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So dissappointed by the Majesty :(

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Since you felt it was necessary to say I didn't do my research and I don't have common sense, I feel I should probably respond to you.


You don't know me, but I am educated, I went to school for a very long time, and I really don't appreciate anyone saying I was under-prepared or that for some reason I don't have "smarts." I did do my research, I chose Majesty over Monarch. We wanted a get-a-way weekend.


I specifically did not go on a bigger RCI cruise ship because A) I didn't have the time to do a 7 day cruise

B) I didn't want to reserve a seat just to go to a show (seems ridiculous to me.... what if I have a change of heart and what to see a show on a whim... its MY vacation)

C) I don't want to pay for all the "WOW" factors then pay again when I get on board (and it seems most things have a fee with RCI)...


I don't want to hear "oh it was a 3 day cruise" because they should still do their jobs...


That's like saying a surgeon who does a great complicated surgery well but if it's "just a gallbladder" it doesn't matter if your mom dies of an infection. Oh well, what did you expect, it wasn't a longer procedure. That's ridiculous. Do your job right, all of the time, not just when it's "convenient"


I'm blaming the cruise line for not trying harder to retain it's customers.


Also, we told our room steward specifically, "we will be back in 20 minutes, we will be done after that". Our luggage wasn't even completely packed yet. It wasn't like it was 9 AM; it was 7 AM.


Quite honestly I'm just offended at how close minded you are. Maybe try to put down the pompoms and think a little bit.





OP I completely agree and understand what you are saying....3 out of the 4 Carnival cruises I have done I had some of the same complaints....food especially left on the pool deck....pieces of pizza laying on the area around the pool and on the upper sun deck as well and I thought that was horrible! Also, our cabin steward on 2 of the 4 Carnival cruises I have taken was rude and didn't even clean for a couple of days and when we complained there was an excuse made and then he (two different ones) let us know that he had been told we complained and because we had complained he was going to loose his job.

I wont cruise with carnival again especially since I gave them more than just one chance....

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Man, the ship just fell into a black hole of garbage in a week, didn't it?:rolleyes:


You know, if you are LOOKING for faults, and reasons to have a bad time, it's pretty easy.


Call me a cheerleader if you want, but when I spend money on a vacation, I don't attempt to find things that make me think I wasted my time and money.

Ha ha ha. Yes seems like it might have done for many reasons we are unaware.


Obviously it was dirty and not a very nice environment, as the OP has reported this.


Shame you weren't on there to comment on the week in question instead of commenting about a totally different week and totally different passenger mix.........................

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I don't remember a cruise where I didn't see people leaving plates of food in the hall ways and next to their chairs on the lido deck regardless of the length of cruise. Should the crew clean it up. Yup. The problem is that I rarely see the lido servers outside of thier area.


sorry your trip was messed up with this.

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Quite honestly I'm just offended at how close minded you are. Maybe try to put down the pompoms and think a little bit.





Yeah, I got the same treatment from the Carni lovers here when I came back complaining bitterly about the same things you mentioned, on Ecstasy. The only difference is, I didn't go over on their boards to complain. I stayed on this board, but they managed to find their way over here to diss me.

We have done Majesty twice and both times she was spotless, like I said, "the eye of the beholder". But to be fair maybe we should both consider doing the "other line" more than once and on a newer ship...which is why we are considering Carnival Magic, even though I swore off Carnival after my fiasco.:cool:

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Yeah, I got the same treatment from the Carni lovers here when I came back complaining bitterly about the same things you mentioned, on Ecstasy. The only difference is, I didn't go over on their boards to complain. I stayed on this board, but they managed to find their way over here to diss me.

We have done Majesty twice and both times she was spotless, like I said, "the eye of the beholder". But to be fair maybe we should both consider doing the "other line" more than once and on a newer ship...which is why we are considering Carnival Magic, even though I swore off Carnival after my fiasco.:cool:


I really don't understand why people jump on others at the least bit of a negative review. All reviews are subjective because not only the expectations are different but because WE are different. For example, my mother would call my house filthy if she came to visit, I call it clean but lived in. My husband likes bland food, I find it blah--I like flavorful spicy foods. Crews are different from one deck to another and one trip to another so what was delightful crew to some may not be so for others.


Either way, I know that there are trolls on the boards but not enough of them to warrant attacks on every unpleasant or negative review. As someone very wise once said -- perceptions are truths.

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I really don't understand why people jump on others at the least bit of a negative review. All reviews are subjective because not only the expectations are different but because WE are different. For example, my mother would call my house filthy if she came to visit, I call it clean but lived in. My husband likes bland food, I find it blah--I like flavorful spicy foods. Crews are different from one deck to another and one trip to another so what was delightful crew to some may not be so for others.


