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There is Something Very Wrong and I Don't Know What it Is........


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Sail – Thank you for starting this thread. I have waited a couple of days to respond because I wanted to gather my thoughts. I do have to agree with you … something is amiss among the HAL posters on this board. Is it HAL … or is it the posters? Probably both?


I have told the story of booking our first cruise. We booked a 2004 Holiday cruise on HAL because we could drive to the port the morning of the cruise. That is the only reason we chose HAL. Shortly after booking and making full payment, I found CC … AND I was devastated. According to many, many posts on CC we had booked the worst ship in the fleet – The Maasdam. Everything was old and falling apart. Some posters made it sound like we would never survive 11 days aboard her. The day before our trip was to begin HAL called us and said the ship would not arrive the next day at 7:00am – but would arrive Norfolk late in the afternoon. And yet, we were determined none of this was going to ruin our first cruise. And guess what – the cruise was fabulous. Ok, so we didn’t sail until after midnight – but we were on a ship, with our own little cabin, and these friendly crew people were running all over the place and smiling at us at every opportunity. Instead of spending Christmas Day frazzled and tired … someone actually cooked all our meals, did the dishes … and I’m sure if I would have asked they would have tucked me in at night. Apart from missing our adult children – it was heaven for 11 days.


We fell in love with everything about HAL and its ships and their crew. We are now planning our 7th HAL cruise. We have no desire to look elsewhere. We like what we have in HAL … and will not consider jumping into a “the grass is greener” situation.


Have our cruises been perfect? Absolutely not. If we think about it, there have been some issues on each cruise. Some of those issues were more significant than others. Did any issue ruin our cruise? Again, absolutely not!


I agree Sail – there seem to be so many more unhappy HAL cruisers posting now. Perhaps because the internet is more alive than it was 9-10 years ago? How do we know for sure how many HAL cruises each poster has taken? Are there posters that haven’t set foot on a HAL ship in years … but just like to stir the pot? Are new cruisers getting on ships with unrealistic expectations? Have they done their homework? And how many unhappy posters simple do not understand “big business.” No cruise line is in business to entertain us. They are in business to make profits for their shareholders. Whatever else is said, that is the bottom line.


My big question is that if these posters hate HAL so much, why are they still cruising HAL? Why are they posting on a HAL cruise board? Why do they love driving away newbies with their stories about how awful their cruise is going to be? Of course we want to know the “bad stuff” that happens on your cruise. We really do want to feel sorry for you if your toilet didn’t work, or your air didn’t work. But we would like to hear the good stuff that happened on your cruise too. We want to know what’s new, and what’s gone. We want to know if those Lido trays ever reappeared. :D


Sail, in response to some of your bullet points:


IMO the wine policy change was long overdue. I’m surprised the finance/revenue executives let it go as long as it did. It was time to stop the unlimited wine policy. I find it interesting that under the new policy HAL requires your beverages to be brought on in your carry-on luggage and not in your checked baggage. Too many broken bottles? Too many people complaining about their broken bottles. YES – on our first cruise we packed a couple bottles of wine in our luggage, secured in many layers of bubble wrap. One bottle broke, we had to trash the suitcase, and spent our first cruise night doing laundry. So please don’t say it never happens. It did … to us. I’m really sorry many HAL cruisers are so upset by the new policy. I think if a few years ago HAL had put a tighter limit on the number of bottles one could bring onboard they would not have had to put such a strict policy in place for January.


I don’t think upsells or upgrades have anything to do with your cruise “star status.” Out of 6 cruises, we have been offered upsells on 4. We didn’t take them all, but they were offered.


You mentioned someone unhappy about having to special order wine by the case instead of the bottle. That just makes sense. Let’s just say they want 5 different wines (or however many). Why would HAL want to buy a case each of those 5 different wines, sell them one bottle, and have to store and try to get rid of the other bottles in those cases? Again, it just doesn’t make business sense to do that.


Of course the Explore4 package is offered at a different price than a cruise without the package. It is a specific package. Buy this package – pay this price. And just wait until the special package deal is over and cruise prices drop! This board will be on fire with rants about how their TA called HAL and if they get the lower price on their cabin they will lose the Explore4 package. We all know that is going to happen.


