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ItalianFemmy's Carnival Breeze Photo Review - US Inaugural


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Okay, wow... I don't think I am going to be able to keep up with everyone and respond to everyone so I am going to respond to just some for now!


I am in such a great mood right now. Latanya and I just got home from shooting our 12/12/12 wedding..... and it was the first commitment ceremony we've ever documented. It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony and I am feeling all giddy and jazzed up. So, I am going to try to do a couple more chapters on my review....


Replies to CC members below:



I've been anxiously awaiting this review after getting totally sucked in to your Dream review - a ship I've never sailed lol. I've been following Chris and Cass' review and since it's coming to an end, I'm so glad you're doing this. My husband, son and I will be on the Breeze for the Dec 22 sailing and I'm beyond excited!


December 22nd is soon! I won't be able to finish this review by then, unfortunately! But if you have any questions before you go, feel free to email me and I'll answer them for you!!



WOOOHOO!!! More happy reliving!!

It was fabulous to share some adventures with you two!! I see west coast land cruises in our futures while we get to our next sail:p




So glad you are doing a review. I followed your Dream review because your pictures are awesome! I even bought the book you recommended but have to admit I haven't gotten far in it. I'll just enjoy yours for now!


Are you the one that emailed me recently to tell me that you were reading the book? I think several people bought the book! You really should read it all... it's not even a big book! Lol.... I like giving people a hard time! Thanks for the kind words!


This gave me goose bumps! Seriously. I just love hearing stories about things like this....It is so wonderful to hear that the kind words of others helped to give you the push to follow your dreams and that you have been so successful is just fantastic!


Thank you for sharing this piece of the story.


I debated whether or not to even post about it because I didn't want it to come off as bragging but rather as a deep appreciation for the courage it gave me to put my work out there in the publication realm. It's been so wonderful and I really do owe it to the overwhelming response I got on here last time.


Thank you so much for starting this review! I am so happy that you are getting things published! You really deserve it. Your work is amazing! Who knows what the future holds for you! Can't wait to read and see more!


Thank you so much! I can't wait to share more! I wish there more hours in the day or a way to clone myself!


I read your review on the Dream a few weeks ago and absolutely loved your photos and your way of telling us about your wonderful cruise. I am so thrilled to subscribe to this thread to learn more about the Breeze and hear about your experience. Congratulations on your publications with your amazing photos!!


Awww you're so sweet! Thanks and welcome to the review!


I love your reviews!


How did you like the spa cabin? And the spa? I am in my first spa cabin next month on the breeze and I am super excited to hear all about the spa!


Hi! Thanks for reading my review. I encourage you to subscribe to hear my answers. I have a plan laid out for what I am going to share and in what order. I talked about the cabin earlier today. The spa will come in another post. :)


Oh boy! A Chris & Cassandra review ongoing and now one from you too! Hoooooray!!!! I really like good photo reviews and the one you did for the Dream was very good. Thanks for sharing! :)


You're welcome! Thanks for reading!


...CRACKING UP.... Seriously! I think judging by the look on his face... he's ready to drop trow... Chris thinks otherwise, and that's satisfaction on his face and he's pulling up.... I'll defer to him, he's got the manly instincts on his side LOL!


LOL!!! Yeah, I didn't even notice until I started editing the photo and then I just bursted out laughing. I am really torn on which he is doing! lol


After reading your Dream review, I booked the Dream. I'm sure after reading this review, I will need to prepare myself to book the Breeze for next year. Looking forward to the rest of your review. Also congratulations on your work getting props and the recognition your photos received. Your work is awesome!!!


I swear.. Carnival needs to give me a raise! Seriously! Wait, what is a raise on $0? Hmmm...... I am glad you decided to book the Dream! When was/is your Dream cruise?


