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Worst table companion you have had

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I will never understand how people can just sit and take something like being kicked, especially if it is bad enough to produce bruises.


First action: "Listen, kid! Stop kicking me." If that doesn't work:

Second action: "Madam, your grandchildren keep kicking me and it hurts. They haven't stopped, even though I asked them. Please stop them. or I will kick them back."


There's no reason why you should suck it up and suffer in silence, just for the sake of politeness.


What did the person being kicked by the other child do?


I can't believe an adult would recommend kicking a child. I can't believe two others would agree that it was a good idea.




Please note that I recommended threatening to kick the child, not actually kicking.


It is no more acceptable for a child to continue kicking an adult painfully than it is for an adult to kick a child.


My point was that I would take action and make a huge fuss if anyone continually kicked me. I would not sit and "suck it up".

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I can't believe an adult would recommend kicking a child. I can't believe two others would agree that it was a good idea.




OTOH, I cannot believe anyone would think it to be a bad idea.


Children learn that there are consequences for actions. When bad behavior is tolerated, bad behavior will continue.


Eventually, such a little brat will continue such actions, wind up in a situation where eventually, someone is not going to tolerate it, and put a whooopin' on his sorry butt.


Just a matter of time.

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OTOH, I cannot believe anyone would think it to be a bad idea.


Children learn that there are consequences for actions. When bad behavior is tolerated, bad behavior will continue.


Eventually, such a little brat will continue such actions, wind up in a situation where eventually, someone is not going to tolerate it, and put a whooopin' on his sorry butt.


Just a matter of time.


However it is not your responsibility to open that can of whoopass--and an adult who assaults a child is most likely getting out off the ship at the next port, if not arrested. As I said, the first is an accident, the second time maybe something is said nicely, the third time involves a table change or security. Let them handle it. It's their job, not yours.

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OTOH, I cannot believe anyone would think it to be a bad idea.


Children learn that there are consequences for actions. When bad behavior is tolerated, bad behavior will continue.


Eventually, such a little brat will continue such actions, wind up in a situation where eventually, someone is not going to tolerate it, and put a whooopin' on his sorry butt.


Just a matter of time.




...................My MAN!!!!! Johneeo...............

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However it is not your responsibility to open that can of whoopass--


Sorry, I am not opening a can of whoopass.


I have been assaulted, and I have every right to take action to defend myself.

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Sorry, I am not opening a can of whoopass.


I have been assaulted, and I have every right to take action to defend myself.


Oh please. A kid kicks you and you're going to assault them? Go for it, can't wait to read the story about the guy that got kicked off the ship and kept yelling, "You can't throw me off, I'm from Philly!"


Kicking them back is not defending yourself. Grabbing their leg and telling them to stop the kicking is.

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The last regular seating was on a Hawaii cruise. One couple (rather boring) had left the table and were succeeded by two middle-age women traveling together. It was formal night and I was wearing a gown. One of the women looked at me and announced in a very loud voice: "You have the boobs of a thirty-year-old" (I was 65 at the time). Everyone in earshot stared at my cleavage.


Yes, I suppose it was a complement, but I was very uncomfortable with everyone staring at my chest.


What, no pic? LOL. I d have to say this has been one of the most enjoyable threads to read. I do hope it keeps going. Whenever you deal with the public in general, inevitably you will run into some fool. As some of the others have pointed out, it's pretty sad when you can't enjoy a cruise!

I had one "uncomfortable" time when I tend to skip the MDR on the first night. I do this because I need to get my sea legs before I am comfortable eating a big meal inside the ship. On the second night apparently the rest of the table had bonded and were not too pleased we missed the first night. Needless to say we didn't go back to the MDR. None seemed too pleasant anyway and we still enjoyed great food and had a wonderful time. The second night was formal night so we got to do that too so we missed nothing!

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OTOH, I cannot believe anyone would think it to be a bad idea.


Children learn that there are consequences for actions. When bad behavior is tolerated, bad behavior will continue.


Eventually, such a little brat will continue such actions, wind up in a situation where eventually, someone is not going to tolerate it, and put a whooopin' on his sorry butt.


