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Who is cruising in October 2011?


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Hey everyone! I haven't checked in in awhile. I had my weigh in this evening and lost 2 pounds this week. It has been difficult this week and I want to eat everything in sight. I am suprised at the loss.


SW 184.8

CW 180.4

GW 165.0 ( my 10% goal by Oct.)


Good luck everyone!

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Hey everyone! I haven't checked in in awhile. I had my weigh in this evening and lost 2 pounds this week. It has been difficult this week and I want to eat everything in sight. I am suprised at the loss.


SW 184.8

CW 180.4

GW 165.0 ( my 10% goal by Oct.)


Good luck everyone!


Two pounds is terrific!!!;)Keep it up. I'm stuck but know as soon as it gets a bit cooler I can do more outside work. We are under a heat advisory for today and tomorrow, so not going to find me outside working.

Maintaining is as good as I can do right now, but hopefully Monday it will be cooler and I can do more. Have been walking early in the morning so that is good.


Hang in there everyone!

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Two pounds is terrific!!!;)Keep it up. I'm stuck but know as soon as it gets a bit cooler I can do more outside work. We are under a heat advisory for today and tomorrow, so not going to find me outside working.

Maintaining is as good as I can do right now, but hopefully Monday it will be cooler and I can do more. Have been walking early in the morning so that is good.


Hang in there everyone!



Thank You! I felt I was in a rut for a little bit but just make myself walk even if it's only a few minutes. I know it has been so hot but I usually go after I get my DD on the bus first thing in the AM or about 8pm at night after the sun goes down. I can not wait for fall.

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I'm a person who enjoys exercising-walking and weights, however nothing makes the scales budge more than......drum roll......cutting back on calories! For me, it's much more about what I eat (or don't eat) and the choices I make than it is about exercise. Exercise is a part of my life and that won't change, but I managed to pack on lbs. by food choices :-(

That's why I'm "on the beach"!:D

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I'm a person who enjoys exercising-walking and weights, however nothing makes the scales budge more than......drum roll......cutting back on calories! For me, it's much more about what I eat (or don't eat) and the choices I make than it is about exercise. Exercise is a part of my life and that won't change, but I managed to pack on lbs. by food choices :-(

That's why I'm "on the beach"!:D

Annie, the calories actually are the most important thing, don't you think? I was looking at my journal earlier today and I'm on like day 150 or thereabouts. This has truly been a lifestyle change for me and even my hubby will say when he sees I'm going to join him "are you going to eat that tonight"? It's just been way too hot to get much exercise, though there is a ton of stuff that needs to be done before we leave home in 17 days. It is just gonna have to wait till it cools off. We are walking each morning and I know that is good. Sort of "stuck" right now, but I'm also "sticking to my guns" and we've even talked about how I will continue this on our trip and the cruise. He is in total agreement with me and though he's not actually changed his eating habits like I have, he has lost some weight too. He is also not one to tell you much, but I know he's proud of what I've done and he knows I mean business and want this weight off. It may be just a little difficult on the cruise, but I know what I need to avoid, I know what I can eat and I plan to go as close to how I've been eating here at home as humanly possible.


Stay cool everyone and keep up the good work!!!!;)

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150 days is a long time - good for you! Of course, it is going to take me longer than 150 days to get where I need to be :( On the 17 Day Diet, you add "slow-acting" carbs (eaten before 2 p.m.) back to your diet every other day, and I am finding out just how addicted to carbs I am. Yesterday I had the carbs and I ate something totally off the diet that afternoon (roasted peanuts in the shell). I am not beating myself up over the peanuts, either, because I didn't use it as an excuse to eat the wrong food the rest of the day. Today I am back on the first cycle (protein & veggies) and feel fine - no hunger, certainly no cravings. I will probably have enough time before our cruise (58 days) to see exactly what it is that works against me, and know what permanent changes to make. I think I will probably have to stick to strictly protein & veggies for three to four days a week. I am down 13 pounds and earlier this week I started a "too big, going to Goodwill" pile of clothing, and found a few items that are a size smaller that fit now.

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Hello all, I just took a quick peek at my journal and today is day 155 of my lifestyle change. ;) My weight is not coming off all that quickly but then I have other issues to deal with (the thyroid cancer, age) so even though it is slow going, I'm pretty happy.


Hang in there everyone; just keep focused and keep that goal in your mind. :) My original hope of being able to fit into those lovely sequined shells has not happened, but maybe by our cruises in January it could happen. Even if it doesn, I'm okay with it; just losing what I have has been good for me and I know I feel better. I don't beat myself up if I go off the wagon, I just get right back onboard and continue as I've done prior to the slipping.


Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone and have a happy life.:D

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It's darn hot here but I have found that walking at night is a great boon to my weight loss and also helps me sleep. For the first time since starting South Beach, I have gained a half pound. Oh well, it's a long weekend and we went out to dinner (although I ate a healthy meal I did have a beer and a glass of wine ;)). We have a busy September with lots of social functions and then the countdown to cruise time


Sorry to hear about the thyroid cancer. Yikes, that's frightening. I have an underactive thyroid, like many women. How are you feeling?


Keep up the good work everyone!

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It's darn hot here but I have found that walking at night is a great boon to my weight loss and also helps me sleep. For the first time since starting South Beach, I have gained a half pound. Oh well, it's a long weekend and we went out to dinner (although I ate a healthy meal I did have a beer and a glass of wine ;)). We have a busy September with lots of social functions and then the countdown to cruise time


Sorry to hear about the thyroid cancer. Yikes, that's frightening. I have an underactive thyroid, like many women. How are you feeling?


Keep up the good work everyone!

Hi Annie,

I'm doing okay, waiting for the results of blood work taken this past week and keeping my fingers crossed the reading comes back ZERO! It is blood work that tests for any remaining cancer cells and so far I've not been given that all important "ALL CLEAR" all cancer survivors want to hear and see. Keeping fingers crossed when the endo calls that they will say "ZERO" reading!:eek:


When you get a mammogram or dental exrays, ask them to use a "thyroid shield"; they have them but won't offer them to you unless you ask. My cancer was caused by overexposure to the radiation we all get from being exrayed...so take heed and take every precaution you can. Also if your doctor hasn't done so recently, have him check your neck (thats a saying we all have) and do blood work to see if your thyroid is functioning properly.


Weight is also an issue with thyroid problems, but even if all I do is "hold my own", I'm still doing okay. Went to a social gathering yesterday and everyone kept saying "you have lost weight", or "you are so skinny". Of course I'm far from skinny but it felt good to have others recognize I'd lost weight and that put a little skip in my step the rest of the day I will say!:eek:

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Sending positive vibes your way and keeping fingers crossed that you get the all clear from your endocrinologist.


I teach dental radiology so am very familiar with the thyroid collar requirements for dental radiographs. It's so important and there is NO excuse for not having a lead apron w/ a thyroid collar for any dental radiographs (x-rays). If you have to ask for one, it's time to find a new dentist!


Glad to hear that you're getting comments about looking like you've lost weight. It's always good to hear it from another person's perspective, since we see ourselves every day!


Keep up the good work everyone!:)

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Still nothing from the blood work taken at the hospital, but I really don't expect it for another few days. However, the blood drawn at the doctor's office had good results. Cholestrol was good and all the numbers there were very positive.


Too late for me, but it is not too late for a lot of others, so protect your thyroid whenever you can. I did mention the collar to thedental hygenist a couple weeks ago and she sort of pooh poohed it saying the radiation was so small it really wasn't worth the extra effort, as did the technician at the hospital when I took my mammogram. If they had cancer, they would think a lot differently let me tell you! It all adds up though and if you've been exposed to a lot...as I was....it is not good.


Not losing anything recently, but as I've said before, just holding my own is still good for me. I've truly learned even if I go off on a tangent not to stay on that very long but jump right back on the wagon. Also once you have thyroid problems your whole body seems to be out of whack most of the time and I'm just grateful for each and every day I live.


Keep on doing what you are doing....keep on losing and keep on being positive about each day!!:)

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I need advice, please. While we are on the Allure (in sixty-three days), I plan to eat what I want in moderation, take the stairs as much as possible, and get back to eating right the day we return. It is too special a vacation to pass up the things I find enjoyable. We just returned from our second weekend in a row out of town, and I stayed on the diet perfectly (just takes planning ahead). Next weekend, though, we are flying to Richmond for a family memorial service for my father, who died last month. We are staying in a hotel, but will be at an all-day picnic with twenty adults and eight children on Sunday. My dilemma - what should I do about eating while I am with other people? There will be pulled pork barbecue (made from tenderloin) and fresh vegetables from my sister's garden, which will be fine, but should I eat nothing else or make exceptions for my other sister's potato salad and my mother's dessert? I am enjoying losing weight and proud to be sticking to the diet, and I don't want to be discouraged when I return home. On the other hand, I am rarely together with my entire family, and a parent's memorial service (memorial picnic?) is a one-time-only event. What would you do?



I agree with the last post. The world goes on.


My sister in-law is very very skinny, she said and I'm now following the same rule, I have my courtesy bite and go on and I never say a thing to anyone in the group.

I have now lost 40lb. I plan on doing the same on the ship, have my coursity bite of any thing I want to try and eat good choices at all other times.

I now even have my husband eating better and making better choices.


Sorry about your father.