Ok just picked up my new iPad with the super duper retina display....I was like big deal....then I saw your first photo and bam! Well worth the 750..... Now everyone sush please so she can continue


Ooooo nice!! I am glad everything looks better on it! I don't have an iPad because my website is a flash site and you can't view flash sites on iPad's.. therefore I am boycotting them for my own personal use. lol


Alicia and Latanya.. It was great meeting both of you.. Wished it was an earlier meet but heck.. I still got to meet yas...Lynne


Hi!!! It was nice meeting you as well!!! I have a fabulous photo of you and your hubby! I can't wait to show it to you! You might just wind up in my review!


I just finished your Dream review and enjoyed it (even though I won't be sailing her anytime soon). Love your photography and happy to hear about your recent well-deserved success in having your photos published. Looking forward to your Breeze review. Thanks for taking the time to do this for your fans!


Thanks for reading my Dream review even though you don't have plans to sail on her!! That means a whole lot to me! Thanks so much also for the kind words about my pictures.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU - I've never known how to subscribe, so thank you for posting the "how to".


You're certainly welcome! I know a lot of people that have been around for a while and still didn't know they could do this. lol. Glad to help out!




Cant wait to read the rest of this. I know it will be slow but so worth the wait. I am considering going on the Breeze but the reviews have been somewhat iffy and friends that went on the ship were not too happy. Looking forward to the review and pictures.


Hey there! Long time, no talk! I wish I could tell you right now what my overall thoughts are on the cruise and the Breeze in general but then there'd be no suspense! And I have to keep people reading!


Looking forward to another fantastic pictorial review from you!

It is just heartwarming to hear that all your artistic efforts were rewarded in part because of your Dream review! FANTASTIC!

I thank you so much for all the time and consideration you put into your reviews!


Thank you so much! It warms my heart to have been so well received from this community. With so many threads on here being so controversial, I am elated that my Dream review has nearly 150,000 views and not one single negative comment on it.

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Holy cow... that was a lot of replies and I am still not finished! Going to do some more quotes and replies and then post at least one more chapter before I go to bed!!



Subscribing now!!!!! Love your review so far and your pics, Fabulous!!! Keep them coming girl!!! LOL

Making me very very anxious for my Breeze cruise in April, and we also booked a Cabin cloud 9 spa Room, but with Balcony, for the price it was a real good deal!!

But on with the review!!


Thank you so much for subscribing and for the kind words. I hope you have a blast on your vacation on the Breeze in April! I've never tried a balcony yet.... I wonder how much I would use it....


Of course I'm subscribing! You're reviewing a ship I'm sailing on (in 213 days, but who's counting?)! I'm so glad to hear you're receiving recognition for your talents. Very well-deserved, I might add.



Lol, Heather! At least that is less than a year away! And on the bonus side, you'll get to see my entire review before you sail!


I love the decor and the colors. And the goody basket in your bathroom is so cool (I hope they still have those same goodies on our June 22nd cruise, same with the little bottles of lotion and stuff). Great job on the review so far (makes me wish June would get here quicker ... and that's saying a lot since I am also moving then too).


I loved the basket. I don't know if they gave this same stuff to all rooms or just the spa cabin rooms. (Anyone who has been on the Breeze in a regular non suite, non balcony, non spa cabin room... feel free to chime in.) But, things in the basket came in handy during the cruise... more on this later...


Looking forward to more photos. What camera/lens do you use?


I use the Canon 1D MK IV which has been discontinued because it's been replaced with the new Canon 1D X. The 1D MK IV is a $6' date='000 camera so unless you have lots of money to spend on a hobby or want to get into professional photography, I'd recommend going with a great but less expensive option and getting a Canon 5D MK II or Canon 5D MK III... these options are around 3k. If that is too much for you, try an XSI or similar as they're more in the prosumer range. As for lenses:


Canon 16-35 2.8 L

Canon 70-200 2.8 L

Canon 50 1.4

Canon 24-105 4.0 L

Canon 15 2.8 fisheye

Canon 100 2.8 Macro


Oh My!!! That is so small - how crazy!! We just got home from the 12/2 Breeze sailing, and were a family of 4 in a 4E inside quad. We had TONS of space - 3 full closets! I don't think I could get just my own stuff in that one closet you had. Wow.


