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It's official..CCL in not for us!


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One of the problems I have noticed with Carnival is that the lower level staff, the ones who interact most frequently with the passengers, have a difficult time asserting themselves with obnoxious, unruly, or drunk passengers who violate the rules (or general decorum) but don't go far enough to actually be a threat. That sometimes happens in the US as well (as with people who cut in lines at retail establishments or abuse the express lane conditions and dare the employees to do anything about it), but I've seen it a few times on the cruises I've been on. I think a large part of it is cultural, with cruise employees from third world countries being reluctant to confront obnoxious passengers.

Sadly, it only takes one jerk to ruin things for a lot of other people. Frankly, I"m not sure that other cruise lines are that much more adept at handling situations like that.
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[quote name='deadmoney']I am wondering if the "higher ups" know songs like this are on the play list?
The OP might want to contact Carnival and inform them.
Whoever was running the show should have pulled the plug IMHYEO.[/quote]
I agree...Although I am known to use that word a public place is not a place to scream f***ing on a mic while doing karaoke.....
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[quote name='Rottweiler Puppy']Why do some folks ALWAYS have to make snarky smart aresed comments to those who had less than enjoyable cruises? what purpose does it serve you? I just dont understand it.

Anyway to the OP. Sorry you has a bad time, slow elevators can be frustrating, especially if your knees are a little tender or sore. I would never tell you to suck it up and take the stairs, especially if you are senior. I cant fathom making a smart alec comment alluding to you not knowing what stairs are.

The person singing karaoke probably brought their own CD and thats why the words and lyrics were played. Not sure if I would end all cruises with one line over one singer but as you mentioned, there were other things.

I hope you find a cruise that sits well with you and you enjoy them all.[/quote]
I agree...had a knee blown out playing football at 15 and sometimes now a stairway can hurt bad...and I am not even a senior yet....
Some folks that comment here are just south ends of north bound jackasses...
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I don't go to karaoke, it's too horrifying when a bad singer is up there & I end up feeling embarrassed for them. But I can't imagine having a singer belting out the F word, and the words are displayed up on a screen? OMG. That's over the top.

Totally different issue than having to hear classic rock when you only like country western. People should not be subjected to that kind of vulgarity & profanity.
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[quote name='mcwebber']You contradict yourself. Why not say, "I hope Carnival addresses these problems and you have a better cruise next time."[/quote]
NO contradiction at all.
You took that comment as snarky...I didn't.
I would have said the same thing. There are other cruise lines out there and I do hope that whichever the Op sails will be fabulous.
The Op decided they don't want to sail CCL again, so why should RP say he 'hopes CCL addresses the issues and hopes your next CCL cruise is better' ????
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[quote name='CanadianTwosome']
I also wanted to comment on the karaoke issue. Obviously the style and content of the song were shocking to the OP, and from the response, others would have been just as put off. I would not have. The thing that draws me to karaoke is the opportunity to sing music I love without having to join a band - or find a band that knows the song I want to sing. My personal preference is classic rock, and while sometimes the song selection is so inclusive that I have difficulty deciding on a song, other times it's difficult for me to even find one I want to sing at all - and also feel comfortable singing. For this reason, I often carry my own cdgs. From the OP's description, whether the individual brought their own cdg or whether it was on the list, it sounds like a genre of music that is not appealing to everyone. The fact remains, however, that the song was available somehow and the individual undoubtedly really likes it and was excited to have the chance to sing it. Does he not have as much right to pick an available song and sing it as everyone else? Who should the 'song police' be that decide which music genres are acceptable and which aren't? Should the musical taste of the audience be polled on the way in, and if there aren't enough people who like country music all such songs should be disallowed? The bottom line is that at any karaoke experience there will be songs that some audience members don't enjoy - whether because of the song itself or the abilities of the singer. The reason for disliking the song should not be a factor.

