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Seeing Dr on cruise?


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So you are going to take her to the ships Dr to get this document even if she is not sick?


That is not thinking outside the box, that is just dishonest, plain and simple.


You cannot do everything in life. Make a choice.


Frankly I could have cared less to participate in my HS or College graduation ceremony. Did it for my parents I guess.


Wow...I suppose that means you have never called in sick to work, when you weren't really sick? ...Nah, that would be dishonest.

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my advice is go to urgent care 24 hrs before the cruise and ask the Dr for a note requesting time off. my daughter will be missing one week of school to go on the cruise but i made her teachers and principle aware of it back in sept.

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I would say if the one that had the date change is the one in question, then I think you should have a discussion with someone on the school board or the district leadership. If that fails, you can always have lawyer send a letter and get things going that way

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here is what happened.


seniors were suppose to be done with school on 5/17, and return on 5/29 for the actual graduation.


There is a rehearsal in school on 5/22 (will miss), and another one on site on 5/28 (will be back for that one).


2 weeks ago, they changed it to extend exams into the week of 5/20 (however, this does not affect my daughter, hers are all the week before).


I am thinking about taking it higher up the chain.


We have the student handbook, there is no mention of this policy of withholding graduation because of missed practice, i don't know if there is any other printed policy on the senior stuff they sent home a couple months ago, trying to find it now.


In fact, a family vacation, IS AN EXCUSED ABSENCE according to published school policy. and under florida statute, they are required to allow a student to make-up academic material (so does graduation practice during school hours constitute "academic"?) when an absence is excused.



for a dr note, they dont have to lie, just state that she saw a doctor in his office on such and such a date. as a matter of fact, i have a note here for another one of our kids (who went to the DR yesterday), and thats all it says. because of HIPAA, thats all that is required.


In my county, they have a fixed schedule. Why did they change it? FL did not have any emergency days this year? Does you county have a school calander posted? I do believe under school policy for a single day absent, a Dr's note is not needed. Just bring all the documents and the oringal schedules and ask them in person.

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I do not recommend the publicity route (tv, newspaper) because you would be telling the whole community the dates your family will be on a cruise. IMO, that is just inviting robbers to your house.

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We havethe same sort of strange situation, but a cruise is not involved. Our daughter, aling with a fair number of other students at her high school, enrolled in the Collegiate High School program. This is a program offered by the high school, were participants take a lot of their classes at the local Community College, and upon satisfactory completion, earn their AA degree, while still enrolled in high school.


The college graduation is actually the day before the high school graduation, so students will actually gradute college before they graduate high school. Last week, the school announced a mandatory breakfast and graduation rehearsal, from 9.00am to noon on the day before graduation, the same day as the college graduation which is at 11.30am.


So what to do, miss the rehearsal and therefore High School Graduation, and attend the College graduation, or attend the rehearsal and miss the College Graduation. That's the dilema our daughter is faced with. There is a second college graduation at 4.00pm, but for graduates of the other campus, the college has 4 campuses, all the high school parents are trying to get the college to allow thier students to attend this second ceremony, time will tell.

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Wow...I suppose that means you have never called in sick to work, when you weren't really sick? ...Nah, that would be dishonest.


I actually went into work yesterday when I was sick. And a couple weeks before that when I had sciatica issues. Maybe some would frown upon that, but at least it sets a better example for my two teenagers than trying to involve medical professionals in a scheme to get around some rules.


Again, you cannot do everything. Make a choice and get on with it already.

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I would escalate this as high as I needed to before I'd consider using the sick card. 3 rehearsals for graduation from high school?? For the love of Mary that is insane! This is a graduation for crying out loud not a broadway musical production. We had no rehearsal and had over 400 kids in my graduating class. We managed just fine. My youngest just graduated from college and despite all the various degrees earned and speakers they managed to do it all with just one rehearsal.


Karma has a way of biting back so I'd avoid the doctor route. Since the school changed the date of the rehearsal that she's missing suggest to them that she will be available for the rehearsal on the date they originally scheduled it for. ;) Good luck and please make sure you share the outcome here :)

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We havethe same sort of strange situation, but a cruise is not involved. Our daughter, aling with a fair number of other students at her high school, enrolled in the Collegiate High School program. This is a program offered by the high school, were participants take a lot of their classes at the local Community College, and upon satisfactory completion, earn their AA degree, while still enrolled in high school.