Either way, I know that there are trolls on the boards but not enough of them to warrant attacks on every unpleasant or negative review. As someone very wise once said -- perceptions are truths.



Exactly...and just as cruisers are people, RCI employees are people too. One week they might be 100% on their game and the next could be a bad week for them. Something might have affected them personally and they could be distracted while doing there job. It's not permanent but a momemtary lapse that could last a few hours or a couple days. I'm sure there's also a lot more that goes on behind the scenes, as with any company, that could positively or negatively effect morale and more than just one employee.

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Bottomline, the Monarch & Majesty do not belong in the RCI fleet. The cheerleaders hate that, but I'm very pro-RCI (and pro-DCL, for what it is worth) as well as realistic.


These Sovereign-class ships don't belong and RCI agrees. In a matter of months, the only one left will be Majesty.


One could easily see an announcement coming very soon that Majesty will join her sisters over at Pullmantur shortly.





I've said before that if my first cruise was on the Monarch, I probably would have never cruised again. At least not on RCI, for sure.

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Well, I find it interesting that just a week prior, we didn't notice anything like what was being described. Cabin didn't have cleaning supplies all over the place, food and stuff wasn't strewn all over the decks, the food was even edible for a human. This was over 10/5-8.


Your cruise and her cruise could have 2 different experiences expecially when yours was the week prior. maybe you didn't have the same stateroom attendant, maybe staff was slacking that week, passengers were for sure different on your cruise. That's all I'm thinking.

carry on folks..................

OP-no cruise or cruise line is perfect. Maybe your next will be better no matter what line you choose and that's all that matters.

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My wife and I also just came off Majesty.


I agree that the ship has no wow effect whatsoever because it is such an old ship.


But I did not find the ship dirty. There is a difference between old looking and dirty.


I also agree that these ships do not belong in the RCCL fleet anymore, since RCCL has made a point of trying to sell us "wow effect" -- they've even renovated vision class to keep on selling us this point (and putting in more and more pay venues).


The Florida 3 and 4 nighters are the most profitable routes for any cruise line (yes the Majesty makes more money for RCCL than Oasis and Allure). That is why the cruise lines have never paid much attention to the age and quality of the ships they place there.


That seems to be changing now with Disney, so maybe RCCL will place some better ships on their most profitable route.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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Since you felt it was necessary to say I didn't do my research and I don't have common sense, I feel I should probably respond to you.


You don't know me, but I am educated, I went to school for a very long time, and I really don't appreciate anyone saying I was under-prepared or that for some reason I don't have "smarts." I did do my research, I chose Majesty over Monarch. We wanted a get-a-way weekend.


I specifically did not go on a bigger RCI cruise ship because A) I didn't have the time to do a 7 day cruise

B) I didn't want to reserve a seat just to go to a show (seems ridiculous to me.... what if I have a change of heart and what to see a show on a whim... its MY vacation)

C) I don't want to pay for all the "WOW" factors then pay again when I get on board (and it seems most things have a fee with RCI)...


I don't want to hear "oh it was a 3 day cruise" because they should still do their jobs...


That's like saying a surgeon who does a great complicated surgery well but if it's "just a gallbladder" it doesn't matter if your mom dies of an infection. Oh well, what did you expect, it wasn't a longer procedure. That's ridiculous. Do your job right, all of the time, not just when it's "convenient"


I'm blaming the cruise line for not trying harder to retain it's customers.


Also, we told our room steward specifically, "we will be back in 20 minutes, we will be done after that". Our luggage wasn't even completely packed yet. It wasn't like it was 9 AM; it was 7 AM.


Quite honestly I'm just offended at how close minded you are. Maybe try to put down the pompoms and think a little bit.





I appreciate you taking the time to post your thoughts. Not that it matters but in my opinion you offered valuable insight and I have no doubt about any of your comments.

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Hey guys,


My fiancee and I just got off the Majesty yesterday morning. We did the 3 night cruise. I have to say, I only have Carnival to really compare RCI to, but I really expected more from what I read on the boards.




Sorry to hear you had such problems. We did the Monarch a few weeks ago and had a wonderful time, much better than I was expecting for an older ship.

The ship was in great shape, very clean. The food was better than average, even using the old menu. And the MDR staff was great. Even though the cruise was only 3 nights, they knew us as well as a 2 weeks cruise staff.

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I never said anything about the ship itself being "old" or anything like that!


The ship itself I thought was far beyond what some people had written in their reviews... It didn't seem old, outdated, not painted or anything like that. we had an ocean view on deck 9, and I thought it was much larger than people let on. I think in that regard, some people have been really harsh.


