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Live posting from 2205 Wind Cape Town to Las Palmas


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We are now at sea for 4 days.


I found CountessK first and today Duct Tape tracked the two of us down. WinWin is still an enigma.


Our stop in Dakar has been changed to Banjul, Gambia due to civil unrest.


Smooth sailing so far and the weather is lovely.


I'm blown away by Africa. The point of the cruise for me was to dip my toe in and see if I want to go back. Instead, I'm upset as I have to keep leaving the wonderful places I'm experiencing.

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My dh and I don't drink and this cruise that is a big advantage. They have run out of champagne!


There was no champagne or fresh fruit in our cabins upon arrival so I immediately thought it was a cutback. But Duct Tape informs me that they didn't receive the order when we were in Cape Town. We ended up leaving late from their due to loading stores but obviously there was more to the story than just slow workers.


There is also no Neutrogena. Not sure if this is a cut (no clear story for me) but I made it clear on the mid-cruise form (which came awfully early this trip) that it was a disaster for me. I already have a rash from the soap and do not have enough hypo-allergenic products to last the 29 days of my cruise (why would I bring that much when I know they carry it on board?)


That comment brought conditioner, bath gel and soap to the cabin last night so they obviously scared up some. I might be ok for shampoo but still need body lotion so will have to buy some in a port. I might have enough of that with me to last until Canaries.

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My dh and I don't drink and this cruise that is a big advantage. They have run out of champagne!


There was no champagne or fresh fruit in our cabins upon arrival so I immediately thought it was a cutback. But Duct Tape informs me that they didn't receive the order when we were in Cape Town. We ended up leaving late from their due to loading stores but obviously there was more to the story than just slow workers.


There is also no Neutrogena. Not sure if this is a cut (no clear story for me) but I made it clear on the mid-cruise form (which came awfully early this trip) that it was a disaster for me. I already have a rash from the soap and do not have enough hypo-allergenic products to last the 29 days of my cruise (why would I bring that much when I know they carry it on board?)


That comment brought conditioner, bath gel and soap to the cabin last night so they obviously scared up some. I might be ok for shampoo but still need body lotion so will have to buy some in a port. I might have enough of that with me to last until Canaries.


I was recently on Shadow and had plenty of Neutrogena, as I dislike the heavy scented amenities. Not only did I receive it, my body lotion was replenished twice, so I would venture to guess they were just out of it on the Wind.

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I've never wanted to go to Africa but maybe I should re-think it. Damn, just when I think I'm getting through my bucket list, something pops back on:D






I've added a fair bit to my (our!) "list" from reading posts on CC! It's an expensive forum LOL! :)

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Hi CanadianKate - would be very interested in hearing news of your ports of call if you have time but please don't let it intrude on your holiday:)


Hope you get your bathroom toiletries - that's just not good enough really.


Champagne - well I rather like squaffing a glass or two so that would be a shame not to have any, but I could happily squaff something else LOL! I'm sure there are some on board not too happy!;)

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A rundown of whose aboard...About 204 guests: UK 74, USA 42, Germany & Canada 14 each, 12 from OZ, 9 Swiss, 6 each from Belgium & Netherlands, 4 each from Denmark and Spain, 3 Italians and some folks from Mexico, the UAE, France, Norway, Poland and 1 lone Turk! Since it is such a long voyage there are lots of Venetians, of course, 456. It will be interesting to see what the collective # of days turn out to be. Yes, we have no champagne. It is not a cutback, as the rumor mill has it, but a missed drop. Obviously, the wrong cruise to not have any champagne! There is some sparkling So African wine aboard but it is being rationed in the bars. Don't think we will get any in Ghana! Canadiankate is having her issues but I will have to ask her what she is enjoying when I see her this afternoon @ Trivia. Large crowd for that! The speakers are being well received and last night the astronomer did a night talk while strolling outside. The skies are magnificant without all the ambient light that civilization gives. The entertainers are good old SS sailors, Iwona and Pete. Looking forward to Ghana, first visit to that country. More later.

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They have scared up a Neutrogena shampoo for me as well. The butler supervisor came and talked with me this morning. There were at least 2 containers of stores that did not make it to the ship when we were in Cape Town.