The college graduation is actually the day before the high school graduation, so students will actually gradute college before they graduate high school. Last week, the school announced a mandatory breakfast and graduation rehearsal, from 9.00am to noon on the day before graduation, the same day as the college graduation which is at 11.30am.


So what to do, miss the rehearsal and therefore High School Graduation, and attend the College graduation, or attend the rehearsal and miss the College Graduation. That's the dilema our daughter is faced with. There is a second college graduation at 4.00pm, but for graduates of the other campus, the college has 4 campuses, all the high school parents are trying to get the college to allow thier students to attend this second ceremony, time will tell.


Wow, you should be very proud of your daughter! I've never heard of an AA program like that. You've got a great dilemma to be in. Good luck!

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Policy is ridiculous and there are always exceptions to the rule. I would definitely go over the head of whomever you talked about cause they are being totally unreasonable. If those dates were given to you before you booked the cruise, an exception should be made. What would they do if she were in the hospital that day and COULDN"T be there? Not let her graduate?? There are always exceptions, you did your best to work around the dates you were given, you can't help that they informed you after plans were made.




What this person said!!

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Can you show someone at the school that you don't see it in the handbook and then show the date you purchased the cruise and the original dates for practice. Show them where you were within the time frame until they changed the rehearsal date and you have non-refundable travel arrangements. Worth a try.


OP - I don't see the note from the doctor onboard as working. If you look at a doctors excuse, it will be on letterhead, usually with an address, phone number, etc. Therefore, the school will know that you were already out of the country. Even though 'technically,' you may have a doctors note, I suspect they will not appreciate your intent, and may punish your daughter by enforcing the 'no rehearsal, no walk' rule.


Mosaic_mom had a great idea. Go and speak to the principal. Be prepared with documentation showing the purchase date of the vacation, the school policy of family vacations being excused, and the original dates on which practice was scheduled. Be sure to point out that at this point, there are no refunds.


Have a calm discussion. Remember, no one likes to be yelled at, blamed, or threatened. When that starts to happen, people are far less likely to be willing to aid you. By remaining calm and asking, "what can we do to make this work?" you are more willing to come to a solution. If you are told this is district policy, etc., schedule a meeting with the Superintendent with the same purpose.

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Oh my gosh, I don't blame you one bit!!

I would do it as well, but I hate that you will be out a large amount of money to see the ship's doctor for this.


In a heartbeat I would choose family time (that you fully believed would not interfere with any school plans prior to planning it) over a rehearsal (especially since there is more than 1). Who would blame you? I would go higher up in the school district, this "policy" sounds off the cuff and thought of at the last minute by some administrator wanting to flex his/her power. Give me a break.


I just hate that because of this you will have to pay to see the ship's doctor. They're not cheap!


Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.

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here is what happened.


seniors were suppose to be done with school on 5/17, and return on 5/29 for the actual graduation.


There is a rehearsal in school on 5/22 (will miss), and another one on site on 5/28 (will be back for that one).


2 weeks ago, they changed it to extend exams into the week of 5/20 (however, this does not affect my daughter, hers are all the week before).


I am thinking about taking it higher up the chain.


We have the student handbook, there is no mention of this policy of withholding graduation because of missed practice, i don't know if there is any other printed policy on the senior stuff they sent home a couple months ago, trying to find it now.


In fact, a family vacation, IS AN EXCUSED ABSENCE according to published school policy. and under florida statute, they are required to allow a student to make-up academic material (so does graduation practice during school hours constitute "academic"?) when an absence is excused.



for a dr note, they dont have to lie, just state that she saw a doctor in his office on such and such a date. as a matter of fact, i have a note here for another one of our kids (who went to the DR yesterday), and thats all it says. because of HIPAA, thats all that is required.

If she goes to the ship doctor, it will be a lie. It will also set you back $100 plus drug costs

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Im not sure they can even make her skip graduation.


There is no public policy (IE: not in the school handbook, which we sign and agree to every year).


The school board DOES have a policy that family vacations ARE an excused absence.


Florida Statute 1003 (the law, not policy), states that school are prohibited from penalizing student with an excused absence.


"If the absence is an excused absence, as defined by district school board policy, the school shall provide opportunities for the student to make up assigned work and not receive an academic penalty unless the work is not made up within a reasonable time."


