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Underage Drinking Onboard


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Teeth whitening and the location of your cabin issues could have been avoided with a bit of research and not really Carnival's fault


Maybe the OP didnt decide about the teeth whitening until she was onboard and got the sales pitch. A little late by then to get on CC and ask .. what do you think I should do?


I dont think that can be blamed on the OP myself. You are assuming she planned it ahead of time.

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Thanks so much for your kind words. It was the most frightening experience of my life and hopefully a HUGE learning experience for her!


As for the teeth whitening, I sure wish I had read some of Carolin's posts before I went :-) It was a spur of the moment thing so I did not research it. But the straw that broke the camel's back was the morning after the procedure (which was the morning we were getting off the ship)... After suffering all night I decided to return the 2 boxes of maintenance products I had bought to continue the teeth whitening at home. They had not been opened. I DID NOT ask for a refund for the procedure... I know that is not Carnival's fault... It was just something that happened. So I wait in that horrible guest services line for half an hour and was then sent to the spa to do the return...


I get to the spa and I showed the lady my gums and explained what I wanted. She was not overly compassionate by any means but said she would do the return with the receipt... Unfortunately the receipt was packed in my luggage which was removed from my room the night before. I had packed the actual products in my carry on... I explained this to her and she said she could not do anything to help me. I asked her to please just print out a copy of the receipt from her computer... By this point I was literally starting to cry... a combination of frustration from the entire week and the pain I was in... She said no... she might get fired if she did that. I asked for her manager to which she replied "she is asleep"...


Finally, with tears streaming down my face, I asked her "Please... will you just make an exception and print a receipt for me?" I swear to you she looked me straight in the eyes and said "Fine. I'll do it... but if I get fired, I'll have to come find you." She might as well have punched me across the room... I was completely dumbfounded... I asked her for her name and walked out... Went back to guest services and explained what had happened. They immediately printed a receipt off their computer and escorted me back to the spa with the receipt where I got the refund... well, I guess I did... I haven't checked my account yet to see if it was refunded but I would imagine it was... This was the end of my cruise from he!!


And, Herfnerd, you are correct... the room location wasn't there fault either... I did do some research on that room... I looked for any reviews that might be out there and didn't find anything. I should have realized that with it being on top of a club, there would be a noise issue. I never once complained about the noise on the ship... I certainly would not expect them to close down a club so I could sleep... and it was a full cruise so moving was not an option so I didn't even ask... it was just another thing that made the week less than pleasant.

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The only way someone under 21 is getting alcohol on the ship is if someone else is buying. They cannot use their S & S card, because it will get rejected to purchase alcohol.


Other than the ports, the only times I've seen underage drinking on the ships is when the parents buy the drinks for their kids.


This is not the only way. Under 21 can smuggle after a port stop.

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Maybe the OP didnt decide about the teeth whitening until she was onboard and got the sales pitch. A little late by then to get on CC and ask .. what do you think I should do?


I dont think that can be blamed on the OP myself. You are assuming she planned it ahead of time.


Not blaming the OP, just said that the issue could have been avoided. I understand that the sales pitch can be persuasive, but at the same time, procedures offered by the spa needs to be scrutinized a little more closely - not directing that comment towards the OP but in general.

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OP and her daughter are both very lucky. If it had been my daughter, I would have reacted the same way.


My daughter was 20 on the last trip, and she was served directly twice, even though she asked for virgin drinks and was sitting right next to me. They swiped her sign and sail, charged her for the virigin drink, and then gave her the real thing. It happened 2 times. Once she told me and I made them change it, and once she just drank it with a smirk on her face and told me later.


The same kid was was getting drinks bought for her by guys over 21 in the nightclub, in the kareoke lounge and at the piano bar. We (mom, dad and 30 year old sister) stopped it when we caught her and gave her the "how stupid can you be" lecture. I had to watch her more closely at 20 than I did at 17 to make sure she didn't get herself into trouble she couldn't handle, which would have been easy. Several evenings she had a group of mid to late 20 year old guys competing for her attention and buying her drinks.

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OP, this almost sounds like a drugging issue. Unless DD is on medication, that extreme reaction from one shot in the 60 minutes you were gone seems nearly impossible. That's even MORE frightening... the possibility of being drugged and "some guy" bringing her back to her room. I can't imagine your fear and frustration! :eek::mad::eek::mad:

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I don't think there was anything other than alcohol in that first shot. I think OP's daughter probably had a lot more to drink after that but can't remember drinking because she blacked out.


