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My public letter to Royal: why do you keep pushing me away?


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I agree with you on this. Well put.


After 2 weeks on the Navigator watching and listening to the behavior of adults in the CL (sorry but it was the D+ folks) I will take the kids any day.


Have to agree with this.


The truth is that many of the D+ are very vocal and think that they are the most important people onboard, staying in the cheapest cabin. Sooner they are banned from the CL the better. Sorry if that upsets.


A very very small percentage of RCI passengers post on this forum and so it is not representative of how passengers feel.


Enjoy your cruise for what it is and if the product is not right for you, find a product that is.

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Regarding the letter, I think it's worth sending because of their concierge club policies and stock benefits. It seems Royal Caribbean does dangle a carrot in front of you, you go to reach for it, and they move it farther away. That's not a savvy way to keep customer loyalty and they should know that.


Regarding the issue with unruly children, I don't think there is much Royal Caribbean can and will do about it. Children are children and they're going to press elevator buttons, and jump in a pool, and not listen to their parents. I sympathize with how you feel but even if you went on Celebrity, Carnival or Princess you'd find the same problem. RC has tried to cater to all different groups of people and I think they have done a magnificent job. They have Vintages, late-night adult comedy, nightclubs, adults-only solariums, etc... The bigger picture is that they are willing and attempt to accommodate all guests on their ships. And it's seems, based on your loyalty, you must enjoy your time on RC. And you are choosing the right cruises to avoid masses of children (going when children are in school, late-night dining, etc...). I'm going on Liberty of the Seas with my boyfriend this Saturday and I couldn't be more excited. Of course I'm not a huge fan of kids either and I know the rowdy kids will be a necessary evil but I'm going to have a good time regardless because RC offers a wonderful product!

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The elevator button makes me laugh on our last cruise our travel friend , we he never pays any attention , got in the elavator leaned up , wammo lit them all :eek: as we got off the next people got on , we were like sorry:o it was an accident they were like RIGHT .....

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I think this thread got hijacked into a kid hater debate and I don't think that's where the OP was going. All some of us are asking is that Royal preserve some of the refuges that they already have for adults.


For those that want to ship us all off to Celebrity, you don't get balcony discounts and they would have to really change their activities to match Royal. I'm not talking flow riders and rock walls. Watching water aerobics at the pool on sea days just doesn't cut it. Besides some have invested years in RCI and it would take years to establish their loyalty on another line. There is a happy median somewhere getting all defensive (and obnoxious) won't help the discussion.

Asking for them to preserve some refuges and some benefits on C & A is all good. But when they answer "no" by the changes they make or rules they don't enforce we must either put up with it or move on.

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Your opinion. My vacations are ruined when I have to be around rude people who think it's all about them.


But sadly that seems to have become peoples attitudes in general when they are on vacation , my wife and I started an inside joke about 10 years ago when we where at Disney World and people would rudley just run you over or push you aside , we would just say hey Go Right Ahead You are vacation its all about you this week , and to this day when someone kind of gets under our skin we pull it out , and to this day no one has ever even looked at us with a oh what did I run in front of you or sorry did ditch in the line , we just smile and go on. ;)

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But sadly that seems to have become peoples attitudes in general when they are on vacation , my wife and I started an inside joke about 10 years ago when we where at Disney World and people would rudley just run you over or push you aside , we would just say hey Go Right Ahead You are vacation its all about you this week , and to this day when someone kind of gets under our skin we pull it out , and to this day no one has ever even looked at us with a oh what did I run in front of you or sorry did ditch in the line , we just smile and go on. ;)

Steve, I think I really like you. Sweating what others do just isn't worth it. You have a great attitude, I think you would be exactly who I would like to cruise with.

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Steve, I think I really like you. Sweating what others do just isn't worth it. You have a great attitude, I think you would be exactly who I would like to cruise with.


LOL , well my nurses used to say the same thing , I went through to major cancer surgeries a few years back , and they would say you are always smiling and happy , I said well here I am at 46 , back then I'm 53 now and still on the right side of the grass :) and there are little kids going through the same crap I am who am to complain . I survived it all , unfortunatley not able to work anymore :( its not whats it cracked up to be to just up and retire . But it is what it is .


But yes People make to much out of small stuff . And I would enjoy cruising with you as well . But I do cruise That other line some :eek::eek: but thats another thread another story:D

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OP: doesn't exactly look like you got lambasted afterall. :)


This thread was a great read, lots of good points made on all sides. I think that RCI corporate should not only read the OP's open letter, but they should read this entire thread to absorb some of the differing view points presented (even if we are a very small segment of their customer base).

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It's not rude it's kids being kids, assuming it was a kid and not some drunken Yahhoo, and it's no big deal. Personally, I don't use elevators ever on a cruise ship and I do sort of think its funny that people get worked up about it.