We aren't spa people, but I was salivating over the Thalassotherapy pool on the Breeze as we walked by the glass ceiling over it up on Serenity. I have wondered about whether it would be worth it to pay the extra for a spa room - I think in our case only if it were a balcony to make sure we didn't have smoking by us. Did you think it was worth the upcharge?


Yes, the room was incredibly small. Later in the week, we discovered the room across from us, an ocean view was also a spa cabin and also handicap accessible and the room was 2-3 times larger than ours plus they had regular storage. I have no idea why our room was so incredibly tiny.


I promise to go into detail about the spa on a later post! If you feel the need to know the answer now to make a booking decision, then email me and I'll answer it privately. I always like to keep my reviews suspenseful!


Hurray, you started! Congratulations on having some of your gorgeous photos published. Greatstart so far, I am enjoying the narative almost as much as the photos!!


Awww yay, thanks for commenting on the narrative! I get lots of great compliments on my pictures and it's nice for you to mention the writing! :-) I've written a lot more than posted photos so far!


I do have a question though...you write that you were charged $8 a day; we paid $70 for the week (after all the taxes and $5 service fee was added in), so essentially $10 a day. Is there a code or some way to get a discounted rate?


And your room...oh my, I can't wait to hear where you stored all your stuff for an 8 day cruise with one tiny closet. We also booked a handicapped room on our last sailing (not by choice...we somehow missed that the room was handicapped), but it was an ocean view and although we lacked the couch we still had ample closet space. I'm not sure I could cope with an interior handicapped room though. It is tiny!! It looks like you have to hop over the vanity stool to get in the one side of the bed!!


Looking forward to more...


I booked through their website and it just said $8 per day.

Latanya did have to jump over the bed to get in which always woke me up and I'd have to put my legs up in order for her to get in and out of the bed which she would some times have to wake me for. It was a pain if I am being honest but we dealt with it and didn't complain.


Congratulations on getting published! I would SOOOOOO book you to shoot my wedding pictures!!!


Thanks for posting all the spa cabin pictures. We're in a spa cabin next year on the Breeze. I upgraded to a spa cabin for $90 more than what we paid for the other inside we were in. My mom won't use the spa, but that's still less than what I would have paid for a spa pass for the week, plus all the amenities in the room. Carnival has you and your Dream review to thank for that! ;)


Hopefully your spa cabin will be much larger than mine! lol. I estimated Carnival has made over $200,000 from my Dream review based on comments like yours above. I know a lot of people booked the cruise off my review.. came back to Carnival from Royal because of it, booked Chef's Table, the Spa, etc. They need to add me to their PR team and give me perks! lol.


As for your wedding, I'd be honored! :-) Could I put a review on that here too? lol


My partner and I are in a spa interior cabin in March. Your pics appear to only have 1 closet. From what I've read hey should have 3. Can you confirm? Perhaps only 1 if its an accessible cabin.


Thanks for the review and pics all amazing! You and your partner look like a great couple!


There was only 1 closet that could be used. There was another one in another corner but it had the safe and life vests in it and some really tiny drawers. Storage has never been an issue for me on Carnival and I really think it was only our room!

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Awesome review!! I am so fortunate that you did the review of the Dream, then I went on the Dream. Now you are reviewing the Breeze and I am on the Breeze in March!


Congratulations on being published! You have such a great eye! I'm sure you will be doing more and more!


Thank you! I am sad I don't plan on cruising in 2013 so it'll be another 2 years most likely before there is another cruise review from me. I want to do an epic land vacation to Greece, Italy or Egypt in 2013!


Alicia - Great pics! I do however have one major issue with your reviews.......you do such an amazing and in-depth review, and keep us in such suspense waiting for the next installment! I've read your Dream review as well and loved it as well! Congrats on having your work published as well. Hoping that will boost your career. My step-niece got into photography about 10 years ago and is doing amazingly well now, and you have the same potential as well. Thanks for posting such great photos and reviews for all of us to enjoy. Our family is getting ready to book the Breeze for early 2014, and your review is making us very impatient! Keep up the great work!


