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LGBTQI Friends and Allies of Dorothy!


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Yes, I agree that "FOD" is old, as when we were first asked about it, we didn't know what it meant. As for a disease, we are not.

The dilemma is when you call down to guest relations and ask when the first meeting is going to be, they acted like they didn't know what we were talking about. Second dilemma, is I love meeting all the boys and we have become very close with a few, Where are all the women? Not to be stereotyping anyone, but there is gadar and yes you see them, but for the most part they don't join in.

Why is that? This is the biggest dilemma of all. I/ we are not separatist and expect all of us to have fun with each others and our allies. As a past sponsor of a GSA group in the school system, and a protester for all civil rights, where are the women?:)


What/who is gadar?

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What/who is gadar?


Lol.. Gaydar is a terminology in where gays can spot other gays.. Like radar..

My gaydar does not work because the ones I look at are straight. :D its not 100 percent full proof. Lol.

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Lol.. Gaydar is a terminology in where gays can spot other gays.. Like radar..

My gaydar does not work because the ones I look at are straight. :D its not 100 percent full proof. Lol.


Thanks! I figured I was just an ignoramus, but thought, "what the hell?" You learn something new every day! Of course, if it is really gaydar, & not gadar, I might have figured it out on my own!


And I agree with Tommy3putts.

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Why does everyone have to have a separate party? Why can't we have one big party together. I hate singling out any group. I want to party with everyone on a cruise.



It would be a wonderful world if we could all party together, celebrating our uniqueness and our similarities at the same time...........sigh........maybe in my grandchildren's era?

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On our April 13th Celebrity Reflection sailing, at the bar that the "Friends of Dorothy" gathering was to be held (at 10:15PM Molecular Bar), I found a lone lady sipping a Signature Martini. She was distraught, as her name was Dorothy, and she thought the group that she was with was holding a "Surprise Party" for her. She saw the sign at the Guest Relations Desk. "Friends of Dorothy" 10:15 PM Molecular Bar.


The bartender at the Molecular did not have the where-with-all to explain to the Real "Dorothy" what FOD meant, so I told her. She about ready cold cocked me right there and exclaimed "What will my Husband Think!" and "Oh My Gawd, I have to Leave, I have to Leave Now!" All of our Group Saw Me here!" "You people are sick!"


I told her there were worse things in life. Like thinking that "Friends of Dorothy" were throwing her a special party in her honor......and then I reminded her, that there are people dying of Cancer, and could not care less if anyone was Gay. She then asked if I were Gay, and I said yes, and this is my Husband of 21 years. Jerome said "Please to meet you!" and she refused to shake his extended hand.


She got up, and just said "Disgusting!" then "Revolting!" to the Bartender. He shrugged his shoulders and then she ran away.


Later, a few days later I saw her eating at a table at the Buffet with her Husband, and just said in the most Gay-est tone I could muster!...., "Mommisita!" "Hola!..... Darling!" "We missed you at The Gigantic Weenie Party at the Martini Bar last Night!" "You told us you were going to Judge the bigest weenie contest!" "We all Missed you, and so wished you were there. What as shame, it would have been Fabulous!". We kept walking.


Have a nice day.


Isn't ignoring ignorance a better route? As a gay man, sorry to say that I think your comment did nothing but perpetuate stereotypes...


Your very entertaining and informative review of your recent trip didn't mention much of the encounter(s) you described above..


From your review: Jerome and I stopped by the first night Friends of Dorothy Party, and there was a lone woman at the bar. I walked up to her, and asked her “Are You A Friend Of Dorothy’s?” She replied, “No, I am NOT a friend of Dorothy, I AM DOROTHY!, And I was thought that this was some sort of surprise party for me that my friends were putting on!” Jerome, with his raised eyebrow again, thinking she has GOT to be kidding. No, she was dead serious and the bartender could not find a proper way to let the poor gal know the real meaning of Friend’s of Dorothy. Not to worry, leave that to me! I said “Honey. Dear, Dorothy. The Friends of Dorothy are all those who love the Wizard of Oz”…she interrupted me…..”Oh I LOVE The Wizard of OZ!”, I continued “Yes, I am sure you do. However, That is an acronym for Loving the Movie AND being Gay or Lesbian.” “Oh My Gawd!” she exclaimed! I’ve got to get out of here quick!, what will my husband think?” “Oh My Gawd! Oh My Gawd, People saw me here at the bar, Oh My Gawd!” I did not have the heart to tell her that there are worse things in life than sitting at the bar thinking that your friends are having a party for you because your name is Dorothy. You could labeled be a Lesbian! Shocking! "Jerome, I need a Martini, this boat is full of Wack-a-doodles! Jerome said, “Where Trouble Goes, Trouble Follow’s” “Let’s Go Trouble!”

