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Beware Customs


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Customs and TSA are part of Homeland Security under the Dept of Treasury.


And they perform COMPLETELY different duties. TSA doesn't look for contraband coming into the country, in fact they only look for things going on planes. They could care less if you've got three cases of wine in your checked bags (I do this regularly--cheaper than shipping. TSA could care less if you've got a dozen Cubanos or 24 cartons of cigs. That's customs job.


I'm not sure why TSA was even mentioned in the context of this thread.

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Customs and TSA are part of Homeland Security under the Dept of Treasury.


OK, here is my OCD kicking in -- The Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") is a separate Cabinet level department currently under the direction of Secretary Janet Napolitano. It is not part of the Treasury Department. Various agencies [like Customs and TSA] were formerly part other departments but have now been integrated into DHS.

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when we came back from vos in september the customs officers were really active at Gatwick...... shame they weren't looking for contraband they were more interested in eyeballing Kiera Knightly who had flown back on our flight from Venice!


IOS is interesting though..... so you visit eu and non eu countries - wonder what the legal situation is... can you buy duty free in non eu and buy duty paid in eu countries and in the duty free shop on board? Not been on IOS yet but going in April - what are the choices of channels to walk through - red, green and blue? If spain is last port of call does that mean you are entering the uk from an EU country or if you have visited a non eu country on cruise does that nullify that? interesting dilemma. We have never been in that position before we have either cruise all EU or all Non EU countries. Plus if you have done a cruise where you had to fly and you flew back to the UK from an EU airport even though you may have visited a non eu country your baggage tag would be blue edged thus allowing you to pass through blue channel.... mmmmm interesting thought. Maybe someone with more authority on these things might know the answers.........


I think its more to do with the ship and what it is registered with than the countries visited but as you pick up your luggage and walk to the outside there are no channels just lots of tables with customs officers and boy can you get caught in that backlog.

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We recently sailed on Oasis, and 2 of the couples we sailed with were stopped (Flagged electronically) when we got off the ship and both were taken to customs. They had both purchased expensive jewelry in the shop (Regalia) on board ship - both purchases were between $2,500 and $4,000. BOTH parties were stopped, their passports confiscated, and taken to a holding area (just like criminals) and they had to pay duty. The shops have signs that say "DUTY FREE" - what the cruise line does not tell you it is DUTY FREE UNTIL you get off the ship!!!! Then, they burn you with the duty tax. To me RCCL has a moral obligation to tell you that this will happen (any purchase in excess of $800 per person there is a duty) to you when you try to leave the ship at the end of the cruise. DO NOT purchase expensive stuff, excess liquor, or multiple cartons of cigs unless you want to be subjected to this embarrassing situation! Royal Caribbean does not care about you - they only want the money!!

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I think its more to do with the ship and what it is registered with than the countries visited but as you pick up your luggage and walk to the outside there are no channels just lots of tables with customs officers and boy can you get caught in that backlog.


For Customs allowances, it's absolutely to do with the countries where the goods were purchased. If stopped you will need to be able to establish what was bought duty paid in the EU (no limits for personal use on booze and tobacco) and what was bought outside the EU (limits apply). Of course, you only get one allowance, it's not per country visited :)

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We recently sailed on Oasis, and 2 of the couples we sailed with were stopped (Flagged electronically) when we got off the ship and both were taken to customs. They had both purchased expensive jewelry in the shop (Regalia) on board ship - both purchases were between $2,500 and $4,000. BOTH parties were stopped, their passports confiscated, and taken to a holding area (just like criminals) and they had to pay duty. The shops have signs that say "DUTY FREE" - what the cruise line does not tell you it is DUTY FREE UNTIL you get off the ship!!!! Then, they burn you with the duty tax. To me RCCL has a moral obligation to tell you that this will happen (any purchase in excess of $800 per person there is a duty) to you when you try to leave the ship at the end of the cruise. DO NOT purchase expensive stuff, excess liquor, or multiple cartons of cigs unless you want to be subjected to this embarrassing situation! Royal Caribbean does not care about you - they only want the money!!


"To me RCCL has a moral obligation to tell you that this will happen (any purchase in excess of $800 per person there is a duty) to you when you try to leave the ship at the end of the cruise." If you have not read Know Before You Go http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/vacation/kbyg/ you need to. You used to get a copy when you got your passport (this may have changed). This information is also available on your US Customs document that you need to fill out and sign before entering the US. I would hope the your TA would advise you also. We have it so easy in the US we become complacent. The bottom line you are responsible for you.

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We recently sailed on Oasis, and 2 of the couples we sailed with were stopped (Flagged electronically) when we got off the ship and both were taken to customs. They had both purchased expensive jewelry in the shop (Regalia) on board ship - both purchases were between $2,500 and $4,000. BOTH parties were stopped, their passports confiscated, and taken to a holding area (just like criminals) and they had to pay duty. The shops have signs that say "DUTY FREE" - ...



