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Water package

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I wonder if this has ever happen to any one else. My Dr wants me to use bottled water on the cruise ship. It is kind of a hit and miss thing for me. On some ships my BP will go very high and I get sick. It is not the salt in the food because I get low salt diet. It has happen on ships that are some times close in age. On Tahitian Princess and Azamara Journey--both the same type of ship, Monarch of the Seas, Neiw Ansterdam.

At home I eat all the salt that I want and my BP (with no meds) is great. When I take a cruise I have to carry meds wit me for high BP.

Even though the water from the ship is very pure there just might be something added or in it that could cause this to happen to me. There for my MD wants me to use bottled water while on board. Cans of soda only, no soups, coffee or teas. I try to stay away as much as I can from most things made with lots of water. All most all the food we eat has some water in it. Even bread is made with it. But if I cut the use of it down I don't get the high BP. The past cruises that I have done this I have had no trouble.

Who knows? For me it had been working. That is why I asked the question about the water.

Therefore for me, I need to try it on this cruise.



No need to explain yourself for asking a question. Some people feel the need to pass judgement on others based on how they choose to spend their own money.


Have a happy and healthy cruise! :)

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No need to explain yourself for asking a question. Some people feel the need to pass judgement on others based on how they choose to spend their own money.


Have a happy and healthy cruise! :)


Thank you very much for your kindness. Like the hymn goes "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.


I am wondering if it does happen to any one else. I know the water is different than my house water because at home I need to use lots of hair products to make my hair soft. On board ships I use nothing but shampoo when I wash my hair and it comes so soft!.

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No need to explain yourself for asking a question. Some people feel the need to pass judgement on others based on how they choose to spend their own money.


Have a happy and healthy cruise! :)


Amen to that!


No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. If YOU don't want to buy water and drink from the faucet -- fine. If other want to carry it on board or buy it from the cruiseline, also fine. To each their own.


I chose to pre-purchase bottled water for medical and convenience reasons. It's my money, my choice. Happy that there are options for everyone to choose from.

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We take a lot of Crystal Lite. My husband only likes the iced tea with lemon, but I drink a lot of different flavors. Occ. at dinner when they are slow or forget to bring us iced tea, we dump a pkg. of CL in the water. Sure is funny to see the waiters' faces when we are drinking fruit punch, tea or whatever flavor and they can't figure out how we did it.


We generally bring a couple of bottled waters and when they are empty, just refill at the sink with a pkg. of CL. We always bring insulated cups so can just pour the drinks over ice, fill up the bottles again and place in the refrigerator for the next time.

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Our 15 year old daughter has a suppressed immune system, which makes her very susceptible to illness. This is why we are looking at bottled water. For the rest of us, tap water is fine, but not for her.


Thanks for the info, everyone. Right now, I think our plan is to get a case of water on the way to the port, slap a luggage tag on it & have the porter's bring it to the room, just as a PP suggested. :D

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As per their website: The Water Package is an option for guests sailing with Royal Caribbean to order water in various package sizes at a discounted price. The Water Package will be delivered to your stateroom on the date you request. We offer four quantities: 8 bottles, 12 bottles, 16 bottles and 24 bottles. The size of the water bottles offered in the package is the Evian 1 liter plastic bottled water.


8 bottles = $28.45

12 bottles = $40.30

16 bottles = $50.55

24 bottles = $71.10


plus a 15% gratuity charge


When I can buy 35 16oz bottles at Costcos for $4.99, I would NEVER buy the water package.

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An earlier poster called the water package a SCAM. A scam is when you think you are getting one thing and you get another....it is WATER!!!! you know what it is, you know the price...If you buy it you are the fool!!!! it is not a SCAM!


The water on a ship is as pure as you can get it! PT BARNUM once said it, "there is a sucker born every minute"


Some folks treat bottled water like it was fine wine or precious metals! It is WATER!!!!!


They didn't ask your opinion on the package just the cost. Why on every post about water someone feels the need to be rude and tell people how stupid they are is beyond me. Your opinion is just that, your opinion. I feel people are stupid for wasting hundreds of dollars gambling and drinking. But you are free to spend your money how you see fit.


To the OP I would try to bring a case on board if bottled water is that important to you. Worst case they take it and you are out $3-4. We took soda on, no problem.


I'm not a big water drinker so it is irrelevant to me but those that drink water from their tap ought to do a search for the person that took a pic of their bathtub full of water. Dark brown water. Not only that but big water drinkers, just like soda drinkers, prefer the taste of specific brands.

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They didn't ask your opinion on the package just the cost. Why on every post about water someone feels the need to be rude and tell people how stupid they are is beyond me. Your opinion is just that, your opinion. I feel people are stupid for wasting hundreds of dollars gambling and drinking. But you are free to spend your money how you see fit.


