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Goal 30 lbs down by Feb 2


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We (my boyfriend and I) are going on our first cruise together in February. I am using this trip as the motivation I need to kick the last 30-40 pounds I have to reach my goal weight. When we moved in together, I changed our diet and it did wonders. I lost the first 20-30 lbs easily and saw a size 12 for the first time in years. Then I plateaued, and injuries from a car accident cut back my exercise as well. I have gained roughly 5-10 pounds back, and it is time to get back on top of things.


Last week the exercise began again. I ran just short of a mile and a half on my first run on Sunday. I have a training regimen on RunKeeper. It has work outs for me 3 days a week, and I will supplement those workouts with yoga on the off days.



The first goal is to drop the 5-10 I gained back by Halloween. Then it will be to lose the additional 20 by the time we leave for the cruise. The 2 big challenges will be: 1) To keep on top of my running once the cold weather sets in. Running on the treadmill just isn't the same as running outside. 2) To Avoid coming up with excuses to skip exercise "Oh we have the girls that night." "We are too busy." "it has already been a long day." I need to make and stick to a schedule.

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hmm I guess it just me here then...ok:


Saturday I started taking green tea and vitamin B12. Neither are miracle drugs, but they do seem to help with energy and with suppressing my appetite. I have been drinking plenty of water too.


Monday was my "off" day, but I still stuck to the smaller portions (and as I mentioned before all my meals are made from scratch).


Yesterday: I increased my number of crunches and push ups by 10 and I ran the full 1.5 miles. I increased my average speed too. I am hoping my new running shoes ship soon though. My old ones are just not supporting me like they should.


Tonight is a yoga night


Tomorrow is another running night. I may try for 2 miles tomorrow.

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hmm I guess it just me here then...ok:


Saturday I started taking green tea and vitamin B12. Neither are miracle drugs, but they do seem to help with energy and with suppressing my appetite. I have been drinking plenty of water too.


Monday was my "off" day, but I still stuck to the smaller portions (and as I mentioned before all my meals are made from scratch).


Yesterday: I increased my number of crunches and push ups by 10 and I ran the full 1.5 miles. I increased my average speed too. I am hoping my new running shoes ship soon though. My old ones are just not supporting me like they should.


Tonight is a yoga night


Tomorrow is another running night. I may try for 2 miles tomorrow.


Good luck. I took up running (jogging) again last year after a long break, after I read the book Run Fat B**ch Run, I think it is called by a different name in the states. When I was younger I could only do 3 km, and now can do 5km jogs, I haven't managed to lose any weight with it though, but it still feels good. I use the Nike running app. Good shoes are a must! All the best.



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Friday started off well. I was feeling great about my progress. By the end of the day, my tune had changed. I felt puffy and bigger than I was when I started. I'm not sure how that happened.


My shins and calves have been suffering from the lack of support in my old shoes. The new shoes were not delivered until this afternoon, so I opted to stay indoors and use the elliptical. It was a great workout, but a harder one than I had planned on. The new shoes feel great, and I can't wait to run tomorrow.

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Hey JennLee!


I think your goal is totally do-able.


From your comment...I wonder what body type you would be? Have you ever heard about body typing based on your dominant gland? There is a lot of info...and I admit that some of it conflicts. But the basic types are adrenal, ovary, thyroid, pituitary (and liver for men). I've only recently discovered this and it is somewhat amazing how accurate the descriptions are for the different types.


I only ask because of the puffy and bloated comment...I'm an adrenal type and water weight is something that is really easy for me to put on...and off when I do what needs to be done...actually. I know that feeling. I used to believe that it was more related to menstruation cycles but since not all women deal with this...I'm believing more that it is body type related.


I can't stand running personally...I used to believe that I wanted to run in events...just to do it...and I started the C25K program...but the fact is that I hate running. I do love hiking...and other vigorous walking. But I admire people who do run.


