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Very Poor Response and Customer Service From Carnival. Please read..


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I think you are missing the point Arctifact is making. What is Carnival going to do for you if this happens on your cruise? You can see that there is really no back up plan for Carnival or the cruise industry in general. Maybe the industry has grown too quickly.

Personally, these companies seem more beholden to the stockholders than the passengers. If you blow it you should pay the piper like the rest of. So much defending the way CCL handled this, look at Costa for crying out loud. They have a problem and it needs to be fixed, I am not going to sail on some death trap.


The point Arctifact was making was that (he) should be allowed to cancel his cruise without penalty and with full refund that is in the future on a different ship, because of an accident on the Triumph, even though there is absolutely no provision in the cruise contract or in insurance for that possibility.


I would not be happy right now if I were on the Triumph. However I have no thought of cancelling my cruise in September on the Valor. But even if I did, I fully accept that I would be bound by the regulations I agreed to on booking the cruise.


(Note...if I had an upcoming cruise were on the Triumph, I MIGHT be considering a change of plans...)


And the idea of a mid-Gulf (the Gulf is NOT tiny, by the way) transfer of 3000 passengers is beyond silly. Not to mention the idiocy of finding another available passenger ship to handle them.

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Wow, just cause they are 150 miles out does not mean its deep lol


Look everyone! We found h8's like 50th alt forum account. I've noticed "Arctic" that you keep coming here to complain, try to erroneously argue minor points, and have ignored every question posed toward you in this thread.


Note to rest of community... very high chance that Arctic does _not_ have a cruise booked, and never called customer service. This is what we call a troll :)

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Everyone has missed my point. The point is, I personally think Carnival could of done more to get those passengers off the boat. Whether it means tow it to the closest shore wher you can Tender to another cruise boat, or something else. If it was as simple as you can't transfer people from one boat to another than why didn't the CEO say the reasoning?


You guys make it sound like this is a first time. This isn't. The Splendor cost 40 million in litigation ect to Carnival.


For me Customer service is key. They do not seem to care about the passangers on that ship. If your wife or husband was involved in a fight over food or crapping in a bag or dealing with the drunks that is being reported by cnn, how would you feel. Way to many pro Carnival people here.... Carnival can do no wrong. And im sorry $500.00 for people who have missed income from not being at work ect ect is a drop in the bucket. Now jump on me again like the bullies you are....


This isn't the first time at all, and you would think they learned something from Splendor, etc. You have to trust they made the right choices, and there was no other safe way to transport everybody. Unfortunately this is a huge black eye for Carnival, yet another one they don't need as a company. They have tried to massage what is happening the best they can but it won't work. Many won't reconsider booking with them, and many will. Somebody needs to be Accountable with what is happening of late with Carnival, just not sure anybody will step up or Micky himself will...

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Everyone has missed my point. The point is, I personally think Carnival could of done more to get those passengers off the boat. Whether it means tow it to the closest shore wher you can Tender to another cruise boat, or something else. If it was as simple as you can't transfer people from one boat to another than why didn't the CEO say the reasoning?


You guys make it sound like this is a first time. This isn't. The Splendor cost 40 million in litigation ect to Carnival.


For me Customer service is key. They do not seem to care about the passangers on that ship. If your wife or husband was involved in a fight over food or crapping in a bag or dealing with the drunks that is being reported by cnn, how would you feel. Way to many pro Carnival people here.... Carnival can do no wrong. And im sorry $500.00 for people who have missed income from not being at work ect ect is a drop in the bucket. Now jump on me again like the bullies you are....

Theres your first problem, your watching CNN a well known rumors first facts later network.

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Wow, just cause they are 150 miles out does not mean its deep lol


Clearly, the OP has no ability for rational thought or reason. Unfortunately, we are all wasting our time -- in spite of very sound advise and information.


They say you can't fix stupid. I guess we should stop trying.

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Articcat seems to lack the fundamentals to understand that it would be a life threatening task to move that many people, some handicapped to another ship in open waters. Articcat watch some of the live feed - coast guard personnel who are able and competent with moving between boats were having a heck of a time boarding the Triumph from a pilot boat in "calm seas". Calm is relative, a river "calm" is NOT open seas "calm". This person would probably have been one of the first to claim that shuffling people from one ship to another would have been poor handling of the situation had it been tried.

