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RCCL- Vacation = Ruined

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I for one hope the OP's parents are ok with all of the stress that occurred and really shouldn't have.


Don't be surprised if you do not get much compensation. The cruise line did apparently put you up in great accommodations for several days.


Not sure how the value of compensation would be equated for the person who was supposed to meet them and didn't.


There are so many loopholes in the cruising contract and the fact that the airlines did get them to a port where they were able to continue on with their vacation. This does happen every week...just read the threads...


Hopefully the poster will come back and let us know what happened.

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Is the OP even reading the advice given in here? I read the first post but did she or he ever come back? For my 2 cents if RCI made all the arrangements then the onus is on RCI to make it right. What that would be, remains to be seen. Yes they could have flown a day before, yes they could have made their own arrangements but the truth is, they didn't and RCI has to answer to what happened.




OP-Don't let this put you off of cruising this isn't the norm and as others have stated CC can help with ins and outs of cruising. We also did ship air on our first cruise (and never again) and although we never experienced anything like you did I would expect the cruiseline to accommodate you for your inconvenience. Be tough. I'm not a proponate of trying to get something out of cruiselines but in this case I think it's justified. While New Orleans is a new port for them, Mardi Gras is known to most human beings over 16 years of age and the fact that hotels are booked to the hilt should have been a clue for their air/hotel peeps to have a plan b. Please let us know how this turns out.

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I am taking everything stated by the OP at face value, primarily due to the way they presented the story. They did say the remainder of the cruise was enjoyable.


Just so sorry to hear of the problems. It should have been a wonderful trip for what might have been the last time as a family group.


I do agree with most that RCI dropped the ball in many instances here. Promises made but not kept for assistance or follow up.


Just because so many of us have read CC and taken advice found here, or maybe have cruised multiple times & have learned what works & what doesn't work, doesn't mean others have. It is a big cruising world out there & I suspect that for every member of CC there are many other cruisers out there that have never even heard of this site.


I don't know if the OP has cruised before or not & it doesn't seem clear to me from the original post. But the parents had and I suspect the cruise was booked based on their past experiences. So if their previous experiences had been trouble free, why would they anticipate or prepare for problems with their trip? That's something that bugs me with a lot of the responses here - that they should somehow have known better and done something different (fly from another city/airport, fly in early, etc.) making it sound like the OP had a hand in their own misfortune. I don't buy that. They advised RCI of issues in transit & RCI seems to have fumbled the ball.


I do hope that RCI steps up and offers a nice package to them. Will they? I have my doubts. I certainly doubt they will get any free cruise. But I think RCI owes them something.


In spite of it all, I do hope that sometime in the future they can look back at this as an adventure. And don't give up on cruising. It is a wonderful way to travel.

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If RCCL is making the flights it is reasonable to assume they will make the flights at times that will get you to the ship on time. It is one thing to miss a ship because you booked your own flight, it is another when RCCL booked.


RCCL did book flights that would have gotten them to the ship on time. The problem occurred when the original flight departing Toronto left several hours late



I don't think I am understanding. First of all when an airline does a schedule change, you have to ask but they will reschedule you on pretty much any flight you want (even other carriers) within reason. Assuming it gets you in close to your original time. I've done it a few times.


Were they flying in the same day as the cruise, is that why they didn't have a hotel booked?



The OP did get the flights changed after CO changed the flight schedule to an unworkable one.

And yes, they were flying in same day so they didn't anticipate needing a hotel.

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Sorry about your awful experience. RCCL needs to be ashamed of themselves. They didn't cause the delay but they dropped the ball with helping you out. I had a crazy experience involving flight delays on the way to a cruise on Holland-America. In an effort to save money I booked my flight to Copenhagen on a carrier that involved changing planes in Europe. Due to a 2 hr take off delay I missed my connection and the cruise ship. I used a courtesy phone at the airport to call HAL in the US to let them know I was delayed. I didn't arrived in Copenhagen until 10 pm and found out at the airport that all of the hotels in the city were booked for a huge medical convention. I made some phone calls and managed to get a hotel right at the train station which I thought would be perfect since I would need to take an early train the next morning to reach the next port of call. The hotel faced the train tracks and you heard the noise all night because they were having a heat wave and you needed to keep the windows open. By then I was just glad to have a shower and a lie down although I didn't really sleep (and I brought ear plugs). The next morning I boarded the train only to hear an announcement along the way and saw everyone jump up and leave the train. It had engine trouble and we had to wait for a replacement. This made us late for a connection but bless those Danes, they put us all in taxis to get to the final destination. I take a taxi to the port and can't see a ship. Just as panic set in I find out it's anchored and not docked. I get to the tender station and an officer from Holland-America radios the ship to tell them I arrived. I ride the tender with my luggage (felt very posh) and at the tender platform another officer is there to greet me and escort me to passenger services to check in. The next day I received a bottle of champagne with a note expressing their regrets for my delay. None of this had anything to do with HAL and yet they were so solicitous to my situation. That is a classy cruise line! You should have been treated better.


