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Disgusted with RCL and Rhapsody Cabin changes!

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Makes me happy that I booked our next Alaska cruise with Princess. When I checked into cabins on Diamond Princess, I was asked if I was cruising before or after certain dates......... and sure enough, when I called to reserve, the booking agent at Princess was having a hard time seeing the same category and location I was seeing because of the changes.


Wish RCCL had asked the same question before allowing customers to book a stateroom that would not be in the same location............

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When I book a cabin, it's a specific cabin that I select; based on category and location off a deck plan provided by RC. It so happens to have a number on the door to identify the specific cabin I selected.


If I agreed to buy a 2012 red, BMW convertable; signed the contract and walked out to get my car and found a guy fixing the plates from my new car on to a 1989 white, Chevy pickup; would that be legal? It now has the same number. Certainly not. There actually are legal ways to transfer license plates from one vehicle to another. But at the time of purchase, the number represented a specific merchandise that I contracted with. How can removing a number from one cabin door and transfering it to another be anything different?


Yes, they have a loophole in their contract where they maintain the right to move passengers from one cabin to another. But that is supposed protect RC when an unplanned need arrises. But, when they chose to hide behind a clause, intended to protect them in times of true necessity; in order to cover their mistakes...that is a grave mistake on their part.


These are choices that make customers wonder if they are chosing a cruise line that they can trust.

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When I book a cabin, it's a specific cabin that I select; based on category and location off a deck plan provided by RC. It so happens to have a number on the door to identify the specific cabin I selected.


If I agreed to buy a 2012 red, BMW convertable; signed the contract and walked out to get my car and found a guy fixing the plates from my new car on to a 1989 white, Chevy pickup; would that be legal? It now has the same number. Certainly not. There actually are legal ways to transfer license plates from one vehicle to another. But at the time of purchase, the number represented a specific merchandise that I contracted with. How can removing a number from one cabin door and transfering it to another be anything different?


Yes, they have a loophole in their contract where they maintain the right to move passengers from one cabin to another. But that is supposed protect RC when an unplanned need arrises. But, when they chose to hide behind a clause, intended to protect them in times of true necessity; in order to cover their mistakes...that is a grave mistake on their part.


These are choices that make customers wonder if they are chosing a cruise line that they can trust.


Not quite the same, since on RCI a JS is a JS regardless of price. But they do read these boards, and there are tons of threads about the appeal of aft, stern, fantail,mwhatever you want to call them, cabins. It's beyond disingenuous to claim that having the same cabin number makes you whole, and utterly ludicrous to downgrade a passenger from a JS to a D-1. At this point, they have to realize that they have screwed up. I keep hoping that somebody will acknowledge the error.


After the Splendour redo, somebody posted here concerned that his or her cabin had been relocated. It turned out that s/he kept the location but got a new cabin number. When I talked to C&A, they assured me that their practice was to renumber the cabins and keep people in the location they had selected. But the talking head in corporate either doesn't know that or won't acknowledge it (guess which one I'm betting on?).


I will continue to sail with RCI. Once I'm onboard it's all good. But getting there is more interesting than it should be.

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Dear RCL, if location is seemingly irrelevant then why, when booking, do you show a deck plan with the cabin number and the ability to change location if you want a different location but still within the same category?:rolleyes:

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Yes, they have a loophole in their contract where they maintain the right to move passengers from one cabin to another. But that is supposed protect RC when an unplanned need arrises.


I guess this qualifies then.


It's clear they didn't plan this well. And now they have a need to move someone from the room they've double booked! :rolleyes:

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Dear RCL, if location is seemingly irrelevant then why, when booking, do you show a deck plan with the cabin number and the ability to change location if you want a different location but still within the same category?:rolleyes:

Pushka - Such a good point - and so succinct - as was Big M's; and so many others, including way back, the one that SELLING guarantees at a discount, indicates there is less value when THEY choose and PROVES the distinction (I know - it's a gamble where you MIGHT possibly get higher grade, but . . . . . normally . . . and the less expensive guarantee IS a location chosen by THEM; as now by default, are all the affected staterooms.

What on earth is happening if a three person room was switched to a two person occupancy cabin - and I believe there was a mention of parents no longer across from children -

I'm wondering what Investor Relations thinks of such mismanagement of their product and poor treatment of their customers - I know that as a shareholder, I find it VERY concerning.

I have no idea how to call their attention to these threads delineating such - and I have to pack right now - to fly to Honolulu and meet Rhapsody - and I will enjoy the ship and crew. (and wish I were succinct!!)

