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Thomson confiscating your Duty Free

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And the answer is...........


Lauren @Thomson says:29/03/2013 at 10:41

Hi Steve, If you have a cruise coming up, you’ll be given all the relevant details once you board.


Why doesn't that surprise me, no answer at all :rolleyes:




Not good enough is it at all !!!


I think FE should be asked about this, what a silly situation, we are not 5 years old.

Its like they are saying just be good and be quiet and you will be told what you can do when its too late for you to cancel and go elsewhere..just as you get on board !!

I am lost for words. (Unusual!)

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I must admit I've never seen people bringing their own drink into the bars. However if this happens I think Thomsons would be entitled to stop them, but a blanket ban does seem a bit harsh.


We have alchohol in the cabin as when we do long day excursions we often go to bed quite early and read for a while in the cabin with a drink. Having to carry drink from the bar would be a nuisance and you'd have to make more than one trip before you were able to settle down.


I was made aware of people drinking their own alcohol in the bars on our last cruise, because they told me. I am afraid that there are some people who would do it anywhere whatever the price of the drinks at the bar are.


I do think though that you should be able to have a drink in your cabin. Some cruise lines who are strict about bringing alcohol on board do allow you to bring a bottle of wine/champagne on board as long as it is for use in your cabin.


Just a thought, all those fridges in the plus cabins on Majesty....would they become redundant?

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this must be a very recent decision. we were on the dream 12 days ago and bought duty free from the shop for a drink before going down to the orion each night. as it was our first cruise we asked at the shop if this was allowed and it would seem that it was the norm. does seem pointless selling anything in the shop as we were bang on the weight limit for travelling home. still, i would be quite happy to go without a pre meal drink if i could be there now. brrrrrr.

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Put a brief message up, let's see if it get's answered or deleted.


Copy of what I put (before they delete it)


Your comment is awaiting moderation.

sodafountain says:29/03/2013 at 09:09

I have just heard that you no longer allow cruisers to bring their own drink on board for drinking in the cabin. Is this across all ships and destinations, or just the Dream and/or The Caribbean?


Also, someone said cigarettes bought in the duty free shop are no longer allowed to be smoked on board, you have to wait till the end of your holiday to collect them, why is this?




So, what's the odds that if they answer, it will be something like "this information is being communicated to customers when they arrive onboard"?


Looks like they are giving you the personal touch .:rolleyes:


They will tell you when you board the ship :(


I understand where your coming from when you say add 10p per drink but the higher the price the more tempting it is

for some to abuse the benefit they gave saying "we do not mind you having a drink of your own in your cabin."

Same as kruzseeka, I can understand a clampdown when people are bringing bottles into bars and up on decks asking for glasses /ice without a drink being bought .

In your cabin means just that, the rest of the ship is for Thomson sales .


The one that baffles me though is the cigarette ban, that I can see no reason for, as people who smoke ,i would expect

them to smoke their own purchases duty free or otherwise:confused:

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<<people taking their own drinks into bars, which I doubt,>>


I do not lie - we saw several people in the lifts with their own drinks (one couple who warned us agains standing too close in case we spilled their drinks)!


Cant´t blame any tour company for objecting to this.

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If there is a major issue with people taking their own drinks into bars, which I doubt, then these people should be tackled about it, not by the enforcement of a blanket rule, quote]


<<people taking their own drinks into bars, which I doubt,>>


I do not lie - we saw several people in the lifts with their own drinks (one couple who warned us agains standing too close in case we spilled their drinks)!


Cant´t blame any tour company for objecting to this.


Hi Campolady :)


I think you have misread Little Nells post , the point Nell is making is she thinks its not a major problem and not that Nell doubts you or you saw it happen .

Whilst also putting the point over that why should the majority suffer for the few, who abuse the "your own drink in your own cabin only" rule .


Well thats how I read the post ;):)

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Campolady, I actually said "major issue, which I doubt". I would stand by that. I haven't seen it myself but clearly others have, so I don't doubt it happens but I don't think it is significant enough to warrant a blanket ban. Hope that clears things up :)


I would also agree that Thomson are well within their rights to stop anyone drinking their own drink in the bar or anywhere outwith their cabin. Historically people have been allowed to drink their own stuff in their cabins and I am sure this is where Thomson have scored over other companies as it helps people to keep their costs down. They could deal with this differently, by explaining to customers that this has been happening and warning them that people will be ejected from the bars if found to be doing so and off the ship for repeat offenders.

