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Never Again


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I just received an email from Cruise Critic wanting me to share my last cruise experience. Well after a couple of martinis tonight I'll share my last commercial passenger cruise experience. My last and only large passenger ship cruise was a 15 day Hawaii cruise with Princess Cruises onboard the Golden Princess from LA, around Hawaii and return to LA. It was the first, the worst and the last commercial passenger cruise I will ever take, and I'm a licensed ship's captain, but not on a passenger ship. My wife was in a wheelchair. Even though there were a few other passengers in wheelchairs, their ships are NOT wheelchair friendly. Fourteen nights on a ship pushing a wheelchair through people who were annoyed by someone in a wheelchair was not fun. Passengers would fill up the elevators as soon as the door opened not leaving room for a wheelchair. Housekeeping filled the passageways with carts during the day so a wheelchair couldn't go through them. The housekeeping crew did do their best by moving their carts so we could make our way to our stateroom but most of the passengers acted annoyed. There were decks that were not accessible by wheelchair. It was my wife's dream vacation and to me it sucked. The worst thing is she caught a virus onboard on our way back from Hawaii, was admitted to a hospital the day we got back and died 2 weeks after we got back. Princess Cruises took care of us by saying "sorry". This happened last fall. I live in a house overlooking the bay of Green Bay. It's been 7 months now since the love of my life died. I set in her favorite chair looking out over the bay watching ships go by... looking at the water saying I need to get back out there doing what I love... but not this year... maybe next year... but never again on a passenger cruise ship. ~Cap'n Kenny~

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I'm so sorry for your experiences onboard one of my most favorite ships in the Princess fleet.

What you're saying is so true though. I know I've seen it, I've experienced it and I've lived it. My DH was in a wheelchair and getting down the halls, over the doorways and out onto the Promenade Deck was a nightmare, at times. And, I don't even want to talk about the folks who think it's funny to "beat" you to the elevators or lean on the wheel chair or bump the head of the person in the chair. There were times I could have become "un-glued!"

My DH stopped cruising with me because he didn't like the way others made him feel. Unless we could get a handicapped cabin he didn't have a good experience and found the hassle's of trying to maneuver in a regular cabin and around the carts, food trays and rude people in the hallways weren't worth the expense of the cruise!

I hope you find your smile again and find yourself out on the sea to enjoy the smells and sounds and joy it all can bring you again.

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I just received an email from Cruise Critic wanting me to share my last cruise experience. Well after a couple of martinis tonight I'll share my last commercial passenger cruise experience. My last and only large passenger ship cruise was a 15 day Hawaii cruise with Princess Cruises onboard the Golden Princess from LA, around Hawaii and return to LA. It was the first, the worst and the last commercial passenger cruise I will ever take, and I'm a licensed ship's captain, but not on a passenger ship. My wife was in a wheelchair. Even though there were a few other passengers in wheelchairs, their ships are NOT wheelchair friendly. Fourteen nights on a ship pushing a wheelchair through people who were annoyed by someone in a wheelchair was not fun. Passengers would fill up the elevators as soon as the door opened not leaving room for a wheelchair. Housekeeping filled the passageways with carts during the day so a wheelchair couldn't go through them. The housekeeping crew did do their best by moving their carts so we could make our way to our stateroom but most of the passengers acted annoyed. There were decks that were not accessible by wheelchair. It was my wife's dream vacation and to me it sucked. The worst thing is she caught a virus onboard on our way back from Hawaii, was admitted to a hospital the day we got back and died 2 weeks after we got back. Princess Cruises took care of us by saying "sorry". This happened last fall. I live in a house overlooking the bay of Green Bay. It's been 7 months now since the love of my life died. I set in her favorite chair looking out over the bay watching ships go by... looking at the water saying I need to get back out there doing what I love... but not this year... maybe next year... but never again on a passenger cruise ship. ~Cap'n Kenny~

Dear Cap'n Kenny, what a terrible thing to happen to you! Words can not express how sorry I feel for your loss. Although I do not know you, I felt compelled to express my sympathy to you. My husband and I have been on quite a number of cruises, and we have never noticed people acting as rudely as you have described on the one you were on. In fact, we usually noticed passengers being very polite and letting people in wheelchairs go ahead of them into elevators, etc. That is the way it should be! We usually cruise on Celebrity. I wish you the best for the future and pray that you will be comforted.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your believed wife. What a gift you gave your wife by taking her on her dream trip. I admire the effort families go through when they have someone in a wheelchair as it certainly is a lot of work.

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I'm sorry for your loss and the bad experience you had because of some selfish people. That's certainly not the way a cruise vacation should be.

DW and I have been on many wonderful cruises and met many wonderful people, including on the very same Golden Princess to Hawaii a few years ago. Based on our experience, the vast majority of cruisers are caring, considerate and interesting people who have enriched our vacation. It's really unfortunate that you did not meet these kind of people on your cruise as it would have made your last vacation together such a great memory. When the time is right, you may want to consider a cruise vacation again -- especially with some good friends.

