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Dress Code--more questions (oh no!)


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Yes, and that photo appears on the screen when they swipe your card when leaving and boarding the ship at each port.


That's what I thought. Rather hard to recognize a person if they were dressed as in Whitemarsh's picture!

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Does Cunard not take your picture at check-in?





Yes, they do. I doubt they would allow any woman dressed as Whitemarsh's picture depicts, board without showing their face. Twice on different cruises my husband who wears 'Transitions' glasses (eye glasses that when exposed to the sun go dark), was told to take them off for his picture for his boarding card.


I agree with Jimsgirl's post. 100 per cent. Toddlers, children and the very elderly are now subject to searches, so to allow someone dressed in a complete covering would negate searching others.


It is of course the ideal garment for hiding an explosive device. Call me paranoid if you wish, but given the security that is supposed to exist on Cunard, I do not think they could allow a full burka to be worn when embarking, and doubt if USA immigration would allow it when disembarking.


I think there would be a few passengers who would be "unhappy" about this also.



best regards,


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One of my neighbours is a supervisor for TSA at airport.



He confirmed that everyone has to show their face, and it has to match their passport.

Does the person in the original posting have a passport?


Those Muslim women who cover all but their face are respected, they are wanded and patted down in private by female agents , any hair covering is checked , if wearing a coat they have to remove it.



At some immigration points, all Non- USA arrivals have to under go the eye recognition test, and also submit to fingerprinting. As well as having a passport and a visa.


It is obvious that no one wearing a full burka will be allowed by TSA in USA.

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Hi Lynn, La Guardia TSA in April made me take off my hat leaving me standing with the dreaded "hat hair". The Muslim lady with head covering in front of me was waived right thru. Her face was uncovered but there was no wand inspection. Believe me...I was paying attention.

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Hi Lynn, La Guardia TSA in April made me take off my hat leaving me standing with the dreaded "hat hair". The Muslim lady with head covering in front of me was waived right thru. Her face was uncovered but there was no wand inspection. Believe me...I was paying attention.


You and I must have "evil faces", I am patted down and wanded 9 times out of 10. even if when going through the arch nothing goes off.


It has even happened to me going through security at the ships terminal. it is amusing really, as I am a short white haired OLD lady VERY CONSERVATIVE in dress

Last time I even had my hands wiped with a cloth that highlights explosives!!!! .


I will be flying back to Florida in Aug through La Guardia, so after you warning I will expect to be singled out yet again.


21 days to go to my cruise.

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Geez......I'm guessing we just look like easy targets because there won't be any work involved when harassing us. I'm tranquilized before flights so I put up with whatever they require. They always tear my wheel aboard apart and leave me standing there trying to repack the double amount it's meant to hold.


When we leave the house, everything is as required in baggies. On the way back....the liquids are wherever they ended up leaving the ship and it makes no difference. I've lost confidence in TSA and spend my "waiting to board time" scrutinizing the other travelers looking for terrorists. Xanax at work. :rolleyes:

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Geez......I'm guessing we just look like easy targets because there won't be any work involved when harassing us. I'm tranquilized before flights so I put up with whatever they require. They always tear my wheel aboard apart and leave me standing there trying to repack the double amount it's meant to hold.


When we leave the house, everything is as required in baggies. On the way back....the liquids are wherever they ended up leaving the ship and it makes no difference. I've lost confidence in TSA and spend my "waiting to board time" scrutinizing the other travelers looking for terrorists. Xanax at work. :rolleyes:


brigittetom: It is good someone is scrutinizing, as frisking little children, the very elderly,etc. and allowing, "The Muslim lady with head covering in front of me was waived right thru. Her face was uncovered but there was no wand inspection" makes one really feel safe...not!


best regards,


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I am frequently checked at security at airports - pat-downs, hand luggage opened, explosives check, etc. I gather that they have to check a certain number of people and so at times they choose people who are 'safe' - people who they believe not to be a risk but who are unlikely to harass them.

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No nun or priest that I have known goes around looking as though they are a walking bell tent bell tent. They do not hide their faces , hands or feet.


The burka is not a National dress, nor is it a religious dress, it is nothing more than a visible symbol of male control over females, whether those males be Taliban, husband, father or brother.


Devout Muslim women who are teachers, doctors, nurses perform their duties by dressing modestly, covering their hair, and wearing long sleeved full length garments,

they do not wear the burka because it has absolutely no meaning other than the control mentioned above.


If the person mentioned in the original thread, wears the full burka, she could not eat or drink in public because it is literally a "bell tent", a one piece garment from head to foot.

There are no openings for hands!