I don't mean to soapbox here, but I think people need to have a bit thicker skin sometimes. Where do we draw the line at censorship? Is there a specific list of words that we think should be banned from karaoke songs, or just the 'f' word? Are songs with the 'f' word in them okay if they don't make reference to 'evil and sin'? What about references to 'sin' without profanity? I heard a song on the radio the other day that said, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me...' Are these lyrics okay? There's no profanity, but if I'm interpreting them correctly, I'd say there might be some 'sin' involved... It's currently a popular hit, though, and in my personal opinion, censorship is much uglier than any profanity I might hear in someone else's song choice.

To address concerns about profanity (or other potentially offensive behaviour) on a family cruise... No matter where our children go these days, there is a chance - and sometimes more than a chance - that they will be exposed to profanity. I've taken my daughter to karaoke on cruise ships, and I am always prepared for her to hear or see things that ADULTS do in BARS. I emphasize those two words because that's where karaoke is hosted - in bars where alcohol is served to adults. It is my choice to take my child there, and it is my responsibility to respond if something happens that she wouldn't have seen/heard otherwise. Every time she sees something that I consider inappropriate, I use it as an opportunity to teach her. If I had been at the karaoke that the OP had been at and my daughter had been with me, I definitely would have had a lot to talk to her about. First, I would have asked her if she was familiar with the song - since she is more aware of current music than I am. Second, I would have asked her if she thought it was a good choice considering the patronage in the venue. After those two things were addressed, I expect a conversation would have developed about profanity, freedom of choice, and respect of others. Just to be clear, though, when we talk about respect in our family, we acknowledge not only the idea of respecting others' right not to hear profanity but also respecting someone's right to sing a song that we may or may not like ourselves.

I may be in for some admonishment, but I felt it had to be said. Remember the immortal words of freedom that we all know: I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I don't want anyone telling me which songs I can or cannot choose to sing at karaoke, and so I would never presume to do the same to anyone else.[/quote]

Sorry...I disagree totally.
This isn't about civil rights, it's about the Op wanting to choose a cruise line that attracts more civil people.....not that this can't happen on any line at any time, but......

CCL should pull the song.
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Rottweiler Puppy...totally agree with your comments, thanks for posting. There are so many people on these boards who could provide valuable tips and information to fellow cruisers who don't dare post because they're afraid to be blasted by one of these rude, sarcastic posters. You know who you are, you're lurking out there ready to pounce on people who have a different opinion than yours and you do it in a very inappropriate way. I've seen people ridiculing posters because their spelling, grammar and sentence structure was not up to par, really?

Even if you have a different opinion from the original poster, there is certainly a way to express your thoughts without resorting to ridicule and making downright dumb statements that are not worthy of a response. Tolerance and respect are two areas people need to work on, especially on these boards that are here to help cruisers, not push them away.
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[quote name='jessemon']
Some folks that comment here are just south ends of north bound jackasses...[/QUOTE]


OP: I hope you try another cruise line or even Carnival again if it fits into your schedule and budget. We have things we like and dislike about each we've tried. When Carnival gets too "rowdy" for me, I just go find a nice, quiet place to read a book. Come to think of it, I do that on all the lines. The elevators can be a problem, but I'm still hoping to learn the magic secret about which ones to take at what times of day!

Enjoy your next cruise, whichever line you choose.
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[quote name='deadmoney']I am wondering if the "higher ups" know songs like this are on the play list?
The OP might want to contact Carnival and inform them.
Whoever was running the show should have pulled the plug IMHYEO.[/quote]

The DW and I are karaoke afficianados. On our RCCL the hosts did not really know the music that well. Unfortunately, the fault here, if any, belongs to the singer. However, only if children were present. I don't mean to be offensive to the OP, but this is the 21st century. People
sometimes use that language. You're a "senior"! What? You mean you've never heard that before? Someone else said it...If you don't like the music or the words, you have the right to leave. I personally, don't feel it is necessary in our music lyrics, but that's just my opinion. It is there. so, I live with it.
Certainly, not a reason to badmouth the cruise line.
Mostly, I am truly sorry you didn't have a GREAT time on your cruise.:D
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GM! Just want to put a few points to rest. The hardrock singer is not why I am down on Carnival...I just never saw/heard anything like that before in that setting and thought I'd pass what happened along. My main gripe is the lack of evening shows and - since everyone looks for something else in a cruise - THAT is important to us.