I asked people ahead of time if they'd rather me start my review now and it be super slow or do it in a few weeks when I'd have more time. Every single person voted for me to start right away! lol. I am glad you think it's amazing and in depth though. I hope I don't bore people but I try to write them like they're mini-books!


That's awesome for your step-niece. I am and have been doing amazingly well with my company for the past 4 years as well. We've been on the higher end side since 2009 and we have tons of people referring us so we normally are booked 12-18 months in advance. I booked 4 weddings in the last 2 days if that tells you anything! I never have time to sleep or eat though so it's challenging especially since I edit everything myself but I love my job and it truly gives meaning to my life!

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If you were planning on being on the Pride in January I'd jump at the opportunity to have you photograph our wedding!


Oops! Don't know how I missed your post! I was talking to Chris and Cassandra the other day and telling them I would totally shoot a wedding or portraits on a cruise ship if I didn't have to pay for my own travel. Since a stateroom only runs about $500-$1,200.... this is actually a fantastic hypothetical deal as our packages start at around $4,500 for wedding coverage locally. :)


I wouldn't want to make the cruise line mad though as I know they send a ship photographer in to take photos. As much as I'd love documenting the actual ceremony though, my true excitement is in the idea of taking the couple out to some awesome spots in the ports of call for some super artsy shots!

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And as a side note, its so nice to read a review that is quite postive about the Breeze!!! We went through the same thing when the Dream first came out and we were sailing on that ship so soon after all the negative reviews started , we went with an open mind and we had an absolute blast!! To me if you look for all the negative thats all your gonna find and miss out what could be a great trip ..I know with every trip whether land or sea its not gonna be perfect but its nice to hear some great things about this ship, and with fabulous pics to boot!! Keep it up girl!! The suspence is killing us!! lol

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I swear.. Carnival needs to give me a raise! Seriously! Wait, what is a raise on $0? Hmmm...... I am glad you decided to book the Dream! When was/is your Dream cruise?




Honestly, CCL should pay you for the advertisement you give lol, again your photos are breath-taking. My cruise on the Dream is March 16-23 2013 and I can't wait. Can you remind me of the photography book that you mentioned in this review? I remember coming across it in your Dream review. Thanks in advance!

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I too loved your Dream review and pictures, Thank You! I am cruising this weekend with my family in 2 adjacent Spa interiors, 11227 & 11231, is there anything about the Spa access or other info on proximity that you can comment on before the weekend? I know you are busy with your life and the timing may not be right. I look forward to reading the rest of your review post cruise and hopefully reliving many of the joys through your great photography. I hope the rest of your review states how wonderful of a trip you had and chronicles the highlights for all of our enjoyment , I am looking forward to sharing those projected sentiments!

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Alicia - Great pics! I do however have one major issue with your reviews.......you do such an amazing and in-depth review, and keep us in such suspense waiting for the next installment! I've read your Dream review as well and loved it as well! Congrats on having your work published as well. Hoping that will boost your career. My step-niece got into photography about 10 years ago and is doing amazingly well now, and you have the same potential as well. Thanks for posting such great photos and reviews for all of us to enjoy. Our family is getting ready to book the Breeze for early 2014, and your review is making us very impatient! Keep up the great work!


So off topic...but I love your user name... :)

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Yes Dec 22 is coming up...dare I say "way too quickly". I feel like I have so much left to do. We're flying out next Wednesday.


Don't worry about not being finished...it'll give me something to catch up with when I return and have the post-cruise blues. Besides, it's obvious how much time you put into your reviews and you DO have a life besides lol

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Nice start, deck mate and fellow Funatic!:) (Aside to CC-ers:We were sorta/kinda across the passageway in a spa balcony and ran into A&L as they were lugging their stuff toward their cabin-pre size-surprise- and I think somewhere in our as-yet-online pics is a photo of the spa balcony cabins, which are normal balcony size for those worried about these things, but that's a future review). I'm "late-to-the-party", as typical, in subscribing and then reading these things, but love the dovetailing after C&C's review (like a "SOCIAL!!" II :)). Rum on!