Do you know whether or not they declared those items on their US Customs declaration form? The form clearly states that all purchases must be declared, and also mentions the normal $800pp exemption.


In 2009 I was on my honeymoon cruise. The last day I heard my name called over the PA (on the ship) to come to see customs. We had purchased the photo package CD from the ship of our wedding, along with a digital camera. The total of those was $1500.


I went to the conference room; gave my form (which listed the ship board purchases) to the CBP officer. Since families can combine duty exemptions, we were below our limit, so he initialed the form and said "thank you".





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thanks missus makkem and cotswold eagle - neither of us smoke nor really buy booze so its not really a biggie for us - but it is interesting to ponder.... long queues at Southampton not going to look forward to that! sounds like the good old days pre EU. I guess if Her Majestys 'good' people are getting a few catches each time the ship docks then its worth their while, I guess from my point of view when i get to home ground I just want to get home so hanging around will just irritate me. Remember cruising celebrity from Harwich and it was a dream getting of the ship, no queues, no bundles etc silly me thought Southampton experience would have been similar thanks for the heads up.... Guess the plan is to get off the ship as early as possible to avoid me getting grumpy :)

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"To me RCCL has a moral obligation to tell you that this will happen (any purchase in excess of $800 per person there is a duty) to you when you try to leave the ship at the end of the cruise."
I've never been on a cruise where I wasn't reminded of this by the cruise line multiple times and where it is plainly stated on everyone's customs declaration form. Sounds like your friends tried to beat customs and customs won. Duty free means you are not required to pay local or national taxes where you purchased the item. Duty is charged by some countries, including the US, when bringing those purchases into the country.
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Wow , 10 customs officials . All leave must of been cancelled then . When they get really experienced they might consider realeasing a couple to monitor the illegal immigrants coming in . All those benefits being claimed . All the families living in homes they not are entitled to . etc etc .


Leodis you are right , it is unusual . People cheating the taxman is wrong , but there are some real big fish available to nab if they want to make a point . UK residents know who they are . :mad:


Lets get the fella with a few bottles of vodka and some cigs for his mate . Teach him a lesson eh ! :confused: ;)


Why would customs officers be wanting to look for illegal immigrants? customs job is to prevent illegal importation of goods and evasion of tax and duty.

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The same rule applies for Gibralter it is duty free BUT you can only take your usual allowances e.g. 200 cigs. l litre Alc. The shops will, of course, sell you as much as you wish to purchase - many passengers on our ship thought this meant they could take them legally into Britain. At Southampton the customs were waiting - and they certainly KNEW who to stop. Tables were covered in packs of cig's, etc. One member of staff said that there were normally no customs staff on duty when the ship docked - how wrong she was!


I have bought cigs in Gibralter and the shop keepers will downright lie to you that you are allowed to take 800 back when you are not. the only time I have managed it is when sailing with several non smoking friends and spread the packs around them.


The only time I have ever seen customs staff at Soton is when the ship has stopped at Gib or Canaries.

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I have bought cigs in Gibralter and the shop keepers will downright lie to you that you are allowed to take 800 back when you are not. the only time I have managed it is when sailing with several non smoking friends and spread the packs around them.


The only time I have ever seen customs staff at Soton is when the ship has stopped at Gib or Canaries.


I have been to Gib several times and been to shops that quite clearly stated the quota allowed . Never been told the wrong amount . Travelled from Spain to Gib by car on ocasions also . Quotas robustly explained everywhere I shopped . Maybe I have been lucky being informed . Dont know ?


To your other post on customs . Does it matter the job description , they all work for the government . No money to pay for border control ( is that ok to use that title ) , but hammer the "real" criminals bringing spirits and cigs in illegally . Yes its wrong , but easy to get results for the lads in suits to answer to Home Secretary .

Those coming into Southampton will be back at work the next day . Legally . The others wont leave the country because they wont get back in .


Those coming in all over the country unchecked , no vodka but costing a lot more ! Dont underestimate it .


Off topic by a country mile , but worth the response thank you .


Please dont bring items illegally into the UK . There is a good chance 10 foreign born customs officers will confiscate it . :D

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thanks missus makkem and cotswold eagle - neither of us smoke nor really buy booze so its not really a biggie for us - but it is interesting to ponder.... long queues at Southampton not going to look forward to that! sounds like the good old days pre EU. I guess if Her Majestys 'good' people are getting a few catches each time the ship docks then its worth their while, I guess from my point of view when i get to home ground I just want to get home so hanging around will just irritate me. Remember cruising celebrity from Harwich and it was a dream getting of the ship, no queues, no bundles etc silly me thought Southampton experience would have been similar thanks for the heads up.... Guess the plan is to get off the ship as early as possible to avoid me getting grumpy :)


Think the idea of an early departure is a good idea, we have not had too much trouble but others we know did miss their scheduled train because of the customs backlog but usually it has been a breeze disembarking in Southampton.

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Hey Cigar King,

I'm doing an eastern in January. Do you know any 'legit' cigar stores in St. Thomas or St. Maarten?


