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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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[quote name='ducklite']Unless someone is there to pick them up or they have made their own arrangements, passengers will have two choices. Get off the ship and onto a bus for a 2.5 hour ride to NOLA or a 7.5 hour ride to Galveston. No showers first.

I'd be making my own arrangements, submitting the costs to the travel insurance, and let them subrogate against CCL.[/QUOTE]

NPR news was saying yesterday evening that CCL had chartered planes to take people back to Houston.
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[quote name='Evangaline']Shouldn't be thinking this way, I know, but I have final payment coming up on a cruise and I'm not sure if I really want to go anymore. I probably will anyway just because I have been planning for it for so long, but I know I will feel nervous about it. These things are happening too often and it is just killing the buzz of cruising for me. I think I am going to start considering other types of vacationing after this.[/QUOTE]

No reason at all to be concerned. You are on a NCL ship not CCL. :D
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[quote name='chi-esq']Written by someone with access to a toilet,food, a bed, and not breathing the stench of human waste. Some of these type comments are cheerleading, of course, which is a most puzzling phenomena to watch. Walk a mile in the shoes of those whose problems you so casually dismiss. What can there be about loyalty to a corporation that moves you to value it more than people? This thread is really a study in human nature.

I certainly hope these people sue, and if given the chance, I would compensate them generously. I do think there is a strange "jealously" about anyone getting anything "free" that permeates these type of comments. "I pay for my cruises, why should anyone get anything that I don't!"

There is an obscene lack of empathy in these posts. What gives any of us NOT enduring this ugliness the right to judge anything about how these passengers feel...or their families?

What would be the reason for the Mayor of Mobile to lie? Let the cruise line call his bluff, if thatis the case. NOTHING should be more important than these customers who have suffered intolerable conditions. . Let the CORPORATE folks stay an hour or two away and put these customers FIRST over the CORPORATION! Let THEM get up early for a day or two and make a long commute, so these passengers have the quickest access to rest, food and showers.

No one who is not experiencing RIGHT NOW the exact same conditions as these passengers has any right to make light of their situation. Personally, I wish we could charter a ship, put the Carnival executives making these decisions, and all these callous, sarcastic cheerleaders on it...and REPLICATE the exact conditions these folks are suffering. After YOU live it for as long as they have, then you may be as snide and dismissive as you please.[/quote]

Well said.
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[quote name='thistimeplease']Like, Like, Like !!!!![/QUOTE]

One thing for sure. The odd posts where people were proclaiming they would surely want to be on the Carnival PetrieDish just for the refund and the free cruise at the beginning have all but disappeared.

But will certainly live in infamy in Legend.
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[quote name='ducklite']Unless someone is there to pick them up or they have made their own arrangements, passengers will have two choices. Get off the ship and onto a bus for a 2.5 hour ride to NOLA or a 7.5 hour ride to Galveston. No showers first.

I'd be making my own arrangements, submitting the costs to the travel insurance, and let them subrogate against CCL.[/QUOTE]

I agree with your sentiment, but I'm not sure your travel insurance would pay your claim when other options had been presented that wouldn't have caused you to spend out of pocket. I'd likely just fly directly home and worry about it later, though.
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[quote name='RuthlessBoss']I don't dispute being concerned, but why be on the dock a day before the ship will be there.
Anxious to see her child, yes, but is this the child on board with her father?[/quote]

I get the impression from interviews that there separated......

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[quote name='mby385']No reason at all to be concerned. You are on a NCL ship not CCL. :D[/QUOTE]

What happened on Triumph could happen on any cruise ship. Some folks find it a bit alarming when they see how dependent we are on complex engineered systems while at sea, and how quickly things deteriorate when those systems break down.

Even scarier, we're almost as dependent on those systems at home on land...
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I was wrong about JH's posts on Facebook - it is true that he posted after the incident occured so I apologise for that.

I am certainly not a Carnival Cheerleader. They have alot of explaining to do, not least why this has happened onboard two of their ships in recent times - whether that be down to design flaws, penny pinching or whatever. It will be interesting to see if those other ships currently running with small engine problems are taken out of action and repaired to prevent this happening again.