Lastly, I know that you Sail have not been happy about hoop jumping to get a new Cruise Atlas. Alas, this is now the digital age. With the printing costs for those brochures, HAL is smart to try to cut those costs. Just as we read our books on Kindles (etc.) … we now move into the on-line brochure phase of our lives.


I’m not loving some of the things I’ve been reading here recently either. But I’ve learned to read, maybe make a comment, and then move on. I’m sorry others are so unhappy . . .


BUT Linda and Vern are still having FUN … and we are doing in on HAL ships! :D


Thank you! You have expressed my thoughts on each of these matters quite eloquently. :D

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Very many of the things that folks have gotten upset over (regarding HAL) in the past few years are admittedly subjective and I do think boards like these sometimes play a role in transmitting negativity to a broader group of people.


On the other hand, I am pretty objective when looking at issues of concern to me, and I do find more reviews from HAL cruisers reporting objective problems, particularly plumbing-related problems and lack of air conditioning. I am not going to speculate as to the cause, but these things would give me pause in considering a HAL cruise.


Having once sailed in a cabin with no air conditioning on a cruise in August to Mexico (it was 90 degrees in there most of the time), with zero response from the staff other than to provide us with a tiny fan (:eek:) I am not eager to repeat any part of that experience, which was the most miserable vacation of my life. It was that cruise which made me take issue with the folks who always say "A bad day at sea is always better than a good day at work."!! Granted, that cruise was not on HAL but it has always made me sit up and take notice whenever there appear to be problems of that sort reported by multiple cruisers on a given ship.


I don't wear rose-colored glasses where HAL is concerned; I would sail HAL again under the right circumstances. But let's just say that finding the right circumstances has gotten harder of late with other lines and other choices available -- especially for solo cruisers and for those that sail mainly for itinerary (more options out there than previously and some with more reasonable solo supplements).


I really do hope HAL gets some inspired leadership from somewhere to give this line a new lease on life. I sort of get the feeling at times that they are grasping at straws, trying to find something that will work to maintain their "brand" but draw in new customers. I'm just glad that's not my job!


I would not be a fan of losing this line with all its associated history. On the other hand, I do think twice about sailing with HAL right now.

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I haven't been on CC a lot lately, so I didn't realize things had taken such a negative turn. Looking back a few pages, I see that is definitely the case. I've been here, on and off (but mostly on), since 2003 - and have noticed the general "feeling" here has cycles of a sort. A negative post seems to prompt others to post their own negative experiences, and a positive one will often be followed by a series of positives.


I ran into a bit of "unwelcomeness" here when I first joined. One of my early questions was a dumb one, and some folks jumped all over me. A few of the more experienced posters came to my defense, and I've felt like a part of the family ever since. You know who you are, as you're all still here, and you need to know I'd have quickly moved on without you. :)


SO ... positive or negative ... this board is a place I enjoy frequenting. Linda&Vern's post says it all - and I thank you for such a wonderful, well thought out, response.

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I’m not loving some of the things I’ve been reading here recently either. But I’ve learned to read, maybe make a comment, and then move on. I’m sorry others are so unhappy . . .


THANK YOU!!! Our first cruise was on the Rotterdam in 2008. I'd perused this forum beforehand and during the cruise thought to myself "what were some of those folks griping about?" We had a wonderful time. Maybe it was low or no expectations, don't know. But we were certainly happy.


Our second cruise was 2012 on the Nordam. I didn't think the Rotterdam could be surpassed but I was wrong. Yikes what a great ship!! And again I thought "what were some of those folks griping about?" I do remember seeing people who looked like they hadn't had a good day in 30 years, but that was their issue.


Our next cruise will be September. This will be the gift to my mother-in-law that I've discussed before (not that anyone would or should remember). New England/Canada on the Maasdam. I'm sure that'll be great also. OK, we can "only" bring three bottles of wine on board. Somehow I think we'll survive. With open seating we might have to wait 10-15 minutes to get seated in the MDR. We'll live. Might even have to talk to each other.


Hey, wait a minute....a cruise with my wife and her mother and talking. During football season. Who in the world talked me into THAT?????? OK, now I have reason for complaint! Then again, they do have a sports bar type thing on board, right?


"Where have you been?" "Ohhhhhh, nowhere special."

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You're in trouble......


