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Common courtesy?

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Dh and I both smoke, also the reason we booked a balcony. With fewer places to smoke, our balcony will be the most convinent place to smoke. No we wont be out there 24/7 and no we are not chain smokers, but if we want to have a cigarette on our balcony, where it's allowed, we will. Would we be offended if someone told us they didnt want us smoking on our balcony, where it's allowed? Yes we would, same goes for any of the other "smoking areas", where it's allowed. There aren't very many places where smoking is allowed and no we wont try and sneak into a non-smoking area and light up.

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Both parties have paid for the enjoyment of the balcony.


That being said, smoking is not only dangerous for the smoker, but also passer-bys who inhale the second hand smoke. Anyone has the right to smoke on the balcony, no questions asked.


The ONLY thing I could ask for, is if my neighbor was a smoker to just let us know beforehand with a note so we were aware. It would be fantastic if they could let us know they were about to light when I was on the balcony so I have the option to suck it up or just go inside.


It reminds me of a neighborhood. The neighbors want to throw a big shindig so they either a) tell their neighbors so they won't be alarmed at the noise or b) just wait to see what happens. Most neighbors who get a notice saying there will be noise for so and sos party will be perfectly ok with it because they realize it is their party. However, when not notified, it is more likely neighbors will get pissed and call the cops at the over abundance of noise.


This is a little far-fetched, but I thought it was a good comparison. Anyone has the right to smoke, it just is more polite to let your neighbors know. Not that they have to at all, just saying it is more polite.

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Both parties have paid for the enjoyment of the balcony.


That being said, smoking is not only dangerous for the smoker, but also passer-bys who inhale the second hand smoke. Anyone has the right to smoke on the balcony, no questions asked.


The ONLY thing I could ask for, is if my neighbor was a smoker to just let us know beforehand with a note so we were aware. It would be fantastic if they could let us know they were about to light when I was on the balcony so I have the option to suck it up or just go inside.


It reminds me of a neighborhood. The neighbors want to throw a big shindig so they either a) tell their neighbors so they won't be alarmed at the noise or b) just wait to see what happens. Most neighbors who get a notice saying there will be noise for so and sos party will be perfectly ok with it because they realize it is their party. However, when not notified, it is more likely neighbors will get pissed and call the cops at the over abundance of noise.


This is a little far-fetched, but I thought it was a good comparison. Anyone has the right to smoke, it just is more polite to let your neighbors know. Not that they have to at all, just saying it is more polite.

I'm about to go sit on my deck and smoke, just so you know. :D :eek:

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I am an ex-smoker.


However, smoking is permitted on the balcony. In fact, Carnival designates the balcony as a smoking area. I do not see why a smoker, who paid extra to have a designated smoking balcony would need to "leave notes", let their neighbors know that they are going to smoke or anything of the sorts. Non-smokers have probably 90% of the ship to escape smoke.


I would be pissed, if I still smoked, and someone stuck their head around the divider to ask me to put out my smoke. Rude when you take into account that I am smoking on my balcony that is designated a smoking area.


Some people have breathing issues do to those who bathe themselves in perfume. Should they ask those cruisers not to get in the elevator with them? Of course not. The offended party should find another way to get to their destination, or book a vacation where they would not be exposed to perfume dowsers. They booked the vacation knowing that they would be exposed to perfume.


It is what it is. The balcony is a designated smoking area. Until that changes, suck it up. If you are bothered by smoke don't get a balcony that is designated smoking. That may mean going with an OV, inside, spa or another ship.


By your neighbor smoking, it doesn't mean your rights are being taken away. You have the right to go inside, go to another area of the ship. Or again, book another line.


Get off your high horse and instead of complaining and figuring out ways to extinguish a smoker, go and find a place where you will not be exposed to the smoke.

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Both parties have paid for the enjoyment of the balcony.


That being said, smoking is not only dangerous for the smoker, but also passer-bys who inhale the second hand smoke. Anyone has the right to smoke on the balcony, no questions asked.


The ONLY thing I could ask for, is if my neighbor was a smoker to just let us know beforehand with a note so we were aware. It would be fantastic if they could let us know they were about to light when I was on the balcony so I have the option to suck it up or just go inside.