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Look everyone! We found h8's like 50th alt forum account. I've noticed "Arctic" that you keep coming here to complain, try to erroneously argue minor points, and have ignored every question posed toward you in this thread.


Note to rest of community... very high chance that Arctic does _not_ have a cruise booked, and never called customer service. This is what we call a troll :)

Coming from someone who has 20 posts thats funny lol

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Everyone has missed my point. The point is, I personally think Carnival could of done more to get those passengers off the boat. Whether it means tow it to the closest shore wher you can Tender to another cruise boat, or something else. If it was as simple as you can't transfer people from one boat to another than why didn't the CEO say the reasoning?


You guys make it sound like this is a first time. This isn't. The Splendor cost 40 million in litigation ect to Carnival.


For me Customer service is key. They do not seem to care about the passangers on that ship. If your wife or husband was involved in a fight over food or crapping in a bag or dealing with the drunks that is being reported by cnn, how would you feel. Way to many pro Carnival people here.... Carnival can do no wrong. And im sorry $500.00 for people who have missed income from not being at work ect ect is a drop in the bucket. Now jump on me again like the bullies you are....

You didn't seem to have a problem booking after the Splendor problem. Why now?

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For those saying that Carnival should have sent another ship to rescue those on Triumph, where do you expect Carnival, or any cruise line of that matter to muster up a ship big enough to fit 3,000 people at a moment's notice? The sea is a beast when it comes to logistics. It's so vast that an immediate response to something like the Triumph fashion is almost impossible. Ships can only travel so fast to get to where they need to be. It's not like if an airplane breaks down and you can wet lease an airplane and have it on site in a few hours. Doesn't work that way with maritime.


Other ships in the vicinity sent supplies to Triumph but couldn't take on Triumph's passengers. Ships have capacity restrictions thus it's not legal to just pack 3,000 extra people on an already full Legend or Conquest and send them back to shore..


I like the analogy posted earlier about the refund of an airline ticket. Perfect example! If the OP would just read the cruise contract that they agreed to, I'd hope we wouldn't even be having this discussion...


For those who claim that Carnival could have done better to help those on Triumph, please consider the logistics and then after doing so, tell us how. Also, it's probably a good idea that you reserve speculation of the conditions until the ship has docked and the passengers can tell the story; in their own words.

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If you were never booked on the Triumph, WHY would they allow you to cancel WITHOUT Penalties? :confused:


As far as bringing another ship to transfer those people to...




WHERE are they supposed to get another ship from? :confused: ( cruise lines do NOT keep "spare ships".)


And it would NOT be fair to interrupt/cancel the itinerary of other ships. (Then, they would have to compensate & relocate those guests on the other ship.)


Life boats? Really? :rolleyes: their lives were NOT Threatened. (Just uncomfortable, maybe some would say miserable.)


Let's say they use the life boats... WHERE would they go? Do you really think life boats would have made it to shore any sooner? If they were on life boats, they for sure would NOT have anything to eat, drink or sleep.


Pooping in a Bag....

Apparently you've NEVER Been CAMPING. (NOT in a $300,000 Luxury RV)

I'm talking about Roughing it... Old school style. Or you were never in the military "back in the day" & was deployed overseas & had to dig your own LATRINE to poop in.


If the toilets are NOT WORKING, WHERE did you think they were supposed to poop at? (Squat their butts over the railing & poop into the ocean?)


Urinating in the shower... Tell the TRUTH... How many times have you been taking a shower & had to pee? Did you really stop washing off, step out of the shower, utilize the toilet, wash your hands, then get back in the shower to finish washing your body? :rolleyes:


No running water... A good majority of you DON'T WASH YOUR HANDS ANY WAY! I've lost count the number of women I see leave out of the restroom WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS. :eek:


Hand sanitizer.... I always see a great number of people Walk Right PAST the Sanitizer. (Yes, they DO SEE the Sanitizer, because they skirt around me while I'm using it.)


Bottom line... Americans have become too SOFT & PAMPERED.


So, a four day cruise turned into a FREE seven day cruise without an All-U-Can-Eat buffet, entertainment, hot water, electricity or operating toilets.... No One Was Injured & In MY Opinion, That Is Something To PRAISE THE LORD About!