I was covered by insurance for my delay, but boy was my lesson learned. It also included refunding a portion of the cruise fare for the night I missed. I remember thinking when I planned the flights, "If I get delayed it won't be a problem getting to the next port." Ha! All these unforseen circumstances coming together to make one helluva way to start off a cruise. Fortunately for me, once I boarded the ship I had a wonderful cruise. I only missed one night and the first port visit which I heard as nothing special. I looked at the bright side since everything did turn out okay and thought, "That was some adventure." So I was relatively lucky in the end and I was booked with a cruise line that knows the proper way to act with delayed passengers. From what I've read on these boards it seems like there is a major problem with communication at RCCL.

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Updates and some additional info in response to some of the comments.

-We did not have insurance (I would have gotten it but my Mom did the bookings... I always bite the bullet and take extra insurance) but we did book through RCCL so they booked the flights and hotels directly. We didnt have to put up anything for those.

-My husband and I took a Carnival cruise a few years ago and on that first cruise, we caught the cruising bug and have been looking forward to 'the next time' ever since.


RCCL has credited a 'refund' to my Moms credit card in the amount of our out of pocket expenses and came back with an offer of 25% off a future cruise (HA!) My Mom flat out told them that thats not enough to entice her to sail RCCL again and that she (the lady we are now dealing with at head office) needed to go back to her managers and come up with something alot better..... so the wait resumes. (keep in mind, Mom and Dad have been on 12 cruises in the last 10 years, 10 of them with RC)


At this point we are statisfied they have given us the minimum that we wanted (reimbursment). Now its a matter of convincing us to sail with RC again instead of another cruise line. I work in customer service (at both my jobs) Its now up to them to make us want to sail with them again.... not the other way around. We'll see if they can do it.

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Updates and some additional info in response to some of the comments.

-We did not have insurance (I would have gotten it but my Mom did the bookings... I always bite the bullet and take extra insurance) but we did book through RCCL so they booked the flights and hotels directly. We didnt have to put up anything for those.

-My husband and I took a Carnival cruise a few years ago and on that first cruise, we caught the cruising bug and have been looking forward to 'the next time' ever since.


RCCL has credited a 'refund' to my Moms credit card in the amount of our out of pocket expenses and came back with an offer of 25% off a future cruise (HA!) My Mom flat out told them that thats not enough to entice her to sail RCCL again and that she (the lady we are now dealing with at head office) needed to go back to her managers and come up with something alot better..... so the wait resumes. (keep in mind, Mom and Dad have been on 12 cruises in the last 10 years, 10 of them with RC)


At this point we are statisfied they have given us the minimum that we wanted (reimbursment). Now its a matter of convincing us to sail with RC again instead of another cruise line. I work in customer service (at both my jobs) Its now up to them to make us want to sail with them again.... not the other way around. We'll see if they can do it.


Well I´m glad they came through with covering your expenses. As for the 25% off offer - well they might increase it a bit but I wouldn´t hold my breath for it.

I also wouldn´t hold my breath for them making big efforts to lure you back to RCI. Being realistic with your parents having sailed about once a year with RCI for the past 10 years, doesn´t really make them a high roller for them and they likely could care less if they lose you over this. It might be sad, but it´s how big companies work. At this point they have enough new cruisers every day to not worry about losing a few.

My guess is their final offer will be somewhere in the 30-40% off a future cruise range, if they up the initial offer at all. Anyway good luck in negotiating this.


Oh yeah on a last note I do think they dropped the ball here in some points, but I also believe this could have happened with any other line as well. Sometimes they do everything right and sometimes they fail.

I´ve learned when travelling to not rely on what some reps tell me but to take my own actions.

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Hi All,


Yes I am in fact here, reading your 'condolences', advice and even the criticisms. My Mom has been on 15 cruises in her lifetime and has NEVER missed the ship. Im sorry to hear that some people think its our own fault. I assumed that RCs choice air would know what they were doing.... my bad.


As far as the day before... there are 7 of us total. 5 of us with full time jobs (I myself have two jobs totaling 70 hrs a week most weeks) and my brother is in University. We could only take so much time off. I get that going down the day before is a good idea but its not feasible for everyone.


Im failing to see how because WE didnt fly down the night before... somehow negates RC falling short. We've leared the lesson for next time but that doesnt make RCs service in the situation any less crappy.