It reminds me of a neighborhood. The neighbors want to throw a big shindig so they either a) tell their neighbors so they won't be alarmed at the noise or b) just wait to see what happens. Most neighbors who get a notice saying there will be noise for so and sos party will be perfectly ok with it because they realize it is their party. However, when not notified, it is more likely neighbors will get pissed and call the cops at the over abundance of noise.


This is a little far-fetched, but I thought it was a good comparison. Anyone has the right to smoke, it just is more polite to let your neighbors know. Not that they have to at all, just saying it is more polite.


I have to write you a note when I want to smoke on my balcony? Smokers put up with having to get up from a bar and go up a deck or two to have a smoke, leave their friends and families, get up from their lounge chair and walk to another part of the ship to light up, and after these hassles have to put up with the fake coughers and comments of passersby the smoking areas? Like we are filthy scum.


Get over yourselves, a bit of kindness will go a long way. You can hear the cabin doors open and close very well when you are out there, if you hear me come outside chances are it is to have a smoke. That is your "note" to get up and return in 5 minutes when I am through. I would also finish up my smoke and not light another if I heard your door open and I knew it bothered you. This is accomplished by having a polite and not a condescending conversation.


All day long I am modifying my behavior in public areas to placate non smokers. I paid for an area where I do not have to be told what to do.

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It lasted 6 years. 1998-2004.


And the fact is, on average, smokers drink more alcohol than non-smokers. The cruiselines will never go 100% non-smoking again.



I don't know about the more or less alcohol but Celebrity is pretty darned close to non-smoking with no smoking anywhere on the ship except one area outside. No smoking on balconies or casino.... The two cruises we've been on were both fully booked, so there is certainly a large segment of the population who wants or accepts the limited smoking. Celebrity also has alcohol packages that are very popular. While you have heard smokers drink more I have heard that smokers are supposed to gamble more....but the casino was jam packed every time we went on our recent cruise to Bermuda. Don't know what is true or not!


The fact is that there are many more non-smokers than smokers in the general population and I agree with the poster who said that times have changed and that the previous non-smoking Carnival ship might be more successful now.


We enjoy Celebrity for many reasons, but specifically for the fact that other people smoking is just not an issue that negatively impacts our vacation. Would we sail Carnival again? Yes. And if we do we would know that smoking will be an issue we have to accept. Would I prefer no smoking on balconies and in the casino? Absolutely! Will I get that on Carnival? No. So I have to live with it if I choose a Carnival ship. But our cruise line of choice is always going to be Celebrity due to the smoking policy....

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I don't know about the more or less alcohol but Celebrity is pretty darned close to non-smoking with no smoking anywhere on the ship except one area outside. No smoking on balconies or casino.... The two cruises we've been on were both fully booked, so there is certainly a large segment of the population who wants or accepts the limited smoking. Celebrity also has alcohol packages that are very popular. While you have heard smokers drink more I have heard that smokers are supposed to gamble more....but the casino was jam packed every time we went on our recent cruise to Bermuda. Don't know what is true or not!


The fact is that there are many more non-smokers than smokers in the general population and I agree with the poster who said that times have changed and that the previous non-smoking Carnival ship might be more successful now.


We enjoy Celebrity for many reasons, but specifically for the fact that other people smoking is just not an issue that negatively impacts our vacation. Would we sail Carnival again? Yes. And if we do we would know that smoking will be an issue we have to accept. Would I prefer no smoking on balconies and in the casino? Absolutely! Will I get that on Carnival? No. So I have to live with it if I choose a Carnival ship. But our cruise line of choice is always going to be Celebrity due to the smoking policy....

And this is exactly why we DON"T cruise Celebrity anymore!!!

We love the longer cruises and just the nice ships, but my husband smokes and the restrictive smoking policy did lose them business too. <shrug>

It is what it is, I will go back to Celebrity for longer cruises when husband finally gives up the smokes, but we really do enjoy Carnival for it's less stuffy, less dressy options and darn nice people.

