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LISTENING NCL? Pre-planning ideas!


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Why can't NCL offer a tentative set of dailies by email or on the log-in...not drink specials and such (which are changeable) but when they plan to have shows and trivia/games and dress up nights and things like that, so people can pre-plan our trips? Yes, obviously, we would know that they COULD change later, but you can't tell me that a ship doing the same run over and over and over doesn't have the same basic plan for which day they will do X show on and which day they will do Y show on, especially if it's a 7-day cruise, where you will always be leaving on and returning on the same day of the week (barring weather concerns). I've always thought it was a bad setup not to do this.


When I go to conventions, I know things like this months in advance (even if there are three or four events at the same time, all day and evening long). It helps me to plan my days out, so I make sure not to miss the things I really want to do while I'm there. I cannot believe the cruises are any less organized than a small convention run by less than two-dozen people and hosting less than 500 total (though there are conventions that go up into the tens of thousands and have much more staff...who also provide full schedules months in advance). Necessity would demand cruises be more organized than a small convention...not less.


So what is the sticking point with NCL doing a simple email or online posting of such a tentative PoD (plan of the day) so that cruisers can do the same sort of pre-planning?



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One possibility - though I always look at dailies if posted here for a cruise I am taking - the excitement of the days ahead is greater if you see it once you are on the ship, at least from my perspective. From a planning perspective I totally agree with you. Those of us who have cruised a lot on the same line(s) sort of know what to expect most of the time and I think that takes away somewhat from the excitement.

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One possibility - though I always look at dailies if posted here for a cruise I am taking - the excitement of the days ahead is greater if you see it once you are on the ship, at least from my perspective. From a planning perspective I totally agree with you. Those of us who have cruised a lot on the same line(s) sort of know what to expect most of the time and I think that takes away somewhat from the excitement.


Love to, but so far I've only found Dawn from FL to Carribean. I need Dawn from Boston to Bermuda. Unfortunately, anything I find now will be last year, which means shows might have changed and schedule been rearranged (based on feedback from last year) and so forth. Guess there's no hope of anything remotely reliable until Dawn comes back to Boston and people start going to Bermuda again.


Can you tell I'm not particularly patient? :D A failing of mine, I'm afraid. In my defense, this is our 25th Anniversary cruise, so I like the idea of some pre-planning for it.



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Things aren't always the same from week to week. Crew turnover is never ending and with that there are changes. If you watch this board for a while, you will see that folks have a fit when changes are made or they don't get something they want! Can you imagine the fuss if the bingo that was scheduled for 3pm on Tuesday was held at 9 am instead? People would want an on board credit or refund because they planned their whole trip around a schedule and it changed. Part of the Free Style concept is no set schedule and taking it one day at a time. Maybe a more structured cruise line would be more up your alley?

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A vacation isn't a convention, and NCL can't post something far in advance that doesn't exist far in advance.


How I view planning for one and planning for the other is not incredibly different, and your opinion that it is speaks of nothing but your own style of doing things; not mine or anyone else's. That's none of your concern, of course, as how you choose to plan...or not isn't any of mine. If you don't want to be able to pre-plan...your call for you. Those of us who would like to be able to have a different view of it, and our requests are no less valid than yours. NCL will listen or not. Their call.


I do think it would help a lot of us who like to pre-plan to have at least a baseline idea of what days events will be held on and a view at morning, afternoon, or evening slot it is usually held, if not specific times for them. That would allow us to--for instance--not make a dinner reservation for a night where we want to hit a particular show, so we don't find out later that the times will conflict or something similar. That makes for less time trying to change a reservation later with the concierge or desk.


To the other poster...RVSullivan... I don't agree that freestyle means lack of any sort of plan. It just means more choices from day to day. And personally...I have little respect for people who cannot read a simple disclaimer that the schedule is tentative and want to cause problems instead. That sort of person should simply have learned better manners a long time ago. Enough said.