No Sports Bar on Maasdam but she's a GREAT ship but you'll get the scores. :)

We love Maasdam and her wonderful crew!!! .....and itinerary you are doing.

Of course, you'll have a great time.

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My big question is that if these posters hate HAL so much, why are they still cruising HAL? Why are they posting on a HAL cruise board?


I think that is a little strong to be saying all these people posting on the HAL board hate HAL. We certainly don't or we wouldn't be here looking for our next HAL cruise. And, if we weren't going to cruise on HAL again we wouldn't be here. HAL was always our favorite cruise line. They still have the best itineraries in our opinion and wonderful cabin stewards.


With that said, we had a broken toilet on both Veendam and Maasdam. They were both taken apart and fixed the same day, but on Veendam we did not have working AC. It wasn't a problem in South America, but was when we got to Panama which was very hot. The wine steward told us he was unhappy and many were loosing their jobs, so was negative. Did it ruin our vacations? Certainly not, we have loved all of them. Do we think HAL keeps their ships in great shape? No. If we come here and post everything is perfect knowing that "Seattle" reads these boards, why would they ever think any changes need to be made?

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Perhaps, Sail, as you are their most loyal customer, you should send that posting directly to the President of HAL.


I am sure that HAL knows about our respective feelings regarding the loss of some of our favorite perks. I have been to several MG and been told by numerous officers that they regularly check CC to read the posts, both good and bad. I think this is just a sign of the times and the financial future of HAL. Would I rather have to buy wine on board or lose the blue hull ships forever? I'll pay for my wine thank you and consider it my small effort to keep HAL sailing.

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THANK YOU!!! Our first cruise was on the Rotterdam in 2008. I'd perused this forum beforehand and during the cruise thought to myself "what were some of those folks griping about?" We had a wonderful time. Maybe it was low or no expectations, don't know. But we were certainly happy.


Our second cruise was 2012 on the Nordam. I didn't think the Rotterdam could be surpassed but I was wrong. Yikes what a great ship!! And again I thought "what were some of those folks griping about?" I do remember seeing people who looked like they hadn't had a good day in 30 years, but that was their issue.


Our next cruise will be September. This will be the gift to my mother-in-law that I've discussed before (not that anyone would or should remember). New England/Canada on the Maasdam. I'm sure that'll be great also. OK, we can "only" bring three bottles of wine on board. Somehow I think we'll survive. With open seating we might have to wait 10-15 minutes to get seated in the MDR. We'll live. Might even have to talk to each other.


Hey, wait a minute....a cruise with my wife and her mother and talking. During football season. Who in the world talked me into THAT?????? OK, now I have reason for complaint! Then again, they do have a sports bar type thing on board, right?


"Where have you been?" "Ohhhhhh, nowhere special."



Sports bar is gone as well as the Piano Bar -- that area has been completely done over and is now called the MIX. There is a TV in one section of the MIX.


To the left of the bar there is an area where a guitarist plays from 5 PM - 9 PM:


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Sail – Thank you for starting this thread. I have waited a couple of days to respond because I wanted to gather my thoughts. I do have to agree with you … something is amiss among the HAL posters on this board. Is it HAL … or is it the posters? Probably both?


I have told the story of booking our first cruise. We booked a 2004 Holiday cruise on HAL because we could drive to the port the morning of the cruise. That is the only reason we chose HAL. Shortly after booking and making full payment, I found CC … AND I was devastated. According to many, many posts on CC we had booked the worst ship in the fleet – The Maasdam. Everything was old and falling apart. Some posters made it sound like we would never survive 11 days aboard her. The day before our trip was to begin HAL called us and said the ship would not arrive the next day at 7:00am – but would arrive Norfolk late in the afternoon. And yet, we were determined none of this was going to ruin our first cruise. And guess what – the cruise was fabulous. Ok, so we didn’t sail until after midnight – but we were on a ship, with our own little cabin, and these friendly crew people were running all over the place and smiling at us at every opportunity. Instead of spending Christmas Day frazzled and tired … someone actually cooked all our meals, did the dishes … and I’m sure if I would have asked they would have tucked me in at night. Apart from missing our adult children – it was heaven for 11 days.


We fell in love with everything about HAL and its ships and their crew. We are now planning our 7th HAL cruise. We have no desire to look elsewhere. We like what we have in HAL … and will not consider jumping into a “the grass is greener” situation.