This was our 21st cruise...most on Carnival and NCL because of where we live...and then throw in 5 on RC, 1 Costa and one Celebrity. This cruise was a last minute get-away for BD, MD and our anniversary. Was it fun? No, but there are many reasons for this and the SHOCKER-ROCKER was NOT the main one.

Every cruise we have been on has been a 'good' deal! Carnival is certainly not the cheapest per day cruise we've been on so those who think going on any other line will break their bank is mistaken!

And to anyone defending free speech..what can I say? If you think that making a room full of unsuspecting people listen to some screaming and cursing is an example of exercising this GREAT right of ours, well, all I can say is I don't agree...my right, too.

I forgot to tell you about our ac. Our cabin was freezing...all the time...turning the overhead vent control made no difference. On day two my sometimes comedic(?) husband said, "I know what it is! The ship was full and we were assigned the cabin that usually serves as the ship morgue!" I almost didn't relate that but after the air/no air problem, I thought I'd tell you our experience. And sorry if I told you a perhaps NOT so funny joke in the process!

And, pa-leese, I never said I haven't heard such talk before. It seems it's everywhere these days...but usually with some warning and - in turn - a choice.
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[quote name='cod']Just returned from 5 days on the Elation. Was it all bad?, heck no. Here is a rundown of all that was good!
The crew was fantastic.
Food, overall, was good. Just not as good as I remember it being on past cruises, especially the desserts.
We like this class ship..to us seniors this size ship is as big as a ship need be!

As for the 'net so good', I'll start with the ship.
The elevators are as slow as molasses. In 20 cruises, I spent more time waiting for an elevator this time than on the rest combined!
As on all ships, work was always being done all around the ship but the one area that was lacking was in Tiffany's..the buffet area. Tables were often 'picked up' but not cleaned very well. And outside tables need serious attention to being kept clean. N big deal I guess but deserves mentioning.
Our biggest complaint with CCL is entertainment..or lack there of. Five nights, two Carnival cast shows. (One good, one 'watch-watcher'). Two nights there was no "show" at all which to us who consider "dinner and ashow" a cruise must is just not acceptable.

I am going to relate one more experience that rather shocked us. Here is our Kareoke experience, the only night we ventured there. We listened to a few singers, some good some bad but all in fun. The next young man up was, well, UNBELIEVEABLE. He said he was picking a song never done before (WHY WOULD CARNIVAL EVEN HAVE IT IN THEIR BOOK?!?!) and was therefore, quote, "breaking it's cherry", unquote. For a few minutes he proceeded to scream the words to this masterpiece about evil and sin into the mike and had no problem when it came to screaming the word on the screen spelled out as "f***ing" numerous times. His friends all cheered when he was done while the rest of us (many elderly) were wondering what just happened. The next girl up to sing said something about taking it back up a notch and was applauded.

I don't know how to even finish this so I think I'll just quit.

No flaming please, we have just decided we are not 'fun ship material' and it is back to the what some would call the 'staid' lines for us.[/quote]

After our cruise with Holland America it is official they are not for us.
we love Carnival the FUN ships.........But YES we are going to give Holland America another try......why? because we Love cruising
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This is the opposite complaint. I went to breakfast on Elation one morning last week and suddenly the lady next to me was grabbing my hand. She said WE are going to pray. They had gotten the other couples seated to agree and did a group prayer. Only the two ladies knew each other and were from a church.

Because of religious arguments between sects in my childhood, I am very very private about religion and dont think it should be foisted on me. But I am not going to stop cruising Carnival because it happened. I was offended. The rest of the table all joined hands with the two ladies from the church group.

