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3 IN A ROOM? – My husband wants to take his mother-in-law on a cruise!


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I would have a "meeting" with all that are going beforehand. I would have a plan. Think about how much stuff the cabin can hold. ( my two sisters, daughter and I share cabins about this size). AND we made a fast rule, No one could spend hours in the shower.AND no complaining about where you were sleeping. If everyone is paying the equal share, than the bed situation should be decided in advance. If MIL, sister and BIL are just paying the 3rd, 4th and 5th rate, then no complaining about the sofa beds.


Also make sure they know about any extra costs, like tipping, cab fare, and most important if you use something from the minibar keep track of it, it will appear on the account of the main person on the reservation. I know I paid for many sodas and nuts for my sister ( gladly I may add).


Our oldest sister always got the bed with my daughter and other sister and I always took the sofa bed...( I always paid for the entire trip LOL) but that is just what we decided because it worked for us. I never complained because my sister would have slept on the sofa if I had asked her to.


MY one picky neat sister had to adjust to allow my not so neat sister "space" and let her shove her stuff out of sight. NO complaing about not folding things neatly...lol


My not so neat sister had to learn not to take every pair of shoes she owns..and to leave stuff out of sight.


I learned to take more money and less clothes.


This can work, if you all agree in advance to share the space how everyone thinks is fair.


Good luck and have a great cruise.

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Any consideration being given to the fact that one of the adults is elderly and likely has to get up in the middle of the nite to use the bathroom, may take extra time in the bathroom & possibly has mobility issues that may curtail trips to & from the spa showers and likely naps during the daytime plus may want to retire early and get up early?

Plus what about privacy issues - some elderly do not like to dress/undress in front of others..

Have you ever shared such a small space before w/ an elderly person? Its a wonderful idea and gesture but must be handled carefully...IMO anyway.


I would think this out very carefully when for a few $s more in an inside cabin, it will allow the elderly pax to enjoy their own privacy on the cruise...as well as allowing others a wee bit more space/privacy also..Win/win situation...

For example: Sickness has been known to exist on cruises and so many in 1 cabin makes it even more possible & likely no inside cabins available once onboard if needed plus they are much more expensive than those booked in advance :(

If there is an argument anyone cld borrow the inside cabin for awhile just to 'cool' down or if someone also needed a nap during the day plus all that extra STORAGE, several cld dress in the inside cabin making more room to move in the original cabin and last but not least - 2 BATHROOMS! :)


Whatever you decide I sincerely hope you enjoy your cruise with no regrets on anyones part!!


Wishing all a very Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays & a safe wonderful New Year :)

Edited by cruisecrasy
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No way.. As much as I love my MIL and My own mom there is no way I would consider all three of us in a cabin.:eek:


The bathroom situation would be horrible and the op mentions Mum is an early riser. No matter how quiet an early riser is ... in that tiny room early riser is going to wake everyone up.


You want to enjoy your cruise, right? Have good memories, Right? book 2 cabins..

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Okay, I have to admit, when I first read this, I agreed with the majority of posters.


However, when I stopped to think of it, my husband and I took my son (then 20), on a European cruise, in one room. Granted, we were not newlyweds, but, functionally, it was not otherwise much different.


To the OP, we looked for the largest room we could afford. We made sure that there was a place for everything, and that we kept the room neat. Each person had a designated "personal space".


My son was young, so fortunately it wasn't a problem for him, but I remember sitting on the bed (it was on the Prinsendam) and it, like most pull out couches, was not comfortable. I like the idea of the inflatable bed. Since you would have the mattress underneath, you could get by with a thin one.


WE have cruised 4 to a cabin with kids 18 and 21. It is functionally different. I can throw anything within arms reach at my son when he is snoring. I can tell them both to hurry up in the bathroom and I can tell them to BE QUIET if I need too. They stayed up late at the disco while we had our privacy. (watching tv of course;) ) We did fine this way, but they are my kids. Big difference.. Mom and Dad are the boss. Do as we say, or else.

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WE have cruised 4 to a cabin with kids 18 and 21. It is functionally different. I can throw anything within arms reach at my son when he is snoring. I can tell them both to hurry up in the bathroom and I can tell them to BE QUIET if I need too. They stayed up late at the disco while we had our privacy. (watching tv of course;) ) We did fine this way, but they are my kids. Big difference.. Mom and Dad are the boss. Do as we say, or else.