But drugging is a real danger. A friend's daughter accepted a drink from a guy and wound up in the hospital. I always told my daughters not to put their drinks down at a party or whatever, because someone could slip something into a glass of coke or juice and they'd never know it was there.



Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2

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I don't know for sure but I believe it is Carnival's own policy. Even though I don't condone it, it has been my experience that teens get their booze from older kids. For example, I know my then 16 yr-old DS got booze from a 22-yr old woman. Older girls get booze for younger guys but older guys do not usually get booze for under-aged girls (so I'm told). Older boys get booze for younger boys who share it with girls their age. Also, on some of the islands that Carnival sails to, 16 yr.-olds can get booze anytime. I just sailed with the DS now (17) and his BF (18) they were served beer in Freeport and didn't have to show ID. The DS lost a week's worth of allowance money when he got back home. They were also offered booze by both older guys and girls on the ship. The 18 yr.-old was sold two bottles of airplane-sized bottles of vodka by the Carnival store in Grand Turk. Kids can get booze if they want to. They are very inventive. That's why you have to keep both your eyes on them and always have an extra key to their cabin. I find all sorts of interesting stuff when I go in there while they're away. I tell them ahead of time that they will not have 100% privacy and yet they still leave evidence around! That's kids for ya! I don't condone underage drinking but I didn't freak out either when the boys drank and I found the bottles of vodka sitting next to the BF's hat. I just waited until we got home and hit my DS where it hurt...his ears (lecture) and hand (which he puts out for his well-earned allowance every week).


I am sorry, but if the child is creative enough to get alcohol on the ship, and risk everyone's vacation. When they get home there should not be an allowance any longer. Ever. If they want to drink like adults, they should earn their way. Tell the to get a job, but that is another topic.


One more question, and I am not really judging, but I get lost in all the abreviations, DH (husband) DW (wife) DS (son), DD (daughter) what did you mean by BF? Boy friend, or Best Friend.

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This is not the only way. Under 21 can smuggle after a port stop.


Teenagers can also smuggle it from home, draining the shampoo and conditioner and filling it up alcohol ... or teenagers can get alcohol from the adult stash from Bon Voyage!

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Wow, I can't believe she got into the club, AND GOT SERVED!!! Carnival dropped the ball. When I was 17, granted this was on RCCL, I tried, HARD, to get into the clubs and to get served with zero luck.


Now, I did manage to get drunk just about everynight. Before I get attacked, I am just posting this so you know what goes on with the underage kids on the ship. I am older now and abide by most of the rules:D


Some nights I would just hey mister and people would buy me a drink and hand it to me discretely. But that wasn't the real danger. My brother and I would buy half gallons, at the ports, fill up water bottles, and hide them in our shorts, and walk right past security. Worked like a charm, though was quite nerve racking. I am positive kids still do this. We'd go back and forth a couple times at the first port and had a stock pile. Got drunk everynight and shared with other teenagers we met.


Just saying, the kids don't just get drunk at the ports, they get it on the ship for use later. More than likely, unless the crew drops the ball, they shouldn't get served on the ship.

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OP, this almost sounds like a drugging issue. Unless DD is on medication, that extreme reaction from one shot in the 60 minutes you were gone seems nearly impossible. That's even MORE frightening... the possibility of being drugged and "some guy" bringing her back to her room. I can't imagine your fear and frustration! :eek::mad::eek::mad:


Hate to be devils advocate, but the daughter could be lying. She could have easily made some friends who snuck alchohol on and just drank way too much. To avoid putting her self in trouble by telling the truth, that she got rip roaring drunk on her own, "she had A shot and doens't remember much after that."


Then again, she could have been drugged. Who knows.

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Since you know the drinking age on Carnival is 21 that should be the end of it unless you are trying to find a way around it. Carnival has the right to remove you from the ship (without a refund or transportation ) if you won't follow the age limit.


Wow...way to be a nasty old (excuse the pun) Geezer...he was just asking a question!



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So, it's 19 to drink here in Ontario (my home) so does that mean that I can apply my rules to someone travelling with me who is between 19-20?


