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Anyone taken a 1 year old on a port intensive Med cruise? (please share thoughts)

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Hello! I am interested in finding out from people who have done a mediterranean cruise with a very young child/children, or have cruised to those places before and observed anyone who had a young child.

My friends and I have a one time chance opportunity to take a mediteranean cruise together, however they have a baby who will be 1 at the time of travel and noone to leave the baby with. We want to do a very port intensive 12-14 night cruise and I am wondering if such a thing is doable with a child so young, and if anyone can offer insight on how it would affect the experience and how rough that might be on the child?

has anyone actually done this? (cruised Europe with very young child) and what are your insights? Many ports like Rome etc are very far from the port of call and it would have to be a day trip to see places. Anyone done with with a young child? If you have been to those places, what are your insights for taking a child along?

Looking for opinions/insights/tips/anything!

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As a grandfather with much experience traveling with children, I will offer you my opinion: it will be miserable for all concerned. Your friends need to wait until the child is older, and you will become increasingly frustrated as the trip goes on.

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Honestly? For the reasons you list, plus a few hundred more, I wouldn't even contemplate it with such a young child unless one of the parents is willing to stay on the ship with junior if he/she is likely to play up on the tours. And it's very likely.

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thanks for the thoughts - I have an inkling that you are right, but my friends feel very positive. Do you have any specific trips that you did with little ones to draw from when saying it will be miserable?

I have never been to these places, so I have no idea what it would "really" be like. And I don't want to be a naysayer especially when my friends are so excited to be able to do this together. I don't have any experience on how doable it is, since I have not been there.

I imagine from research however that trying to do it all, every day for almost two weeks with one so young might take away from the experience. Even though there will be quite a few of us (adults) to take care of the baby. I'm just a little nervous although of course I would love to take this opportunity. WHich is why I hope so much to hear from anyone who possible has done so with young kids and what they have to say.

I know every child is different and some kids travel easier than others. But I don't know how well any child will do on something so intensive, no matter how great of a traveler they are.

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A port intensive 2 wk Med cruise is exhausting for adults, let alone very young kids. I'm sure your friends are keen to go but they need a dose of common sense here. It's asking for trouble. When we become parents we can't always do exactly what we want, when we want. Which cruise line/ship is this?

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I don't think it matters which ports you are talking about and how well managed the baby is. It's going to be hard work regardless. Speaking as a grandma to a 13 month old who is on the move his needs would certainly be difficult to meet under those circumstances. Someone would have to remain on board with the infant. No point schlepping him ashore as the energy involved, feeding, juggling naps, diaper/nappy changing would be counter productive. If you took turns to stay on board with the baby so his world is disrupted as little as possible then it could be doable. Make sure that insurance covers all eventualities.


I don't know how imperative taking the one chance cruise is for now.... can it be put back?

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I'm presuming you're from North America.


A "one chance opportunity" ?

These usually apply to folk of advanced years or failing health, or those whose vacation is, for some reason, subsidised by others such as an employer or a travelling companion.

If this is truly the case, yes its doable. But won't be anything like the experience it should be'



Far far better to put such an expedition on the back-burner for 5 to 10 years, so that everyone - including junior - can enjoy the real value of a european cruise, the different cultures & the sight-seeing.

With an infant, this will not be possible for at least one adult in your party.



Somewhere simpler, cheaper, easier & more suitable - such as the Caribbean - makes a whole lot more sense.



I guess the responses aren't what you were hoping for, but folk are telling you it the way it is. And I suspect that deep down you know they're right


JB :)

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I basically agree with everyone. The only solution that might work is if the adults take turns staying behind with the baby or doing something very low key at the destination. If there are enough adults that might work - on a port intensive trip a day off might not be a bad idea. However, this would only work if most/all of the people on the trip would be happy to babysit. And even then meals etc. would be much more difficult than normal.


I think a cruise (even a Med cruise) with small children can work - as long as the main goal is to enjoy time together as a family/relax/do low key stuff. However, it doesn't sound as if this is the case here. A baby/toddler will not do well being dragged to various sights all over Rome, Florence, Athens, etc.


Have you spent much time with your friends and the baby? If you are still unsure maybe you could do a shorter weekend trip with some sightseeing as a trial run. That would give you a better idea of what to expect.

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Bring someone along whos job is SOLEY to care for baby and stay on board or just to walk around the port area. That is a solution.


OP have you posted this over on the FAMILY CRUISING board?? It is listed under specialty cruising and you will get many repsonses over there.

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I do agree with a lot of the advice inwardly, but it is hard to tell my friends so without having ever gone myself to start dictating what it doable and what isn't.

In my friends' case, the trip would be paid for in part by an employer so of course they want to take advantage of it. Combinining it so we all go together seems ideal cause we would save on buying group stuff, be together etc and it seems like the more the merrier and so on.