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If I agreed to buy a 2012 red, BMW convertable; signed the contract and walked out to get my car and found a guy fixing the plates from my new car on to a 1989 white, Chevy pickup; would that be legal? It now has the same number. Certainly not. There actually are legal ways to transfer license plates from one vehicle to another. But at the time of purchase, the number represented a specific merchandise that I contracted with. How can removing a number from one cabin door and transfering it to another be anything different?



Hi Lucy, I actually like your analogy. I think it fits perfectly, although I would have said it was the VIN numbers they are changing. When someone changes the VIN numbers on a car, and sells one car as if it were another, we call them a crook and put them in prison.


JMHO A crook is a crook, whether were dealing with a car or a cabin.

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The Executive Customer Relations person I spoke to yesterday in response to my emails to Mr. Goldstein and Fain, told methat I AM getting the cabin # on my contract...#8090, as she correctly pointed out..the location is not listed. Just JS #8090. That is why I just don't see any other way to get them to respond. They have dug their heels in and are not budging.


Hello, I just popped over to this board because I just finished a wonderful cruise with Princess, but was considering booking with RCI for my next cruise. This situation has me totally disturbed and I truly hope that you do not give up. You may not have had success with the powers that be at RCI, but you should continue your battle by well-written and factual letters to anyone and everyone within the travel industry, social media sites, or consumer protection agencies that may take an interest in your situation. I'm sure RCI is aware that ony a small portion of cruisers actually read or follow CC and they are banking on the fact that this thread will soon fade from view and they will utimately prevail.

Do not let up! You have a legitimate complaint that affects you and many other customers who are blissfuly unaware of the situation. You should get your room back or extremely favorable compensation for the change. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and you need to keep squeaking- good luck to you.

I do not plan on considering booking with RCI until I come back and read that this problem has been fairly resolved for all affected parties. Good luck to you!

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Pushka - Such a good point - and so succinct - as was Big M's; and so many others, including way back, the one that SELLING guarantees at a discount, indicates there is less value when THEY choose and PROVES the distinction (I know - it's a gamble where you MIGHT possibly get higher grade, but . . . . . normally . . . and the less expensive guarantee IS a location chosen by THEM; as now by default, are all the affected staterooms.

What on earth is happening if a three person room was switched to a two person occupancy cabin - and I believe there was a mention of parents no longer across from children -

I'm wondering what Investor Relations thinks of such mismanagement of their product and poor treatment of their customers - I know that as a shareholder, I find it VERY concerning.

I have no idea how to call their attention to these threads delineating such - and I have to pack right now - to fly to Honolulu and meet Rhapsody - and I will enjoy the ship and crew. (and wish I were succinct!!)



As a "Share Holder" I too am concerned about how this is being handled.

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Hi Lucy, I actually like your analogy. I think it fits perfectly, although I would have said it was the VIN numbers they are changing. When someone changes the VIN numbers on a car, and sells one car as if it were another, we call them a crook and put them in prison.


JMHO A crook is a crook, whether were dealing with a car or a cabin.


Ah, yes Gayle. I did consider the VIN. But VIN's are not transferable, for a reason. They do have a right to change, or rename; cabin numbers. But at the point of purchase, it is used to identify a specific item. We're not buying vanity plates that are fixed to 'whatever'.


And location is clearly part of the selection process. I prefer port side (unless I was lucky enough to get prime realestate in the aft). Some stay away from elevators, others prefer mid-ship due to seasickness, or have a need for ajoining cabins, and of course keeping groups near each other.


RC made a mistake, it happens. But it's their "so sad, too bad", and "we have all the rights" attitude, instead of simply fixing their mistake; that has me questioning my choice in cruise lines. The customers who are fortunate enough to get the aft cabins are the customers who are commited enough, to a specific cruise line; to know that they will still be sailing with them two years into the future. You don't mess over your most commited customers without losing your foundation. And, even though this specific event did not affect me directly; this is where I am. Unless RC can make right their wrong, I'm planning to move on.

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The Executive Customer Relations person I spoke to yesterday in response to my emails to Mr. Goldstein and Fain, told methat I AM getting the cabin # on my contract...#8090, as she correctly pointed out..the location is not listed. Just JS #8090. That is why I just don't see any other way to get them to respond. They have dug their heels in and are not budging.





Any chance you are anyone else has a "Screen Shot" of the old deck layout that may have a date on it ?

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I expect someone will have such to share - BUT just by checking other travel sites you can easily see them - I know of two, for sure, that I've seen while scanning, but think you can't mention them by name or it'd be Xd out - just check availability for Rhapsody - Jr Suites - to be sure to get 8th deck - mmmm - you're right - they would have today's date - they haven't "shared" with everyone yet.

