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15% gratuity on all drinks


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But, isn't that your whole goal in posting these inflammatory posts?

inflammatory posts ??? Exactly where do you get that idea from? My opening post was a simple question about the 15% gratuity on drinks at the bar. It seems to me that Americans in general have taken umbridge to the post, as I seem to be asking questions about the American way of life. Rather typical.

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inflammatory posts ??? Exactly where do you get that idea from? My opening post was a simple question about the 15% gratuity on drinks at the bar. It seems to me that Americans in general have taken umbridge to the post, as I seem to be asking questions about the American way of life. Rather typical.


What's the point in asking the question? You seem to have your mind made up on what you are going to do. Now everyone knows you're so tight that you wish to spend your very first cruise at the Pursers Desk complaining before you've even experienced a day on board. Pretty miserable holiday. We'll look forward to the bad review that will follow as you seem bent on making it it a bad experience.


The pound is still stronger than the dollar, why don't you, as several others have suggested, consider the price to be the amount plus 15%. Do you always ask the price at home before you order a beer? I don't, the bill comes and I pay it. Your bill will come with the tip already included. There is an another line on there for additional tip, scratch that one out or write a big zero through it, if it makes you feel better.


Not everyone here is American. People from other countries have also responded, including your fellow countrymen saying the same thing.

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Wonderful suggestions.

2. The 15% gratuity is only recommended.

3. See 2.



Please do report back upon returning from your trip and let us know how successful you were in doing this. In order to remove the tip guest services/ bar manager/ HD may want to know your reasoning ie. bad service etc.


I, as well as others I am sure, are curious as to what you will say....

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Wonderful suggestions.

1. Already paid for. The main part of the holiday is a 7 night all inclusive hotel in Jamaica.

2. The 15% gratuity is only recommended.

3. See 2.

4. I am not talking about wine, only beer. $15 to bring your own wine on board !!!


See my bold.


Since the cruise lines back away from the Carribean in the summer, my wife and I have been going to the all inclusives. We love the them and their no tipping policies. The Quality and Service is always excellent. With an improvement in entertainment, I think they could give cruise lines a run for their money!

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inflammatory posts ??? Exactly where do you get that idea from? My opening post was a simple question about the 15% gratuity on drinks at the bar. It seems to me that Americans in general have taken umbridge to the post, as I seem to be asking questions about the American way of life. Rather typical.



To answer your question, it would appear that people are seeing your posts as "inflammatory" due to the liberal use of snide phrases like "Rather typical" in demeaning people over their nationality.



What exactly is it that you see as being "non-inflammatory" about your posts?



BTW...let me let you in on something since you are relatively new here and this is going to be your first cruise experience.


NCL does monitor, read, and post on these boards. Being that you have made more than a couple of posts about smuggling booze with plastic bottles and/or rum runners...and being that NCL can see (by your posts) your hometown, ship, and date of embarkation...you should know that it isn't very difficult for NCL to identify you prior to boarding (computers are wonderful).


If I were you, I wouldn't be surprised if NCL was a little more thorough in their luggage screening for smuggled booze when you come onboard.


Just a little "heads up" FWIW.

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Not sure on the price of beer in England. It is about $4:50 - $5:00 in our local Legion and about $6:50 in a local bar for a 16 oz pint of draught beer, (all plus the tip). On the ship it is about $6:00 for a 16 oz bottle of Bud, if bought by the bucket. Not bad at all really, that includes the tip. At todays rate about 3.75 British pounds. Most 12 oz bottles in our pubs would be about $5:00 or more. Would like to know what beer prices are in Europe and the UK.


We are supposed to be on holiday when we cruise and enjoying ourselves, not "two biting" everyone for the sake of it, that’s just cheap. If our OP would consider the money he spends as “recreational funds” he may have a better experience, looks like he has made his mind up to complain before he leaves on the trip though. My old dad used to call the British pound notes “little green beer tokens” this was back in the 70’s. I look at US bills the same way, only now they have become “little green tipping tokens”. I am not knocking the US Dollar, only our Loonie does not have quite the same charisma if we hand it over as a tip.

