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Please tell me freestyle isn’t going to be the cruise from hell!!


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Hi I have been on Celebrity and noticed the passengers were older crowd who liked tradtional cruising and dressing up. I love freestyle I dress up when I like and don't care what others think, and I have seen people wear suits and cocktail dresses on NCL. For me a cruise from hell is the Titantic or Andrea Laura or another major horror. No cruise is bad MHO and I have been in a hurricane on a cruise Celebrity. I say if you are willing to try something else go and enjoy you are in the Haven which does up the cruising on NCL. Have fun when you don't try things you can get stuck in a rut so I say go. Enjoy either way

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Oh look! I found two pennies in my pocket! I'll add them here...


My DW and I are taking our first "Freestyle" cruise on the Spirit in October. We cruised last year on CCL and had the late dining seating.


Now, possibly being in the minortiy, I did actually enjoy (and see some advantage to) assigned seating. Yes, you could wind up eating with Mr. and Mrs. Sloberville and their seemingly endless parade of little Sloberville's screaming at the table. But, we ate with two other groups, and actually got to know them over the week. We shared excursion stories, and the ladies actually went to karioke one night together to make fun of the singers!


So, we are going to try NCL and see if we like the freestyle concept. Like so many others have stated here, a cruise, or any vacation, is what you make of it. If we do like freestyle, then whoohoo! We will have a ball! If not, no problem, we will still have a ball! We will just lean toward the more traditional cruise next time.

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So, we are going to try NCL and see if we like the freestyle concept. Like so many others have stated here, a cruise, or any vacation, is what you make of it. If we do like freestyle, then whoohoo! We will have a ball! If not, no problem, we will still have a ball! We will just lean toward the more traditional cruise next time.


Just think of freestyle dining like the real world on land. It works exactly the same as what you do at a land restaurant. No getting used to needed.

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We have enjoyed assigned seating also. But, you don't need to have assigned seating to make friends on NCL. Join the rollcall and different excursions, you will find like minded individuals to pal around with on the cruise. Friendly folks always can find other friendly folks to hang with. jmo

Oh look! I found two pennies in my pocket! I'll add them here...


My DW and I are taking our first "Freestyle" cruise on the Spirit in October. We cruised last year on CCL and had the late dining seating.


Now, possibly being in the minortiy, I did actually enjoy (and see some advantage to) assigned seating. Yes, you could wind up eating with Mr. and Mrs. Sloberville and their seemingly endless parade of little Sloberville's screaming at the table. But, we ate with two other groups, and actually got to know them over the week. We shared excursion stories, and the ladies actually went to karioke one night together to make fun of the singers!


So, we are going to try NCL and see if we like the freestyle concept. Like so many others have stated here, a cruise, or any vacation, is what you make of it. If we do like freestyle, then whoohoo! We will have a ball! If not, no problem, we will still have a ball! We will just lean toward the more traditional cruise next time.

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Join your roll call. Attend the meet and greet. Select some people that look interesting and ask if they would like to make a dinner plan with you.


If you enjoy the evening you could propose another later in the week.


Freestyle lets you choose your own friends.


On RCCL with my-time dining, we ended up eating with the same two other couples on 5 of the 10 nights. The other nights, by choice we had a table for two.


Also, being in a suite you will have the privilege of breakfast and lunch at Cagney's. You will get to see others who are in suites and again, might be able to strike up a friendship.



Freestyle Rocks!

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As you can see in my signature, we aren't line loyalists. We do have lines we like more than others but bottom line, most mass-market lines are more alike than they are different.


Our 2 favorite lines are Celebrity & NCL - for different reasons but we enjoy both equally. If you are a person who doesn't like change, then you may not appreciate the small differences (and I get that what I think are small differences others may make a mountain of) but it really is in the perspective and what you choose to make of your cruise. I can't imagine being in the Courtyard Villa could be a bad thing - but that's just my perspective...

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My dear fellow. I quite know what you mean, and you are spot on about your upcoming cruise being much different than what you have experienced in the past. Hardly anyone Dresses properly for any meal these days, although "shorts" are perhaps going to a bit of the extreme.


At least you will have the proper amount of silverware at table, and cloth napkins! I'm afraid the rest of the cutlery will not pass your muster, especially the stamped metal ice cream serving cups. No gold rimmed goblets or plates I should think, and of course no candles any where to be seen.


I would encourage you to bring your finery and set a proper example at table of what should be the traditional attire. For a bit of fun, rent an ensemble such as dark navy blazer with white slacks and shoes, and if you can, find a yachtsman cap. If you wear glasses so much the better, but if not a monocle is certainly to be recommended. You will then command attention and respect wherever you are in the dining room. Read up on a few of the past America Cup races to provide interesting conversation about your own racing boat.


