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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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But, but, but...you said, didn't you, "There is just too much of a generational gap between a 52 year-old (insert UNRELATED male or female) and a 25 year-old (insert UNRELATED male or female)to have "friendship" things in common no matter the genders."


If I, then, point out that I have fun with people that share a similar generational gap, why is that suddenly irrelevant?

See above in red - sorry for the omission but I thought it would be understood. I wasn't talking about relatives. There might be a platonic relationship as you would like to think but I believe it's highly unlikely. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I hope for his wife and daughter's sake you are correct!
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While searching for a good photo of the Costa Concordia Bridge to use as a background to photoshop in the Blonde and Schettino together, I came across a photo that if it is not photoshopped, already shows them on the bridge together at another time (Daylight). Which would seem to me, again if it is not a photoshopped image, which it does not appear to be to my layman's eyes) would seem to indicate the night of the wreck was NOT the 1st time she was on the bridge with Schettino!!!


Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:





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We take the time to get to know " family" and family of friends. But how many people outside of those parameters do you have the kind of friendship where you share meals and drinks ( to say nothing of cabins) with that are 30 years older or younger than you?


I started cruising only a few years ago, so I've only shared a cabin with my husband. He's only 8 years younger than I am.


As for meals or after-work drinks, yes, I'm sure I've enjoyed those with people of a variety of ages. 30 years older when I was young and, say, most recently 20-25 years younger...my last job was at a university and most of the new employees had degrees so there weren't any that were 30 years younger than I was. I've had students sit at my table during functions or plunk down in my office for a chat. Does that count?


On a ship, my husband and I usually ask to share a table for breakfast and lunch, since we enjoy meeting people of all ages. Since our perference is for the MDR, we are often with people that are significantly older.

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See above in red - sorry for the omission but I thought it would be understood. I wasn't talking about relatives. There might be a platonic relationship as you would like to think but I believe it's highly unlikely. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I hope for his wife and daughter's sake you are correct!


Well, I can only say that IMHO it's a shame that you haven't enjoyed the company of people outside of your generation.


For the record, I'm not saying that there was a platonic relationship between Cemorton and Shettino. I'm saying that we shouldn't presume that there was a sexual or romantic relationship between them.


I actually have no idea, but according to the media, Cemorton has denied any relationship of that nature, both before and after her deposition.

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Well, I can only say that IMHO it's a shame that you haven't enjoyed the company of people outside of your generation.

????? Whooaa Nelly... Is this a personal attack???? All I can say is when I was 25 I did not date 52 year-old married men. Who are YOU to say I didn't enjoy the company of people outside my generation? Do you know me? I had great relationships with members of my family and their friends, teachers, mentors, bosses etc. ages 1-80. Thank you very much!


For the record, I'm not saying that there was a platonic relationship between Cemorton and Shettino. I'm saying that we shouldn't presume that there was a sexual or romantic relationship between them.
Isn't the opposite of a sexual relationship a platonic relationship?


I actually have no idea, but according to the media, Cemorton has denied any relationship of that nature, both before and after her deposition.
Of course she has denied it. Anyone in her shoes would probably do the same thing!
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I am not sure that any personal involvement between the captain and Ms.Moldova had much to do with the botched navigation and abandonment of the Costa Concordia. It does make good press, though.


When I started sailing there were NO women aboard any ships I was on, other than as passengers. When women started entering the seafaring profession in the late 70's (under U.S. flag) it did cause problems, as can be expected. On one of my last commercial voyages I was asked if I would accept a female as a Chief Officer, and I did. One of the engineers kept bothering her and I had to tell him to buzz-off. He then really made me mad when he said that I must be having an affair with her. I was and am happily married and respect my vows and found that offensive to both of us. There are always some men who will let their little head do the thinking for their big head, but hopefully they are the exception rather than the rule.

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While searching for a good photo of the Costa Concordia Bridge to use as a background to photoshop in the Blonde and Schettino together, I came across a photo that if it is not photoshopped, already shows them on the bridge together at another time (Daylight). Which would seem to me, again if it is not a photoshopped image, which it does not appear to be to my layman's eyes) would seem to indicate the night of the wreck was NOT the 1st time she was on the bridge with Schettino!!!


Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:






The photoshopped photo and not a very good one at all.


The two persons in the photo have completely depth of view and focus.



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While searching for a good photo of the Costa Concordia Bridge to use as a background to photoshop in the Blonde and Schettino together, I came across a photo that if it is not photoshopped, already shows them on the bridge together at another time (Daylight). Which would seem to me, again if it is not a photoshopped image, which it does not appear to be to my layman's eyes) would seem to indicate the night of the wreck was NOT the 1st time she was on the bridge with Schettino!!!


Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:






Great photo, Joanie! How do the epaulettes look to you, Millandra?


Maybe Schettino accidentally fell into a pot of superglue just before bumping into Miss Moldovia and they stuck together right up to the wreck?


Millandria.......once all the evidence is accurately sourced, double-checked, carefully verified and proven beyond all possible doubt, ..... I'm sure you will be in the same camp as everyone else, so why have to be dragged there while making all kinds of illogical statements (incorrect propositions about what other posters are saying) on the way?

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Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:
And as always, his two hands clenched tight while posing for pics.


Anybody else notice this?


This is now the third or fourth shot of this guy I've seen now (showing his hands)

and I'm yet to see relaxed outstretched fingers.


Maybe he's conscious of a missing finger? -or finger deformity?


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And as always, his two hands clenched tight while posing for pics.


Anybody else notice this?


This is now the third or fourth shot of this guy I've seen now (showing his hands)

and I'm yet to see relaxed outstretched fingers.


Maybe he's conscious of a missing finger? -or finger deformity?




Either that or he has a quilty conscious of betraying his wife!!

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????? Whooaa Nelly... Is this a personal attack???? All I can say is when I was 25 I did not date 52 year-old married men. Who are YOU to say I didn't enjoy the company of people outside my generation? Do you know me? I had great relationships with members of my family and their friends, teachers, mentors, bosses etc. ages 1-80. Thank you very much!


Personal attack? Of course not! You said that you thought that a 52 year old and a 25 year old would have too much of a generational gap to have things in common for friendship. I expressed my genuine feeling that it was a shame you didn't enjoy cross-generational friendships. Yes, I assumed you were speaking of your own experience, but only because you had said it wasn't possible.


I'm not going to apologize because I don't know why you felt it was an attack!


I'm also not sure why you mentioned that you didn't date older married men. I never have either, and I wasn't accusing you of it.

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once all the evidence is accurately sourced, double-checked, carefully verified and proven beyond all possible doubt,

..... I'm sure you will be in the same camp as everyone else,

so why have to be dragged there while making all kinds of illogical statements

(incorrect propositions about what other posters are saying) on the way?

..had a feeling this would happen sometime... :D
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and right wingers are stupid according to the Daily Mail. This must be one of the few accurate article they have included in the Snail http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/feb/05/daily-mail-calls-rightwingers-stupid?newsfeed=true


Ha-ha, nobody is more right wing than Peter Hitchens who writes a column in the Mail On Sunday (I know some people who think he'd make a great Prime Minister).:cool:


I think the Daily Mail has imported some of the staff from Nudes of the World - it has certainly gone downhill in recent months.


Hi Guys


In the immortal words of The Terminator: "I'M BACK". I've been busy carrying out the duties and obligations of my primary Cruise Critic mission, co-ordination of four Cruise Critic Roll Calls. :eek:


Anyway, the above posts regarding differing ideological views and primary sources of news/information got me wondering. Are those factors related to our apparent divide on whether it is proper to judge actions of others in a court of public opinion or whether that is being too judgemental ? :confused:


For myself, I believe in a society's right and duty to judge the actions of others in a court of public opinion, separate and apart from the judicial system. All three of the TVs in my home are pre set with Fox News as the primary channel. ;)


What say you ?



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For a fully animated Google Earth 3D recreation of the final voyage of the Costa Concordia go to:



For a YouTube of the animation go to:


Thanks for sharing these.


Does anyone know whether the pumping out process began today or begin tomorrow?? :confused:


I was hopeful for today but then I read the ship has moved more than originally thought over the last few weeks. My thought then went to maybe those in charge wanted to check the stability before resuming work.

Next I went to the weather forecast, more to check winds in the area. Tho today and tomorrow do not look bad, Friday is a whole 'nother story.


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On a separate and more humorous note:

I was thinking a great song for Captain Schettino to sing to his Domnica.


From the musical "The Music Man".


"The Sadder But Wiser Girl For Me"


No sweet and and pure angelic lass for me


The only affirmative she will file

Refers to marching down the aisle

No golden, glorious, gleaming pristine goddess, no sir

For no Diana do I play faun, I can tell you that right now


I snarl, I hiss, how can ignorance be compared to bliss?