There are tons of fakes in the Caribbean. In St. Maarten I would recommend La Casa del Habano. Anywhere else and you are taking a chance of getting a fake.

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We went on a cruise in October to Mexico and I declaired EVERYTHING we bought. However, I never noticed the officer even looking at the form. He just checked my information (I was representing the family) and sent us on our way..3 minutes tops.

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We went on a cruise in October to Mexico and I declaired EVERYTHING we bought. However, I never noticed the officer even looking at the form. He just checked my information (I was representing the family) and sent us on our way..3 minutes tops.


When we got off Allure in May, I tried to hand my form to Customs and he waved me by. Luck of the draw I guess.

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And they perform COMPLETELY different duties. TSA doesn't look for contraband coming into the country, in fact they only look for things going on planes. They could care less if you've got three cases of wine in your checked bags (I do this regularly--cheaper than shipping. TSA could care less if you've got a dozen Cubanos or 24 cartons of cigs. That's customs job.


I'm not sure why TSA was even mentioned in the context of this thread.




While I often agree with Ducklite, in this case you a he is very wrong.TSA sees something coming in or out that is illegal(like questionable high tech stuff) they can and have called customs, just becuase they may makes allowances for the cruise trade..doesn't mean that if they decide to they won't call Customs. Customs can make your life very unhappy very fast..........even more so than the IRS..........They work together alot more then they talk about...........and in anycase, is it worth a possible major fine or even jail term?

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Why would customs officers be wanting to look for illegal immigrants? customs job is to prevent illegal importation of goods and evasion of tax and duty.



but if customs or TSA agents finds a illegal trying to sneak into the country,they call the immigration officers.........they are not likely to turn a blind eye, I am sure sometimes they do.....but they are always watching......



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A couple stories about customs...




A few years back we cruised on Celebrity Century with 40 friends and family for a ship wedding.


At the end of the cruise as we were leaving, my 19 year old niece was pulled aside and questioned about buying a watch. Customs opened her suitcase and dumped everything on the floor, in full view of everyone who was leaving the ship. She kept telling them that she did not buy a watch, as they called her a liar and proceeded to check her bags. She was crying, very upset, looking for help from either her dad, or someone in our group.


Customs told us to keep moving and would not allow us to wait for her. We sat on a bus for about 30 mins., when they finally let her go, of course finding nothing, because she didn't buy a watch.


We questioned everyone in our group and found that one person bought a 99.00 watch. This person had the same last name as our niece, as did at least 10 others in our party. We figured that she was pulled out, because she was the first in line, with that name, and subjected to a search for a 99.00 watch. It's the only thing that made sense to us.


Second story... My son was on LibertyOS for his honeymoon to the Caribbean last year. When he was leaving the ship, a custom's agent kept commenting on his watch and how it was quite similiar to what they sold on the ship. He assured them that he had owned that watch for 4 years. They checked papers and rudely let him pass.


My son is 27, looks young, but he's a deputy prosecutor for his county and his wife is an attorney for the IRS! I'm sure they could handle the attitude, but he was a little put out.

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A couple stories about customs...




A few years back we cruised on Celebrity Century with 40 friends and family for a ship wedding.


At the end of the cruise as we were leaving, my 19 year old niece was pulled aside and questioned about buying a watch. Customs opened her suitcase and dumped everything on the floor, in full view of everyone who was leaving the ship. She kept telling them that she did not buy a watch, as they called her a liar and proceeded to check her bags. She was crying, very upset, looking for help from either her dad, or someone in our group.


Customs told us to keep moving and would not allow us to wait for her. We sat on a bus for about 30 mins., when they finally let her go, of course finding nothing, because she didn't buy a watch.


We questioned everyone in our group and found that one person bought a 99.00 watch. This person had the same last name as our niece, as did at least 10 others in our party. We figured that she was pulled out, because she was the first in line, with that name, and subjected to a search for a 99.00 watch. It's the only thing that made sense to us.


Second story... My son was on LibertyOS for his honeymoon to the Caribbean last year. When he was leaving the ship, a custom's agent kept commenting on his watch and how it was quite similiar to what they sold on the ship. He assured them that he had owned that watch for 4 years. They checked papers and rudely let him pass.


My son is 27, looks young, but he's a deputy prosecutor for his county and his wife is an attorney for the IRS! I'm sure they could handle the attitude, but he was a little put out.





You proved my point Sir!..the Customs and TSA and other goverment officals(They all work together) can be nice as ice.......let thousands pass and lots of stuff pass........like cases of wine, maybe not fully enforcing the import laws, .. but if they want to make your life terrible.......they can and will use thier power....


Sorry your niece was so shook up!



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but if customs or TSA agents finds a illegal trying to sneak into the country' date='they call the immigration officers.........they are not likely to turn a blind eye, I am sure sometimes they do.....but they are always watching......


AKK[/quote']The OP was talking about UK customs not US customs. *

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