Have our cruises been perfect? Absolutely not. If we think about it, there have been some issues on each cruise. Some of those issues were more significant than others. Did any issue ruin our cruise? Again, absolutely not!


I agree Sail – there seem to be so many more unhappy HAL cruisers posting now. Perhaps because the internet is more alive than it was 9-10 years ago? How do we know for sure how many HAL cruises each poster has taken? Are there posters that haven’t set foot on a HAL ship in years … but just like to stir the pot? Are new cruisers getting on ships with unrealistic expectations? Have they done their homework? And how many unhappy posters simple do not understand “big business.” No cruise line is in business to entertain us. They are in business to make profits for their shareholders. Whatever else is said, that is the bottom line.


My big question is that if these posters hate HAL so much, why are they still cruising HAL? Why are they posting on a HAL cruise board? Why do they love driving away newbies with their stories about how awful their cruise is going to be? Of course we want to know the “bad stuff” that happens on your cruise. We really do want to feel sorry for you if your toilet didn’t work, or your air didn’t work. But we would like to hear the good stuff that happened on your cruise too. We want to know what’s new, and what’s gone. We want to know if those Lido trays ever reappeared. :D


Sail, in response to some of your bullet points:


IMO the wine policy change was long overdue. I’m surprised the finance/revenue executives let it go as long as it did. It was time to stop the unlimited wine policy. I find it interesting that under the new policy HAL requires your beverages to be brought on in your carry-on luggage and not in your checked baggage. Too many broken bottles? Too many people complaining about their broken bottles. YES – on our first cruise we packed a couple bottles of wine in our luggage, secured in many layers of bubble wrap. One bottle broke, we had to trash the suitcase, and spent our first cruise night doing laundry. So please don’t say it never happens. It did … to us. I’m really sorry many HAL cruisers are so upset by the new policy. I think if a few years ago HAL had put a tighter limit on the number of bottles one could bring onboard they would not have had to put such a strict policy in place for January.


I don’t think upsells or upgrades have anything to do with your cruise “star status.” Out of 6 cruises, we have been offered upsells on 4. We didn’t take them all, but they were offered.


You mentioned someone unhappy about having to special order wine by the case instead of the bottle. That just makes sense. Let’s just say they want 5 different wines (or however many). Why would HAL want to buy a case each of those 5 different wines, sell them one bottle, and have to store and try to get rid of the other bottles in those cases? Again, it just doesn’t make business sense to do that.


Of course the Explore4 package is offered at a different price than a cruise without the package. It is a specific package. Buy this package – pay this price. And just wait until the special package deal is over and cruise prices drop! This board will be on fire with rants about how their TA called HAL and if they get the lower price on their cabin they will lose the Explore4 package. We all know that is going to happen.


Lastly, I know that you Sail have not been happy about hoop jumping to get a new Cruise Atlas. Alas, this is now the digital age. With the printing costs for those brochures, HAL is smart to try to cut those costs. Just as we read our books on Kindles (etc.) … we now move into the on-line brochure phase of our lives.


I’m not loving some of the things I’ve been reading here recently either. But I’ve learned to read, maybe make a comment, and then move on. I’m sorry others are so unhappy . . .


BUT Linda and Vern are still having FUN … and we are doing in on HAL ships! :D


I really haven't seen anyone post here that they hate HAL.

But many of us are getting frustrated with different rules on different ships.

And some of us not getting the perks we have paid for.

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Hello everyone: I'm back to my beloved Cruise Critic Message board. Haven't been on here since our last cruise last April 2012.

Now our reservation was confirmed onboard the Noordam October 31st out of Rome for the TA cruise. Firstly, we have never sailed on the Noordam before. Secondly, what rules have changed with regard to bringing wine onboard? I haven't been reading the posts but just saw something about this now.

Will have to start my research for Rome, etc. Not sure where to stay yet as we fly into Rome 5 days in advance. :D

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I am sure that HAL knows about our respective feelings regarding the loss of some of our favorite perks. I have been to several MG and been told by numerous officers that they regularly check CC to read the posts, both good and bad. I think this is just a sign of the times and the financial future of HAL. Would I rather have to buy wine on board or lose the blue hull ships forever? I'll pay for my wine thank you and consider it my small effort to keep HAL sailing.