To the OP I would try to bring a case on board if bottled water is that important to you. Worst case they take it and you are out $3-4. We took soda on, no problem.


I'm not a big water drinker so it is irrelevant to me but those that drink water from their tap ought to do a search for the person that took a pic of their bathtub full of water. Dark brown water. Not only that but big water drinkers, just like soda drinkers, prefer the taste of specific brands.


I don't see where anyone asked you to. :rolleyes:


Someone rolled out on the wrong side of their bunk today. :eek::D

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The ship desalinization process does not remove all of the sodium. People with high blood pressure, heart conditions, and many other health concerns can be adversely affected by the salt remaining in the ship's "desalinated water".


If you don't want to buy bottled water on the ship that is your choice, but there is no need to batter those who ask about it, or those who know that they need to have the bottled water. ;)

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Someone rolled out on the wrong side of their bunk today. :eek::D


Not at all thank you.


If someone decides to spend $70 on bottled water who are they hurting. Some people spend hundreds of dollars on photos that probably cost a nickel to print. Or $9 on a mixed drink that had $.50 worth of alcohol in it. This is no different. The mark up on everything is high.


If people think these prices are bad they should travel to more exotic places. When we were in Tahiti a soda cost $4-5.

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I'm now thoroughly confused!


We have only ever sailed with P&O before, where there is no problem talking on water, soft drinks and even alcohol in moderation, but the RCCI rules clearly state that no drinks can be brought onboard, including water.


However, several people are saying here that you can bring water on and that you can even label a case of it and give it to the porter on arrival at home port. I'm really unclear now about what we can and can't do :confused:

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I'm now thoroughly confused!


However, several people are saying here that you can bring water on and that you can even label a case of it and give it to the porter on arrival at home port. I'm really unclear now about what we can and can't do :confused:


The real evil is alcohol. That's an absolute no-no.


The key for water and soda - I believe - is moderation. You take a modest amount of cans/bottles in your carry-on, probably that won't be a problem.

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I tried doing a search, but I am not getting the info that I want. If you can please help me out.


What comes with the water package--number of bottles and size?

I went to My Cruises to order it but the cruise it to far away.




Knowing things can change, yet some people will post that what they had is what it is always :confused: I'll state I've done this on 3 cruises know and in these cases the package I got was 10 1 liter bottles of Evian and the price came to around $3.75 per bottle. I think there was a larger package that brought the cost down slightly. Since you mentioned cost, I'm sure others will relate how they stop at the local Piggly Wiggly before going to the port and carry on a 24 pack, but I find the water package convenient not much dollar wise compared to what I paid for the cruise.

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An earlier poster called the water package a SCAM. A scam is when you think you are getting one thing and you get another....it is WATER!!!! you know what it is, you know the price...If you buy it you are the fool!!!! it is not a SCAM!


The water on a ship is as pure as you can get it! PT BARNUM once said it, "there is a sucker born every minute"


Some folks treat bottled water like it was fine wine or precious metals! It is WATER!!!!!


That poster loves to cruise the forum and criticize people for their choices. I'll bet he pays $8 for a drink. If I a person, like me, wants to pay <$4 for the convenience of having a bottle of water with me at the gym, on the running track, or at the shows and I don't feel like bringing it on board with me then thats my choice. When I'm in the middle of the ocean and its 95F in the sun, that $3.75 doesn't seem that bad. There also great for throwing in the bag on beach or other excursions.


The $80 case that got his Bo Duke Boxers in a bunch, broken down per person per day is less than he probably spends on Bud light and with the water your less likely to beat your wife and kids.

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I'm now thoroughly confused!


We have only ever sailed with P&O before, where there is no problem talking on water, soft drinks and even alcohol in moderation, but the RCCI rules clearly state that no drinks can be brought onboard, including water.


However, several people are saying here that you can bring water on and that you can even label a case of it and give it to the porter on arrival at home port. I'm really unclear now about what we can and can't do :confused:


The rule is that you can't bring any drinks on board, alcoholic and non alcoholic. People try to bring soda and water onboard in all kinds of different ways - just putting a tag on a case of water and sending it with the luggage, packed in the suitcase or in the carry on bag. Some people get it on board no problem, and others are sent to the "naughty room". It seems to me like it's the luck of the draw, depending on who's in charge at the time or what kind of mood they're in. It also seems like they're stricter in some ports more than others. So basically, like someone has already said, you can try to bring the water or soda on board, taking in to acount that you might not be able to or if it's in your luggage you might get called over to the naughty room. It's up to you :)


I'm just going to purchase the water package, because I don't want to deal with it...:)


And, to all the people who are "baffled by those who spend money on water", I'm getting it because we want bottled water. Not because of health issues or anything else. We like bottled water. You can all enjoy your wine, cocktails, beers and gambling, we'll enjoy our bottled water. I'm baffled by people being so rude about other people's preferences. CC is supposed to be a place to share info and experiences. One should be able to ask about a certain drink or food or excursion without being attacked. Why should the OP feel like she owes us an explanation why she'd rather drink bottled water? I just don't get it...

