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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome!


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Jeff this is more of your colourful past, isn't it? :) Do tell us more.


I did know that the ceremony starts after it closes, but on my next trip to London I'd have probably toddled along around 9pm expecting to just get a ticket and be let in, there and then :o


Many don't know but there is a small community living inside and they seem to feel that these few restrictions are worth the honour of working there. So there are families with kids and grannies etc.


It was a very, very strange month. Several very interesting nights. In addition to the above there was a booking for a charity "do" in Madame Tussaud's in the Chamber of Horrors. They closed the doors to the public and I effectively had a few hours to "set up" but had a chance to spend some time with the exhibits throughout the building pretty much by myself. It was an experience I won't forget. When I did eventually test all the gear, I discovered the mic was knackered. In a panic .... but

I then remembered that there was a waxwork exhibit of JFK making a speech, so I found a guard, got a ladder and discovered that one of the mics was't a dummy, but real.. From then on, I boasted that I had once used a mic used by JFK. :D


Happy days.

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What is everyone eating and drinking today .... and who with?





Lamb chops for lunch today Jeff with roasters and cauli cheese......it was a matter of throwing it all together rather swiftly following panic stations in the upstairs bathroom when a pipe broke cascading water all over the damn place....l was not best amused and now have to wait for a new part..so no bath for a few days:eek:


Sophia :)

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I am genuinely trying to be helpful .. even though I can see that you clearly do not think you need it ....... but you have a day with lot's of variables that all need to go very right.



I understand and sincerely appreciate your helpfulness. ALL of your points are valid. While I like to plan, invariably, I adapt easily if/when the circumstances change. My family will go with flow and know that regardless of what transpires, we'll have a wonderful time whatever may come. Thanks again Jeff.

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I understand and sincerely appreciate your helpfulness. ALL of your points are valid. While I like to plan, invariably, I adapt easily if/when the circumstances change. My family will go with flow and know that regardless of what transpires, we'll have a wonderful time whatever may come. Thanks again Jeff.


FLEXIBILITY! The key to happiness......;)


I know you'll have a fabulous time.

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Can I recommend



A short walk over Tower bridge from the ceremony of the keys


For afternoon tea you could try




This is at The Langham Hotel near Oxford Circus in Central London.

Both look lovely. Thank you Mr. Luxury!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Many don't know but there is a small community living inside and they seem to feel that these few restrictions are worth the honour of working there. So there are families with kids and grannies etc.


It was a very, very strange month. Several very interesting nights. In addition to the above there was a booking for a charity "do" in Madame Tussaud's in the Chamber of Horrors. They closed the doors to the public and I effectively had a few hours to "set up" but had a chance to spend some time with the exhibits throughout the building pretty much by myself. It was an experience I won't forget. When I did eventually test all the gear, I discovered the mic was knackered. In a panic .... but

I then remembered that there was a waxwork exhibit of JFK making a speech, so I found a guard, got a ladder and discovered that one of the mics was't a dummy, but real.. From then on, I boasted that I had once used a mic used by JFK. :D


Happy days.


Morning Jeff, it must have been an amazing experience to be there. And very fortunate that one of those mics was real!

Not sure on food today, I've skipped breakfast again in my battle against the podge. I fancy going out for lunch, will have to see how the land lies.

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Lamb chops for lunch today Jeff with roasters and cauli cheese......it was a matter of throwing it all together rather swiftly following panic stations in the upstairs bathroom when a pipe broke cascading water all over the damn place....l was not best amused and now have to wait for a new part..so no bath for a few days:eek:


Sophia :)


I hope you get your bath sorted soon and :eek: about the pipe breaking. Is it ok today or will you need a dehumidifier or two?

I love the sound of your lunch, I especially adore cauli cheese.

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I hope you get your bath sorted soon and :eek: about the pipe breaking. Is it ok today or will you need a dehumidifier or two?

I love the sound of your lunch, I especially adore cauli cheese.



The funny thing was that l had just stepped into the bath and once I'd turned the taps off the whole room became like a huge shower...I leapt out at a rate of knots grabbed my robe and legged it downstairs to turn the water off...by now in panic mode!:rolleyes:

in the meantime the water is starting to drip drip through the hall ceiling!

Thankfully there's no damage apart from my stress levels!


I love cauli cheese too, preferably my own and not shop bought..l sometimes add a few bacon bits just before grating cheese on top to crisp up:)


Had to do a 14 mile round trip into town earlier just to top the car up so it's a prawn salad with jacket spud today for Father...I'm having beef ribs courtesy of St Micheal :eek: with corn, slaw and a jacket.....anything for an easy lunch these days!

