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March cruise upcoming late October knee replacement


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Hello everyone

Just wanted to get opinions from anyone that had a knee replacement. I will be having mine in late October or early November and we booked Celebrity Equinox for the March 5 eleven day cruise to the Panama Canal. From anyone that has had this surgery do you think if all goes well that with rehab and physical therapy it will be enough time to heal for this cruise. Just interested to hear experiences from fellow cruisers on this. I can't imagine going on this pain free.This will be our 9th cruise first time with Celebrity and as with all of them we are so excited to go and can't wait to board this beautiful ship. Thanks for your help.

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I had knee replacement end of February. Recovery is veerry slow and painful. Total recovery is a year. However, that said, you should be able to participate in activities. Eating, lounging, eatiing, swimming, eating, drinking, eating, dancing, eating, reading, eating. You get the picture? While I still have pain, you can't stop living. Enjoy. remember what Auntie Mame says...............I forgot. She said something. We have cruise planned for November and January.

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Everyone is different. Your age will be a factor as will any other conditions.


My 75 year old mother had a knee replaced last year, spent 4 days in hospital, another 10 days in a rehabilitation facility and then had about five weeks or so of follow on outpatient physiotherapy, 3 mornings a week. She was mobile with a cane over short distances before she was released from the rehabilitation facility and discarded the cane near the end of her therapy. None the less she has told me that it does really take a year before one is feeling whole.


Unless your doctors advise otherwise (don't forget to ask them about your cruise), based on my mothers experience I'd think that four months should be sufficient for you to get to the point that you'll enjoy the cruise. Just don't plan too many activities as you'll still be at a stage where you tire more easily than usual.


If I had any advice it would be to pay attention to the instructions you are given. Believe what you are told. Take your pain medications as advised, especially before doing physiotherapy. Be dedicated in doing your physiotherapy as directed, even though it will hurt at times.

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I had my knee replaced on June 1. We are going on the Infinity on Sept. 26. During the day the pain is manageable. At night I still have to take pain pills in order to sleep. I still have a lot of selling during the day. This makes it sometimes uncomfortable to walk. We will be gone 25 days and I have arranged with my doctor to have pain meds for this length of time.

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I've had both my knees replaced. Four weeks after the first, I was going stir crazy at home. It was winter, and it was physio in front of the tv all day every day. I was still in a fair amount of pain, despite taking my meds. Suddenly one day, I decided to book a last-minute resort package, leaving the next week. (I would have preferred a cruise, but couldn't find a suitable one at short notice.) My family doc said "sure, why not?". I was a little apprehensive about the flight, but I managed it. Being at the resort was fantastic for my recovery: warm sun, gentle swimming several times a day, no domestic duties staring me in the face. I walked a bit more each day, I swam, and we ate relaxed meals. And I did physio and read books under a palm tree the rest of the time. It was glorious, and that was only five weeks after the surgery!


I had the second knee done in the summer, so I recovered happily at home. Like others have said, the recovery is very long and you have to really work at it. I honestly can't think of a better place to recover than on a cruise ship!


Barring unforeseen complications, after four months you should be soooooo ready for your cruise! (I'll bet you'll be ready for your cruise after about 6 weeks ...). Like Grumpy7 says, you can't stop living. I think the distractions of a cruise are just what you need when you're recovering.


Got a question for you. Have you started doing your post-op physio exercises yet? Getting the muscles very strong and flexible before surgery will help enormously after. And it's already been said: take your pain meds! Don't even consider toughing it out. You need that medication to be able to move and do your physio. Cuz if you don't move and you don't do your physio, you will be very, very sorry indeed!


And another thing: you already know far more about pain than anybody should. The pain you have after the surgery isn't the same as the b.o.n.e.g.r.i.n.d.i.n.g pain you have every day of your life now. Yes, the surgery hurts (like h*ll), but after the first week or so, it starts to diminish. You know things are getting better, not worse. And in the long run you will be far better off.


Good luck with the surgery and recovery. Sorry I've been long-winded. The short answer to your question is: by March you will be one of the happiest cruisers on that ship!




PS Equinox ... BIG ship, long walks to go anywhere. Remember, they have lots of wheelchairs. Don't be shy to use one for the long hauls on the ship.

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Hi... I had double knee replacment last October. I Spent 5 days in the hospital and 18 days in a rehab facility. I also had home visits and after three weeks, went to an out patient facility for three weeks. Rehab was hard and sometimes painful, but the outcome was well worth it.


I was dancing quite well at our New Years Eve dance and felt wonderful. I feel like I was one of the lucky ones, really did not have a terrible pain problem. My advice is to be sure and do your rehab, even though it hurts, it will help you heal faster. I still have some stiffness in my knees if I sit a long while, but for the most part, no pain, which is wonderful after years of pain in both knees. I work part time which requires me to stand for long periods and have no problem. I am 67 and feel I did very well for my age....:)


I think you should be fine by March, and very ready for a cruise. We are taking a cruise on March 26, on Equionix.. We are really looking forward to it. My husband has been in kidney failure for the past three years and on dialysis. Our Son gave him a kidney in April, and he is doing great.It seems like a miracle to us. We had to wait almost a year after the transplant, before we could cruise again, but we are really counting the days. So we are really a happy family... me with new knees and him with a new kidney :D


Take the cruise, you will enjoy walking and not being in pain. Good luck with your surgery and rehab... You will be very happy you did it.



