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Does there seem to be more norovirus lately?


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I've been reading CC for about a year now. And probably on a daily basis. To me it seems like I'm reading more reports of Noro at one time than ever before (over the last year of course). Or is this just normal?



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We were just on the Star and there was an outbreak of noro. My DH and I were very vigilant about hand washing. We ate most of our lunches off the ship and then ended up having tapas at Vines. Never had any problems. Don't know what the answer is, but after 26 cruises, we have been so lucky.

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I too have noticed all the postings about norovirus..on the Emerald, Crown, Star. We do not live in a germ free environment so as all the posters have mentioned..."wash your hand..and keep them away from your nose and mouth, and do not touch too many surfaces on the ship with your bare hands." Tough to do I know but certainly forewarned is forearmed. Keep healthy everyone...

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Unfortunately, we've been lucky on 8 cruises, but somehow these viruses spread quickly. I've seen women leave the restroom and not wash their hands. This virus can also be spread in food,utensils, etc. You can wash your hands so much and still pick it up. I think the problem is also that ships are getting bigger and so are the problems.

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Realistically, there is probably at least a case or 2 of noro on every single cruise, just either not reported or quickly handled before it spreads. I think its just a matter of higher general awareness.

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I've been reading CC for about a year now. And probably on a daily basis. To me it seems like I'm reading more reports of Noro at one time than ever before (over the last year of course). Or is this just normal?




Hi RMM. Here is an official site where you can read about virus outbreaks on board cruise ships: http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/surv/gilist.htm


And here your question is addressed by experts: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol11no05/04-1090.htm


I've found that too often we call a virus outbreak "Noro", but Norovirus is not always the causitive virus; e.coli is also a possible culprit. I'm sure you know that such outbreaks occur both on land and at sea, but that won't stop us from walking the earth or sailing the sea---we'll just follow the guidelines to prevent contagion. Thank you for raising the question because it increases awareness.




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The rash of Noro Virus reports seem to start every year when Alaskan cruise season opens up. It might be that just more have been reported here than usual, but I doubt there are any more cases this year than have been in past years. ;)

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There are cold and flu virus "seasons"

There are also Noro virus "seasons".


Of course you can catch a cold or flu any time of the year.

But it seems that far more people come down with colds and flu at the beginning of winter, and the changeover to spring.

Why? Probably our immune systems are weaker during weather changes, we are not as healthy when we are cooped up in airtight houses during cold weather, and people tend to eat poorly during the winter holidays. All these factors probably contribute to higher numbers of colds and flu during cold weather.


You can catch Norovirus any time of the year.

But Norwalk virus tends to increase during the same periods - probably for many of the same reasons.

When cruise ships relocate to Alaska, there is usually a big spike in Norwalk outbreaks.


Those people who sat indoors for the past 6 months in Alaska, waiting for the snow to melt did not eat very healthy, drank too much, rarely saw the sun, rarely had much fresh air, didn't get as much exercise, and their immune systems were not as strong as they normally might be.

The "stomach flu" (Norwalk virus), the regular flu, "the 3 day flu" (Norwalk virus) and cold viruses were all running rampant up North all winter.

In the spring, the cruise lines start importing 50,000 people every week to visit Alaska. These people are on vacation, not eating very wisely, over-indulging on alcohol, and generally abusing their immune systems.

It's hardly surprising that NLV suddenly shows up everywhere.

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Glad you posted this as I was wondering the same thing.


I know the background about large groups of people, closed environments etc (never knew about Alaska though).


I was wondering whether in these tighter economic times whether the stafff onboard were doing too much - a cabin steward looking after too many cabins may not take time to wash hands as often and the same for food preparation.


I used to read a lot about staff to passenger ratios at one time but don't see it that much now so no idea whether the ratios are the same for larger ships or not. Then again I notice the Ocean Princess has had some problelms recently - only posted in reviews though not on the boards for some reason.

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We normally do our sailings toward the middle or end of May, and the "norovirus season" (if there is such a thing) has usually run its course by then. Unfortunately, we were on a noro-affected Mediterranean and Aegean cruise just last week.


This year, it seems like the "season" is running a bit later than it has in the past, and I doubt that it has much to do with Alaska.

