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Poor Manners being Discussed on Another Forum....


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I, like most of the posters, have been the recipient of much rudeness - not just on ships but also in the "real world" when we get home. But the things that continually get my hackles up are when people are rude to crew members just because they are crew. For instance, a few years ago while on a New Zealand cruise on the Volendam, we were waiting in line for the shuttle bus to take us out of the port area and to downtown (almost every port in NZ requires these). There were some crew members ahead of us - from the bar staff and kitchen. I had asked one of the women, who was a server in the Ocean Bar, if she was going to enjoy a day off in port, but she told us that their group only had 2 hours off and needed to be back at work. It was a 30 minute drive in to Christchurch from the port each way, so they were rushing. At that same time, a group of passengers started pushing past them, telling them loudly that they were crew and even though we were off the ship, they shouldn't have to wait for crew members. My husband (who was a college football player - linebacker - and quite intimidating) quickly stepped in front of their leader and not only made them go back to the back of the line, but also made them apologize to the off duty crew members. Unfortunately we see this all the time though - crew members off in port enjoying themselves and other passengers just treating them like servants and non-equals.


You have a good husband!

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On our recent Ryndam cruise we experienced some rude, or just downright inconsiderate behaviour, from a passenger we never knowingly saw. Sometime after our bags had been delivered to our cabin we noticed that one bag was missing. We informed the service desk and gave a description of the missing bag. Oue cabin steward was also told. The bag was still missing the following day and we were informed that the cabin stewards were doing a spot check in all the rooms. On Tuesday the bag had still not been found, and I expected that we wouldn't see it again. Kudos to the service desk who phoned us several times to let us know that they were still searching for the bag. Every time we saw our cabin steward he apologised profusely, almost to the point that we wish we hadn't mentioned it to him! HAL paid for us to have some computer time so we could locate and print off proof of our travel insurance in case it should be needed, and we had purchased some missing toiletries on our first port day. Late Wednesday afternoon we ran into our steward again, only this time he took us to his little store room and there was our missing bag. Yeah! We misunderstood him and thought he had it there for some time, but we were certainly happy to be reunited with our bag! We went to the service desk to let them know that the bag had been found. Apparently when the stewards had begun to ask passengers if they had an unidentified bag in their room, until one said "oh yes, there's a bag in our room that doesn't belong to us". Would it have been so much bother to inform someone of that fact, instead of waiting to be asked? BTW, and we never asked, HAL compensated us with $50 OBC.

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Just maybe the rude person might think twice. If you do nothing they certainly won't change.


I think if you can call the person out on their behavior in front of others, and they get a few shaming looks then it can make a difference. If you are silent and tolerate their bad manners I think that reinforces their belief that no one else has rights or even a voice to stand up for themselves.


Have not had this happen on a cruise, but in a grocery store I hate it when people crawl right up on me - either bumping me with their cart or walking up to stand beside my shoulder as I enter a pin. I have simply said "I am sorry I must be going too slow for you. Please don't run into me / look over my shoulder as I enter my pin." This gets the attention of the others in line and also the store clerk.

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On our recent Ryndam cruise we experienced some rude, or just downright inconsiderate behaviour, from a passenger we never knowingly saw. Sometime after our bags had been delivered to our cabin we noticed that one bag was missing. We informed the service desk and gave a description of the missing bag. Oue cabin steward was also told. The bag was still missing the following day and we were informed that the cabin stewards were doing a spot check in all the rooms. On Tuesday the bag had still not been found, and I expected that we wouldn't see it again. Kudos to the service desk who phoned us several times to let us know that they were still searching for the bag. Every time we saw our cabin steward he apologised profusely, almost to the point that we wish we hadn't mentioned it to him! HAL paid for us to have some computer time so we could locate and print off proof of our travel insurance in case it should be needed, and we had purchased some missing toiletries on our first port day. Late Wednesday afternoon we ran into our steward again, only this time he took us to his little store room and there was our missing bag. Yeah! We misunderstood him and thought he had it there for some time, but we were certainly happy to be reunited with our bag! We went to the service desk to let them know that the bag had been found. Apparently when the stewards had begun to ask passengers if they had an unidentified bag in their room, until one said "oh yes, there's a bag in our room that doesn't belong to us". Would it have been so much bother to inform someone of that fact, instead of waiting to be asked? BTW, and we never asked, HAL compensated us with $50 OBC.