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We are so sorry for your loss, and sympathize with you for the unfortunate experience that you had on your last cruise. It's difficult to understand why people do the things they do sometimes.

We have been very fortunate to have enjoyed the three cruises which we have taken aboard Holland America's ships, the Oosterdam, the Amsterdam, and the Zaandam. We still keep in touch with dinner mates that we met on our Alaska and New Zealand trips.

We recently hooked up with our friends while in New York City, and we exchange frequent emails with our friends in Australia.

We have a land tour lined up for this fall, but another cruise is definitely on our 'bucket list'.

Checking in with people on Cruise Critic is a great way to keep up our enthusiasm!

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I am terribly sorry for your loss. It may not feel like it now but in time you will remember just the good things you shared and it does get better.


As to the cruise, no matter what the experience was, it's better that you went. It would be worse to have not gone and now spend time regreting it was something you left undone.


Last but not least, please don't judge all crusis by one. Ships and trips vary greatly, as do the passengers they attract. Some people love Carnival. They love to drink and gamble and prefer to do things on their own. I happen to love Diney. No gambling and much of the entertainment is family friendly. It attracts lots of families and grandparents looking to spend some time with their grandchildren. (I'm a solo cruiser but there is al lot for adults.) Parties are a lot more than a free drink and some music. I like the way everyone is included. And people are generaly more respectful of others. There are others who like more exclusive (cultured?) venue. They want to be pampered in complete luxery. You need to find the cruise that suits your needs.

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I am here to just apologize for all the people who made you and your wife feel uncomfortable and sucked the pleasure out of your last vacation together. No one had that right. You must consider the source and feel sorry for them knowing that they need to put their feelings above another's to feel better about themselves. The problem is theirs..not yours! Time does Heal.

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Dear Owfish,

So sorry to hear about your wife's loss! I can't imagine how that must hurt. My husband is my life too.


I make no excuses for the people who were so cruel to you and your wife, however, I do think you should have a more positive look on the situation. I am assuming your brought your wife to have her the time of her life correct? And from what you wrote she did. So her last memories were of the wonderful time she had with you, and how special you made her feel. That should mean more to you than any ignorant thing some jerk off stranger may have said or done. She certainly didn't let it get to her!


She viewed this cruise as the best time of her life, and while you apparently noticed things she did not, you should be proud of yourself for full filling her dream. It sounds to me like you loved each other very much, and i'm sure you made her feel loved and spoiled, and made the world of difference among the ship of fools.


Your wife was a lucky woman, and I am sure you made her feel that way during that trip. As she was obviously the main focal point, it was a job well done from her perspective. She wouldn't want you focusing on the negative, and would want you to remember how happy you made her.


In reference to your fishing Sir. If you were my husband, I would tell you to stop mopeing and get back out there! She would not want you to waste your life sitting in a house watching ships pass, she would tell you to live it to the fullest. Especially if that is your one true passion other than she.


Your story is heartbreaking and I can completely understand feeling angry at those passengers who were jerks, and the line for not being a little more understanding. However, I can almost guarantee your wife would tell you to get your butt back out to sea. Not on a cruise necessarily, but at least on your own ship. As you learned through her sir, life is to short, and maybe out there if you come in contact with an ahole like one of them again, you can set them straight about their stupidity. Perhaps saving just one future person from their wrath.


Best of luck! ;)

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I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't let a few ignorant people ruin your future and most of all your great memories. I did 42 cruises with my wonderful wife, the last 11 of them with her in a wheelchair. I also lost her this past April so I can understand what you are going through, and it is the memories we had of all the good times that brings a smile to my face rather than tears. Like you I am not sure I will ever be able to cruise again, not because of the people, but because that was "our thing". Our experiences was the opposite of yours, we always found helpful people on all the lines we went on. When we would do the On Deck for the Cure" I had people coming up to me asking if they could have the honor of pushing her in her wheelchair. Yes there are jerks out there, but they are out numbered by the loving caring people. I will keep you in my prayers that our wives give us the strength and courage to keep going and live for their honor.

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And, most importantly, I'm so sorry for the loss of the love of your life. I, too, lost my love this past April and it hurts!





I am very sorry for your loss. I met you and Horton on the Sapphire last October. May you know that others care.

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My pet peeve are people taking handicapped cabins when they don't need one. However, there are people that aren't in wheelchairs that still need the handicapped cabins so we shouldn't judge them for taking something that may appear they don't need.

We take the stairs and leave the elevators for those that have no choice. And we are so thankful we can run up those stairs.


I have seen those elevator hogs push their way passed the wheelchairs and enter the elevators. Totally disgusting.



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I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. And Roz, I'm so very sorry for your loss as well.


It's unfortunate but I've seen many (MANY) really rude people on cruises and you're right, they will push ahead of anyone in a wheelchair. I usually push ahead and block them, making sure the person in the wheelchair gets in first. If it's necessary, I yell and embarrass them. Respect for others seems to be forgotten in this day and age. Heck, all too often you try to get off an elevator and some jerk is there pushing their way in as the door opens so you can't get out. I yell at them, too.