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The phone rang this a.m. and it was the call I've been waiting for but not the news I wanted to hear. They could still count cancer cells even though the reading did go down a bit (.1) WOW! Okay as you can tell I'm in a pretty bad place but the nurse didn't say get in here right now, she said "he wants to do an ultrasound in April when you return". So I have to hold on to the fact he didn't hurry me right in there. We are leaving soon on a trip to Texas and then a cruise to Hawaii, so we will go on and I will try my darnest to keep a cheerful outlook...though I will admit today I've had a few tearful episodes. Almost makes me want to just say to H - - - with the diet, but I know that is not good for me and I hope and pray by losing weight that I am more fit and more able to handle whatever happens.


So whatever program or whatever you call your new lifestyle, keep on working it gals and guys. Hang in there and do the best you can.

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I'm so sorry it wasn't the best news, but you do have the right attitude. You're not being rushed back in....so that's got to be good news. I can imagine the tears though.....sending positive vibes your way and applauding your attitude to not use this as an excuse to throw in the towel.


Find another dentist. The one you are going to is giving you very inaccurate advice via the hygienist. That bullkaka!

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Thanks Annie,

I appreciate the thoughts. Have been living with this for almost two years and I stay as positive as I can. Today was just a bummer as I was so hoping the doctor would have good news for me. Such is life and we just have to look forward and do our level best.


I'll be better tomorrow!

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I am so sorry to hear your unwelcome news. I do believe the ultrasound being scheduled in April instead of now is a positive note, though. Do you think it might help to ask for a call from the doctor? You might have a different perspective after hearing a second explanation. My late husband and I absolutely trusted his oncologist's nurse, but for upsetting news, the extra details that the doctor might have been able to provide would have been our choice.


I am sure you have learned (probably the hard way) that "one day at a time" isn't just a platitude, it is doing the best you can with what you have to work with. And at least some of your "days at a time" are going to be spent on a cruise ship :) Hang in there!

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I agree with the last post. The world goes on.


My sister in-law is very very skinny, she said and I'm now following the same rule, I have my courtesy bite and go on and I never say a thing to anyone in the group.

I have now lost 40lb. I plan on doing the same on the ship, have my coursity bite of any thing I want to try and eat good choices at all other times.

I now even have my husband eating better and making better choices.


Sorry about your father.


Thank you. My dad was not quite 84 and lived a good life, including 28 years of retirement. We got together and celebrated his life. I was very careful the day before and the day after, and was able to have a small portion of my sister's potato salad, my almost-DIL's guacamole, and a sliver of my own peanut butter pie. When I weighed on Tuesday morning, I had actually lost some weight since Friday. Of course, I am not too happy today because I still weigh the same, three days later, but this is a slow process and I am in it for the long term.

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I love the nurses at my endos office so I know they gave me the straight scoop right out of Dr. E's mouth.


One day at a time like they say in AA. That's all any of us has. I try to keep positive, and tomorrow I will be my smiling cheerful self again. No one is guaranteed any specific number of days on this earth, so I plan to live like today is my last, but not morbidly!


We think Dr. E is terrific and I know he will take good care of me. The rest is in The Lord's hands.


Thanks for your kibd thoughts.

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Today is Saturday and I am smiling because the scales read 156 this morning. I'm almost afraid to post the figure as I possibly looked at it wrong...just joking. Nope, it was 156...so down another two pounds.


I am once more going to move forward and now I think my motivation is going to be to try and lose six more lbs...no 7 more lbs. before I return from our trip and cruise. In the 10 days remaining before we leave home, I know I can't lose much, but if I keep on track it is possible I can drop a few pounds while we travel. Anyhow, I'm up and at em this morning, took our usual morning walk...did 4 laps around our neighborhood...and I am going to be positive. I'm not going to use the excuse "oh I'm on a cruise, I've got to overindulge"...so I can do this.


Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe and remember tomorrow 9-11.

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welovetocruisetwo congrats on the weight loss! Hang in there and stay positive! Have a great vacation! I'm sorry your news wasn't the greatest but keep positive. I'm sending you prayers it's all going to work out. (((hugs)))


All prayers and hugs apprecited!!!:) Yep down a total of 24 lbs since March 30th....not a fast loss...just slow and steady. Though sometimes it didn't feel so steady as I bounced back and forth. The health situation is something none of us can control and I've just put my life into God's hands, whenever my time is up He will call me home and all the worrying I can do won't change a thing or make me live one minute longer.


As you can tell I'm back to my old positive self today! Hang in their gang, we can lose this fat! I know we can!!!;):)

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I was disappointed because of a very minor weight loss this week, but I knew the reason why - I had not been exercising because of rain. I came across a thread with a group of people who are using the Wii Fit, and it reminded me that we have a brand new one. I refused to use it after my DH got on it on Christmas Day 2009 and it announced his weight out loud :eek: This weekend he moved it to an unused room for me, and with the doors shut, the volume turned down, and a password set, I tried it and loved it. It was a lot of fun, a good workout, and one of the best parts is that my progress will be easily tracked. I'm happy to be back on track.

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