I hope the same thing happens to them. That is something else.

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On our recent Ryndam cruise we experienced some rude, or just downright inconsiderate behaviour, from a passenger we never knowingly saw. Sometime after our bags had been delivered to our cabin we noticed that one bag was missing. We informed the service desk and gave a description of the missing bag. Oue cabin steward was also told. The bag was still missing the following day and we were informed that the cabin stewards were doing a spot check in all the rooms. On Tuesday the bag had still not been found, and I expected that we wouldn't see it again. Kudos to the service desk who phoned us several times to let us know that they were still searching for the bag. Every time we saw our cabin steward he apologised profusely, almost to the point that we wish we hadn't mentioned it to him! HAL paid for us to have some computer time so we could locate and print off proof of our travel insurance in case it should be needed, and we had purchased some missing toiletries on our first port day. Late Wednesday afternoon we ran into our steward again, only this time he took us to his little store room and there was our missing bag. Yeah! We misunderstood him and thought he had it there for some time, but we were certainly happy to be reunited with our bag! We went to the service desk to let them know that the bag had been found. Apparently when the stewards had begun to ask passengers if they had an unidentified bag in their room, until one said "oh yes, there's a bag in our room that doesn't belong to us". Would it have been so much bother to inform someone of that fact, instead of waiting to be asked? BTW, and we never asked, HAL compensated us with $50 OBC.



I so knew that was where your story was going as I continued reading. How selfish can someone be to not speak up they have a suitcase they know someone else is very eager to be reunited with. Awful.


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I think if you can call the person out on their behavior in front of others, and they get a few shaming looks then it can make a difference. If you are silent and tolerate their bad manners I think that reinforces their belief that no one else has rights or even a voice to stand up for themselves.


Have not had this happen on a cruise, but in a grocery store I hate it when people crawl right up on me - either bumping me with their cart or walking up to stand beside my shoulder as I enter a pin. I have simply said "I am sorry I must be going too slow for you. Please don't run into me / look over my shoulder as I enter my pin." This gets the attention of the others in line and also the store clerk.


I've had that happen too. It's so annoying. I hate it when someone is in my personal space.

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I so knew that was where your story was going as I continued reading. How selfish can someone be to not speak up they have a suitcase they know someone else is very eager to be reunited with. Awful.



One would think at the very least the inconsiderate people would have been anxious to get rid of an extra suitcase that would have been in the way. Even if they had just opened the door and put the case in the corridor it would have found its way back to the owner.

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There are few good things to say about someone on a cruise ship who knows there is a guest aboard without their luggage and does nothing to assure they get it to them. It's a whole category of 'miserable person'. IMO



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Just maybe the rude person might think twice. If you do nothing they certainly won't change.

Yes, and they will continue to do it because most will not say anything. I certainly don't believe in getting in any kind of "battle" with them but I do think it's appropriate to point out their rudeness in a subtle way. Maybe if more people did.............oh, probably not...........they may think twice.:(


One time I was getting ready to put cream in my coffee from a creamer when a man reached across and grabbed the creamer, which BTW, he emptied. I said I couldn't believe he did that and he said he had people waiting for him.

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This is why I avoid the buffet at all costs. When the little boy says to his mom " look mom the jello giggles when I touch it" he played with every dish while his mother laughed. I just went back to our table and told DH "don't eat the jello"



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Times that I have been the victim of rude behaviour, I have asked the perp:


"You've never been to Philadelphia, have you?"


Most times, they look at me like I am a green space alien. After they answer no, why, whatever, I inform them:


"Because that kind of behavior would have resulted in you being stabbed or shot."

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I will simply vack up and step on their feet. Hard. Following up with a very polite "Pardon me, I didn't know you were behind me."

Same as in line at the grocery.


Realistcally, it's not a problem for me because it's at the buffet, where I'm not.