What did you watch on the TV?:p

I agree, If you are the mum and dad and/or have paid for the tickets it changes the dynamics somewhat.

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I say go and make a coffee now... as you will be here for a while!!


I can’t thank everyone enough for sharing their opinions and experiences! I have taken it all on board… so to speak…


Here’s my reply… in one massive post. Well done if you get to the bottom!!!




You said “We looked for the largest room we could afford. We made sure that there was a place for everything, and that we kept the room neat. Each person had a designated "personal space".”


This is probably the most valuable bit of advice given. I’ve seen many many photos of our cabin and have already designated the “drop zones” for everyone’s stuff.


I liked your comment about the Negative Nellies too. I guess if I had done this… and it didn’t work out… I would be negative too. I’m sure others are just wanted to stop me from doing what they consider to be crazy.


However, you last comment about it being a grand pyjama party… that’s exactly what I’m thinking this will be. The 5 of us have grown so close lately… especially since my sister’s breast cancer. I think all of us recognise that this is an opportunity of a lifetime to do something fantastic together. Sure there may be some hiccups along the way… and we might have to pay off a room attendant to make a sofa bed a bit more comfy… but we’ll deal with it.





You said “I think you might consider another more cost effective cruise if you can. Being together is wonderful, but I still think you need a little space. If you cannot consider another cruise that might be more affordable, just bite the bullet as they say, and drink plenty of cocktails!!”


My husband picked the cruise as he liked the number of sea days vs port days. He also liked the idea of going back to Hawaii again. One of the reasons we are married is because we often think the same way and like the same things. So that’s why THIS cruise is the one we picked. It’s also the reason why we are sailing on Celebrity Millennium again. We LOVED it so much! So while there may be more affordable options out there… different cruise line… different cruise… different room set up… this is the best option for us on this cruise. I know Mum is going to LOVE the balcony and will spend a LOT of time out there. My sister and her husband are both on pensions (she has cerebral palsy and her husband is her carer) so this is the best financial option for them. If we could pay for them to come we would… but my brother-in-law is very proud and wouldn’t want to be seen as a charity case. So they are saving their pennies already!!! Oh and the fact that she’s handicapped is NOT an issue when it comes to 5 in a room. She’s very able bodied and just has one weak side and a limp due to that. She is THE MOST EXCITED out of the 5 of us and so even if I said she had to sleep on the floor with no pillow she’d be thrilled just to be on the ship.:D





You said “I agree with the previous poster...only you know your family.......”


I remember you!!! I think you gave me the review on 7049 that convinced me we’d picked the right cabin for our honeymoon!!! And yes, you are right… I do know my family and I’m 99% sure we will all be fine in one room. All 3 of the family coming with us will be so happy to get this cruise at this price (particularly Mum) that I doubt we’ll have any conflict at all. So that 1% is all I’m leaving open to prove me wrong. I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.





You said “FORGET IT... I would rather not go...These cabins are relatively small and three is a BIG crowd... If I had my mother or mother-in-law in the cabin with us I would throw myself overboard.”


Yes but if you had MY mother in the cabin, you would not! I’m not saying this just because she’s my Mum… but she is one of the most beautiful, friendly, selfless people I know. She would do anything for anyone. Right now she’s trying to think who she can invite for Christmas dinner so they won’t be home alone.





I did love your post. You said too much to quote as I have done above… but the comment about the movie/book deal for the neon-lit disaster ahead made me laugh out loud. :D One point you did raise that I will investigate is the onboard account. If we can’t separate based on re-programming the room cards… then I’ll come up with a solution. I don’t see it as a big issue though. Just a detail to sort out beforehand… that’s all. So thank you for the heads up!!





I read your post with interest because I think you have stayed in this very cabin haven’t you (or one very similar)? I’ve seen your photos prior to your post also. Thank you a million for taking so many detailed pictures!!!


My biggest concern is the comfort of the sofa beds. A friend that cruised with us said the single sofa bed was fine (and she’s very discerning). I know from experience that pull out sofa beds aren’t normally known for their comfort. If it turns out they aren’t comfortable we’ll work something out. I think we might pick up a blow up mattress in Hawaii just in case.


I’m not too worried about the size of the bathroom for 5 people. We just need to plan ahead for times where we might all need it at the same time. So if there’s dinner and a show we want to see one night… we will start the shower cycle in the afternoon. Make up can be done anywhere (note to self… pack decent mirrors for doing make up on balcony). At least we won’t have the worry of running out of hot water!!!


