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Did not know it was High Seas Rally cruise


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Enjoy your time. Most bikers I have met in my lifetime are some of the most respectful and nicest people. Besides the belly flop contest was on the cruise I took 3 weeks ago and their were no bikers. RCI might do it as a fun thing to do. It was funny to watch.


I also like people watching and love seeing different aspects of life. I really think you will have a great time.

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If you're spiritual, you might look on this as God "got" you into this cruise. There are many reasons to keep you on it and a lot of barriers to getting out of it, not the least being $$$. You could look at this as being something you are "supposed" to go through, perhaps for your own growth and benefit or maybe the other people. I feel you should go. It could be fantastic! How many things we fear turn out to be actually good? My aunt used to say, "Everything happens for the best." She lived happily to the age of 95. I hope, if you go, at the end, you are glad you did. Maybe you win thousands in the casino LOL. Who knows what will happen. All the best to you.

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I would go with an open mind

It may not be as bad as you are envisioning


Just go & enjoy the cruise

Agree. While I was not on a cruise, the situation that I'm about to recount is similar to the OP's. In 1997, I was on vacation in Lake Tahoe and learned a great lesson. We stayed at Caesars and, unbeknownst to us, Willie Nelson would be performing at Caesars on one of the nights we were there. As we walked around town on our first day there, I was surprised at how many bikers we encountered, but it was a passing observation. Later, we realized that they (the bikers) were in Tahoe because Willie Nelson would be performing the next night. I thought, "uh oh". Well, the night of Nelson's show, the hotel was not selling any alcoholic beverages inside the showroom. Instead, the bars were set up just outside the main doors to the showroom. I have to say that I saw dozens of tattooed, blue-jean-wearing, long hair, long bearded (and every unfair stereotype you can think of) men (there were women also) quietly lining up to politely order their choice of libation. When I had seen all the bikers, I immediately feared the worst (drunken brawls and fights), but my fears were unfounded. To be clear, I am not saying that the OP is stereotyping, but since it seems that it is too late to cancel, going on the cruise with an open mind is a valid suggestion. The OP may indeed be surprised, as I was.

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You know all that about a group of 2,000 based on a list of rules that is, primarily, for the .01% that *might* screw it up for everyone else?

I waited tables in a large family owned restaurant at the heart of a big event-the "safe" NYE thing with no alcohol vendors. Kids and families everywhere. Then a group of about 30 (total) bikers and their wives/girlfriends came in. Nobody would take them-"they'll get too rowdy", "they'll stiff you", "they'll drink too much". They were one of the most polite big parties I EVER served in many, many years of waiting tables. Everybody had one beer, ate their salads, meals, tipped well, gave me a little ribbing about waiting on the "big, bad bikers" ;), and went on their way.

You can't judge a book by it's leather cover. Even if they occasionally lift it to flash someone in the privacy of their own parties.

Regarding the bit I highlighted in red: Agree, agree, agree. Many of the rules will live with, in general, came to be because of few bad apples who spoiled everything for the bunch.

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Regarding the bit I highlighted in red: Agree, agree, agree. Many of the rules will live with, in general, came to be because of few bad apples who spoiled everything for the bunch.


I've worked with the public a lot in different jobs, both as a server and more traditionally 'professional' roles, visiting people in their homes in social service capacities. The bikers or biker families I've come across at least, have been, pretty harmless. And eager to make sure I felt comfortable and not scared of them. I think most bikers-at least, 99.9% that I've met-are keenly aware of the negative stereotypes around them, and have no interest in perpetuating them.

Yeah, there are some who live down to the stereotype, but I suspect they will keep each other in line long before security has a chance to get to them. If they act like *******es, they look bad as bikers, as part of their group, as pax of RCI, and could easily get tossed off the ship. And if they're stupid enough to do that, well, then, they were stupid before they ever got on a bike and are probably dumb enough to ride around without a helmet

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VMax1700 - he used to ride a bike before I met him but I don't think he would do it again but you never know :).

OCruisers - I do know most of hem are just "regular" nice people. My niece is a rider and I have few good friends who ride - it is the extremely big group of any people that I have an issue with. I would not be happy if it was a group of 2000 priests and nuns - actually I would like that less than bikers :). And a very likely chance that there will not be many kids could possibly make for very unhappy teenage girls. My husband and I have been on the cruise before and we were going mainly for our girls. My older one said that she might not feel comfortable on the cruise. My husband probably would find most activities amusing, i might find some thing amusing and some just annoying.

paluni - not that spiritual, but I could also look at it that some divine power helped me find this information before the cruise so we can change it and have a great time someplace else. I'm not a gambler - I played only the first night at the "free" just for fun tables.