Hope you get to go out for yours :)



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The funny thing was that l had just stepped into the bath and once I'd turned the taps off the whole room became like a huge shower...I leapt out at a rate of knots grabbed my robe and legged it downstairs to turn the water off...by now in panic mode!:rolleyes:

in the meantime the water is starting to drip drip through the hall ceiling!

Thankfully there's no damage apart from my stress levels!


I love cauli cheese too, preferably my own and not shop bought..l sometimes add a few bacon bits just before grating cheese on top to crisp up:)


Had to do a 14 mile round trip into town earlier just to top the car up so it's a prawn salad with jacket spud today for Father...I'm having beef ribs courtesy of St Micheal :eek: with corn, slaw and a jacket.....anything for an easy lunch these days!

Hope you get to go out for yours :)





Hi Sophia,


re leak ..... no expert in the slightest - in fact I bleed just looking at a screwdriver. :D However, if you have a tank in the loft I suggest you turn all taps on until it is drained. That might stop the upstairs leak until it's fixed.


Curry day today.


Enjoy your food.:)

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Not sure on food today, I've skipped breakfast again in my battle against the podge. I fancy going out for lunch, will have to see how the land lies.


Battle with the bulge reigns here also!:( we all know that breakfast is a must according to those that know these things!:rolleyes: but l have to admit to skipping it too most days....yet l do always feel better when l manage to overcome my idleness! ;)



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Hi Sophia,


re leak ..... no expert in the slightest - in fact I bleed just looking at a screwdriver. :D However, if you have a tank in the loft I suggest you turn all taps on until it is drained. That might stop the upstairs leak until it's fixed.


Curry day today.


Enjoy your food.:)


No tank here Jeff...plumber was with me within an hour having just as you said suggesting l drain all the water down whilst he was en route! He blocked off the offending flex pipe and l now have to wait for him to come back with a new one....:rolleyes:


Love curry...do post some pics:). S

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That comes over very rude.


As you're a newbie to CC, I'd suggest that you familiarise yourself with the Board Guidlines. :)

Here's a brief excerpt from the Spelling and Grammar section:

" Do not make comments on the spelling and grammar of other users. It is simply not a productive expenditure of energies."



Hope you don't mind me commenting on your comment here as this is a bit of an issue still and it isn't off topic by the watercooler .....


As you know S. I agree with you wholeheartedly and hope that the comment you refer to wasn't intended to be hurtful. But your reminder is an appropriate reminder to all of us including me.


Some time ago - and it still exists to a slightly lesser extent now - there was and still is a group of people who behave towards others in a spiteful and hurtful way as though they get pleasure from it. They constantly target posters rather than posts. I cannot believe they behave that way face-to-face and it's suprising because I presume they are mature, experienced, well-travelled rather than spiteful teenagers. What is nastier is when they gang up like bees and hover around supporting each others nasty comments and seem to get pleasure out of hurting people they have never met. It makes no sense to me at all and I find it sad that some have so little in their life that they spend their time simply trying to work out what it is that they can say that will proably hurt others.


The other issue remains that some believe that every positive comment about SS is undoubtedly true and the person is well infoirmed and clever and well-balanced and must be schmoozed and encouraged and "brought in" and anyone that says something in the slightest bit critical are ill-informed and un-balanced andcan have themselves and their comments rubbished. It isn't good for people trying to read about which product is best for them if a group is bullied and it helps no one except those that need constant self-grandiosement. We must try and discourage it. Also, so many new people yet to pluck up courage and post see the exchanges and are scared to participate and join in because they fear saying something that might generate an adverse comment and be bullied. Some like to exercise too much control over others.


It seems to me that over the last few months the atmosphere on CC SS has improved a lot - we have the odd nasty comment but not as many and I hope that people think a touch more before they post something that is likely to hurt. We must show dissaproval to such behaviour as you did. We all have feelings.


People shouldn't serve up to others what they are not prepared to eat themselves.



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Love curry...do post some pics:). S


I need to fess up and say that my eye was caught by the new Waitrose Asian Fusion range so we're trying those today with some buttered pillau from my treasured Zoji. I'm not normally allowed to buy curry because she loves mine and mine has taken years to cheat and develop. I'm proud she likes the results. But today I'm allowed out. I think it's because I put a blind up without needing hospital treatment.


So it's Chicken Penang, Malay Chicken, Beef Rendang and Chicken Massaman with pillau.