The most important one for 99.9999 of the passengers was the one with the Champagne. He said that they hope the containers catch up with us in the Canaries. Which means no champagne for the whole cruise. I'm wondering if there will be some sort of future cruise discount or current cruise ship board credit. It seems to me that some sort of compensation is due since this is an all-inclusive cruise. With so many 11 out of 18 days at sea, it isn't as if people can go elsewhere or pick up a bottle to bring on board for themselves.


The other container has assorted things, including my Neutrogena. I haven't noticed anything else, obvious, missing but who knows after another 11 days what will run low.


The weather has been glorious. Today, in particular, is hot in the sun and cool in the shade. And the sea is flat, I have only had my sea bands on once and have not taken one sea-sickness tablet yet.


As for the ports there are only a few on this cruise. So far we've only done Walvis Bay. No dinner in the desert, of course, but they did add tours to the second day and so we were able to do two tours.


The first was to Swakopmund. Bus tour on very nice bus with an excellent driver. We ended up in the front seats (after the bus started to pull out we switched because no-one else had taken them.) We peppered the driver with questions and he made sure to repeat the question over the loud speaker before answering it.


Stopped first at the lagoon at Walvis Bay but it was the wrong time of year for the flamingos. Next was Dune 7 which was a stereotypical sand dune from a movie. I was thrilled!


On to Swakopmund, a delightful, German town 33 km up the coast. But we took the inland route so were treated to miles and miles of highway surrounded by sand. In the town we had 45 minutes at the local museum which was interesting, 45 minutes at the crystals (mineral kind, not stemware) shop/museum and then 45 minutes free time to wander around. I always check out groceries stores, so was delighted to spot an African Grey parrot riding out on the shoulder of a shopper at the Pick & Pay.


The trip back to the ship was on the coast road so we were treated to wonderful vistas of the desert meeting up with the sea.


We were exhausted after the 5 hour tour and ate in our cabin that evening. But we are just down the hall from the dining room so left our door open in order to listen to the wonderful music being performed by children from the local school. And we went to the Parisian Lounge in the evening to listen to the Mascato Youth Choir, a Township School choir. It was a standing room only crowd. The choir was amazing and we bought their CD so we can continue to enjoy their music (and use it as a soundtrack to any slide shows I put together of this trip.)


The next morning we had breakfast in the cabin because our tour met on the pier at 6:50 a.m.


We headed off on the Treasures of the Namib tour in 4x4 vans. An energetic driver encouraged us to pick the front van and it turned out to be an excellent choice. He's been doing tours into the desert for 8 years and was both driver and guide. The other two vans just had drivers. Unfortunately, our driver was much, much, older than he looked or acted (we figure around 78 - 83) and was deaf from The War so he could not take questions while we were driving, but had a lot to tell us so we didn't feel too cheated.


We drove to the 'moonscape' area of the desert which was an other-worldly experience. We were treated to an amazing 5 hours of stark landscapes, beauty in the most unlikely places and a lush riverbed of green after hours of grey/sand/black vistas. Our camera was simply incapable of capturing the the majesty of the views we were presented.


SilverSea arranged a portapotty on a trailer to meet us at a rest spot, proving that money can even buy bathrooms (with running water) in the middle of the desert!


From the oasis stop we headed back up onto the highway where it was sand as far the eye could see. We stopped again at Dune 7 (for those in the other cars who had not been taken the day before) and then back to the ship right on time.


So that's a brief description of our first two tours.

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As for the ports there are only a few on this cruise. So far we've only done Walvis Bay. No dinner in the desert, of course, but they did add tours to the second day and so we were able to do two tours.


The first was to Swakopmund. Bus tour on very nice bus with an excellent driver. We ended up in the front seats (after the bus started to pull out we switched because no-one else had taken them.) We peppered the driver with questions and he made sure to repeat the question over the loud speaker before answering it.


Stopped first at the lagoon at Walvis Bay but it was the wrong time of year for the flamingos. Next was Dune 7 which was a stereotypical sand dune from a movie. I was thrilled!