Thank you all for your input and support. With our crazy schedules I did not get to talk to all of my family last night but individual votes have been against going. My guess is we will go to FL and find something to do and reschedule the cruise for a later date. I will post the outcome once we make the final decision and definitely post a review if we decide to go on a cruise.

Edited by skeylargondstand
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On one of our cruises we had a pretty large group of bikers. Many even brought thier bikes on the ship, and went cruising with them on the islands.


I actually wound up at one of the bars with a slew of them, and heavens to murgatroid, they were as normal and nice as anyone else on the ship. We all had a great time.

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skeylargondstand; I think that the best place to find out if there might be large group is to join the Roll Call section of your cruise as soon as possible which gives you time to make other arrangements.


While not all Roll Calls will give you this information I find that more than once someone on the Roll Call will mention they are cruising with a large group. For example; a band, radio station, antique cars, Autism at Sea (which was a great group to cruise with), etc.

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Now our only option is to go on the biker cruise we have booked, pay additional $6000 to go on different cruise (not likely) or don't go and loose the airfare and 50% cruise money.


With our crazy schedules I did not get to talk to all of my family last night but individual votes have been against going. My guess is we will go to FL and find something to do and reschedule the cruise for a later date. I will post the outcome once we make the final decision and definitely post a review if we decide to go on a cruise.
Only you can decide what is best for yourselves, and if the financial loss is better than the group cruise experience. Good luck in whatever you decide.
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i was just browsing the roll call for this cruise - I bet if you go you and your kids will have a great time...life is all about meeting different folks and shedding misconceptions.


The average age for this group approaches 50 - they all have kids and even grandkids themselves - and any couple who can afford a couple of Harleys probably have a fairly stable lifestyle.


it's your call of course - but you did post looking for advice - I say Go For It!

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I did look at the Roll Call and it seems like most of the posters are coming without their children. alexspepa - it has nothing to do with misconceptions or be open to different type of people. As I mentioned before, we live in an extremely diverse area, my children are used to being with people from every walk of life, but we had certain expectations from the cruise (especially my girls) and we just don't think we would get what we expected.


I talked to Royal Caribbean again and I have until Monday to find a different cruise we would like to take instead, at any future date, at the price we paid - if the cost of future cruise is higher I would have to pay the difference. If I just cancelled now I would loose 75% of the money we paid - that's a lot. We've been trying to go on a cruise with the kids for couple of years now and something always happens :(

So we are planning on using our airline tickets now (rather than loosing $800 in change/cancellation fees) and go to Florida the week we planned to go on a cruise and just find things to do - Universal, Sea World, beach etc. We'll just make the best of it. I'm off to finding a place to live and figuring out what to do :)


Thank you everyone again for your input, help and advice.

Edited by skeylargondstand
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I would go. Even if half the passengers are bikers, the other half are not! RCI attracts families and I'm sure there will be other kids for your kids to meet and hang with.


Every cruise I have been on has had some people dressing (or not dressing) in a fashion that should not be seen outside their bedrooms - they are not necessarily bikers. Every cruise has some people who drink beer like it is water. Most people however, are more restrained in their behavior. There will always be some who overdo their drinking and dress.


Sounds like your family needs this vacation before dealing with your husband's condition. So relax and make the most of it. You spent alot of money which you can't get back.

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It sounds like you made your decision to not go on the cruise? Do you know how large the group is? Maybe you can catch a last minute deal on a 3-5 day cruise out of Port Canaveral or Tampa during the week you are going to Florida?


I do understand your frustration with the situation-I wish the cruise lines were obligated to notify customers/potential customers of any large groups on a particular sailing. Any large group will have an impact on availability of venues, dining, etc. I was booked on the Carnival Glory for Dec 2012 and cancelled my booking when I discovered 'Drag Stars at Sea' would be over 1/2 of the people on my sailing. I only found this out through my own research and here on Cruise Critic. Carnival refused to tell me what groups were on board or even if this Drag group was onboard when I questioned them about it. It turned into a huge PR nightmare for Carnival and they offered full refunds, airfare and hotel costs closer to the sailing date!

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I did look at the Roll Call and it seems like most of the posters are coming without their children. alexspepa - it has nothing to do with misconceptions or be open to different type of people. As I mentioned before, we live in an extremely diverse area, my children are used to being with people from every walk of life, but we had certain expectations from the cruise (especially my girls) and we just don't think we would get what we expected.


I talked to Royal Caribbean again and I have until Monday to find a different cruise we would like to take instead, at any future date, at the price we paid - if the cost of future cruise is higher I would have to pay the difference. If I just cancelled now I would loose 75% of the money we paid - that's a lot. We've been trying to go on a cruise with the kids for couple of years now and something always happens :(

So we are planning on using our airline tickets now (rather than loosing $800 in change/cancellation fees) and go to Florida the week we planned to go on a cruise and just find things to do - Universal, Sea World, beach etc. We'll just make the best of it. I'm off to finding a place to live and figuring out what to do :)


Thank you everyone again for your input, help and advice.


that's cool - i also did not understand they would let you book a future cruise and apply the price of the current one.