It is of course the ideal garment for hiding an explosive device. Call me paranoid if you wish, but given the security that is supposed to exist on Cunard, I do not think they could allow a full burka to be worn when embarking, and doubt if USA immigration would allow it when disembarking.


I think there would be a few passengers who would be "unhappy" about this also.

Sorry, but it creeps me out a bit, too. We live in a city of about 85k(Nashua,NH)We saw a woman in complete black head to toe. Little slit to see out of. Yes, this is total dedication, but to me it boarders on fanatacism, sorry! I see it in Canada & it doesn't really bother me there, but here, yes it does!

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I am going on my first Cunard cruise and have all the proper clothing!


In our group is a Syrian couple and she is veiled. She wears a burka most of the time.... it it appropriate for formal wear? Have any of you seen burkas onboard?




I'm guessing that the couple of which you speak are devout Muslims. If so, would it not be more important that the food they consume is Halal? To the best of my knowledge, there are no Halal restaurants on Cunard ships at this time. That being the case, I doubt that the question of a burka meeting the dress code for formal nights would be their main concern. Please correct me if I am in error.


In answer to your question: no, I have not seen anyone wearing a burka on board.

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Sorry, but it creeps me out a bit, too. We live in a city of about 85k(Nashua,NH)We saw a woman in complete black head to toe. Little slit to see out of. Yes, this is total dedication, but to me it boarders on fanatacism, sorry! I see it in Canada & it doesn't really bother me there, but here, yes it does!


Apparently you are allowed to be offended but for your own safety, please do not enter into their country and even attempt to wear your choice of clothing.

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I'm guessing that the couple of which you speak are devout Muslims. If so, would it not be more important that the food they consume is Halal? To the best of my knowledge, there are no Halal restaurants on Cunard ships at this time. That being the case, I doubt that the question of a burka meeting the dress code for formal nights would be their main concern. Please correct me if I am in error.


In answer to your question: no, I have not seen anyone wearing a burka on board.


The presence or absence of such a restaurant does not really matter, the important point is whether Halal food is available and Cunard, in their FAQs say that it is to an extent


Can you provide Halal food?


There is a limited range of Halal food available on a request only basis and we cannot guarantee specific items. Requests for Halal diets need to be forwarded to the Diets Team. Please call our Customer Contact Centre

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I'm guessing that the couple of which you speak are devout Muslims. If so, would it not be more important that the food they consume is Halal? To the best of my knowledge, there are no Halal restaurants on Cunard ships at this time. That being the case, I doubt that the question of a burka meeting the dress code for formal nights would be their main concern. Please correct me if I am in error.


In answer to your question: no, I have not seen anyone wearing a burka on board.


Why are muslims invariably described as being "devout"? Surely there must be some irresolute or fickle muslims in the world?

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Why are muslims invariably described as being "devout"? Surely there must be some irresolute or fickle muslims in the world?


The not so devout ones are called Justlims and those that are forced by their parents are known as Mustlims.

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Why are muslims invariably described as being "devout"? Surely there must be some irresolute or fickle muslims in the world?


Like all "groups " there are many "not so devout Muslims". My experience has been that males who are "devout" when it suits them- break every rule when they are away from "home". My experience was first hand, for as previously stated I lived in a Muslim country for two years.


At home they keep their women strictly in "purdah" yet they themselves can often be found frequenting "girlie bars", enjoying "lap dancers", drinking whiskey as though it was water,.

and behaving in a very definite "Non Muslim" ways.


It may not be generally known but the World Trade centre murderers, were here in Florida in North Port, and also in Fort Myers, and they spent a great deal of time behaving in the above mentioned manner.

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poster #6, Sydney, has disappeared; this thread has taken on another life :rolleyes:

imho, #6 was jesting...I simply cannot imagine why anyone who doesn't conform to the norm would risk their attendance at such an immodest venue of a cruise ship - nothing about it makes sense and should someone dress like that, there actually could be a mutiny :eek: just sayin...

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Like all "groups " there are many "not so devout Muslims". My experience has been that males who are "devout" when it suits them- break every rule when they are away from "home". My experience was first hand, for as previously stated I lived in a Muslim country for two years.


At home they keep their women strictly in "purdah" yet they themselves can often be found frequenting "girlie bars", enjoying "lap dancers", drinking whiskey as though it was water,.

and behaving in a very definite "Non Muslim" ways.


It may not be generally known but the World Trade centre murderers, were here in Florida in North Port, and also in Fort Myers, and they spent a great deal of time behaving in the above mentioned manner.

Hi jimsgirl,

I cannot disagree with 'your experience' but your experience is simply that and perhaps does not compare to 'my experience'


Here in Torquay we have a number of language schools where foreign students come from all over the World to learn the English language and guess what!! A significant number of these students are young, single male students from a variety of muslim dominated countries.