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Just something else to complain about. I wish all these whine babies would quit coming on here and starting all these stupid negative threads. It is what it is. There isn't anything anyone can do about it so zip it. All the facts can be gathered over the next few days and proper conclusions drawn.


Carnival is doing the best they can as are the poor people stuck on the ship. I feel their offer of compensation is more than fair. Will it erase what happened - no. But it really blows my mind as to what people want or expect them to do.


Why should they give you your money back because you're having cold feet? That is dumb. If you're really concerned for the people on board, then do them a favor and stay off the phone so people with legit concerns and questions about their loved ones that are stranded can get through.





Amen. And again I say, Amen.

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Everyone has missed my point. The point is, I personally think Carnival could of done more to get those passengers off the boat. Whether it means tow it to the closest shore wher you can Tender to another cruise boat, or something else. If it was as simple as you can't transfer people from one boat to another than why didn't the CEO say the reasoning?


You guys make it sound like this is a first time. This isn't. The Splendor cost 40 million in litigation ect to Carnival.


For me Customer service is key. They do not seem to care about the passangers on that ship. If your wife or husband was involved in a fight over food or crapping in a bag or dealing with the drunks that is being reported by cnn, how would you feel. Way to many pro Carnival people here.... Carnival can do no wrong. And im sorry $500.00 for people who have missed income from not being at work ect ect is a drop in the bucket. Now jump on me again like the bullies you are....


No, your point was Carnival wouldn't let you cancel your cruise and you're not happy about that. Now, you spin it as concern for the passengers onboard but that's certainly not what you were complaining about. I'm quite certain those passengers will take care of themselves and if they're not happy with what's being offered, they'll deal with it however they deem fit. BUT, it certainly does NOT affect YOU in any way. While I certainly think that nothing and no one is perfect, including Carnival, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a solution that would have been better. We can all armchair quarterback and say "shoulda, woulda, coulda" but the fact is, none of us are in any position to do so. We are not on the ship, we are not privy to all of the facts and we can only make assumptions. And we all know where assumptions get us.


But, for you to come on here with your complaint of a lack of a refund couched in terms of concern of the passenger's current situation, is pretty darn disgusting in my eyes.

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Tendering usually takes place in a protected harbor from a single ship that has maneuvering capabilities -- I suspect the difficulty in doing this on the high seas with a powerless ship is far greater than some believe.


Exactly. They don't even tender in Grand Cayman when seas are rough, why would they try this risky maneuver at sea in higher seas??:confused:

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This is easy. Just grab a pontoon boat, drive out to the middle of the ocean(150 miles from the shore I remember reading), drop the gangway and have them step on. Piece of cake. Forget the fact that with no power THE WIND alone was causing the ship to tilt and that there are waves of varying size going to be slapping the ship, the tender and the gangway while trying to offload passengers(some of which are elderly and small/young children).


Seems logical. Maybe if Bruce Willis was on board...


Don't forget Chuck Norris! You know he's been dead for years, but no one had the guts to tell him!:D


And seriously, which empty ship is going to be just sitting around for such an occasion??? I've read other posts saying Carnival should just cancel an upcoming cruise so that ship can go out to save the Triumph people. Ya, because Carnival will be most happy to lose revenue on two ships instead of one. Brilliant!:rolleyes:

And another thing.... I see more lawsuits in the making if people fell into the ocean while trying to transfer. Good grief people! The passengers are miserable, but not in serious danger.

Would I be mad as hell that my cruise broke down? Yes! Am I going to risk my families life to zip line or walk the plank to get to another ship? Hell NO! Unless that ship is going down, I'm staying put!

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Here's my thoughts. I too am very sceptical at this point of Carnival. I look at it being a business money money. But that ship had issues before it went out of port. They should have canceled that cruise for the safety of the passengers.


To me it look like a corporation who wanted their money. Now look what it is costing them ,Our news reported last night that the passengers are also getting $500. Sounds to me more needs to be done for what they endured.


Sorry but with the ship off of Italy that is costing the corporations billions, Destiny ,splendor all having issues and the boat hitting the pier has us concerned.


Like I stated in an earlier post. We leave on Sunday on the Conquest. I keep hearing about all of these cutbacks. We love Carnival. BUT if we find that it is not the same anymore with things to do on sea days and food is less quality we will switch to a different company.


We were on NCL once and everyone was asleep at 8 pm. We go on Carnival for the atmosphere. But if things changed after all of this we are jumping ship to another cruise line.