On Celebrity we had a guy at our table who complained EVERY night to the Maitre D that the lamb was wrong, the bread was wrong, this man LOVED to make people goosewalk to his tune, it was highly annoying!! He said he "had to retire because it was too expensive to pay the taxes in his high bracket" <rolls eyes> who cares???? UGH

We've never encountered anyone near as bad as this jerk on any of our Carnival cruises!!!( opps did I just have a little rant)):o

JMO, Carole

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I don't know about the more or less alcohol but Celebrity is pretty darned close to non-smoking with no smoking anywhere on the ship except one area outside. No smoking on balconies or casino.... The two cruises we've been on were both fully booked, so there is certainly a large segment of the population who wants or accepts the limited smoking. Celebrity also has alcohol packages that are very popular. While you have heard smokers drink more I have heard that smokers are supposed to gamble more....but the casino was jam packed every time we went on our recent cruise to Bermuda. Don't know what is true or not!


The fact is that there are many more non-smokers than smokers in the general population and I agree with the poster who said that times have changed and that the previous non-smoking Carnival ship might be more successful now.


We enjoy Celebrity for many reasons, but specifically for the fact that other people smoking is just not an issue that negatively impacts our vacation. Would we sail Carnival again? Yes. And if we do we would know that smoking will be an issue we have to accept. Would I prefer no smoking on balconies and in the casino? Absolutely! Will I get that on Carnival? No. So I have to live with it if I choose a Carnival ship. But our cruise line of choice is always going to be Celebrity due to the smoking policy....



Good points! I'll keep that one in mind. Had I known that before I booked my upcoming CCL cruise, I would have DEFINITELY booked Celebrity instead of Carnival. :rolleyes: I think Carnival should AT LEAST have a BLOCK OF BALCONY SMOKE-FREE ROOMS! Why should the non-smoker be forced not to enjoy the balcony....the one thing that makes their room cost sooooo high?! Instead, I am having to enjoy a scenic ocean-view room so I can be away from second hand smoke.


I am a CPR and First Aid instructor for the American Heart Association and have to constantly get the latest research on medical information that I teach about and smoking....O.M.G.....if smokers truly realized the latest research and what it increases their chances of down the road (NOT just lung cancer, but other types....breast, prostate, even pancreatic cancer, not to mention many other cancers...and heart disease...smoking is the leading cause of all heart attacks and strokes), and what they're doing to asthmatic patients' lungs, you would think they'd stop. Don't they have children that they want to protect the lungs of, and be around for, for years to come? When you get checked into the hospital for a heart attack and if you ARE fortunate enough to survive it, do you really want the nurses and doctors rolling their eyes when they're going over your health history and you have to tell them you're a smoker???? Okay, so dying isn't enough to scare you...killing your kids with asthma and cancer down the road with second hand smoke isn't enough.....how about the smell??? You stink. I have a best friend who has a dh who smokes. The whole family reeks of smoke and they swear he only does it outside. Not to mention he looks 10 years older than he is.


If you stop smoking.....some good news.....after 7 years your lungs show no signs of damage. And, the rapid aging actually begins to reverse itself. Not to mention your likelihood of certain cancers and heart disease/strokes begin to deminish. It takes a few years before the positive effects take place, but you will feel better within a couple weeks. That's what's most important anyway....how you will feel. More energy. Who doesn't want more energy???:confused:

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34 cruises and we have never had a problem with smoke on our balcony with all the wind some people really over do the smoke bit. You only are on your balcony for 1 to 2 hrs a day some alot less. Most times we never see our neighbors on the balcony the whole cruise. Guess we must be lucky or this smokeing thing is way over done by people that it bothers them if you smoke 50 yards away from them and you do have people like that. Look out people the fat people are next on the do gooders list, every day something on the news about it.

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34 cruises and we have never had a problem with smoke on our balcony with all the wind some people really over do the smoke bit. You only are on your balcony for 1 to 2 hrs a day some alot less. Most times we never see our neighbors on the balcony the whole cruise. Guess we must be lucky or this smokeing thing is way over done by people that it bothers them if you smoke 50 yards away from them and you do have people like that. Look out people the fat people are next on the do gooders list, every day something on the news about it.


During our last cruise in Alaska, my wife and I almost "lived" on the balcony when the ship was "at sea". We ordered room service and sat there to enjoy the splendor.