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As a "Share Holder" I too am concerned about how this is being handled.


THERE is a good thought.....as a share holder you are allowed to speak at the shareholder's meeting. How about calling Invester Relations and tell them that you would like to have some time at the next meeting to tell all the current shareholders how RCI is running business away with their poor customer service!!


THAT would get you a lot of attention!!

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Hi Lucy, I actually like your analogy. I think it fits perfectly, although I would have said it was the VIN numbers they are changing. When someone changes the VIN numbers on a car, and sells one car as if it were another, we call them a crook and put them in prison.


JMHO A crook is a crook, whether were dealing with a car or a cabin.


RCI wasn't selling the ship. I think the analogy is a bit overboard.

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THERE is a good thought.....as a share holder you are allowed to speak at the shareholder's meeting. How about calling Invester Relations and tell them that you would like to have some time at the next meeting to tell all the current shareholders how RCI is running business away with their poor customer service!!


THAT would get you a lot of attention!!


CaroleSS, you are absolutely correct. Afterall, they ultimately hold the pursestrings which control any and all businesses.

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RC made a mistake, it happens. But it's their "so sad, too bad", and "we have all the rights" attitude, instead of simply fixing their mistake; that has me questioning my choice in cruise lines.


Well said. The total and complete apathy by RCI is what is so maddening, including the fact that they are allowing the problem to be perpetuated by not updating the deck plans in the reservations department. It defies all logic...

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RCI wasn't selling the ship. I think the analogy is a bit overboard.


They claim we're booking (paying for) a number, not a specific cabin or location. "...that I AM getting the cabin # on my contract...#8090, as she correctly pointed out..the location is not listed...."


We actually are buying a specific product/location. You are correct, we're not buying the ship...but we are paying for (buying) the use of a specific cabin/location during our vacation, using the numbers they provided to ID our choice, at the time of purchase. And that selection process has always been on a first come basis. Switching the numbers on cabin doors (or cars) doesn't change what we selected, bought. And for them to say we bought a number is a bait-n-switch. I'm sorry if I visualize things differently than others.

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They claim we're booking (paying for) a number, not a specific cabin or location. "...that I AM getting the cabin # on my contract...#8090, as she correctly pointed out..the location is not listed...."


We actually are buying a specific product/location. You are correct, we're not buying the ship...but we are paying for (buying) the use of a specific cabin/location during our vacation, using the numbers they provided to ID our choice, at the time of purchase. And that selection process has always been on a first come basis. Switching the numbers on cabin doors (or cars) doesn't change what we selected, bought. And for them to say we bought a number is a bait-n-switch. I'm sorry if I visualize things differently than others.


Hey, I am not unsympathetic to the issue of this thread. I think it being handled horribly by RCI. If they are saying that you bought a number and not a location I would say that it was funny if it wasn't so sad. Numbers are used to designate a location. Changing the number does not negate the location that you desired. I guess that is why when someone buys land and a house they list the plot number on the deed, and not the street address, as the plot number never changes. Addresses can change over time. RCI changed addresses on the ship. Their argument is ridiculous. People are buying locations not lottery numbers. All I was stating is that I don't think the analogy of altering VIN numbers on cars fit... nothing less and nothing more.

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I'd cancel. And never cruise that line again. If the cruise left out of NY, NJ or Baltimore, no problem as I would be driving to the port. If Florida, I'd cancel RCL and get on another line. Wow, speaking of not caring about passengers.

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I expect someone will have such to share - BUT just by checking other travel sites you can easily see them - I know of two, for sure, that I've seen while scanning, but think you can't mention them by name or it'd be Xd out - just check availability for Rhapsody - Jr Suites - to be sure to get 8th deck - mmmm - you're right - they would have today's date - they haven't "shared" with everyone yet.


If you are replying about the screen shots , anything other than the one from the RCL site would be useless .

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I wrote a whole story on cabin 8000........that went poof!


So a quick note, and I had the conversation between the Royal Caribbean agent and the person that had booked cabin 8000, thinking that it was an OS, only to find out that it's a JFS.......does not even hold a gold card for this cabin.


I have booked cabin 8000......which was an OS. If my booking had been taken away from me........ie, you have cabin 8000, only it's now just a Junior Family Suite, and I'm sorry that all OS's are full........


Well.......it was a great story, but I'm not going to re write it. It was tounge in cheek.


However, there are a few that have cabin 8000 booked, thinking that they are an OS.


The JS fiasco is very upseting, but let's hear from someone that is forced to occupy a cabin of a different catagory.:rolleyes:



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