What perks are gone? I have been away from this board for over a year.

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Hello everyone: I'm back to my beloved Cruise Critic Message board. Haven't been on here since our last cruise last April 2012.

Now our reservation was confirmed onboard the Noordam October 31st out of Rome for the TA cruise. Firstly, we have never sailed on the Noordam before. Secondly, what rules have changed with regard to bringing wine onboard? I haven't been reading the posts but just saw something about this now.

Will have to start my research for Rome, etc. Not sure where to stay yet as we fly into Rome 5 days in advance. :D


There is a sticky at the top of the CC HAL page regarding the new wine policy. It apparently will start in Jan 2014, so your October 2013 cruise will not be affected. The Noordam cruises from Rome look wonderful. Have a great time and the Noordam was just voted top mid-sized ship of the year. Best wishes.

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Sail – Thank you for starting this thread. I have waited a couple of days to respond because I wanted to gather my thoughts. I do have to agree with you … something is amiss among the HAL posters on this board. Is it HAL … or is it the posters? Probably both?


I have told the story of booking our first cruise. We booked a 2004 Holiday cruise on HAL because we could drive to the port the morning of the cruise. That is the only reason we chose HAL. Shortly after booking and making full payment, I found CC … AND I was devastated. According to many, many posts on CC we had booked the worst ship in the fleet – The Maasdam. Everything was old and falling apart. Some posters made it sound like we would never survive 11 days aboard her. The day before our trip was to begin HAL called us and said the ship would not arrive the next day at 7:00am – but would arrive Norfolk late in the afternoon. And yet, we were determined none of this was going to ruin our first cruise. And guess what – the cruise was fabulous. Ok, so we didn’t sail until after midnight – but we were on a ship, with our own little cabin, and these friendly crew people were running all over the place and smiling at us at every opportunity. Instead of spending Christmas Day frazzled and tired … someone actually cooked all our meals, did the dishes … and I’m sure if I would have asked they would have tucked me in at night. Apart from missing our adult children – it was heaven for 11 days.


We fell in love with everything about HAL and its ships and their crew. We are now planning our 7th HAL cruise. We have no desire to look elsewhere. We like what we have in HAL … and will not consider jumping into a “the grass is greener” situation.


Have our cruises been perfect? Absolutely not. If we think about it, there have been some issues on each cruise. Some of those issues were more significant than others. Did any issue ruin our cruise? Again, absolutely not!


I agree Sail – there seem to be so many more unhappy HAL cruisers posting now. Perhaps because the internet is more alive than it was 9-10 years ago? How do we know for sure how many HAL cruises each poster has taken? Are there posters that haven’t set foot on a HAL ship in years … but just like to stir the pot? Are new cruisers getting on ships with unrealistic expectations? Have they done their homework? And how many unhappy posters simple do not understand “big business.” No cruise line is in business to entertain us. They are in business to make profits for their shareholders. Whatever else is said, that is the bottom line.


My big question is that if these posters hate HAL so much, why are they still cruising HAL? Why are they posting on a HAL cruise board? Why do they love driving away newbies with their stories about how awful their cruise is going to be? Of course we want to know the “bad stuff” that happens on your cruise. We really do want to feel sorry for you if your toilet didn’t work, or your air didn’t work. But we would like to hear the good stuff that happened on your cruise too. We want to know what’s new, and what’s gone. We want to know if those Lido trays ever reappeared. :D


Sail, in response to some of your bullet points:


IMO the wine policy change was long overdue. I’m surprised the finance/revenue executives let it go as long as it did. It was time to stop the unlimited wine policy. I find it interesting that under the new policy HAL requires your beverages to be brought on in your carry-on luggage and not in your checked baggage. Too many broken bottles? Too many people complaining about their broken bottles. YES – on our first cruise we packed a couple bottles of wine in our luggage, secured in many layers of bubble wrap. One bottle broke, we had to trash the suitcase, and spent our first cruise night doing laundry. So please don’t say it never happens. It did … to us. I’m really sorry many HAL cruisers are so upset by the new policy. I think if a few years ago HAL had put a tighter limit on the number of bottles one could bring onboard they would not have had to put such a strict policy in place for January.


I don’t think upsells or upgrades have anything to do with your cruise “star status.” Out of 6 cruises, we have been offered upsells on 4. We didn’t take them all, but they were offered.


