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Gem delayed, itinerary change??


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I really can't believe what I am ready here. Nobody likes it when their vacation is disrupted but the weather is totally out of anybody's control. NCL can't bring the Gem into New York until the Port Authority says it is safe to do so, the key word being safe. If they could get into port how are the people on board going to get out of the city and how are the people going to get into the city trains aren't running airports are closed it is a total mess. I am sure that NCL is just as frustrated as you are. Once they know when they can get the ship in they will be able to determine how they are going to deal with your ruined trip. While your trip has been ruined they have a ship full of passengers that have been tossed about at sea for a number of days, people who are looking to get back to work and back to school. Meanwhile it seems that most people on this forum have lost track of what has happened on the East Coast of the United States, the lives that have been lost the devastation, the negative impact on the economy. You will be properly compensated. My daughter used to work at an airport and had to constantly deal with abusive attitudes as if she had control over the weather. When a flight would be cancelled because of a major storm and a passenger would start spouting off she would turn to them and say "you may have a death wish tonight but the pilot does not. Most people do not understand what these types of storms due to bottom of the ocean all of which has to be checked to make sure that new sandbars have not blocked the Chanel. Take a chill pill and be glad that you are safe and stop worrying about things that you have no control over. if I was a betting man I would almost guess at this point that your cruise will be cancelled and you will be issued with a full refund and some sort of credit for a future cruise.

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I don't usually post when things get this vile, but I have to say some things here. First, Cruisin, this sucks...vacations are planned, so much build up and what a horrible let down. I'm sure that since you mentioned you've saved for this perfect vacation and looked forward to it--it probably got you through some pretty crappy times, thinking about how much fun and relaxation you would have. And now, due to some horrible devastation, it's not going to be what you thought it would be. That totally sucks. I get that you deserve a fast response, and probably for you, they'd be better off just giving you a refund. It would be better for everyone that way.


Did you look at the pier? It's a mess, I know it's no comfort to you that the people who live and work there, have homes that are a mess. I'm sure that it's no comfort to you that the water level in NYS and NJ has raised so much that your ship CAN'T get into port because it won't be able to pass underneath the Verazzano Narrows. It's not like they can use a port in NJ as an alternative...it's worse there.


Come to the place of compassion. That's what we are all trying to do for you. You do understand, I'm sure, that even with a full refund, you won't be happy. It's not going to be what you thought it would be. Sit back, regroup, make sure what you want and what you are entitled to are in line. Then, make the best of the time you have left until NCL can get back to you. I think a big part of your frustration may be that you are holding out hope for that great vacation you planned on. Move on, NCL will contact you, and they will be fair, but you are not going to get on that ship, or any ship until the port opens, and you are ruining your week and probably the week of the people you are living with. They love you -- make it a nice few days for them anyway, just like you planned.

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This whole situation sucks and I don't blame the OP for being frustrated, but blaming NCL for "not coming in a day early" like the carnival did is not the right thing to do. Does the OP even know if there was any room for the Gem to dock on Sunday? I know the NCL Jewel left NYC Sunday (and got a ton of flack about it from Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel!) as well as at least 2 other ships, so I think there may not have been room for the Gem to come in Sunday.As far as the carnival leaving a day early, how mad would have OP been if that was his ship, and he couldn't get to NY a day early to board it? I'm sure there are plenty of people who missed the carnival ship because they couldn't make arrangements to get there a day early. I don't think there are any good answers here, and I understand the frustration, but if Gem can dock on Thursday, then at least you can get 6 nights vacation. I know waiting to see must not be easy, but not much you can do about it.

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I don't usually post when things get this vile, but I have to say some things here. First, Cruisin, this sucks...vacations are planned, so much build up and what a horrible let down. I'm sure that since you mentioned you've saved for this perfect vacation and looked forward to it--it probably got you through some pretty crappy times, thinking about how much fun and relaxation you would have. And now, due to some horrible devastation, it's not going to be what you thought it would be. That totally sucks. I get that you deserve a fast response, and probably for you, they'd be better off just giving you a refund. It would be better for everyone that way.