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I will simply vack up and step on their feet. Hard. Following up with a very polite "Pardon me, I didn't know you were behind me."

Same as in line at the grocery.


Realistcally, it's not a problem for me because it's at the buffet, where I'm not.



Realistically, it can and does happen most everywhere.


The deli counter waiting your turn to be served in the market, the lineup to get checked in at the cruise terminal, ever notice the pushing and shoving at the luggage carousel in airports, the crowd waiting to board the tender......


If you go out and about in the world, realisitically it can and likely will happen to all of us one time or another.


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There are few good things to say about someone on a cruise ship who knows there is a guest aboard without their luggage and does nothing to assure they get it to them. It's a whole category of 'miserable person'. IMO




Once at an airport luggage carousel I waited in vain for my bag to appear. I finally went to the claims office, filled out the paperwork and was about to leave the terminal, when I saw my bag in a corner between the revolving door and the wall. When I went back to remove the loss report, the clerk said "Oh yes, that happens every now and then, someone grabs the wrong bag and then just leaves it anywhere when they notice and go back for theirs."


Ever since, I now travel with large, obvious symbols in tape on my bag - not because I need it for identification but to keep some inconsiderate lout for doing that to me again.

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After a cruise that began and ended in Miami we had to wait a long time to board a bus to the airport. We had very elderly parents with us. The lines weren't moving quickly because people kept walking up near the front and cutting in the lines!


After about an hour in the heat we finally got close to a bus. Immediately in front of us was a woman with young children. Two very young men cut in front of her and I lost my tempter.


I yelled stop it. And they just stood in their stolen spot. I went and stood next to them and gave them a piece of my mind. They didn't move.


No one from the cruise line helped at all.


Finally an older man from our line came up and told the young men to get out of the line and they did, but they were almost to the point of getting on the bus.

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This is why I avoid the buffet at all costs. When the little boy says to his mom " look mom the jello giggles when I touch it" he played with every dish while his mother laughed. I just went back to our table and told DH "don't eat the jello"




On an AI holiday in Spain last year, the young boy ahead of me at the dessert counter was using his hand to scoop the jello into his dish :eek:

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This is why I avoid the buffet at all costs. When the little boy says to his mom " look mom the jello giggles when I touch it" he played with every dish while his mother laughed. I just went back to our table and told DH "don't eat the jello"




What do you do when the "senior" ahead of you puts food on her plate, culls through the dish and returns what she decides she doesn't want to the buffet table ??? All this takes approx. 5 minutes - at each item she shows interest in. I was so grossed out - I skipped the meal entirely and made sure she was never in the dining areas when I went to eat.

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Thankfully the conduct described by the OP and others in this thread is very, very rare on HAL ships. It has been our experience that HAL passengers are very friendly and very well behaved. I think you all make wonderful cruise mates.


I'm glad to read that rude behavior is not typical behavior of HAL passengers.



DW and I have never cruised on HAL but were considering it to celebrate our anniversary next year.

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I think if you can call the person out on their behavior in front of others, and they get a few shaming looks then it can make a difference. If you are silent and tolerate their bad manners I think that reinforces their belief that no one else has rights or even a voice to stand up for themselves.



I agree. I like to stand up for myself and to make a point that what the person is doing isn't polite.


This didn't happen on a cruise but while waiting in line to get on a chair lift at a ski mountain. I was in a singles line. When you ride as a single you ride apart from the other people in your group, but you get to the front of the lift line faster. There were two singles lines. The lines merged, and people in the two lines are supposed to alternate. At the merge, the guy in the next line went ahead, and I was supposed to be next. He looks to his girlfriend/wife behind him in line and tells her to sneak ahead and join him in line. He says this right in front of me as I am looking directly at him. Then he says to me "You don't mind, do you?" I thought he was so rude! If he had asked nicely in the first place I would have been ok with it, but he was trying to sneak her in and pretty much assumed I would let them do it. So I said "Actually I do mind. I was next." He got pretty rude about it but let me go ahead. The girlfriend/wife looked like she felt awkward/embarassed by his behavior.

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