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If there is a major issue with people taking their own drinks into bars, which I doubt, then these people should be tackled about it, not by the enforcement of a blanket rule, quote]




Hi Campolady :)


I think you have misread Little Nells post , the point Nell is making is she thinks its not a major problem and not that Nell doubts you or you saw it happen .

Whilst also putting the point over that why should the majority suffer for the few, who abuse the "your own drink in your own cabin only" rule .


Well thats how I read the post ;):)


You got there before me, Kalos :D. Very kind of you to point that out :)

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Sorry guys, just got wifi on Grand Anse beach Grenada. To clarify, booze packed in suitcase probably ok but hide it in cabin, any alcohol bought on ship from shop is taken away until you leave. Any alcohol bought in port is taken from you as you reembark. This only started when we arrived last Sunday - people who were startingtheir second week were also affected from Sunday without prior warning. If Thomson had emailed their policy before we set off we wouldnt have bought duty free.

Apart from that, we are having a great time - sitting now next to MrMrs Coalman. See you next Sunday Dereham Girl and Mickmg. X.



Ps: suggest you don't book a cycle tour. I'm stll in recovery!!!


Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk.

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Agree, it must be a difficult one really and to be honest i hadnt even thought people might take their own drink into the bars !

When we went on Brillince last year we "smuggled" on a small amount of Bacardi to have a drink in the cabin each night as we got ready. We only did this as their bar prices are so high. I know many that did the same and think its quite common when the rules are so strict and the prices are so high.

Thomsons bar prices are good, its a real cheek if people take their own alcohol into the bars and if this has happened ( which now its been mentioned i would think poss happens more than we think!) then maybe you can see their point of view.


Probably a case of a few spoiling it for the rest of us.


I saw a new thread on here yesterday, someone asking about the managers name, he said they had run out of Pinot on board so he bought some ashore, cant remember the whole of the post but he did say during the first week he took a bottle of his own wine onto the prom deck and asked for 2 glasses and a bucket of ice, he then said when he tried to bring more on the second week he was stopped and the wine taken from him.


Could this be the straw that broke the camels back?

Not meaning in any way to point the finger at him at all and may have got it wrong.

Think his name was Grab or similar.


Really hope they sort it out and things get back to normal so those of us who stick to the rules can still have a drink in the cabin or buy ciggarettes on board and smoke them, my husband is a smoker so will really effect us but im sure things wont be as bad as they seem at the moment once things settle down.

Hi yes it was me grab1.

I was quite happy paying for my Pinot @£16.95 a bottle but when they so calked ran out after our 4th bottle and only buy by the glass, which you can't get it on the AI so what do you do?

Dreamgirl don't blame me for what was going down!


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Sorry guys, just got wifi on Grand Anse beach Grenada. To clarify, booze packed in suitcase probably ok but hide it in cabin, any alcohol bought on ship from shop is taken away until you leave. Any alcohol bought in port is taken from you as you reembark. This only started when we arrived last Sunday - people who were startingtheir second week were also affected from Sunday without prior warning. If Thomson had emailed their policy before we set off we wouldnt have bought duty free.

Apart from that, we are having a great time - sitting now next to MrMrs Coalman. See you next Sunday Dereham Girl and Mickmg. X.



Ps: suggest you don't book a cycle tour. I'm stll in recovery!!!


Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... Grand Anse on Grenada - what a fabulous, fabulous place. One of my all-time favourites. Thanks for the up-date and keeping us posted - I can imagine where you are and at least you will be able to chill there! Enjoy! :)

(Don't forget to sample the rum punches! ;) )

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Sorry guys, just got wifi on Grand Anse beach Grenada. To clarify, booze packed in suitcase probably ok but hide it in cabin, any alcohol bought on ship from shop is taken away until you leave. Any alcohol bought in port is taken from you as you reembark. This only started when we arrived last Sunday - people who were startingtheir second week were also affected from Sunday without prior warning. If Thomson had emailed their policy before we set off we wouldnt have bought duty free.