The lack of privacy isn’t too much of a worry. I guess I’m thinking that for 18 nights of holiday fun a few sacrifices or inconveniences are acceptable. Once we get into the room we can quickly work out how things will flow. i.e., I’m happy to use pyjamas for 18 nights… :eek:


Switching to 2 inside cabins will cost about $800 more and won’t completely solve the sofa bed problem. Also, it takes away what I think will be the best part… the balcony. I can see us all sitting out there eating breakfast… sunbaking… reading… talking… partying with newfound friends… watching sailaways… etc etc.





You said “If you really want to have 5 adults in a FV cabin, you would be much, much better off picking one of the S-class ships instead of the Millennium.”


I did look at the S class ships… but my husband thought being at the front of the ship would be too much movement and thought it would be out of our price range. Also, the balcony (which is where we will spend most of our “at home” time) seems to be so much smaller.





I’m sure I’ll read your post again when we get home and think “Wow… she was right”. But it comes down to affordability… and planning… and organisation. Knowing all of this before we go means we’ll be able to be aware of the pitfalls and work to avoid them. From my one cruise worth of experience… I don’t think we’ll be spending too much time in the cabin. The balcony is where we’ll be until we go to bed… and then we’ll just have to be considerate when moving around. There’s plenty to do anywhere you look on the ship so I’m sure we’ll get into a routine after a few days. Either stay out… hit the balcony… or go to bed.





You said “Mom deserves the respect that giving her space and privacy affords her. She'd probably be quite fine in a cheaper interior room to sleep, change, bathe and just not have to talk to anyone. Then she could come enjoy your balcony as desired.”


I know Mum… she will spend 95% of her awake cabin time on the balcony. If she was staying in an inside cabin and borrowing our balcony… she would not. She stayed with me at home once for a few months… and she spent all her free time sitting in our screened BBQ area doing crossword puzzles or reading. She will LOVE LOVE LOVE this balcony and it’s availability to her as it’s in HER cabin. The fact that she’s sharing that cabin with us will not be an issue. It’s not about a lack of respect… it’s about enjoyment of a once in a lifetime opportunity.





You said “Personally, I would cancel a cruise before I would put 5 adults into an FV cabin. They are very comfortable for three, but having sailed in them multiple times I cannot imagine cramming 5 adults in there.”


I do hear what you are saying… but the 5 of us do get on exceptionally well. That’s my only defence when I read your post. I hope I’m able to give you a positive review when we come home.





I loved your post. You and I seem to think the same way. I do believe it’s all about how much planning and organisation goes into it beforehand. That will make it a better experience. I loved your comment “I learned to take more money and less clothes”. My husband and I will pack differently next time. We did take way more than we needed (he’s a bit of a “just in case” person). Also, what isn’t likely to be used will be left in the suitcase and stowed under the bed. The private hallway leading to the cabin has room for 2 suitcases I think… so what doesn’t fit under the bed will go there nicely. We’ll be getting the mini bar emptied… and as much as the ice bucket was a nice gesture the last time… we didn’t use it... so it will go too.





You mentioned the word “elderly” and “mobility issues” in one sentence – presumably referring to my mother. I’ll be sure not to show her your post :D She may be 70 but she’s recently lost 50 pounds and swims/walks every day! She ain’t your typical 70 year old… just as she ain’t your typical mother/mother-in-law!!!





WOW... you are still reading?!?!



Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts with me... good and bad. I've tried to be realistic in my responses. I'm not usually one to shove their head in the sand.



4 more sleeps until we tell her!!! I might have to set up the camera to do some video and share the experience with you all. That might be what I do in the next 4 days... work out how I can do that on here! :confused:

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.....4 more sleeps until we tell her!!! I might have to set up the camera to do some video and share the experience with you all. That might be what I do in the next 4 days... work out how I can do that on here! :confused:
MaisonDeBritts, thank you for coming back here to reply to everyone. It looks like you have your mind made up and that you have given this a lot of thought.


Now I am starting to think that you may just make it work after all.

You appear to be a very level-headed, caring person, and I admire your good intentions in wanting to share your vacation with your family.


Even though it is something that most of us would never be tempted to do ourselves and is the antithesis of our idea of a relaxing vacation, you are the one who will be paying for it and you know your family, which we don't.


