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Viking Chateaux, Rivers & Wine


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Viking Chateaux, Rivers and Wine ~ 2014

April 12, 2014 ~ id4elizabeth – ports missed Cadillac

April 12, 2014 ~ Go Pack – ports missed Cadillac

April 26, 2014 ~ tipsygirl – ports missed Cadillac & Blaye

April 26, 2014 ~ ChesapeakeSailor – ports missed Cadillac & Blaye

May 10, 2014 ~ editor@cruisecritic: Carolyn

May 17, 2014 ~ kidfixer: Linda

May 24, 2014 ~ MalibooNewYork Theresa

May 31, 2014 ~ ABQcruiser

June 28, 2014 ~ Le bon vin

July 5, 2014 ~ magellan2022

July 12, 2014 ~ vcgeno

July 12, 2014 ~ SueFrankuk

July 19, 2014 ~ loge23

Aug. 9, 2014 ~ kbella

Aug. 16, 2014 ~ lovetocruise17 – cancelled, illness

Aug. 23, 2014 ~ MABoat

Aug. 30, 2014 ~ roebud; Rose & Gary

Sept. 6, 2014 ~ indianrider - CANCELLED

Sept 13, 2014 ~ smokinmike

Sept. 20, 2014 ~ zmjh45

Sept. 27, 2014 ~ parkie

Oct. 4, 2014 ~ FotoPeg: John & Peg, Tony & Linda

Oct. 18, 2014 ~ Dbakers: Dave & Donna

Oct. 18, 2014 ~ Grizzlymj

Oct. 18, 2014 ~ Alltravels: Nancy & David

Oct. 25, 2014 ~ KathyA: Tom and Kathy

Nov. 1, 2014 ~ Laffey724

Nov. 22, 2014 ~ itchyfeetx2

Nov. 22, 2014 ~ sable16

Nov. 22, 2014 ~ lionsfan99

Dec. 13, 2014 ~ Vinelvr

Viking Chateaux, Rivers and Wine ~ 2015

Aug. 22, 2015 ~ ganski

Sept. 26, 2015 ~ Adoremus

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Back from our 3 week river and ocean cruise extravaganza and have wonderful memories of both cruises.


FotoPeg....We past cruisers all envy you for the anticipation and excitement you have in your heart. I as well as the rest wish you a wonderful cruise.....You will love it!!!


AND....We also booked our next river cruise.....September 2015, 23 day Amsterdam to Bucharest......Sooooo.....Excited!!!



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Oh Rose ~ thank you SO much for your lovely words!!! I'm really just an overgrown 5-year old who can't wait for new adventures!!! Even thought we've been to Paris, I know this trip will be different - no two trip are ever the same so Viva La Difference!!!!!


And the cruise - from what all of you have written it'll be just fantastic - SO many things sound SO great!!!


And I'm still holding my breath with the Air France strike but it looks like we're "good to go"!!!! We have our boarding passes - now just hoping there's a plane at the gate when we get there!!!! (I'm SO tired of googling the AF Status page - no matter what happens on the cruise it can't be as stressful as this!!)


Amsterdam to Bucharest? GOOD for you!!!! We're looking at Nuremburg to Budapest for next fall to include a side trip to Werdau where John's G'father came from plus maybe a quick trip to the Munich Octoberfest! Amsterdam is fabulous - plan on a few days there - its a fun city!!

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We + our friends made to Paris safely - just a few hours behind schedule!! Hurray!!! Our flight wasn't cancelled but delayed - on the way to USA from Paris the plane had to make an emergency stop at Halifax due to a sick passenger.


Our friends' flight was cancelled Wednesday evening but my DH caught it on the Air France status page almost immediately and they rebooked themselves even though they had their air fare through Viking. The Viking rep called them late Thursday morning to tell tem their flight was cancelled and was very surprised they had been able to rebook!!! Hurray for them!!


Our apartment, booked through VRBO, is very nice with a great view of the Eiffel Tower!!!


We took a car service into Paris that was recommended on the French Ports forum - I would also highly recommend it!! We paid 55 euros plus tip, the driver met us as we exited picking up our luggage, waited as I purchased the metro visits cards, took us to his car and off we went right into Paris!!

Here's the link: http://www.shuttle-inter.com/.


More later!!!

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FotoPeg...Have a wonderful pre-cruise. I just developed a wave of excitement hearing about your experience.


Take time to enjoy each day


Please keep us posted on your experience with the river cruise. It no doubt will be a wonderful and memorable experience. The images of the Forsetti cruise are still well planted in my mind.





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Rose ~ your words always make me feel SO good!! Paris has been fantastic!!! And the weather wonderful! And the apartment working out very we'll - love, love, love the idea of so much more room than an a hotel and being able to easily have bk before we leave to begin our day!


I feel like out time here is rushing by - SO happy we have the cruise to look forward to!!!


Today we're off to see the Eiffel Tower - and the sun should be out!!! Big difference than 2 years ago!!!!


More from the ship on Saturday!!!!

