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Frustrated with Norwegian


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I would write a letter to NCL. Not an email, a letter. I would also doubt that the phone is gonna turn up.

I'd tell the kid he's gonna need to buy a new phone. I'd also ask him why he had the phone on the excursion instead of in the room's safe, where it should've been.


Life is full of lessons.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles.


This is exactly why my phone stays in the off position and is locked in the safe for the entire cruise.


Personally...I can't come up with a single acceptable reason (to me) to take a phone to Maya Chan. The LAST thing I would want to do there is to have a phone conversation. IMHO if there is someone who is SO important to me that I couldn't get through the day without phoning them, they would be on the vacation with me.


However, I also realize that there are some people who just can't/won't disconnect. You can recognize them from the continuous list of "reasons" they have to explain their dependency (I don't know how they ever survived without cell phones). I guess they just have to live with the consequences of their "addiction".

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Sorry to hear of your troubles.


This is exactly why my phone stays in the off position and is locked in the safe for the entire cruise.


Personally...I can't come up with a single acceptable reason (to me) to take a phone to Maya Chan. The LAST thing I would want to do there is to have a phone conversation. IMHO if there is someone who is SO important to me that I couldn't get through the day without phoning them, they would be on the vacation with me.


However, I also realize that there are some people who just can't/won't disconnect. You can recognize them from the continuous list of "reasons" they have to explain their dependency (I don't know how they ever survived without cell phones). I guess they just have to live with the consequences of their "addiction".


That's quite an assumption you're making there. It's doubtful they had service outside of the US. Many people use their phones as their primary camera.

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I have a feeling that when a cruise is over 'lost and found' items are gathered up to go to a central location on shore. I can't see why anything would be kept on board since the "loser" is gone. I think a letter to NCL is your best bet with a check first as to where it should go. Good luck!


As I write this, there is a story on the local news about a father raising cain (or is it cane?) with a local school board to get his sons cell phone back. It went off in class and was confiscated. The school board gave an adamant NO when he went before them today, saying parents and students are very aware of the 'no cell phones in school' rule and they vow not to back down.


I know, not close in circumstances to the OP's problem, I just thought it was ironic to be hearing that while reading this thread!

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I'd be one of those that would take my phone with me. I use mine for pictures and notes (reservation information, notes on ports, etc).

I think people lose sight of the fact that phones nowadays do so much more than just dial a number.


Accidents happen and I believe many have not noticed that the OP is indeed holding his son ultimately responsible for the loss of the phone. Trying to get it back is completely reasonable and I would imagine this most anyone would try as well.


OP, your frustration at this point is understandable. You're doing the best that you thought of in order to try to put your hands on it and you don't feel like you're getting a straight answer. I really liked a prior poster's suggestion of asking a roll call person on the next cruise to help you. I would hope someone would be kind enough to ask for you.


Good luck.

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I was on the Spirit 4/8/12 sailing and at Maya Chan 4/13 and from Houston. I wouldn't have minded picking it up and bringing it back to Houston for you if I would have known about it.


I might have hit up roll calls to see if someone could help. I would want to know what the person planned to do to get it back to me. Mail it. Meet up in the city, if they live there. Lost and Found (No! that was the worst option, which you did not have control over).


BTW, someone asked why you needed a phone there. Maya Chan has free wifi and you can check your email and web from smart phones. I did while I was there.

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... just that I would like to get a clear answer about this situation.


You are absolutely right and you deserve one.


If not, why even have a "Lost and Found" department if they can't follow up.


As mentioned, a letter is probably the proper path.

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That's quite an assumption you're making there. It's doubtful they had service outside of the US. Many people use their phones as their primary camera.


An assumption? Hardly. As I stated, it is nothing but MY opinion, however I thought that was obvious.


I would really think that "It's doubtful they had service outside of the US" would be what qualifies as an assumption.



Whatever the case may be, thanks for making sure that there was an excuse put forward for "having" to have the cell phone along. Once again, I can't relate to this logic. I don't make phone calls with my camera, I take pictures. I also don't take pictures with my phone, I make phone calls. Usually, I find that function specific devices outperform "all-in-ones". YMMV.

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I just want to make one observation here. Many people have posted how there are cheerleaders on these boards that jump right on someone who posts anything negative on these boards. I gotta say on this thread it seems like there were three who did just that. One thought she didn't blame her son early enough in the post, another attacked her for stating she didn't feel they were putting enough effort in, and another questioned the story and so on. I don't feel the OP's remarks were negative, perhaps frustrated while looking for answers.


Saying that, there were plenty of people who made positive constructive remarks that may have helped the OP move down alternate path to resolve her issue. Some may have just expressed sympathy for her situation. This is why many people come here and they sometimes get turned off by the bashing, especially when it is a simple post that doesn't place the blame on NCL, but looks for a resolution.

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It appears that NCL does not have a decent LOST n FOUND program.