I really don't understand the US regulation about being 21 to drink. Either you're an adult or you're not - if you're legally responsible for yourself at age 18, why all this handholding about alcohol.


I mean, at age 18 in Florida you can purchase a rifle or a shotgun but not a beer.


The drinking age of 21 yrs was foisted upon our country in a prime example of government-by-extortion after MADD pressured our congress (no caps please, they don't deserve 'em) into the current laws.

Yes, it is outrageous that an 18 yr old can sign up to wear a uniform and be sent overseas with a target on his back, yet he cannot legally buy a beer ( not even a crappy beer) but we cannot do anything about it. MADD spewed a bunch of misleading and downright made-up statistics to the media who didn't do any fact checking and here we are. At the mercy of congress (no caps).


What the cruise lines do is really sorta up to them.

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OP- sorry to hear about the situation with your daughter, that is awful. I agree that the cruiseline should check ID before serving people or allowing them into clubs in which they are too young. Of course, resourceful kids will find ways to get alcohol, but the cruiseline should not make it easy either. Just like when I was in college, you could find people to get you alcohol (especially if you are an attractive girl), but if you were underage and got caught, you would be punished. Teens and young adults will push the limits. It seems like those that are almost old enough (19-20) will push it even more. Thankfully I don't have to worry too much for a while, because if Carnival serves my daughter someone definitely dropped the ball (considering the fact that she is not even two!) :eek:


I know the experience, as well as the other issues can color the entire vacation. But, hopefully there was something good about your trip. What ship was it? What ports did you visit?

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Thanks again for your responses. As far as whether she drank more or was drugged, I have no way of knowing. Yes, she could easily have lied to me... While I think she is an honest kid and I believe she is telling me the truth, I am not in denial that anything is possible. And we absolutely had the discussion about not drinking anything that wasn't handed to you by a crew member... In this case, the drink was handed to her by a waitress... of course she still should not have drank it... and she is well aware of that fact... As I mentioned earlier, she has some health problems... specifically Cystic Fibrosis and borderline Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (she is not on insulin daily but requires it when she is sick or on certain medications)... I have done some research to see if any of the meds she is on could have caused such a reaction and haven't come up with anything.


Cruzinlisa: While the entire trip overall was a big disappointment, yes, there were some fun parts. We were on the Magic... I think the best part was the family friendly comedy shows on the last couple of days (they switched comedians mid-cruise)... They were fantastic. The waiter in the Redfrog Pub was awesome... we talked to him quite a bit. The guy who coordinates karaoke in the Ocean Plaza was hysterical. I loved listening to him... As for the ports, we stopped in Honduras, Belize and Cozumel. Cozumel is always my favorite port. The weather held out for us most of the time... we only had one full day of rain so that was nice.

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I have two things to add:


1. Not all waiters take your S&S card to swipe. Some just look at the number and write it down before they go to get your drink or after they bring the drinks. The only time I've had them swipe my card is if I'm right at the bar.


2. Youngest son (18 yo.) we found out was using his older brother's (21 yo.)card. All waiter looked at was the folio number, sometimes not even looking at it, just asking what the number was. Older brother almost croaked when he got his S&S bill at the end of the cruise.

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OP, I'm sorry this happened, however, I don't think we can put all the blame on Carnival, bars, resturaunts, clubs to have a 100% full proof system. Did Carnival make a mistake, yes. Did your daughter make a bigger one, yes.


IMO Blame:

Carnival 20%

DD 80%


With time you and your daughter will over come. Take it from a parent with 1 son & 3 daughters (now 29,24,22,20).

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I wished my parents had the time and money to take me on a cruise when I was a teenager. Times have really changed since the 70"s, my kids to have been on several cruises so far and still less than 16. What a great life.


I do not condone drinking on the ship, every now and and then I let them have a sip of a specialty drink just to taste it, like a Chocolate Getaway. Anything else and they have bigger issues to worry about than Carnival.......Me !!!!!


On the flip side, oh yea..........16, on vacation, on a cruise ships, a young energetic male with hormones racing and not a care in the world, this is temptation at its finest, I would give in. Very few us can claim not drinking before the legal age, in my state of 21.