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Look, I could care less about someone's sexual orientation. It's just those few obnoxious individuals who seem to want to shove their agenda down your throat (pun intended) that I find offensive. I don't think Celebrity should cater to any group or groups who think they are "special" whether they be FOB, FOD, or FOGBD (friends of German Beer Drinkers).


That's just my opinion.

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Well said Gregjm.

Agree. There was a part of me that thought, after my long post, that this story was more about the entertainment value in telling it back home than being strictly truthful.

:rolleyes: I have heard a less abrasive version of this story for years.


And then there was the Cruise Critic rollcall with a mix of folks young-old-gay-straight, etc. that made up FOA (Friends of Andrew) polo shirts. A t-shirt would have been so wrong!;)


Wine-o, as for being "special," I think/ hope the comment was said tongue-in cheek.

:) The entire reason we don't take Gay Charter cruises is because we want to mix with everyone.


Now, all sing Kumbayah, and play nice!:D



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I didn't read this entire thread because I am on my cell phone, but on our last sailing Celebrity did publish in the first day's (Embarkation) dailies under Information that Social Gatherings such as Friends of Dorothy, Bridge players, to find worship services, etc. to please see the Community Board posted at Guest Relations.

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Wine-o, as for being "special," I think/ hope the comment was said tongue-in cheek.



I thought Wine-o might have been referring to 11dfr11's comment: We are very important.


I personally don't think anyone is more important or more special than anyone else. Whether it be, Bridge Players, Friends of Dorothy, Knitters, Cruise Critic Meet and Greets, etc., everyone should be treated equally.

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Cruiseguys2009 - well said and good for you! I am not gay myself but have gay friends and cannot believe that this type of attitude still exists. My husband and I are almost always at the Martini Bar on any ship we are on, at about 7.00pm, because that is where we would be anyway, for a pre-dinner drink (or two!) and have met many wonderful, friendly gay and non gay people, some of whom we have developed lasting friendships with. Just try to ignore people like that ignorant woman!

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Being a "two-fer" both gay and a recovering alcoholic (23+ years), i totally understand that the gay posting in social (therefore a bulletin board like other social groups) while AA is a support group and should be in the listings. Seems right to me

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I'm going to start my own group - Friends of Jane - a social group for those that are menopausal, left handed, chubby and straight and those that support us! ;):D


Life is changing, realizing that there has been a struggle for the GLBT community to be recognized and treated with equality BUT progress IS being made, slowly - part of moving forward is letting go. So to post it on the message board not the daily seems a step in that direction IMHO.


I agree that we should all be cruising together! So you are in the Martini Bar at 7:00 - so am I and we'll have fun together!!!

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Damn..... I finally almost fit somewhere, but I am not left handed! Always a bridesmaid......:)


Anyway, quick question. I learned the GLBT acronym, but could you let me know what GLBTQI in the title means, please?



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Damn..... I finally almost fit somewhere, but I am not left handed! Always a bridesmaid......:)


Anyway, quick question. I learned the GLBT acronym, but could you let me know what GLBTQI in the title means, please?











It can be a lot to keep up with. I'm gay and even sometimes I don't know what people are talking about!

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When I said Gadar, I meant Gaydar? Yes, we are important just like others, so why did they take us out of the newsletter?

As for joining in, I hope that we can all meet, women and men and make some new and old friends. See you then.


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I'm going to start my own group - Friends of Jane - a social group for those that are menopausal, left handed, chubby and straight and those that support us! ;):D

OMG, that group fits me perfectly. Thanks so much for starting it. I am a FOJ. I will see you at the Martini Bar!!

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OMG, that group fits me perfectly. Thanks so much for starting it. I am a FOJ. I will see you at the Martini Bar!!
But you're also an FOA, so you now have TWO events to attend. Fortunately, both take place at the Martini Bar around 7:00 p.m.:D


Just don't expect a notice in the daily newsletter. :cool:



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But you're also an FOA, so you now have TWO events to attend. Fortunately, both take place at the Martini Bar around 7:00 p.m.:D


Just don't expect a notice in the daily newsletter. :cool:




Of course I am an FOA. So I will just run back and forth between the two groups. Hope I don't spill my martini.


It's a good thing I always hang out in the martini bar anyway that way I won't miss any of the groups. No wonder it's always so crowded.