My Mom lost her phone on the ship. Gone forever. No help at all.


Lost it once at Horseshoe Casino. They look it up in the log and locate it in minutes. They bring it to the counter in a baggie with information written on it. Not that hard to do, but from what I can see, NCL does not care to bother.



By the way, the OP was only sharing information. No need to blast away. They are taking blame.

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Yes the blame back and forth is a bit silly. I am shocked that the OP or anyone thinks that a cellphone (assuming it is an expensive one) would ever be mailed back from a coastal town in Mexico. Even if the resort did ship it from the resort, chances are it would be stolen before ever getting to the USA. Even more surprising to think the same phone can be passed around to strangers thinking it would make it back to the ship. If it was an I-phone, the price could be 4 month salary or feed a villiage just outside the resort.

It is just reality. I was once dumb and mailed something to Honduras. The people there called me stupid because even Hondurans knew that any small package or envelope from the states would be stolen. Me and my wife cant even get letters to Argentina let alone Mexico.

I am not casting blame just pointing out the unfortunate reality. Even here in Miami, a lost cellphone is a stolen cellphone. Never got one back.


So I am hoping for the OP the phone turns up but it truly would be a miracle.

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I just want to make one observation here. Many people have posted how there are cheerleaders on these boards that jump right on someone who posts anything negative on these boards. I gotta say on this thread it seems like there were three who did just that. One thought she didn't blame her son early enough in the post, another attacked her for stating she didn't feel they were putting enough effort in, and another questioned the story and so on. I don't feel the OP's remarks were negative, perhaps frustrated while looking for answers.


Saying that, there were plenty of people who made positive constructive remarks that may have helped the OP move down alternate path to resolve her issue. Some may have just expressed sympathy for her situation. This is why many people come here and they sometimes get turned off by the bashing, especially when it is a simple post that doesn't place the blame on NCL, but looks for a resolution.


Sorry, but I have to disagree with your point. When a person uses "frustrated with NCL" as the title of the thread, they ARE placing blame on NCL. They are plainly stating that NCL is the source of your frustration.


As the poster:

You aren't frustrated with yourself for allowing the phone to be taken to Maya Chan.

You aren't frustrated with the child for losing the phone.

You aren't frustrated with Maya Chan for giving the phone to a stranger.

You aren't frustrated with the stranger's handling of your phone.

You are frustrated with NCL.


This comes off to many people as bashing...and I believe that a lot of the backsplash comes from the fact that people just don't like hearing the negativity and bashing so they take a "if you feel it is OK to bash, then you accept that it is also OK for others to bash your opinions". Right or wrong...that is the way of things.


Now...as an alternative, please read this thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1606817&


This poster encountered a problem that, in my opinion, is waaaaay more serious than losing a cell phone. However, the big difference is that this poster doesn't place blame where it doesn't belong...and you can see that noboby came along to "bash" them or to be a cheerleader for NCL.


I surmise that the response received is dependant on how the issue is presented. There is a big difference between "frustrated with NCL" and "frustrated over a lost phone".

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My comment was on the TITLE of your tread, You do rather lamely blame your son, but the whole post was about how NCL should have gotten your phone to you. I read your whole post, and my commet though it must offend you was factual.


You claim now you didn't know who turned the phone in but your original post says;

' This time they said they could not find the phone and needed the name of the person that turned the phone in. We contacted that person and she called in. We then called again and they said they could not locate the phone because there were many places where it could have been turned in and they were not sure which one. I contacted the woman that turned the phone in and she told us which desk she took it to. '


That tends to imply you know the person who turned in the phone, or did you just make this part up?



Never once did I think that the OP was bashing NCL. You need to put your pom poms down and realize that the OP has a right to be frustrated. I took the original post to mean that the OP likes NCL, does blame their son, didn't know the person who turned the phone in and would like someone from customer service to return a phone call.

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However, I also realize that there are some people who just can't/won't disconnect. You can recognize them from the continuous list of "reasons" they have to explain their dependency (I don't know how they ever survived without cell phones). I guess they just have to live with the consequences of their "addiction".


Especially since we are talking about a kid, probably a teen here. They gotta have their cell phones attached to them at all times. He was probably texting his friends back home. Not at all unusual in today's hi-tech world. When dealing with teens all logic goes way side. :D

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An assumption? Hardly. As I stated, it is nothing but MY opinion, however I thought that was obvious.


I would really think that "It's doubtful they had service outside of the US" would be what qualifies as an assumption.



Whatever the case may be, thanks for making sure that there was an excuse put forward for "having" to have the cell phone along. Once again, I can't relate to this logic. I don't make phone calls with my camera, I take pictures. I also don't take pictures with my phone, I make phone calls. Usually, I find that function specific devices outperform "all-in-ones". YMMV.


Some phones take excellent photos and can be downloaded right to their computer from the phone. I believe the OP mentioned that there were alot of photos on the phone perhaps they were using the phone as their main source of picture taking.