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We are curious. You joined Cruise Critic in 2007, but just completed your first cruise and your first posting on the message board 6 years later?


Personally, I have never seen that kind of behavior on a Princess ship.

I am also physically challenged, and took that Hawaii run last year. Except for a room key that didn't work, and a toilet issue, our cruise was excellent.

Oh yes, there were carts in the hall twice a day, which would hinder wheelchair accessibility, but we book cabins near the doorways to avoid that.

I'm sorry yours was not what you hoped.:(


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I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't let a few ignorant people ruin your future and most of all your great memories. I did 42 cruises with my wonderful wife, the last 11 of them with her in a wheelchair. I also lost her this past April so I can understand what you are going through, and it is the memories we had of all the good times that brings a smile to my face rather than tears. Like you I am not sure I will ever be able to cruise again, not because of the people, but because that was "our thing". Our experiences was the opposite of yours, we always found helpful people on all the lines we went on. When we would do the On Deck for the Cure" I had people coming up to me asking if they could have the honor of pushing her in her wheelchair. Yes there are jerks out there, but they are out numbered by the loving caring people. I will keep you in my prayers that our wives give us the strength and courage to keep going and live for their honor.


Well, you certainly brought a tear to my eyes and helped me to remember the wonderful times my DH and I had together, rather than the very few sad and difficult ones.

Thank you for bringing me back to my happy place!!!!

I was a very lucky lady to have known such love!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I am very sorry for your loss. I met you and Horton on the Sapphire last October. May you know that others care.


Thank you so much. Most cruises that my Morey and I shared were filled with laughter and truly wonderful memories. Thank goodness, the difficult times and sour experiences were few.

The world is still looking upside down for me.

That said, CruiseCritic is full of warm, engaging and caring folks just like you.

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If true, sorry to read about everything that happened to you. Hopefully you can at least find some good memories of your last vacation with your wife instead of dwelling on the negative.


On another note, being only your second post here and you stating that Cruise Critic prompted you to submit a review, I'm skeptical. Besides, you can't blame Princess Cruises for your wife's passing or her catching a virus. Did the whole ship come down with the Ebola Virus or something? Did they inject her with a virus? No. It happens, life happens. The way passengers behave and if they are rude, isn't the cruise line's fault. It's society. I wouldn't expect Princess Cruises to respond any other way other than saying sorry.


Now to read through the dozens of sympathy messages that this post will receive by those so willing to blindly believe.


Why skeptical? Too many fake people out there lying and trying to garner sympathy on-line and they ruin it for the real true honest ones that actually have things like this happen. Even some of my family members have created their own stories to garner sympathy, one of them had leukemia and then prostate cancer for years with no proof, no hospital receipts, no hospital stay, nothing.. and some miracle and expensive milk shakes saved him only after draining his mother of all her finances.


So sorry if I come off harsh, but skeptical is now my first response. And sometimes others in society should open their eyes as well.


Again, if it really happened, my deepest condolences go out to you.

Edited by cardqb
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I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. And Roz, I'm so very sorry for your loss as well.


It's unfortunate but I've seen many (MANY) really rude people on cruises and you're right, they will push ahead of anyone in a wheelchair. I usually push ahead and block them, making sure the person in the wheelchair gets in first. If it's necessary, I yell and embarrass them. Respect for others seems to be forgotten in this day and age. Heck, all too often you try to get off an elevator and some jerk is there pushing their way in as the door opens so you can't get out. I yell at them, too.


Pam, thank you so much. You know, Morey used to talk about you and everytime I cruised [after he had stopped] he would ask me if I ran into the pretty lady who was so nice to Brenda.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I remember visiting with you and Morey on one of the cruises we were on with you. He was a car guy just like Joel. I hope your precious doggies are providing you with lots of comfort. Hugs to you Brenda and Horton.


Judy and Joel

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Pam, thank you so much. You know, Morey used to talk about you and everytime I cruised [after he had stopped] he would ask me if I ran into the pretty lady who was so nice to Brenda.
Of course I remember you, Morey and Brenda very well. Hopefully, we can meet on another cruise.
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My husband and I have taken that same exact cruise twice. Once at Christmas 3 years ago and last April from San Francisco. Both of those Hawaiian cruises were full of people in scooters and wheelchairs.


On all of our Princess cruises, we have never experienced the sheer number of mobility challenged passengers.


One evening there was a very frail gentleman pushing his wife in a "temporary looking" wheelchair to the Princess theater. He was struggling to get over the hump into the room.


I have very little upper body strength and my husband has macular degeneration so I need to keep a hand on his arm.


I helped that man and pushed his wife into the theater while hoards of people moaned as they pushed by us.


I have to say that those 2 cruises are my least favorite in terms of memories. The wheelchairs in the Horizon court were a problem for the people in them and the crowds trying to get around them.


My husband and I did our best to avoid the elevators and the hallways were always full of laundry carts. I don't know why but the ship on both Hawaiian cruises seemed to small to accommodate everyone's special needs.


I am so sorry for your loss.

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