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Sorry, but they did not "left a boat stranded in the Gulf, being pulled by tugboats..."


There was an accident. Accidents happen every day, and thankfully in the cruise industry it is very infrequent. They did not leave a boat stranded. They arranged for tugs to arrive on site as soon as humanely possible to start moving the ship. Do you really think that it was a feasible option to bring another ship out for them to transfer to? What ship would they use? All their other ships have cruises booked on them. How pissed off would you have been if they called you to say your cruise has been cancelled because they need to use the ship for something else? How would you safely make the transfer? Tendering to and from a ship, is only done in a protected harbor, and is still only done when the weather is good. Do you really think they could safely transfer that many people in open ocean?


Before you ask... no, I'm not a Carnival defender. I'm just a realist.



I could also hear the uproar when they told the passengers on the crippled ship...we have arranged life boats to take you to the next ship but you have to wear your life preserver because there is a danger...and oh by the way you can only take your person...no personal property allowed......

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Seriously? So you aren't even booked on Triumph and you are trying to cancel your cruise on a different ship? So if a plane crashed and you were due to fly out you would cancel that as well? Just making sure I understand because this makes no sense to me.


Also, you would be okay with them canceling YOUR cruise to go pick up these folks? And what makes you an expert about ship to ship transfers? Tendering is different as it is a very short distance from shore, much different conditions than being out in the middle of the ocean.


Its not the point about the fire.... Who cares about that. If the ship is stranded at sea, in this day of age they could of brought another ship and a transfer boat. I do not buy this crap that its to dangerous to transfer from one ship to another. They do it all the time! Ports that need a tender! You don't buy insurance for these reasons.... I have insurance (private) for sickness or death in the family.. I am insured.. Just not insured against a cruise line that operates poorly.
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Coming from someone who has 20 posts thats funny lol


LOL! Cause number of posts has anything to do with intelligence or legitimacy. You don't have that many yourself, and from what I've seen in this thread I'd bet not a single one had any merit.


Anyways... welcome to ignore!

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Way to many pro Carnival people here.... Carnival can do no wrong.


Interesting point of view. However, if I'm a cheerleader for any cruiseline at this moment it would be NCL because that is the only cruiseline I have travelled on. I haven't even taken my first Carnival cruise. Another poster stated they wouldn't travel on Carnival for other reasons and was a RCI fan. Another posted they hadn't even been on any cruise yet. And yet we as well can't see your reasoning.


This is not a case of being bullied by pro-Carnival people, or people basing on a blind opinion because the are fans of Carnival. It's a simple case of the majority of people believe you are not making logical sense.

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Here's my thoughts. I too am very sceptical at this point of Carnival. I look at it being a business money money. But that ship had issues before it went out of port. They should have canceled that cruise for the safety of the passengers.


To me it look like a corporation who wanted their money. Now look what it is costing them ,Our news reported last night that the passengers are also getting $500. Sounds to me more needs to be done for what they endured.


Sorry but with the ship off of Italy that is costing the corporations billions, Destiny ,splendor all having issues and the boat hitting the pier has us concerned.


Like I stated in an earlier post. We leave on Sunday on the Conquest. I keep hearing about all of these cutbacks. We love Carnival. BUT if we find that it is not the same anymore with things to do on sea days and food is less quality we will switch to a different company.


We were on NCL once and everyone was asleep at 8 pm. We go on Carnival for the atmosphere. But if things changed after all of this we are jumping ship to another cruise line.


They had canceled their cruise. Fact is, you aren't going to please everyone. I have been sailing Carnival regularly since 2006 (8th cruise coming up) and don't see huge cutbacks that would stop me from sailing them again.


Do I hope my ship will catch fire and I will have to live in those conditions until they can safely get me off theship, NO! But that can happen anywhere/anytime with accidents.

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No, your point was Carnival wouldn't let you cancel your cruise and you're not happy about that. Now, you spin it as concern for the passengers onboard but that's certainly not what you were complaining about. I'm quite certain those passengers will take care of themselves and if they're not happy with what's being offered, they'll deal with it however they deem fit. BUT, it certainly does NOT affect YOU in any way. While I certainly think that nothing and no one is perfect, including Carnival, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a solution that would have been better. We can all armchair quarterback and say "shoulda, woulda, coulda" but the fact is, none of us are in any position to do so. We are not on the ship, we are not privy to all of the facts and we can only make assumptions. And we all know where assumptions get us.