I spark, I fizz for the lady who knows what time it is

I cheer, I rave for the virtue I'm too late to save

The sadder but wiser girl for me


No bright-eyed, blushing, nreathless baby doll baby

No sir, that kinda child ties knots no sailor ever knew


I prefer to take a chance on a more adult romance

No dewy young miss who keeps resisting

All the time she keeps insisting

No wide-eyed, wholesome, innocent female

Why, she's the fisherman, I'm the fish, you'll see


I flinch, I shy when the lass with the delicate air goes by

I smile, I grin when the girl with a touch of sin walks in

I hope and I pray for Hester to win just one more 'A'

The sadder but wiser girl for me


No giggling ice cream soda drinker

Out to hook you line and sinker

No honey throated beckoning siren

I plug my ears and I grab my oars and I flee


I cheer, I boo at the Puritan hearted aun jeune

I yearn, I long for the woman

Who's Pop says, "What went wrong?"


I root and I clap for the dame

In the gown-less evening strap

The sadder but wiser girl's the girl for me

The sadder but wiser girl for me

That kinda girl can spin a web you'll see

She trades on wholesome innocennce galore

But it's my independence that she's trading for

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Personal attack? Of course not! You said that you thought that a 52 year old and a 25 year old would have too much of a generational gap to have things in common for friendship. I expressed my genuine feeling that it was a shame you didn't enjoy cross-generational friendships. Yes, I assumed you were speaking of your own experience, but only because you had said it wasn't possible.


I'm not going to apologize because I don't know why you felt it was an attack!


I'm also not sure why you mentioned that you didn't date older married men. I never have either, and I wasn't accusing you of it.


No need to beat a dead horse and certainly no need to apologize - I don't ever recall asking you for an apology.


We can agree to disagree politely without getting personal.


I can even agree to pretend it was just going to be an innocent little pajama party sleep-over to watch the Little Mermaid on DVD and share a tray of cookies and milk. :D

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Millandria.......once all the evidence is accurately sourced, double-checked, carefully verified and proven beyond all possible doubt, ..... I'm sure you will be in the same camp as everyone else, so why have to be dragged there while making all kinds of illogical statements (incorrect propositions about what other posters are saying) on the way?


I totally agree. Milandra, I predict that you will be eating your words [with respect to Domnica being the captain's good friend/dinnermate/bridge buddy...]

it's just a pity that for now, we have to wade through them.

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While searching for a good photo of the Costa Concordia Bridge to use as a background to photoshop in the Blonde and Schettino together, I came across a photo that if it is not photoshopped, already shows them on the bridge together at another time (Daylight). Which would seem to me, again if it is not a photoshopped image, which it does not appear to be to my layman's eyes) would seem to indicate the night of the wreck was NOT the 1st time she was on the bridge with Schettino!!!


Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:





Here is longer, than the most recent photo of her. So it may be an older picture.

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I posted this some time back when the tragic event occurred.

I thought it might ad something to the recents posts. Not sure if it may be pouring petrol on a fire but here goes.....


I would have hoped that society could move past this sort of thing:

Domnica Cemortan was on board as was Roberto Bosio ( 2nd Captain?)

Domnica is portrayed as the villain and thus media reports her as


‘She was slim, had blonde hair to her shoulders and was wearing a black dress with her arms uncovered. They were laughing and in high spirits.’


( Source) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz1kDsYtRXr


Roberto the hero is never described…..he may or may not be portly, short, unkempt etc etc.


He goes to the bridge when the event occurs and helps… A HERO

She goes to the bridge and helps ( making announcements in Russian to help Russian passengers ) and is the villain.


He is an employee, as is she. His passage documents are not brought into question.... her's are.


Language used makes a difference….They have variously described as “wineing and dining” ……if it was reported as them sharing a meal doesn’t create the same impression. I’m sure Roberto Bosio had a meal perhaps with someone that evening. If he shared a meal with a fellow male officer, is his sexuality brought into question?


Domnica and the captain share a meal …. Scandal ( he must be ‘doing’ her)

Roberto just shares a meal.

Get my drift.

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The big difference is that JFK and Clinton didn't ram a 14,500 ton ship into rocks. Here Schettino chose to be a "Rock" Star to his idolette over being a Captain to his passengers.


You might want to double check your number.

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Videos of other "flybys" on other islands:


Procida in August 2010: This one was advertised on the official blog of Costa Cruises.


Island of Ischia June 2011










I suspect that this is going to come down to a navigational error, which is the responsibility of the Captain. He admitted to not knowing the position of his ship in early statements. First rule of navigation is to know where you are.




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Photoshopped: The lighting is wrong and her face is from one of the photos readily available online of her in artificial light.




While searching for a good photo of the Costa Concordia Bridge to use as a background to photoshop in the Blonde and Schettino together, I came across a photo that if it is not photoshopped,


Here is the photo I found while doing a Google search for Costa Concordia Bridge Photos:





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