After all, there are parts of the world where entire families live together in a one room hut, without even indoor plumbing.


Please just make sure that they all are aware of what they will be getting into in advance so they approach it with realistic expectations, not with rose colored glasses.


You stated that your family members will want to spend most of their time out on the balcony, but as you are probably aware (having been on the ship before), there are lots of open deck spaces around the ship where they can do that, should you decide to spend the money to provide them with more comfortable living accommodations instead of a big balcony.


For example, you can sit around the tables on the much larger balcony at the back of the ship on deck 10 for no charge and enjoy the sweeping views.

(Even when we had a corner FV balcony, we would often spend time sitting up on deck 10 instead to be closer to the food, beverages and music.)


As for how you set up the onboard accounts, you can set up a separate account for each individual, or for each couple, or whatever combination you wish.


For sharing the video you are proposing, it would probably be easiest just to post it on youtube and provide a link to it here on Cruise Critic.


I wish all of you the best of luck, good health, good weather, and a wonderful cruise.




P.S. If you should ever decide to book a FV cabin on one of the S-class ships, the FV cabins on deck 8 have larger balconies than the deck 7 balconies shown in the photos.

While it is true that more motion can be felt up at the front of the ship, there are many remedies available (non-medicinal as well as medicinal) to prevent motion sickness.

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I say go and make a coffee now... as you will be here for a while!!


I can’t thank everyone enough for sharing their opinions and experiences! I have taken it all on board… so to speak…


Here’s my reply… in one massive post. Well done if you get to the bottom!!!




You said “We looked for the largest room we could afford. We made sure that there was a place for everything, and that we kept the room neat. Each person had a designated "personal space".”


This is probably the most valuable bit of advice given. I’ve seen many many photos of our cabin and have already designated the “drop zones” for everyone’s stuff.


I liked your comment about the Negative Nellies too. I guess if I had done this… and it didn’t work out… I would be negative too. I’m sure others are just wanted to stop me from doing what they consider to be crazy.


However, you last comment about it being a grand pyjama party… that’s exactly what I’m thinking this will be. The 5 of us have grown so close lately… especially since my sister’s breast cancer. I think all of us recognise that this is an opportunity of a lifetime to do something fantastic together. Sure there may be some hiccups along the way… and we might have to pay off a room attendant to make a sofa bed a bit more comfy… but we’ll deal with it.





You said “I think you might consider another more cost effective cruise if you can. Being together is wonderful, but I still think you need a little space. If you cannot consider another cruise that might be more affordable, just bite the bullet as they say, and drink plenty of cocktails!!”


My husband picked the cruise as he liked the number of sea days vs port days. He also liked the idea of going back to Hawaii again. One of the reasons we are married is because we often think the same way and like the same things. So that’s why THIS cruise is the one we picked. It’s also the reason why we are sailing on Celebrity Millennium again. We LOVED it so much! So while there may be more affordable options out there… different cruise line… different cruise… different room set up… this is the best option for us on this cruise. I know Mum is going to LOVE the balcony and will spend a LOT of time out there. My sister and her husband are both on pensions (she has cerebral palsy and her husband is her carer) so this is the best financial option for them. If we could pay for them to come we would… but my brother-in-law is very proud and wouldn’t want to be seen as a charity case. So they are saving their pennies already!!! Oh and the fact that she’s handicapped is NOT an issue when it comes to 5 in a room. She’s very able bodied and just has one weak side and a limp due to that. She is THE MOST EXCITED out of the 5 of us and so even if I said she had to sleep on the floor with no pillow she’d be thrilled just to be on the ship.:D





You said “I agree with the previous poster...only you know your family.......”


I remember you!!! I think you gave me the review on 7049 that convinced me we’d picked the right cabin for our honeymoon!!! And yes, you are right… I do know my family and I’m 99% sure we will all be fine in one room. All 3 of the family coming with us will be so happy to get this cruise at this price (particularly Mum) that I doubt we’ll have any conflict at all. So that 1% is all I’m leaving open to prove me wrong. I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.





You said “FORGET IT... I would rather not go...These cabins are relatively small and three is a BIG crowd... If I had my mother or mother-in-law in the cabin with us I would throw myself overboard.”


Yes but if you had MY mother in the cabin, you would not! I’m not saying this just because she’s my Mum… but she is one of the most beautiful, friendly, selfless people I know. She would do anything for anyone. Right now she’s trying to think who she can invite for Christmas dinner so they won’t be home alone.