Beyond that, it makes no sense that these things change that much from sailing to sailing, within the same season. It's poor organization for it to, because it only makes sense for the crew/staff to know what's going on when. Short of last-minute schedule changes for special situations (electrical failures causing rescheduling of or cancelation of a show or shifts due to changes in when you actually hit a port or something similar), the schedule should be equalized for repeats of the same itinerary, as much as possible...at least for the major things you might want to do. If we can have discussions on here (and yes...I do read them) about how the chef's table or captain's meet and greet are usually held on X day on a certain itinerary and the cruisers know better than the centralized pre-conceirge answer center (which is often confused from ship to ship), obviously they don't change that much. Nor should they. If the ship isn't smart enough to have more than one person aboard who is capable of doing the same job in case of accident or illness, they're not doing their jobs correctly, IMO. There's a reason why cross-training is so popular on Navy vessels.




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WOW! :eek:


You posted something on a message board, and when others posted their thoughts, in explanation of your query, you blasted them for it?


Relax. It's a cruise vacation on a line most of us adore specifically because of the Freestyle concept. Freestyle means no set dining time, no set table, no set agenda. "You're free to... whatever." ;)

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How I view planning for one and planning for the other is not incredibly different, and your opinion that it is speaks of nothing but your own style of doing things; not mine or anyone else's. That's none of your concern, of course, as how you choose to plan...or not isn't any of mine. If you don't want to be able to pre-plan...your call for you. Those of us who would like to be able to have a different view of it, and our requests are no less valid than yours. NCL will listen or not. Their call.


I do think it would help a lot of us who like to pre-plan to have at least a baseline idea of what days events will be held on and a view at morning, afternoon, or evening slot it is usually held, if not specific times for them. That would allow us to--for instance--not make a dinner reservation for a night where we want to hit a particular show, so we don't find out later that the times will conflict or something similar. That makes for less time trying to change a reservation later with the concierge or desk.


To the other poster...RVSullivan... I don't agree that freestyle means lack of any sort of plan. It just means more choices from day to day. And personally...I have little respect for people who cannot read a simple disclaimer that the schedule is tentative and want to cause problems instead. That sort of person should simply have learned better manners a long time ago. Enough said.


Beyond that, it makes no sense that these things change that much from sailing to sailing, within the same season. It's poor organization for it to, because it only makes sense for the crew/staff to know what's going on when. Short of last-minute schedule changes for special situations (electrical failures causing rescheduling of or cancelation of a show or shifts due to changes in when you actually hit a port or something similar), the schedule should be equalized for repeats of the same itinerary, as much as possible...at least for the major things you might want to do. If we can have discussions on here (and yes...I do read them) about how the chef's table or captain's meet and greet are usually held on X day on a certain itinerary and the cruisers know better than the centralized pre-conceirge answer center (which is often confused from ship to ship), obviously they don't change that much. Nor should they. If the ship isn't smart enough to have more than one person aboard who is capable of doing the same job in case of accident or illness, they're not doing their jobs correctly, IMO. There's a reason why cross-training is so popular on Navy vessels.





You make some very valid points. On different occassions, I have been able to talk with a couple of Cruise Directors on this very topic. One of the things that they must guard against is the crew falling into a set routine as this can cause people to become bored and/or easily distracted and this could lead to lapses that could affect safety.


When you go on a 7 day cruise, you don't have the same schedule each day...it differs. If it was the same, you wouldn't like it much. Same goes for the crew. It would be a detriment to morale to have to endure the same schedule over and over and over and over again for 9 months. ("Oh...it's Tuesday, must be time for trivia!" ...yawn)


So...they take great care to continually mix up the schedule. Both to keep it interesting to the guests that are onboard for one week (not to mention making sure it isn't the same for a guest doing a B2B), and to keep the crew interested and engaged at the same time. Freestyle Dailys change from ship to ship as well as from sailing to sailing. I would never recommend that anyone use them for planning purposes. About the best use for them is to simply get a general idea of the types of activities that might be offered...for that purpose, you wouldn't need a ship and/or itinerary specific Daily...any Daily would serve the purpose.

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Activities are scheduled by the Cruise Director, he's the one who decides what will happen and when. When this is being decided he also needs to make sure there is a crew member to take care of the activity. Its a big job to get everything covered with no overlaps. Then there is the edict from corporate that the revenue projections for the money games (Deal/No Deal, Bingo, and other things) are on track and those need a bigger audience to attend.