Also, the pkgs for nights before in NO offered by RCCL were hella expensive (with it being Mardi Gras and all)

- Someone had mentioned flying out of Buffalo... our original flights were booked that way but had to be revamped because of Continentals changes.


For those that didnt see it. They have put our expenses as a 'refund' to my moms credit card and offered 25% off a future cruise, Mom told them that 25% didnt entice her to sail with them again and that if they would like to retain her business they need to come back with something alot better. We'll see......

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I think that was an extremely fair offer, it doesn't seem like you did your part as a customer to research flights, the port city happenings etc. I would never take a cruise out of New Orleans during Mardi Gras nor would I fly in same day without a direct flight, even then I'd be nervous. It disgusts me the sense of entitlement some people have when something happens and causes their vacation to not go as planned.



If u took the time to READ my original post, you'd see that I dont hold them accountable for there being no hotels in New Orleans. As far as flight bookings etc -We paid RCCL to do that for us!!Im not upset that the flight was delayed (although why RCCL would deal with Continental is still a mystery to me) Im upset that they left us in Mexico unattended with nothing but a hotel name and a 'someone will call you'. Im upset that they didnt check with the ship, because WE COULD HAVE MADE IT!!..... Im upset that they delivered my Moms flowers and left them in the room to rot while we were playing trains, planes and automobiles getting to the ship. Anyhow, you go on being disgusted with me, we'll see when it happens on your family vacation. I dont think they OWE us anything more. They refunded our out of pockets. |The fact remains that IF they want us or my parents to sail with them again, They will offer something to entice us to do so. Its called business.

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Good luck Jennstar, I really hope you get much more from RCI because you deserve it. A ruined holiday isn't just about how much extra it cost you, most people have a limited amount of time off work and can't afford to waste it trying to get to the the holiday they have booked and paid for. It sounds as though you actually lost more than 25% of your holiday so their offer is no more than a refund of the time you weren't on the ship and as such is a very poor offer - tell your mum to stick to her guns and DEMAND more. Please keep us informed and I hope your dad's health improves enough for him to take advantage of a future cruise.



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I am sorry you had such a bad time of it-sounds like if it could go wrong it did !:(


If it were me (and I pray it never is!) I would go back to RCI and tell them what I expected for compensation (vs waiting for them to come up with something they think I would accept). At the minimum I would want coverage for all expenses (which it sounds like they did), double credit for the time I did not get to spend on my cruise (number of days missed, cost for reservations at specialties, excursions etc) and at least some good will OBC (like $25-$50 per person) for our next cruise.


I hope you get some resolution and that you and your family get to cruise again together soon.

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Flights from Buffalo to cities in the U.S. are often cheaper (mostly due to lower taxes), but from Toronto we have far more direct flights to most destinations than Buffalo, including to New Orleans.


I'm very sorry your first cruise was such an ordeal.


All things considered, I'd have to agree that driving to Buffalo is not always the best option. The bridge traffic can be a nightmare:eek: and you're really not saving much with the price of gas & parking for 1 week. Best bet is to leave from Toronto a day ahead & stay in your destination city overnight.

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No everyone knows about CC. It took me 2 cruises to find it. Though I agree it is a wealth of information.:cool:


Not everyone does the suggested research.


When I am spending thousands of dollars and weeks of my personal time, I will do exhaustive research, whether it is a cruise, a land vacation, climbing the Alps, or doing a jungle safari.


I will use google, find message boards, forums, and every available bit of info that exists.

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As far as flight bookings etc -We paid RCCL to do that for us!!

Jen, I am sorry that this happened to you and your family.


I'm confused though with your air arrangements. Since Custom Air has been replaced with Choice Air, you must have been aware of the flights that were booked for you prior to purchasing them. RCI does not randomly pick out your flights when using Choice Air...........that's the whole idea of Choice Air, giving us the ability to go on-line, select the flights that appeal to us and if the price is right, then book them.

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Patti: I think a lot of people think that booking their air and entire trip with RCCL agents is like putting theirselves into the hands of a TA. They expected RCCL would arrange "Everything". That is what went really wrong IMHO. Not the OP's fault for being uninformed as to how the service works, but RCCL was only doing what they always do....now after the fact, in this case, after they missed the boat so to speak, I do think RCCL handled it all wrong. Corporate should have made sure these people had an advocate on board Voyager in Cozamel.

