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Holland America Reduces Bring-On Wine Allowance


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Wow....that is the reason why HAL has turned into a second rate cruiseline, because of that attitude. You don't want your cruise rate raised, but it's OK for others to pay a 400% markup??? You would not be paying for anyone's wine. Fair is fair.


Sorry but I have to disagree with you on this one aspect, and Nana51 is right - cruise fares overall cannot be increased just to cover the wine costs and improve the inventory for those of us who enjoy our particular wines. What HAL needs to do is to go back to allowing a reasonable amount of wine to be carried on, relative to the length of the cruise, and adjust their corkage fees. And of course to allow local wines in ports to be brought onboard for drinking whilst on the cruise, and not confiscated and returned upon disembarkation. Again, a reasonable corkage fee could be applied.

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Sorry but I have to disagree with you on this one aspect, and Nana51 is right - cruise fares overall cannot be increased just to cover the wine costs and improve the inventory for those of us who enjoy our particular wines. What HAL needs to do is to go back to allowing a reasonable amount of wine to be carried on, relative to the length of the cruise, and adjust their corkage fees. And of course to allow local wines in ports to be brought onboard for drinking whilst on the cruise, and not confiscated and returned upon disembarkation. Again, a reasonable corkage fee could be applied.


HAL needs to be fair. They certainly wouldn't need to raise fares by much, to balance their wine profit. HAL's prices are too low, thus the decrease in quality over the years. I resent paying a 400% markup because of a group of people don't realize that prices must go up in time. Why should HAL make their profit off of the wine drinkers? Their mark up is higher than any other line. It should be in line with the other cruiselines. If they have to raise prices so it's in line with every other cruiseline, that's what they should do. Sorry, I disagree with your thinking.


We will be lucky if HAL imposes a corkage---probably it will be $20-25. There is no way they will ever allow wine to be brought on again.


HAL needs to raise prices. Those people who don't want prices to go up have ruined the experience for the rest of us.

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HAL needs to be fair. They certainly wouldn't need to raise fares by much, to balance their wine profit. HAL's prices are too low, thus the decrease in quality over the years. I resent paying a 400% markup because of a group of people don't realize that prices must go up in time. Why should HAL make their profit off of the wine drinkers? Their mark up is higher than any other line. It should be in line with the other cruiselines. If they have to raise prices so it's in line with every other cruiseline, that's what they should do. Sorry, I disagree with your thinking.


We will be lucky if HAL imposes a corkage---probably it will be $20-25. There is no way they will ever allow wine to be brought on again.


HAL needs to raise prices. Those people who don't want prices to go up have ruined the experience for the rest of us.


I hear you Linda, but I was responding to the suggestion that fares be increased in direct relation to reducing wine charges, and Nana51's subsequent response to that. Ideally, fares should be increased overall to encompass a number of things, not just the wine:)


And HAL has already announced that the corkage fee will increase to $20 as of Jan 31st.

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HAL needs to be fair. They certainly wouldn't need to raise fares by much, to balance their wine profit. HAL's prices are too low, thus the decrease in quality over the years. I resent paying a 400% markup because of a group of people don't realize that prices must go up in time. Why should HAL make their profit off of the wine drinkers? Their mark up is higher than any other line. It should be in line with the other cruiselines. If they have to raise prices so it's in line with every other cruiseline, that's what they should do. Sorry, I disagree with your thinking.


We will be lucky if HAL imposes a corkage---probably it will be $20-25. There is no way they will ever allow wine to be brought on again.


HAL needs to raise prices. Those people who don't want prices to go up have ruined the experience for the rest of us.

Lucky you that you are getting such low fares. I'm paying well over $4K for my next cruise for a balcony for just me. Thanks but I'm paying enough already. I'm a wine drinker but I don't feel the need for anyone to subsidize me.

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It's not the navy blue hulls that look like ships.


It's not the teak promenade deck


It's not the friendly unobtrusive staff


It's not the itineraries


It's all about drinking wine.


Just load em onto a rusted tub and drive them in circles and keep the wine flowing. That should work.


it's the smell of the ocean

it's the sound of the sea

it's the sloshing and gurgling of the wine inside me

it's the prominade deck, nay the balcony too

it's the evening at pinnacle ,table for two

it's the snorkel, the sand, the catamaran ride

it's the feeling we get way deep down inside

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I hear you Linda, but I was responding to the suggestion that fares be increased in direct relation to reducing wine charges, and Nana51's subsequent response to that. Ideally, fares should be increased overall to encompass a number of things, not just the wine:)


And HAL has already announced that the corkage fee will increase to $20 as of Jan 31st.