I loathe this attitude. I am soooo sick of the 'kids will be kids' argument. I am just as sick of the " adults are worse offenders" retort that inevitably happens. for some people IT IS A BIG DEAL


I am disabled. one flight of stairs will take me 20 minutes and I WILL hold up the traffic pattern and have to deal with people pushing past me sometimes with exasperated sighs of disgust. and once I was KNOCKED OVER by some one who couldn't be patient for the 15 seconds it took the couple coming up the stairs across from me to get past so he could move around me. so for me the elevator is a necessity and yet why do I have to suffer because Junior decided it would be cute to push all the buttons? I wanna get to dinner on time too. I wanna get to the shows in time to get a semi decent seat. just because I am on vacation does not mean the clock/time table goes out the window.


what the heck am I supposed to do when I am in my wheelchair full time?! be doomed to spend my cruise waiting line only to have to wait for the third or 4th car to show cuz people push ahead of me leaving me no room to get on? to get on the elevator then doomed some more to ride it every.single.deck. and YES I have seen this.. multiple times.

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People need to drop the emotional attachment and start viewing their dealings with companies for exactly what they are.... business transactions. You pay money and the business provides a service. It is that simple. Allowing a business to tap into your emotional side simply gives them one more advantage, and places a huge disadvantage on the comsumer, in the business arrangement between you and them.


I agree with you on this. Well put.


After 2 weeks on the Navigator watching and listening to the behavior of adults in the CL (sorry but it was the D+ folks) I will take the kids any day.


I say this at the risk of offending a few I have become friends with, but I agree 100% with both of you. DW and I get a chuckle out of it and we try very very hard not to become like that. We love cruising and we enjoy the perks we have earned, but DW has open permission to give me a reality check by way of a swift kick where the sun don't shine the day I start acting like a RCI know-it-all.....or acting as though the crew thinks I am so much more special than everyone else on board.

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While you seem to be polite and understanding, there are very many mobility-impaired passengers (especially on the Explorer in the winter season) who need their wheelchairs and scooters to move around the ship.


Unfortunately, many of these people are not as polite as you and zoom right to the front of the elevator, ride right in, and don't let anybody else on -- even though there were many people waiting for the elevator before they arrived.


It's not just the rude kids on a given cruise who monopolize the elevators. It's also the older crowd confined to scooters, who seem to feel this sense of entitlement just because they are mobility-impaired.


Maybe RCCL should have a special handicapped elevator -- that way all the scooters can fight among themselves as to who got there first, and not have this attitude that just because I'm in a wheelchair I have a right to drive up to the front of the elevator door, push my way in, and ignore everyone else who may have been waiting for 10 minutes before them.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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Sorry to hijack this thread away from the OP. But, as there is a lot of talk about elevator etiquette and young children, I was hoping for some sage advice from our learned posters. Let's say that I am on deck 5 and am wanting to take my two-and-a-half year old toddler to the Nursery on deck 14 for the evening. (After all, it is formal night and I wouldn't think of bringing a toddler to dinner in a specialty restaurant. That could be considered rude, even if dining before 7 pm).


So, as we arrive at the elevator bank, for whatever reason, my 2 and half-year-old toddler suddenly becomes enamored with pushing the 14th floor button once we get on the elevator (probably because it glows once pushed, who knows). In order to do so, this would require me to position myself near the buttons and pick my toddler up off the floor so that he can push the button for floor 14.


Here is my hobson choice. Do I go through the effort to make this happen and rudely intrude on my fellow passengers in the process? Or, do I firmly tell my toddler "no" and try to reason with him. . . . but then have him resort to an elongated, drawn out temper tantrum for the entire 10 deck trip up to deck 14? (Sadly, temper tantrums do happen with toddlers).


I must confess that I am having some difficulty with this quandry. Because, on the one hand, I want to be a good, disciplining parent and want to teach my child toddler proper manners. Everyone is dressed up for a wonderful evening and the last thing I want to do is make them late for dinner, even if we are only talking about a handful of seconds. On the other hand, I want to avoid the very high potential for greater rudeness to my fellow passengers because, sadly, temper tantrums from a toddler going through the terrible two is quite inevitible. Riding 10 floors on an elevator with a screaming child can be quite uncomfortable for everyone involved.


Now, I know that I could always just avoid booking the cruise with my toddler in the first place, so as to avoid any potential rudeness; but, I was curious what some of our more enlightened posters might suggest would be the most appropriate way to get my toddler to the nursery in this situation.


Thanks in advance.

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That's too bad for you mine are never ruined by what others do. I wish you well.


Using your logic, if your kid pushed every button on the elevator and I stood there and spewed profanity about it, it's OK because well, you're on vacation so you shouldn't sweat the small stuff? Or is it a double standard, it's OK for you to be rude, but it's not OK for me to be rude?