Your point about the kids not having anyone to hang with is a very valid one as well - we took a Trans-Atlantic cruise this time last year on HA and there were about 3 teenagers - I thought they were going to jump overboard.


Enjoy Florida!

Edited by alexspepa
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It sounds like you made your decision to not go on the cruise? Do you know how large the group is? !


I don't know the exact number of people in the group but based on posts from the roll call it is anywhere between 1600 - 3000. I did see 2000 someplace as the actual number that's why I kept using that number in my posts.

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if you already have everything in place and everyone has been looking forward go ahead and go. Eating the plane tickets and 75% of the cruise $$ seems pretty severe. I'm pretty sure none of them will bite you. I suspect most will keep to the group. Sounds like they have their own private parties planned for ports. Also, sounds like the boss has them on a pretty short leash. I'll bet RCI is going to bring on extra security,

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I don't know the exact number of people in the group but based on posts from the roll call it is anywhere between 1600 - 3000. I did see 2000 someplace as the actual number that's why I kept using that number in my posts.


Wow, that is a huge group! I don't blame you for wanting to postpone the cruise-I would too. Good luck in whatever you decide

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Yikes ! Hubs and I are 2 of the bikers on the 11-3 RC High seas rally. We are in our 60's, ride motorcycles but are very tame folks. We are a retired stock broker and retired Marine/ Cop. We do not have any tats, do not drink at all and simply enjoy raising money for worthy charities. We will be enjoying the outdoors and exploring the islands just like any other cruisers would. I think you will find most bikers do not fit your conception of Hells Angels or Sons of Anarchy types. We're mostly just normal folks with a passion for riding motorcycles. Whatever you do decide to do I hope you and your family really enjoy bonding during your vacation time.

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I think you will find most bikers do not fit your conception of Hells Angels or Sons of Anarchy types. We're mostly just normal folks with a passion for riding motorcycles.


I am glad someone from the group actually posted!


Honestly, I do know that most bikers are not Hells Angels types as people I know personally are not. If it was just my husband and I we would not hesitate to go and join in the fun however my children are not too crazy about going anymore. And big part of it is that it is just such a large group of people (without kids going), not just that it is a group of bikers.


Can you tell me how large the group actually is going on that cruise?

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To my mind, this is almost 'is your glass half full or half empty'!


If there is a very large group with organised events in specific locations, then isn't that going to leave a lot of the ship free for the others..........?

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I am glad someone from the group actually posted!


Honestly, I do know that most bikers are not Hells Angels types as people I know personally are not. If it was just my husband and I we would not hesitate to go and join in the fun however my children are not too crazy about going anymore. And big part of it is that it is just such a large group of people (without kids going), not just that it is a group of bikers.


Can you tell me how large the group actually is going on that cruise?


You might try calling the cruiseline and ask if they can tell you how many children are on this cruise.

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Our children "begged" us to go on a cruise and because of many factors the only time we can go is this Nov 3 - we are going on Royal Caribbean Freedom of the seas, Eastern Caribbean. I just found out today by accident that this is a High Seas Rally cruise. I don't have any issues with bikers in general, have many friends that are bikers, but just concerned that this will not be the cruising experience we were looking forward to. Last time we were on a cruise there was some kind of scrap-booking company there which had a lot less than 2000 participants and they were everywhere.

This is the most expensive family vacation we have ever taken and now we are less than 3 weeks away and we were so looking forward to it and now I'm not sure anymore. I can see how the cruise can be a lot more "entertaining", but that is not what I was looking forward to. I am actually thinking of calling RC and try to cancel the cruise. We still would loose the airfare (and it was a lot since we booked late).

Is anyone out there that can chime in on their experience if they were "regular civilians" on a HSR cruise, especially if you were with children (we have teenage girls) how was your experience. Were there children/teenagers and how that worked out?


Thank you for any input.


This happened to us on our Halloween cruise awhile back. We were 'civilians' so to speak. We had a BLAST with this group! They are awesome people, respectful and polite. Better than any other 'normal' cruisers. Their events are private and what they do at those I cannot speak to, but in public, we would take them over just about any other people. Yes, they have tattoos and wear leather and have beards and some have ponytails; but they really are an awesome group. They cruise for a WONDERFUL cause as well. Go check out their webpage, just search 'Highseas Rally.' You will be fine and really enjoy it. They also go all out for Halloween and dress to the 9s. They were the vast majority on the ship, their group was more than 50% of the passengers, but I promise, you will love it!


We can't wait to get on another cruise with this group!

Edited by FFBlondi
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