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Eat at your own risk on Carnival Legend


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The Op doesnt seem to be asking for much. He just felt a little more than an apology would have done. I agree with the Op. If this had happened to any one of us we would have taken the situation much more serious. I mean this is glass that could have been swallowed.Like a past post said,

What if it was a child. The kitchen workers on that shift should have been reprimanded. I think the op should have gotten a nice OBC and then some.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I was so greatful that this happened to me and not either my 8 or 10 year old sons who were eating right at the table with me.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. I was so greatful that this happened to me and not either my 8 or 10 year old sons who were eating right at the table with me.


Oh that's horrible. Your kids must have been so scared. I'm glad it wasn't them either, but I'm still upset that it was you. I'm sorry people minimized what happened to you on the ship and on this board. I bit into a sharp metal wire from a big metal steel wool in a restaurant once (not a small one those giant steal wools made with bigger wire). It was so scary. I was so lucky I didn't swallow it. I totally feel your pain and all the people who insinuated that you might have put it there or that it was no big deal were being very cruel. They don't know you, they weren't there and they have no right to assume anything. Don't let them get to you. I'm glad you're okay. Thank you for informing us. I will be very careful when I eat on the Legend this summer after reading your post. You may have saved a life by sharing this... so also don't listen to the poster who wrote you may be giving people ideas to stick glass in their own food. Anyone who would do something that dumb and dangerous would have done it without reading this post I'm sure and for the rest of us we have been fairly warned by you (thank you) to watch what we eat on the legend very carefully.

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I don't want to leave you wondering :p so I will clear this up. It was white glass. I believe it was inside the pancake.

Thank you for your answer. Which makes me believe one of the cooks/kitchen workers dropped a plate near the food prep area (they cook the pancakes in the kitchen area right behind the buffet) and didn't discard the food/batter. Glass flew into it, and unfortunately (or fortunately - as better it happened to you than one of your kids) you ended up being the victim. And of course Carnival would take the "evidence" for their report. I am sorry you went thru this, and were unable to enjoy the rest of your dining experience on the cruise. I am more sorry that CCL didn't step up and admit something "went wrong" and try to rectify it with an obc, future cruise discount, or a bottle of wine, etc. And I am sorry your children had to witness what happened. The letter CCL wrote back to you blows my mind! The only thing I can recommend is this: if anything like this happens to anyone on a cruise, get an incident report from security or guest relations desk. They MUST supply one, if asked. That way you can forward it on, and "prove" it actually happened. I bet CCL gets many, many unwarrented complaints about stuff that supposedly happened on a cruise - getting a factual report would "weed out" the real from the not real, and make them step up their game to give something to those who deserve it, instead of waiting till they are threatened to be sued to do so. Hope you are feeling better.:)

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Oh that's horrible. Your kids must have been so scared. I'm glad it wasn't them either, but I'm still upset that it was you. I'm sorry people minimized what happened to you on the ship and on this board. I bit into a sharp metal wire from a big metal steel wool in a restaurant once (not a small one those giant steal wools made with bigger wire). It was so scary. I was so lucky I didn't swallow it. I totally feel your pain and all the people who insinuated that you might have put it there or that it was no big deal were being very cruel. They don't know you, they weren't there and they have no right to assume anything. Don't let them get to you. I'm glad you're okay. Thank you for informing us. I will be very careful when I eat on the Legend this summer after reading your post. You may have saved a life by sharing this... so also don't listen to the poster who wrote you may be giving people ideas to stick glass in their own food. Anyone who would do something that dumb and dangerous would have done it without reading this post I'm sure and for the rest of us we have been fairly warned by you (thank you) to watch what we eat on the legend very carefully.


Sillygirl, thank you so much. I am so sorry to hear that you had a similar experience with the wire. I woulnt wish it on anyone. As far as my children, yes, they were very upset. As far as the people on this board insinuating that i put the glass there, i never would have subjected my children to this, nor ruined my own vacation by doing such a thing. Hopefully nobody would. Again, thank you for your caring and compassion. I truly appreciate it. Please enjoy your upcoming cruise. With the exception of this incident, we had a wonderful time and i'm sure you will too.

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Thank you for your answer. Which makes me believe one of the cooks/kitchen workers dropped a plate near the food prep area (they cook the pancakes in the kitchen area right behind the buffet) and didn't discard the food/batter. Glass flew into it, and unfortunately (or fortunately - as better it happened to you than one of your kids) you ended up being the victim. And of course Carnival would take the "evidence" for their report. I am sorry you went thru this, and were unable to enjoy the rest of your dining experience on the cruise. I am more sorry that CCL didn't step up and admit something "went wrong" and try to rectify it with an obc, future cruise discount, or a bottle of wine, etc. And I am sorry your children had to witness what happened. The letter CCL wrote back to you blows my mind! The only thing I can recommend is this: if anything like this happens to anyone on a cruise, get an incident report from security or guest relations desk. They MUST supply one, if asked. That way you can forward it on, and "prove" it actually happened. I bet CCL gets many, many unwarrented complaints about stuff that supposedly happened on a cruise - getting a factual report would "weed out" the real from the not real, and make them step up their game to give something to those who deserve it, instead of waiting till they are threatened to be sued to do so. Hope you are feeling better.:)


I did get the security report- that was the only report carnival would releade. I did forward that report with my letter to carnival. Thank you for the suggestion though.