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I am subscribing to your review :)









I loved the fisheye picture of the bathroom, nothing like a lens like that to let you appreciate the space.


I just got back from a trip on the Allure with my mom and my partner, your review comes a great time as I just finished mine and the cruise blues are starting to hit.


Thanks for taking the time to do this, by the way I am not sure if someone told you this already, but there is a way around of having to pay for more bandwidth. I use a couple of photobucket accounts, well actually one is my bf's and the other one mine. And I have yet to hit the limit on either of them, I posted about 2,400 pictures on the review, each account holding about half of them. I am almost sure that their cap is by month, but I am not sure.


Anyway sorry for hijacking your thread. Can't wait for all the pictures, thanks for sharing. :)

Edited by gambee
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Originally Posted by Jason'smom

Looking forward to more photos. What camera/lens do you use?

I use the Canon 1D MK IV which has been discontinued because it's been replaced with the new Canon 1D X. The 1D MK IV is a $6,000 camera so unless you have lots of money to spend on a hobby or want to get into professional photography, I'd recommend going with a great but less expensive option and getting a Canon 5D MK II or Canon 5D MK III... these options are around 3k. If that is too much for you, try an XSI or similar as they're more in the prosumer range. As for lenses:


Canon 16-35 2.8 L

Canon 70-200 2.8 L

Canon 50 1.4

Canon 24-105 4.0 L

Canon 15 2.8 fisheye

Canon 100 2.8 Macro





I could have a $50,000 camera and my pictures wouldn't be anywhere as nice as yours. I'm a beginner (very early into craft) and just love to know what others use. I just started down the Nikon route (bought a D5100 - really like it so far), but if I would have seen your photos before ........ maybe I would have been swayed to go Canon. I (as well as others I'm sure) can see the difference when the equipment is in your hands and when you pass the camera off to others. Looking forward to seeing more. Thank you.



Which lens did you use to get those wide angles? Amazing. I really like them.

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I'm enjoying your review and look forward to the installments and great pictures. We sailed the Dream and the Breeze during their Med tours (2007 and 2012) and loved the layout of both ships. I do think that the Breeze is a prettier ship than the Dream with the new colors and designs. We sailed in balcony cabins on deck 9 both times, so I was really amazed at the size of the cabin you were in. We visited friends on the Breeze who had an interior cabin on deck 6 and it was really small (not a spa cabin). The little dish of samples items in the bathroom of our balcony on the Breeze was very limited and nothing like the samples included in your spa cabin. I wonder if they bumped those up because you were on the US inaugural or because you were in a spa cabin. Next time we sail a ship with the thelassotherapy pool, I hope to book a spa cabin. We didn't do that on the Breeze because our sailing was just too port intensive to justify having a spo cabin.

A quick note to those who are new to subscribing to threads, on a thread like this I would check the daily email notification since so many people respond to the review threads. If you are mainly interested in reading the review and not the comments of others (like mine LOL), you will get less emails with a daily notice than an instant notice. Your notice will list contributors to the thread as well and you can scroll down and look for the ones from the O/P so you can jump right to their posts.

One more comment, please. I had to laugh at some of the posts about your camera as it reminded me of the folllowing anecdote.

“A group of artists are invited for dinner by a famous chef.

In greeting the photographer, the chef comments:

I love your photos, they’re wonderful, you must have a very expensive camera.The photographer doesn’t reply and walks into the dining room.


After dinner the photographer approaches the chef and says:

Dinner was sensational, very exquisite flavors, a true work of art,

you must have a very sophisticated stove.” :D

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“A group of artists are invited for dinner by a famous chef.

In greeting the photographer, the chef comments:

I love your photos, they’re wonderful, you must have a very expensive camera.The photographer doesn’t reply and walks into the dining room.


