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I don't plan to cruise on Splendor anymore because....


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OMG I can't tell you how true this advice is.


Truth is we do enjoy the groaners on these boards

although we know and understand that these are the "discerning" nit-pickers

who are basically unhappy with their lives -or their lots in this life.


Indirectly, their purpose is to assure to us how very normal we are

and we are glad for that assurance! :)



We are all so very lucky to be able to afford lifestyles that permit cruising

a leisure pursuit that remains unthinkable in the sweatshops of India and China

-unthinkable to easily 80% of the world's population.



Yet there are those who board a ship with utterly unrealistic expectations that they shall be 'swept off their feet'

in a surreal world of ultimate luxury and perfection

un-surpassed by what Hollywood can conjure up for the silver screen.


Just where they got this idea is difficult to pinpoint

but one suspects Hollywood and Television.



Me and You Ordinary Guys...we go on our cruise, glad to get away from daily chores.

That's enough for us -but not for the unhappy.


Be glad you're happy enough to enjoy your cruise, come what may.

It's a cruise -nothing more. It's not a quick trip to Heaven and back ;)



I think this statement is TOTALLY unfair.

If the poster has numerous CCL cruises under their belt and this one didn't measure up, do they not have the right to post their observations/feelings ESPECIALLY on this web site that is designed for just that????

CC is NOT just for Rah-Rah comments.


Did it ever occur to you that if people posted nothing but cheerleader type comments, that in itself may set other people up with unrealistic expectations????


All you cheerleaders may just be the main contributers to the complaints here in that you set people up to expect somethign they may not get because you aren't honest with yourselves.

Acknowledging that other people may have had a different experience than you and NOT calling them liars or whiners would be a great start to making this board what it should be and that's a place to talk about your cruise experiences GOOD and BAD..

Edited by halos
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OMG I can't tell you how true this advice is.


Truth is we do enjoy the groaners on these boards

although we know and understand that these are the "discerning" nit-pickers

who are basically unhappy with their lives -or their lots in this life.


Indirectly, their purpose is to assure to us how very normal we are

and we are glad for that assurance! :)



We are all so very lucky to be able to afford lifestyles that permit cruising

a leisure pursuit that remains unthinkable in the sweatshops of India and China

-unthinkable to easily 80% of the world's population.



Yet there are those who board a ship with utterly unrealistic expectations that they shall be 'swept off their feet'

in a surreal world of ultimate luxury and perfection

un-surpassed by what Hollywood can conjure up for the silver screen.


Just where they got this idea is difficult to pinpoint

but one suspects Hollywood and Television.



Me and You Ordinary Guys...we go on our cruise, glad to get away from daily chores.

That's enough for us -but not for the unhappy.


Be glad you're happy enough to enjoy your cruise, come what may.

It's a cruise -nothing more. It's not a quick trip to Heaven and back ;)



Great post. There are certianly legit complaints out there, but there are plenty of BS complaints too. If you hang around these boards long enough, you can tell the difference.


It's just the psycology of people that the nitpicky ones end up here.

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Great post. There are certianly legit complaints out there, but there are plenty of BS complaints too. If you hang around these boards long enough, you can tell the difference.




It's just the psycology of people that the nitpicky ones end up here.







NOT calling them liars or whiners would be a great start to making this board what it should be and that's a place to talk about your cruise experiences GOOD and BAD..


I forgot to add nitpicky :rolleyes:



What do you constitute as a legitimate complaint???

The Op's review was balanced. It was not a total bash....

what do you cheerleaders want???? I seriously need to know.

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what do you cheerleaders want???? I seriously need to know.
We've done nine cruises now:

Two on a cheapo UK cruise line, one on Princess -and six on 'icky' Carnival. :)


That's enough cruises to constitute a fair cross-section. Or is it?

I read stuff on cruisecritic (read it out to my wife as well) -and we both have a good laugh

mainly because we cannot relate to the complaints we're hearing.


Maybe we need to do more cruises, until we too have gripes.