Then you have crew changes as others have posted, one CD will do X activities but his replacement will tend to do Y activities. No way to find out what will be going on ahead of time.

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Can you imagine the complaints from those that pre-planned and then there were changes when they got aboard the ship. Giving out this information ahead of time does really seem like a win/win for NCL. Not to mention it would mean extra work for a number of people to get it ready weeks ahead of time.

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The only reason I could see in liking some idea of when things are - shows, etc. is planning around dinner reservations. If for instance I wished to book these ahead of time for my sailing, I would have no idea if the times I choose conflict with other things that I would like to do, see, etc. Seems to me that would limit people doing any dining reservations early.

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DMLyons - I mean no disrespect so please do not take any in what I am about to say. However, is there anything really that special on the Freestyle Daily, that simply couldn't be missed for another opportunity? For example, The White Hot Party, is fun, however, my vacation would not have been ruined if I did not attend. Maybe after a few cruises some of us have the been there done it attitude. However, IMO as far as the ship activities go, the majority of the passengers just have the go with the flow attitude. If there is something they can fit in their schedule, great, if not, no big deal. Seems like way too much work for NCL considering all the different ships and all the different itineraries to worry about this task. Again, sorry we will have to agree to disagree on this one. :D

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WOW! :eek:


You posted something on a message board, and when others posted their thoughts, in explanation of your query, you blasted them for it?


Relax. It's a cruise vacation on a line most of us adore specifically because of the Freestyle concept. Freestyle means no set dining time, no set table, no set agenda. "You're free to... whatever." ;)


First of all, I didn't blast them. If they feel I did, I apologize for the miscommunication in advance. I told them why their opinions on the matter have no bearing on how I plan. Nor should they. From what I've seen on CC so far, there are some people who really think their way is the only way, and no offense to anyone in particular, but that is patently ridiculous. I try to make it clear that there are many ways to plan, to cruise, to enjoy yourself. If mine doesn't match yours, that's just the way it is.


I made a suggestion that NCL can choose to take or not, in a place that I've been told NCL reps lurk and watch for them. If they do decide to adopt this idea, they help people who like to plan in advance do so. If not, people like me have to put up with their lack of a feature we'd like to see, so why not suggest it and take a chance that they'll look favorably upon it? Those who don't care to plan don't have to use it if NCL does offer it, so it's really not something they have to feel invested in opposing. What does it hurt them, either way? Saying they don't feel the need for it would have been a non-confrontational comment on the matter, rather than what they DID choose to say...and I find it odd that you didn't find their responses rude at all. :confused:


To be honest, I get annoyed with people who make statements like others shouldn't be cruising (or cruising on NCL) if A, B, or C doesn't match their expectations of how someone should choose to spend their vacations or plan for them. It's none of their business where I choose to vacation or how I choose to prepare for it. I don't need an intervention from them. Nor do I need them to tell me a "better way" to do things. I do things to my comfort level, as they do them to theirs. All of us are capable of having a good time aboard. That's all that really matters, isn't it? If you want my definition of freestyle, it's having a few places I know I want to be, relaxing the rest of the time, and not having to pour over menus and dailies all the time to reaffirm what's going on, since that feels way too much like work to me.


We all plan in different ways. Those of us who aren't lucky enough to cruise often may want to get the most out of it when we do, those of us planning for special events (as I am this cruise) may want to do things others think are extraneous, and some of us like to make a few plans ahead of time to make the onboard experience less stressful for us. I don't find it exciting to find out what is planned the day I board the ship. For me, that's forcing me to take time I should be spending enjoying myself to make plans...an unenjoyable venture, by comparison to hitting the pool or lounging or hitting an event. Since we don't go into this with the same focus and priorities, it's insane to expect that we all use the same steps or have the same sensibilities about it.