Just a matter of time.


The way people reacted to that comment is why we have so many brats today. (and no I am NOT talking about children with autism-they have an excuse-I mean socalled brats who are supposably "normal")


I also think hwy our prisons ar eso full toady too. Too many people of my generation decided it was child abuse to spank a child or even to punish them for misbehavior. They ocudlnot see the differanc ein a spanking and a beating which IS child abuse. Spanking never worked with my daugther, but denying her TV sure did!

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The way people reacted to that comment is why we have so many brats today. (and no I am NOT talking about children with autism-they have an excuse-I mean socalled brats who are supposably "normal")


I also think hwy our prisons ar eso full toady too. Too many people of my generation decided it was child abuse to spank a child or even to punish them for misbehavior. They ocudlnot see the differanc ein a spanking and a beating which IS child abuse. Spanking never worked with my daugther, but denying her TV sure did!


Spanking your own child is one thing. Laying a finger on someone else's (unless it is to keep them from danger--like grabbing a toddler before they fall into a pool) is illegal.

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Spanking your own child is one thing. Laying a finger on someone else's (unless it is to keep them from danger--like grabbing a toddler before they fall into a pool) is illegal.


I wish the nuns, coaches, teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and every other adult knew this back in the 60's as I was "assaulted" numerous times by all of the aforementioned.


I think that all of you need to understand that is probably the reason I am the way I am today. I should be pitied, so please quit attacking me.:rolleyes:

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Really don't think anyone 'talking' would actually kick someone else's child. I think the comments were just overstating that people need to speak up and not let the behavior continue.


Anyone have another 'worst table mate' story? These make for entertaining reading =]


I agree lol! You just may WANT to-I would leave the table and insist on another table though. (explaining why) I hav ehad akid do this to me on the airplane-telling mom and dad did nothing but when I told the flight attendant it was taken care of.

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Spanking your own child is one thing. Laying a finger on someone else's (unless it is to keep them from danger--like grabbing a toddler before they fall into a pool) is illegal.


Sweetie, I did not say I would kick a child-I just said there are MANY bratty kids and bratty adults too-all caused by poor parenting.


I realize it is illegal my daugther is a teacher-besides I am not going to be a jerk because a kid is a brat. I would be stooping to the kid's level.


However, I would try and save a child from falling in a pool-if I was sued or imprisioned so be it-I could not live with myself otherwise.


OT- but my husband came to the rescue when a our neighbor and his sons were attacked by another neighbor's dogs in our front yard. This happened about 6 weeks ago and if you google "dog attack in Douglasville, GA" you can read it. Maybe even see a news clip of my hubby! He was in 2 or 3 news clips.


The police did not charge my husband with anything and the boys' father was very grateful. (I do feel it depends on the circumstances) The news called him an hero. Of course-he said he was not thinking danger to himself when he did-he just was thinking 2 children in distress and their father needed help. As my hubby said, anyone would have done what he did.

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Now before I get hammered by all of the UK readers let me say I have nothing against them. In fact the UK is my ancestory as all 4 of my grandparents came to Canada from various places over there.


Nothing made this lady happy from day one. Food was too cold, food was too hot, tea was too strong, yes you guessed it, tea was too weak. First night at dinner she complained to our great waiter there were no "chips" read french fries on the menu. He was back in ten minutes with a hot plate full of them for her. Her response, I didn't want them but they had best be on the menu tomorrow night just in case I do.


Every night at dinner it was the same thing. She complained that it was too windy on deck and that the Captain should show more consideration and slow down. Yes you guessed it again, in port the balcony was too hot and the Captain should do something to get the air moving better.


I must have another hundred examples. Thankfully we have never met them again. Let me rephrase that, never met her again. Her husband was one of the most pleasant passangers I have ever met.


If you have ever seen the British comedy Keeping Up Appearances I met Mrs Bouquet!

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Sweetie, I did not say I would kick a child-I just said there are MANY bratty kids and bratty adults too-all caused by poor parenting.


I realize it is illegal my daugther is a teacher-besides I am not going to be a jerk because a kid is a brat. I would be stooping to the kid's level.