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This is what I cant understand about Carnival.My buddy ordered from BV a few months ago and his bottles were not delivered to his room.They gave him an im sorry and didnt even reduce his bar bill or anything.His order went to another cabin!! So someone who didnt even order bottles drank free the entire cruise.I mean a couple of bottles of rum wholesale is like $30= happy guest!


When we ordered from Bon Voyage on the Valor last year, we were surprised that our vodka was not in our cabin when we arrived. We went to guest services, and they told us that they no longer deliver to the cabins automatically because of situations like what happened to your buddy. You have to pick it up at guest services or call for it to be delivered.

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Hope you are feeling better and that you get a better responce to your letter than you got on board.


Having managed hotels for over 20 years, I always tell my employees a small gift and a big I AM SORRY can solve most mistakes. The longer you wait to respond, the bigger the gift gets and the less I AM SORRY Means. :rolleyes:

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I did get the security report- that was the only report carnival would releade. I did forward that report with my letter to carnival. Thank you for the suggestion though.

They got the report, and gave you back their standard "sorry, but we hope you sail with us again letter?:eek: I have never said this on these boards - but in this case I think your next letter to them should be something to the effect of "since I was unable to eat the last ___ days of my cruise, and my children witnessed their mother bleeding and in pain, and were traumatized by this scene, unless you take responsibility for my injury you will be hearing from my attorney for pain and suffering caused by your negligence." Again - I have never offered this up as a suggestion, but I can't stand the callous response CCL seems to be giving to many people these days. All I can say is wow.

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Wow, Carnival should have stepped up on this one!

Something trivial ,like having luggage delivered late should equal a simple apology.

Something serious, like having a piece of glass go through your tongue should equal a personal call from the the hotel director and some nice OBC (at least).


I'm surprised because after the Splendor fire I had gotten the impression that Carnival does a pretty good job with customer relations.

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Wow, Carnival should have stepped up on this one!

Something trivial ,like having luggage delivered late should equal a simple apology.

Something serious, like having a piece of glass go through your tongue should equal a personal call from the the hotel director and some nice OBC (at least).


I'm surprised because after the Splendor fire I had gotten the impression that Carnival does a pretty good job with customer relations.

I can't wrap my mind around their response- or lack of one- either.

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When we ordered from Bon Voyage on the Valor last year, we were surprised that our vodka was not in our cabin when we arrived. We went to guest services, and they told us that they no longer deliver to the cabins automatically because of situations like what happened to your buddy. You have to pick it up at guest services or call for it to be delivered.


thats odd in march we got ours in our cabin ,we were on the Glory

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I quietly and calmly asked if an OBC was possible. Do you feel that to be an unreasonable request after my tongue was sliced open while eating a pancake? What would *YOU* have recommended in that situation?


Certainly not asked for the one thing that would set off redflags.


But then again, part of the game is never asking for money, as it's a sure-fire way to ensure you not only will not get it, but you will ensure that they look at you *that* way, and usually will get nothing.

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As far as the people on this board insinuating that i put the glass there, i never would have subjected my children to this, nor ruined my own vacation by doing such a thing.




No one insinuated anything about you putting anything in your food.


It was stated EXPLICITELY that because people pull that scam all the time, you probably didn't get the OBC you "calmly and quietly" asked about.

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Certainly not asked for the one thing that would set off redflags.


But then again, part of the game is never asking for money, as it's a sure-fire way to ensure you not only will not get it, but you will ensure that they look at you *that* way, and usually will get nothing.


Ok. I'm not an expert in this situation in any way. It has never happened to me. I had no idea what to ask for. I didn't believe this to be a game at all. It ruined a cruise that we had spent over a year saving to go on. Again, what would you have done in the same situation?

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Unfortunately I did not bring my camera with me to breakfast and I wasn't even thinking of needing proof of anything at the time it happened. The glass was quickly taken away from the table and when I asked for it back to determine if it truly was glass, I was told it could not be released from Security and needed to be sent with their report to Carnival. I wrote to Carnival upon returning home. I explained that this was my 4th cruise with Carnival and explained the situation that had occurred. I was told they were sorry, but unfortunately they would offer me nothing more than that and that they hoped I returned to cruise with them again in the future. I certainly understand that accidents do happen. I truly believe the way they are handled after they do can make all the difference in the world. If they had sent a plate of strawberries, my 2 children who witnessed their mother bleeding profusely that morning, at least could have enjoyed them as I was unable to eat for the remainder of the cruise. It wouldn't have changed what happened, but a bit of compassion goes a long way.


I would write back to them and ask that the matter be taken higher than wherever it had previously. Sometimes the wording of a letter can affect the outcome. I see that you have stated this incident ruined your cruise. Looking back on it perhaps it may have ruined the remaining days of your cruise but since this happened on day 5 (if my memory is correct) you surely couldn't have anticipated this event thus ruining the first days of the cruise correct?