I think there will always be people who think what they are doing is ok.. even church people.
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[quote name='glrounds'][I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=navy]With only 50% of the cruise market, its obvious Carnival is not for everyone. Enjoy one of the many alternatives. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/quote]

Carnival Cruise Line does not have 50% of the cruise market.

To the op - thank you for posting your honest opinion. Some people just can't handle it when you post something negative and I salute you for your honesty. No, CCL is not for everyone. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you would enjoy HAL, Princess, or Celebrity. Enjoy your future cruises.
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[quote name='Jennfor5']So sorry to hear this. I am opposite of you. I don't want to spend another penny on RCCL unless it is the Oasis. I really do want to try that ship. I just love carnival. I find the food to be way better than RCCL, and that is a big decission maker for me.[/quote]

Where did the Op say they preferred RCI? According to posting history, they prefer NCL.
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[quote name='halos']Sorry...I disagree totally.
This isn't about civil rights, it's about the Op wanting to choose a cruise line that attracts more civil people.....not that this can't happen on any line at any time, but......

CCL should pull the song.[/quote]

'More civil' people? Seriously? I guess you and I have differing opinions about what makes a person more or less civil. I personally believe the 'more civil' people are those who accept others, respect their opinions, and support their right to make their own choices. Certainly being aware of how your actions will affect others is a factor, but I think context is important, and in a situation where someone has chosen to enter an establishment that serves alcohol and where it is clearly advertised that people will be presenting performances of their own choosing, believing that others are prepared for whatever that choice may be is not an indication that someone is 'less civil'.

I think I should be clear about something that may have been misunderstood, also. I see nothing wrong with having the opinion that a song should not be in the list. There is a fairly long list of songs that I believe absolutely should not be on a song list in a venue open to the general public. I just consider censorship to be wrong, whether in regard to songs, books, movies, or any other expression of ideas. So, even though I would love to see my personal list of inappropriate songs disappear from song lists everywhere, I would never support actually banning them. :)
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[quote name='firefly333']This is the opposite complaint. I went to breakfast on Elation one morning last week and suddenly the lady next to me was grabbing my hand. She said WE are going to pray. [/quote]

Oh no! That's a nerve there. I think you handled it better than I would have. We'd be doing the hokey pokey before I ended up joining her group prayer.
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[quote name='firefly333']This isnt that unusual for Carnival. There are other posts in the cabins section of CC of dont book this or that room on Carnival because the ac didnt work. Seemed to be a issue on the bottom deck on this cruise. Iv also read it from others here who never got satisfaction on their cruise and were told there is no other cabin we can move you to. These rock bottom prices come at a cost ... that things wouldnt be perfect. I now accept that and now move on.

It was the only flaw in a otherwise good cruise, so I tried to sleep just under a sheet to not get too hot at night.[/QUOTE]

I certainly believe you, but knowing the theory of heat rising, you'd think that the upper floors would be hotter. I guess I have been lucky, after 27 years of cruising and over 30 cruises, I've never had a hot room. In fact, the opposite is true, they've all been cold. Which is fine with me, as I cannot sleep in heat either.

To the OP--ignore the unkind words. Karma is a b*tch and you can be assured that when those who suggested the stairs are your age, they will be saddled with bad legs from the hip down. Karma is good like that ;)
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on the valor.....they had karaoke in the eagles lounge, right before the family comedian. You can say it is a bar, but honestly.....the whole ship is a bar. Carnival advertised this as a family event. If anyone thinks they need to hurl f-bombs to celebrate their freedom of speech.....i say....grow up. It is often said the more four letter words fall into a conversation, the less the IQ of the speaker. I would not have stayed fearing that i may offend the person spewing the offensive language.

