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Affected by Sandy, but unable to get a cancel for full refund/credit from carnival


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AK51 - I'm sorry you're in an affected area. I can't imagine what you and so many others are going through. I always buy "cancel for any reason" insurance just in slim possibility something like this happens. Those who buy insurance and don't need it, lose that premium. Those who don't buy insurance and need it - hard lesson learned. But we who insure ourselves, etc. really don't like having to "pay" for those people who choose not to insure themselves (i.e. health insurance, auto insurance, etc.). I hope all goes well with you and you are relaxing on a sun-drenched cruise deck soon. :)

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First of all I have sympathy .. I know before Ike hit Galveston, even the cruise leaving 48 hours before Ike... they were not allowed to cancel and get any kind of refund.. they had to make a choice. (before you think I dont care.. I was on conquest and never saw my car again... no one was allowed to cancel was my point)


I also once purchased a AI vacation and it cost me over $1000, for the flight and week.. and I even bought insurance.. my fiancees father died.. not marrried...insurance no coverage, sorry charlie. It still grates on me that I lost $1000 by going to the funeral .. we broke up later. So insurance doesnt always help.. though Im sure some here will say you should have bought it.. after that .. I dont buy it.


I remember a bad storm in Baltimore 2 winters ago? where some didnt get to the port days early to miss it.. and some even lived in Baltimore... but said their road wasnt plowed yet, so they couldnt get out and seemed surprised that they could not cancel last minute. It was a really bad snow storm... nothing moved for the 2 or 3 days before the cruise left.


Losing my money still smarts. Carnival I know from reading these boards for years.. will not allow you to cancel. I know of a case someone went into ICU.. not allowed to cancel.


I am so so sorry that NJ and the other states up there are going thru this. My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you were hit bad by this storm. Im truly sorry.


I suggest calling guest solutions too, call Monday when the big wigs are in, not this weekend .. and start asking for a supervisor .. and their supervisor.. see if you can come up with any credit.. thats all I can suggest.. start calling, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. Call and call and start emailing until you hit someone. I once started emailing all the VP names i could find and got a hit and got something fixed.. so call and pester them to death.



Insurance does help if it covers "cancel for any reason".

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AK51 - I'm sorry you're in an affected area. I can't imagine what you and so many others are going through. I always buy "cancel for any reason" insurance just in slim possibility something like this happens. Those who buy insurance and don't need it, lose that premium. Those who don't buy insurance and need it - hard lesson learned. But we who insure ourselves, etc. really don't like having to "pay" for those people who choose not to insure themselves (i.e. health insurance, auto insurance, etc.). I hope all goes well with you and you are relaxing on a sun-drenched cruise deck soon. :)


What are you talking about...paying for those who don't?!

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Cactuscruise - very simply - those of us who pay auto insurance and health insurance premiums "subsidize" those who don't through higher premiums, etc. For example, someone who doesn't have insurance goes to the emergency room for the flu, etc., - and he/she can't pay - that is passed on to everyone else who can pay and is passed on to the insurance companies through higher invoices. Same with auto insurance. When one motorist doesn't have insurance and can't afford to reimburse the other driver's insurance company, the insurance can't subrogate and recover its losses. All premiums go up, etc.


Same with cruising. Let's say one cruiser pays for insurance but doesn't need it. Another gambles and uses his money elsewhere. Then has to cancel. He then whines to the cruiseline for a refund even though he took a risk. The cruiseline relents and gives him a partial refund, etc. That is a cost to the cruise line that, inevitably, the cruise line passes on. Simple math.

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The difference is I can choose not to go on that cruise if the price is not right. Healthcare is a necessity, not a choice. It is different than any other product or service you can buy. People who choose not to buy health insurance will still receive the service at others' expense when the need arises. No other industry operates the same way. New healthcare law is not nanny state, the more people who can afford health insurance buy health insurance, the cheaper it is for everyone. Not to mention a healthier society due to more preventive care also reduces costs. I wish we can cut out the insurance companies altogether but that is not an option. Healthcare for profit is just wrong. Forcing those who can afford it buy health insurance is no different than forcing anyone who wants to drive a car buy insurance.


The reason cruisefare does not increase because others had to cancel is because cruiselines do not have to reimburse you inside of final payment. Unlike the hospital who has to treat you because you never received regular healthcare due to lack of health insurance.


Just want it to respond to the nanny state comment.

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Message to the original poster: We were devastated by the March 2 tornados in TN. 165 mph winds destroyed our lives. I can TOTALLY sympathize with what you are going through right now. We were out of our home for 5 months. We had a trip planned for March 16. Initially, we said "no way" on going on the trip. But, after the first few days, we realized getting the "heck out of dodge" was the best thing we could do.


The break away from "hell" did our hearts and minds good.