I would assume that since the rehearsal is during school hours and she is assigned to go to it, that it qualifies as able to be made up.


This would also explain why this "policy" is not mentioned in the quite lengthy student handbook, I'm sure it wasn't excluded by accident.

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This is absolutely ridiculous. She put in the time and did the schoolwork necessary to graduate. Plain and simple. This is just another example of school administrators going overboard with their perceived power.

(Background: I'm 34 my wife is 8 months pregnant and we've already been researching for the ignorant "education" policy battles we're going to have to fight in Alabama.)


I agree though first go through the administration. It would be best for all concerned if you can work it out that way. Also, perhaps this could help affect a positive change for future parents and help these self-righteous pricks realize that the sun does not, in fact, rise and set with them. If that doesn't work damn the torpedoes! I'd cancel the cruise and spend every penny I could spare to get publicity to expose the these fools for the ignorant power-drunk bullies (since they like to throw this word around so freely it should apply to them) they are.


For the poster who said going to the doctor teaches your child that being dishonest is okay - I agree with you. It's a shame that so many school boards put parents into positions where they have to lie. Common sense has been completely eradicated from the system. All these rules and arbitrary policies and we can't produce kids that have basic life skills let alone math skills.


I'm off my soapbox now but this is something I feel very passionately about. Unfortunately not enough people stand up for what is right and cower down to these "administrators" that get their rocks off by oppressing those unfortunate enough to have to enroll in their little fiefdom. All for the "benefit" of a debased diploma anyway.







Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OR you could examine your priorities and make an informed decision.


It's not like not graduating is going to affect your daughter for the rest of her life...




I think graduating from high school is very important.



However, it is my understanding that she will still graduate, but not be allowed to attend the ceremony (which is usually long and boring.)

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Let me come at this from a different perspective. I am a former school board member (1996-2001) in our local district.


First, I agree with everyone who has said that getting a phony doctor's excuse is the wrong way to go.


I would advise you to go to the Superintendent and/or a school board member if you know one, and explain your dilemma. Bring the documentation that you have that shows that they changed the date after you booked the cruise. Be calm, not confrontational. You can also write a letter to the school board if you want to make sure that there is a written request in their files I think this is your best strategy, especially if Florida law says a student cannot be penalized for a family vacation.


If, and only if this does not work, would I consider the take it to my lawyer option.

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Let me come at this from a different perspective. I am a former school board member (1996-2001) in our local district.


First, I agree with everyone who has said that getting a phony doctor's excuse is the wrong way to go.


I would advise you to go to the Superintendent and/or a school board member if you know one, and explain your dilemma. Bring the documentation that you have that shows that they changed the date after you booked the cruise. Be calm, not confrontational. You can also write a letter to the school board if you want to make sure that there is a written request in their files I think this is your best strategy, especially if Florida law says a student cannot be penalized for a family vacation.


If, and only if this does not work, would I consider the take it to my lawyer option.


I agree 100% with the above post!!! I have teenagers and children who have graduated and have had some dealing with the local school district here also. Take everything you have for proof and talk to school administration, make sure you tell them the school board is your next step, if that does nothing then go to the school board and make sure they know that a lawyer is your next step.


In my dealings with then, they hate to admit they are wrong and will not unless you force their hand. Bad publicity hurts, they would hate for lawyers to get involved as then this is public record and in many areas school board members are elected, you mention taking legal action and you won't have to, they will become very reasonable. I'm not usually a fan of bullying people but hey, isn't that what they are doing!?!?! Beat them at their own game I say!

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I think graduating from high school is very important.



However, it is my understanding that she will still graduate, but not be allowed to attend the ceremony (which is usually long and boring.)


My graduation ceremony wasn't but, as I understand it, all those pictures were destroyed.


I would think that an honest conversation with administration would work. Taking a cruise is very educational and should count for something.

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It appears this issue is now resolved, she will be walking.


I spoke with the faculty that is in charge of the graduation, and she actually confirmed my theory.


In Florida, if it is a valid excused absence, they can not penalize the student. its a law not a school policy. So the threat is just a scare tactic apparently. If its not excused however, they can withhold graduation.


She will be taking our daughter aside (and a couple others) privately to go over what they miss at that first rehearsal.

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