Pay a few dollars to the Maitre'D for a small table. Print your own VIP RESERVED tent card and put that on your table while dining. This is far better than staying in your "courtyard" and having the buttler attend to all your meals.


It won't be "hell" but it will be different - hope you enjoy it - most of all HAVE FUN!!!!



Thurston, are those people wearing....shorts???



"that's right lovey, and I think they're going to be seated at our table".



Hilarious!!!! You guys crack me up!!!


To the OP:


On a serious note: My suggestion is to read some of the reviews for those who had Suites on NCL (particular those for your chosen ship).


You can't go wrong in a suite on NCL....the old saying "you get what you pay" for takes on a different meaning. Go with an open mind and I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.

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just had to pot that the first night on an rci cruise with my family there was a prim mom and daughter at our noisy table. my bils had on tank tops and shorts. YUCK! the women were never seen again and i wish i could have gone with them....LOL

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Ok, lets stop trying to beat around the bush here and tell it like it is:


Personally, I don't think the OP and her husband will enjoy this cruise and they may want to consider canceling. NCL & Freestyle is not for everyone and I believe that the OP fits into this catagory. (and I am not insulting the OP here...just stating what I feel.)


The OP already has a negative view toward this cruise. (for whatever reason.) That means that it will be very hard for the cruise to live up their expectaions. Let's face it...NCL is NOT Cunard, even with the "Haven" suites.


Her husband has already stated that he does not like the idea of shorts in the dining rooms and shorts are just one extreme of the NCL dress code. What about Polo shirts or tennis shoes even on Dress up or not night? Tennis shoes will probably upset this couple and they are allowed in EVERY dining venue including LeBistro and the main dining rooms.


So there is no way to avoid the Freestyle dress code. Yes, we can say that they can dress however they want (which is true) but they can't change how others will dress and I fear that will be a turn off for them.


I do not know anyone who has sailed Cunard or P&), but somehow I will bet that the food is much better than on NCL.


I have seen people ask to be seated with others and no one else wants to...so that could be a turn off. There is no guarantee of having the same waiter and table each night because they rotate stations. (we had a really good waiter once and asked for him the next night, but he was the "relief waiter" and did not have tables of his own for example).



I do appreciate the OP stating what her and her husbands concerns are and their likes & dislikes. Each person is entitled to what they believe and what they like. But based on what she has said, I just don't think NCL is right for them and they are going to be disappointed no matter how good it is.


Sorry, I also believe in telling it like it is....not trying to sell something that it is not. NCL is my favorite cruise line and I have enjoyed my cruises....but I hate it when someone trys to sell me something I obviously won't like, and I won't do it to others.

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Very simple, if it will be a hell or not depends totally on yourself. If you are used that everybody is dressed the same way you are: then it will be a hell!


If you don't care and you dress up and don't care others not then it will be a great time. All depends on you.


We went on the Jade and dressed up (altough to a certain point) ie suite, tie etc and my wife a nice and good looking dress. We were certainly in the minority but we didn't care. I never felt uncomfortable. We just did how we wanted and that is the great thing about freestyle.


Ok, should add, the best thing about freestyle is that you can eat whenever you want. We liked to have a table for the two of us and never wait longer then 10 minutes. When on the last day we were so tired we didn't dress up and went in casual (jeans and shirt)....

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Ok, lets stop trying to beat around the bush here and tell it like it is:


Personally, I don't think the OP and her husband will enjoy this cruise and they may want to consider canceling. NCL & Freestyle is not for everyone and I believe that the OP fits into this catagory. (and I am not insulting the OP here...just stating what I feel.)


The OP already has a negative view toward this cruise. (for whatever reason.) That means that it will be very hard for the cruise to live up their expectaions. Let's face it...NCL is NOT Cunard, even with the "Haven" suites.


Sorry, I also believe in telling it like it is....not trying to sell something that it is not. NCL is my favorite cruise line and I have enjoyed my cruises....but I hate it when someone trys to sell me something I obviously won't like, and I won't do it to others.


I respect your opinion and I agree that NCL is not Cunard, but there are people who sail more upscale lines that also enjoy NCL (and CCL and RCL for that matter).


In addition to the suite life, NCL has some amazing itineraries which may sway newcomers into trying them. If the OP goes with a preconceived notion that they won't have a good time....they probably won't. However, informed cruisers generally have a different perspective.


Believe it or not, there are high end cruisers who walk away from NCL "pleasantly surprised".