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FotoPeg....So happy to hear that your vacation is starting out so well.....BUT...............


.............The best is yet to come.............


I'm reliving our vacation as you describe yours. Eiffel Tower is breathtaking. DH didn't want to wait in the long queue for the elevator and we actually took the stairs down from the 2nd level to the bottom. The next day our legs were so sore....Wouldn't recommend it.


Keep us posted on your travels



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Hi Rose ~


Our week in Paris has flown by!! Can't believe we leave tomorrow morning for Bordeaux!! About 22 months in the planning - I really was we could s-l-o-w down time while enjoying it!! We did lots in Paris but the time seems to have just disappeared - but at least I have over 1000 photos to remember our time here!!


Now - on to the Viking Cruise!!!!


(sorry for the size of the photo - don't have access to programs while traveling!)


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Oh ginabab ~


Thank you SO much!!! Just went to the reception desk and sake if someone had left a bottle of wine for FotoPeg and they said yes, are you her! Michael, the hotel director was there and said they'd send it right down! I feel like a celebrity!!!!


Thank you SO much!!!!!! More later!!!!

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ginabab...what and gracious and generous gift. Although I am not a recipient, I am touched by your thoughtfulness. How kind and generous of you.


FotoPeg...Please keep us informed on your Viking Forsetti experience



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ginabab ~ I can't thank you enough for the wine!!! It was a fabulous way to begin our cruise! They sent a bottle to our room plus they came over during dinner, presented my DH with a bottle as a gift, opened it and poured it for us, our traveling companions and another couple sitting with us - just wonderful!!! So, I really do THANK YOU for being SO thoughtful!!!!


Rose ~ our experience so far has been very mixed. Don't get me wrong, we're having a great time, but I do have to say that I feel there's a "spirit" missing among the crew that was shinning last December on the Rinda! And also present 2 years ago on the Neptune, Rhone River. The Hotel Director (? will check his role), Michael, is a stand-out!! He's very personable, always around, does everything - from big to small jobs!!! Maybe since this is a new cruise the crew just hasn't clicked yet - plus we still have awhile to go!!!


I thought the dinner at Chateau Kirwan was fantastic - the wine to just die for!!! But, sadly I wasn't impressed by the wine-tasting/ride that came before. We went to Prieure-Lichine and, sadly, we weren't impressed! We stopped too many times for photos of Chateaux and even at a "quaint" little restored village - DH said "quaint" was French for wasting time as we rode back and forth over the same twisty road until our guide, Elaine (who was rather good) decided it was time to get to dinner. Unfortunately we were the 3rd bus to arrive and missed walking the grounds to see the beautiful sculpture others have commented upon! I think Viking had a good concept for the excursion but it was poorly executed since there were 4 buses that went to different places at different times and so zigged-zagged all over for 3+ hours!! Hope they'll improve for next year!!


The Blaye walking tour was very nice - never expected some stores inside the citadel! Our guide Marie was good. DH is off making Cognac - I had planned to see more of Blaye but the rain helped me decided to catch up on mail! Internet service is so-so!!!! We're having afternoon tea as we get ready to cast off to Libourne!!!

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Just some observations ~


Bordeaux Saint Jean station - IF you arrive on one of the inner tracks, there is a ramp at the far front end of the platform (heard there was one at the far back end but not sure!) you can take that down, walk under the tracks and go up via escalator - heaven with heavy luggage!! Then follow the signs for taxi - towards the left entrance. Ours cost 22euro for 4 of us + 4 heavy suitcases. BUT - make sure the driver takes you up on the embankment and down to Viking. Ours left us at one end - I thought it was as far as he could go - and I walked quickly ahead towards the ship to get help for DH who was struggling with his cane + bag. There were 2 Viking reps sitting there who jumped up as soon as they realized where I was heading and one hurried to help DH. That was the end of the luggage until we found it in our room - they were great!!!


Weather - don't believe the forecast! The towns on the river are very, very windy! We're in Blue and this part of the river is about 2 miles wide so the shore gets hit with lots of wind!! Today the walk ashore isn't too long, but yesterday it was also very windy and there was a long gangplank that faced the front of the ship. Then a long walk alongside the length of the ship and then a long walk to land - there was a town docking area between the Viking ship and land. It was windy and cold the whole way! Just a "heads-up"!!!

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Today's walking tour to the citadel was very nice and DH was very, very happy with the optional excursion to Cognac - although it was a long day ending as the bus arrived at 7:15 just as dinner was beginning! Actually the kitchen had been alerted (thank you Michael!!) and all was OK as the group arrived a little late!!!


Again our dinner was fabulous - I really think the meals on this cruise are a big step above the others we have experienced on Viking!!! Chef Max's presentation of the beef dish (cooked in red wine a la Beef Bourgogne) was genius - only word I can use to describe it!!! You must experience it to understand!!!!! Only hope the food continues to the same standard!!!!


Tomorrow should be a long day but hoping for the best!!!! (I'm jealous of all of you who'll be traveling after us!!!!)