However, I do feel that the ship was just dirty.


I'm specifically saying, We would see certain food dishes and food products and cups/cans etc rolling all over the deck. And they never got thrown away. It was there yesterday, it was there today. Not even the 50 mph winds tried to pick it all up. And honestly, I got tired of cleaning it up myself... I went on vacation to not have to clean up after other people for a while!


I will get the review done shortly (also doing wedding planning, laundry, work for my day job etc) so it might take a while.


I realize that the ship is one of the oldest, and one of the smallest, but you generally end up paying more per night on the shorter cruises, so you would think you would get at least their normal treatment!


I never said that the crew's job was easy, and I agree, some people are pigs, but if you are representing your company, you should be selling your product hard. I really felt like Royal wasn't trying to convince me to go on a bigger/longer cruise. This is probably a lot of people's first glimpse of the line/fleet, and I just think they could try harder.


Okay, now resume arguing with me and telling me I'm wrong about points that I didn't make!! (obviously I'm smiling as I write this, I'm not trying to offend anyone).

There are NO excuses for what you had to tolerate. Hopefully the Hotel Director sees this and fixes the problem. It is his responsibility and should take care of the cause. Stuff does unfortunately happen!!! Looking forward to your review. I would also recommend cruising on another RCL ship before you write the cruise line off. ;)

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Sorry you had a bad time on MAJ - we've been on her two times and enjoyed each:). Not to sound like a cheerleader, but the room steward does have a ton to do before the next passengers board and doesn't really have time to wait for you to finish your morning routine (especially if you've left the cabin already). We always try to get out of their way as early as we can to help them out. You are right, food is subjective and what's good to me may not be good to you. As to the general level of cleanliness, I find that one hard to believe, but maybe you were on board with a slovenly group. Each RCCL trip I've been on I've always seen tons of crew moving around cleaning, painting etc.


Hope your wedding goes well and that you enjoy your trip on Carnival:D


If a passenger's luggage is still in the cabin, the attendant should not be going in to turn it over. And, as OP later said, it was 7:00. They ask you to vacate your room by 8:00, so he had no business turning it over so early. I get that it's crunch time, but they still need to wait, IMO.


You picked the second oldest ship in the fleet to make a great impression. To experience the WOW effect and see what Royal Caribbean is all about you'll have to sail on a ship that was produced within this decade.


I completely disagree. That would eliminate the Vision class, which has some amazing crews (and OP's issues seem mainly to be with service), Radiance and a couple of Voyager class ships. The Wow isn't all about the flow rider...;)

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I agree completely. And RCI needs to be very aware the fact that the OP's experience wasn't up to her expectations.



Maybe RCI needs some 'secret shoppers' to anonymously go on cruises and report their findings back to HQ! Any volunteers? :D


Me! Pick Me!:D


Yeah, I got the same treatment from the Carni lovers here when I came back complaining bitterly about the same things you mentioned, on Ecstasy. The only difference is, I didn't go over on their boards to complain. I stayed on this board, but they managed to find their way over here to diss me.

We have done Majesty twice and both times she was spotless, like I said, "the eye of the beholder". But to be fair maybe we should both consider doing the "other line" more than once and on a newer ship...which is why we are considering Carnival Magic, even though I swore off Carnival after my fiasco.:cool:


I'm curious why you wouldn't put your review on the Carnival boards. I have read that RCI and Princess monitor CC, and I would bet a small sum that Carnival does, too. Seems that their management would have a better chance of seeing your comments and responding to them if you posted over there.

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Okay - here is a voice of reason, to the OP and your cheerleaders - when someone comes to a cruiseline board, be it RCCL, Carnival, Cunard or Silver and start complaining about every single thing you encountered and throw in some "cringe worthy" issues you say you encountered and Surprise Surprise you get questioned by the people who regularly cruise on that cruise line.


Why is this so surprising to anyone?


I am sorry you had a forgetful Cabin attendent. I hope you mentioned the cleaning supplies to him when you discovered them. Me, I can't imagine what he left that he didn't need in the next cabin or if yours was at the end of his assignment, didn't need the next morning. But I can't imagine that being such a turn off. At least not to me, but hey I actually have to clean my own toilets at home and am not offended by cleaning supplies.


As for the "cringe worthy" unsightly mess on the pool deck - I have cruised many weekend cruises and some short Spring Break cruises and have never encountered such a problem as you have described.