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One thing about the Suite Life is that they have butlers who don't change during the cruise. They are at their beck and call and can serve them breakfast, lunch, and dinner served to them in the courtyard, room, or even the private sundeck. They can also invite guests to the suites and serve them as well. It is all about choice, and if Pet is not used to making these choices while crusing then perhaps they should avoid NCL, CCL, and the other mainline cruise lines where it is all about choice.

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My dear fellow. I quite know what you mean, and you are spot on about your upcoming cruise being much different than what you have experienced in the past. Hardly anyone Dresses properly for any meal these days, although "shorts" are perhaps going to a bit of the extreme.


At least you will have the proper amount of silverware at table, and cloth napkins! I'm afraid the rest of the cutlery will not pass your muster, especially the stamped metal ice cream serving cups. No gold rimmed goblets or plates I should think, and of course no candles any where to be seen.


I would encourage you to bring your finery and set a proper example at table of what should be the traditional attire. For a bit of fun, rent an ensemble such as dark navy blazer with white slacks and shoes, and if you can, find a yachtsman cap. If you wear glasses so much the better, but if not a monocle is certainly to be recommended. You will then command attention and respect wherever you are in the dining room. Read up on a few of the past America Cup races to provide interesting conversation about your own racing boat.


Pay a few dollars to the Maitre'D for a small table. Print your own VIP RESERVED tent card and put that on your table while dining. This is far better than staying in your "courtyard" and having the buttler attend to all your meals.


It won't be "hell" but it will be different - hope you enjoy it - most of all HAVE FUN!!!!


Master Mickey - Pip Pip on your marvelous response....I will personally take your advice for my next cruise. I will bring extra ascots to give to the strangers I meet at dinner. For high tea they better have crumpets.

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We do not like 'dressing,' but we LOVE the pampering the suite passengers receive on NCL...we like the space in the suite cabins...we like the Butler and Concierge. We love having Cagney's for B & L...though we tend to order B in the cabin, served by Butler. You do not have to go NEAR the buffet if you choose not to, thus you won't see that many shorts....especially at dinner. If you dine in Le Bistro, you'll see dressier people. Ditto Cagney's at dinner. We love the comfort of priority embarkation and debarking with the Concierge. We love the extra little perks. I hope you love it as we do....we're doing a 25 night European relocation cruise next year...in a large suite....NO RESERVATIONS about it's being hellish...it will not be....and we've been on several different NCL ships....ENJOY!!!! p.s. consider this a rave for suite travel only

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Sounds like you are a little snobby.

NCL might not meet the standards of Cunard or celebrity but it is a great cruise line

I hate to dress up for anything let alone dinner so I welcomed the laid back casualness of NCL

I also loved the private courtyard or as they now call it Haven

It was a sanctuary of solitude for someone who was traveling alone and didnt want to be overwhelmed by the crowds.

Keep an open mind money doesnt make you better than anyone else just a little different.

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wow i have to chim in on this one...


Dear op...


1st off a vacation is what you make of it.. Yes you could run into bad luck like the ship breaking down or you flight is canceled.. But thats out of your control

other than that your cruise is what you make of it.. If you go in with a sour mind set than no your cruise wont be enjoyable you will nick pick eveything different.. Yes ncl is a great line i have cruised 2x recently and booked a 3rd.. Yes i cruise ncl because of freestyle hey i might not be hungry at 7pm set dinning everyday.. And my dw would have a heart attack if i didnt wear shorts to dinner.. Even on formal nights.. If you wanna dress up in a tux or evening dress than go ahead thats awesome but for me i just wanna be comfortable... And enjoy a good meal.. Im on vacation not in a court room... Ill leave the suites at home.. Top reason to freestyle.. Im free to do whatever!

very well said!!

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Wow, am I the only poster that is seeing a disaster waiting to happen. OP if you do choose to stay with this choice might I suggest you adjust your expectations to 0.


If you go expecting what you are very used to in the way of your "cruise clothing", whatever that may mean and expect others to dress like you. I fear you will be disappointed.


If you go expecting that you will be sat with strangers at dinner (although NCL will try and meet your request if others are willing). I fear you will be disappointed.


If you go expecting your "gated community" to be of like mind. I fear you will be disappointed since I have seen suite life passengers who also claim to push the boundaries and wear there most casual clothes to dine in.


If you go expecting it to be "the cruise from he$$". I fear it will be.


If you go expecting it to be a new adventure and have positive thoughts. Then you will most likely have a fantastic cruise.