Did you look at the pier? It's a mess, I know it's no comfort to you that the people who live and work there, have homes that are a mess. I'm sure that it's no comfort to you that the water level in NYS and NJ has raised so much that your ship CAN'T get into port because it won't be able to pass underneath the Verazzano Narrows. It's not like they can use a port in NJ as an alternative...it's worse there.


Come to the place of compassion. That's what we are all trying to do for you. You do understand, I'm sure, that even with a full refund, you won't be happy. It's not going to be what you thought it would be. Sit back, regroup, make sure what you want and what you are entitled to are in line. Then, make the best of the time you have left until NCL can get back to you. I think a big part of your frustration may be that you are holding out hope for that great vacation you planned on. Move on, NCL will contact you, and they will be fair, but you are not going to get on that ship, or any ship until the port opens, and you are ruining your week and probably the week of the people you are living with. They love you -- make it a nice few days for them anyway, just like you planned.


Well said :)

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Nice post Twiniges. Also, even when the ship gets in there are hundreds of people whose flights won't make it, so there are people all over the place whose lives are just impacted by this one way or the other (some life threatening, some inconvenient). It is disappointing, but life happens. You have no control over any of this. And for the most part--neither do the airlines or the cruise lines. The pier is simply unsafe and in addition, they have no power at the pier.

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I don't usually post when things get this vile, but I have to say some things here. First, Cruisin, this sucks...vacations are planned, so much build up and what a horrible let down. I'm sure that since you mentioned you've saved for this perfect vacation and looked forward to it--it probably got you through some pretty crappy times, thinking about how much fun and relaxation you would have. And now, due to some horrible devastation, it's not going to be what you thought it would be. That totally sucks. I get that you deserve a fast response, and probably for you, they'd be better off just giving you a refund. It would be better for everyone that way.


Did you look at the pier? It's a mess, I know it's no comfort to you that the people who live and work there, have homes that are a mess. I'm sure that it's no comfort to you that the water level in NYS and NJ has raised so much that your ship CAN'T get into port because it won't be able to pass underneath the Verazzano Narrows. It's not like they can use a port in NJ as an alternative...it's worse there.


Come to the place of compassion. That's what we are all trying to do for you. You do understand, I'm sure, that even with a full refund, you won't be happy. It's not going to be what you thought it would be. Sit back, regroup, make sure what you want and what you are entitled to are in line. Then, make the best of the time you have left until NCL can get back to you. I think a big part of your frustration may be that you are holding out hope for that great vacation you planned on. Move on, NCL will contact you, and they will be fair, but you are not going to get on that ship, or any ship until the port opens, and you are ruining your week and probably the week of the people you are living with. They love you -- make it a nice few days for them anyway, just like you planned.


A voice of reason. Thank you.

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Number one insurance company was close today. Ask about refund NCL doesn't know. Anytime you talk to them it's I don't know!!!. I have to sit until 6 pm to see if I am leaving the next day. Nobody knows where the ship is going. I have thing I have to do before I leave, it's hard dealing with this after 6pm. They had to know by noon, they were not docking in NY today. Just tell us what's happing. I payed exter for this trip ( trips to St Thomas burn more fuel so they cost more) I really don't want to do a trip to no ware


I understand about the storm, and AOG. But understand its my money, I sign on for a nine day cruise. And I am sitting at home typing

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Cruisin1111 - do you ever think of anyone but yourself. Boo hoo - you're disappointed - get over it. At least you're alive and well. There are millions of people without power, who have lost homes or who have lost loved ones - and all you can think about is NCL's bad customer service!?!?! You have got to be kidding!! Open your eyes and start caring the people who are really suffering!

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JakeT - are you kidding!?!?! Wake up and care about something other than yourself. There are thouands of people displaced and millions w/o power. Moreover, around 20 people have lost their lives! And you sit here and gripe about your cruise. Some people need to grow some perspective and start understanding their petty gripes mean nothing in light of the tragedies of Sandy.

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Twingles, what a way you have with words!

I can understand the frustration of "the unknown". That being said, what happened on the east coast with Sandy was of a magnitude not seen before. Here I am inland in Southwest Virginia, not with rain, but sixteen inches of snow and wind.

The OP did not mention whether she had insurance or not. I learned a lesson about seven years ago about the insurance "cancel for any reason".....and to fly to the departure port a day early.