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When I am not managing ships, I teach classes for the CDC.

I receive many of the CDC internal bulletins throughout the year.


For the past month, Vancouver and Victoria BC have been suffering from highly elevated numbers of NLV cases and outbreaks.

Nearly every cruise ship sailing in Alaska stops at one or both of these ports.

Many Australian groups this season are touring in the BC area before boarding cruises to Alaska. Many of these people are contracting the virus and bringing it onboard with them.


My colleagues at CDC estimate that in the best case scenario - on the cleanest day of the year - an average of 40 to 60 passengers with NLV smptoms is boarding a cruise with you.

This happens on EVERY cruise from North American ports, any time of the year.


Some of these people contracted the illness on the airplane or in the hotel they used before the cruise.

Some know they have it but are unwilling to tell anyone for fear of missing a tour or the cruise.

Some do not yet know they have it.

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When I am not managing ships, I teach classes for the CDC.

I receive many of the CDC internal bulletins throughout the year.


For the past month, Vancouver and Victoria BC have been suffering from highly elevated numbers of NLV cases and outbreaks.

Nearly every cruise ship sailing in Alaska stops at one or both of these ports.

Many Australian groups this season are touring in the BC area before boarding cruises to Alaska. Many of these people are contracting the virus and bringing it onboard with them.


My colleagues at CDC estimate that in the best case scenario - on the cleanest day of the year - an average of 40 to 60 passengers with NLV smptoms is boarding a cruise with you.

This happens on EVERY cruise from North American ports, any time of the year.


Some of these people contracted the illness on the airplane or in the hotel they used before the cruise.

Some know they have it but are unwilling to tell anyone for fear of missing a tour or the cruise.

Some do not yet know they have it.


I don't know if anyone is actually debating are there really more cases right now, it's that there seems to be far more reporting of it on the boards than usual.

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So if you see someone did not wash their hands, would you say something, or do you think that might cause a backlash? I am the type I would have to try hard to hold my tongue. So far I have not been in this situation.


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So if you see someone did not wash their hands, would you say something, or do you think that might cause a backlash? I am the type I would have to try hard to hold my tongue. So far I have not been in this situation.


I have seen women use the restroom and not wash their hands before leaving. (Not just on Princess ships)

I usually ask them to please stop and wash their hands for their own good and that of others ...mostly their response has been a dirty look or a "why don't you mind your own business":(

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I don't know if anyone is actually debating are there really more cases right now, it's that there seems to be far more reporting of it on the boards than usual.


I agree with Toto. For several years, I would go to Alaska in May/early June and every year in Alaska in May there were elevated cases of norovirus onboard and reported on this board.


Now if it is because of Bruce's explanation or not - not sure but May/early June in Alaska always has a ton of norovirus cases.

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I agree with Toto. For several years, I would go to Alaska in May/early June and every year in Alaska in May there were elevated cases of norovirus onboard and reported on this board.


Now if it is because of Bruce's explanation or not - not sure but May/early June in Alaska always has a ton of norovirus cases.


Must be the season... My first run in with Code Red had nothing to do with Alaska - it was Panama. There just seems to be so many more posts about it this year

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I agree with Toto. For several years, I would go to Alaska in May/early June and every year in Alaska in May there were elevated cases of norovirus onboard and reported on this board.


Now if it is because of Bruce's explanation or not - not sure but May/early June in Alaska always has a ton of norovirus cases.


Thanks that is exactly what I was wondering. So in reality it not that there are more cases, it just that we are seeing more reports! Thanks.


I think it is good to see more reports because then maybe each one of us might be more careful. I was SO prepared on my cruise last Nov with my little lysol spray and little baggies of anti bacterial wipes for the cabin and casino. But last March besides the anti bacterial gel and the imodium I left the rest at home. Next time I am going back to the full arsenal of protection!


I was wondering if anyone uses the Vicks Early Defense hand sanitizer? It claims to keep protecting you for three hours after use. I did bring on my Nov cruise and used it, but not on my March cruise. I wonder if it really does give you extra protection.

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I agree that there is more reporting going on right now, but the problem has been going on for years, sometimes a more serious one than I've seen reported lately.