Meanwhile my Farcus Funnel avatar stays put.


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While I understand you, just because it isn't likely doesn't mean it can't happen....I also think that even if the food wasn't spoiled, if it tasted like it WAS, that's equally as disturbing.



It bothers the heck out of me when people who post anything negative on here are called liars or belittled for posting a review that isn't 100% wonderful.

How many reviews need to be posted here with complaints about people being disappointed before anyone believes that these people have legitimate gripes??

If your experiences are different, that's great...but no one should call other people liars just because they experienced things that were not positive.


FWIW, I don't think CCL food is inedible.

I have never experienced anything that was spoiled on any cruise ship...but I will not call this person a liar. I've been on 16 cruises...there are thousands of cruises sailing each year. For me to claim it's impossible would be utterly stupid.


The things that are NOT said in this type of post speak much louder than what is posted.


Were the ship's officers notified so they could correct a potentially serious problem ?


Were the regulatory bodies notified of this ?


Not making the people aware so the problem could be corrected is total lack of consideration for the cruise line as well as the other guests.


You may support this, but I certainly would never allow this situation to continue if I experienced it. I have more respect for my fellow humans than to fail to try to protect their health and well being.


Did OP do any of this ?

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We've done nine cruises now:

Two on a cheapo UK cruise line, one on Princess -and six on 'icky' Carnival. :)


That's enough cruises to constitute a fair cross-section. Or is it?


I read stuff on cruisecritic (read it out to my wife as well) -and we both have a good laugh

mainly because we cannot relate to the complaints we're hearing.


Maybe we need to do more cruises, until we too have gripes.

Meanwhile my Farcus Funnel avatar stays put.




Then if you have had different experiences than a 'complainer'...state them...by all means!!

Why the need to call people nitpicky liars or sometimes worse???


That isn't fair to anyone on the boards and serves no purpose.



I think there are complaints out there that are a bit much...mostly if they are things OUT of a cruise line's control

mechanical issues


medical emergencies

port problems



but if a long time cruiser like the OP comes on to say that there were things about her cruise that were not what she wanted or expected, due to her previous experiences on Carnival, how is that nitpicky???


Again, I ask. What negative comment would not seem nitpicky to you??

No matter what anyone says here that is negative, somebody is going to blast them for it.


Did OP do any of this ?




I don't know. You nor anyone else asked her.


She was attacked first...asked questions later.

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Then if you have had different experiences than a 'complainer'...state them...by all means!!

Why the need to call people nitpicky liars or sometimes worse???


That isn't fair to anyone on the boards and serves no purpose.



I think there are complaints out there that are a bit much...mostly if they are things OUT of a cruise line's control

mechanical issues


medical emergencies

port problems



but if a long time cruiser like the OP comes on to say that there were things about her cruise that were not what she wanted or expected, due to her previous experiences on Carnival, how is that nitpicky???


Again, I ask. What negative comment would not seem nitpicky to you??

No matter what anyone says here that is negative, somebody is going to blast them for it.






I don't know. You nor anyone else asked her.


She was attacked first...asked questions later.


Wouldn't you expect that to be in the original post if it happened ?? Construction criticism should tell the whole story.

Edited by swedish weave
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Wouldn't you expect that to be in the original post if it happened ??


I expect a lot more from posts than what I get.

The good portion of people who post here can't form a coherent sentence. Some posts are endless and in one large paragraph so I don't even read them.


When people post things that I don't necessarily believe...or if I think they're being a bit over the top, I don't call them liars.


Even when people post pictures of the bad stuff they experienced or if they post that they DID take the complaint to someone (and it wasn't handled well) they get blasted.....up front, what comes to mind is the ongoing thread from the poster who had issues with his group table. He took his complaint to the maitre'd who told basically told him to take his complaint to the service desk.


It doesn't matter what anyone does or how they handle their issue...if they post something negative here, they get blasted.

You can't deny this is the truth.