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I need to fess up and say that my eye was caught by the new Waitrose Asian Fusion range so we're trying those today with some buttered pillau from my treasured Zoji. I'm not normally allowed to buy curry because she loves mine and mine has taken years to cheat and develop. I'm proud she likes the results. But today I'm allowed out. I think it's because I put a blind up without needing hospital treatment.


So it's Chicken Penang, Malay Chicken, Beef Rendang and Chicken Massaman with pillau.




I need to get to Waitrose again, l do miss it and wish they would deliver here.

Although it is on my side of Lincoln it's still quite a trek for me...l must try and make the effort soon to sample some of the latest delights.


Sophia :)

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I need to get to Waitrose again, l do miss it and wish they would deliver here.

Although it is on my side of Lincoln it's still quite a trek for me...l must try and make the effort soon to sample some of the latest delights.


Sophia :)


Love curry...do post some pics. S









Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Hope you don't mind me commenting on your comment here as this is a bit of an issue still and it isn't off topic by the watercooler .....


Personally, l thank the lord for the watercooler:) as it's restored my faith in as much that there are really lovely folk on here with a great sense of humour who are willing to participate as such without the dreaded put downs, sarcastic comments and hateful posts.


I have always felt quite sorry for the newcomers to the boards who in most cases come here for genuine advice, whether it be on this SS board or indeed any other.

The reviews that they post is their personal opinion of a particular experience on board the ship they have travelled on, it may not be the experience of others but there is certainly no need to condemn or ridicule just because those others disagree....or indeed make nasty comments about spelling mistakes...that is just very petty and childish.


For over 40 years l have been a staunch Cunarder, having worked at sea on their ships way back in the late 60's and early 70's.

I have enjoyed the glorious days of QE2, sailed on QM2 and QV.


I very sadly lost the love of my life just two years ago...very tragically. We hadn't cruised for a while but l was determined to get on with life and so decided to take a cruise on SS last year on the Wind.

For me, travelling solo for the first time was a challenge but one that l stepped up to and really enjoyed. I enjoyed yet another voyage on the Wind last month and am now looking forward to the Whisper in October....this time travelling transatlantic.


With Silversea l have found my niche....l travel in a Vista suite, l love the butler and the fact that l don't have the embarrassment of having to worry about paying for drinks on board if l meet new company.


Fine dining is up to the individual and what they make of it.....for me it's just the beauty of being at sea and enjoying every moment on the ocean.



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Totally off topic.


My mosquito netting just arrived, ok not in a silver box.

I understand it is de rigueur for the "expedition" trip on the discoverer to the land of fire and ice, land of the chucki, acorss the bering sea.

hope it complies with the dress code.

i wont wear it in the dining room on formal nights.

Now my life is complete :rolleyes:

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never has someone had such an appropriate CC handle as you. What a lovely post although tinged with sadness at your loss. People who are blessed with the opportunity of sharing a life with someone really lovely and exceptional take a terrible hit when they lose them. I suspect that if he could he'd be pleased about you continuing in the way you have. Good on you! :)


Re how some post, I don't understand how anyone can spend a moment of their precious time they have causing others to be upset. Nice people love seeing others smile and hate seeing people upset.


With respect to people posting, it is much more probable to learn from people who are seeking completely different things from their cruises and travel. What I learned from dafne's post was that perhaps I want something a bit more informal eating-wise on a cruise. And if easy food is produced to a better quality than another line failing at fine food then perhaps that's a better match. Without dafne's post I wouldn't have thought of that approach. If you are open minded there's always something to learn. If you are close minded there is nothing for you to learn and no further progress to be made. I have always wanted to mix with people who hold different views to my own, because you learn if you listen. What on earth can you learn from people who hold the same opinions. I've always taken a pride in my own ability to change my mind ... sometimes often. I love and treasure inconsistency. It is a strength. Consistency is a potential greater weakness. I yearn for inconsistent politicians ... but that's a different topic ...


I'd love to hear what you did on the ships. You've got me all intrigued. :)

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Totally off topic.


My mosquito netting just arrived, ok not in a silver box.

I understand it is de rigueur for the "expedition" trip on the discoverer to the land of fire and ice, land of the chucki, acorss the bering sea.

hope it complies with the dress code.

i wont wear it in the dining room on formal nights.

Now my life is complete :rolleyes:


Wearing netting ... there must be pictures! Don't forget.


Whatever bites, finds me. And they always aims for bits of me you can't scratch in public with others tutting.



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And if easy food is produced to a better quality than another line failing at fine food then perhaps that's a better match.
Something airlines should give more thought to as well.



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