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My family of 15 were on this cruise to celebrate my parents 60th anniversary and though we had a great time being together I am not sure that I would choose to do another 3 day cruise out of Miami. First of all I don't speak the language (I only speak and understand English!). Our check in person was sadly under trained and what should have taken only minutes took what seemed like forever. Disembarking was a nightmare. Lines snaking thru the centrum and around the entire dining room just to reach the final ding of your sea pass card. Then additional long lines for customs. I have been Diamond Plus for many years and have always enjoyed priority departure, but for some reason (and please tell me this isn't for all ships) there are no longer any special tags for Diamond Plus and you have to wait for your luggage tag number to be called. There is a priority departure lounge you can wait in to walk off with your luggage, but I even stopped by and spoke to the Loyalty ambassador about luggage tags and he was adamant that they stopped that years ago. Since my parents and some of the rest of my family couldn't carry off their luggage we waited (and waited) for our tag numbers to be called.

The ship itself seemed to be in good shape and my husband even commented that it looked freshly painted. Though I didn't notice the trash around the pool area I don't doubt it was there. It was a very rowdy crowd and there were several passengers who I don't think were sober the entire weekend:) Our dining room staff was wonderful and though we still had the old menus, my favorites were there and I was never hungry! I have to say one thing about the smaller ships, you are always running into the people you know and when the dining room staff wouldn't admit my husband for breakfast because he had a sleeveless t-shirt on, it took two seconds for him to walk back to the cabin and change! I was on the Majesty way back when she had seven day sailings and can only say that I now appreciate the cabin space on the larger ships! I love RCCL and all the Diamond Plus benefits I receive, but I want my next sailing to be from a different port!

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Sorry you had a disappointing cruise. We've been on Majesty several times and didn't experience anything like that. Usually the crew is constantly cleaning and polishing all areas of the ship. Please don't let this stop you from trying another RCI ship. Maybe you just hit a bad sailing, but there is no excuse for a dirty ship, and Royal is usually on top of that on all their ships not just the bigger and newer ones.


Did you fill out and turn in the customer satisfaction survey before you disembarked and mention the cleanliness issues? RCI reads the surveys and follows up when they see issues that need improvement. Please also post your review. The cruiseline also reads them and the posts.

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Did you fill out and turn in the customer satisfaction survey before you disembarked and mention the cleanliness issues? RCI reads the surveys and follows up when they see issues that need improvement. Please also post your review. The cruiseline also reads them and the posts.


I definitely did fill out the survey. And I made sure to mention the good things too (Our waiter in the MDR, we requested him all 3 nights. He was fantastic. His name is Aries, and he did a fantastic job. So did Anthony his partner, and I made sure to write their names on the card.)


And, I too clean my own bathroom and house for that matter... In fact, I do my own dishes, and my own laundry, wash my own car... hmmm sounds like I'm not put off by cleaning supplies either. I'm put off by someone else's dirty rags that probably cleaned someone else's room too sitting right next to my tooth brush though. That, IMO, is disgusting.



I'm not a complainer in the sense that I go looking for things to be wrong, as someone else suggested. I merely was saying I thought things were lacking that shouldn't have been. I thought the bar staff at the schooner bar was amazing, and I appreciated the shows. There were great things too, but I just can't overlook the obvious.



I purposely didn't mention food, because honestly, it wasn't all bad or all good... and it's just food. If you don't like it, go to a different deck. That's not an issue for me.


Anyway, thanks everyone for listening and supporting or refuting me. We all have different experiences. I have some very close friends who will only cruise RCI. We might come back in the future, I've never said I was completely writing them off, just that I don't feel they care if I do come back. :)



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Hey guys,


My fiancee and I just got off the Majesty yesterday morning. We did the 3 night cruise. I have to say, I only have Carnival to really compare RCI to, but I really expected more from what I read on the boards.


1. The decks were dirty (food just flying around, nobody crew or cruisers picked up anything). Literally got smacked with someone's old boarding pass as I was laying out, and just the number of orange rinds and cherry stems that littered the deck made my skin crawl.


2. Our room steward was an idiot (he kept leaving his cleaning supplies in our bathroom when he was done with the room, and then he threw away our soap and cleaned the bathroom *new cups, towels, etc* on the last morning, even tho he knew we were coming back to brush our teeth before we got off the boat),


3. And dare I even mention the food, since that's so subjective anyway.


I plan to put together a more formal : The good, the bad, & the reasons I just kept drinking, later, but if you have any questions let me know!!


Our itinerary was messed up due to weather, but we really didn't care because we didn't exactly do this cruise for the ports. We did it to get away, before our wedding next month, and hide from our families for a couple of days....