These boards have always been like this but they are far worse now than they ever were. The reason for this is there are a bit more complaints now than there used to be.

Some may chalk this up to people being more nitpicky...or it may just be that CCL just is not what it used to be.

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My reason for being on this thread is because I have a cruise booked on the Splendor and came here for information.


I see that OP took the time to report to ship's security about the ibnspection of her coin purse, but did not say anything about what action she took regarding a much more serious problem of spoiled food. Twice, she felt the need to say I am not a complainer.


I apologize to those who feel I offended them with my posts, but I still classify the original post as a rant instead of a source of information.

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My reason for being on this thread is because I have a cruise booked on the Splendor and came here for information.


I see that OP took the time to report to ship's security about the ibnspection of her coin purse, but did not say anything about what action she took regarding a much more serious problem of spoiled food. Twice, she felt the need to say I am not a complainer.


I apologize to those who feel I offended them with my posts, but I still classify the original post as a rant instead of a source of information.



No need to apologize, SW!


I agree the OP had more of a rant, probably because they have cruised Splendor "six" times already? Sure, it's nothing like it used to be on their first cruise because the OP is getting bored of the same thing. I can't imagine going on the Splendor six times without it becoming routine and no longer seeming to be somewhat special. No wonder the person wants to nitpick everything.


We sailed on the Splendor back in November and we saw no issues with spoiled food/condiments, bad hot chocolate or ice cream. In fact they had the ice cream machines down and were cleaning them on one of the nights. But I'm sure the OP was already in bed by that time in the early morning and didn't see it on their cruise.


We don't even know if we want to book our second cruise on the Splendor yet, since we've already "been there"... but it was a good ship with lots of good food to be found and none of us got sick after kids drinking hot chocolate and eating ice cream for seven days and us eating at all the areas onboard to try it out, including the sushi when offered on some nights.


It's funny how some posters complain about Carnival constantly, yet they are taking time to hang out on a Carnival topic message board. If it's that bad, they should just move on and forget about Carnival instead of trolling on the message boards all day looking to gripe and complain. Some people just need to get a life. The only reason I am on this board is because we're looking into our next cruise and are checking what the latest happenings at Carnival are. Hard to weed through all the posters with their ficticious or exagerated complaints.

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OMG I can't tell you how true this advice is.


Truth is we do enjoy the groaners on these boards

although we know and understand that these are the "discerning" nit-pickers

who are basically unhappy with their lives -or their lots in this life.


Indirectly, their purpose is to assure to us how very normal we are

and we are glad for that assurance! :)



We are all so very lucky to be able to afford lifestyles that permit cruising

a leisure pursuit that remains unthinkable in the sweatshops of India and China

-unthinkable to easily 80% of the world's population.




Yet there are those who board a ship with utterly unrealistic expectations that they shall be 'swept off their feet'

in a surreal world of ultimate luxury and perfection

un-surpassed by what Hollywood can conjure up for the silver screen.


Just where they got this idea is difficult to pinpoint

but one suspects Hollywood and Television.



Me and You Ordinary Guys...we go on our cruise, glad to get away from daily chores.

That's enough for us -but not for the unhappy.


Be glad you're happy enough to enjoy your cruise, come what may.

It's a cruise -nothing more. It's not a quick trip to Heaven and back ;)



You took the words right out of my mouth Thanks!!!:)

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How dare you post photos of deserts from other Carnival Ships. YOU were not on the Splendor on Jan.29, 2012.


I am only complaining about the problems on the Splendor on Jan.29th.


The Splendor used to have wonderful deserts and foods that I truly enjoyed but times have changed and people have to be aware of those problems. They may be minor problems but still serious enough to make people sick on an expensive cruise. I paid $997. FOR SOLO ME. There is no way that I would want to get sick on spoiled food.


Making fun of me is not the way to treat a loyal member of cruise critic.

We are all here to help eachother. I am glad for all of the information I learn here on cruise critic. I also try to be helpful to others here. LucyR.