I did love your post. You said too much to quote as I have done above… but the comment about the movie/book deal for the neon-lit disaster ahead made me laugh out loud. :D One point you did raise that I will investigate is the onboard account. If we can’t separate based on re-programming the room cards… then I’ll come up with a solution. I don’t see it as a big issue though. Just a detail to sort out beforehand… that’s all. So thank you for the heads up!!





I read your post with interest because I think you have stayed in this very cabin haven’t you (or one very similar)? I’ve seen your photos prior to your post also. Thank you a million for taking so many detailed pictures!!!


My biggest concern is the comfort of the sofa beds. A friend that cruised with us said the single sofa bed was fine (and she’s very discerning). I know from experience that pull out sofa beds aren’t normally known for their comfort. If it turns out they aren’t comfortable we’ll work something out. I think we might pick up a blow up mattress in Hawaii just in case.


I’m not too worried about the size of the bathroom for 5 people. We just need to plan ahead for times where we might all need it at the same time. So if there’s dinner and a show we want to see one night… we will start the shower cycle in the afternoon. Make up can be done anywhere (note to self… pack decent mirrors for doing make up on balcony). At least we won’t have the worry of running out of hot water!!!


The lack of privacy isn’t too much of a worry. I guess I’m thinking that for 18 nights of holiday fun a few sacrifices or inconveniences are acceptable. Once we get into the room we can quickly work out how things will flow. i.e., I’m happy to use pyjamas for 18 nights… :eek:


Switching to 2 inside cabins will cost about $800 more and won’t completely solve the sofa bed problem. Also, it takes away what I think will be the best part… the balcony. I can see us all sitting out there eating breakfast… sunbaking… reading… talking… partying with newfound friends… watching sailaways… etc etc.





You said “If you really want to have 5 adults in a FV cabin, you would be much, much better off picking one of the S-class ships instead of the Millennium.”


I did look at the S class ships… but my husband thought being at the front of the ship would be too much movement and thought it would be out of our price range. Also, the balcony (which is where we will spend most of our “at home” time) seems to be so much smaller.





I’m sure I’ll read your post again when we get home and think “Wow… she was right”. But it comes down to affordability… and planning… and organisation. Knowing all of this before we go means we’ll be able to be aware of the pitfalls and work to avoid them. From my one cruise worth of experience… I don’t think we’ll be spending too much time in the cabin. The balcony is where we’ll be until we go to bed… and then we’ll just have to be considerate when moving around. There’s plenty to do anywhere you look on the ship so I’m sure we’ll get into a routine after a few days. Either stay out… hit the balcony… or go to bed.





You said “Mom deserves the respect that giving her space and privacy affords her. She'd probably be quite fine in a cheaper interior room to sleep, change, bathe and just not have to talk to anyone. Then she could come enjoy your balcony as desired.”


I know Mum… she will spend 95% of her awake cabin time on the balcony. If she was staying in an inside cabin and borrowing our balcony… she would not. She stayed with me at home once for a few months… and she spent all her free time sitting in our screened BBQ area doing crossword puzzles or reading. She will LOVE LOVE LOVE this balcony and it’s availability to her as it’s in HER cabin. The fact that she’s sharing that cabin with us will not be an issue. It’s not about a lack of respect… it’s about enjoyment of a once in a lifetime opportunity.





You said “Personally, I would cancel a cruise before I would put 5 adults into an FV cabin. They are very comfortable for three, but having sailed in them multiple times I cannot imagine cramming 5 adults in there.”


I do hear what you are saying… but the 5 of us do get on exceptionally well. That’s my only defence when I read your post. I hope I’m able to give you a positive review when we come home.





I loved your post. You and I seem to think the same way. I do believe it’s all about how much planning and organisation goes into it beforehand. That will make it a better experience. I loved your comment “I learned to take more money and less clothes”. My husband and I will pack differently next time. We did take way more than we needed (he’s a bit of a “just in case” person). Also, what isn’t likely to be used will be left in the suitcase and stowed under the bed. The private hallway leading to the cabin has room for 2 suitcases I think… so what doesn’t fit under the bed will go there nicely. We’ll be getting the mini bar emptied… and as much as the ice bucket was a nice gesture the last time… we didn’t use it... so it will go too.