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Hello everyone

Just wanted to get opinions from anyone that had a knee replacement. I will be having mine in late October or early November and we booked Celebrity Equinox for the March 5 eleven day cruise to the Panama Canal. From anyone that has had this surgery do you think if all goes well that with rehab and physical therapy it will be enough time to heal for this cruise. Just interested to hear experiences from fellow cruisers on this. I can't imagine going on this pain free.This will be our 9th cruise first time with Celebrity and as with all of them we are so excited to go and can't wait to board this beautiful ship. Thanks for your help.


One tip others haven't mentioned. Don't sit around for long periods. Move!! You don't want to get a blood clot like I did.

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You can do it.

The key is your physical therapy.

You must do it, even on your own, between their visits.

Even if you do not like it, do it.


We cruised less than 6 months after my double replacement.

DH was fully recovered as soon as his therapy month was finished.

Each person is different.

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Thanks so much everyone !! Lots of new knees out there. I did not mention my age. I will be 60 in November. Seenie you asked if I have started exercising to better prepare for the road ahead. I have. I also have a recumbent bike that may come in handy for therapy. I love looking at all of your reply's and encouragement.

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Very interesting commentaries. In two days I turn 81; and, I do have some OA of the right knee. A couple of years ago, I chatted with the orthopaedic surgeon vis-a-vis a new knee; and, as a result I decided to tough it out. One factor we discussed was whether I might be a candidate for a new knee due to my age and the status of Obama care, if I delayed the procedure.

Nothwithstanding the aforesaid, I have delayed the decision; and, I have continued to pursue my daily 3 hour exercise regimen, which involves considerable ancillary exercises, and at least one hour of vigorous pool walking. Additionally, when I venture to the store etc., I always park very far from my intended destination. I have ingested 6 Aleve during 2011. Personally, I prefer a non-surgical approach, but I hope that Obamacare will not come and bite me.

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My wife had her knee replaced in September & we cruised with the doctor's blessing 6 weeks later. The key is the right mental attitude, & therapy, therapy, therapy. Do all they ask you to do, & don't cheat!


Good luck!!....& enjoy your cruise!

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In 2009, I booked B2B cruises on Carnival Splendor when the prices plummeted due to the Swine Flu scare. The first week one of my tablemates had had both knees replaced in the prior four months. she had been in a nursing home for rehab, and was depressed, and begged her doctor to let her go home. He told her she could go if she had someone to make her bed, cook her meals, and if she continued to exercise. she told him she knew just where to go to get that, and booked three or four cruises back to back. She got off the Splendor after a week, took a taxi to San Pedro and got on Mariner of the Seas. I think elation was next...

My mother had a knee replacement at 80, there was no rehab available for her so they came to her at home. She managed fine, living alone. I think she might have had some meals on wheels. She drove herself to her two week appt. EM

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One tip others haven't mentioned. Don't sit around for long periods. Move!! You don't want to get a blood clot like I did.


Well, I kind of did. ;) I said to take pain meds in order to move, or you'd be sorry. OK then, here's the horror story ...


An acquaintance of mine decided to be the tough guy. He didn't want the pain meds, thought he could tough it out. In pain, and not moving enough, he got blood clots. Then he had double agony, and he HAD to stay still. Long story short, he missed a rehab window, healed with less than 90 degrees flexibility and had to have the knees "released" under anaesthetic. (You don't want to know...) And then he was back at square 2 ... oh yes, he took all his pain meds on round two.


Moral: just say YES to drugs. When you've had a knee replacement, at least.:p

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My wife had her knee replaced in September & we cruised with the doctor's blessing 6 weeks later. The key is the right mental attitude, & therapy, therapy, therapy. Do all they ask you to do, & don't cheat!


Good luck!!....& enjoy your cruise!

I totally agree. We went on a cruise 6 weeks after surgery, I was 64, I am 83 now and it still works fine. Walking hurt so much before the surgery that post-op was a breeze.Whatever you do keep moving the way the therapist tells you.Good luck.
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Very well put. I am well over 100 degrees. I agree."Better Living thru Chemistry"

Take the pain medication. I'm down to a topical on the knee twice a day. Stopped using a cane 2 months ago. after the cruises, we're already planning a trip to South America. And yes, this pain sure beats the "bone on bone" pain that we've had before the replacement. And remember you can always get up from the dinner table by pushing down on your hands. But why bother, just sit there and wait for the next meal. Remember what Auntie Mame Said .........................Live, live, live.

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Lots of good advice here.