And really, I met those objectives, so really I'll be okay, but I don't know if I'll sail RCI again, or at least not soon... The bad taste in my mouth may be more than just the bad coffee :)



I was on this same sailing and have been on the Majesty about 5 times (2209 and 2010). Don't judge RCI based on the Majesty. We've sailed numerous RCI ships and they are for the most part far better than Carnival. As far as the Majesty, we also said, that is it for us with her. She has declined alot since we had sailed her last in 2010. Things were a little dingy and dirty. It was windy during sail away and I even commented on all the napkins flying overboard but I can't blame that on RCI. I'm sure the crew picked up when they could. Food choices were the least I'd ever seen. Food was pretty awful from my previous experiences. And we sail Majesty because of cococay and unfortunetly, not RCI's fault the seas were not cooperating. Personally, not that it mattered, but I think the captain was too generous to have waited at all for the 11 missing passengers when they were due onboard. They had an extra day in nassau and still couldn't get there on time. At least the five that did show up 30 minutes late should be grateful.

But to the OP, try a freedom or oasis class to blow your mind.

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. Disembarking was a nightmare. Lines snaking thru the centrum and around the entire dining room just to reach the final ding of your sea pass card. Then additional long lines for customs. I have been Diamond Plus for many years and have always enjoyed priority departure, but for some reason (and please tell me this isn't for all ships) there are no longer any special tags for Diamond Plus and you have to wait for your luggage tag number to be called. There is a priority departure lounge you can wait in to walk off with your luggage, but I even stopped by and spoke to the Loyalty ambassador about luggage tags and he was adamant that they stopped that years ago. Since my parents and some of the rest of my family couldn't carry off their luggage we waited (and waited) for our tag numbers to be called. I love RCCL and all the Diamond Plus benefits I receive, but I want my next sailing to be from a different port!


We are Diamond. We stopped by Customer Service to ask for a lower tag since we were going right to work from the ship and didn't want to carry off our heavy scuba bag (not that we got to use that since there was no cococay). They gave us #1. which means you walk the length of the terminal only to have to walk all the way back to get in line. Very poor planning. As C&A, yes you can go to that departure lounge and exit after they are called, but that did put us in the terminal at 7:30. Normally, in Miami, the workers don't start unloading bags until 8, however, this was even delayed until aboug 8;15. That Customs line was NOT moving. I normally go in/out of Port Everglades and never saw the officers do much more than say goodmorning, verify my passport and collect the declarations. These officers were really asking many more questions than normal. Business or pleasure? Really? on a cruise. Among other useless questions. I can comment on this, I did this in my previous life. It seems as if every couple/person spent at least 3 -5 minutes with CBP. It almost seemed like a purposeful slowdown. If I didn't know better, I'd think they were american airlines pilots/maintenance.

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Sorry that Majesty didn't live up to your expectations. And yes, we can be cheerleaders here. We just really feel that what you experienced was not typical. You are right - there is no excuse for garbage rolling around for 2 days.


And if you ever have 7 days, please do consider Oasis or Allure. I promise you there are many free places to eat which are very good and although you can book a show time in advance, you do not need to.

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Sorry you had a bad time I have been on Carnivale in the past and wound not take a free cruise at this point ,Picking a ship like Majesty can not give you a fare picture of what RCCL is all about she is small and old , Try the newer ships you will have a blast on Oasis or Allure .

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So what class ship do you have to sail to get the RCI "wow" factor? Our first RCI cruise was on the Serenade this summer and although we had an amazing time there was no "oh my gosh I'm only sailing Royal from now on" moment. (we are trying the Allure in Jan strictly for research purposes on this very subject :D )


It really does amaze me the insistence from the cheerleaders that it was something the OP did, said, or fixated on that caused a subpar Royal experience. No cruise line is ever as wonderful or terrible as people say it is.

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While I know I should be holding my breath and not saying a word, I will agree generalizations are tough. Do all off season cruises fit the mold I stated, no obviously not as we are all individuals, but I do stand by my opinion (note opinion) that short weekend cruises will tend to be looking for a lower price and usually a party.


I know a few others here on this board who can vouch for me, I am not some arrogant cheerleader. I have stated disagreement with royal policies many times and while I have cruised mainly royal lately that is because it is what my kids like.


Where I have an issue with the op, or any others that come on here with a post like hers, is that she came on here to just complain. If she had simply done a review, as she said she was planning on, she could have put the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yet she coose to rant on the royal board, not one good word, simply a rant. Yes it is cruise critic, but come on.


I did not respond to her earlier as I felt it was unnecessary. She had her opinion and I was not changing it. I never said she was not smart, as she accused me off, but I do think she did not o her research. Many of the things in her replies are incorrect.


I am done with this thread, enjoy bashing those who may have a different opinion.

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