Maybe some group can start meeting at Cellar Masters, that place is always empty.

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When I said Gadar, I meant Gaydar? Yes, we are important just like others, so why did they take us out of the newsletter?

As for joining in, I hope that we can all meet, women and men and make some new and old friends. See you then.


Then I would suggest contacting Celebrity, asking them to put all social meetings/gatherings in the newsletter. I'll make sure that I put it on my comment card on my next cruise.

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Damn..... I finally almost fit somewhere, but I am not left handed! Always a bridesmaid......:)


Anyway, quick question. I learned the GLBT acronym, but could you let me know what GLBTQI in the title means, please?




I am straight but from my understanding and from my best friend and her wife Q means questioning. They reasonly opened a center at Gerorgetown - yes at the Catholic University and YES funded by the ex NFL Commissioner Paul Taglibue and his family (as his son is gay) the i GLBTQ - For Gay Lesabian Bi Transgender and questioning center.



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It can be a lot to keep up with. I'm gay and even sometimes I don't know what people are talking about!



Thank you! Now I have to go and hope wikipedia has the correct explanation of "Queer" and "Intersexual"! I am SOOO confused! :D


Wait - I'm slow! - Prim8keeper.........you have a monkey?

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This reminds me of my cousin's story. She and her husband were on their first cruise. They met another couple and hit it off. My cousin and her new friend decided that they were going to do everything they could while they were on board. Their Husbands decided that beer by the pool was the extent of their daytime partying.

Cousin saw the Friends of Dorothy gathering on the cruise schedule. She told her friend, my cousin is Dorothy, my aunt is Dorothy, I know three others who are Dorothy; we are all friends. Let's go.

When they got to the meeting, they soon found out what Friends of Dorothy meant. Cousin said, I love the Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland is one of my favorite entertainers, and I am wearing my ruby red slippers. Can we stay? They were made honorary FODs .

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Isn't ignoring ignorance a better route? As a gay man, sorry to say that I think your comment did nothing but perpetuate stereotypes...


Your very entertaining and informative review of your recent trip didn't mention much of the encounter(s) you described above..


From your review: Jerome and I stopped by the first night Friends of Dorothy Party, and there was a lone woman at the bar. I walked up to her, and asked her “Are You A Friend Of Dorothy’s?” She replied, “No, I am NOT a friend of Dorothy, I AM DOROTHY!, And I was thought that this was some sort of surprise party for me that my friends were putting on!” Jerome, with his raised eyebrow again, thinking she has GOT to be kidding. No, she was dead serious and the bartender could not find a proper way to let the poor gal know the real meaning of Friend’s of Dorothy. Not to worry, leave that to me! I said “Honey. Dear, Dorothy. The Friends of Dorothy are all those who love the Wizard of Oz”…she interrupted me…..”Oh I LOVE The Wizard of OZ!”, I continued “Yes, I am sure you do. However, That is an acronym for Loving the Movie AND being Gay or Lesbian.” “Oh My Gawd!” she exclaimed! I’ve got to get out of here quick!, what will my husband think?” “Oh My Gawd! Oh My Gawd, People saw me here at the bar, Oh My Gawd!” I did not have the heart to tell her that there are worse things in life than sitting at the bar thinking that your friends are having a party for you because your name is Dorothy. You could labeled be a Lesbian! Shocking! "Jerome, I need a Martini, this boat is full of Wack-a-doodles! Jerome said, “Where Trouble Goes, Trouble Follow’s” “Let’s Go Trouble!”


Thank you for your insights, and regarding your mention and follow up on my review.


First, since my review is still ongoing, I have not yet come to the day on which I confronted "Dorothy" at the Mast Grill while she was eating a Weenie, yet, be rest assured, that funny incident will be covered.


Two Wrongs don't make a Right, however I am tired of being put down, ridiculed and maligned for being Gay, everyday. Not just while I am on vacation, spending my hard money, by some bigot. Yes, my reaction, childish as it was, with my, tending to be outrageous, personality and humor, I was able to get MY point across. If you disagree, that is all very well. But it was my story to tell, My Honest Reaction. I told it truthfully and brought it to the fold. I could have chosen not to tell it, but to what end?


Truth be told, we DID have a Weenie judging contest at the Martini Bar, and guess what, I don't want to say too much as I just might let the snake out of the bag, there were more Straight people participating than not, but...... it's not what you think! Read about it on my review in a couple of days.


Thankfully, my childish humor has opened a dialog and for the many not posting and reading this thread, maybe, just maybe, being Gay becomes, if not accepted, tolerated and a big ol' "So What?"

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