After dinner the photographer approaches the chef and says:

Dinner was sensational, very exquisite flavors, a true work of art,

you must have a very sophisticated stove.” :D


THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! Thank you for sharing that with me. It made me laugh very hard. lol.

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Nice start, deck mate and fellow Funatic!:) (Aside to CC-ers:We were sorta/kinda across the passageway in a spa balcony and ran into A&L as they were lugging their stuff toward their cabin-pre size-surprise- and I think somewhere in our as-yet-online pics is a photo of the spa balcony cabins, which are normal balcony size for those worried about these things, but that's a future review). I'm "late-to-the-party", as typical, in subscribing and then reading these things, but love the dovetailing after C&C's review (like a "SOCIAL!!" II :)). Rum on!



I completely forgot to mention you in my traversing to the state room on day 1! Thanks for reminding me! In fact, this is kind of cool that you did remind me because you were the first person to turn around and say, "Hey, you're italianfemmy/Alicia, right?" And it had begun only 3 minutes after getting on the ship! Latanya and I would be stopped more times than I can count during our 8 days on the Breeze with similar words. Many of whom said they weren't even part of our roll call and don't even have member accounts on CC but had read our review on CC. It was surreal to have that many people recognize us!

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Day 1 - Food on the Brain


Latanya and I waited all morning to really eat anything so that we would be hungry once we got on board the ship. We both knew right away what we wanted to eat even though we hadn't explored the ship. Being on deck 11 was nice in the sense that the layout of the ship allowed us to get places like the Lido deck really easily. Or take the forward elevators down and walk a few feet to get to dinner, etc...


Anyway, we headed to the Lido Deck (Deck 10) and headed aft. We knew the layout should be similar to the Dream and if this was true, the Tandoor indian food station would be all the way aft and outside. It was! So, Latanya was in immediate bliss because she'd been craving this for days. I took a couple shots while she was getting her food...








What's on Latanya's plate you might ask? Thank goodness I took notes!


Dal, Basmati Rice, Beer Kabobs, Fish Tandoor, Chicken Tandoor, Butter Chicken, Naan, Corn on the Cob. Latanya loved everything except for the corn. She said it was very spicy and Latanya loves her food spicy!


Latanya carried her plate and followed me. I entered back inside the ship on deck 10 aft, straight into the elevator and up to deck 11, hoping and praying that the Breeze would also have the pasta restaurant and that they would have the pasta bar free for lunch like on the Dream. We come out of the elevator and at first, I totally missed it and was bummed for a second but then Latanya says, "It's through this door!" YAY!!!


Cucina Del Capitano is the Italian restaurant on the Breeze and until 2:30pm every day, they have the free lunch pasta bar. The way it works is like this - You come in and they give you a menu ticket and a pencil. You mark off the options that you want. Sorry, I didn't think to take photos of this. But it has different kinds of pasta, different sauce options, different meat and veggie options, etc. They also give you a number on a stand. You deliver your ticket to the pasta bar station and then you get to go and take a comfortable seat while waiting for them to bring your food to your table for you!


Since most people don't know about this place at all and most won't find it until later during the cruise, if at all, it's a fantastic option to sit and eat on embarkation day without worrying about getting a table. In fact, it was more than 1/2 empty in there. And there's nothing but pros about it. The food is cooked fresh to order, it's comfortable, Latanya was able to bring her Tandoor food in to sit and eat with me, etc.


Okay, so I ordered.... Alfredo pasta with Italian Sausage, Garlic Shrimp, Zucchini, Mushrooms and Peppers... the pasta was bow tie by the way.






More in just a second!



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While I was waiting for my pasta to be cooked, I got up and took a couple of photos from inside the restaurant. Cucina Del Capitano overlooks the atrium of the Marketplace aft where the Sweet Spot baked goods, etc. are...




I was shocked to see this many people eating dessert so early in the day! I can't do it.... Latanya on the other hand can eat dessert just about any time including breakfast. lol.