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I will be on the Splendor in 10 days and the polar opposite reviews of the ship & service are pretty amusing. This is my 1st cruise but I have done many land vacations in the past and almost every place I have researched has had the same type of differing opinions yet I've always seemed to have a great time when I've gone. So I have a feeling one way or another I will squeeze some enjoyment out of missing work for a week and basically checking out of lifes worries for a bit. Did i mention i'm going in 10 days! :D:cool:

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How dare you post photos of deserts from other Carnival Ships. YOU were not on the Splendor on Jan.29, 2012.


I am only complaining about the problems on the Splendor on Jan.29th.


The Splendor used to have wonderful deserts and foods that I truly enjoyed but times have changed and people have to be aware of those problems. They may be minor problems but still serious enough to make people sick on an expensive cruise. I paid $997. FOR SOLO ME. There is no way that I would want to get sick on spoiled food.


Making fun of me is not the way to treat a loyal member of cruise critic.

We are all here to help eachother. I am glad for all of the information I learn here on cruise critic. I also try to be helpful to others here. LucyR.




Take my advice, just let it go. We both were on the Splendor on the Jan 29th sailing and we both have been on the Splendor before so we have prior experiences on the same vessel to compare with. Just let it be at that. Thanks.

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Making fun of me is not the way to treat a loyal member of cruise critic.

We are all here to help eachother. I am glad for all of the information I learn here on cruise critic. I also try to be helpful to others here. LucyR.


You'd be best served ot let it go....there are those that will tear you down no matter what you say.


You reported good about your cruise


You reported negative about your cruise


You singled out that ship as the issue because the service/food was not the same as you previously experienced on that ship.


You didn't write off the entire cruise line, just feel that you won't cruise on the Splendor again...


and you are not being cut any slack because you DARED to have something negative to say.


No matter...I hope that your next cruise is a bit better and that you aren't scared off from writing another review.

Also, if you have any issues on any cruise, I (and probably most of us here) recommend as swedish weave pointed out, that you really should voice complaints while on board to see if they can fix things.

No matter what, you should feel free to come back and post your thoughts as it is your experience.

Some of us do appreciate knowing everything, so we know what to prepare ourselves for.



I will be on the Splendor in 10 days and the polar opposite reviews of the ship & service are pretty amusing. This is my 1st cruise but I have done many land vacations in the past and almost every place I have researched has had the same type of differing opinions yet I've always seemed to have a great time when I've gone. So I have a feeling one way or another I will squeeze some enjoyment out of missing work for a week and basically checking out of lifes worries for a bit. Did i mention i'm going in 10 days!




It's your first cruise...you'll love it.

I wish you blue skies and calm seas too :)

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I GIVE UP! All of you negative people who have called me a liar can go ahead and live in your fantasy world. I am not going to bother taking time writing a review on my next cruise since most of you didn't notice that I also said I had a great time on the ship.


It was my cruise experience and Edward John Smith has given me some great advise to just let it go and stop trying to defend myself to all of you

mean spirited people and real petty people.

One more thing... I did report the spoiled food problems to the Lido deck workers. It will take months before Carnival sends me a letter stating they have received my written complaints.

I just wanted to inform some of you that will be cruising on the Splendor soon.


Halos, thank you so much for taking the time on responding to some of these naysayers statements. I still can't believe that people think that

the chocolate mix doesn't have instant dry milk that can get rancid if it is too old. It was too old because I was told by the worker that the machine had been cleaned but they didn't notice that the coco mix was old.





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I will be on the Splendor in 2 months. All these Debby Downer people talking about this ship make me think this could be my last CCL cruise. Some make me think I should pack 7 days worth of food in my luggage.


For the last 3 days I have read about "bling-boys". I never even heard that until 3 days ago and so deragitory. I do wonder for those that are so appalled by the Bling-boys,,do you ever go outside and see people in the real world?


Honeslty,,,I will have fun and you guys can't stop me,,try as you may. And I am not a bling-boy,,I am a 60 year old man that can live and let live.

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