I have never understood why anyone would be offended that someone did not have a great time on a ship. We all desire different things from a vacation. If Carnival can not meet the OP's needs, then i wish them well to their next line of choice and think one less vying for my cabin...yippeee!!!
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[quote name='CanadianTwosome']'More civil' people? Seriously? I guess you and I have differing opinions about what makes a person more or less civil. I personally believe the 'more civil' people are those who accept others, respect their opinions, and support their right to make their own choices. [B]Certainly being aware of how your actions will affect others is a factor,[/B] but I think context is important, and in a situation where someone has chosen to enter an establishment that serves alcohol and where it is clearly advertised that people will be presenting performances of their own choosing, believing that others are prepared for whatever that choice may be is not an indication that someone is 'less civil'.

I think I should be clear about something that may have been misunderstood, also. I see nothing wrong with having the opinion that a song should not be in the list. There is a fairly long list of songs that I believe absolutely should not be on a song list in a venue open to the general public. I just consider censorship to be wrong, whether in regard to songs, books, movies, or any other expression of ideas. So, even though I would love to see my personal list of inappropriate songs disappear from song lists everywhere, I would never support actually banning them. :)[/quote]

Yeah...getting up on stage on a cruise ship and singing lyrics such as the OP said were sung, to me is not caring how your actions will affect others.
That is my whole point.

I don't need an explanation of freedom of speech...or how great I would be if I respected that. Manners and basic civility mean a lot to me.
If the OP decides that CCL is not for them because they have this song on their list then I don't blame them....
I accept others and their rights...it's their actions that I may not accept.
I don't HAVE to accept this...that is my right.

Freedom of speech is wonderful...that freedom does not require me to listen to whatever flows from people's mouths....
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to get offended if someone tosses the [B]F[/B] bomb...I'm from Philly where it is part of the vocabulary, ;) but there is a time and place and karaoke isn't one of them.

As far as censorship....I agree that there are some places not suitable for kids on a ship, but Karaoke was never before one of the places that kids weren't usually in attendance, so it just kinda feels very wrong to me that CCL should have that song on their list.
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[quote name='halos']Yeah...getting up on stage on a cruise ship and singing lyrics such as the OP said were sung, to me is not caring how your actions will affect others.
That is my whole point.

I don't need an explanation of freedom of speech...or how great I would be if I respected that. Manners and basic civility mean a lot to me.
If the OP decides that CCL is not for them because they have this song on their list then I don't blame them....
I accept others and their rights...it's their actions that I may not accept.
I don't HAVE to accept this...that is my right.

Freedom of speech is wonderful...that freedom does not require me to listen to whatever flows from people's mouths....
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to get offended if someone tosses the [B]F[/B] bomb...I'm from Philly where it is part of the vocabulary, ;) but there is a time and place and karaoke isn't one of them.

As far as censorship....I agree that there are some places not suitable for kids on a ship, but Karaoke was never before one of the places that kids weren't usually in attendance, so it just kinda feels very wrong to me that CCL should have that song on their list.[/quote]
So if the song contains the "f"bomb , The "N" Bomb and other words that certain people disagree with its ok cause it's freedom of speech? I'm just sayin it doesn't bother me because they are just words, but some people will be hypocritical and say" oh the "F" bomb is ok but the"N"bomb or "C"bomb isn't. Let's play equally here.;)
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[quote name='trailercruiser']So if the song contains the "f"bomb , The "N" Bomb and other words that certain people disagree with its ok cause it's freedom of speech? I'm just sayin it doesn't bother me because they are just words, but some people will be hypocritical and say" oh the "F" bomb is ok but the"N"bomb or "C"bomb isn't. Let's play equally here.;)[/quote]

Did you quote the right person???
I'm confused.

I don't want the songs on that list to contain [B]any[/B] of those words....sorry jmo. I don't think it's appropriate for a cruise ship...Freedom of speech is very much a lame argument in regard to this imo.
This is a cruise ship...a family vacation for many.

[quote name='mikedw']My wife and I were on the Pride last year and I could swear that they announced Karaoke was adults only.[/quote]

In that case, I would feel differently...I wouldn't stay to listen to it though.
I have never experienced adult-only karaoke on any ship I have been on, but if they specify that, then that makes a big difference.
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