BUT, I know that finding temporary housing is key right now. With just a week between the devastation and your cruise, it may be too soon to leave. We moved in to our temporary housing on 3/16 (Thursday), and left on Friday. We had two weeks to sort through the most critical issues to getting our lives back on track.


So, I personally can see both sides of this horrible situation. It would be great to get away but it may be too soon.


Maybe see if Carnival would allow you to cruise in a few weeks??? I'm not really sure if insurance would cover this anyway. I really feel that if you get to the right people, someone at Carnival will realize your situation and work with you.


We have found that there are still good, caring people out in this world who have sympathy for others in need.



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I really feel that if you get to the right people, someone at Carnival will realize your situation and work with you.


We have found that there are still good, caring people out in this world who have sympathy for others in need.




Not to be hard hearted Hannah but the point that has been brought up is that the cruise fare, whether the trip has been taken, has already been spent. Its just like if some stocked their fridge on Sunday and then the Hurricane hit and the power went out. Would they even think of racing to the grocery store to get a reimbursement of the spoiled food they hadn't had the opportunity to use. I think it is a little unfair and unrealistic to think that a cruise line should be any more culpable than a grocery store and that they should have "feelings" where other business' aren't expected to have them.


Reality is reality and all the heartfelt suggestions that the OP is right and the cruise line is the big bad wolf don't help the situation as far as I can see...it just kind of adds fuel to a very smoldering fire.

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Not to be hard hearted Hannah but the point that has been brought up is that the cruise fare' date=' whether the trip has been taken, has already been spent. Its just like if some stocked their fridge on Sunday and then the Hurricane hit and the power went out. Would they even think of racing to the grocery store to get a reimbursement of the spoiled food they hadn't had the opportunity to use. I think it is a little unfair and unrealistic to think that a cruise line should be any more culpable than a grocery store and that they should have "feelings" where other business' aren't expected to have them.


Reality is reality and all the heartfelt suggestions that the OP is right and the cruise line is the big bad wolf don't help the situation as far as I can see...it just kind of adds fuel to a very smoldering fire.[/quote']


While I don't totaly disagree with this analogy, it is realy not apples to apples. The grocery story can not not resell the spolied goods but the cruiseline can *possibly* resell the cabin.


That being said, I don't belive they are obligated to resell it. As another poster said many bad things happen to people, family deaths, job loss, fire etc etc and carnival can't possible reinburse everyone based on sympathy.

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Well one thing that Carnival could do if they wanted to help people in situations where events made it difficult or impossible to cruise would be to simply allow the tickets to be transferrable. What do they care? Other than Homeland Security concerns at the last minute, they shouldn't have an issue with who cruises with them.


It seems to me that the OP should have the option to sell her tickets if he/she can't use them.


For example, if I buy a car and the next day for some reason I am unable to drive, I can sell the car. Most likely I'll lose money, but not all of it.


It strikes me that Carnival sold a product. They got their money. Now the product should be provided. If not to the original purchaser, someone else.

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We had an interesting situation in Dec. 2005. We were due to take our son to Puerto Vallarta for his college graduation on Dec 18. Suitcases were packed and we were almost ready to head to the hotel by the airport since we had an early morning flight.


All of a sudden some kid speeding in the rain careened across 2 lanes of traffic, wove through a stand of trees and crashed into the back of our garage. Police came, we called our Homeowners and the kids's car insurance carrier but insurance adjusters could not get there for several days because most of them were in Louisiana handling Katrina claims. Both our homeowners insurance company and the kids car insurance company told us we had a duty to stay home and mitigate damages (protect the property from theft and further damage from the elements). 23 feet of fencing across our property was missing as was the back wall of our garage so everything was ripe for picking and open to the wind and rain.

Ours was a very last minute booking so we did not get trip cancellation insurance, only medical coverage and evacuation insurance for the stay in Mexico, so we thought we were out the $3,000. The claims adjusters showed up 5 days later. We ended up not filing against our homeowners since the kid's State Farm Auto policy had high enough limits to cover the damage to the structure, boat inside, car inside + all of the garage implements (lawn mowers, ladders, golf clubs etc.) The kid did about $50,000 worth of property damage. When I mentioned the trip we missed the State Farm adjuster asked for the tickets. Since everything was non-refundable he added the cost of the trip to the damages and we were reimbursed in full for the trip. Perhaps if the OP's home is damaged (but does not meet the uninhabitable standard of travel insurance) their homeowners might be another route to explore. Just a thought.

After that experience we buy full coverage with cancel for any reason protection on every trip.

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Well one thing that Carnival could do if they wanted to help people in situations where events made it difficult or impossible to cruise would be to simply allow the tickets to be transferrable. What do they care? Other than Homeland Security concerns at the last minute, they shouldn't have an issue with who cruises with them.