One thing I do not like is sensationalist reporting. I'd rather just wait and read some of the accounts from the Triumph passengers when they return to Mobile than just posting rumours.

I'm glad those onboard will be able to step back onto dry land today. Cahill will then be able to see first hand what actually went on onboard and how to stop it happening again in the future (if he is there)!
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[quote name='Knuclehead']From the NY Times link ..." By Tuesday, fruit, water and sandwiches were distributed, supplied by other Carnival ships that passed by and sent provisions. But reports from passengers who managed to catch a cellphone connection say that supplies are dwindling and lines to get what little food remains are long.
At first, people were allowed to take as much as they wanted, which led to discord on the ship, passengers said.
“A lot of people were complaining that people were hoarding their food,” Ms. Alderete said. “But it’s not because they were being greedy. It was because, like us, there were 30 of us and we all couldn’t walk up the stairs and wait to get the food. We sent people to try to bring things back to us.” Sounds like fun ,Whoo Hooo![/quote]

Just wondering why you quoted me? My post has nothing to do with what you posted. Just curious.
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[quote name='MrPete']One thing for sure. The odd posts where people were proclaiming they would surely want to be on the Carnival PetrieDishthrust for the refund and the free cruise at the beginning have all but disappeared.

But will certainly live in infamy in Legend.[/quote]
In Legend or on the Legend? Please say in as we are [B]on[/B] the Legend Sunday.
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[quote name='gstewart']
I am certainly not a Carnival Cheerleader. They have alot of explaining to do, not least why this has happened onboard two of their ships in recent times - whether that be down to design flaws, penny pinching or whatever. [/QUOTE]

You got that right. Carnival appears to have some serious procedural safety and maintenance issues that leads to these engine room fires.

Personally I won't sit around finding faults with the response and I think they've done what they can in a bad situation (though their PR game is awful) but they need to seriously re-examine what's going on to allow these situations to develop. Once can be written off as a freak accident, but this has now happened on three Carnival Corp ships (two carnival Cruise Lines) in 3 years.
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Here's what I'd do if my loved one were on that ship. I'd spend today calling motels in the area and compiling a total of vacancies.

Or better yet, I would ask the Mayor to partner with the families to expose the ineptitude/corporate spitefulness or greed that is underpinning this decision to bus these passengers for hours...and I would approach any and all media that I could....and make this the PR DEBACLE of all time for this cruise line.

It would not take much effort to organize a few people to absolutely SHAME this company in away that alltheir pretty commercials could never erase the stench of their selfishness. The media is hungry for stories, people are furious, those passengers have been through hell, and this CEO better have allthe facts and figures behind this decision or it could certainly become legendary...and conditions are PERFECTfor a media firestorm that will have Carnival smelling as vile as that ship!

The pictures from onboard , the interviews are about to be unleashed. Any patience one might have for the cruise line will certainly be "challenged" by that long bus ride. Wait till they hear they could have been given rooms close to the ship in Mobile!!!! Doesn't anyone at Corporate have any common sense?
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[quote name='Evangaline']Shouldn't be thinking this way, I know, but I have final payment coming up on a cruise and I'm not sure if I really want to go anymore. I probably will anyway just because I have been planning for it for so long, but I know I will feel nervous about it. These things are happening too often and it is just killing the buzz of cruising for me. I think I am going to start considering other types of vacationing after this.[/quote]
I wouldn't go so far as be nervous, but have more awareness. Since Concordia, when I get on a ship, I bring extra things. I notice I scout out areas other than lifeboats assigned in case I feel an exit or even a jump would be needed, areas with railings to hold onto if there's listing etc.
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[quote name='jimbo5544']In Legend or on the Legend? Please say in as we are [B]on[/B] the Legend Sunday.[/QUOTE]

You'll be fine. That's my favorite CCL ship.