However, this is not a cruise to the caribbean and while I have never been to Europe to say for myself, from research I understand that days in port are very intensive, many times very far from the ship (Rome etc) and I wonder if we will all be in hell trying to do this day after day after day with a baby.

I could be wrong and it all might go pretty well, but what do I know.

Which is why I wanted to ask for opinions on here for insight from those who have done these trips and also especially from anyone who did so with young children to draw from their experience and try to imagine if what I am imagining is not too off from reality.

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I do agree with a lot of the advice inwardly, but it is hard to tell my friends so without having ever gone myself to start dictating what it doable and what isn't.

In my friends' case, the trip would be paid for in part by an employer so of course they want to take advantage of it. Combinining it so we all go together seems ideal cause we would save on buying group stuff, be together etc and it seems like the more the merrier and so on.

However, this is not a cruise to the caribbean and while I have never been to Europe to say for myself, from research I understand that days in port are very intensive, many times very far from the ship (Rome etc) and I wonder if we will all be in hell trying to do this day after day after day with a baby.

I could be wrong and it all might go pretty well, but what do I know.

Which is why I wanted to ask for opinions on here for insight from those who have done these trips and also especially from anyone who did so with young children to draw from their experience and try to imagine if what I am imagining is not too off from reality.


This is one review I would love to read!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D

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I do agree with a lot of the advice inwardly, but it is hard to tell my friends so without having ever gone myself to start dictating what it doable and what isn't.

In my friends' case, the trip would be paid for in part by an employer so of course they want to take advantage of it. Combinining it so we all go together seems ideal cause we would save on buying group stuff, be together etc and it seems like the more the merrier and so on.

However, this is not a cruise to the caribbean and while I have never been to Europe to say for myself, from research I understand that days in port are very intensive, many times very far from the ship (Rome etc) and I wonder if we will all be in hell trying to do this day after day after day with a baby.

I could be wrong and it all might go pretty well, but what do I know.

Which is why I wanted to ask for opinions on here for insight from those who have done these trips and also especially from anyone who did so with young children to draw from their experience and try to imagine if what I am imagining is not too off from reality.


I think you've pretty much answered your own question.


It sounds like your friends are set on doing this trip, and if their employer is paying for part of the trip it may very well be worth it for them.


As you are fully paying your own way, I suggest that this is a lot of money to perhaps enjoy yourself, or possibly be the trip from Hell.

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It doesn't matter how you try to justify it, this is a bad idea and your friends just aren't being realistic or practical. As a previous poster says, the flight alone will be an ordeal.

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I'm going to encourage you to go for it. Although we have never cruised with children, last year we took our son's family to Europe for two weeks and they had a 15 month old son.


My husband and I took the baby when the rest of the family did the museums but other than that we were all together. I would suggest a good lightweight travel stroller and a backpack or Ergo for the baby.


We've been on over 15 cruises in Europe and I really think you would have a good time with your friends.

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Sailor's Mate, 15 European cruises!! that's impressive!

Since you have been on them with/without the young one, did you adjust your schedule/excursions etc when you went with the little grandson? Did you get to see as much? Any tips?

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Our trip to Europe with the 1 year old was a land trip and not a cruise - but I don't think it would be much different. We always do the ports on our own and with a little planning this is very easy.


My suggestion would be a good travel stroller and a backpack or Ergo to carry the baby in. Don't plan on leisurely 2 hours lunches, stop at parks to let the baby run around a bit, bring along some snacks and drinks - basically just like you would do on an outing with the baby in the USA.


If you have any ports in mind I might be able to give you a few suggestions that would work well for your group.

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thank you Sailor's Mate!

We have not picked specific cruise yet, but one concern I have had is Rome (which will probably be on any itinerary) since it is so far from the port and there is so much to see.

I heard that its not easy to run around and see everything in a day (especially with port being so far) and especially with a 12 month old I imagine we might have to scale back on what we would be able to do. I'd like to see the Vatican, forums, Collosium, trevi fountains etc

There is no telling whether the baby will be walking by then (some 1 year olds do, some don't) but I imagine they would be mobile at least by then and want to get around. I actually don't know what would be better - walking already or not walking yet. Cause a baby that isn't walking but is mobile, will still want to get down and move around, but it may be more challenging.

Of course we'd love to do Venice, and while I have no idea what ports we will visit per se I imagine we would do a typical starter Venice to Barcelona (or vice versa) kind of cruise.

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NalCruiser - some cruises start in Rome and this might give you the extra time you would like for that port.


Rick Steve's has very good audio tours you can put on your phone for Rome and Venice - he's always adding cities and sights so check it out. Also, these boards will give you lots of information on how to see the sights you mentioned for Rome and how to get around.