I had purchased the regular insurance, cruise and flights through Princess. We also have to fly out of Charlotte NC which is a three hour drive. We drive down the day before our flight, spend a night in a motel and then fly out early the next morning. Everything was on track. Arrived at airport, checked in, checked luggage, TSA check and then to the gate. Boarded the aircraft, taxied for take-off and then the Captain informed us of a slight problem and we would return to the gate for a fifteen minute fix. No problem we had a couple of hours lay over in Minn. Well, then it became thirty minutes, I called the delay number and told them of the problem. If I could not get off the ground in Charlotte in time, I would miss the connection. I got off the aircraft talked to a rep and really no other flights were available. I waited another fifteen minutes, called the number and aborted the flight/cruise. Drove home, went to see my TA the next day. Now, my luggage made the flight to Anchorage...however, it was returned the next week.

The agency called Princess and booked me the same cruise the next week but on a different ship. (after that cruise, I always fly in the day before). Insurance was with Berkley. I did not get a 100% refund and did end up paying some difference on that cruise. I wrote several letters to Princess about the difference (nice letters) and after being told in a nice way that I got what I was supposed to get. I wrote back that I did not think this was a cancellation of my choosing and felt I was deserving of something from Princess. I had in the meantime, booked another cruise with Princess. I truly love Princess cruise line. A supervisor called me one day (I guess they were tired of my letters) and told me they would upgrade that cruise from the balcony I had booked to a mini suite (which was about the same amount of credit I had been requesting). Now, not sure who won, Princess or me...because from then on, instead of a balcony, I have to have the mini suite.

My point in this is that I do not believe I would have gotten the compensation if I had not been nice with the letters.

Today when we cruise, we fly to the port a day early and I always buy the "cancel for any reason insurance".

I continue to pray for the people who have lost so much from this storm...lives of loved ones, homes, businesses, etc.

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Do they have your money?? Are you going to have to sit untill 6 pm Wednesday night, to know what you are doing the next day ? I guest your ok you have Internet !! What I do is not going to help or hurt anyone out there..

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JakeT - you're totally missing the point. Think about something other than your own inimportant gripes. A large portion of the east coast is suffering and you only care about yourself and your unimportant crap. This kind of self-absorbed me, me, me just makes me cringe. Why don't you donate to the Red Cross or do something meaningful instead of whining about your cruise.

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I see a few people are very, very upset over this.. and it's understandable. I'm booked on this particular cruise too - and my wife and I are celebrating our anniversary later today by helping out some friends dig raw sewage out of their home, instead of being on a boat being served my every whim by underpaid staff who smile nonetheless. But so what?


A bit of perspective, perhaps? We're all disappointed... but NCL has no more control over what is happening than you do. While i agree that their communication could be improved - I'm also in the "don't really care" boat - i mean seriously, people.. we're not spoiled 5 year olds here (though to see some of the posts) - they have a ship full of passengers they need to tend to first.. once done - THEN they will turn their attention to the next round of passengers.


Back to gaining a little perspective - people are still without power and under water. Many are in shelters where sewage treatment plant failures means they can't even shower, or brush their teeth. Many have lost their homes, or worse, their lives, or those of family members and friends. I'm just thankful that the worst extent of damage for me and my family will be some roof and siding repair.


Since opinions are unsolicited on the internet - i'll give mine. If you're stretched so thin that this cruise literally represents your last penny, and will break you otherwise - you seriously need to re-prioritize, or at least consult a financial planner. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed a vacation.. but it isn't responsible to split your last dime on a luxury purchase.


Just relax, and enjoy your vacation - you're already on it after all. We're all upset that our trip isn't working out the way we wanted. We've all taken off from work, and we've all set up expectations. You're neither special nor important compared to the complete devastation being faced by a couple of million people at this point in time, or even compared to the couple of thousand other shipmates you will be sailing with. To be so all-consumingly upset about it in the face of what has happened is immature and shameful. Just chill out - get some beer if the shops near you are open, and be thankful you don't have a tree in your living room. Whatever happens with this cruise is such small potatoes in the grand scheme, and perhaps you should remind yourselves about that.


NCL will answer to it's customers when the time comes..