Any wound to the mouth tends to bleed quite a bit even something as minor as biting ones tongue can create quite a bit of blood. How large was the resulting injury? Were you treated by the ships doctor following the incident and if so how many times did he/she see you to follow up? What were you able to eat for the remainder of the cruise? Those are important factors to outline in a follow up letter. If you stick to just the facts and eliminate any subjective info you may have a better chance at a satisfying resolution.


Most importantly you need to figure out what a satisfying resolution to this situation would be? Given that you were on day 5 you could figure out a percentage to ask for for a future cruise discount to be applied only to your cruise fare. If you truly enjoyed the days prior to this experience I'd ask for a reasonable resolution to satisfy both ends.


Good luck and I hope you share the next part of this with us after contacting Carnival again :)

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These threads are worthless.. Most of the opinions on here in regards to the OP's tongue being cut by glass being in his food is pure BS.. I am not a complainer, never have been.. But if this happened to me.. I would get some free chit. And so would all you yahoo's that act like you are holier than thou!

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1st off I would like to say , how sorry I am this happened to you and in front of your children!


2nd , It is terrible the way Carnival treated you and they were more concerned with litigation then their responsibility to you, their passenger.


3rd , Cruise Critic is a wonderful forum for sharing thoughts, questions etc with like minded individuals.

But I dislike how many posters seem to always defend the cruise lines and/or

treat their fellow members with disdain when they dare to question the cruiselines.

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Well I went to Chili's (I know not a cruise but I was eating) and there was a piece of glass in my sandwhich. I spit it out to see what I crunched on :eek: my cheek bled a little- showed the waitress and she brought me another and wiped it off our bill. I understand things like this happen but I will not stop eating at Chilis -- they have HAPPY HOUR Everyday all Day! :D :D :D

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Cruise Critic is a wonderful forum for sharing thoughts, questions etc with like minded individuals.

But I dislike how many posters seem to always defend the cruise lines and/or

treat their fellow members with disdain when they dare to question the cruiselines.


There is a difference between EXPLAINING why things are the way they are, and defending the cruiselines. When someone explains that "yeah, it sucks but it is what it is", they are not cheerleading. They are offering a clear-eyed reason for why people don't get what they want or think they deserve. It would wonderful if for once people didn't read "not agreeing with me" as "attacking me" or "cheerleading".

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Ok. I'm not an expert in this situation in any way. It has never happened to me. I had no idea what to ask for. I didn't believe this to be a game at all. It ruined a cruise that we had spent over a year saving to go on. Again, what would you have done in the same situation?


I would have asked for nothing other than for the medical treatment their product caused. They right the wrong they caused. Would it be nice if I got a little something more? Of course. But I also understand that in the current sue-crazy-litigation environment most businesses operate in, as well as the fact that CCL is trying to cut costs left and right, I would *expect* nothing.


Whether or not you deserved anything else or it ruined your cruise, well, that's subjective, and quite frankly better taken up with Guest Relations or whatever they call that department after the fact, especially when you have your photographs and incident report in hand.

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I would have asked for nothing other than for the medical treatment their product caused. They right the wrong they caused. Would it be nice if I got a little something more? Of course. But I also understand that in the current sue-crazy-litigation environment most businesses operate in, as well as the fact that CCL is trying to cut costs left and right, I would *expect* nothing.


Whether or not you deserved anything else or it ruined your cruise, well, that's subjective, and quite frankly better taken up with Guest Relations or whatever they call that department after the fact, especially when you have your photographs and incident report in hand.


Quite frankly, as close as you seem to be following this my posts, I would think that you would have read that this IS in fact what I did. I spoke to Guest Relations on the ship and later, after returning home wrote a letter to Carnival Corporate Guest Relations. I did not have pictures to send as I had no "expectations" of needing them at the time my tongue was cut. Carnival would not release the incident report, but I did send the report from Security that they asked me to complete. Thank you for your opinion on this matter. Everyone has one.

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I would have asked for nothing other than for the medical treatment their product caused. They right the wrong they caused. Would it be nice if I got a little something more? Of course. But I also understand that in the current sue-crazy-litigation environment most businesses operate in, as well as the fact that CCL is trying to cut costs left and right, I would *expect* nothing.


It's one thing if you get an overcooked steak in a restaurant to ask them to "right the wrong" by bringing you another. It's another thing if you're cut and bleeding badly enough to require medical attention. In this case, the "wrong" was a substantially reduced vacation in value. Someone in Guest Services should have made an effort to take care of it beyond just saying "I'm sorry," which are the two cheapest words in the English language to use.

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So sorry to hear of this unfortunate incident. This sort of thing can happen anywhere food is prepared and served. I was working in Northern CA for a law firm and we all went to lunch, I found a very large carton staple in my salad. Luckily I felt it when I bit down and did not swallow it. I also did not bite down on the sharp side. Can you imagine the restaurant server's horror when they discovered we were a table full of lawyers. They apologized and gave us all free lunches. Cannot understand why everyone received a free lunch when I was the one with the surprise.:)

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