You mentioned someone unhappy about having to special order wine by the case instead of the bottle. That just makes sense. Let’s just say they want 5 different wines (or however many). Why would HAL want to buy a case each of those 5 different wines, sell them one bottle, and have to store and try to get rid of the other bottles in those cases? Again, it just doesn’t make business sense to do that.


Of course the Explore4 package is offered at a different price than a cruise without the package. It is a specific package. Buy this package – pay this price. And just wait until the special package deal is over and cruise prices drop! This board will be on fire with rants about how their TA called HAL and if they get the lower price on their cabin they will lose the Explore4 package. We all know that is going to happen.


Lastly, I know that you Sail have not been happy about hoop jumping to get a new Cruise Atlas. Alas, this is now the digital age. With the printing costs for those brochures, HAL is smart to try to cut those costs. Just as we read our books on Kindles (etc.) … we now move into the on-line brochure phase of our lives.


I’m not loving some of the things I’ve been reading here recently either. But I’ve learned to read, maybe make a comment, and then move on. I’m sorry others are so unhappy . . .


BUT Linda and Vern are still having FUN … and we are doing in on HAL ships! :D


I appreciate your thoughtful post. The comment "No cruise line is in the business to entertain us" is one that I must disagree with. This is their primary function. Why would HAL offer spa services, trivia, bingo, guest speakers, shore excursions, specialty restaurants etc.if not to entertain. Why would any pax pay thousands of dollars if they were not being entertained. This is indeed the business of any cruise line. Again thanks for your comments.

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Providing activity options may not be the same as a duty to "entertain" individual passengers. I get what you are saying Linda and Vern. It is nice to have distractions to some degree while cruising, but it still seems to me the main task is to provide transportation to specific destinations with some relative degree of comfort. But I might be missing something here because we always thought the ports visited were the primary focus of cruising.

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Providing activity options may not be the same as a duty to "entertain" individual passengers. I get what you are saying Linda and Vern. It is nice to have distractions to some degree while cruising, but it still seems to me the main task is to provide transportation to specific destinations with some relative degree of comfort. But I might be missing something here because we always thought the ports visited were the primary focus of cruising.



Not for everyone. We cruise for the ships services we receive. Ports are a plus.



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Providing activity options may not be the same as a duty to "entertain" individual passengers. I get what you are saying Linda and Vern. It is nice to have distractions to some degree while cruising, but it still seems to me the main task is to provide transportation to specific destinations with some relative degree of comfort. But I might be missing something here because we always thought the ports visited were the primary focus of cruising.



Not everyone primarily cruises for the ports...... particularly in Caribbean. Some of us cruise to get out of cold winter weather and wherever (warm) the ship sails in winter is mostly fine by us. In years past, we cruised more for ports but not so today. We want a comfortable, clean cabin well maintained, comforts such as available in a resort hotel, adequate meals served in an attractive setting, a choice of lounges to enjoy a cocktail or after dinner drink. We want efficient and willing stewards and a cocktail party or two is just fine by us. :)


When we cruised in Europe, we looked for all that AND great ports.

We don't care about shows, bingo, art auctions, cooking lessons, spa, or other diversions of that sort.


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If it is just sunshine some people want, then I can see the reasons to move on to land-based resorts in the same area.


These two differing expectations for cruise travel can pull a traditional line like HAL in two opposite directions asking it be both a daily entertainment emporium and a cruise travel destination operation. That may be too much to ask from a line like HAL with its older ships and still many travel-oriented passengers.


Interesting differences in expectations. How does the money get spent when passenger fares are asked to go in such two different directions?

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If it is just sunshine some people want, then I can see the reasons to move on to land-based resorts in the same area.


These two differing expectations for cruise travel can pull a traditional line like HAL in two opposite directions asking it be both a daily entertainment emporium and a cruise travel destination operation. That may be too much to ask from a line like HAL with its older ships and still many travel-oriented passengers.


Interesting differences in expectations. How does the money get spent when passenger fares are asked to go in such two different directions?


Our Caribbean cruises are just for the sake of the cruise and we don't care about the ports. We don't like land based resorts where the scenery does not change from day to day so why should we move on? Cruising is much more interesting and fun for us. I have never been bored on a cruise whether it was a port centred cruise or not.