Hope they keep it there. ...I was anticipating them raising it more if they allow more wine to be brought on.


I don't think rates should be raised only because of the wine. I just think 400% markup is horrible. It kept us from buying wine packages in the past. There is no excuse for it. I accept a markup---but one that is in line with the industry. However, if the markup is to allow them to not raise prices across the board, that is wrong, IMHO. There should be shared sacrifice for all.

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HAL needs to be fair. They certainly wouldn't need to raise fares by much, to balance their wine profit. HAL's prices are too low, thus the decrease in quality over the years. I resent paying a 400% markup because of a group of people don't realize that prices must go up in time. Why should HAL make their profit off of the wine drinkers? Their mark up is higher than any other line. It should be in line with the other cruiselines. If they have to raise prices so it's in line with every other cruiseline, that's what they should do. Sorry, I disagree with your thinking.


We will be lucky if HAL imposes a corkage---probably it will be $20-25. There is no way they will ever allow wine to be brought on again.


HAL needs to raise prices. Those people who don't want prices to go up have ruined the experience for the rest of us.


HAL does not operate in vacuum. The cruise industry is very competitive. Every year almost every line comes out with another bigger new ship; with more cabins to fill than the previous year. They not only have to keep their current client base. they need to expand it. Fortunately or unfortunately many people just compare/consider the initial booking prices when choosing a cruise. HAL does not want to give anyone a reason (based on booking price) to not book with them. All the cruise line's have a current marketing strategy of keeping the initial price as low as possible and "nickel and dime" them when they are on the ship.


The facts are EVERYTHING (not just wine) that you buy on a cruise ship is way over priced.



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:( Don't you all think that this is enough sniping at each other in this thread??? It's counterproductive and, besides, this is not about drinkers vs non-drinkers nor will the new policy affect the cruise fares!


Obviously all cruise lines and especially those, like HAL which heavily discount in some categories, are going to have to cut back somewhere...escalating food costs surely have more to do with this than the wine policy. Besides, corkage fees are income.


Put this in another context: suppose HAL only allowed those passengers booked on ship shore excursions to disembark at port calls?! Surely those many of you who prefer DIY or privately-booked tours would protest loudly...yet you are also cutting into HAL profits and could force up fares. I'm NOT suggesting this: just trying to point out how ridiculous the posts accusing those unhappy with the new wine policy of driving up fares are.


We've always found these boards so helpful...PLEASE let's get back to that happy place.:)


Thank you!



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:( Don't you all think that this is enough sniping at each other in this thread??? It's counterproductive and, besides, this is not about drinkers vs non-drinkers nor will the new policy affect the cruise fares!


Obviously all cruise lines and especially those, like HAL which heavily discount in some categories, are going to have to cut back somewhere...escalating food costs surely have more to do with this than the wine policy. Besides, corkage fees are income.


Put this in another context: suppose HAL only allowed those passengers booked on ship shore excursions to disembark at port calls?! Surely those many of you who prefer DIY or privately-booked tours would protest loudly...yet you are also cutting into HAL profits and could force up fares. I'm NOT suggesting this: just trying to point out how ridiculous the posts accusing those unhappy with the new wine policy of driving up fares are.


We've always found these boards so helpful...PLEASE let's get back to that happy place.:)


Thank you!




I agree with a happy place but those who are concerned should not be 'put down'. If this was another change (such as the one you are suggesting) then I am sure those who it affected would be hurt if those who it didn't affect weren't concerned. Every change that happens could open a door to another that could affect YOU (not you personally, but everyone that cruises).


The ship makes money in many ways in on board accounts. If someone wants to bring on wine, they may spending money in other ways on the ship, just as those who prefer not to be on a bus with 40 people may well spend significant monies elsewhere on the ship.


Everyone has their own personal tastes. That's what makes it fun. everyone is different. But let's all respect everyone else's opinions and keep it happy.






Actually, Bruzz Muzz has posted how little it costs to feed the multitudes each day. It's an amazingly low amount!


Smooth seas:)

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I hear you Linda, but I was responding to the suggestion that fares be increased in direct relation to reducing wine charges, and Nana51's subsequent response to that. Ideally, fares should be increased overall to encompass a number of things, not just the wine:)


And HAL has already announced that the corkage fee will increase to $20 as of Jan 31st.