But, for you to come on here with your complaint of a lack of a refund couched in terms of concern of the passenger's current situation, is pretty darn disgusting in my eyes.

Has nothing to do with me....... I spent good money on two cruises back to back. If Carnival is a bad company for neglecting basic needs for people, then I have THE RIGHT to request a refund... This is 2012. There is other options to get that ship to a shore so passengers can transfer to another boat. It costs $$$$$ Thats what this is all about. So ya it does affect me, cause if it happens on either one of my cruises, you clowns will come back and say, you knew what you were getting into or it was your decision. Yes it is my decision, and if I lost confidence in the company thats my decision. Ya they won't refund my money..... Who cares. Thats a drop in the bucket. You pro Carnival lovers, they can do no wrong and heaven forbid a poster dosn't agree with you, you all gang up on him like a old boys club. You know what site this is? Cruise CRITIC. It means to criticise. That is what im doing. But you can't take ciriticism, so best you leave to another site...

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Wow, just cause they are 150 miles out does not mean its deep lol


Ever hear of the Sigsbee Deep? That portion of the Gulf is 12000 to 14000 ft deep, is that deep enough for you. I guess you don't consider the Carribean open ocean, or deep...ever hear of the Cayman Trench with max depth over 25000 ft....

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Its not the point about the fire.... Who cares about that. If the ship is stranded at sea, in this day of age they could of brought another ship and a transfer boat. I do not buy this crap that its to dangerous to transfer from one ship to another. They do it all the time! Ports that need a tender! You don't buy insurance for these reasons.... I have insurance (private) for sickness or death in the family.. I am insured.. Just not insured against a cruise line that operates poorly.


I'm sure you know far more about maritime safety than the cruise line and there is no doubt you should be able to cancel and get your money back. I also think Carnival needs to hire you for your expertise as I am sure you are the most knowledgeable passenger there is on any cruise line.


Please send your resume to Carnival in Miami so you can be hired immediately, or if you don't want to move now, send it to ALL cruise lines and you probably, with all you know, will be hired as a Chief Consultant.

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Has nothing to do with me....... I spent good money on two cruises back to back. If Carnival is a bad company for neglecting basic needs for people, then I have THE RIGHT to request a refund... This is 2012. There is other options to get that ship to a shore so passengers can transfer to another boat. It costs $$$$$ Thats what this is all about. So ya it does affect me, cause if it happens on either one of my cruises, you clowns will come back and say, you knew what you were getting into or it was your decision. Yes it is my decision, and if I lost confidence in the company thats my decision. Ya they won't refund my money..... Who cares. Thats a drop in the bucket. You pro Carnival lovers, they can do no wrong and heaven forbid a poster dosn't agree with you, you all gang up on him like a old boys club. You know what site this is? Cruise CRITIC. It means to criticise. That is what im doing. But you can't take ciriticism, so best you leave to another site...


No one is saying you don't have a right to request a refund. They, in turn, have a right to say no. Everything in life is a risk, we accept that going in. Whether it's going to the grocery store or going on vacation, we know "poo" happens. Life is pretty unscripted and you go with the flow or you're a pretty miserable human being. I'm betting you're in the latter camp. Either way, have a great day, a great cruise(s) and a great life.

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Has nothing to do with me....... I spent good money on two cruises back to back. If Carnival is a bad company for neglecting basic needs for people, then I have THE RIGHT to request a refund... This is 2012. There is other options to get that ship to a shore so passengers can transfer to another boat. It costs $$$$$ Thats what this is all about. So ya it does affect me, cause if it happens on either one of my cruises, you clowns will come back and say, you knew what you were getting into or it was your decision. Yes it is my decision, and if I lost confidence in the company thats my decision. Ya they won't refund my money..... Who cares. Thats a drop in the bucket. You pro Carnival lovers, they can do no wrong and heaven forbid a poster dosn't agree with you, you all gang up on him like a old boys club. You know what site this is? Cruise CRITIC. It means to criticise. That is what im doing. But you can't take ciriticism, so best you leave to another site...


It was an accident. They are doing the best they can under the circumstances.


Go and enjoy your cruises. Sounds like you need a vacation. :)

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