I have to agree. The OP is expecting the cruise to be the worst thing ever...then it will be. :(

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Most of our cruises have been with more traditional lines (Cunard, Celebrity, P&O) usually balcony cabins. Recently the DW aspired to greater things, so when we saw a good deal on a courtyard villa suite on NCL Jade to the Canaries next March we signed up despite reservations over what we had read about free style cruising. The question is are we going to feel out of place in the casual “do what you like” environment, with no regular dining companions to talk to, or will we look over dressed in our normal cruising clothes, let alone formal nights, (DW would lock me in the cabin rather than let me go to dinner in shorts!), perhaps spending the week hidden away in our gated community, or Haven, as they have recently rebranded it? Any re-assurances much appreciated. Many thanks. :confused:




We had done Disney and Carnival before NCL and for us, NCL knocked them both out of the water.. We dressed for dinner every night, mainly because we did pictures every night, but we never felt out of place. On our anniversary night, we dressed rather formal (again for pictures), but we were totally comfy.. Not everyone on NCL goes around in shorts and t's all the time. Truthfully, we found that the majority of people, at least in the speciality restaurants, were dressed at least in business casual and some went further. For us, the whole Freestyle Idea was that we could do & dress how we wanted and no one else cared and that was how it went.. We only did dinner in the MDR's on the 1st night, but we LOVED sitting at a table with only each other, no freaks like on our first Disney Cruise. Life is crazy, it's nice to be able to take the time to concentrate on one another.. Our service was much better than on DCL. We found the NCL staff to be the perfect mix of being there when we needed them and staying the heck out of our way when we didn't and they were all so nice.


If you really LOVE all the traditional cruise ways and don't want to try something new, then you might hate it, but beyond that, if you give it a chance you might find that you enjoy eating when and where you want and not feeling bad if you don't want to wear a suit to dinner every night..

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Most of our cruises have been with more traditional lines (Cunard, Celebrity, P&O) usually balcony cabins. Recently the DW aspired to greater things, so when we saw a good deal on a courtyard villa suite on NCL Jade to the Canaries next March we signed up despite reservations over what we had read about free style cruising. The question is are we going to feel out of place in the casual “do what you like” environment, with no regular dining companions to talk to, or will we look over dressed in our normal cruising clothes, let alone formal nights, (DW would lock me in the cabin rather than let me go to dinner in shorts!), perhaps spending the week hidden away in our gated community, or Haven, as they have recently rebranded it? Any re-assurances much appreciated. Many thanks. :confused:


this is strictly up to you, not NCL. Yes, it is very casual, no this isn't for everyone and yes, you are going to see people in shorts (not many) at dinner, or you may. You will also see Jeans and you will not see tuxes or formals...If you lifestyle is such that you want to be pampered (of course you will be to some degree because of your courtyard villa booking) and like a refined, formal atmosphere, NCL is probably not for you.


For many of us, it is the best thing going. We don't have to lug a bunch of formal clothes, we can eat when we choose and where we choose, we don't have to be stuck at a table for days on end with people we have nothing in common with and we always seem to meet more people.


Only you can decide what is right for you. Anyone who is even thinking "cruise from HILL" might be setting themselves up for disappointment. To me, few cruises are cruises from HELL, in fact over 25 and I have never been on one that fits the phrase.



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NCL certainly is not nearly as high-end as Cunard or Celebrity...but hardly the "cruise from hell"!!


Without knowing what your "normal cruising clothes" are, it's hard to say -- but if you're used to tuxedoes and long gowns, then yes, you'll be out of place on NCL. If you can dress in more casual clothes without going to shorts, you'll be fine!


Think of it this way -- it's MUCH easier to pack when you don't have to take special clothes just for one or two dinners aboard. And yes, if you DO feel out of place you can always have dinner brought to you!


You know we have cruised twice on Celebrity, unless you are talking the Soltice class I don't think it is any different from any other mass marketed line. I have never understood why people rave about Celebrity, other than it seems to be an attitude thing.



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Most of our cruises have been with more traditional lines (Cunard, Celebrity, P&O) usually balcony cabins. Recently the DW aspired to greater things, so when we saw a good deal on a courtyard villa suite on NCL Jade to the Canaries next March we signed up despite reservations over what we had read about free style cruising. The question is are we going to feel out of place in the casual “do what you like” environment, with no regular dining companions to talk to, or will we look over dressed in our normal cruising clothes, let alone formal nights, (DW would lock me in the cabin rather than let me go to dinner in shorts!), perhaps spending the week hidden away in our gated community, or Haven, as they have recently rebranded it? Any re-assurances much appreciated. Many thanks. :confused:


Reminds me of Mr and Mrs Bucket (Bouquet) on that British comedy show. Just pretend you're going to see your wife's relatives.

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