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I must say that the Viking night crew (11pm) is fantastic as they say " Good Evening, Madam" as I stagger past them (dinner + wine tasting) carrying my tablet, iPhone, glasses, room key, shoes (thought the heels were a good idea hours ago!!)!! They are SO proper and diplomatic - can I take them home with me!!!!

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DH made his own Cognac yesterday and had a fabulous time! Tour left the ship at 1:15 and returned a little late about 7:15 - just as the dining room was filling up! Since I had stayed behind I quickly saved seats for him and our friends! They made it in time to order but he said the rush was well worth it since the tour was SO good! I'll get more specifics from him.


I stayed on board and Viking didn't forget about us! We had French tea with wonderful pastries in the afternoon and also the CD gave a French lesson - wish I had it before going to Paris!!


And after dinner the sommelier, Franck, had a wonderful wine-tasting! Only drawback for us personally was that it had been too long a day for DH!! But try and stay up for it - informative and fun!!!


Today we're off to the Chateau for wine tasting and lunch! Our friend are going truffle hunting (bus leaves at 8am!!) so I'll try and report back on both excursions!

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Dbakers ~ thanks for the vote of confidence! Just trying to "pay it forward" for all the advice we've gotten through the years! Just happy the WiFi seems to be working although a fellow passenger was just complaining about it! I found it works we'll in the reception area and upstairs but not really in the cabins. I sneak out here early - so I don't wake DH - write and then get him coffee & morning news. Works well for us!!

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Today was the day!!!! If I had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, it'd be a 15!!!!


Pauline was our guide - ask for her, she's fabulous!! We spent about an hour in Libourne at the market - fun experience. Then the bus took us to the Chateau - about 25 minutes away - nothing like Sunday's trip!


As we were driving into the Chateau, Paul Goldsmith stopped the buses to invite us into his fields to see the actual picking! And he kept encouraging us to taste the grapes on the vine! Then it was off to see the wine making process and taste the juice that was pressed yesterday, then a week ago and then a month ago - fabulous to taste how the juice/wine changes in even just days!!!


Then he took us through his Chateau and explained his collections - plates, hats, books, etc. - as we all took photos! Then time for lunch - and what a sampling it was - interesting and all bought fresh from the Libourne market today! Because of that, I'm sure the menu changes almost every week!


Paul Goldsmith is SO passionate about his wine & Chateau its unbelievable!!! He is the most gracious host in the world! His enthusiasm hasn't faded in the least and it was a joy to be in his presence!!!


St Emilion is a wonderful city - but not easy to walk - cobble stones, narrow sidewalks, very steep - but, unless you have a problem walking, don't miss it!!!

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Hi, FotoPeg, so glad you loved the Chateau (I still can't spell it :) ) -- glad you're having a good cruise and it's fun to relive it through your trip....




Carolyn Spencer Brown

Editor in Chief

Cruise Critic


Today was the day!!!! If I had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, it'd be a 15!!!!


Pauline was our guide - ask for her, she's fabulous!! We spent about an hour in Libourne at the market - fun experience. Then the bus took us to the Chateau - about 25 minutes away - nothing like Sunday's trip!


As we were driving into the Chateau, Paul Goldsmith stopped the buses to invite us into his fields to see the actual picking! And he kept encouraging us to taste the grapes on the vine! Then it was off to see the wine making process and taste the juice that was pressed yesterday, then a week ago and then a month ago - fabulous to taste how the juice/wine changes in even just days!!!


Then he took us through his Chateau and explained his collections - plates, hats, books, etc. - as we all took photos! Then time for lunch - and what a sampling it was - interesting and all bought fresh from the Libourne market today! Because of that, I'm sure the menu changes almost every week!


Paul Goldsmith is SO passionate about his wine & Chateau its unbelievable!!! He is the most gracious host in the world! His enthusiasm hasn't faded in the least and it was a joy to be in his presence!!!


St Emilion is a wonderful city - but not easy to walk - cobble stones, narrow sidewalks, very steep - but, unless you have a problem walking, don't miss it!!!

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FotoPeg, please tell Franck hello from Teijo and Carolyn from Cruise Critic, and we promise the next time we're all in Vienna at the same time we'll touch base!




DH made his own Cognac yesterday and had a fabulous time! Tour left the ship at 1:15 and returned a little late about 7:15 - just as the dining room was filling up! Since I had stayed behind I quickly saved seats for him and our friends! They made it in time to order but he said the rush was well worth it since the tour was SO good! I'll get more specifics from him.


I stayed on board and Viking didn't forget about us! We had French tea with wonderful pastries in the afternoon and also the CD gave a French lesson - wish I had it before going to Paris!!


And after dinner the sommelier, Franck, had a wonderful wine-tasting! Only drawback for us personally was that it had been too long a day for DH!! But try and stay up for it - informative and fun!!!


Today we're off to the Chateau for wine tasting and lunch! Our friend are going truffle hunting (bus leaves at 8am!!) so I'll try and report back on both excursions!

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