Several years ago, during the month of June, 4 of us (DH, myself, our daughter and granddaughter) drove from our CA home to Vancouver arriving the day before we were to cruise Alaska on the Regal Princess. Our Son-in-law flew into Vancouver to meet us there that evening before the cruise. The 5 of us had a nice dinner and spent the night in a hotel where we could leave our car for the duration of the cruise. We were all very excited about the adventure we thought we were about to begin! I can now LOL!!


Imagine our surprise when we opened our hotel door the next morning to find the local paper hanging on the doorknob, the headline reading something like; "Princess cancels Regal Princess Cruise!" Our understanding was that the ship needed major cleaning and disinfecting right down to the poker chips in the casino! The process was to take the entire week!


We are retired but SIL had scheduled vacation time from work. What to do? The short story is that since we had the car and the weekend to play, we took the car with us and spent the day "cruising" on a ferry, dropped SIL off to catch a plane home, and the 4 of us had a leisurely drive down the coast and back to home base in California!!!


We now knew for sure that when you travel anywhere, you need to be ready for the unexpected!


As it turned out, we were well compensated by Princess. I don't remember just what all they did for us, but one of the perks was rescheduling us for August of that year with upgrades to suites for DH and myself and for our daughter and family. So, in August, SIL was able to reschedule his vacation time, and the 4 of us had another road trip to Vancouver!


We are now Elite on Princess and appreciate that in our experience Princess does all that they can do to insure passenger satisfaction, safety, and protection from illness. We take hand washing seriously, and perhaps we have just been lucky, but I should add that during our 22 cruises with Princess and several cruises on other lines, we have never been sick on any of them.


Wishing all who are cruising Alaska this year a wonderful voyage to a magnificent place on our favorite cruiseline!

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Just read this about the Sea Princess.


June 8 Sea Princess

Princess Cruises The CDC reports 135 of 2128 passengers (6.3%) and 6 of 840 crew (0.7%) have reported ill with gastrointestinal illness. A CDC Vessel Sanitation Program environmental health officer will board the ship on arrival in San Francisco on June 09, 2011 to conduct a comprehensive environmental health assessment and evaluate the outbreak and response activities. NOTE: Breaking Travel News reports it will be necessary for the ship to undergo a prolonged and additional disinfection in San Francisco on Thursday, June 9, 2011. As a consequence, embarkation will be delayed. Cruise check-in is now scheduled to begin at 5:30pm. All passengers must be onboard by 7:30pm. In addition, the delayed departure will require itinerary changes. The call to Juneau on June 12 has been cancelled and replaced with a call to Sitka. The call to Haines on June 14 has also been cancelled and replaced with a call to Juneau.

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According to the CDC, Sea Princess had a reportable Norovirus outbreak on the 5/20-5/30 cruise and "Princess Cruises on their extended turnaround day in San Francisco, CA on May 30, 2011, conducted a red level cleaning and embarkation has been delayed to permit a thorough disinfection..."

The following 5/30-6/9 cruise also had a reportable outbreak, causitive agent unknown. " A CDC Vessel Sanitation Program environmental health officer will board the ship on arrival in San Francisco on June 09, 2011 to conduct a comprehensive environmental health assessment and evaluate the outbreak and response activities."


The Coral Princess also had back to back outbreaks 4/24-5/4 (e.coli) and 5/5-5/19 (Norovirus)

Source: http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/surv/gilist.htm


Of the 8 reportable outbreaks so far this year (and as others have said previously, other outbreaks go unreported for various reasons), 4 were on two Princess ships, according to the CDC. I don't think it's necessarily related to Alaska voyages because many ships have Alaska itineraries.




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I don't think it's necessarily related to Alaska voyages because many ships have Alaska itineraries.





Though - Princess probably has more ships in Alaska compared to the other lines. Holland would be close.


Carnival has one ship, RCCL probably has 2, Princess has 6......


I read somewhere that if a ship doesn't dock in US ports, they don't have to report it to CDC. A friend was on a Celebrity cruise in South America where huge percentages of the ship was sick and it did not show up on the CDC website.


Norovirus can happen anywhere. I just always see a bump in May/June in Alaska. We have cases down the street at nursing homes, hospitals and schools....

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