These students are not living in sheltered accommodation or houses of residence, they are instead housed by residents of the town that have spare accommodation and YES.... In my experience some of these young male muslim students do indeed let their hair down and throw the evil demon drink down their throats and behave like any other young, hot blooded christian male BUT.... By crikey there are a significant number of these students that are a credit to their religion, a credit to their parents and a credit to their country. I most certainly do NOT live in fear of these very nice people and I most certainly would never dream of criticising the ladies that might opt to wear a dress they feel comfortable in for whatever reason!


If we want to label a religion as being bad then where do we start? Where do we end!


For folks in the UK I would suggest the IRA is a far more evil organisation than anyone else you would care to nominate. An organisation that revels in blasting apart innocent women and young children, an organisation that does not think twice about planting bombs outside of schools or shopping centres. The Roman Catholic faith is the religion these terrorist all belong to so should we call all Roman Catholics terrorists? My children went to a Roman Catholic school so have they been 'nobbled'? My brother-in-law who is from Southern Ireland is also a Roman Catholic but so what? Does it matter what religion these fanatics are from? Pick on a religion and you make more problems instead of less.


To say the 9/11 terrorists mingled into your society might not compare with the fact that at the height of the terrorists threats from the IRA that organisation was funded by donations collected publicly in the USA!! How does funding and publicly supporting these terrorists be acceptable? Look at how US citizens rejoiced when Bin Laden was killed but then look at how Martin Mcguinness a self confessed high ranking officer in the IRA is treated??? (the World is a mad, mad place) Invited to the Oval Office three times.... How many invites have been given to those leaders responsible for mass killings in the USA?


My thoughts are that if folks want to wear a certain style of clothing in public then we should all perhaps respect that and maybe engage in a polite conversation to find out the reasons behind that choice.

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I'm guessing that the couple of which you speak are devout Muslims. If so, would it not be more important that the food they consume is Halal? To the best of my knowledge, there are no Halal restaurants on Cunard ships at this time. That being the case, I doubt that the question of a burka meeting the dress code for formal nights would be their main concern. Please correct me if I am in error.


In answer to your question: no, I have not seen anyone wearing a burka on board.


They might be able to preorder Halal food, similar to kosher or any other special diet.

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Hi jimsgirl,

I cannot disagree with 'your experience' but your experience is simply that and perhaps does not compare to 'my experience'


Here in Torquay we have a number of language schools where foreign students come from all over the World to learn the English language and guess what!! A significant number of these students are young, single male students from a variety of muslim dominated countries.


These students are not living in sheltered accommodation or houses of residence, they are instead housed by residents of the town that have spare accommodation and YES.... In my experience some of these young male muslim students do indeed let their hair down and throw the evil demon drink down their throats and behave like any other young, hot blooded christian male BUT.... By crikey there are a significant number of these students that are a credit to their religion, a credit to their parents and a credit to their country. I most certainly do NOT live in fear of these very nice people and I most certainly would never dream of criticising the ladies that might opt to wear a dress they feel comfortable in for whatever reason!


If we want to label a religion as being bad then where do we start? Where do we end!


For folks in the UK I would suggest the IRA is a far more evil organisation than anyone else you would care to nominate. An organisation that revels in blasting apart innocent women and young children, an organisation that does not think twice about planting bombs outside of schools or shopping centres. The Roman Catholic faith is the religion these terrorist all belong to so should we call all Roman Catholics terrorists? My children went to a Roman Catholic school so have they been 'nobbled'? My brother-in-law who is from Southern Ireland is also a Roman Catholic but so what? Does it matter what religion these fanatics are from? Pick on a religion and you make more problems instead of less.


To say the 9/11 terrorists mingled into your society might not compare with the fact that at the height of the terrorists threats from the IRA that organisation was funded by donations collected publicly in the USA!! How does funding and publicly supporting these terrorists be acceptable? Look at how US citizens rejoiced when Bin Laden was killed but then look at how Martin Mcguinness a self confessed high ranking officer in the IRA is treated??? (the World is a mad, mad place) Invited to the Oval Office three times.... How many invites have been given to those leaders responsible for mass killings in the USA?


My thoughts are that if folks want to wear a certain style of clothing in public then we should all perhaps respect that and maybe engage in a polite conversation to find out the reasons behind that choice.


Well said glojo.

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Hi jimsgirl,

I cannot disagree with 'your experience' but your experience is simply that and perhaps does not compare to 'my experience'.


Here in Torquay we have a number of language schools where foreign students come from all over the World to learn the English language and guess what!! A significant number of these students are young, single male students from a variety of muslim dominated countries.


Are you talking about your country - but in the future?