It seems to me that the OP should have the option to sell her tickets if he/she can't use them.


For example, if I buy a car and the next day for some reason I am unable to drive, I can sell the car. Most likely I'll lose money, but not all of it.


It strikes me that Carnival sold a product. They got their money. Now the product should be provided. If not to the original purchaser, someone else.


But your solution is just not as simple as it sounds. Easy to have this work if its one or two bookings...much more difficult if it gets into the thousands (which could happen if that Pandora's box is opened). So now you have the cruise line inundated with calls and posts the day before a cruise wanting all the changes posted immediately. Cruise lines have to keep, on file, manifests of all passengers with their vital information, emergency notifications etc. Changing this two days before a cruise could become an administrative nightmare, and changing all the info at the terminal before boarding would be hell on wheels...can you even begin to imagine how long check in would be. The small picture always looks nice and feasible, the reality...not so simple. Just remember the largest plane that flies is still only a couple of hundred passengers and how lines can be phenomenal at the airport counter....now think about upwards of 3000 passengers trying to get on a ship with endless changes.

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No one would buy insurance if Carnival gave exceptions to there cancellation policy.


It wouldn't be fair to those of us that now buy insurance, my wife couldn't go last year because of her job and Carnival wouldn't budge, luckily this year her employer paid her fare along with a decent bonus and pay increase.

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Message to the original poster: I really feel that if you get to the right people, someone at Carnival will realize your situation and work with you.


We have found that there are still good, caring people out in this world who have sympathy for others in need.



And how many of those kind hearted people do you think sat down and wrote a check to Carnival because Carnival had the misfortune of having to cancel cruises, pay reimbursements, and a host of other expenses through no fault of their own? They have already had enough problems dealing with the storm to not have people calling and "demanding" something for nothing. Yes, I know they are a corporation and that somehow makes them different? I too am sick of paying for others who will not take responsibility for themselves.

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So did the OP ever come back on with more details as to why they can't cruise? I didnt see it. As someone asked earlier, losing home or other property etc is one thing. But just living in an affected area does not mean they were affected personally.


I may be wrong, but the fact that we got no further explanation makes me wonder if this desire to cancel the cruise is not because of hardship and may be for some other reason.

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This reminds me if the post a few weeks ago where the person wanted a refund based on a change that we learned was just hours at a port and in reality they had needed to cancel due to their child's Heath but never bought insurance. They were trying to get around the system.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ signed The Awesome Gailerina

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I am in somewhat the same boat as my DD and I were supposed to leave from Port Canaveral on Thursday. I got my power back last night so I could possibly go if I can get my roof fixed before then; however DD is a teacher and they have been asked to work on Thursday and Friday so we won't be going.


I do have insurance, but it does not include cancel for any reason so it will not help.


I do not like losing my money, but I know it is not Carnival's fault and I do not expect anything from them.

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I don't think trip insurance would have helped in this case, so why even bring it up?


Must make some people feel better to be right? Never understood why people do it, but they do it on all the boards here. OP, hope it works out for you. I would call them, too. My only advice would be to be polite, but firm that you would appreciate "help" in this terrible situation. If they bring up insurance, I would point out that it would not likely apply to your situation. If you get a compassionate person with authority, you may get some credit for a future cruise. As they will be more likely to help if you will be a satisfied customer, make sure you tell them how much you like Carnival and are looking forward to your future cruise. Good luck!

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But your solution is just not as simple as it sounds. Easy to have this work if its one or two bookings...much more difficult if it gets into the thousands (which could happen if that Pandora's box is opened). So now you have the cruise line inundated with calls and posts the day before a cruise wanting all the changes posted immediately. Cruise lines have to keep' date=' on file, manifests of all passengers with their vital information, emergency notifications etc. Changing this two days before a cruise could become an administrative nightmare, and changing all the info at the terminal before boarding would be hell on wheels...can you even begin to imagine how long check in would be. The small picture always looks nice and feasible, the reality...not so simple. Just remember the largest plane that flies is still only a couple of hundred passengers and how lines can be phenomenal at the airport counter....now think about upwards of 3000 passengers trying to get on a ship with endless changes.[/quote']

But if the cruise was half empty and a large group of people wants to book 2 days before sailing, you bet the cruise line will somehow magically manage the "administration nightmare" to take advantage of all that last minute booking!


It's only when it's the passengers who has to be "understanding" of the difficulty of the cruise lines and should not ask for anything!

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OP, very sorry about your situation. I personally know people who lost their houses and everything in it. I hope your situation is not as dire and everything will work out for the better. BTW, you don't need to disclose any additional information on these forums.


I think your best bet is to either transfer your fares (except the primary) to friends or to have Carnival give you partial future credit. Good luck!

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