That corkage fee is not going to make them a whole lot of money, if we're only allowed to take one bottle on! My TA checked with HAL about our 28-day Collector's in February, and it's just one bottle each for the whole cruise.

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HAL does not operate in vacuum. The cruise industry is very competitive. Every year almost every line comes out with another bigger new ship; with more cabins to fill than the previous year. They not only have to keep their current client base. they need to expand it. Fortunately or unfortunately many people just compare/consider the initial booking prices when choosing a cruise. HAL does not want to give anyone a reason (based on booking price) to not book with them. All the cruise line's have a current marketing strategy of keeping the initial price as low as possible and "nickel and dime" them when they are on the ship.


The facts are EVERYTHING (not just wine) that you buy on a cruise ship is way over priced.





I do understand and agree with your perspective. However, my point is, HAL's markup for wine should be IN LINE with the other cruiselines. They make us look like fools for overpaying by possibly 200%-----holding us over a barrel to pay it now that we can't bring on our own wine. If they aren't going to allow us to bring on wine (with a corkage), they should have the decency to keep their wine packages/prices in line with the industry.


HAL has possibly shot itself in the foot--because there are people who book for the initial low price (that you pointed out) AND being able to bring on wine. Only time will tell.

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Well... before we bring this wine dilemma to the supreme court.


If HAL mirrored Celebritys wine list and prices (everybody is alll of a sudden infatuated with celebrity:rolleyes:)


Then everybody would stop whining and all would be good right?


or is there another chapter?

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Well... before we bring this wine dilemma to the supreme court.


If HAL mirrored Celebritys wine list and prices (everybody is alll of a sudden infatuated with celebrity:rolleyes:)


Then everybody would stop whining and all would be good right?


or is there another chapter?



Maybe not 100 percent better, but much, much,much better. It's the combination of almost no wine being able be brought aboard and the rotten selection and prices on board. The latter is fixable, and if HAL doesn't fix it, it will surely lose money on their wine sales. They would be better off allowing us to bring more wine on board and charging a corkage fee.

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Well... before we bring this wine dilemma to the supreme court.


If HAL mirrored Celebritys wine list and prices (everybody is alll of a sudden infatuated with celebrity:rolleyes:)


Then everybody would stop whining and all would be good right?


or is there another chapter?

It depends. Will they be bringing 2 buck Chuck on;):D:p and if they do it better only be $4 bucks and not $8 because all the other cruise lines only charge $4.

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I didn't realize HAL had to be fair. It's a business after all. What in life is fair? There are choices to be made.


True. And business that are "not fair" gain a reputation, especially in these days of rating businesses on the internet, and many go out of business because of unfair practices. But you are certainly right about choices.

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I didn't realize HAL had to be fair. It's a business after all. What in life is fair? There are choices to be made.


So far, HAL's track record of making good choices is not impressive. How they handled the wine fiasco is proof in itself. This will hurt them in time. They have trouble getting the young crowd, because HAL's seen as a cruiseline for old people. They got a ton of business from people who overlooked the stodgy reputation, in order to bring on wine. You can talk about blue hulls all you want---people want more than that.


Lots of things in life ARE fair. Life would be very unhappy if that is how you see it. Most people would not give their business to a company they perceived as unfair, or not caring about their clients. Of course it's a business, but there are people in power who are not making good decisions. Not all people who are up at the top got there because they are smart or make good choices.


I find this argument very strange. It's OK for wine drinkers to over pay (over every other line) so people can pay a couple hundred dollars less for their fare---if that. I guess I have too much common sense to see that logic. HAL wanted their wine policy to be in line, I would think costs should follow!!


Just out of curiousity, do you have an explanation why HAL charges 200% more for their wine packages than any other line? So you don't have to pay more?

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Does anyone have the complete HAL Wine List? Not a listing from one of the bars, but a complete wine list with pricing of their offerings. I was under the impression that the list at dinner in the MDR is not a complete list ... but can't remember where I read that.

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it's the smell of the ocean

it's the sound of the sea

it's the sloshing and gurgling of the wine inside me

it's the prominade deck, nay the balcony too

it's the evening at pinnacle ,table for two

it's the snorkel, the sand, the catamaran ride

it's the feeling we get way deep down inside


Thank you for this. Very clever and well done.