I love yoga though. I'm trying to get a home practice started again. What are you doing for your yoga? Have you been practicing for a while? Do you have a routine you like? I got a book called 40 days to balance, or something similar with Rodney Yee (I really like him)...and I'm thinking about trying to do this book again. I've tried in the past, but I haven't stuck with it for various reasons. Some valid. Some lazy.


Hope you have a good run tomorrow. Be sure and warm up those shins! Even doing toe taps before you get started can really help to relieve sore shins.

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Thanks Anita Latte! From what I have been reading, it sounds like my dominant glad is the adrenal too. I will need to do more research on that.


The new shoes are fabulous. With adequate stretching beforehand, there was not any additional shin or calf pain.


I used to to a ballet workout. I loved it, but we live on the second floor now. I doubt the people below us want to hear me jumping around (especially when I'm up at 6:00 on the Saturdays the girls have cheer/soccer/basketball). Since I'm just starting out, I am using the Simply Yoga app on my iPad.

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Thanks Grannyofsix!


Monday is my off day, but today I was back at it. 5 minute walk, 15 minute run, 5 minute walk. I'm a bit sore, but I am not going to let it keep me from yoga tomorrow.


I need to keep up on my water consumption. I've noticed I get busy at work and forget to drink it like I should.

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Days off are just as important as days on. The key is to do both. LOL. So good job!


I don't work outside the house but DH does. To keep up with his water consumption at work, he takes a container that holds 32 oz. and drinks that before leaving for home. He drinks at least 16 oz in the morning before leaving for work. It's fairly easy for him to finish off the day at home. The system has held up well for years.


He used to use a Nalgene bottle/jar. These days we are drinking a cran-water solution (1/8 cup of 100% cranberry juice to 7/8 cups water) so we refill one of the 32 oz containers in which the cranberry juice was originally sold.

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So..I thought I posted last night, but it didn't go through?


I drink 16-20 oz of water on my way to work, and I also bring a another 20 oz water bottle with me to drink and refill throughout the day.



This morning I was feeling down because my pants seemed a little tighter than they were even last week. I was wondering what I had done wrong. Then I noticed that these pants still had the price tag on, it had just been tucked inside. That is when I realized I grabbed the wrong pants this morning. These were the pants I ordered, that were too tight to button (okay they could be buttoned, but then I couldn't breathe). I never returned them, and in my half awake stupor put them on this morning. I am shocked that while they are a bit more snug than my other black pants, they actually fit and I can wear them.

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JennLee; Keep working at it. No matter if you have a puffy day or not. Puffy days are wen youre body retains water. be it from hormones, lack of h20 consumption that day, sodium consumption. It isn't permanent. You probably know these tips but here ya go;

don't use a scale on a regular basis. I know you have a goal but weigh-in twice a month. There isn't a scale under your feet as you go through life, how you look and feel is the true measure of success. It's difficult to stay off the scale but use the mirror and your clothes as your guide.

Drink a gallon of h20 a day. Sounds like a lot right? 6 20oz bottles a day. That's it. One ice cold as soon as you get out of bed (creates a thermogenic bump to start your day it your core temp will rise to maintain internal temp). One before bed and then all you have left is one every 2 hours. So, following this you'll go over and thats fine.

When you plateau, take a meal to splurge. No working out that day. I know...your body responds quicky and catches on to what you are doing. Once it realizes that calories are restricted it accomodates by holding stored fat to use for energy. So, throw it off when it gets comfy. Eat a big silly dinner and then next moring you'll look and feel lighter than before.

Eat 6 small meals a day. Veggies, some fruit and lean protein. Also, carbs are essential and healthy. Eat low gylcemic carbs with meals (2 meals only) and higher ones after a workout if at all. Your body more easily and effciently assimiliates the sugars after you deplete your gylocogen levels via exercise. So if you love a slice of white bread, eat it after you workout. Also, consider weight training. Muscle burns fat at rest. More muscle = more fat burned while doing nothing!!!


Hope this helps you a bit. Dig in and get your goals accomplished!