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Good points! I'll keep that one in mind. Had I known that before I booked my upcoming CCL cruise, I would have DEFINITELY booked Celebrity instead of Carnival. :rolleyes: I think Carnival should AT LEAST have a BLOCK OF BALCONY SMOKE-FREE ROOMS! Why should the non-smoker be forced not to enjoy the balcony....the one thing that makes their room cost sooooo high?! Instead, I am having to enjoy a scenic ocean-view room so I can be away from second hand smoke.


I am a CPR and First Aid instructor for the American Heart Association and have to constantly get the latest research on medical information that I teach about and smoking....O.M.G.....if smokers truly realized the latest research and what it increases their chances of down the road (NOT just lung cancer, but other types....breast, prostate, even pancreatic cancer, not to mention many other cancers...and heart disease...smoking is the leading cause of all heart attacks and strokes), and what they're doing to asthmatic patients' lungs, you would think they'd stop. Don't they have children that they want to protect the lungs of, and be around for, for years to come? When you get checked into the hospital for a heart attack and if you ARE fortunate enough to survive it, do you really want the nurses and doctors rolling their eyes when they're going over your health history and you have to tell them you're a smoker???? Okay, so dying isn't enough to scare you...killing your kids with asthma and cancer down the road with second hand smoke isn't enough.....how about the smell??? You stink. I have a best friend who has a dh who smokes. The whole family reeks of smoke and they swear he only does it outside. Not to mention he looks 10 years older than he is.


If you stop smoking.....some good news.....after 7 years your lungs show no signs of damage. And, the rapid aging actually begins to reverse itself. Not to mention your likelihood of certain cancers and heart disease/strokes begin to deminish. It takes a few years before the positive effects take place, but you will feel better within a couple weeks. That's what's most important anyway....how you will feel. More energy. Who doesn't want more energy???:confused:


Translation: "Smoking is stupid."


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

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This is a little OT, but it has been brought up here several times - and the thread is "Common Courtest".


I've been on a cruise or 2 and generally in a balcony or suite with a balcony. I have never once had a neighbor stick their head around the partition from an adjoining balcony. Nor have I ever done it. This would anger me more than just about any behavior by a neighbor.


Is this done? Is this acceptable?

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This is a little OT, but it has been brought up here several times - and the thread is "Common Courtest".


I've been on a cruise or 2 and generally in a balcony or suite with a balcony. I have never once had a neighbor stick their head around the partition from an adjoining balcony. Nor have I ever done it. This would anger me more than just about any behavior by a neighbor.


Is this done? Is this acceptable?


I've never had it happen either, nor would I do it. I would NOT appreciate it, no matter what the reason.

If you want to get my attention just start talking. "Hello anyone on the balcony next door?", "Anybody over there?"

Just to stick your head around is very rude. You may see something you don't want to, or something I don't want you to see.

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There are other cruise lines that do not permit smoking on their balconies. My husband is a smoker and we wouldn't book on say Celebrity, where you can't smoke on the balcony. When the ship is moving, you shouldn't worry about smoke blowing in your face.

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"Smoking is stupid."



No one is going to debate that. Hell I smoked from 14-34 I was plenty stupid. Its one of the dumbest things someone can do IMHO.


Of course now I ride my bike though the woods really fast and is probably just as stupid if not more. A lot healthier (unless I crash bad) and definitely more fun. Stupid? probably.

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A lot of things humans do qualifies as stupid (including threatening other passengers over their licit behavior;)).


Touche. Although, while temporarily debilitating, there's no scientific proof my farts will contribute to any long-term, adverse health effects due to 2nd hand contact.


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

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I am a non-smoker and I'm really sensitive to the smell of smoke. I've never had any issues with smoke blowing into my balcony. Even on the public decks, I've never noticed a lot of smoke. I've never had to move to the smoke free side. The only place I've noticed a lot of smoke is the casino and I'm only walking through there. It's not as big an issue as some make it out to be, at least not that I've ever encountered.

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There are other cruise lines that do not permit smoking on their balconies. My husband is a smoker and we wouldn't book on say Celebrity, where you can't smoke on the balcony. When the ship is moving, you shouldn't worry about smoke blowing in your face.


When the ship is moving the smoke is the worst, if you're down wind.

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