These chandeliers were really awesome! I loved the decor in this area and it would become my favorite part of the decor on the Breeze. It made me feel like I was in another country... perhaps.. Italy? :-)




After a couple of minutes, they brought my food to the table and Latanya and I were able to dig in and start eating. The food was 110% worth waiting for a few minutes to have it be fresh and it was nice to start the day with just Latanya and I and not a lot of other people around.






Cucina's menu is really cool... it's like opening a gate.






YUMMMMMM!!! That was so delicious and now I am entering into a food coma!!!


Right as we were finishing eating, Latanya had to call her parents so she walked away for a minute to a quieter spot. So, I stayed at the table to relax since I was so full. I struck up a conversation with the guy sitting at the table next to us and it took only a couple of seconds for us to realize we were both Funnel Fanatics on the same roll call. His name is Al.. I think his CC name is Pomme. I hope I don't butcher that. Again, I didn't have much time to bond with people in advance this time so I didn't learn as many names as I should.


Anyway, we had a great conversation and Latanya came back and they got to geek out together over the significance of his user name on CC. We talked for at least 30-45 minutes about random stuff and discovered we actually live really close to each other too!


It was about 3:20pm now and the muster drill was supposed to be starting at 3:30pm so we decided to head out and be prepared for the alarm to sound....

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Alicia, thank you so much for doing this review. I am hanging on to each word and love your vivid beautiful photos. I am enjoying this even more than your fabulous Dream one. I have yet to go on the Breeze but it is coming up soon in January. When I read your Dream one, I had been on the Dream twice already so it was nice to reminisce and it brought back good memories of the Dream. Now your review has me looking more forward to the Breeze.


The pasta bar is my favorite food venue on the Dream class. Never a problem getting a seat on the Dream ( even my companions could join me like Latanya did with you ) but on the Magic TA, it was a different story. Always a lineup to just get to the podium to get the form to fill out. Hopefully it was just on that cruise because of the demographics. I hope my experience will be like yours on the Breeze and mine on the Dream. Edit: BTW, have you tried the clam sauce with your pasta dish?? Alfredo was my favorite until I tried the clam sauce. It comes with the actual clams and is delish!


Looking forward to more but understand that life gets in the way sometimes...lol. I was surprised when you came on yesterday morning and posted as you warned us you had a wedding to shoot. You are dedicated.


Appreciate all the time you take to post your review and share your exquisite photos. I know it is time consuming.

Edited by mississauga
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Such an excellent review so far, just like your past ones. Great job. I'm really looking forward to what's coming ahead in all your excellent pictures.


However, I must inquire upon your awesome photography skills. Is there a 'right way' to keep my lenses from fogging up in the morning on the boat or some photographer's trick that's used to help out with this?


On previous trips, I've been dragging along a buddies (old) Rebel XSi and a couple stock lenses. Per his instructions, in the mornings before we docked (if I managed to wake up for it) I'd just set the camera and extra lens out on the balcony table for 10-15 minutes to let it get 'acclimated' to the temp/humidity outside vs. the chilly cabin interior. Of course, this was my buddies 'beater' camera and lenses, so he didn't care what happened with them. The 18-55mm lens I had been using had seen all sorts of stuff (water/mud/dirt/sand) but still worked like a champ.


For my upcoming trip in a few weeks, I've actually got my own nice, new, and shiny Rebel T4i that will be joining me. I've got four decent but cheap lenses (the 18-55mm IS, 55-250mm IS, 18-135mm STM, and 40mm STM). Kicker is, I've got an inside cabin this time, no balcony to set the lenses out onto in the morning. Anything I should do besides just having breakfast on Lido with my lenses?


PS - My buddy really wants me to take his 5D MkIII and L-series glass on the trip. I've said no already, I'd be all sorts of wary hanging onto what's like his child in many respects. I'm not crazy, am I? ;)

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Just adore your reviews you guys...thanks sooooooo much....wow on the closet space...but you make it soooo beautiful...to look through your lense and words on making the best of it all is so great...thank you...sarah


I really want to do a spa focused cruise as affordably as possible..oh my muscles feel the hot tubs etc, do love the decor....Sarah

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