However, I would try and save a child from falling in a pool-if I was sued or imprisioned so be it-I could not live with myself otherwise.


OT- but my husband came to the rescue when a our neighbor and his sons were attacked by another neighbor's dogs in our front yard. This happened about 6 weeks ago and if you google "dog attack in Douglasville, GA" you can read it. Maybe even see a news clip of my hubby! He was in 2 or 3 news clips.


The police did not charge my husband with anything and the boys' father was very grateful. (I do feel it depends on the circumstances) The news called him an hero. Of course-he said he was not thinking danger to himself when he did-he just was thinking 2 children in distress and their father needed help. As my hubby said, anyone would have done what he did.


Tell your husband a solid heel kick to the rib/kidney area works...in case there's a next time. Been there and applaud him for doing what was needed. In my case, I was protecting another dog.


NOW....on with the bad table mate stories....ok?

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First night at dinner she complained to our great waiter there were no "chips" read french fries on the menu. He was back in ten minutes with a hot plate full of them for her. Her response, I didn't want them but they had best be on the menu tomorrow night just in case I do.


At the risk of re-awakening the kick debate, this sounds like a quick kick under the table (on behalf of the server) would have been appropriate.


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Thankfully we have never met them again. Let me rephrase that, never met her again. Her husband was one of the most pleasant passangers I have ever met.


A little off topic, but after a cruise once we were waiting for our shuttle. A woman and her husband were nearby, probably in their mid-60's. She was on a RANT about the car rental shuttle not being there. She was pacing, yelling at her husband, on her cell phone, and just ripping on that poor man for a solid 45 minutes. When she eventually walked further away to get a better view of incoming traffic, my husband walked over to the poor guy, put his arm around his shoulders, and said quietly, "One word...........p, r, o, z, a, c."


The guy had a good laugh, and the car rental shuttle finally showed up.


My husband is very, very shy and not very friendly. This was waaaaay out of character for him, but he just felt so sorry for the guy.

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I wish the nuns, coaches, teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and every other adult knew this back in the 60's as I was "assaulted" numerous times by all of the aforementioned.


I think that all of you need to understand that is probably the reason I am the way I am today. I should be pitied, so please quit attacking me.:rolleyes:




Oh!!! You know Sister Mary Elephant...........Class.....Classs......CLASSSSS!:D

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My first cruise was my last cruise for more than 20 years, in part because of our table mates.


This was a 7-day cruise from New York to Bermuda in the early 1980's. My friend got the cruise free from her travel agent aunt and asked me to go along, so I did.


A significant percentage of the passengers were recent high school grads (the one and only time I've seen whole groups of young women parading around in bikinis with high heels, like a beauty pageant). Another big percentage were New York City school teachers, enjoying one of the last weeks of summer before school began again. The teacher's union had put together a package deal that made the trip very affordable for them.


Our table consisted of four teachers, my friend and I, and two guys who claimed they were on the trip because one of their fathers paid for it to get him out of the house (they were in their mid-20s). The guy whose dad wanted him out spend the entire week so drunk he could barely function, but he was good looking and charming despite it all.


The teachers were another story. I shudder to think of the poor kids who suffered through classes with them, at least based on the conversations they managed that week. The highlight of the week was the one formal night, when one of the teachers (a woman in her late 20s/early 30s) was stopped by the maitre d' who had to explain to her that just because her sweat band matched her sweat pants, that did not make it formal attire.

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Please note that I recommended threatening to kick the child, not actually kicking.


It is no more acceptable for a child to continue kicking an adult painfully than it is for an adult to kick a child.


My point was that I would take action and make a huge fuss if anyone continually kicked me. I would not sit and "suck it up".


I would threaten the grandma... not the kid.

Grandma should lay down the law.


I agree though, no sitting through being kicked for me.

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Well, mine is a toss up between the British couple who complained about the shorex having to be dumb-downed for us North Americans or the US couple who called me a communist because I lived in Canada ( land of socialized medicine. )


Too bad it wasn't on the same cruise because I could have introduced the four of them :)


I always go with open seating and very seldom eat in the MDR.



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