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While you seem to be polite and understanding, there are very many mobility-impaired passengers (especially on the Explorer in the winter season) who need their wheelchairs and scooters to move around the ship.


Unfortunately, many of these people are not as polite as you and zoom right to the front of the elevator, ride right in, and don't let anybody else on -- even though there were many people waiting for the elevator before they arrived.


It's not just the rude kids on a given cruise who monopolize the elevators. It's also the older crowd confined to scooters, who seem to feel this sense of entitlement just because they are mobility-impaired.


Maybe RCCL should have a special handicapped elevator -- that way all the scooters can fight among themselves as to who got there first, and not have this attitude that just because I'm in a wheelchair I have a right to drive up to the front of the elevator door, push my way in, and ignore everyone else who may have been waiting for 10 minutes before them.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta


Wow! I guess no one is immune from getting kicked on these boards...even when they're already down.

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Have to agree with this.


The truth is that many of the D+ are very vocal and think that they are the most important people onboard, staying in the cheapest cabin. Sooner they are banned from the CL the better. Sorry if that upsets.


A very very small percentage of RCI passengers post on this forum and so it is not representative of how passengers feel.


Enjoy your cruise for what it is and if the product is not right for you, find a product that is.


Why do you assume that its only D+ that are VOCAL we have witnessed many SUITE guests who are just as bad if not worse than SOME D+, or is just that you paint everyone with the same brush regardless and assume they are D+, some D+ also book Suites, as has previously been said it wouldnt be long before the sniping started lets just keep to the OP Q, how do you know how most passengers feel have you done a survey. RCCL had a product that we enjoyed and still has in some cases.

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That's easier said than done. I'm former military and have a career in law enforcement, so speaking up comes naturally to me and I do it without fear. However, in a day and age where parents (not all) seem to be more offended by another person scoulding their kids than the misbehavior itself, it tends to create arguments where nothing is accomplished. Then, those who spoke up are left defending themselves rather than the original misbehavior being corrected by the parents. Great message to the kids, huh? :rolleyes: Anyways, the last thing I want is to be kicked off the ship because of the behavior of others.


You've nailed it Paul. I wasn't military but we have similar backgrounds.


Kids are what kids always have been (including us). What is different is that if I ever got arrested, the safest place for me would have been in jail where my father couldn't get to me. Nowadays, it's the parents who need the nightstick across the kidneys.


We blame the pit bulls, not the owners and the parents now blame the enforcement (ie cops, teachers) instead of being responsible themselves.


As for C&A benefits, we aren't really loyal to any line even though Royal is our preference if all else is equal. From recent experience and observation, it appears to me that Norwegian treats its' returnees and Suite passengers much better.


Also, I'd have to agree that it isn't JUST the kids. If you read "The Attack of the AARPS" section in my Norwegian Gem review, you'll see what I mean.

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While you seem to be polite and understanding, there are very many mobility-impaired passengers (especially on the Explorer in the winter season) who need their wheelchairs and scooters to move around the ship.


Unfortunately, many of these people are not as polite as you and zoom right to the front of the elevator, ride right in, and don't let anybody else on -- even though there were many people waiting for the elevator before they arrived.


It's not just the rude kids on a given cruise who monopolize the elevators. It's also the older crowd confined to scooters, who seem to feel this sense of entitlement just because they are mobility-impaired.


Maybe RCCL should have a special handicapped elevator -- that way all the scooters can fight among themselves as to who got there first, and not have this attitude that just because I'm in a wheelchair I have a right to drive up to the front of the elevator door, push my way in, and ignore everyone else who may have been waiting for 10 minutes before them.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta


I must say I take a completely different opinion on this. I am more of a stairs person but if someone is disabled for whatever reason they are more than welcome to go in front of me everytime. I dread the day I may be in that situation so for me to give up a spot on the elevator when I am perfectly capable of taking the stairs is fine by me. I can understand what your point was but it truly did not come across that way.

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I say this at the risk of offending a few I have become friends with, but I agree 100% with both of you. DW and I get a chuckle out of it and we try very very hard not to become like that. We love cruising and we enjoy the perks we have earned, but DW has open permission to give me a reality check by way of a swift kick where the sun don't shine the day I start acting like a RCI know-it-all.....or acting as though the crew thinks I am so much more special than everyone else on board.


It may have been because we typically cruise during peak periods spring break, summer, Christmas and New Years but we have never in all our cruises seen such "entitled" behavior. The one upsmanship was something to behold.


Loud enough for all to hear..

I had dinner with (insert name).


Well I had dinner with (insert two names)

Pretty much this way the week these two were on.


Oh well we still had our drinks and enjoyed the other aspects of the cruise.

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