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Some people only get two weeks vacation a year. This was a 9 day cruise, so they took two full weeks off. Instead of NCL saying here is your money back. Try to do something with your remaining time off. They are playing games. As we are leaving Tuesday, no Wednesday, no Thursday. maybe Friday or Saturday

Maybe we will give you credit. Credit is not any good to them. They payed in cash and want cash back ASAP, so they can do something. Just be FAIR

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This is silly!!! The port is CLOSED and needs huge repairs to bring back basics such as power, public transport to the port is minimal, and most airports are closed. The best thing NCL could do is divert gem to sya boston to allow passengers onboard to at least disembark. The cancelling of the next cruise is a minor inconvenience in the scale of the destruction in New York.. Have you asked NCL if there are any availability on any other cruises departing this week? Providing you can get to the relevant ports.

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good to hear

they called back the carriers in my district at 3pm yesterday...



having happy thoughts for good news tonight about leaving tomorrow


stay safe!!


Wow 3pm? My area called them in at noon. But by 9am there were already road closures.

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If I go on the cruise or not. People will still be with out power, underwater ECT

That not going to change life. At this point I don't care if I go or not. Just show some respect for your customers


Wow, you actually just said that... Jake, I truly hope nothing terrible happens to you in this life... because somewhere, some AH is going to be complaining about how your misfortunes will still be there whether or not they get to go on their cheap vacation, and its not FAIR that your troubles are inconveniencing them.


... still shaking my head that you have no shame, nor see anything wrong with what you've just said, lol.

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Not to say I don't feel bad for people when their vacations are ruined--for in fact, it has happened to me and it is a bummer. But have you watched what is HAPPENING in New York--people have lost their homes, the subways are still flooded, extensive fires. This is horrible stuff. I hope you get refunds and can rebook cruises--but honestly--the crew of NCL and Carnival and all the lines try to do the best they can--there was no certainty in any of this. Sad for you, but certainly not tragic. Your anger seems strange to me in the face of what others are going through in our country tonight. But I agree with Che's advice--adjust your attitude if you really want someone to help you. You just aren't going to get much empathy going at it the way you are going.


Great reply! Thoughts with your nation as they battle through this terrible disaster!

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Cruisin1111 - do you ever think of anyone but yourself. Boo hoo - you're disappointed - get over it. At least you're alive and well. There are millions of people without power, who have lost homes or who have lost loved ones - and all you can think about is NCL's bad customer service!?!?! You have got to be kidding!! Open your eyes and start caring the people who are really suffering!


That is a pretty US centric view.

This happens every day all over the world and don't forget there are millions that do not even have electrical power or a home.


How often do you think about all the africans that die trying to reach europe via sea while you are planning your cruise.


Stop being so hypocritical that is by far worse than the people you attack are.

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I personally think this thread has gotten quite out of hand.


For those coming down on the passengers that are dissappointed because there vacation is in limbo with the self-centered statements are, I think, being really unfair. Of course these passengers are upset. I really think they understand that the port is closed and that it would be nearly impossible to get there even if it was open. I'm sure for most this frustration is coming from the unknown. You accuse these people of not thinking of others and yet you yourselves are not thinking that these people have probably anticipated this vacation for a long time. You have no idea what devastations have been in their lives prior to this, that they may really need this vacation. For those of you pumping out your basements and fixing your destroyed homes, are you not going to feel you have a well deserved vacation coming to try and put this all behind you? This would be no different than the argument going on about whether one hurricane is bigger than another or more destructive.


To those who's vacations are in limbo and they are angry and frustrated. You are truly channelling these feelings in the wrong direction. Use this energy to either calmly move up the ladder of NCL to try and get what you want or to find something creative to do in the meantime. Seriously the only reason that NCL is keeping you in limbo is to try and save as much of the week cruise as they can for you, and they have no answers to give you. They possibly feel that the majority of their cruisers want their cruise even if they only have a partial week. They cannot offer those that don't want this a refund because they can't afford to sail 1/2 full. So the decision is based on what they feel the majority want. So it's all for one and one for all. If this is not what you want then as advised calmly move up the chain of command, because they will not be offering it at this point.


I feel bad for everyone's situation here. And wish you all good luck

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