You mentioned the word “elderly” and “mobility issues” in one sentence – presumably referring to my mother. I’ll be sure not to show her your post :D She may be 70 but she’s recently lost 50 pounds and swims/walks every day! She ain’t your typical 70 year old… just as she ain’t your typical mother/mother-in-law!!!





WOW... you are still reading?!?!



Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts with me... good and bad. I've tried to be realistic in my responses. I'm not usually one to shove their head in the sand.



4 more sleeps until we tell her!!! I might have to set up the camera to do some video and share the experience with you all. That might be what I do in the next 4 days... work out how I can do that on here! :confused:


Have a ball! Enjoy!

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Boy, what a group of negative Nellies!


OP, again, you know your family. We don't. For some people, it would be hell. Others would see it as a grand pajama party.



Yes, but pajama parties usually only last 1-2 nights.

A pajama party that lasts more than 18 days and nights might kill all good spirits and goodwill long before it is over.



But whatever the OP decides, I wish her all the best and lots of fun.

Edited by odysee
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Thanks for your last reply. I guess I missed the part of the thread where you'd indicated you'd expanded your group to five.


I have one more comment and a suggestion.


Suggestion: I've read postings from others with many people in a cabin that relate that some of the cabin occupants use the showers and dressing rooms in the spa area to get ready for dinner when one bathroom won't suffice. This is at the opposite end of the ship from you but might be a consideration.


Comment: Just want to make sure you are aware that there are not 5 separate beds in the FV cabin. In addition to the main beds (which can be set up as a double or two singles) there are only two sofa beds. I presume one forms a double but have never used this room, nor seen it used, with the sofa beds opened so I'm not sure of their configuration when set up for sleeping.

Enjoy your cruise. While your arraignment might not be ideal for others it appears you've carefully thought this out and it meets your needs. Have a great time!

Edited by Lsimon
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One would hope the sofa beds are all the same quality throughout the ship!


Right, I was just saying the sofa beds on Celebrity are not uncomfortable, unless you are the princess and the pea. And I mentioned the CS because I'm saying it is very do-able to travel in one with 3, we always put the 3 of us together in a suite. 3 generations of women. We enjoy it, and the larger suite gives us the space we need so that we don't hate each other by the end of the cruise. We like sharing a cabin, but a standard would be too claustrophobic for 3, I think.

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Thanks for your last reply. I guess I missed the part of the thread where you'd indicated you'd expanded your group to five.


I have one more comment and a suggestion.


Suggestion: I've read postings from others with many people in a cabin that relate that some of the cabin occupants use the showers and dressing rooms in the spa area to get ready for dinner when one bathroom won't suffice. This is at the opposite end of the ship from you but might be a consideration.


Comment: Just want to make sure you are aware that there are not 5 separate beds in the FV cabin. In addition to the main beds (which can be set up as a double or two singles) there are only two sofa beds. I presume one forms a double but have never used this room, nor seen it used, with the sofa beds opened so I'm not sure of their configuration when set up for sleeping.

Enjoy your cruise. While your arraignment might not be ideal for others it appears you've carefully thought this out and it meets your needs. Have a great time!


I am one of the ones who mentioned utilizing the spa showers. Even if you are staying aft, it is convenient to the pool area, so you can go in the spa dressing room to shower after being at the pool during the day. That's when I always did it. Then head back to the room to finish dressing for dinner after my shower. I just took along a clean t shirt and shorts to wear back to the room in my pool bag.

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For a cruise from Hawaii to Sydney- you don't need a balcony because it is sea days and not wildly exciting. I would get two insides if that will save you so $$$. Your Mom would have her own space and I think that is for the best. Three adults sharing a cabin will be really confining-especially for a lengthy cruise.

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I'm sure your holiday will give you all many fantastic memories, and I find the planning stage and countdown stage prior to the cruise to be heaps of fun too.


Personally, I couldn't stand being in a room with my extended family, but that is because they aren't terribly nice people, I doubt I would even enjoy being on the same cruise different cabin with them! Lol


Have always taken our adult son in our cabin and its worked out fine - but as others have said parent/ child is a different scenario.


I think you guys will work it out to best suit your needs, and lets face it, you won't all be in your cabin 24/7 so there will be additional space on the ship, places you guys can spread out, and you may also be able to get away if you need a breather from each other.


Have you considered your luggage? As you will be short on space, so you may need to limit your cases to enable enough space for you all.


Have a great time, think your mum and sis will be smiling and ever so excited for the next few months.

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