Again, not supporting it, heavy discipline if I caught my kids doing it, but think back when your were 16, or in a college at 18 for a frat party. It is just part of life

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OP, I'm sorry this happened, however, I don't think we can put all the blame on Carnival, bars, resturaunts, clubs to have a 100% full proof system. Did Carnival make a mistake, yes. Did your daughter make a bigger one, yes.


IMO Blame:

Carnival 20%

DD 80%


With time you and your daughter will over come. Take it from a parent with 1 son & 3 daughters (now 29,24,22,20).


I'm not putting all the blame on Carnival... I know that my daughter messed up and she is being punished for her error in judgement.


I do not agree that Carnival is only 20% to blame, however. As several others have said, teenagers will TRY to get alcohol on a ship... while it is not the crew's job to babysit teenagers, it is their job to follow the rules that Carnival sets. First they allowed her in a club she was not allowed to be in. And second, they served her alcohol she was not allowed to have.


Teens are going to try because they are not old enough to truly comprehend the consequences of their actions... hence the rule about teens not drinking in the first place. I am very disappointed in my daughter for what she did... But I am equally disappointed in the Carnival crew (who should have been more mature than my 17 year old daughter) for breaking their own rules. The difference is that I can punish my daughter... I can't do anything about the employees who so carelessly allowed her to get herself into a very unsafe position where she could easily have been raped, murdered or overdosed.


It is our job as a society to protect our children as well as any other person who lacks the ability to keep themselves safe. Had I been in that bar and saw someone else's child in that position, I ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE intervened! Even if it was an adult female who was obviously beyond intoxicated... I would still try to help her rather than stand there and allow some strange man to take her out of the club... Yet the bar staff and security did nothing... they watched the whole scene play and and watched this strange man walk her out... Thank God he was a good man and not a pervert or a murderer... But they obviously didn't care either way...


The more I think about it, the madder I get... Need to back off and relax a while...

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Geezers: Quite the contrary. I am not trying to get around the policy/law. I'm simply trying to determine if they are breaking the law by serving alcohol to a 17 year old. And I believe that if they are able to remove a passenger who disobeys the drinking age requirement, they should also remove employees who serve kids who are not old enough to drink. I guess it doesn't work both ways, though.


Thanks, Mousey for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me! And I agree... kids can and will find ways around the rules. And I can absolutely understand that (don't like it either but understand it). What I have an issue with is when the Carnival employees are serving kids who are VERY CLEARLY not even 18, let alone 21. I think they should be held liable just like they would be in a bar in the US, assuming that is the law they follow... That's what I can't seem to figure out.



Most of the time it is not the crew that has served the alcohol. You can blame the 21 and older crowd gettting for the younger ones. The unknowing parents with alcohol in their cabin that they get into. Also, the 18 year old on ashore, where 18 is the legal age, buys a bottle, finds a place like a public bathroom, transfers it to a water bottle and brings it back onboard. Lets just say where there is a will there is a way..They know all the tricks. A member of the crew is the last person I would think about. :)

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Yup....they are not buying it them self. A S&S card for someone under 21 will not allow an alcoholic charge, it is locked out in the computer system.




I know for a fact this is not true ( or the waiters can over ride it somehow). On a carnival cruise over christmas my dh did not have his card on him and dd (who is 18) was able to purchase alcohol with her card. It even came up on her folio #

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We were on the Magic three weeks ago, and I had a concern about their nightclub, Vibe. You have to be at least 18 to enter, but the drinking age is 21. I think this is very tempting to the 18 year olds to be surrounded by everyone tossing down drinks. I saw some older "kids" buying drinks and handing them to the ones who were not drinkiing age. I wonder why Carnival has these different age limits. Seems like they are asking for trouble.

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It might be a matter of semantics for the law versus policy, but Carnival prohibits drinking under the age of 21. It's a matter of risk reduction, common sense and past experiences that led to the policy. When you agree to the contract online consent to obey the policy is made, break that policy and the underage drinker and his/her parents might find themselves watching the ship sail away at the first port.


Sure, you can vote, serve in the military and gamble, but none of those has led to a drunken debauchery that Carnival dealt with in the past.


My daughter (who is now 22) has been offered alcoholic beverages at the past guest party since she was 17. She turned them down. On our sailing in July she was carded at the past guest party. Go figure.


Bottom line, the "law of the land" lies in the contract we agree to abide by when we purchase a cruise. It's there way or the highway.




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