There are always long lines to get into St Peters so I would get there early. Someone can walk the baby as others are waiting in line. I would skip the Vatican Museum if you only have the one day to see the major sights in Rome.


Remember you won't be able to see everything with only a day in each port but you will get a good feeling for the different countries and cities you visit. Go have fun with your friends and don't stress out about not being able to do it all. Stop and take breaks when you need them - having a coke or drink in the local cafes will also be memorable.


Cruising is a very easy way to see Europe.

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I think there are a lot of nay sayers out there and it is totally what you think your baby will handle. No one knows how well he/she will do except you. I live in Germany right now and have a 15 month old. She travels everywhere with us and does great!!! We were in Rome for a week and we strapped her into her backpack carrier and took her around the city, on the trains and to restaurants. Granted, we have travelled with her since she was a small infant, so she is used to it. We are going on a 9 day cruise in December and another 12 day cruise in August 2013. I would say if you think your baby can handle it, go for it!! I don't envy the plane ride over though!!!

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thank you Sailor's Mate!

We have not picked specific cruise yet, but one concern I have had is Rome (which will probably be on any itinerary) since it is so far from the port and there is so much to see.

I heard that its not easy to run around and see everything in a day (especially with port being so far) and especially with a 12 month old I imagine we might have to scale back on what we would be able to do. I'd like to see the Vatican, forums, Collosium, trevi fountains etc

There is no telling whether the baby will be walking by then (some 1 year olds do, some don't) but I imagine they would be mobile at least by then and want to get around. I actually don't know what would be better - walking already or not walking yet. Cause a baby that isn't walking but is mobile, will still want to get down and move around, but it may be more challenging.

Of course we'd love to do Venice, and while I have no idea what ports we will visit per se I imagine we would do a typical starter Venice to Barcelona (or vice versa) kind of cruise.

You haven't picked the cruise yet? Is it this year? Do you realize that the closer you get the higher the airfare will skyrocket?


Also, you say on previous threads that you have traveled with this family and their child, right? And you say the baby will be one at the time of the cruise, right? Exactly how old is the child now? Do you really know what this child will be like at age 1? Unless the cruise is within the next 4 weeks, you actually cannot have any idea what cruising with this 1 year old will be like...because the child isn't even 1 yet. Of course he/she is easy now....because he/she is still an infant! They dont walk or talk...and they still take a bottle/breast. Babies grow by the day..hour..minute....


I noticed that on the other thread you started that the responses have leaned toward the positive..but here, the posters are not being politically correct..so to speak...are are being very honest....


IMHO..if you want to take the cruise..go for it....but seriously..do the friends have to be involved? Can't you go alone with you and yours?


I would discourage them at all costs..but if they are steadfast going on this cruise and of course you can't stop them from that...then have a real long talk with them..and set down the rules of the game...


FWIW...I am guessing that you don't have kids?LOL:D


I am not trying to be harsh..just adding a little levity....but I see bad news on the horizon....and also, please do not micromanage your friends cruise should they decide to go along....personally, I would ignore the baby...and I have several kids of my own..who travel extensively with us....but we didn't do Europe until the youngest was well versed..in walking...talking...eating...reading...ordering from a menu...using a public bathroom....you get the idea:)

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I think there are a lot of nay sayers out there and it is totally what you think your baby will handle. No one knows how well he/she will do except you. I live in Germany right now and have a 15 month old. She travels everywhere with us and does great!!! We were in Rome for a week and we strapped her into her backpack carrier and took her around the city, on the trains and to restaurants. Granted, we have travelled with her since she was a small infant, so she is used to it. We are going on a 9 day cruise in December and another 12 day cruise in August 2013. I would say if you think your baby can handle it, go for it!! I don't envy the plane ride over though!!!

It is not the OP's baby..it is a friend and their baby that the OP is concerned about

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I've definitely taken care of enough kids to know that 1 is an unpredictable age - hence the concern/apprehension. But that's why wanted to ask around the boards about people's experiences, since as I've said my friends are very gun ho and positive and its hard for me to tell them their baby won't handle Europe.

I know babies change fast and what might be easy when they are an infant might be impossible by the time they are 18 months. But I'm not sure on the year mark and what typical babies are around then.


I have somewhat "gently" mentioned my concerns to my friend. She told me how another friend of hers is doing the mediterranean with a child that age and is doing all ship excursions (from what I glean, everyone is advising against that here).


of course, I can't tell my friends not to go or anything. I'll just have to make my own plans and plan for the best. my reservation with planning private tours with them is that if they would back out for any reason I'll be left in a bind. With ship tours I will be able to do the excursions one way or another.


I do agree that babies change by the minute so it's very unpredictable. But am not very sure on what a 1 year old's needs typically are and how well they would do - whether they would sleep the whole time, or whether they need to be active and would be miserable on long sight seeing tours.

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