Apart from that, we are having a great time - sitting now next to MrMrs Coalman. See you next Sunday Dereham Girl and Mickmg. X.



Ps: suggest you don't book a cycle tour. I'm stll in recovery!!!


Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk.


Hi jaceyar,


Thanks for the update, hope you having a great time.


If you read this before you leave, can you clarify if this covers cigarettes as well, as that is the odd one, I mean, what harm does that do to them, they might as well keep hold of any crisps, chocolates or fridge magnets as well then!

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I am reading all the posts ref IE/Thomson ships and also the changes from last Sunday (drinks bought ashore/in shop now taken and given back last night Thomson ships). So its £1,50 per drink surcharge for known brands (40 ml measures that means 25 shots from a litre bottle equals £36 cost £9) given we have already paid AI(last year 10 p) Also now going by post you cannot get a pint (served as half pints????). Barmy

Have Thomson lost the plot, Look after the customers they will return and spend money. Seems new strategy is , lets think up things that our customers will hate !!! Guess what, we have options, and each time you tweak what was standard the offer becomes less attractive. and not happy


Thoughts anyone


Can someone from Thomson please once and for all clear up what is policy

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I was also thinking that if they will not allow us to carry on drinks from the flight in this will also have an effect on the Thomson fight attendants.

Once it gets around the about the no duty free policy then customers will not buy duty free on the outbound flights, so no commision for the attendants either. They will not be happy. Thomson will also probably see a reduction in duty free sales on board as fewer people will buy it.

Perhaps with the upset customers Thomson may have shot themselves in the foot

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What I really don't understand is why this has been introduced now, a few weeks from the end of the season? Now it is nearly April theres only about 3/4 sailings left until the summer season. Why Thomson couldn't have started it at the start of a season and notified everyone about a months in advance of changes? We would still have been annoyed at the changes, but at least we would have had notification of them, but, yet again, its an example of poor communication between customers and it seems with staff also. The past few months, since the AI changes, it seems that staff didn't know the exact rules and new policies of that, poor communication again.


A clear and transparent policy explaining the rules and with plenty of notification time goes a long way Thomson and, yes the changes would still be annoying, but at least we would have been told. To randomly change the policy, with some people even halfway through their cruise is unfair. :(

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"A clear and transparent policy explaining the rules and with plenty of notification time goes a long way Thomson and, yes the changes would still be annoying, but at least we would have been told. To randomly change the policy, with some people even halfway through their cruise is unfair."



Agree, need more Details please Thomson?


Ello anyone there ? :confused:


loyal customers here :rolleyes:


well we used to be :cool:


Stevie :)

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"A clear and transparent policy explaining the rules and with plenty of notification time goes a long way Thomson and, yes the changes would still be annoying, but at least we would have been told. To randomly change the policy, with some people even halfway through their cruise is unfair."



Agree, need more Details please Thomson?


Ello anyone there ? :confused:


loyal customers here :rolleyes:


well we used to be :cool:


Stevie :)


They seem to be good at being silent Stevie


wonder if they know at Thomson Towers that ...


Silent is an anagram of Listen


I hope they do try the latter:cool::)

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We are sailing on Thomson for 1st time 3rd August on Spirit from Harwich. Our previous cruises have been on RCI, Ocean Village and NCL. All of the issues that are being complained about on this thread have been policies on all of the Lines we have sailed with. Only difference between Lines seems age of ships and onboard facilities and the duty free issues. We decided to go with Thomson on recommendations from friends about food, entertainment and quality of service. Having always purchased our drinks on a pay as we go basis hope our cruise will not be spoilt by protesting returning Thomson customers.


Notwithstanding you do have a valid reason to complain!

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We are sailing on Thomson for 1st time 3rd August on Spirit from Harwich. Our previous cruises have been on RCI, Ocean Village and NCL. All of the issues that are being complained about on this thread have been policies on all of the Lines we have sailed with. Only difference between Lines seems age of ships and onboard facilities and the duty free issues. We decided to go with Thomson on recommendations from friends about food, entertainment and quality of service. Having always purchased our drinks on a pay as we go basis hope our cruise will not be spoilt by protesting returning Thomson customers.