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Mark my word, soft drinks and water will be next. Anything the cruise lines can make a buck off of will be banned from "guests" bringing on their ships.


Yes Yes Yes. That's why they spent 400 million dollars building a ship. Now they plan on making some of their money back.


That's how these crazy companies do things:rolleyes:

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HAL needs to be fair. They certainly wouldn't need to raise fares by much, to balance their wine profit. HAL's prices are too low, thus the decrease in quality over the years. I resent paying a 400% markup because of a group of people don't realize that prices must go up in time. Why should HAL make their profit off of the wine drinkers? Their mark up is higher than any other line. It should be in line with the other cruiselines. If they have to raise prices so it's in line with every other cruiseline, that's what they should do. Sorry, I disagree with your thinking.


We will be lucky if HAL imposes a corkage---probably it will be $20-25. There is no way they will ever allow wine to be brought on again.


HAL needs to raise prices. Those people who don't want prices to go up have ruined the experience for the rest of us.


A corkage fee of $20-25 is the norm in most restaurants today. Anything more and it's gouging.


Anyone that sailed more than twenty years ago knows the difference of what is being offered today compared to what used to be offered for free. I noticed a huge difference between the HAL cruise we took a couple of months ago and the one we took with them about eight years ago. Now almost everything is funneled into getting you to spend as much of your money as they can extract from you while on your cruise. You think if they raise prices things will go back to the way they used to be? Hell, they will just make more money. The cruise experience of yesteryear is long gone and will never return from the mid price cruise lines.

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A corkage fee of $20-25 is the norm in most restaurants today. Anything more and it's gouging.


Anyone that sailed more than twenty years ago knows the difference of what is being offered today compared to what used to be offered for free. I noticed a huge difference between the HAL cruise we took a couple of months ago and the one we took with them about eight years ago. Now almost everything is funneled into getting you to spend as much of your money as they can extract from you while on your cruise. You think if they raise prices things will go back to the way they used to be? Hell, they will just make more money. The cruise experience of yesteryear is long gone and will never return from the mid price cruise lines.


You are probably right. Yes, you've convinced me. They probably would take the money as profit. It will never be as it was...no more escargot for me.....at least on the mainstream lines. That's why so many of us progressed from Carnival, NCL etc. to the luxury lines. I guess Oceania and Azamara are what HAL once was. And, the new Viking coming up. OK...I won't talk about raising prices anymore. But, I am still going to complain about the wine markup and not being able to bring wine on.

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So far, HAL's track record of making good choices is not impressive. How they handled the wine fiasco is proof in itself. This will hurt them in time. They have trouble getting the young crowd, because HAL's seen as a cruiseline for old people. They got a ton of business from people who overlooked the stodgy reputation, in order to bring on wine. You can talk about blue hulls all you want---people want more than that.


Lots of things in life ARE fair. Life would be very unhappy if that is how you see it. Most people would not give their business to a company they perceived as unfair, or not caring about their clients. Of course it's a business, but there are people in power who are not making good decisions. Not all people who are up at the top got there because they are smart or make good choices.


I find this argument very strange. It's OK for wine drinkers to over pay (over every other line) so people can pay a couple hundred dollars less for their fare---if that. I guess I have too much common sense to see that logic. HAL wanted their wine policy to be in line, I would think costs should follow!!


Just out of curiousity, do you have an explanation why HAL charges 200% more for their wine packages than any other line? So you don't have to pay more?


I have no idea why they charge so much. I do have a choice and I do pay the prices. I also pay high prices for all my cruises even though you think I represent the trailer park trash on Hal. Last week I ate dinner with 6 different groups of people. I only saw 2 people drinking that whole time. Those people brought their wine on. Either everyone I ate with did not drink, were cheap, or thought the wine was plonk. If Hal doesn't change their tune by next year they could very well shoot themselves in the foot. That's their problem and it's their mistake to make. I'm sure they don't need me to tell them how to run their business. When I don't like something I vote with my feet.

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You are probably right. Yes, you've convinced me. They probably would take the money as profit. It will never be as it was...no more escargot for me.....at least on the mainstream lines. That's why so many of us progressed from Carnival, NCL etc. to the luxury lines. I guess Oceania and Azamara are what HAL once was. And, the new Viking coming up. OK...I won't talk about raising prices anymore. But, I am still going to complain about the wine markup and not being able to bring wine on.


There was escargot last week on the Oosterdam.

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