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It appears that as well as the high cost of beer and wine on board ship, NCL charge a standard 15% gratuity on all drinks. Is this 15% gratuity enforceable or is it like in a restaurant, when if you do not consider you have good service, you refuse to paying any service charge. When I go to a bar in England, I do not give the barman a tip for him/her to pour me a pint or give me a bottle. If I guess that you sign for all drinks with no actual cash taking place, can you delete the gratuity and sign for the actual drink. I am not too sure whether this may rather annoy or upset the bar staff, but what is the gratuity actually for? I know that all Americans seem to live on tips, but I am not American, and the cruise is in the Caribbean.

I have been wanting to ask our English lads about the tipping arrangements on cruises that you guys take. Is the $12 per day in effect or how is that handled.

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I have been wanting to ask our English lads about the tipping arrangements on cruises that you guys take. Is the $12 per day in effect or how is that handled.


Booking through NCL UK we always prepay our DSC as the GBP equivalent is a bit cheaper (£6.50 pppd) so it is less of a hit on the on-board bill. We usually tip our room steward a bit extra and usually we 'adopt' a Martini bar waiter as well! Our onboard spend is horrendous enough as it is!:D


We always make a point of filling out STYLE cards where appropriate - apparently these give the crew better perks and promotions.


Personally, when I hear Brits boasting about removing their tips/DSC/gratuities I cringe inside and make a point of disassociating myself from them as quickly as is polite(ish).


To any Brits thinking of stiffing the crew - remember that one of the worst social crimes is to welch on your round in the pub - this is the same thing - and you are doing it to people who can least afford it.

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I must disagree. People who pay their bills SHOULD get better service and people who don't pay their bills shouldn't get service.


Oh, I agree with that sentiment but as long as tipping is not mandatory it's impractical from a business standpoint (but certainly the tippers should be served before the non-tippers;)).

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To any Brits thinking of stiffing the crew - remember that one of the worst social crimes is to welch on your round in the pub - this is the same thing - and you are doing it to people who can least afford it.


Bravo and well said!

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Guest LoveMyBoxer
See my bold.


Since the cruise lines back away from the Carribean in the summer, my wife and I have been going to the all inclusives. We love the them and their no tipping policies. The Quality and Service is always excellent. With an improvement in entertainment, I think they could give cruise lines a run for their money!


Majority of all incusive places already take into account the tips into the final cost, don't think that you are not paying it. Compare the cost of an all-inclusive 7 day compared to a 7 day cruise. Cruiselines can also do away with the no tipping, but it will be added to your cruise fare.

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Personally, when I hear Brits boasting about removing their tips/DSC/gratuities I cringe inside and make a point of disassociating myself from them as quickly as is polite(ish).


To any Brits thinking of stiffing the crew - remember that one of the worst social crimes is to welch on your round in the pub - this is the same thing - and you are doing it to people who can least afford it.

How can as you say welching on a round in a pub, be the same as objecting to a 15% gratuity for ordering 1 drink? But then again , you do come from Chelsea. We live different "up North"

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See my bold.


Since the cruise lines back away from the Carribean in the summer, my wife and I have been going to the all inclusives. We love the them and their no tipping policies. The Quality and Service is always excellent. With an improvement in entertainment, I think they could give cruise lines a run for their money![/quote]


You have got to be joking. No ship, no ocean, how can it possibly give a cruise a run for it's money?


Regarding the original subject I am from UK and not a fan of employment that relies on a tip to get a decent wage. Everyone should get at least the government mininimum.

However before we went on our 1st cruise we researched the web, brochures and travel agents advice for what it all involved. Hence when onboard we fully accept the conventions involved and respect the way of life onboard a foreign flaged ship.

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How can as you say welching on a round in a pub, be the same as objecting to a 15% gratuity for ordering 1 drink? But then again , you do come from Chelsea. We live different "up North"


I come from 'oop North' originally (t'other side of the Pennines but no matter :D)


Stiffing someone (or a group) is bad manners if nothing else - I was just drawing a comparison that Brits (not aimed at you particularly) might understand.