Notwithstanding you do have a valid reason to complain!


I have to agree with you Barkeeper. I have been following this thread, but for reasons that some of you will know of I chose not to comment. I do agree that Thomson should not have changed policy mid-season. I had actually said to someone on here that they didn't mind you taking drink onboard unlike the American lines and that in fact we didn't even have our bags checked at all on the Majesty after our initial boarding.


I also think that Okavango hit the nail on the head about people smuggling drinks in to the bars in their bags etc., although why they would do that, I'm not sure, as the drinks on Thomson ships are very reasonable, about the same price as pubs at home.


Now, I could understand that on other cruise lines! On Celebrity, for example your are allowed to take two bottles of wine when boarding at Southampton, for drinking in your cabin. However, they do not supply wine glasses in the cabin, so you cannot take a drink up to the dining room with you ;)


I think if you have not been on other cruise lines, you do not realize

a) the price of drinks (from $42 for a bottle of wine:eek:) and

b) the banning of all alcohol being brought on board and

c) now I hear that Princess have destroyed smuggled alcohol :eek:


I hope you enjoy your cruise with Thomson. Your friends are certainly right about the food, entertainmenmt and service.


As has been said many times on here - if the quality of the onboard service could be replicated by "The Management" we would all be much happier :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with you Barkeeper. I have been following this thread, but for reasons that some of you will know of I chose not to comment. I do agree that Thomson should not have changed policy mid-season. I had actually said to someone on here that they didn't mind you taking drink onboard unlike the American lines and that in fact we didn't even have our bags checked at all on the Majesty after our initial boarding.


I also think that Okavango hit the nail on the head about people smuggling drinks in to the bars in their bags etc., although why they would do that, I'm not sure, as the drinks on Thomson ships are very reasonable, about the same price as pubs at home.


Now, I could understand that on other cruise lines! On Celebrity, for example your are allowed to take two bottles of wine when boarding at Southampton, for drinking in your cabin. However, they do not supply wine glasses in the cabin, so you cannot take a drink up to the dining room with you ;)


I think if you have not been on other cruise lines, you do not realize

a) the price of drinks (from $42 for a bottle of wine:eek:) and

b) the banning of all alcohol being brought on board and

c) now I hear that Princess have destroyed smuggled alcohol :eek:


I hope you enjoy your cruise with Thomson. Your friends are certainly right about the food, entertainmenmt and service.


As has been said many times on here - if the quality of the onboard service could be replicated by "The Management" we would all be much happier :rolleyes:


We will enjoy our cruise, thanks for your good wishes. Our friends have so many good things to say about Tomsons we know we are in good hands.

Ocean Village had the best attitude, buy an on board drink package, have it delivered to your cabin and do with it what you want. Sadly gone under, not bust but to Australia. This cruise is for itinery and ease of home port departure.

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Good luck with that! The ignorant *%&$s have deleted the last 4 comments I put on the blog without responding. I've given up with it now, they seem quite content to give incorrect advice to their customers.


Hi Grez,


I've just take a look through our blogs and can't see any comments that have been removed or spammed from yourself. If there's anything you'd like for us to look into or feedback to us about, feel free to send it across to thomsoncares@thomson.co.uk.




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Hi Grez,


I've just take a look through our blogs and can't see any comments that have been removed or spammed from yourself. If there's anything you'd like for us to look into or feedback to us about, feel free to send it across to thomsoncares@thomson.co.uk.





Hi Lauren,


Thanks for that, I think I will take screenshots of my comments in future.

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Hi Grez,


I've just take a look through our blogs and can't see any comments that have been removed or spammed from yourself. If there's anything you'd like for us to look into or feedback to us about, feel free to send it across to thomsoncares@thomson.co.uk.





You have also removed comments of mine!


All I asked was whether cigarettes were being confiscated from duty free until the end of the cruise, and of so, why.


Why you feel the need to remove that comment, and not even answer it, there or here, really stinks, why can't you answer a simple question?

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Just checked my bill for the Thomson Dream cruise for last April 2012, 28 days, and found we had spent £135 on ciggies in the on board shop. What accountant decided it was a good idea to stop us buying ciggies to consume on board? More losses for Thomson.

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