Jenn: I hope if you can at least feel compensated, that you will try again with RCCL. We, at least, have never had a single complaint in 13 cruises with them. I am a anal retentive cruise planner though and must have complete control over all aspects of the cruise. This way we can't be disappointed as if it goes south, I know I'm responsible for it. I've learned in this world, it pays not to rely on companies or individuals and that you are your own best advocate. ;) You know your situation and you should control your travel arrangements. But sorry you had to learn this the hard way. I hope all your future cruises are fantastic regardless of which brand you elect to cruise in future. Good luck and Bon Voyage:D


And sorry to all my TA friends if you are offended...TAs are important for those of us who just can't or won't plan themselves. Different strokes for different folks....

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Patti: I think a lot of people think that booking their air and entire trip with RCCL agents is like putting theirselves into the hands of a TA. They expected RCCL would arrange "Everything". That is what went really wrong IMHO. Not the OP's fault for being uninformed as to how the service works, but RCCL was only doing what they always do....now after the fact, in this case, after they missed the boat so to speak, I do think RCCL handled it all wrong. Corporate should have made sure these people had an advocate on board Voyager in Cozamel.

That's the problem, they assumed. :( With Mom and Dad being Emerald, this is what I find hard to understand.

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I am the Mom that Jenstar is referring to and just want to clarify a few points.


1. I have cruised numerous times with RCCL and have been a big supporter of that cruise line.

2. As customers we did what we were supposed to do as a matter of fact I double checked all our arrangements and I was the one who noticed the original scheduale change and notified RCCL when it should have been the other way around.

3. I now find myself in the postion of feeling that I let my family down because they followed my lead and booked with RCCL instead of another cruise line


Hopefully RCCL will make things right If not my husband and I will never sail RCCL again

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I am the Mom that Jenstar is referring to and just want to clarify a few points.


1. I have cruised numerous times with RCCL and have been a big supporter of that cruise line.

2. As customers we did what we were supposed to do as a matter of fact I double checked all our arrangements and I was the one who noticed the original scheduale change and notified RCCL when it should have been the other way around.

3. I now find myself in the postion of feeling that I let my family down because they followed my lead and booked with RCCL instead of another cruise line


Hopefully RCCL will make things right If not my husband and I will never sail RCCL again

Just want to say I hope RCCL comes thru for you and your family can take another memorable(in a good way) cruise....

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Jen, I am sorry that this happened to you and your family.


I'm confused though with your air arrangements. Since Custom Air has been replaced with Choice Air, you must have been aware of the flights that were booked for you prior to purchasing them. RCI does not randomly pick out your flights when using Choice Air...........that's the whole idea of Choice Air, giving us the ability to go on-line, select the flights that appeal to us and if the price is right, then book them.


Flights were originally booked through Choice Air / Custom Air out of Buffalo to Cleveland, Cleveland to NO. When I went to book our seats on the airlines web site I discovered that the flight from Cleveland to NO had been changed to leaving Cleveland at 5:30 PM. I contacted Choice Air immediatly regarding the scheduale change ( they should have been contacting me) It took several phone calls to even get a response so we were in trouble before we even got on the plane.

Never happened before and I'm not sure I'm going to give RCCL an opportunity to let it happen again

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I it was your decision to let RC make your airline reservations(always a bad idea)..


I just have to weigh in on this point.


I ALWAYS book my own air travel, and on all but 2 cruises have flown in the day before.




I always thought the one true advantage of booking RCI airfare was that, they would wither wait for you, or help you in the event of something like this.


Goodness knows on two cruises out of San Juan we departed several hours late while we waited for late arriving flights.


Again, I book my own flights, and like to control my own destiny. I always thought my only risk of not using RCI was that something like this could happen... apparently it happens with them too.

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Flights were originally booked through Choice Air / Custom Air out of Buffalo to Cleveland, Cleveland to NO. When I went to book our seats on the airlines web site I discovered that the flight from Cleveland to NO had been changed to leaving Cleveland at 5:30 PM. I contacted Choice Air immediatly regarding the scheduale change ( they should have been contacting me) It took several phone calls to even get a response so we were in trouble before we even got on the plane.

Never happened before and I'm not sure I'm going to give RCCL an opportunity to let it happen again

Whenever an airline changes a schedule, and if it doesn't coordinate with a connecting flight, you have the option to call the airline direct, give them your Reservation Confirmation Number, and they have to put you on a flight close to what you had originally booked at no additional cost to you....or at least get you to your final destination at approximately the same time as originally booked.

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I always thought the one true advantage of booking RCI airfare was that, they would wither wait for you, or help you in the event of something like this.

The OP's family had problems before they ever boarded their first flight because of a scheduling change by CO. And with the recent merge between CO an UA, this is not unusual.


We are flying to Vancouver on May 1 and we have had numerous scehduling/equipment changes. Since the two websites married at 2AM this morning, I have been on hold since 8:15AM to get our Economy Plus Seats reinstated that we paid for back in December. All of our other reservations for 2012 are fine.

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