These students are not living in sheltered accommodation or houses of residence, they are instead housed by residents of the town that have spare accommodation and YES.... In my experience some of these young male muslim students do indeed let their hair down and throw the evil demon drink down their throats and behave like any other young, hot blooded christian male BUT.... By crikey there are a significant number of these students that are a credit to their religion, a credit to their parents and a credit to their country. I most certainly do NOT live in fear of these very nice people and I most certainly would never dream of criticising the ladies that might opt to wear a dress they feel comfortable in for whatever reason!


Perhaps you don't live in fear of "these very nice people" because you're not a woman...living in Norway.


Or a girl who just wants to date who she chooses.


If we want to label a religion as being bad then where do we start? Where do we end!


Well, we could probably start with the one that most, if not all terrorist invoke when going about their "business".


But maybe you're right Glojo, nothing to see here, move on people. :rolleyes:


For folks in the UK I would suggest the IRA is a far more evil organisation than anyone else you would care to nominate. An organisation that revels in blasting apart innocent women and young children, an organisation that does not think twice about planting bombs outside of schools or shopping centres. The Roman Catholic faith is the religion these terrorist all belong to so should we call all Roman Catholics terrorists?


The obvious point, that has somehow eluded you, is that the IRA terrorists were not committing their acts of terror in the name of, or because of, their religion.


My children went to a Roman Catholic school so have they been 'nobbled'? My brother-in-law who is from Southern Ireland is also a Roman Catholic but so what? Does it matter what religion these fanatics are from?


Yes, it does, if they are doing it in the name of their religion. The blood curdling cry of "Allahu Akbar" before the infidel is beheaded or the plane slams into the ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania would seem to suggest there's a common religious element to it.


Even if, Glojo, it doesn't matter to you. It must matter to the terrorists. Contained within the checklist of final reminders for the 9/11 hijackers is the following helpful reminder: "When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers."


To say the 9/11 terrorists mingled into your society might not compare with the fact that at the height of the terrorists threats from the IRA that organisation was funded by donations collected publicly in the USA!! How does funding and publicly supporting these terrorists be acceptable? Look at how US citizens rejoiced when Bin Laden was killed but then look at how Martin Mcguinness a self confessed high ranking officer in the IRA is treated??? (the World is a mad, mad place) Invited to the Oval Office three times.... How many invites have been given to those leaders responsible for mass killings in the USA?


Agreed, there has long been a hypocritical attitude in some sections of America with regard to their favourable treatment (and funding) of IRA terrorists.


My thoughts are that if folks want to wear a certain style of clothing in public then we should all perhaps respect that and maybe engage in a polite conversation to find out the reasons behind that choice.


What a great idea Glojo. :rolleyes:


Let's ask Aqsa Parvez.......oh wait! We can't, she's not available for polite conversation..... anymore.

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You have a right to your views, and a right to express them, however nothing can beat actual experience.


I am ex British, did not come to USA until I was aged md 50's, I am well aware of the IRA, also the Pro **** supporters in the 30's with their marches through the East End of London, as well as the starving miner's marches of the l930's.


I am sure there were many good people who in 1936-1938 would have refused to believer that the so polite, charming, educated, German students in London would on returning to their own country commit the horrors of the concentration camps, or the Warsaw ghetto.


At this very moment here in the USA, an extremely well educated, financially secure, Army officer is awaiting trial, he went into the medical centre on his army camp, and opened fire on fellow soldiers waiting for treatment. He killed innocent people he had mixed with every day. Who would have thought it?


The Boston bombers, again if you had met these brothers three months ago, in a social setting you would not have believed they could commit the act of bombing innocent people watching a foot race.


The parents of the girl who married one of the brothers would never have believed their daughter could marry a man who could commit such a crime.


Two men I knew personally, both educated, both had lived and worked in England. ****r wanted a son -when his wife gave birth to twin girls, he deliberately let them starve to death, all the time proclaiming "It is the will of Allah" Shaffi, a Major in the Parkistan Air Force, socialized with Jim and I , yet one day when Jim was absent in the desert Shaffi came with others to my home, pulled a knife and told me he would cut my throat and kill my children! Even Jim had trouble relating the man we knew socially with the one who came to our home that day.


Many on here will I am sure disagree with me, that is their right, but I personally do not want any passenger wandering around the ship[, hidden under a Bell tent. The burka has absolutely NO Religious meaning, NO cultural meaning.


It is a choice, but where does choice end?


A Holy Man may walk through a bazar stark naked, (yes I have seen this) but that is not acceptable in our society.


As far as "polite" conversation goes, speaking to a Burka glad female (even if the speaker were your wife) would be a sure way to cause a problem.

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