water too.


Serene- I know EXACTLY what you mean about all the goodies at work! We get them EVERY day, plus catered lunches EVERY day! I pack my own lunch and stay out of the break room except to fill my water and get my lunch bag out of the fridge. You asked why doesn't anyone bring celery and veggies... you should! :D Start a healthy snack day and bring in some veggies and low fat dip to share or at least pack some "legal" snacks for yourself while everyone else is pigging out on chocolate brownies and junk!


Okay, time to get moving here and burn some calories! ;) Have to think about what I'm making for supper tonight too. Guess I"ll crack open my WW cookbook again! There's so many yummy things in there I have yet to try!



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Hey Jean - Stick with me and we will be out of the "180's" in no time!! I always feel so great when I enter a whole new set of numbers. It is so nice to see that I am not alone here! Where are you crusing to in February and on what cruiseline? We are going on Carnival, Eastern Caribbean to Nassau, St. Thomas and St. Martin February 12-19.


I try not to set my goals and achievements by the scale but it is hard not too. I have in my mind I want to lose 1 pound a week and then you are right, I get so disappointed when I don't do it that I beat myself up over it and end up falling off the diet completely. I think I am just going to have an everyday goal of sticking to the program and trying not to cheat.


Anyone have a WW friendly lasagna recipe? I am making that this weekend and don't want to ruin all my progress this week by eatting it. Thanks.



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andrea: we are sailing the Western side on February 12 thru the 18th wil Cruise critic. ( cant wait)

I just got into the 180's so I cant rush that. I was almsot 200. (198 and started a diet and lost a few before I headed to WW at 192..

Does anyone know if you can eat a lot of points on a bigger meal like Yesterday and make up for it today.??


We went to Applebees and I did go over a few points so I wanted to cut back today and push more water is-- is that a good thing to do>?>

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