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DMLyons - I mean no disrespect so please do not take any in what I am about to say. However, is there anything really that special on the Freestyle Daily, that simply couldn't be missed for another opportunity? For example, The White Hot Party, is fun, however, my vacation would not have been ruined if I did not attend. Maybe after a few cruises some of us have the been there done it attitude. However, IMO as far as the ship activities go, the majority of the passengers just have the go with the flow attitude. If there is something they can fit in their schedule, great, if not, no big deal. Seems like way too much work for NCL considering all the different ships and all the different itineraries to worry about this task. Again, sorry we will have to agree to disagree on this one. :D


Which is precisely my point. We have to agree to disagree.


You said it best. Those people who are lucky enough to cruise often don't have to worry about whether another chance to do what they missed will come along again. Nor do they have to worry about knowing what their choices are, in general. This is my first time on this ship (and on NCL), and it's a big event for me to boot. It's important for me to have some information available to prioritize, since I won't have the opportunity to cruise again in 6 months and pick up what I've missed.



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The only reason I could see in liking some idea of when things are - shows, etc. is planning around dinner reservations. If for instance I wished to book these ahead of time for my sailing, I would have no idea if the times I choose conflict with other things that I would like to do, see, etc. Seems to me that would limit people doing any dining reservations early.



Excellent point, and this is exactly why many people did not like the idea when NCL started to allow you to make dinner reservations 45 days in advance of the cruise. It just seems so obvious: How can you plan for dinner when you have no idea of the rest of the schedule for that day? It really goes against the entire NCL vibe. Freestyle should not mean "schedule 45 days in advance".

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You make some very valid points. On different occassions, I have been able to talk with a couple of Cruise Directors on this very topic. So...they take great care to continually mix up the schedule. Both to keep it interesting to the guests that are onboard for one week (not to mention making sure it isn't the same for a guest doing a B2B), and to keep the crew interested and engaged at the same time.


So they mix it up. That makes sense, of course, but...


To me, this sounds like making a lesson plan (more or less). IOW, the cruise director should not be doing this on the fly every day. He/she should have them finished a month in advance and ready to print off and rock from there. SOMEONE on board should know what's going on in advance, and honestly, the type of integrated system that would allow customers to see it really isn't that difficult to do. It's hooked to your particular cruise director's pre-planning database, shows up on your online vacation planning pane, and as long as the cruise director is doing it all on the computer, everything from printing dailies aboard to allowing cruisers to see it a few weeks in advance could be automated. Not even an extra step for the cd. Shrug.



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Let me get this right...you want to plan your freestyle cruise? I am sorry, but I could not resist the temptation to point out the obvious!


I know what you mean, but at the most wouldlimit to some key events like formal nights and White Hot Party.


I'd add things like chef's table, captain's m&g, and a few others that people seem to always ask about, but yes. That's the point.


Like I said earlier... To me, freestyle also includes me not having to pour over dailies when I could be at the pool. Too much like work on my vacation.



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Which is precisely my point. We have to agree to disagree.


You said it best. Those people who are lucky enough to cruise often don't have to worry about whether another chance to do what they missed will come along again. Nor do they have to worry about knowing what their choices are, in general. This is my first time on this ship (and on NCL), and it's a big event for me to boot. It's important for me to have some information available to prioritize, since I won't have the opportunity to cruise again in 6 months and pick up what I've missed.




Right, but the downside is that you take time and effort to prioritize and then when you get on board you will have a completely different schedule...which throws all those priorities out the window.


Being that this is your first time on NCL, I would simply suggest that you give it a shot and see how it works. With Freestyle, there really is no need for a schedule. Menus are posted at least a day in advance so you can decide where you want to eat, and Dailys are distributed a day in advance so you can plan the next day's activities...based on what is offered.


For NCL, it would be a losing proposition to publish schedules that they KNOW aren't going to be used...not to mention that it does the guest no good either.

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...... Part of the Free Style concept is no set schedule and taking it one day at a time. Maybe a more structured cruise line would be more up your alley?


I agree. If the OP needs such advance scheduling, then maybe 'free style' cruising is not for them.

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Right, but the downside is that you take time and effort to prioritize and then when you get on board you will have a completely different schedule...which throws all those priorities out the window.