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I agree with weight training, although if the yoga you are practicing is power yoga, there are weight training components in that. I do both as well as cardio, my goal is two hours a day, I generally hit 16 hours of exercise a week between it all.


After weight training you need some carbs, but a lot of protein to help your body build muscle. Egg whites are your friend. One of my favorite post workout meals is an egg white, spinach, and feta omelette. It ties up all the needed components in a tidy meals with near perfect macros.


While eating a large meal can benefit a plateau, make it a healthy one. Don't go to a fast food place or eat a bag of candy, instead use those calories for a larger quantity of healthy food. The other thing that can help kick a plateau is extra good fat. Have an avocado. Your body NEEDS good fat to burn body fat.

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Thank you for your advice. Yes I keep working out even on the puffy days. I try to keep up on my water, and watch my diet. Yes there is some weight training along with the yoga.


I over did it on the running this weekend. Today I ran a little, and did some time on the stationary bike. With it being crazy work week, the workout schedule will have to be adjusted a bit, but it *will* still happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things are going quite well. I am seeing positive changes in my arms, thighs, hips, rear ( I actually am starting to have a nice booty again) and my upper abs. However, the lower abs are showing no improvement. I have started other exercises to target them, but I just started them so only time with tell if they will work.


I was really down though because this is the area where I have gained the most weight, and the area I hoped to lose the most in. That is when I realized that the weight gain in my lower middle section became an issue shortly after I switched birth control pills. :eek: of course I am not naive enough to think it was all the pill's doing (I can't dump off my fault in this) , but it could certainly be a factor. I am going to speak with my doctor about this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Things are going quite well. I am seeing positive changes in my arms, thighs, hips, rear ( I actually am starting to have a nice booty again) and my upper abs. However, the lower abs are showing no improvement. I have started other exercises to target them, but I just started them so only time with tell if they will work.


I was really down though because this is the area where I have gained the most weight, and the area I hoped to lose the most in. That is when I realized that the weight gain in my lower middle section became an issue shortly after I switched birth control pills. :eek: of course I am not naive enough to think it was all the pill's doing (I can't dump off my fault in this) , but it could certainly be a factor. I am going to speak with my doctor about this.


Lower abdominal area is the last spot for many people!!! Just keep losing bodyfat and it'll catch up!! Targeting that area in hopes of fat-loss is a myth. Overall bodyfat reduction is what happens, not spot reduction.


Birth control may have had something to do with it. Hormones are very strong and convincing!!! Good luck!

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Lower abdominal area is the last spot for many people!!! Just keep losing bodyfat and it'll catch up!! Targeting that area in hopes of fat-loss is a myth. Overall bodyfat reduction is what happens, not spot reduction.


Birth control may have had something to do with it. Hormones are very strong and convincing!!! Good luck!


While you can't spot reduce, building muscle in the abs will give the illusion of a flatter belly. Planks, crunches, and leg lifts all work wonders.



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I agree with weight training, although if the yoga you are practicing is power yoga, there are weight training components in that. I do both as well as cardio, my goal is two hours a day, I generally hit 16 hours of exercise a week between it all.


After weight training you need some carbs, but a lot of protein to help your body build muscle. Egg whites are your friend. One of my favorite post workout meals is an egg white, spinach, and feta omelette. It ties up all the needed components in a tidy meals with near perfect macros.


While eating a large meal can benefit a plateau, make it a healthy one. Don't go to a fast food place or eat a bag of candy, instead use those calories for a larger quantity of healthy food. The other thing that can help kick a plateau is extra good fat. Have an avocado. Your body NEEDS good fat to burn body fat.


It may help to take some flaxseed or an omega supplement to add those fats to the diet. I do this with every meal or at least twice a day. I am using a protein supplement too. A neoprene waist band may help target your abs...it increases heat to that area, you sweat, lose water, etc. Be sure to do interval training and never do the same thing over and over- even a good yoga routine should be changed up a little. I alternate between Baptiste's Power Yoga #2 and Gaiam's Yoga for Weight Loss by Suzanne Deason. 16 hours a week you should be seeing some loss. GL!