As others have already posted, 'when in Rome do as the Romans do'.


Tipping has been a part of cruising for 100 years or so - it isn't going to change overnight.


There are thousands of threads on CC on tipping - it is one of the hot topics (as you have now probably realised!)

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BTW...let me let you in on something since you are relatively new here and this is going to be your first cruise experience.


NCL does monitor, read, and post on these boards. Being that you have made more than a couple of posts about smuggling booze with plastic bottles and/or rum runners...and being that NCL can see (by your posts) your hometown, ship, and date of embarkation...you should know that it isn't very difficult for NCL to identify you prior to boarding (computers are wonderful).


If I were you, I wouldn't be surprised if NCL was a little more thorough in their luggage screening for smuggled booze when you come onboard.


Just a little "heads up" FWIW.




He has made it very easy for them to figure out who he is. He's already posted that he's boarding in Ocho Rios and has given them the date. :D

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To any Brits thinking of stiffing the crew - remember that one of the worst social crimes is to welch on your round in the pub - this is the same thing - and you are doing it to people who can least afford it.


Excellent point. Well said.

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Guest LoveMyBoxer

Hmmm, word spreads fast on a ship, I wouldn't want to be the OP if he did remove any tips and still expect to be served by any crew member who knew about this. Can you say "a little surprise" in your next drink! LOL

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He has made it very easy for them to figure out who he is. He's already posted that he's boarding in Ocho Rios and has given them the date. :D

Well, you have excelled yourself, you little super sleuth. When I get my boarding time, I will let you know. Yet another American. !!

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How can as you say welching on a round in a pub, be the same as objecting to a 15% gratuity for ordering 1 drink? But then again , you do come from Chelsea. We live different "up North"


How? Because the 15% is 100% of the bar staffs income. Just to help you understand cruise ship pay plans. The servers get ZERO salary. They are paid a minimum draw agains those 15% service charges of $1000 per month for a seven day work week. If they fail to earn at least the draw for several months their contract is not renewed. So like it or not we are paying their salary not the cruise line. If you are comfortable taking $.75 from someone who makes 10-12,000 dollars a year working 7 days a week for nine months straight ask to have it removed. Caution your picture may be posted in the crew bar :D

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How? Because the 15% is 100% of the bar staffs income. Just to help you understand cruise ship pay plans. The servers get ZERO salary. They are paid a minimum draw agains those 15% service charges of $1000 per month for a seven day work week. If they fail to earn at least the draw for several months their contract is not renewed. So like it or not we are paying their salary not the cruise line. If you are comfortable taking $.75 from someone who makes 10-12,000 dollars a year working 7 days a week for nine months straight ask to have it removed. Caution your picture may be posted in the crew bar :D

Amazing reaction from yet another American. If NCL decided to make the 15% gratuity compulsory, they would say so. Their own web site says it is recommended. If it would upset a bar person to get me a bottle of beer and not receive any gratuity, then they should address the problem with the cruise line. $6 a bottle is enough to pay anyway.

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Guest LoveMyBoxer

So according to your postings:



Yes, we fly to Norman Manley, Kingston on March...


Yes, we fly to Norman Manley, Kingston on March 15th for 6 night at Couples Tower Isle and then join the Pearl on 21st March in Ocho Rios for 7 nights. The prices looked good when we booked with...


Are you joining the Pear half way through her cruise and then doing another half cruise on the way back? There is no itinerary for the Pearl sailing from Jamaica on a 21/3/2012??

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So according to your postings:



Yes, we fly to Norman Manley, Kingston on March...


Yes, we fly to Norman Manley, Kingston on March 15th for 6 night at Couples Tower Isle and then join the Pearl on 21st March in Ocho Rios for 7 nights. The prices looked good when we booked with...


Are you joining the Pear half way through her cruise and then doing another half cruise on the way back? There is no itinerary for the Pearl sailing from Jamaica on a 21/3/2012??

Ah well. looks like I got it all wrong then. Sorry for the confusion

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