Being that this is your first time on NCL, I would simply suggest that you give it a shot and see how it works. With Freestyle, there really is no need for a schedule. Menus are posted at least a day in advance so you can decide where you want to eat, and Dailys are distributed a day in advance so you can plan the next day's activities...based on what is offered.


I can roll with changes fairly easily, as long as something stays on the same day. ;) LONG years of practice with travel for both business and pleasure.


But...you know, I have to thank you sincerely for one thing, Sea Shark. In all the times people have discussed the dailies, they have NEVER said that you are offered them the day before the events take place. That does help...besides the fact that you still don't know what's going on the first day in advance and have to scramble. It still forces me to read and plan on board, when I don't want to be doing that, but at least I'm not rushing to make plans for the same day with dailies that are delivered at 5 or 6 am. I've been at hotels that did that, and it stinks. I'd been equating the dailies to that, up until now. Two days before (on a long cruise) would be better...and the first two days in advance by email (sorry...I can't relinquish that idea easily), but it's still better than same-day information.



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So they mix it up. That makes sense, of course, but...


To me, this sounds like making a lesson plan (more or less). IOW, the cruise director should not be doing this on the fly every day. He/she should have them finished a month in advance and ready to print off and rock from there. SOMEONE on board should know what's going on in advance, and honestly, the type of integrated system that would allow customers to see it really isn't that difficult to do. It's hooked to your particular cruise director's pre-planning database, shows up on your online vacation planning pane, and as long as the cruise director is doing it all on the computer, everything from printing dailies aboard to allowing cruisers to see it a few weeks in advance could be automated. Not even an extra step for the cd. Shrug.




It all sounds good from our living rooms, but it really doesn't work on the ship. For example, the White Hot Party on the Epic is held OUTSIDE in Spice H2O. The weather is a HUGE factor in when this is scheduled. There is simply no way that this could be planned a month in advance. This also affects a large part of the rest of the schedule as things must be scheduled around the WHP.


You are correct in that it would technically be easy to show people a schedule. However, the issue is that no schedule exists to show them, AND there are MANY reasons why no such schedule could or should be created. Showing people a schedule that can't be kept is a surefire way to create unhappy customers....why would NCL want to take that risK?

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Personally, I don't see the need to have to plan everything out. I don't get why people get upset when "it is the 45-day mark, why can't I make reservations yet?"


And before you say, I am not organized, let me say I am the most organized, thorough, detail oriented person.


OP, even if NCL were to have such information available and it changes, think how many people would start complaining when activities do change saying "You sent me XXXX and said trivia would be at 3:30 p.m. and it was actually at 5:30. I had to get ready for dinner and missed trivia. I want compensation because my cruise was ruined." It would happen.

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I can roll with changes fairly easily, as long as something stays on the same day. ;) LONG years of practice with travel for both business and pleasure.


But...you know, I have to thank you sincerely for one thing, Sea Shark. In all the times people have discussed the dailies, they have NEVER said that you are offered them the day before the events take place. That does help...besides the fact that you still don't know what's going on the first day in advance and have to scramble. It still forces me to read and plan on board, when I don't want to be doing that, but at least I'm not rushing to make plans for the same day with dailies that are delivered at 5 or 6 am. I've been at hotels that did that, and it stinks. I'd been equating the dailies to that, up until now. Two days before (on a long cruise) would be better...and the first two days in advance by email (sorry...I can't relinquish that idea easily), but it's still better than same-day information.




The Dailys will be delivered to your room each night by your Room Steward during turn-down service (which is generally when most people are having dinner). The embarkation day Daily should be available for you in the Terminal while you are waiting to board. As far as planning...One thing that IS standard across the fleet is that the dinner menu with the Lobster entree is ALWAYS served in the main dining rooms on embarkation day...so if you're interested in the Lobster, plan on eating in the MDR on Day 1.

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OP I don't think that what you're looking for falls in line with the Freestyle concept. Beyond that some activities are up to the discretion of the the Hotel Director and Cruise Director so it wouldn't be feasible to have a schedule far in advance.


Factor in the cost of someone (or multiple people) to extract this information from each HD for each cruise, and we'd all probably wind up paying a bit more for our cruise, for information that the majority of us feel no need for before sailing.

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