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The rule is that you can't bring any drinks on board, alcoholic and non alcoholic. People try to bring soda and water onboard in all kinds of different ways - just putting a tag on a case of water and sending it with the luggage, packed in the suitcase or in the carry on bag. Some people get it on board no problem, and others are sent to the "naughty room". It seems to me like it's the luck of the draw, depending on who's in charge at the time or what kind of mood they're in. It also seems like they're stricter in some ports more than others. So basically, like someone has already said, you can try to bring the water or soda on board, taking in to acount that you might not be able to or if it's in your luggage you might get called over to the naughty room. It's up to you :)


I'm just going to purchase the water package, because I don't want to deal with it...:)


And, to all the people who are "baffled by those who spend money on water", I'm getting it because we want bottled water. Not because of health issues or anything else. We like bottled water. You can all enjoy your wine, cocktails, beers and gambling, we'll enjoy our bottled water. I'm baffled by people being so rude about other people's preferences. CC is supposed to be a place to share info and experiences. One should be able to ask about a certain drink or food or excursion without being attacked. Why should the OP feel like she owes us an explanation why she'd rather drink bottled water? I just don't get it...


The nice part of using the luggage tag technique is that it's right out there in the open. For about $6 + little extra tip, either they deliver it or not. They won't call you to the naughty room. We've had no problem buying the water package before but my wife doesn't like the size of the bottles. Between that and the price, it's worth the gamble for $6 to pick it up on the way to the port.

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When I have drank tap water on ships

my ankles have swelled.

There is definitely sodium in the water. When I have drank bottled water my ankles are fine.


My ankles don't swell at all. The BP just goes way up.

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Thank you all for the kind words. It is nice to know that most people are helpful and very kind. I will be buying the water package or by the bottle. I am looking forward to going on RCCL again.


Thank you again

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I've just bought 8 bottles on the Mariner for next week. :D


By the time I get out of Rome airport to then get the coach transfer, I'm not going to have time to find somewhere to buy any bottles.


I'm not one for spending ££££ if I can help it, but it's less hassle on the day.

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Thank you alaskawdw12 and Isa65 ... I really do think it must be luck whether you can bring water onboard. I called RCCI in the UK a few days ago and they stated categorically you cannot bring it on, at all so I guess we won't be.


Reading about the price of drinks (of any kind), excursions, shuttles, spa treatments etc, as well as overcrowding and poor food, I'm starting to wish we'd not booked! But my son and his family already had, so as we want to holiday with them, we had no choice.


Oh well, too late now, in 8 weeks we are on our way!

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I called RCCI in the UK a few days ago and they stated categorically you cannot bring it on, at all so I guess we won't be.


I'm starting to wish we'd not booked!


Petronella, OF COURSE RCI will tell you that! It all depends on the agents at the port if they let you through, but most people do get on with their water and sodas. (I'm bringing some cans of diet mountain dew).


Don't wish you hadn't booked -- after the cruise you'll see what a wonderful time you've had with your family. Go on and enjoy!

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Reading about the price of drinks (of any kind), excursions, shuttles, spa treatments etc, as well as overcrowding and poor food, I'm starting to wish we'd not booked! But my son and his family already had, so as we want to holiday with them, we had no choice.


Oh well, too late now, in 8 weeks we are on our way!


I wouldn't worry too much, I have never had Poor food on board, the MDR on RCI might not be up to the standards of some other cruise ship lines but it is ok. As for crowds, other than right at the start of a meal time when everyone is waiting for the doors to the windjammer or MDR to open the "crowds" are not that bad. I have never felt crowded on any ship to date. Yes the drinks are not cheap, but coffee, iced tea, lemonade are no charge at all times in any restaurant venue. If you want breakfast delivered to your stateroom in the morning it does not cost extra, just fill out the card before 3am and have it on your door and it will be delivered. You might tip the person that delivers it but that is entirely up to you. The overall experience on the cruise ships is generally very good. If you want to purchase a bottle of wine with supper in the MDR and only drink half of it, ask your waiter to put your room number on it and put it back in the wine fridge, they will bring it back out next supper and you can finish it. Cheaper than buying by the glass.

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Reading about the price of drinks (of any kind), excursions, shuttles, spa treatments etc, as well as overcrowding and poor food, I'm starting to wish we'd not booked! But my son and his family already had, so as we want to holiday with them, we had no choice.


Oh well, too late now, in 8 weeks we are on our way!


I can't believe that is how you're feeling after talking about the water package!! :(

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