But do checkout that new packing list that someone posted! :D

Tom and Cheryl or someone?
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[quote name='RuthlessBoss']Enough of your "knowledge" My point was why wait a day and a half on a dock while the ship is at sea.[/QUOTE]

Because different people handle stress different ways, and for some that will be the best way to handle it. Who are you to say differently?
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[quote name='jimbo5544']Wonder how long the "processing" (Imigration, customs, etc.) will take?[/QUOTE]

Someone said that they are sending CBP to the ship, however no one has provided a link and I'm not sure how they would handle this in an orderly fashion on board.
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[quote name='chi-esq']Written by someone with access to a toilet,food, a bed, and not breathing the stench of human waste. Some of these type comments are cheerleading, of course, which is a most puzzling phenomena to watch. Walk a mile in the shoes of those whose problems you so casually dismiss. What can there be about loyalty to a corporation that moves you to value it more than people? This thread is really a study in human nature.

I certainly hope these people sue, and if given the chance, I would compensate them generously. I do think there is a strange "jealously" about anyone getting anything "free" that permeates these type of comments. "I pay for my cruises, why should anyone get anything that I don't!"

There is an obscene lack of empathy in these posts. What gives any of us NOT enduring this ugliness the right to judge anything about how these passengers feel...or their families?

What would be the reason for the Mayor of Mobile to lie? Let the cruise line call his bluff, if thatis the case. NOTHING should be more important than these customers who have suffered intolerable conditions. . Let the CORPORATE folks stay an hour or two away and put these customers FIRST over the CORPORATION! Let THEM get up early for a day or two and make a long commute, so these passengers have the quickest access to rest, food and showers.

No one who is not experiencing RIGHT NOW the exact same conditions as these passengers has any right to make light of their situation. Personally, I wish we could charter a ship, put the Carnival executives making these decisions, and all these callous, sarcastic cheerleaders on it...and REPLICATE the exact conditions these folks are suffering. After YOU live it for as long as they have, then you may be as snide and dismissive as you please.[/quote]

Thank you! As someone who has a Carnival cruise booked and paid for this Sunday, I've been watching this thread, wondering if I can get a glimpse of any "news". I've, instead, been revolted by callous remarks. I appreciate your words as I haven't been able to express my disgust at what I perceive to be schadenfreude. I may be wrong, but I don't think so.
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[quote name='chi-esq']

Or better yet, I would ask the Mayor to partner with the families to expose the ineptitude/corporate spitefulness or greed that is underpinning this decision to bus these passengers for hours...and I would approach any and all media that I could....and make this the PR DEBACLE of all time for this cruise line.

It would not take much effort to organize a few people to absolutely SHAME this company in away that alltheir pretty commercials could never erase the stench of their selfishness. The media is hungry for stories, people are furious, those passengers have been through hell, and this CEO better have allthe facts and figures behind this decision or it could certainly become legendary...and conditions are PERFECTfor a media firestorm that will have Carnival smelling as vile as that ship![/QUOTE]

Do it! I want me some sub-$20 CCL. :)

(oh, and yes they need to learn to handle these situation sin a more sensitive manner)
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[quote name='ducklite']Unless someone is there to pick them up or they have made their own arrangements, passengers will have two choices. Get off the ship and onto a bus for a 2.5 hour ride to NOLA or a 7.5 hour ride to Galveston. No showers first.

I'd be making my own arrangements, submitting the costs to the travel insurance, and let them subrogate against CCL.[/QUOTE]

If this is true, I am astonished and shocked that they don't GET that all these passengers want is to shower, eat and sleep in a clean bed. I assumed a hotel would be nearby to accommodate these needs and it sounds like there were plenty of offers that have been refused by Carnival.
Yes some will take the immediate bus ride, but I am willing to bet most want the basic human necessities to just rejuvenate alittle.
Even a 4 hour respite at a local hotel could be done and then continue on with transportation. Don't make passengers wait for their luggage. Have Carnival hire staff to bring luggage to THEM at hotel. Sounds like plenty of hotels offered.
Am I being too unrealistic?
It sounds like the arrangements being made are easier for Carnival and NOT passengers. Again, if I sound too harsh, I'm really just thinking about how these folks are feeling and what immediate needs they may have.
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[quote name='RuthlessBoss']I wouldn't go so far as be nervous, but have more awareness. Since Concordia, when I get on a ship, I bring extra things. I notice I scout out areas other than lifeboats assigned in case I feel an exit or even a jump would be needed, areas with railings to hold onto if there's listing etc.[/QUOTE]

Me too, me too. We brought flashlights last time and were very aware at all times. Also: my husband insists on a balcony now.
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