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I just stumbled on this post.


To put things into perspective. I run a conference center that has a camp for kids. We can hold only about 200. We state up front, as I am sure NCL does somewhere in their literature that WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST ITEMS!


We do this because, frankly we are busy enough taking care of what we are responsible for rather than trying to find and return stuff people have lost. Of course if someone calls or we find something that we can link to someone we will make some effort to get the item back to the owner, but this can be quite an effort and our normal operations will ALWAYS take priority.


Like cruise ships we have turn over. As soon as one group leaves the next one arrives. Now we only do this with the maximum of 200 people. Imagine doing this with thousands.


I understand and sympathize with the OP. However, NCL is dong exactly what we would do here.

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Well that is annoying. Why would they say there are too many places it could have been turned in? Wouldn't everybody take it to Guest Relations? I would imagine by this time it is long gone, did you try calling it by the way?


I was just sitting here looking at my phone trying to figure out if there is any way somebody could get the phone back to me if I lost it. My phone contacts list "Home" but that wouldn't do any good if I'm on the ship. DH has a password on his phone so nobody would even be able to get to that. (which annoys the heck out of me, how would they get his ICE number?) I guess for the duration of the cruise I could put a sticker with the cabin number on the back. Any other suggestions?


I have modified the lockout background image on my phone with my name and alternative phone number to call if found... So when someone turns on the phone... they see the contact info immediately. Very easy to do on most phones.

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Especially since we are talking about a kid, probably a teen here. They gotta have their cell phones attached to them at all times. He was probably texting his friends back home. Not at all unusual in today's hi-tech world. When dealing with teens all logic goes way side. :D


The idea of texting is just another assumption, right?


Of course, the OP (back in post #18) stated that they checked with Verizon and that there was NO ACTIVITY on the phone since the beginning of the cruise. So the fact is that the kid wasn't using the phone at all. No calls. No texts. It got lost because they "had" to have it with them.


Some phones take excellent photos and can be downloaded right to their computer from the phone. I believe the OP mentioned that there were alot of photos on the phone perhaps they were using the phone as their main source of picture taking.


Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Why do we continue to try to "justify" this behavior. Is it really so unacceptable that I have my own opinion that phones aren't all that important? Its almost like people are trying to convince me that having the phone is OK. I never said it was, I never said it wasn't. I just stated that "I" wouldn't feel this way.


Whether or not the phone takes photos isn't relevant. The topic of the thread is "frustrated with NCL". It isn't "phone features".


And BTW...the OP did not ever mention photos on the phone. The OP did state that they had photos from the cruise (and the fact that they have them indicates that these photos are NOT on the lost phone) and would not share them with us until they were happy with NCL.

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The topic of the thread is "frustrated with NCL". It isn't "phone features".



Great Quote. And I agree. The OP could have just as easily lost a wallet, a camera or a pair of binoculars.

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Great Quote. And I agree. The OP could have just as easily lost a wallet, a camera or a pair of binoculars.


True. And I think that if it was an adult's wallet, camera, or binoculars that got lost, the reponse on this thread would have been more sympathetic and would have stuck to the true subject at hand...the lost and found process and the frustration that someone is experiencing trying to navigate that process that appears to be running in circles.


To some, it appears that only certain things are on the allowable list to have on your person when you're in port. But because it was a teen and their phone, it seems to have unleased a bitter commentary from some on the subject of "teens and their phones - they deserve what they get because they're so attached to them".


Walk a mile in someone's shoes people. If it were you and your "blank", and you tried to get it back, and were running into walls, wouldn't you be frustrated and ask for new ideas and help in trying to recover it? I'm sure the OP realizes that it very well may be a long shot in recovering it, but it's certainly worth a try.

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I sent an email to DS. He'll check to see if it's on the ship.


It may have been on the ship but could have been offloaded in Miami prior to their trans-atlantic.


BTW- was there a Mom, Dad, or home contact in the contact list? We got a phone returned that was lost at an airport that way. They told me they go thru the phone list for these names to try to return phones to owners.


I'll let you know if he finds it on board.

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OP is frustrated because of the different responses from NCL. But I believe that the responses are logical.


1) First call: "Did you find the phone?" CSR looks in the normal places where a phone might be. "No. Sorry."


2) Second call: CSR in effect says, "Well, if you could tell us where the phone was turned in, maybe we can find it in an unusual location - maybe the desk didn't turn it into central Lost & Found."


That doesn't mean that the first CSR didn't do anything.


3) Third call: CSR in effect says, "We didn't find it at the desk, and the person manning the desk doesn't have it or know where it is. Perhaps if we speak to the person who turned it in we could get additional information."


This, to me, is the logical way of dealing with the issue: Look for things where they should be. If they're not there, get more information to determine where else they might be. If not in the secondary places, again get further information.


I don't see why asking for more information as the process goes on is any indication that "they're not doing anything."

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