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Providing activity options may not be the same as a duty to "entertain" individual passengers. I get what you are saying Linda and Vern. It is nice to have distractions to some degree while cruising, but it still seems to me the main task is to provide transportation to specific destinations with some relative degree of comfort. But I might be missing something here because we always thought the ports visited were the primary focus of cruising.


Not meaning to nitpick here but I guess I am :D

If the main task is to provide transportation then a mail boat(slow boat) would suffice.

The definition of entertain is as follows:






  • Provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.
  • Receive (someone) as a guest and provide food and drink.

If we use this definition then that is exactly the role of the cruise line in addition to transportation to wonderful ports.

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Not meaning to nitpick here but I guess I am :D

If the main task is to provide transportation then a mail boat(slow boat) would suffice.

The definition of entertain is as follows:






  • Provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.
  • Receive (someone) as a guest and provide food and drink.

If we use this definition then that is exactly the role of the cruise line in addition to transportation to wonderful ports.

Correct. And, many cruise lines seem to manage this just fine. For the most part, so does HAL.

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Will have to start my research for Rome, etc. Not sure where to stay yet as we fly into Rome 5 days in advance. :D


Sorry to go OT, but try the Santa Maria in Trastevere. We have stayed there several times. Stefano of Rome Cabs can provide transfes and any tours that you would like.

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Correct. And, many cruise lines seem to manage this just fine. For the most part, so does HAL.


I think in its same cruise line class, HAL always wins for itineraries which attract the more travel/port oriented passengers who like us tend to overlook some of the entertainment/service deficiencies other passengers find discouraging.


Maybe HAL with its older, smaller ship limitations is trying to be too much to too many customers and does need to focus on one primary travel purpose or another rather than spreading itself too thin trying to do both, and compete with the newer glitzier and far larger ships in its same cruise line class: primarily Princess and Celebrity.


Though Princess still has some smaller ships and some interesting itineraries but they appear to have a lot more of the larger standard destination ships than HAL. Celebrity appears to be far more limited in its offerings at first glance.


The real issue is with the expanding asian markets who control much of the discretionary travel spending now, how will HAL respond to their needs/desires, and in consequence less so to the needs/desires of the North American customer base.

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Our Caribbean cruises are just for the sake of the cruise and we don't care about the ports. We don't like land based resorts where the scenery does not change from day to day so why should we move on? Cruising is much more interesting and fun for us. I have never been bored on a cruise whether it was a port centred cruise or not.


Honoring those who are choosing land based trips over cruises. No one is saying you "should move on". Though HAL might have to decide if it is more in the off shore port/destination business or the onboard service/entertainment business if they find they can't realistically do both at the highest possible levels.

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Providing activity options may not be the same as a duty to "entertain" individual passengers. I get what you are saying Linda and Vern. It is nice to have distractions to some degree while cruising, but it still seems to me the main task is to provide transportation to specific destinations with some relative degree of comfort. But I might be missing something here because we always thought the ports visited were the primary focus of cruising.



the main task is to provide transportation??? seriously??? I can take a land tour and do that in Europe. Yes, we do expect some relative comfort which HAl has provided in the past. I do expect nice meals and I do expect some service. I do expect a nice experience If I am crossing the ocean with no ports for 9 days, then yes, I do expect some nice meals and some activities. HAL's activities are minimal which suits us but I do expect the minimal.


I guess my expectations are unreasonable;)

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Though HAL might have to decide if it is more in the off shore port/destination business or the onboard service/entertainment business if they find they can't realistically do both at the highest possible levels.


I'm fairly certain HAL is not doing both at the "highest possible levels" right now. Some lines may be able to do that, but they will likely not be a mass market line.


There are ships and lines out there with exciting itineraries. There are also ships out there with excellent food, service and entertainment. But you're not going to find both at the prices HAL charges, on average, for its cabins.


I also believe HAL would not survive long were they to solely rest on the concept of being an itinerary-focused line without all the trimmings passengers expect on a mass market line. At least, not without seriously paring back its current fleet of ships.


The market for people who have the time and expendable income (especially in the last few years) to take lengthy cruises to exotic destinations is small compared with those who want to spend a week -- or two at most -- cruising the Caribbean, Mexico or perhaps Alaska.

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