Knees and hips are very different, but I'm adding some different tips that we've picked up along the way from dealing with the before and after of my hip replacement, as well as sailing with a BFF six weeks after her hip replacement:


Celebrity has a good Special Needs customer service department that can be contacted by phone or email. If you need a raised toilet seat and/or a stool in your shower - they can arrange this for you in any standard cabin. If you are having mobility issues, but are cleared by your doctor to sail, Special Needs can also connect you to a company that rents on-board wheelchairs, walkers, and mobility scooters.


Wheelchair Porters:

There are wheelchair porters available for the embarkation and debarkation processes. Most ports of call also have wheelchair porters - and some of the docks are really long! Even if you can get around the ship okay (with or without a cane/walker/etc) this is a great option to save your stamina for your shore excursions, etc. Service is free, but have some $ for tips.


Good luck with your surgery and recovery! I put mine off for a while thinking I was too young (52). It has been the best thing!!! Once you are recovering it is amazing how much you realize you were compenstating/missing out on.


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Hi, I also had a right total knee replacement. I am also a nurse, my recovery took approx 4 months to really feel like I could move around and as others have said if you work hard in rehab you should be fine in March for your cruise. Just remember to take it easy and rest when you feel the need. Ice and Antiinflammatories will help with any swelling you might experience. Also, keep it elevated to help with the swelling post-op. Your own body will signal when you have had to much activity and should rest by the pool and be waited on. What a nice way to recover. Also rely on your walker and cane while on your cruise, this will help alleviate any fear you might have about falling.


Have a great cruise and a speedy recovery.

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Several years ago I had my left knee replaced on August 2nd. Knowing I would work harder with a goal, I booked my first X cruise for October 31st on the Horizon (I said it was a few years ago:rolleyes:) out of Tampa.

Because it was my left knee, driving was easier. Tampa is a 200 mile drive but I stopped a couple of times and it was okay.

I did have a sort of head start on rehab. Because I live alone (and my knee was the result of an accident), my attorney negotiated two weeks of inpatient rehab at the hospital where I had my surgery. It was wonderful! We had physical therapy twice a day, occupational therapy every afternoon and other activities during the day. We basically worked on our recently replaced parts from 8 to 5. It gave me a great jump start.

When I went home I had someone who came in 3 times a week for therapy and in two weeks I was going into an outpatient rehab 3 days a week. I worked hard and it paid off. My new knee is great.

Always take your meds BEFORE you have pain! The drugs work much better at keeping the pain at bay. If they have to over come the pain you are looking at a longer time before the pain starts to respond. Better living through pharmacology is my motto.

Oh, and ice will be your new best friend! My neighbor has one of those seal a meal things and she made me ice bags 10 parts water to one part alcohol. They stay frozen longer and even if they melt they stay cool for a good while.

Good luck on your cruise! I'm sure you'll do fine.

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Hello everyone

Just wanted to get opinions from anyone that had a knee replacement. I will be having mine in late October or early November and we booked Celebrity Equinox for the March 5 eleven day cruise to the Panama Canal. From anyone that has had this surgery do you think if all goes well that with rehab and physical therapy it will be enough time to heal for this cruise. Just interested to hear experiences from fellow cruisers on this. I can't imagine going on this pain free.This will be our 9th cruise first time with Celebrity and as with all of them we are so excited to go and can't wait to board this beautiful ship. Thanks for your help.


I had knee replacement in November of 2010 and was back on a fire truck in February of 2011. I am a volunteer fireman and not that young. If you have a good doctor and work hard in rehab and follow up PT you should do OK. The key is how hard you work at your own rehab. By March I was almost totally back to normal although I watched out for my knee. It's now almost a year since the surgery and I never think about my knee at all. Good luck and enjoy your cruise.



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Thanks so much everyone !! Lots of new knees out there. I did not mention my age. I will be 60 in November. Seenie you asked if I have started exercising to better prepare for the road ahead. I have. I also have a recumbent bike that may come in handy for therapy. I love looking at all of your reply's and encouragement.

I am 60 and had a double knee replacement last December. I did 3 days in hospital and 9 days in rehab. I continued out patient physical therapy for 18 sessions. In March I did a 12 day out of NJ on Rc and did great. My doc told me 3 months and he was correct. I hiked in Domenica and jumped off a waterfall. Only difficulty was, I was slow going down the stairs......You should be fine. Do your rehab!!!!!

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I had knee replacement in November of 2010 and was back on a fire truck in February of 2011. I am a volunteer fireman and not that young. If you have a good doctor and work hard in rehab and follow up PT you should do OK. The key is how hard you work at your own rehab. By March I was almost totally back to normal although I watched out for my knee. It's now almost a year since the surgery and I never think about my knee at all. Good luck and enjoy your cruise.



What is your age? I only inquire due to my O/A knee which, at this time, is doing pretty well without surgery.

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What is your age? I only inquire due to my O/A knee which, at this time, is doing pretty well without surgery.

I will be 60 in November.Someone also asked what my weight was and I am at my weight goal and have been for 11 years.That makes the doc happy. The replies on Cruise Critic have been sooo helpful. I appreciate any and all from everyone!! What encouraging people all of you are!!

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