On to Swakopmund, a delightful, German town 33 km up the coast. But we took the inland route so were treated to miles and miles of highway surrounded by sand. In the town we had 45 minutes at the local museum which was interesting, 45 minutes at the crystals (mineral kind, not stemware) shop/museum and then 45 minutes free time to wander around. I always check out groceries stores, so was delighted to spot an African Grey parrot riding out on the shoulder of a shopper at the Pick & Pay.


The trip back to the ship was on the coast road so we were treated to wonderful vistas of the desert meeting up with the sea.


We loved our visit to Namibia a few weeks back on the Whisper. We did see flamingos on the private tour we booked ('though folks on the Silversea tour were told they were out of season). They were spectacular and I'm sorry you didn't get to see them. There were also some other fascinating birds such as the Avocets that also were spectacular when they took flight.


The vistas on the drives throughout Walvis Bay/Swakopmund are just absolutely breathtaking. I loved the dunes.

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Definitely rethink your position on Africa. it is truly the most magical spot on the planet. I just spent a few weeks there (in Botswana and SoUth Africa) in November and December and had to be dragged onto the plane to go home. If you do decide tog o make sure you discuss your trip with a true Africa specialist as there are so many options and you want to be sure to visit the places and camps that will most interest you.

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Hi - it's Winwin - we are not trying to be an enigma - we are actually not aboard, much to our distress! Our family had an emergency (this is WHY one purchase's trip insurance) on the way to the ship and while our luggage might have made it, we did not. We hope you have an amazing voyage - enjoy every minute! We are so disappointed, but family issues are family issues! Africa is the most amazing place - spend as much time there as you can! While you are in Ghana, please think of us! Jim and Rebecca

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(((Winwin))) I wish you peace during this turbulent time.


Thanks for the reminder of the importance of travel insurance. This is actually the first time I have purchased it but there were a couple of concerns just before we left that made me glad to have it, 'just in case.'

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Jennifer, Definitely rethink your position on Africa. it is truly the most magical spot on the planet. I just spent a few weeks there (in Botswana and SoUth Africa) in November and December and had to be dragged onto the plane to go home. If you do decide tog o make sure you discuss your trip with a true Africa specialist as there are so many options and you want to be sure to visit the places and camps that will most interest you.


Thankx for the advice wripro. I am now re-thinking carefully especially tonight as I just saw a doco on TV about the lions being killed off in Africa. It seems inconceivable that it is happening but it is. Very sad to think these magnificent creatures might become extinct. :mad:





P.S. Am a huge fan of the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency books so Botswana is going on the list! Glad u enjoyed it.:)

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Win-Win we miss you! Have had a terrible time trying to find someone who isn't here. There is no one on the Guest List from Washington state. All of the posters are absolutely correct...Africa is one of the highlights of the world. Had an intertesting e-mail today from a friend on the Whisper. They are running out of Cheerios and he offered to do a swap...Cheerios for champagne! Ging, any new Mdm. Ramotswe books lately?

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Hi duct tape


The current book is The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party. I'm hanging out for the next one! :)





The author is giving a lecture here in Tulsa this week. Interesting write up in the Tulsa world this am.

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Thankx for the advice wripro. I am now re-thinking carefully especially tonight as I just saw a doco on TV about the lions being killed off in Africa. It seems inconceivable that it is happening but it is. Very sad to think these magnificent creatures might become extinct. :mad:





P.S. Am a huge fan of the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency books so Botswana is going on the list! Glad u enjoyed it.:)


Jennifer - hope you get there soon! South Africa was probably our second favorite trip ever, only second to Antarctica. An amazing place, and one we'd go back to despite the 16 hour plane ride. Of course, your schedule sounds a bit busy already for this year...:)

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An amazing place, and one we'd go back to despite the 16 hour plane ride. Of course, your schedule sounds a bit busy already for this year...:)


Thankx Jean Paul. Yes way too busy...in a good way though:D


Talking of long flights....32 hours to Quito! :eek:




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It was a very good Crossing Ceremony. Colin was superb as usual, despite the green paint. Yes, CountessK was a very good sport and performed admirably! We are just over the equator and it is much warmer than a few days ago. The water coming into the pool is also MUCH warmer...a good thing! Liar's Club tonight with a good panel.

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