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It may help to take some flaxseed or an omega supplement to add those fats to the diet. I do this with every meal or at least twice a day. I am using a protein supplement too. A neoprene waist band may help target your abs...it increases heat to that area, you sweat, lose water, etc. Be sure to do interval training and never do the same thing over and over- even a good yoga routine should be changed up a little. I alternate between Baptiste's Power Yoga #2 and Gaiam's Yoga for Weight Loss by Suzanne Deason. 16 hours a week you should be seeing some loss. GL!


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I take fish oil with Omega a few times a week. Flax can affect estrogen levels in women, so caveat emptor.


I use an organic, soy free whey protein powder. I also eat a lot of egg whites. My macros are typically 35% protein, 20% fat, 45% carbs--mostly complex like veggies and while grains. I don't eat processed foods. I eat organic and GMO free.


Those bands do nothing. You'll lose water and the next day your body will have put it right back. My abs are the last thing I need to work in, but they are coming along. At this point they are showing muscle, but I still need to build a bit more of that and lose the last bit of fat. Planks are my friend. I also do leg lifts, crunches, and a few other things to target those muscles. Upper abs are looking great, lower still need a bit of work. I'm 5'6.5" and just moved down into a size 4 to give you an idea. My BMI is 20 and my BFP is 23.


No interval training for me, I don't mix my cardio and strength as it bothers my asthma.


I practice yoga at a studio with four different instructors, no session is ever the same.


I have seen loss. 40 pounds--the reality is probably closer to 50 in fat as I've added a ton of muscle. I'm within a few pounds of non-essential fat at this point.



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Edited by ducklite
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I take fish oil with Omega a few times a week. Flax can affect estrogen levels in women, so caveat emptor.


I use an organic, soy free whey protein powder. I also eat a lot of egg whites. My macros are typically 35% protein, 20% fat, 45% carbs--mostly complex like veggies and while grains. I don't eat processed foods. I eat organic and GMO free.


Those bands do nothing. You'll lose water and the next day your body will have put it right back. My abs are the last thing I need to work in, but they are coming along. At this point they are showing muscle, but I still need to build a bit more of that and lose the last bit of fat. Planks are my friend. I also do leg lifts, crunches, and a few other things to target those muscles. Upper abs are looking great, lower still need a bit of work. I'm 5'6.5" and just moved down into a size 4 to give you an idea. My BMI is 20 and my BFP is 23.


No interval training for me, I don't mix my cardio and strength as it bothers my asthma.


I practice yoga at a studio with four different instructors, no session is ever the same.


I have seen loss. 40 pounds--the reality is probably closer to 50 in fat as I've added a ton of muscle. I'm within a few pounds of non-essential fat at this point.



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I love the band, but I understand the effects are limited. I was responding more to the OP about seeing loss...glad you are almost at your goal, Ducklite.

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I love the band, but I understand the effects are limited. I was responding more to the OP about seeing loss...glad you are almost at your goal, Ducklite.


Maybe quote them if you are responding to them? It seemed odd that you were giving me advice.



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Maybe I should fully wake up next time...it was 4 a.m. I think! I was commenting on multiple issues...probably didn't make much sense in response to your specific quote. You obviously don't need my advice :-) For most people, interval training is preferred over one type of activity. Neoprene does promote fluid loss from stubborn areas and the whole body in general, but I will concede there may be a safety issue for some people that don't hydrate properly. A gallon of water is excessive for most people and may result in water intoxication which can be fatal. Jmho and in response to the entire thread, not your specific comments.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I am just checking in...even if it is just for me.


The past 2 weeks have only seen about a 2 pound decrease, but I saw a 4.5 inch decrease on my abdomen. Yes, getting my weight down is a big deal. I wish my weight would have gone down more, but it is also good to be down a few inches in my problem area.

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